Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 04, 1900, Image 8

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Tlic following is the program
which has been prepared for
Memorial Dnv by order ol the
Memorial Day Committee appointed
by Ord Post, G. A. R. this city
i The oost will meet at G. A.
R. hall at 0:30 a. in.
Ike Taylor went to Eugene
Mrs. Walter Catiady and Mrs. J.
B. Tapp have been sick with the
A debating society has been or
gnnized by the school children here.
Subject for debate. Resolved that
notick rou puhlicatiox.
In eotiv
0 provisions of the net of
10 187S, oulttUa "An
1 of timber land in I"
1 r n .., . t .i:c tllc United States has a right to re-
10 a. m. sharp, as follows. 1 Ladies . .
of the G'. A. R. 2, School childred
3r Union, Coiifeierate, Indian war,
and Snanish war veterans. 4. Fire
3 The line of march will b
dfercl to the cemetery, where the
usual decorative ceremonies will be
4 The parade will then march
back to the city be dismissed lor
dinner, to reassemble at the Ma
sonic hall, at 1.30 p. m., for the
usual Memorial Day services.
Everyone is cordially invited to
come and join with us in observing
these services, and those who feel
incliued and can, are earnestly re
quested to contribute flowers.
G. W. McReykolds,
O. D. Waeeler,
J. V. Hicks,
tain the Hawaiian islands. Com
ment is unnccessarv.
John Simpson has left for the
Eakin & Bristow have just re
ceived their first shipment of Cres
cent Bicycles for 1900. They al
ways give satisfaction and are the
cheapest in the market $25.00 and
Notioe Is herein irlrnn that I ia, n ctuu-a.r
hare been ipiuhit ailmlnUtmtnr nf ihs
estate of Win. Sabia 1e.-KHVl. All rerhina mUi wn'f art. re intra!
tpjins-ent them to me At tte office ol Jerome
Knox, In Cottage tiruve. I,a:ic Countr. Oregon,
1 ltO t he tiroTHlr Vollrhtrn ulfhln .It mmith.
from the date of this n.nloc.
iwtej IMl Sal nay of Matvh l'AU
Jas 11 teuart, I
Untied States Liml OBlro.
Uo-ebtltv, Ortyon, April US. UKX)
N .tlee Is herobv k'lven linn
nliitiiL'o with tin)
Congres-sof J11110
- - . t .1... . . . I n
ni:i lor utu mv ... " .
o. oi;r..rl.ifi nri-iiii. isevniia
...! v-hliiL'ton Territory, lurwln
Bristow, of l otliitff Orovo, Coiintv o
l.ane. State of Oregon, litis tins day lilei
11 tUi ntH... hU sworn staicnieni
No. twn, for the purchase of tin SK
nf 'o. 12. ill Township No.
c iB V11. 1 . mill will oiler prou
.'.'i.n... it.ui flu. luii.l MMiL-lit. iw inori1
i U ffllUtl inn. ..v ....... rr
raliiablo foritstitnlieror stone- limn for
tilt p! tl1 lliiml iiiirtutte. mill to Wttllilltll
his ohiiiti to wild land More tin i:iotf
.111,1 K.vniver of thU ottiee nt Kofi'lmrw'
Oregon, on Monday tin -Jnl day of Jul
lfLi itntniU l.a vll!lP.5OS
Viii iurtlii .T. 1. .Touch. K.I?. Lilly
KYnnfc IVilliiiiiin. of CottniiO Urovo, Ore-
Am- 1111.I all nersons I'lnhniiii! nil
versolv thealiove-doserilwd landb tiro re
quested to rile tlteir claims, in mis "inn
0:1 or More mid '-';)il dnv of July, 1000
J. T. IIrukies,
Parties desiring to build bams
sheds or other outbuildings would
do well to take advantage of the
low figure at which The Booth
Kelly Lumber Co. are offering some
cull lumber in 1 inch and 2 inch
thickness. Call on them or write
them for particulars.
W. S. Chrisman.
Eu Bangs.
Intense suffering was endured bv
witness T. L. Martin, of Dixie.
Ky., before he gave this evidence:
I coughed every night until my
throat was nearly raw; then tried
Dr. king's New Discovery which
gave instant relief. I have used it
in my family for four years and
recommended it as the greatest
remeay lor coughs, Colds and all
Throat, Chest and Lung troubles.
It will stop the worst cough, and
not only prevents but absolutely
cures Consumption. Price 50c and
St.oo. Every bottle guaranteed
Trial bottles free at Benson Drug
Ti.e 3l"cCIearoys, "Bert and Viola,''
nave a two night stand performance in
'this city Monday and Tuesday evenings.
While of course the performance could
not be expected to come up to that of a
troupe of many plavers, still it wa
quite interesting, very laughable, an
upon the whole refined.
Your best feelings, your social
position or business success deoend
largely on the perfect action of your
btomacn and Liver. Dr. King'
Jev JUile Pills give increased
strength, a keen, clear brain, high
amD-.non. a 25 cent box will
make you feel like a new being
Sold by Benson Drug Co.
The Roseburg Plaindoaler chronicles
a narrow escape for Conductor It. K.
eatch lait week. Conductor Veatch
fell while attempting to board his out
going train and was hurled into a pile
ot wood, receiving several severe bruises
IT 1
uuHcver, uu toon as nis wounua were
dressed, the veteran conductor assumed
Iiis official duties as though nothing had
The Fashion Stables
Gijpisnuw X Bailst proprietors.
$ Proprietors of the Bohemia
& and g
jj Black Butte Stage Lines. ;
Reasonable Prices
First-Qass Turnouts, Double or Single
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Last winter during an epidemic
of whooping cough my children
contracted the disease, having severe
coughing spells. We had used
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy very
succeesfully for croup and naturally
turned t o it at that time and found
it relieved the cough and effected a
complete cure.-John E.Clifford,
Proprietor Norwood House, Nor
wood, N. Y. This remedy is for
sale by Benson Drug Co., Cottage
Drain Druggists.
3 fl B 11 S B W I
mm k n
a n
Is The Best Town On The Pacific
It is the hesi town to invest in.
It never has h ad a Loom. Property is cheap.
Its growth is rapid. Property is advancing.
For Inforn7atiortGall on or address.
United States Land Offlco,
Koseburg. Oregon, April '24, 1900.
Notice is hereby iiven that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Itoncrcas ol Jnno.1, 1878, entitled "An
act for thn ale of timber lands in the
States ot California, Oreaon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," Snm C. Handall,
of Eugene, County of Lane, Sttre of Ore-
eon has this day filed in this offico his
sworn statement Iso. WW. for the nur-
chase of the T SW X, SV 1-4 NV 1-4
Kti 1-4 ew 1-4 01 section No 34, in
Township No. 21 S. Range No. 2 W and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
Btono than tor agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office
at Roseburj;, Oregon, on Thursday, the
12th day of July, 1900.
lie nntnos as witnesses:
Ole Ovland, Orin Robinson, of Eu
pono, Oregon, William Van Gorden.
Cottager Grove, Oregon, Martin Ophus, of
iMigeno, i. recon.
Any nndiill persons cltilnilugadveisely
tha nbove-described lands are requested
to file their clalnm in this offico on or
More said 12th day of July, lOOOi
J. T. Buiuoks,
tub iviti.j.i, a. o. u. on approTil iiowin-r on t,, Hn;;..H?i,!r
fcmuie it luiijr iieroi-0 yoa accent IL If it l. .11 rVTl--!-1 c'
lata forlt. rul Uttr 5l!Sl uin yJi ciTir? "for "StSS? Biff
oonelTts. fho ''MOKTKOSE" BIataSTif!u2Z!
Noru'i: 1 on lTHMCATIOX.
United States land Oilleo,
llMoliunc. O10., April 87, 1 WW.
Notici' in lierchy given
Unlttxl Slwltfi Iiinl Olllcii.
RinK'lmiit. Ohuh, April U7, I1H)0.
u lixrnliv L-lvtMi Hint III rum-
liliHiice with tho provlflonn of tlio not of
(VtiBn f Jint3. 1H78. untllliMl "An
liuu in l"""'"
,.liiii..n. wil l tlio provision 01 uii-j iiri -
ari.Hof June . IS7S, enlitUHl -n IU.( fr thn nalo 01 uuiwr iiinui in im
1 ft? Uie " timUT lanita !' I 'O.SIhIw nf California Or.".,, ..Nevada
s it ' 1 California. Uwm. Nevda, n,i WaHhiuulon IVrrllorv," John
M ,T V-hh K 1 IVrrin.ry." Ih'iiry CarUon of W.l SuPo, or. County
?."V.-. DmiitlH. Sialo of Wlwoimln Imx
... a ill. I !.-. ll.l.. , n.fa 111 at Ull'liril
Dnuithl". Stall' of W miillKin. minimi-... tuiaiinv 1111x1 in in. -
liu"l i t lii..fll,v IiIk .m -.tnlement M,(,itntMit No. HI, for Iho pi.irhNi... il
N ,, . for II 1. purchMM- of ':i I,.. SK l-l of .Sviun, No. W . in Town-
of Vtn-t .. 1 No. k ni Tow nnhip No'.ns. N. Hmiw N. 2 V I
li niifi' No J ' and will olb-r p( to (ll-, proof to nhow llmt Uu' and ttouKht-
slum thai thn hind mugni i" "
valual'le for its tiniU'r or xtoiio thiin lor
agricultural purpwc. and to Cftiililli'ii
lux claim to Htiidland lioforothe Hwrli'i
and Receiver of thin otlhv at Iti-i'lMirg.
Or-go". o l'rily the UOth day of
Julv UKH
lie names as wilno :
.1. CarUoii. S. L. Uardititn, id wt
Superior. Wiwoiisin. II. Dow oK-ul-tagiMirove,
Oregon, I. Ijiiid of Dniena,
Oregon. , , , .
Anv ami all persons cliiiniing ad
vctsflv I ho nlxivo-di'tcrilxsl lands nio
reipicidi'd to 111c ihi'ir claiins in this
ollicfon or before said 20th day of
July 1100.
J . T, U IlKiKi,
l more VilllialHO lor H uiinwrur piuiiu
tli.ui for iiiii icultiinil turiMi-H. mid to
ilalill'h hii elulni to P""1 hind I'l-fiuu
thn llcglfler ami Receiver uf thin olTuu
nt liot'hiirv, Onvon, on l'rldiiy the
'.'Olhtlav of July lOtM).
lie mime a wltnifHt:
II. I'm inltiK'fpr. S. I.. llnrohMin, of
Went Superior, Winroiwln, II Dow of
Cottage drove, Oifgoll, 1. Unil of
Dort'iin, Oregon
Anv and all person I'laliuing nd
vemdv Iho almvO'dom'rlK'd IhihU art
niitit'i'li'd t II I ii their flalitii" In llilr
oirice on or Indole wild 20lh day of July
J. T. liKirMiK.
Administrator's Sale
Real Property.
Vnlli.n 1. hprt.hv vlvrn. thnt bv
urileriliil) mmlc ti! ontfro-l, by Iho i mintjr
I'onrt of Ijiiic County, (Itivim.iUtvl Apill Inn
ITth. I'.W.authorliliiK mr luMill all ni th rwl
DriKHTtr r ths iMtu'.D.U w 11. Mil i eiiwi ni
il iy nl June
ilay, on Ihr
United Stiilei l-md Office.
Knri'lniK, Oregon, I'eb., I.'I, 1 1K0.
Nolico is liorehy given tlmt In eotif
pliance w ill the proviHlom of ihn art of
Congnmol Jiinv 3. 1H7.H, eullllmi
ii. i. .
Robbing, ii,,. i,' ''"'I'lOji,
NiitliiiU I ll'l l I
Pliance with 1 1 , " I
VUlllillTIIIM Jim, , HIU ""illiiul
n't fur Hi,, u..i.. . . : itiii,i,.'l
"v .." ?'" Hr I."."'!
nil ci F 11 1 1 IUl.ll I 1,,,,, "'i SK
Hl.ile(orT..rrH..,v , , "l V,i
day llliti In tin. ii, ''''."n C
incut No. 7ii;i, . ' 0r, '
nr. ! 1 o Neetimi ,
No. 22 S Riingi. n,
proof IokIi.ovi
uiorn viihialilii l,
than lor Hgrliutii
ii., u" if,
'i ini.i-.
in . ... w .
. i. .T in ri.f...
iwiHiMitni inn fimi.i ,, ',71, i
win iiiigiaierniici
.all I
III I I I Ikltllll t II It.. 'III.,..
7.h day ofAV,i JZ
lie inline an wiini..tra
A. iv ii. ..t 1 1 utV, IW
..... .....I I... M !.,,, i
vnrtuiy Iho nUm ,(r ,., , " 'wl
rciuentcd to hie ii,r T Ml
olllce on orladiiif 7ii. i m,.iii
1 7'iVJ
T. 11,,i,Mo
lUwrhnrg, )rrK, AlriJ
1111)110 Mlc. 1 will therefore on Krtilar the I ilh
Kow Hilar. Ijtno ('tiuiily, Oiwnui. ell at I'lililli;
act for the mile of liinlx'r land in I lie
. . . . f . . t . ' . V I..
Mate o i u nnr. .... , ' Wmhingt,,,,
and rtfhinglon Ierritory. Ole Uiwnf , . '
A.I) one o i-Uh-ic hi win ,.,.,,,.. i T1,, ,,, .,. .,1
reml!eo(Mlil elate, iltuatm on i "-J
iiiiiity. oieiii. Mil I'lioiii nsnnigi'iiu mi" uiu my uuti in una
forrrih In hainl lolhe hlKlifi aii'l oirice his HWirn MlalOlneilt No. NI.'. for
Aprils i
v,' Hutu.
Sun,n. Ii
It. I... Ul..... . I il v'1
..ii. i .ii.n .iiiii-i , , . a. rn .i ,
-.. . il,
.iiiurti is ncri'liy
liliuucu With the pi..
Congrm of Join- i
net lor the ante i.i
SlHtlxof Cllllli.riii ,
Nlli.l If ,11
lK-nt lilililvr nl ol the fiillnwlnx real iirnferty , , , . ,,, v... ,y lf y:,,i,. ' ," v .nr. h,n,. i
leluiivlnirio toM t mate timli. iheaouihutm I,1,,.,l.,,n!" t,,'w l y ' I SH i nml Iit a . i . is V
planer of 8ctlon Twc;il four. .Vu. 2 1. inT.m nahlp No. 22 S. Rtttige " "J ,'f,y "" 1 1 ' 's-t,)9J,
Tnentr oiie amith ot llanirc Two Wiwl. W. M. IV.. tV ,i...l u ill .iirr ..r.-.l in .ln.w '." ""Ulllp A... i s it.
edihuofApriiiuo srHr 'h;iUi , wmilll , , y.,;llt-;,tM;i() r
Ailmltiiiitaior fonts timhiT or stmio than for ngrl- . .. i. .. V . ' 1 in
... i n . , : luiuniiii' uir na mi,'-.
. - I'liiLiiini mi. ii..?t . noil in rinm i 'in i . . .
. ... . ... ntfrii'tiui.rt.1 r.n, .
ilnim til Haiti l.tll.l Itt'lurf tilt lIlatMalftr : . . . I
ainillteceivcr uf thia otftii at Rifcinirg.
Orison, on Wedneittlay the'.ilh dnv of
Mav 1WH.
lie natiii-nRN u itniwaf :
11. K. Iliiiwuri, IvitIiimI, 0- O I.iirid,
of F.iwti", OnV'Hi, Ole Ilevitua of Uu-
' CO-In, Wayhiiigtiui.
Ativ ami nil iiervuitu I'Uiiniug ad
' vercely the alaivcHleM'ntM! IihI are re
; iiueaifl to file their claim in tliia offlec
' on or U-fore mid Olh dav nt Mhv 1HC0.
.. T. Rrhlgef,
I Register .
I'liitnlHute Ind Oiricc,
Roxeburg, Oreson, I'eb., 28. 1000.
Notice i nereby giwn that in coin
li.iiicu with tin- pMriaionit of the net of
l'oiigna of June H7S, eiilitliil ".n
! lot the U nt limhvr InihIh hi tu
Mnte of Citlifornht. Ori-'nti. Novmln
t'M la
n.i ... .
Ili claim to am I I ,i i..
Iteyinter ntut Un-, , .
it . .
liiii'iiiirv. itm .,. l
.vi. i. i.... . t ,. . '
'tll l.HV Ul Ulliy I a xi
He tinine im u.tof
II l'nilililiiifli-r, I. I ulm.tti
.7iijvti"r, t iwii.hi ti
(ittive, I. Itlld o It.
Atl V MIHl all .t r
Vl'lnely lh nlxiir .'i
riMtieatwl to tih) i1 .
olfice on or Ufure
UnitCAl States Land OfUce.
Rosebtirg. Oregon, Mar , 14, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that 111
compliance with the provisions of
the act of Congress of June 3, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash-i
ingtoii Territory," Ifred Anderson
of Iiugene, County of Lane, State j
Oregon has this day filed in this
office his sworn statement No. oor I
for the purchase of the SW t-.i of!
Section No. 14, in Township No. I
22 S. Range No. 3 V and will 1
offer ppi fto show that the land
sought is more valuable for it
I I ... V... .... I n . , I Ii 1. f. . - :
..l..Lf.t J . OIUI I. L. ..... IU1 UKI . . . ..... . . I ..Tl. ... .
t. t , . ..... "ill" "I illllorilllY. Wrreilll. ACVIHIII 3ll..-t l l.llll
eiiiiurai purposes, aim 10 esiawiMi , ,., Vushingion Terrlltirv." Ole , I'.ififlr' faiiion 1,
route, will ct'iiiiiii'ix
' UttMltl
Soillliorn I'dcific a I oiiioui! Urns
From Sun Fratn-.i. i-. tvij
his claim to said laud the
Register and Receiver of this ofiiee
t Roseburg, Oregon, 011 Wediies-
Iay the 23 day of May 1900.
lie names as witnesses:
Henry J. Hanson. O. O. Lund.
Lotn'H Osburg, Amtind Nmvmand.
of liugene, Oregon.
Any and all persons claitnui"
adver?elv tlieabove-Iescril)ed lands
are requested to file their claims in
tins office on or before said 21 dav
of May 1900.
J. f. Bkihghs.
if HihhmIh. Count V of Thiiratoii Sim., .if
WHnliinglnii haHthi day llle.1 In Huh ,
oinco hi Hworn xmii-im-iil No. mil, for
Ihe piirchHue of iho SH 4' of Swliou 1
An. H, in Town-hip A'o. H. R,n, ,.
Vo. : V and ttillolfVr pna.f to nhow '
that the land wui,!ht u more v.ihmbli
for it timber or ntone thiin foragri-'
cttltimil purtMM. ami lo .tiililiuli liij
claim to x.i id Ian I Uiforo the RiUter ,
and Receiver nf tin office Ml Rimeburg 1
Ori-.-oii.on the 'Jib day of ,
Mav liini. i
Ite nam.'Hn wiliuMtik
: ! tl.ij
ol lUi
'. rr-,,.ti
' trwiij
1 ynnl
" to itn
il 1. II iil;w
n...kinr P
1- :i I ttJtku
NOTICE FOR PUHLICATION. ! tun mUl M ,,ay of fJ
I'.. IlaiiMin of KiK'fitiR fir.-.,..,
Ole Roe of Ilitiiilu, U'.hingioti, iver
Lund. O. O. Lun.l. of K
A II V a till nil iM.fMf ma t..iliir. j.t..i.Vu..t.. .t..ra .if tin. I......I Pi
. .......... Kiiu.niiintvit .... , ... ..... .,
1 tiiealiove-ileMTllMil IhikU are riiiett I ht Lnuin, Hill phue l ..I fwru
i iu mo ineirciaiui in tin office 011 or Ire-
winter mumiiioii ',
The arhttlnlii (or
aideiitl rather mij'r
n-HiHin, nffordiug
lor f.torlilii vii'H of
along thv, 11ml
couueciioin. at New
traiiu of oilier 1 n ami
hiiiHirtHtit centers It i jit,
The train h ill Icjyc s. FrtH
f I'. M. on Tueod.ivM m. l lViihtii
tug 1 Aiigele hUihi , ort
1 1 . ,
toiioiuiig morning, tii m firnil
light vlurt ul the oriinge ltU
v aillorum.
It eutiuvctloil Ml II I'm!
tilcjcleeTerolTeml. WeeoaranWTt
SSiiSAfif.l. !'-!" and taka this mthxl t,f oili iV.'iLj.
t cent
our l0l MOUUI.M. Thl. nlf, . rLT' "t"V.
handle Lar, ltojal Arctcroani iKctlel.rau-U llatl. tmbami KniZ
thoeariett ninnlnir known; Ktrord "A" UreTlhe dntiiESFnZ
PHFP ?-ai,r??eD!K"'e llUJOcatl In full with oM.
uIlCAP WHEELS. ZSJKV?,!. .jpvm-
encap, wrne u ana let in u-1 tou imw z: .7. "". .".w t
"you nrjADl p i- nMia.t.i ..... ..r."."'."",y:,.,l""?'n?rii'ie.
a.M 1 1 ii u iii i- ill n i a ""itaiiiMiiw i.iiii.i
...... . ... . . . v.3.r i ..iv u.ruvuFunipaiiime. ana 'vi int. .1. vw..i.uln ;; - .r "w
111.biAi111.11 numiucst onto. We refer to arirbarkor hnVii.. i.nT.Vi ."il? TC,1U or i'mua u.L.
railroad cutunanr. V.'i. will ..T! 1 ... Jrr."Z or HU'Uieea I10UMI In Chlcmro. urmv rintu.
. fl OYGLE GmWANY, GMcano, in.
A. , . """""I" .i.
r wo mane our , ..... I
X JL-lbtOi Willi two STtvoa-DiAMCxa llmTilV. I
United States Land office,
Roseburg, Ore., Mar., 14, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of
the act of Congress of June 3. 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of tim
ber lands in the States of Cali.
foruia, Oregon, Nevada. andWash-
ngton ierritory, ' Louis Osburg of "ekiatcniwi iieciivir,
iugene, County of Lane. State of' ""e,'lw. Vwm m
Uregon Has this day filed iu this
office his sworn statement No. 002.
for the purchase of the NW 1-4 of
Section No. 14, in Township No.
22 b. Range No. 3 W., and will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Roseburtr.
Oregon, on Wednesday the 23 day
of May 1900.
He names as witnesses.
Henry J. Hanson, O. O. Lund,
Fred Anderson, Amund Nuwtnand,
of Kugene, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands
are reriuested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 21 dnv
of May 1900.
J. T. Bkiijgus,
iJttnl Olllroat lUwI.ur, OrraWi,
February :,4, v.W.
Notice I l.iircliy flii thai the iiillimiiifr.
immeil ao'tlor h Ilia I moIItooI u Ihhmhi,,,,
Id make llnl jirimf In aiitMirt of il, claim, mnl
inn. win lirtMir Will In- iii.i.Iu l...r I...
F. . IjuhI Olllca at
it Atirll in. inn vlt;
1 narica uriit.ri on II. K, s. :m;i fur thu lii a.
rr. 41 K j SW I,', ,w. , T. IM H., It, 3 W.
no immeii trie ftdltiHlnif ttlttiiMHma to prevo
iinrtuiiiiuiniiii rcnliloiieo hh,u nml cultlvatluti
of will laml, vli:
V. llllnm .shotlrlilnu, Ollhort I.. HlmrlrliU'e.
lo. II. liliehlc, Fcicr MeMnrtln, ofAiriM,
J.T. HiillKiKa,
air in that city from Hi!:
ahwd of k 1 1 other limn Thllf
lloiiclon to New Orli.ui. tliri
inlertMlitiu iilantutioiia ami U
Hoiithern IniiHiana, vvi ialtoUI
liUlil. oiitl thv nrtlval in the Otd
jvnt In time to counci l ilh i
trrtiu for VahiuLlori. -Nil
Cincinnati, riiica-'O nml otlariu
The StuiHi'l Limited v liiipartl
ervice n up n, it wi ii-Knciil
tiiiiuihird. It i wnrihv of Himll
thu iliciimco of :t!KH tiulii fml
I riinoieo in New Yuri i Iriir
thn Kiiluet Limited In iH fiottfi
l- hourH lunuer that hr W
train through ChlciiL'o a diii
. mile. Tho Huiint is ul
winter route, Iho trnvuler notw
icciwi to anv of he i hcotiifortiu
to inclement weather comliticn
nioro Northern roulee."
0. II. MAllKHj
ii f r r a m v rii ttttii m z r w r m z . . a .
tciijitto vj win i t unit ju tllVWS, Jt'et'l
one guaranteed. 1'rice, Postpaid, $B.OO with
O-inch barrel : 87.SO with 10-hmh
Wo make a full lino of rtjlca ; 1'ricc, from $0,00
njjivitrua, jwry turn wo mm out in warranted
vmf " Catahfut. J, O. llnjo ,
4. ia. rK t
CO., LU&itA 2
ciucopnn PALLS. MASS.
"There is only one chance to
save your life and that is tnrough
an operation" were the startling
words heard by Mrs. I. 13. Hunt of
Lime Ridge. Wis., from hir
, . w-
auer ne nail vainly tried to cure
ueroia inglitlul case of
trouble and yellow jaundice. Onll
stones had formed and she m...
stantly grew worse. Then she be
gan to use Electric Ditters which
wholly cured her. It's
ful Stomach. Liver and Kid.,m.
remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of
Appetite. Trv it. Oni r
Oiiarnuteed. For sale bv TJ.rMO
Trains lcavo Cottngo Grovo for Port
T$0nn mWay BtttU0"a l 3:07 a
Lv.lortland...... B-non. m. 7:00p.m.
a a0.1 nK". Grovo 1 :V" " -':67 p. m
Ar.Ahl.nd 12::t.l a. in. II til.) X "
Ar. f-ocramento... 5:00 p. ,. 4::i5a.n,
Ar. fianPmndsco. 7:p.m. 8:15a. in.
Ar. Odon 6 MB u. m.ll : ir.a. ,,.
Ar. JJonvcr 0:00 a.m. l):(K)
Ar. Kntipiis (.itv 7.yr. n ... n .nr. ' '
. - ..j.. ...v....... t 11 H. Ill
kr nii., " ".ni.
a . ii ' . ",uli;o w-w . rn. 0:63 n. ni.
a Vi ",V"U",IM 0:ZSn.m.
ii ii i-!:ap. m,
Pill man ami Tnn.l.i '
ria ni.-TJ ... -w","v l-'n. "om
Iv- .ran
Oont:oi:tinK nt sn Francisco with env
KS.Ah.'n"l..P1,"IW,M. Central'and
United States Land 0&I
Roseburg, Oiegon Mnr.,iJ.j
Notice is hereby given IH
coiujihance with the prov
the act of Congress ofjiinij,'
entitled "An act for the sal
timber lands iu the Stntesof
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and
ington Territorv." Aslak A.
ot .Minneapolis, comity oW
State of Minnesota has II"
filed in this office his sworn f
ment No. 904, for the purcb
the N 1-2 SE 1-4, and lots I,;
Section No. 34, in Townslii?
22 S., Range No. 3 W., tA
offer proof to show that the 1
sought is more valuable for iKj
ber or stone than for agrictj
purposes, and to establish h'i(
to said land before the JW
and Receiver of this office at J
burg, Oregon, on Tuesday I
day of May 1900. ,
He names as witnesses; ,
Peter L. Hnmstad, of V
apolis, Minnesota, O. 0. hM
J. Hanson, A. M. Newm0' "I
gene, Oregon. , . .J
Any and all persons cja'ya
erselv the abovc-descri!?,!
are requested to file their f"J
this ofiiee on or before said m
Drug Co.
of May 1900. m
0. II. Markham, O. P. A.
Portland, Oregon.