Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 13, 1900, Image 8

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United States Land Office,.
Roseburgr Ore. , Pcb., 19, 1900,
Notice ts hereby given that
United Status Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Februry 2nd HUM.
Notice 11 hereby given mat in com-
hereby given that 111 , ::i' u; ,
compliance with the trovisions of ,,f coneresa i.rjune :i. 1H7S. entitled "An
the act ol Congress ottunc 3r r7,
entitled- "An" net for the sale of
timber lauds- it the State of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory r' Tina Hawlcy
act for the sale of timber lands in tin
Stale of California, Oregon. Nevada,
nntl Washington territory," George 0.
Walkur of Walker, County of Imwu,
State (or Territory) of Orcein Ima this
dav Med in tnia office his sAoru state
Cook, of Cottage Grove, County of ' ?-oior,,j tvP.,."?,,!"'0t0i lh,? N
Titus 5ln1( of rircfTnn Ilia till", flnv " " ' " '- 01 ecciion .mp. .11,111 iminsin . .mp..ui , . . c i!nlu. Mi, -
Miie, btate oturegou has tins tia , No 8 , Tbwlwhl, N. . s ,. ,t. No. N 8 w , , w, 0-or iroo, u, Jo. ."""ft ,, u, llM1
filed in this office her sworn state- ,. v. ,,,,,1 will nid.r nr.f t,. .i...n- thm .i....? n.,.t n. u,.,i -,.,.!, t L mom wlllotierpuHi to n"
inent No. 852, for the purchase of the html Motiltt i nmro valuable, for its valuable for its limber or stone than for I""' ii,-ViUVorV nlsriciiltiirnl
United SUIcs Isiuul Ofllre,
Koseburg, Ore, February I". WOO.
Notice In hereby kIvcii tliat In com
pliance with thu proviiitotia of the net of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the Hide of timber landt in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
1'nlled Siutca l.nnd Olllrc,
Hosobitw, Ore.. January !W, iviM.
pllauco with Uio liroTiMtui of the at
I Jonerei of June s. IS7K. enti le. "Ah
act for the sale. I timber land In be
....... . iv.iif....,!- Orin-iiii. ruivauu
il W.iahhuHiin Ten Hot v. 1 1 l ip
and Washington Territory," Karl "( "ft ft " t ro0 c,ml),y ,.( Une,
Martinson of Hay want, County of Saw-1 (or Trrr'iilry) f ley.... ''' M
VlT, OlillU 'l IPtwilPHU nn nir
N'o. 847, (ortbu iiiiebiiNe of the NV '4 mr,
of Section No. W, In Township No'JJS. j J;
l'tilted Mtalei l.tnd Oftlee,
Kixtbiiitt, Oivhoii, Kebrtmrv 17, 1U(M).
Nollee l beieby Wen llnil In eoiii
nllRiiee wllb Ibe pnvlloim of flit nut of
iCleMof Junill, 1878, enlljU. I "An
aillor tbennle of llmbvr Umlt In thu
Hi.iii-iof California, OrrL'on, Netiidn,
Hial Wimbhiuloii Teriltuiy." Andiew
Jolni.onof HnywitHl, County of Haw
v.,r stme of WIkihiiuIii ban Mil my
ilUnl In tliU nirieo bin vi in Maleiiienl
dar lllitl in tlii otllce bin '! No Hls fr the pnrebane of Ibe HI; !!
inent No.7lW, for the purelnue of me f Sl,tln, No -Jd, in Tonnidllp No, Ui! H.
NWl-lof beetion No. ifi. In lo'!' ituiiuc No. II NV., and will oiler Proof to
,hu No. IMS ItniiKV No. - " ttuit Ibe land mmbt . In inure
tlic SK I-4- of Section No. 18, in tlmlwr or iiw than for npie.nltuml
TiniMwhin Kn ; Rniitre No I PriK)ac3. aim 10 eMaouen 111.1 eiaim 10
limiiMup No. 23 b Kange xno. i mU lmi u.foe U(J ,. uur nm, 1l.
W., nnd will offer proof to show oeirer of this olHiv at lto.ehunr Oregon,
tliat the land sought is more on lridav tbe 'Mil day of April 11KX).
valuable for its timber or stone. He names uh witnwsw: for agricultural purposes, and ! ' Wt
to establish his claim to said land WHlden.of rottayo, Oregon.
before the Register and Receiver of' Any and all KnonH elaimbi nd-
this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on , rewety the uUiyo-dcceriUxl landt are
WrMnv lii itlidiv of av looo ' rwjiientisl to lilu tbuir elalma in thin
Jfriday the 4th aav ot . a 1900. , j . . . . . . . , ..
, iimo.
He names as witnesses:
Nathaniel H. Martin, Enon E.
Hilly, James E. Ostrnnder, Phillip I
Kohl, of Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad- j
versely the above-described lands
are requested to file their claims in 1
this office on or before sam igtu
day of February 1900.
J . T. Bridgks,
, T. HtlllHIKR,
nurirultiiral mirno-OH. anil to e.itabliidi
inVelaim to Haid land More t lie UiviNter
and Itetrlver of tliin ollleu at lioceburn,
OreKOli.on AVediiembtr the '.'nil dnv ot
Mav 1000.
lie namea an nitiuweii:
Andrew Johnson of Haywnnl, Wlc
eoiiHin, O. O. bund, II. J. Hmucii, Karl
Martinson, of Kugeue, Orrxun.
Auv nnd all pernoitH elaiuiiui; ad
versely the nbovc-dekcribed lands nre
re(iie!itel to tile their cIhIiiih in thin
oflieeon or U'foru Haid L'ud day
May ISflD.
J . T. H1111KIK.-4,
United States Und OlTiee,
Roseburv, Oreuon, February Und UHX).
Notiee iH liervby given that in coin
plinueo witli thu provinions of the net of
LotiL'ieati ot .lime 3, 1H78, entltleil "An
Nottee l berehy given that the follow'
nig wiimmts will Ik.' paid on prenenla-
vahiahle (or ll lliniK'r or tinnu tnan inr
ULTleiillural piliHife, and lo eslabllfb
hlpi ilnim to iinld land befoie Ibe
Itegifler and llivolver of Ibli oinee til
itimeliing. Oinjon. on Wednesday tbe
Jii.l liiv ol Mar IWO.
He iiiiine hi wltuecri1 :
K Martiiimin of;ila.vaid,Vlwoiilii,
(). 0. I.iiihI. II. J. II iiihoii, Andrew
Jobiiiuin. of hiiuene, Oregon.
Anv and all ierxoui elalmiuu iub
v.iraolv the alMive-deierllM'd Iambi an
" I reiiueiiled to tllu their elaliiiH In thb
n .j . -1 1 . .1 1 .... 1 .1 ... ..1
reiHieatisI to Hie uirir einiiim in unn luk,
th iiay or April 1
andto eslabllnb bf elaini lo nald land
U'foro the Hegmler and HeeeUee ol lhi
ollli-e at lioccbiirg Oregon, on Saturday
the 7th day of April 1IHKI.
He uame.i an witneiihes:
Jaek IajwU of Cottage H rove. Oiegon.
F. A. Klliotof Newhinv. Oregon. J. I.
Jone. W. A. lleinenway, of ( ullage
Anv' and all iK'rHon elnimlng ad-
. . " 11 I I I . I
veriwly the uunven weriiHsi uwi . 1 j . . , , , ,
H ..1..I.1.M II. ' .
oflfee 011 or U-fore eaid
J. T. ttllllHIKH.
j. w
actfor the sale of. timber land, in the lion at my offireon and fter January ,
Statei of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," James S.
Henson of CotUge Grove, County of
Jane. State (or Territory) of Oregon'baa
till day llleil in thin olflre liiat sworn
iitatement No. 817, for tlio pun:liBHe of
tbe NV 1-4 of Section No. 24. in Town
sliip No. 8. Kango No. 2 V., and will
oirer proof toubow that thu laud nought
is more valuable for Its timber or Htone
than for purposes, and to
establish his claim to enid land before 1
United States Laud Office,
Roseburg, Ore., Feb., 19, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of
tbe act of Congress of June 3. 1878,
entitled "An- act for tbe sale of
. ..... ri . r n i- vaii7iiau 111a viituii
timber lanas in me oiaieb 01 -an-. the tt' ster and liniinr f fl.i-. ..m.-..
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash-, at Hosoburg Oregon, on Fridav thoi'Otli
iiigton Territory, James E. dav of ApriHUOO.
OstranderofCottageGrove County mi Q
of Lane, State of Oregon has this n. willanl, James U-wU, of Cottage
day filed in this office his sworn Orove, Oregon.
statement No. 851, for the pur- Any and all pernon claiming ad
,1,,.. r ti, cr? ... ofrtinii In i versely tbe above-described lands are
chase of the SE 1-4 01 bection No lo ,ilt. their claiui(J - thj
30, in Township No. 23 S Range ofTie on or More said 20th day of April
no. 1 w., ami win unci jjiiui iu iiiw,
Mi-rtln.l L'ftntc, U110 t:iiiily, Ore-
Notice l ht-relir ictrrti Ihul Iho iiinlrrliciirl
exivntur i( lhecliilen Julia ' MeUrlmiil.
it-ccil. hriii lllc-l llnul Hi-unt In tlio
Interent on Hiuiie will eenne I iiuynt My, mw. m hmirul 1 o'l-iw'-L ui th
41.1 nm iicii nxeii in ine unicr ui wi, nun,
lorlhc hiairliiir ol miy hih! ill olijivlluin In
miI ivount. mnl for the lluol elllrineiil (
flileitnle:iiil ll nlijerllunilu ll ii-veunl
ball be llleil with therlark o( uM tnurt oil ur
IrtfureMliI il- llxcl li mII niurl.
J. II. McI'ikl.sii. Kieontor
JmiovK Knx, Ally, lor Ktcvutur.
Iaue county
numlHTs 610i
January 22, 1S00. All
warrants from registered
to 11150, both inrlitaive.
Dateti Kugene, January 20, 1000.
County Treasurer.
show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and ,
to establish his claim to said land !
before the Register and Receiver of j
this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on ,
Friday the 4th day of May 1900.
He names as witnesses:
Nathaniel H. Martin, Enon E.
Niilli-e la hereby iclreu thut I, J. II. Sletmrt
nnre len n'iilnle-l niliiilnllrlor n( th
enuie ot Win. Snliln ilc-eieil. All penuint
OKTiinrrUlmaiiKiiliul until e-itte are rciulrcl
loirev;nt them to uie at the ortlc-o ol Jerome
Knox. In Cottage tlrote. Ijiiib County. Orexun,
with Ihe rer ronrbera, within alx month
from theilateoMhlanotli-e.
Daie.1 thl-iM.!y of March I'O).
Jaa II. Hlewart.
United States Land Otnee,
Koseburg, Oregon, February 2nd 1000.
Notice is herebyagiveii in coin
' pliouce with the provisiuug of the ael of
Congress of June 3, 1H78, entitled "An
act for the sale of timberlands in the
StatL'S of (!:llifiriliM l) V.. ..-.I..
Lilly, Phillip Hohl, Sina Orrell, of and Wa.-hington rerritory," Orson 11.
Cottage Grove, Oregon. , Wiliard of otlage Urove. Count v of
Any and all persons claiming ad- lA'.yi V-0" ,'as
,r , . r j tins uay tiled in this office his sworn
versely the above-described lands bUtemeilt Xo. 8IB fortllo niIrchir"r",
.in lowu
and will
rr . . ...
r , Ullt-r oroOl IO UllllW Hint tllM l!lllrl u.HK.lit
ui icmuaij . , ;B .n, vmIikiMu fnr it- ilmlu.. ... I Haid land before the If.-ci-liT nn,l If..
J. 1. BRIDGES, 'than for agricultural nuruoses. ami to eclver of this ofTiceat Itiwebiirg Oregon.
.establish his claim to said land before r "day the 20tb day of April 1000.
the Kegisterand Iteeeiverof this office He nnniw na witnesses:
I at Koseburg Oregon, on Fridav the 20th Joseph II . I'erkinH, H. F. Wynne, T.
nay 01 .April i-.aju. n. 1 imnw, i-. it. oH)iig, 01 cottage
I lie names as witnesses:
' Frank U. l'liillips, James S Benson,
James l-wis, John Palmer, of Cottage
urove, u egon.
Any and all persons . claiming ad.
"-- , siaieineni .o. arj, lor tlio put
areiequestedto file their claims in theSWl-4of Section No. 24,i
this office on or before said 4th day "hip No. 2J S. Kange No. 2 W.,
United States I-tnd oirire,
Koseburg, Oregon. February I, IUO0.
Notiee is her.eby given that in coin
plianre with the pnirieinna of tlie act of
oongrcHBof June 3, 187S, entitled "An
act for the sale of tiuilier lamia in tbe
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, '
and Washinoton Territory," John It.
MosJiyof cottage (irove, count v of fjue,
State of Oregon has this day filed in tnia
Ifice bis sworn Statement 'No. 807, for
tbe purchase of tlio V NIC .-4, .SE
1-4 NK 1-4. SK 1-4 NV 1-4 of Section
So. 8, in Township So. 22 S Kange Sa.
2. ami will ofTer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for ita
timber or stone than for agrii-iiltmal
Vnlleil Stales IjiihI Oltlre. ItonelmrK. Ornson
February 7, tnu 1
Notlre la hereby rIthi that In t-mlaiire
with the provlil'tni ol the art of i oiireco! j
June. I sis, rnllllcil "An art lor the xale ol
timber lamlaln IheStatraof Calirornli. Oregon.
Neraila, ami Wa.ihlii(tnn "lerrllory." rlurlr '
: K. Ilanona of Cottage Urove. County of Ijinr.
I Ktatent OreKoll haalhfa iiay H'r-I In thhoDli-e
lili iworn Hal ttnrnl No Km. for the urrhei.f
' the LilaX, 4, 7. a,of Sertlon So. IS. lii1oiiihl.
' No. 2JH ItaiiKe .No. ) W. aint IH offer proof to
ahnwthat tbe land i-otitbi l inure Talnablrforlla j
j Umber or atone than for agrlrullurnl purpoH:!, i
anil toealab:lih hearlalmto aaM lauil tfore '
' tbeltcKlster ami Itei-eirerof thUofrii-e at How-
biirr.Oreiroii.on U'eliic'layihe'J&la) of Afrit ;
Ho names ni wllnenea.
J. II. "rrell, K. K. Lilly. J.I. Jones. Jamrji
. iJtw.of ColtaKetirorr, Oregon.
An and nil .-mnia rlalmlna; a.litrsely the
abure-te.-rlbel lamia are rrnelel to Htr
their i-Ialins In Ihla onireon or before mbl r.
nay 01 April, rjuu.
J.T. Ilaiiair',
I'ulled Slates IjiihI OfHee.
ltehiug. Oregotl. FeK. I.'l. HUM,
Notiee i (ieieby given that In ouin
pliamv with Ihe iro inlons of the aet of
Congrrpsof Jutit- :t, 1878, eullthsl "All
net (ortheKule of liuibsT lands in the
Slate of Chlnrnin, Oregon, Nevada,
nnd Washington Territory," Ole Km' of
ltiiiixlu, County of Tliiira.iii, atate of
Waahiiigliou tin's ihls day III 11 i III thla
oiriee his aworn ataleiiieut No, 811.', for
Ihe puiebaae of tin NW 'f of Htvlioti
, .Vo. 24. In Township No. 22 S. Kange
N11. . 'I W.. ,111.1 willnirer pnaif to show
' that the laud aoughl la mote valuable
for Its IniilnTiir stone tlmn for ugrl
1 i nlliiml puriMKi-s, and to eslithlioh his
lelaim to xaid bind Itefute Ihe Ittvisler
1 iimi;itin ier of litis olflir nl KoselMitg.
, Oregon, 011 Vnlindny the I'lh dar of
Mav lltHi.
lie mi ini-s us witnesses:
II. K. II1111.1111, lver Lund, O O ImmI.
of Kiigi-ni-, Orr.'oi). O'e lleusua of Hit .
eola, Wnaliiiigtoii.
Any ami all perotia eliiiiuiiig io.
versely the aUive-th--ribsNl lauds ate re
ipieslol lo file tln-ir ,-lnlms in this I'lfiiv
on or Klon- said 1Mb dnv ot Mar It ami.
J. T. Itil'ilgrv,
"V"" ' l'Ul.lWlH1
ldUnee ultl, Ihe ,,I,V,!,,,.,'V J
m l fiir ll I- ... . t i'M
hlllolt of NewUig, ' .IWI
.i,.i 1.. e...i '"'tilvij i..'i
uy iiimi in tin. :,,';:, w,
nienl No. 7UA, ( , ' ' 'Hi,,
l'l-4..fHeelSo,, N , .
No ft H linn, , ,
IimmiMohImiw I(U ,, "W Ht
mom valuable fr , , P'1
tliat; for Bgrieiilt,,,,,, t
e-labllabhi, ela.m.J'i i"V
be llcUlcra, Here, J '1'1.
t lloaelmri,', ()u-eilll
mii nay hi April. im j
Ue iiaiiiesns wiiuea.r.. I
Any and all ,,, f'M
.-ei.eiy iho ""'.!
eouesled lo file tl,f JT. .1"!
meeoiMirlajfoteasul 70 .1 TV
' T.lllttll
N(mcK fok vmiAcxaA
IIIWII.OIU, wiivim. I .-t,MUf,
lllilllKTWllh Ihe p, , ."'
aei tor him anietl in, ., 1.,
xiii...f ( r.ili r , .uw
mill Wa.lili, ....... r Ai
t biirlesi I-:. Itunoos H Coo''
v-ouii yt.i itne. stntn ,.ir "
till day lit I .1... ,jf, "T
atntemeiit No. IV.,. r.,r the J, j 1,, V Tj
.lib. V -ti if v- . '"11
iini.r i.r.uir h. al.,.u . '."
la iiioip valuable for n. timl
tliat; fur .....j.
ilnbah his i-Imiiu 1.. ..,, 1,,
Hie Ileglaler ami lb .vim,,i ,1
l Kis-eliiirg, Orvg. ft on tvJ
lib day of May "
She tiHlnea us tiilm-,.
A. II. Miinlll. Cnoo i; Ijli, ji
CJalmiMler, Sum Orrrll. dtl
I'nilrsl Siutsis l.nol Offlee.
Ko-eburg. Oiegon, Feb .at, Hun).
Notlre is nereby given that In nun.
pllniuvwitli tlio provialons of the net of
Congress of June. !. IK7K itl,s "An
aet for Ihe nih- ( lln.Utr laud in Ihe
SihIi-s of California. Oregon, .N'.-viidn
ll'lll Wllsllilll.tllli Ti.rrll
"c'"ff, i . Hi-lit. County of Thiirslon, Slate of
iisiiuigion naiiii iiav II lis 1
Otote, Oirgoil
AllV Mll.l nil ....... l .
...... .... CIIISH
er-ir me l'in 1. ,nil B1J
rejiuealrsl lit lib. f,r,r rUiiuJ
is isuur anni lininli,al
T. lint,
noticp: for publication.
United States Land Office, !
Bnseburg, Oregon, February 13 I'JOO.
Notica is hereby given that in com- ,
plianee with the provisions of the aet of ,
NOTICE FOR PIIIU IC Tli)' ""; 'uns uny niei m mir
rtuiiv-i, -UK 1UIIUU1IUA, olflee his sworn ntnti-im-ut No. for
... . I Ihe purehaaeof the SK of Sivllotn
United States Lmd Office. 1 .Vo. 14. in .v. U k I
purposes, and to establish hiselaim to Roseburg, Oregon, Mar , 14, lyoo. 8 wi will offer print to how
given that in! ",,I,"r m"w,x " ? ilu.ble
sat rsi nit- liiiiii inr nirri
Isotice is hereby mven that in
compliance with the provisions of : Tniini
Soul her n Farlflc a I im..iii Hlr J
Fiom Han I'raiM'iaeo. m-itmlJ
"rim iin-t l.iiniir.1. ili I
I'lti'lllc fwluoua train is lUl
rniilr. will eomiiieiir- its rritn.
winter rioiion FrnUv. lVrri
Hie n lKiblle for Ibis jrir 1
aioi-ieo miner siiM-rior lo ini.
Vinson, nlloiiinix r i kill
loriavoralile vb-vs 01 puiniarfi
along in cue. iiud makinri
w... ..,.,v.i oiiii uic I'luvi.MUii.', ()l ' (ilinriil oiiriMM.M ,.. i: I 11 1 "" i.oi'. nun lliuilli( ,
the act of Congress of June 3. .878, . claim,., LT hnd it ' g, J ' ZTlT1 " A
entitled "At, act for the sale of 1 Hm-iverof u. ir.w m IC."Imi. 1 ..,":i'rf...,!f.r ''V;T.1" a?U
timber IhkIj i (t. Ci,.. ..r : tlregon.on is-ii,liiv- il,.,
:-,... I ' " ...u , v-., .- -
Anand all ps-rsons claiming adversely !or,,,a. 0,reg?"' Nevadn.unii Wash-j t. ;, 5T.,.H.
thealxve.describel loiuls uro rniiuwinl 'iiRion Ierntory." bred Anderson! II. H. linn.,... f v
to Hie their claims in this ofrieeonor ol Eugene. County of Iane, Stale ! lt,H' "f lbnh, Wa-lili, .'i,,,, j...,r
lH,ffirr.M-itil lli dnv ,.f Ifknit IO.VI ' r 1 1 ... . . . . I.i.twl 11 II I .....1 ..f
Cotiiress of June3. 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timlicr lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," lver Lund
of Kugene, County of Lane, St.Ve of Ore- .
gon has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No. 833, for the pur
chase oftheSWl-lof Section No, 12, in 1
Township No. 22 Kange No. 3 V and
will offer proof to show that the land
Bought is more valuable for its timber or ,
stone than for agricultural purposes, and '
versety tlie aUove-Uescribert lands are
retpiesteil to file their claims in this
office on or before said 20th dav of April :
1000. ' ' I
J. T. BlttOOKH,
United States Iind Office,
.ioreaai.i..un uayoi .Mri ts-ju. Oregon has this day. filed in this, ' Kugei.e, On-gou.
omce his sworn statement No. 903.,lheaT.
for t he purchase of the SV 1-4 of I to file .heirelalms In Z "ZJ" 17
lore milil 0th day of May 111 Ml.
f. t. r.miHicH,
Koseburg, Orego- , February I 1900. plianee Jwitb the provisions ol the
Isotice is hereby given that in coin- of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled '
United States Land Office,
Roxi'lilln' On-'i in I-Vbrii!irv I KHVt
Notice is hereby given that 111 com-1 cultural purposes, and to establish
bcction No. 14, 111 Township No
22 b. Range No. 3 , nnd will
ofier proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its
ii.oin.-i ur .MOilc man inr rirrri
,,7'Miis claim to said land before Iho
to esbiblish his claim to said land before plianee with the provisions of the act of aet for the sale of timber lauds in the I Register and Receiver of this office
me Kegisicr anu nccuivcr 01 mis oiiicu v.iKrioB 01 June io0 entltleil "An States of California, Oregan, Nevada, at Koseburg, Oregon, oil Wedlies
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday the act for the sale of timber lands in the and Washington Territory," Harry day the 2T div of f-.v tnrv,
24th day of April 1000. ot California, Oregon, Nevada, , F. Wvnn . of cottage (irovo,' countv of ' Ln 7 '. 7 9
He names as witnesses: - and ashington rerritory," John Van Lane.State of Oitgon has tliis dnv filed , e namres a-s witnesses:
O.O. Lund, H.J. Hansen, A. W. 'Oirteii of Cottage Grove. County of in this office his sworn statement No Henry J. Hanson, O. O. Lund,
Newman, 1'eterMoe, of Eugene, Oregori. , .V-nel bta? V ""Hy) ?f '''-'l.'on has 810, for the purchase of the Lots 3A4 Louis Osblirg. Amutid Nuwin.-md
Anv nnrlnllnnrsniiHclniniini'nilvi.rMitlv mis uar uicu in 11118 OIDfO Ills sworn unilK 1-' fiW 1J of K.,.ti,,r, V lu :..
the above-descrilieiUands are requested tteinent No. 812, for tho purchase of , Township No 22 S., Kange No. 2 W, and
to file their claims in this office on or ".f- .?ecUo" l4n Town- will offer proof to show that tlio land
before said 24th day of April 1900. , M,''P Range No. 2 W.,and will sought is more valuable for its timber
J. T. BniDOKS, ?er proof to show- that the land sought , or stone than for agricultural purposes
Register. ; " ",or" vamaoiu ior us timoor or stone and to establish his claim to said laud
. ! .- . ";r,i:l;lt.l,rl purposes, and to lieforo tbe Kegister and Keeeivei of this
1 establish ins claim to said land befoie ' office at Koseburg. Ore-'on on Fridav
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ,l,u Rfxister and Receiver of this ofllea the 20ti. day of ApAl IWO. '
?,L ebJ,l? .V0"' on Friday the! He nainesas witnesses:
, United States Land Office, '' ""t . .Hrmnbaugh, Joseph
Roseburg. Oregon. Feb. 5. J900 I ii.iiiie. ho wiiiieHsea : Perkins, J.Uwisof cottage Grove. Ore-
Notico is hurehv civfin Hint nmm J." . "".".,i'. "".iijiiugii, gon.
plianee with tlio provisions of the aet of ,i!!f, n N an Uor 1 AnJr an.' Pri"J" elaiming ad
congress ot June a, j.aia, entitled "An I i UT. -;,.r.iT 7 ' T . . I vcr""y "e lauus an
thenboro-describedlam ? lc j" "'is
to file their claims in this offic f or I ?SKB " r uelor0Hi"1 ''
before said 23th day of April 1000.
J. T. Bhiixjes,
aet for the sale of timberlands in "the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
nd Washington Territory," Herbert
Eakiu of cottage Grove, county of Lane,
State of Oregon has this day filed in
this office his sworn statement No. 822,
for the purhase of the SE 1-i of Sec
tion. So. 30, in Township So. 22 S
Range So. 2 W ., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
Tiihiablefor its timber or stone than for
criculttirnl purposes, nnd to establish
his claim to said land beforo the Register
anu itoceiver oi tnss ouice at Hosouurg, v , ioio, eniuieu-
Oregon, on Monday the 10 day of April i Sct for "l0.?".'0. of tbiiber lands in
J900. States of California, Oregon, Nov
Its nim.i ....llnuo... anil WasllilllFblll Tlirrllnru " I.',,...
He names as witnesses:
W. S. Bennett, .1 G. Cochran. L,
Wooloy, G. c. Miller, of cottage Grov
Ann aua an persons
versely the ttbove-describod
requested to ilia their
office, on or beforo snid lGlh dav of April
J. T.BitinoES,
. United States Land Office.
Itoseburg, Oiegon, February 1. 1900. United States L.-m.l fifTi
Notice is hereby given that in com- Roseburg, Oregon, February 1. 1900,
plianee with the iiroviHioim nf t, . r v....r.. . .... .. ...
congress of June. 7, 1878, .ntllWAn ' pliam. w t tberov al ST, " -TO
in the Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
and Waubbrnt,,., vJu"Z .5 ' "V V,ir l"u 01 limner lands in the
i.i.iii! "f V". " V. ' ! niaies oi
ofEugene, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming
adver.elv theabove-described lands
are requested to file their claims in
tins omce on or belore said 23 day
in jiiuy 1900.
J. T. Bkiuoijs.
" . H.l . ,. (11.1 i.,iiVJ .'". .,w.b"".,,M" '""s'oruenoi oiottago Urove. Cimntv
it" W r r.. . " or " ne.HtateofOrcon has t lay
11 l;iV Oil 'fill- IrHtn mIH Iai aa Sflft ft
f P. M. on Tut Imv and Friilini
; mi! Us Allgi-l- nl-.iil 7 uM
loiinwing inuruing. stlni ginri
light vifw of the oraugf la li s
1 milornm.
lis iMinmt-tion at CI I'.sl
tlin.ugli ivis of the Ti xjit
M 1mia, will plnrr ( .ilifMtui
IKersbl timt i-lly fiom lo lol:
1 abend of nil other lines Tbaln
iloiialon to Sew Orli-mis. I hi
iiili-riKling planlationa ami ls
Hoiithrru lymisiiiua, will
iigni.onii 1 lie arrival 111 inr 1
Jtii hi time to ulib
Iralna for Washington. '
t ineiiinatl, Chieago nnd i.lirr
1 lie NuiiM-t L hinted inning
aorvice is up to a wrll kiKS
. alnmlard. It la worlhv of rtt
the diatanre of StHKi mlli-a fmJ
Itridtter ami llei-elver. If. B. tjiu.i im. .. I'miieiseo lo New York la Inn'
Itnacbtirir, dreiron on Anrll l .... , Hlltinct IJluiled in 114 liWJ
Chrle liroaiu. n 11. k. .v -w. r,,, ,...,...' ' houra loiwr I but by Ihrl
HE!, NW K !, HW M. ,e... , .. T. H It, 3 W , KVYi' Clijcuifi.. i
oe.1wnr.1ne loiiowlinr ssllncsca I.. prore .7. ".
hlxviiiilniio,.. ...1.1 ... . ... ' .. W inter rout, tin. tmvli.r nnt I
..( ..mlVVu ie.tllonyoril,Mi
Wllllnm C.Shortrl.lKe. IIbrl t. HhorlrM.. ' lCl'"?llt Wrilther IHIII.IltllM
!. H. Illtehle. feler MrMartlu, ofAinoa.
Jjim OfTlreat lt(arliiirK.Orroii,
l'ebrtiarj-2, Iww.
Kollre la hereby Klen that Ihe following;.
niiielotllorh4afl'ol iifitli-oof his I ti tout Ion
lo make final pnwf In atipport of tils rliilm, an, I
that snlil prKif will bo mail i.r.,... ..
nioie Northern nmtes."
Notice ta herobr Kfven that Peter John Fra.
dy ha been appointed by the county court of
Lane Countv Oreerun Exeiiitnmr th .n.
a-id testaiuent of the estnto of Wjn. It. I'rady
laid estate are hereby notified to present thom
with the proper Touchers ta me at I-omne,
iAno County, Oroiron or at the Iji- oiHob nf
Ilarbuuirh ami Kissinger In liiiKone Oregon
within lx months from the dateof this notice.
.1115 ;nu uuj-m l eurnary a. u. nioo,
. ... fKTEll JOHN KlIAUY,
Kxeeutnrof the Uat will anil testament and
oil ho Katnte.of Wm, it. I'rnly UecouiJ,
HOUCrlll IS mnm vnlnnKt., i .1 .1. . .,
fnrlt ,t..,l,- ."..... - H"W IIIIH mo
tiwiuui 11 BLiJiiii liiiiii nnii .... 1.... i.i r... it
cultural purnoses. and t, .., m, Z " '.' 'nmr or atone than for
claim to said land before the UMlMt. r' hl.l T V ' .'. ,1 u.m ,0 "
atid Receiver of "bis oft
Oregon, on Friday tl... nn, ,1... .5 5V .' ."we,5.rPf. this ofneoat Koseburg.
April 1000. ' "Ynm ' nUuyU,t,m,,di,,0(Al'ril
?WvTn7 t.,,. I "''"nes
Perkins, J. L,wis, of cStt'age J$W-0id&
AnvaiuJaH nerntianlnll,....i. ,.i.. -.'"
0 lll)OVP..ilr'Hcrilinil ln.,.luu,.. ,...i
sworn statement
ase of tlio NK 1-4.
Township No. 22
and will oirer nroof
I ...
t . nm .nun bimil'i i is more
than for agri- va niiblfip ii itn.i "
tho above-described lands aro requested
.s uishisii lunula in tins oillco on or
before said 23lh day of April 1000.
J, T. liumoKS,
Any and all porsons claiming adversely
tho abovelescribed lands are requested
to fllothoir claims in this office on'or
bolore said 23tb day of AprillOOO.
J. T. Biiidokh,
United Stntes Land office,
Roseburg, Ore., Mar., 14, 1900.
""" 'a wziKuy given unit in
compliance with the provisions of
tlie act ot Congress of Tune 1. 1878.
entitled "An act for the sale of tim
ber lands in the States of Cali-
lornia. uregon, Nevada. nnd Wash
ington Territory," Louis Osbttrg of
Eugene, County of Lnne, State of
uregon lias this dav fi ed in thi
office his sworn statement No. 009
for the purchase of the NW i.a r
occuoh xso. 14, in Township No.
22 S. Range No. -i IV. . and will
otter prooi to show that the land
sougnt is more valuable for its tini
biror stone than for agricultural
purposes, atut to establish his claim
to saici latm belore the Register and
Receiver of this office at Roseburg
Oregon, on Wednesday the 23 day
He names as witnesses.
Henry J. Hanson. O. O. T.nml
Fred Anderson. Aintind
ofEugene, Oregon. '
Ay and all persons claiminir nd.
versely the above-described lauds
nre requested to file their olnimc i
this office on or before said i
of May 1900.
J. T. Buidcks,
soutii Plane co
Trains lanro Ct ...... i .
1 , , -" vm..Ko uiuvo ior i ort-
io"lnnd way "ttUion t 3:07 a. ni
I.v. Portland...... fi:30B. m.
J.V. (.Ottnirn Gro-n I :'in . ,.. t.r.-rL ...
Ar. Ashland 12.1 a T . 'i r.... . " '
Ar. haeraineiitu. .. 6:00 p. m. 4 M r! m!
Ar, ban Krnncisro. 7!4fln m .ia- ...
1 r' nKi?n r,:4r' " 1 1 n. '
Ar. Kansas ( lly . . 7 :liH a. m. 7 :2r, . m.
Ar, Chhago.. ... 7:4ft 0:3da in.
Ar. Lw Angeles. . 1 :20 p, ni. 7:(K)n. m.
Ar. Kl IW). ... fl!,)0 p. ,. a.m r ,
Al'n!iXi lhV ''!,..
Ar. Uly of .MokJco 0 66 n. m. 0:65 a. m.
Ar. Ilouston 4 .on . m. 4 -M)n. in.
1 urn,V',,nni'" :np.m. l:Zft p.m.
Ar. ashlnglon. . 0:42 a. 111. H2n. in.
.... . vn , uik. . . jsnii p, m, i2'A (p. m.
Pill man and '1WI. ' ,i
trains, Chair cars Bacrsmento to 0.
Chicago, . Jxuln, Nevr Orleans and
ri wiiiiijfj,iif
ConnecHiicf at Pan r,nn.liA. . I ,
eral steamslup lines for Honolulu, Ja.
BobCA,,lnnl pWPPl. OentVal'and
feu th America.
Qrov0e5atTon.AosSOn CU
0. II, Mahkiiam, G. P. A.
4 Portland, Oregon,
United Slates Land 06
I Koseburg, Oregon Mar, I,. ,u 1 , n v.. 1. . . 1
KUU I fct cotnnhnnce with tb ,rnn
the act of Congress of Jtiuejl
cnimcu "An act for the ta
timber lands in thcStntcstfJ
lornia, Oregon, Nevada, aodl
mgioit Territory, "Aslnk A, I
01 Aiuineajiolis, county ofllo
State of Miiinesntn has li)
filed in tliis office his swo
meat No. ooj. for the mm
I the N 1-2 Sli 1-4, nnd iotnj
vjccnoii xno. 34, in TownsDii
22 S Rantre No. 1 W.. aJ
offer proof to show thai m
sought is more valuable tot'
ber or stone than for off"
purposes, and to establish M
to said land Iwfore the
nnd Recciverofthis oiTicelj
burg, Oregon, on Tuesday
dny of May 1900.
He names ns witnesses!
x etcr j,. iiamsian, ' '
apoas, Aitnnesota. u. u. t
T TT A w T M.flfl.l
gene, Oregon.
.. . .!tjf
verseiv thr n nw lesciiuv".
oik iwijuc.-Hcu iu jiic '",;
this office 011 or before
111 vinir rnnn