Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 13, 1900, Image 7

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Uent3 Loses Flvo Compan-
os of Infantry.
(Irhola Mnrxull, n Kreuolimnn
Mulcili Army, Killnil In h l'lKIU
iondorli April '"ru nuiionn ro-
Ut flVO CulllplllllOH Ul IIMtlSlI
JBgimVO HOOil ciipiiiruu ny iioum
ajlatiinnio. mo iuiiowhik ms mo
OlHliU dlapntoli to tliu war oMico,
uncing thn capture:
mfontalii, April li. Anotlior
Srtunato occurrence iiiih occurred,
(oar, ill. tho cupturu ot a
nfnntry, coiiMating of throe
s ii... ii i i-t-.i. I ni....
IDflllliW 01 mo iMijiii insii runmnrn
ittffoYcoinimiilDH o( tho Nlntli regl
nirofliaountod Infantry, near Rod
ijtfurgftn, llttlo eastward of tho Jloth
Sjfeiljwny atutloit, within n few
lretjCjlilH place. Tliny woro aur
BWdlfe Ntrmiu forco of tliu one-
within) ii r or II vo guna,
Mat . i II ..
iioBietiiciimoui iioiu out iroiu noon
nrlirsinntll April I, nt 0 . M., uiul
utarPHrcnlly aurroiulorod, for it la
Tteultliat tno iiring ccnaon nt tints
leMuntiiuillatnly aitur I hoard tho
rraoorloK tliu uftornoou of April II,
oTooredl Gutacro to procooil from
Tn?f(filtolii, IiIm present liciiilqunrtorH,
rtogCTburg with all hihh1Ii1o aix-ed,
inAtoned tno Cameron iiigiuuiitiurs
.ill.' . i . i . . i.
iCOlwHIOtllitnio. nu arrived in lion
sburTlii A. M., without opjm-
but! could Kut no down of tho
isjnttpolacliiiiont. There can ho no
llttttliittt tho wholo party Iiiih been
iMwlaonora. "
riioiloitf coin in iiIoh nro probably a
Ofjfilia foreo Ktiiirilltiw tho railroad
BctEouie. Ill) union mmiUi of llloem-
loJnSTlio Boora nro evidently opor
Vnfeforcu ni'iir tho railroad, anil
rpfliijffliw 1 lil 1 1 ty of tho Hiiuh being
anWtodjfor a brlof porioil at any
'ASI "' lI1I,lir,,l llrltlah Foidiora
ro5mlffl8tK)filtl(in to defend them-
Torlm-urly lit bourn uiul woro
nrfprcom. to Mirroinlcr, tno lighting
rwjgts worn in forco yoatorday
lnS.froill JllgOrsfOIltoill, HitUlltOll
mllotT'njS from nioomfoiitoln. 'fhoy
ffrfirffitowlth Ilrttiitli patiula.
EO.HVIIInl.cil. Mareull Klllr.l.
SluSoDAprll 0. Tho war olllco ro
vorfiTho'J following dispatch from
fTlailtobortH, (luted IUouinfontolu,
pfothncn telegraphs from Unshod
MbnuiKO Free Stuti', a llttlo north
tfKlinborlcy, iih follow:
jjplirrou tided General Vlllebols
roalj'riuil n bodr of lloern today, anil
fjjcouU not UNuapo. Vlllohoia ami
cnjBooSjwt'ro killed, olyht woumlod
lro ifflbonurH. "
iian 'Kniil HIriiiiB Up by tli
IIiuiiiIk In IViu.
Jhlongolfpril 0. A nioeial to the
ford froiolWiiHliiliK'toii KiiyM: lldward
Itfrlod, WilkuHlmrro, I'n., Into
ralnr'nge'nt of thin govornmont nt
ixlllo, I'ortj, in n sworn ntiitoniout
(ch ho has" filod with tho Ntato do
mcnt, nssortu that in tho Hiimincr
108 at Hunmucho, 50 or (10 l'o
jnnrovolntioDHlHtri drniigud him
r5roMq4 to tho public nquaro,
erotlHcdoiniilided that ho produco
OO.wKlJtWi'oii 3,(H)0 nnd $4,000)
TsiftrUjeiljvithlti 15 iiiiiiutoH or Hub
i tolmstfaonioiit In what in termed
?crufi'o ffflying iitocka."
lotlfrlod Bays ho proteHtod tliat ho
' unGlbito'jCoiniily with tho (lomaiid
: wnalroiiiedliitely knocked down
h a Jilow ' from a un and overow
!1. liis.thnmbu woro tiod toKothor
h tliongond bin hands twlHtod hack
i hoiulSlIoiivy rllloN woro iuxortod
'yoon lljeiln vortcd olbowH mid IiIh
tl'fiud irmTint iOMition ho wiir strung
Ilii.uBhort tiuio tho iiOiiiztnt;
it rendoro'd him iiifciiHlblo. Tho
1iniairat!on will deinaud roHtitutlon
tleYlletneen Ulilnomi Itiililnra unit
'YSS1rl""'1 I'oll0"
;'anoouvor. 0., April O.Oiiontnl
pri atafomt Chlneao oflloinl oiimity
irdsfproTBnors Ih beiny Hpucially
iotod ngalnBt llritlsh citizens in
'na', Eigntud, it Ih said, by Kun
,UfigoSUous, tho Wilneso have
ijrhoou oapooially troublosomo on
BnrnialiDhluoHo frontior, whoro a
ileal ofllcor and an aHsiHtnnt coin
fglpnor wiro murdoiod.
Jglory'vyaa brouuht by tho Kinprosa
5au f-om Yokohnnm today of a
?ygf h k J cj 1 1 1 o n u I ChliiOBO raldH on
OWnifinboundary, oiilmluuting In
iTtlob'ot'VYoen COO OhinoHO and 75
tly, pbllco under District Supor
;,indout llcrtz, of Kangoon. Tho
ifenljltary jiollco, with 60 Gurk
t,tetnckcd tho main body of Chinoso,
f(ngMi(l capturing tboir gnus,
ijftlgny, bannors. Tho Cliiucso
jieryaBTamoug tho killed. Six of
ilrllahyprooe, inoludlng two ofll,
JewSvouiidod, ouly ono sorlouHly,
iKoenaf tho buttlo wnu olght milos
iinniluroiah sldo of tho frontier.
1 W"I,eligli I,ciborutory llurned.
'itlTiolienT, l'a., April 0. Tho phyal-
mrarary oi j-ionign umvorBity,
uonargosi in tno country, waa
aoay. and all its aoioutiflo np-
laBsrna doatroyed. Tho loss on
iWfiig and contonts ia $300,000;
: on n Oulirnrnlii Fiirm.
aa, Oal., April 0. W. II.
Ta fannor. ahot and klllod
gay and thon took hla own
tag hla throat with a razor.
Kbiiix Oltjr'a Aiiilltitrlum I.itlil In
Kiiiinaa City, April 0. Convontlon
hall, Kantian Ulty'a prido, whoroin tho
Democratic National convention waa
to havo boon hold July i, waa laid in
rtilna in Iobh than 110 mlniitoa' tiuio
thla aftoruooii from lire that Ntitrtod
from an tinkown notirco at 1 o'clock.
Tho flro burned with audi fury that
it will evident nlmoat from tlioMnrt
that tho atriii'turo waa doomed, and tho
llrommi aoou turned their attention to
Having HiirroiiudliiK property. A a'tlfl
broer.o waa blowing afid before tho flro
Wiujuibduod tho Hocond l'rcabytoriau
church, ono of tho llnoat odllluim In tho
city, tho church paraouiigo, tho Lathrop
publlu aohool, a two-ntory building, all
altuatod auroaa tho way on Central
direct, and a half block of throo-atory
flat biilldlnga on Twelfth direct wero
rendered total Iohhoh. Hovoral rcai
doucea woro damaged to a greater or
Iokh degruo, mid foi a time it waa feared
that Miveral blocka of bulldlngH in tho
rcalilonco dlatrlct would go. Tho ag
gregate loxa ia $100,0(10.
I'lniiH aro on foot to rebuild Conven
tion hall immediately and mako it
ready for tho convention in July.
While tho flro waa atlll in progrodH,
membera of tho Commercial Club,
through whoito cirorta the hall waa con
ceived and built, mingled in thocrowda
of dpoetntora and began Hollcititig ftinda
for a now atrncttiro. Tho hall iihsocIii
tlou Iiiih $10,000 in the bank, nnd will
have the $155,000 iiiHtiriiuco for immed
iate tiHo, the inniiranco companion hav
ing HjKintaniiOUHly agreed to waive tho
110 daya' limit and mako payment on
demand, Tho Kaniuia City Lumber
Company, whloh fiirnlahed four-flftha
of tho lumber for tho old building, linn
agreed to duplicate ita order at once nt
tho rate In exidteiico. two yenra ngo,
and tho MiniicaixillH linn that furuiahed
tho hteel girdera for the ImmeiiHo roof
haa leen telegraphed to duilicato ita
Convention hall haa been olaaacd by
travolora aa ono of tho largeat and liiodt
IKirfectly coiiHtructed aiidltoriuma in
the world. The building waa erected
in 180R, nt a coat, of $235,000, which
waa rained entirely by public aubacrip
tloun. It occupied a piece of ground
liMx'JOO feet in extent, waa two atorioB
high and built of native htono, cream
brick and terra cottu. Tho flrat atory
waa of the roualnHiiiico stylo of archi
tecture and tho second atory in peri
style form, with gronpn and columns.
Tho building waa of bridge construc
tion, without a column, tho roof being
aupiiorted by great ateol glrdcra. Ita
general seating urrangemeiit waa mod
eled somewhat upon tho plan of tbo
Metropolitan opera house of Now York.
(lovsriior of (Itiitm Wilt Ha llnllnvad nt
1IU Own lta-iiirl.
"Wnnhlngton, April 0. To sot nt roat
stories that havo been in circulation,
to tho elToct that Captain Loarr ia to
bo relieved of the naval governorship
of the island of Guam bocauso of dis
satisfaction with IiIh administration of
nITaira, the navy department announces
that the olllcer in to bo relieved solely
nt hla own instance. It ia stated,
moreover, that tho depaitment ia more
than satisfied with tho niiuiuorin
which Captain Loary haa discharged
the dutlen confided to hla enro. Ilia
letter la aa follows:
"Government House, Agnnn, Guam,
Fob. 8. I havo tho honor to request
that upon tho expiration of my ecu
cruiso as a captain, on July 2-1, 1000,
which will mako iny24 ycara, I bo
relieved from my present duties and
ordered to my homo. With tho 15
months Immediately prior to my ap
pointment commanding tho run! Katah
din, 1 will havo had 45 mouths of al
most continuous toa service, and aa
my presence will bo needed at homo
for domoatio reasons, I respectfully re
quostiollef. It. LICAltY,
"Governor of Guam."
Relief Forco Unablo to Roach
Besieged Town.
ItitbprU Having Ilia l.'itviilry unit Trima
port Aiihniila fur Mm I'orirnnl Muroli
Nr!(maa Aiiiiii'k llnxr rrUiiniira,
Iyondon, April 7. A apecinl dispatch
from liiirenco Mnrquea says ahur fight
ing occurred April 2, in tho neighbor
hood of Mafoking. Tho garrison inado
a sortie, while Colonel I'lumer'a cavalry
attacked the lloera at Itamatlabamn.
lloth attacks wero repulsed. Twenty
of Colonel I'lumoi 'a men were found
dead on tho Hold, nnd alx otbern wero
made prisoners. Tho federal Iobsoh
wero amiill.
Hocra Hiirrouililllic Itnlicrla.
Uloomfontoin, April 0. Thoro aro
numoroua indications that in pursuance
of thoir boast that they will rcenpturo
Uloomfontoin, tho Uoera aro trying to
aurrouud tho town and to cut olT our
lino of communication to tho south.
Largo forcos aro reported oaat and
south, which aro anid to bo making for
tho railway. Thoy atlll hold Thabiui
chn nnd tho wntorworks. Lord Rob
ot tB la completing tho concentration.
Four 4.7 guns uud four naval 12-pouud
ora havo boon mounted on kopjoa com
manding tho plain. Tho cavalry enmp
has boon romovod to a bqttor position
northeast of tho city. Special procau
tlona nro being taken to pjrotoot tho
railway southward. Sovoral arrcsta
liavo boon niado In tho town of poreona
auspootod of giving information to tho
Uoora. Tho railway to tho north ia in
posaoaaion of tho llritish aa far aa Karo
Gnboronen, lleclmannlniiil, Aptil 7.
Colonel I'ltimer, with a forco of llrit
ish mounted infantry, started on a dar
ing march, March 25, with tho object
of threatening the Hour Hues of commu
nication. After rapid night marcboi
through tho Trr.iiHvanl territory, they
arrived nt dawn, March 27. within 12
miles of Kocrunt, and distinctly heard
tho bombardment Of Mafoking.
Having rocounoltnred the country
with tho view of future operations,
without sighting a single whito man,
Colonel number crossed tho railroad
south of Ldbatski, which he found in
possession of a lloer force, arid retnrnod.
Then, finding tho railroad honco dam
aged by General Hiiymiin'a main forco,
ho returned to tho vicinity, of Mafo-.
king. Humors reached hero that n ro
lief column ia approaching Mafoking
from tho south.
Iloliiirta Inncllvlty.
London, April 7. Dotachcd bodies
of floor homo, numberini.' from 500 to
1,000 each, havo appeared at several
places to tho routh and ' eastward of
Motmifontoin, threatening tho railroad,
hut communication by wlro and mil ia
not in tho least afTectcd. Ono of theso
forces ia near Ivaat Springfonteln, on
tho lSloomfonteiii railroad, and General
Gntacro'a forcea are reixjited to bo about
to ongago it.
Lord Roberta, oxcopt to safeguard tho
rnllrond, seemingly declines to Bond
columns chasing tho Ilocr bauds.. Ho
ia reserving his cavalry and transport
animals for tho forward march. Kx
planationa at tho war ofllco aa to why
Roberta ia inactive is that thero haa
been a lack of horses for remounts, but
now horsoB aro arriving by train loads
hourly. Tho pressuro on tho railroad
ia so groat that private parcels and the
officers' nowBpapers havo not been for
warded from Capo Town for throo
weeks. Tho situation in tho Kroo State
remains far from clear and ia unsatis
factory to llritish obBcrvorH.
Tho sickness anions tho iioor prison
era nt Slmonstown continue to increase.
Sunday Clodlug nt Kxpoaltlnn.
London, April 5. In tho honso of
lords today, Lord Klnunld nskod tho
government to support tho Unltod
Statos in tho closing of oxhibita on
Sundaya at tho I'arir exposition. The
promlor, Lord Salisbury, repllod that
tho governmont waa fully awaro of tho
fooling in tho mattor, but had no
shadow of authority to deal with tho
Biibjoot. It waa ontlroly a quoation for
tho authorltitoa of tho exposition.
Japan nnd lliiaalit.
Yokohama, Maroh 2!1 (via Willfama
Iloud Qunrantlno B. O.,) April 0.
Whllo tho touo of tho native prosa ia
exceedingly modorato and guardotl, it
ia qulto ovidont that thinking Japanese
aro impressed by tho sorioua character
of tho situation regarding Itiiaala. In
tho Inst fow daya it haa beqn doflnitoly
atinouncod that tho ItuBslnn method of
iualnuatlon haa beon applied to Corof
in tho UBual form of a court advise
and a largo loan,
Various Arolilrnt on tho Fort Worth &
lmivr Jtond.
Fort Worth, Tox A'prll 7. Ono of
tho most serious wrecks in tho history
of tho Fort Worth & Denver City road
occurred thia morning at a point just
south of Magenta, 370 'miles north of
thia city. Aa a reiult, two men aro
known to bo dead, ami several others
lujurod. Tho dead are: John F. D.iuo,
mail clerk ,of Denvor; John J. Kuntz,
p.issenger, residence unknown. The
injured are: A. M. Scroggin, Iudo
pendenco, la., slightly; Frank Lano.
Fort Worth, faco cut, not seriously;
Jamoa French, injuries unknown;
Herbert llonobreak, brakemau, Kl
Rono, O. 'I'., fractured ribs; Kngiueor
McNeil, slightly injurod; Fireman
Dubbs, slightly injured.
At tho time of tho aocldont the train
was running at full Bpeed, when It
struck a dofect in the track, causod by
a partial vaahont. Tho entiro train
was ditched, the cara boiug piled In a
promlacuoua heap. To add to tho hor
rora of tho wrook, a flro started in tho
dobrls, couaumlug tho entiro mnsa of
wrockod cars. Many paBSongera who
Aiamigod to oxtricnto thomsolves wero
badly lujurod. .Mall Clerk John F.
Dane, of Donvor, wns buriod beneath
tho masa of wreckngo, and waa burned
to death. It waa roportod that fcx-
prosa Mossougor J. H. unnpman waa
L-lllnd hut later retiorts sav llO ia Eltfo.
Tho loss to tho rnilrond co'mpuny will
bo lioavy, aa tno entiro train wa
Iron nmt Steel l'roflta.
Now York. Anrll 7 Tho annual re
port of tho Slosa Iron & Steel Compauy,
wlilnh is now owiiou Dy tno sioss-
Rbnillold Iron & Stool Company, shows
carnlnga for tho year omiod jainiaryou,
1000, of $802,007, wliloli, aitor uoaiict
in,, "n.l 7n:i for Interest and taxea,
donoroiation and rouowal fund, loaves
$588,014 net proilts. Out of thia a
dividend of 1 X ror cent was uociaroa
in March, rraotioally all of thla dlvl
,tnnii imna to tho Slosa-Shofllold 'Com-
pnny, aa tho lattor now owna all but
80 sliaroa of tho 50,000 harea of tho
capital atock of tho Slosa Iron & Steel
Mrs. Orant Allen. tllO Widow Of tll8
novollat, ia about to open a bookshop
in London.
Thrilling- Kipnrlonnn itt Two Nir Hax-
Ico Orflriflra.
I'hoenix, Ariz., April 7. The fol
lowing dotaila of tho ambushing of
Olllcern Hcarborough, of Doming, N.
M., and Hlrchileld, by outlwaa in the
Chlruouda mountains, have been re
ceived hero.
Tho outlaws discovered that thoy
woro being followed nnd laid a trap for
tho ofllcers, who walked into it. Aa
aoon na they came within riflo range,
the party of throe bandits oponod Are.
The first volley wounded Scarborough
and llirchflold, ono ahot striking Scar
borough in tho log badly shattering the
Imvio; nuothor struck llirchflold in tlio
lof. arm. Roth men wero disabled.
Tlio wounded ofllcers held the outlawa
nt bay, although hard pressed, several
times. A continuous firing waa kopt up
until dark.
In tho meantime, llirchflold managed
to build a rudo rock fort in which he
placed Scarborough, and aa coon aa
darkness prevented hla movements
from being observed by the bandits, ho
slipped away, secured a horse and went
for assistance. Returning at daybreak
ho found Scarborough still alive and
holdjng tho fort, but suffering intense
pain from ills wound and exposuro, it
having ruined and allowed all through
tho night. Tlio party arrived at San
Simon at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon
with Scarborough, nnd ho waa sent to
his home in Doming. Ilia wound will
probubly prove fatal.
A largo ponso haa started in pursuit
of tho outlawa, who have evidently
gnno further back in tho inountaina,
Where it will bo almost impossible to
dislodgo them.
Snow III Colorado.
Denver, April 7. Snow haa been
falling all over Colorado tor tno past z
lioura. Tho warm weather makes tho
aiiow bo soft that It ollnga to troea and
eloctrlo wiroa, breaking them down.
Much troublo has beon oxporionced in
ii.ia Mtv. Tolonhono. Unlit and trolley
twlrna nrn dnwn In various tmrta of the
city; many telegraph and long-dlatanoo
tolophone lines navo oeeu uiouuiuu.
Tho street oars aro atoppeu ou mnujr
lino's in thia olty.
The Immmllatii 1'iitnrn of 1'nelflo
Const ncaport Town Arri
I'nrtlculnrly llrliht.
news from Hawaii
Two I'ruili
I'lngtifl Cifi
Murch 2S.
Honolulu, March 30, via San Fran
cisco, April 7. Two casea of plague
were reported March 25. Ono was a
Japanese fisherman, tho other a whito
moil named John Hurley. Since that
date no cases havo appeared.
Word has reached hero that the dis
abled steamer Cleveland reached Ililo
safely March 28. The distance of 400
miles waa made under aail ifi 10 daya.
Thrco hundred or more steerage paa-
pengera will probably sail from hero on
tho next steamer for San Francisco.
Dr. Curmichael has decided that, in
viow of tho recognition now given tho
prophylactic ua a preventative rornedy,
effective for from 30 to 40 clays, no win
give jormlt8 for steerage passage to
persons who take tho prophylactic and
are in good health, havo their baggage
disinfected and are othcrwieo under
sanitary conditiona.
A riqt occurred at Pauhaua planta
tion March 17. A captain of police
nnd four of beers arrested eight Japanese
for gambling. About 200 Japanese
nrmd with cano knives and clubs, sur
rounded the ofllcers and forced them to
releaso their prisoners.
A disastrous cano flro swept over 530
arces on tho Hawaiian Commercial &
Sugar Company's plantation March 20
Combliintliin of Jobbers.
San Francisco, April 7. The caso of
the St. LouIb petitioners waa taken up
today botoro tho interstate commerce
commission, and considerable evidence
was introduced in support of thoir ap
plication for a emullor differential in
freiKht rates betweon tlio .Mldulo west
and tho Pacific coast. Hard woro
merchants from I'etaluma, San Joso
and Oakland wer before tho commis
sion today, and thoir testimony was
directed to tbo allegation that rucluo
coast jobbers havo united in a combin
ation to restnin trade by shntting put
Eastern and JHddlo est competition,
thereby forcing up prices. Sovoral
witnesses testified to their belief that
Guoh a combination existed.
Dlaturbnncrs in Pnnnmn.
Now York, April- 7. A upecial to
tno 11 ora id lrom wasniUKion says:
"It la now nilmitteci tnat tno miuro
urns in Pnnnmn. Colombia, nro fieri
oub, and tho authorities aro beginning
to pay attention to tncm. wmi Serv
ian baa been intorruntod in conseonenco
nf tho onerntions of tho troons. and it
was reported today that thero had been
fighting in tho streota of Panama, in
nnirv at. tbo donartment of state-, how
over, failed to olicit any information
on this point.
!'A revolution in Colombia ia of
especial importance to tho United
States, bocauso of tho gurantooo mndo
by thia government to preserve free
transit botween colon ana rnnama."
New Cuban Itnllronil.
Now York, April 7. A atrong syndi
cate hna boeu forniod for tho purpose of
constructing a railroad oxtondiug tho
length of Cuba, a distanco of about 800
miles, aa boou aa tbo noceasary nutnorl
tv can be obtained. The full amount
of capital required for thia undortak
lug, it ia understood, haa already boen
subscribed by tho ayndicato, which ia
headed by Sir William O. Van Homo
7a. ItwABta Qmnllnnv fill-it oil fin.
Waahlngton, April 7. Tho officers'
of the marlno Hospital service navo
consented to Handle tno smallpox situ
ation on tho Nez Porco'a settlement in
Irlnlin. Tbev will co-ouerate with tho
agonta and inspectors of tho Indian
bureau, and will estaoiieu detention
camps and do whatevor olso ia nocosary
lo stamp out tho diaease and prevent
ita apread.
limitless Illook llurned.
Menomiueo, Mioh., April 7. Flro
today doatroyed tno spies imuuiug, tno
largeat buaiuosa block in tno city.
The loss on tlio building la $uu,uuu; in
mrnnr.e. $12,000. The total losa. in
eluding tho losses of flima ocoupying
tliu blook, ia estimated at uu.uuu.
Naw York. Anril 7. The Jury in the
case of Olga Nethersole and others, ac
cused of maintaining a uuiaanoe in per
formine tho play "Sappho," haa re
turned t, verdict of not guilty.
In an artlclo entitled, "Possibilities
of tho Pacific," Honda and Mortgages,
published in Chicago, dpoko aa follows:
'I here ia no section of tlio prosperous
West which ia attracting the eyea of tho
financial world more at proaent than
the citiea of tho Pacific coast. Tlio
vast and rapidly growing trade of tho
Orient and tlio tropica, tho gold discov
eries in Alaska, tho growth of Australia
and New Zealand, tho opening np of
tho vast steppes of Russia and of tho
great Cliiucso empire, all boapeak com-.
mercia! and financial opportunities un
paralleled in tho history ot the coun
try. Tho sceno of tho futuro human
drama ha been shifted to tho Pacific
const. Two-thirds of tho world's popu
lation awaits ua at our Western gates,
separated from ua only by a great ocean
highway, freo from the possibilities of
toll or monopoly, nnd nffording every
accommodation necessary for tho trans-
ctlou of an enormous volume of now
Already American commerce with
the islands and countries of tho Pacific
shown a greater gain in the year 1809
than that' with any othor part of tho
world. Our total exports increased
$20,000,000, and our cxporta to Asia
and Oceania alone increased over $19,-
000,000; our total imports- increased
$104,000,000, and $48,000,000 of thla
increase waa from Asia and Oceania.
Kxporta to Asia and Oceania increased
27 per cent, while imports from that
part of tbo world increased 40 per cent.
With theso interesting and inatructivo
figures before ua, tho immediate future
of tho Pacific coast seaport towns ap-
penra particular bright. The groatcst
ucthity provails in the younger and
more progressive citiea of the North
west, with Seattle, Portland and Ta
coma eagerly vying with each other for
commercial aupromacy. Tho heavy in
vestments mado during tho past year
by Eastern capitalists in this section
reflect tho fullest realization of exist
ing conditions by the far-sighted invest
ing clasH. The Pacific Northwest la
just emerging out of the hour of dawn
to bathe In the most brilliant rays of
prosperity which over shown upon any
Fruit Cannery.
Tlio farmers of Eagle valley, Or., aro
about to erect a fruit cannery. At a
. ' I U - i 1 1 I I 1 . A.
meeting uoiu nt inu seiiuumuusu ui umi.
place the fannera of the valley sub
scribed $3,000 for the purpose. Tho
total cost of tho plant will bo about
$5,000, and, as this ia tho first meeting
held, the farmers arb confident that no
troublo will be met with in raising tho
full amount. The establishment of tho
cannery will be of much benefit to
Baker City, as well aa to the farmers
of the valley, where a largo amount of
fruit ia raised annually. The cannery
.will be conducted on the co-operative
plan, and it ia the intention to take all
the fmit offered by the farmers. Much
of tho product will find -a market in
linker City, as tlx) home consumption
ia large and ia steadily increasing.
Dei Chutes to He Utilized.
A company haa been organized to
tako water out of the Deachutea at a
point near the Three Sisters known as
Lava island, and conduct tho water to
the desert lying east of the river. Tho
point of diversion is said to bo ono of
the best on tho river owing to the ab
sence of rocky bluffs. From this point
water will bo taken east to the old
river bed, 15 miles, covering large
tracts of oxcellent farming landa.
Northwest Notes.
A now Methodist Episcopal church is
to bo erected at Cottgae Grove, Or., to
cost $3,000.
Washington papers nre saying com
plimentary things about Harry Yoe-
moiia, of Spokane, who helpod Harvard
win the iutercolloglute debate from
Blodcett & Greenbaum havo begun
work to double tho capacity of their
fertilizer plant at 1-airliaven, Wash.,
and bopo thia season to handle all the
rofuso of tho fish canuories in thoir
The sacrillgions rastor of a Baptist
church at Albany, Or., .took tho follow
ing for hia subject Sunday evening,
"Would Josus Vote tho Republican or
Democratic Ticket?" Tho vice of
Sholdoniain is spreading.
A Rolliugham bay man, named Can
field, haa a big bod of pansica planted,
and will attempt to raiso them for seed
Tho only pansy aeod product in tho
Wost ia in California, and tho boat
variotiea come from Franco and Bel
gium. If ho raises as good seed as lie
planted, Mr. Canflold will tfot $30 a
pound for it.
A largo number of Washington's
shinglo mills, probbnly 75 por cent, aro
observing an agreement for a short
shutdown. Tho reason given therefore
ia that "tho backward spring in the
Fast haa caused a falling off in orders,
which makes a curtailing of tho supply
noceasary to tho equilibrium of prices."
Tho Eastorn buyer may think this ia
the aotion of a trust, but, of course, it
The bulb farms at Fort Bollinghnm,
Wash., aro now at thoir handsomest.
Ono man haa a vast number of tulips
and 8,500 uyaclntlis in bloom.
A Wallowa man has brought book
from New Orleans a live alligator-
eight inches in length.
A carload of Cascara bark waa shipped
from Corvallia, Or. Its destination is
Hamburg, Germany.
Tho 8-year old daughter of Shei lit
Holder, of Sborman county, Or., waa
playing with a kite and matches, last
wook, when she sot her clothing afire
aud waa conaidorably burned. She ia
expected to recover, with llttlo disfigurement.
Favorable Weather Urines an lmprofi
Ketnll Distribution.
BradBtrcet'a saya: Fnvorablo feature
contlntio In tho majority In tho gononti
trado situation. Tho hopos for tha ad
vent for seasonable spring woather
havo boon realized, and nearly all mar
kots report an-Improved distribution at
retail Thia, aa oxplained horotofore,
la really tho koy of the genoral mer
chandise altuotlon. Thoinduatrlal sit
uation la a rather spotted one. April
1, instead of May 1, seems tobavo beco-
flxed u;Kn aa a date for presenting novr
demands aa to wagoa and hours.
Wheat crop advlcca are on tho whole
favorablo excopt from tho Central
West. Sympathy ia ahown with corn.
which in turn haa been influenced by
the steady advance in hog products and
by tho known smallnoaa of reserves in
cribs and in atoro.
Cotton cooda aro seasonably quiet at
first hands, but a fair jobbing business
ia doing, and retail distribution is en
couraging. Wool ia on tho wno!
weaker, but reports from tho woolen
goods branch are qulto favorable.
Cancellations reported are tho smallest
thero is record of. Lumber haa ahown
some weakness, a widely separated
market this week pointing to not alto
gether satisfactory outlook in the build
ing trades, whether because of heavy
advances in prices or ot unsottled la
bor conditions. - '
Wheat (Including flour) shipmentt-
for tho week aggregate 3,804,003 bush
els, against 2,002,340 last week.
Business failures In the United!
States for the week number 182, aa
compared with 178 last week. For tha
first quarter of the year, failures are
fewer in number than in 1800, ano
liabilities are 7 per cent smaller.
Seattle Markets.
Onions, now, $2.002.75 per aackv
Lettuce, hot house, 46c pr doz.
Potatoes, new, $1718.
Beets, per sack", 750385c.
Turnips, per sack, COo.
Carrots, per sack, 75c.
Parsnips, por sack, 75 85c.
Cauliflower, 75c $1 per dozen.
Cabbage, native and California,
$1.00 1.25 per 100 pounds.
Apples, $1.251.50 per box.
Prunes, 60c per box.
Butter Creamery, 25o per poundj
dairy, 17 22c; ranch, 17o per pound.
Egga 15 10c.
Cheese Native, 15o.
Poultry 13 14c; dressed, 14&15o
spring, $5.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $13,001
choice Eastern Washington timothy.
Com Wholo, $23.00; cracked, ?23r
feed meal, $23.
Barloy Rolled or ground, per ton
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.25i
blended straights, $3.00; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $0.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.804.00.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $13.00;
ehorts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 por toni
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton,' $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beet
9teers, 7J 8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8o;
pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, B4&
Hams Large, 13c; small, lSXl
breakfast bacon, 12)c; dry salt sides.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. 6455ot
Valley, 54c; Blues tern, 57o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham,
$2.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel.
Oats Choice whito, 35 36c; choice
gray, 84o por bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $14 14.60;.
brewing, $17.00 17.50 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $13 per ton; mid
dlings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 per
Hay Timothy, $9 10; clover, $7(9
7.50; Oregon wild hay, $67 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 4045c;
seconds, 40o; dairy, 3037so;
store, 25032)0.
Eggs IIJ20 por dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13o;
Young America, 14o; new cheeso lOo
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50(3
4.50 por dozen; hens, $5.00; springs,
$3.503.50; goose, $0.508.00 for old;
$4.50G.50; ducks, $5.500.00 por
dozen; turkeys, live, 10llo per
Potatoes 4050o per sack; sweets,.
22Mo per pound.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75oj
per sack; garlic, 7o por pound; cab
bage, laO per pound; parsnips, 75
onions, $2.5003.00; carrots, 50o.
Hops 3 80 per pound
Wool Valley, 1018o per pound;
Eastern Orogon, 1016o; mohair, 27
8O0' per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethera
and owes, 4 Mo; dressed mutton, 7j
7a p"r pound; lambs, $2.60 each.
Hogs Gross, choice hoavy, $5.00;
light and, feeders, $4.60; dressed,
$5.0000.50 por 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $4.004.60;
cows, $3. 50 4,00; dressed beef, 0)
7?40 por pound.
Veal Large, i474c; small, 8Q
8o per pound.
Tallow 5 5Ko; No. 2 and groaso
8jj4o per pound.
Ban Francisco Market,
Wool Spring Nevada, 1815ope
pound; Eastern Oregon, 1216o; Val
ley, 20 22o; Northern, 1012o.
Hops 1809 crop, ll18o pe
Butter Fanoy creamery 17o;
do seconds, 1010o; fancy dairy,
lOo; do secouda, 1815o per pound.
Eggs Store, 14o; fanoy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 ,
20.00; bran, $13.50 13.60.