Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 13, 1900, Image 6

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    -' - - n'gAMNAS
LATIr- I xux li X H Will IN IrAHiM
l'liblUI.e.t Krerr Friday.
OmnproheniWa Itavlaw of Ihm Import
mat IlaPpeJ.nit of tha Pat Wk
Clle.l Fnim tha Talnraph Colun.
The Republicans olectod 10 out of 85
aldermen in Chicago.
Admiral Dowc.r has announced him
self as a candidate for president.
Gonreal French has 'given up hit
ehaso after the retreating Boers.
Boston is agitating the question of
prohibition of ringing church boll9.
Th United States building at the
Paris exposition will be cloicd on Suu
Queen Victoria landed at Dublin
Ireland, her first visit to the island in
B9 years.
A temperance movement has been
lnanirarnted in Mexico, owing to the
Increase of drunkenness.
Admiral Dewey's collection of curios
and troDhies. at' his request, will be
placed in the Smithsonian Institute
Turkish tower at the Tarts exposition
abstmcts theviowof the United States
lmlldinz and Commissioner Peck has
protested against it.
The Vanderbilts and Morgans now
.have plans almost perfected which
-will give then, absolute" control of the
coal supply of America.
Forty-four young men of Thurston,
Or. havd petitioned the military board
for the organization of n company of
he National Guard at that place.
The mammoth auditorium in which
the Democratic National convention
was to have been held on July 4, was
"burned to the ground, entailing s loss
of $350,000.
At Losansport. Ind., 150 masked
men blew up two bridges and burned
-two toll houses on the Logansport and
-Bmlincton pike at midnight. The
Toad is the only pike in the county,
and protests bave been directed against
Jiign toll and the alleged bad conditio?
at the pike.
The newly organized Americar
Uatch Machine Company, a New Jer
ey corporation, is about to enter into
competition with the Diamond Match
Company, known as the match trust.
The new company does not intend, tq
confine its attention to the trade ot the
United States, but will make a, vigor
ous fight for European trade, through
the sale of rights.
W. J. Bryan addressed 10,000 people
at Tacoma, Wash.
' "War tax will not be reduced at this
session .of congress,. . .
The Puerto Kican bill passed th
senate by a vote of 40 to 31.
The publio debt decreased $0,000,000
during the mouth of March.
A bill was passed to throw open
Idaho and Oklahoma Indian lands.
The journeymen plumbers of Indian
apolis have struck, demanding an in
crease in pay.
The legislative council of Trinidad
has ratified the reciprocity treaty with
the United States.
- Aeuinaldo is in Singapore. Singa
.jtore papers mention the fact and pub
lish short interviews with him.
The plasterers of Minneapolis have
been locked out, pending the settle
ment of their dispute as to hours.
Pearl harbor, In the Hawaiian islands,
will be improved and fortified and
made available for naval purposes.
Mexico's army convicts will bo
abolished by the new secretary of war.
Volunteer service is to be enconraged.
The marine hospital service has sent
an urgent request to congress for an
appropriation of $500,000 to fight
plague in various seaport towns.
The casualties in the Philippine war
since January 1 , have been: Ameri
cans, 88 killed, 103 wounded; insur
gents, 1,426 killed; 1,453 captured.
Greit preparations for war are going
.on in Itussia. All messages in regard
to movements of troops are censored
and all officers are denied leaves of
. absence.
. The Illinois Brick Company, of Chi
cago, the brick combine of that city,
has filed with the secretary of state a
certificate of increase of capital stock
from $10,000 to $9,000,000.
The party of scientists under Pro
lessor A. Agassiz, who left San Fran
xisoo several months ago on an expedi
tion to the South Seas, has returned.
This scientific expedition went first to
4he Pomotos, exploring the northern
part of those islands, a region never be
fore examined by scientists. After
refitting the vessel at Tahiti, the re
mainder of the Society islands, as well
as the Cook, Savage and the islands
jol the Tonga group were explored.
After refitting at Suva, the Elllce,
Gilbert and Marshall islands were ex
plored and tho island of Guam was
Gov. Smith, of Vermont, owns a pri
vato locomotive. It is fitted with lux
urious accommodations for eight pas
sengers. There is a scheme to construct a di
rect railroad from Now York to Chi
cago, saving 300 miles and making
the distance in 10 hours.
As chairman of the board of direc
tors of tho New York Central Railroad,
Chauncey Depew draws tho snug salary
of $00,000 annually.
Webster Davis addressed an immense
pro-Boor audience in Washington.
The Copper SUin mine, In Josephine
county, Oregon, was sold ioiy,uuu.
Cubans havo confHonco In General
Gomex and entreat him not to leave, tho
island. t i,.t j-j-J
Tho Edward T. Smith box factory
at New York, was destroyed by tire;
loss, $250,000.
Ex-Governor Fattlwn, ot Pennsyl
vania. U wanted for vice-president on
tho Democratic ticket.
lloers claim to havo captured 1 1 guns
at nioemfontcln waterworks, instead
of seven, as first reported.
Building tradesmen in Indianapolis
havo returned to work, their employers
) conceding to their demands.
Generals in the Philippines are call
ing for more troops. They cannot hold
the rebels down with tho present force.
The Boers havo succeeded in cutting
oft General .Brabant's two or thrco
thousand troops from nil other British
The C5th anniversary of the birth ot
King Leopold, of Belgium, was appro
priately celebrated throughout tho
Tho British North American and
West Indies squadron Is to bo increased
by ono battleship, two cruisers and
several torpedo boats.
The body of an unknown young man
was found in the Willamette river near
Oregon City, with his head entangled
in a fish net. It is" a casoof deliberate
snicide. "
H. II. . Pitcher, banker of Oakland.
Cal.,. committed suicide by blowing
his brains out. 'Pitcher was trustee of
an estate valued at ouu.uuu. jus
trust was being investigated in court.
The United States supremo court de
cided the case of Orundling vs. the city
of Chicago, Involving tho validity of
the anti-cigarette ordinance of that
citv The ordinance was attacked as
unconstitutional. The opinion of Jus
tice Peckhani held the ordinance not
to be unconstitutional.
In hi? addiess at the memorial ser
vices held in memory of tho late Dr.
Isaac M. Wise, at Isaiah temple, Dr.
Enill G. Hirsch made an appeal to the
Jewish people of Chicago to raise $500,
000, which is the amount yet required
to lift the debt on the Jewish Union
College, in Cincinnati. By so doing.
Dr. Hirsch said, tho great work which
was begun by Dr. Wise, and carried
forward bv him under difficulties,
could be fully accomplished.
Emily Coghlan, tho actress, died at
Stamford, Conn., aged 36 years.i
Half the village of Proctorville, Ohio,
was destroyed by fire. Loss $200,000.
A German scientist Jias invented a
compound which melts iron in five
Boe-s in Natal are .becoming active.
and an engagement -with Buller is imminent.
The German flag has been raised over
the Samoan islands of Upolu, Manono,
Apolinia and Sara.
Captain John Codman, the famous
advocate" of free ships and free trade, is
dead at Boston, aged 86.
The statue of Muud Adams will not
be admitted to the Paris expositon be
cause it is a personal exhibit.
At Pittsburg, Pa., a big eight-story
department store was destroyed by fire,
causing a loss of over a $1,000,000.
Another brother of President Steyn,
of Orange Free State, "vas captured at
Karee Siding, and is now at Bloem-fonteln.
The squadron of the United States
navy, recently formed in Chinese
waters, is to have its beadqnarters at
Hong Kong.
Forty people loot their lives at Austin,
Texas, due to an overflow of the Col
orado river. Property destroyed ex
ceeds $3,000,000.
Walter E. Groffe, the defaulting
cashier of the Adams Express Company
at Dayton, Ohio, who left the city
October 6 last, taking with him $3,000
of the corporation's money, has been
arrested in San Francisco.
The sitution in Ashastee is unchang
ed. A Coomassie runner reports that
all the Ashantee tribes are In arms, the
king of Bekwal alone remaining loyal.
It is believed that the Ashantee golden
stool has been found and that the rising
is due to the endeavor of the governor
of the colony, Sir Frederic Mitchell
Hodgson, to take possession of it.
The American Plato Mirror Company
was chartered at Harrisburg, Pa., with
a capital of $50,000,000. This com
pany is composed of well-known plate-
glass men, and is looked upon as the
beginning of a determined move on the
part of the American plate-glass men
to wrest tho trade in this country for
plate mirrors from foreign manufacturers.
Senator Tillman, from the committeo
on mines and mining, reported the
bill providing for tho utilization of a
part of the proceeds of the sales of pub
lio lands in support ot schools for min
ing in the public land states. It pro
vides for the appropriation of $10,000
annually for .the present in each case
and the gradual increase of the amount
to $20,000.
A national congress of mothers is to
be held at Den Moines, la., May 21-25.
The department of agriculture will
plant 100,000 rubber trees in the Ha
waiian islands.
At Lady Lansdowne's concert in
London, Mine. Patti is said to havo
worn diamonds worth over $1,000,000.
Gen. John J. El we) I, a hero of tho
olvil war, died at Cloveland, O. His
military service extended from 1801 to
Groat Dam at Austin Is Car
ried Away.
Similar to tit .lohnttown lUalr
(lrrnl I.o" tol'roi.erty-i'art of !
City lnitmtatail.
Austin, April 10. Tills city Is to
night in pitch darknesi, with a raging
river, ono mllo wide, swollen fur be
vond Us natural banks, roaring and
surging through nil tho lower portion
of-the town, having spread deifth and
destruction In its wako. In additlou
to the vast loss to property Interests, It
Is calculated that between 30 and 40
lives have been sacrificed, and the re
ports coming in from the tributary
country tonight do not tend to improvo
matters. The Hood is not uiillko tho
dioastrons Johnstown llood of some
years ago, in tnat a raging river,
already swollen far beyond Its capaci
ty, bore to heavllv uimmi an immense
dam spanning a rivor, breaking it and
letting looso a reservoir of water ou
miles long, half a mile wide and CO feot
deep, to aid in carrying destruction
down the valleys of tho Colorado river.
The great dam In the Colorado gave
way at noon from the enormous pres
sure of water and debris, aud with a
roar and crash swept tho valley below
the city, wrecking the immense light
and power plant aud drowning eight
Last Wednesday night it betan to
rain very hard at this place, tho storm
extending north of Here along tho
watersheds of the Colorado river. Tho
precipitation continued uutil this morn
ing, the downfall averaging six Inches
within an hour. All this vast quantity
of wa;r all along tho watersheds of
the Colorado river rapidly swelled the
current uutil at 8 o'clock this morning
the river, which had been rising steadi
ly siuce last evonlug, was a raging tor
rent, having risen 40 feet within 10
After daylight this morning it be
camo evident that the situation was
serious. The river began to rise so
rapidly that it became evident' that
the dam, power house aud contents,
costing $500,000. were In Imminent
danger. To add 4o tho danger of the
situation, small framo houses, trees und
debris of every description commeuced
descending the river, and piled up
against the "upper face of the dam.
This weight was augmented every
moment until by 10 o'clock there was
a muss of debris lodged against the
dam which threatened tho safety of tho
structure, hi addition, millions of
gallons of water, muddy from Its long
journey, was whirling aud plunging to
the CO foot fall, arid it was evident that
no wall could withstand tho immense
l!r-KkJ1i- of the Hani.
The crisis came shortly after 11
o'clock, when suddenly, with a leport
like the roar of tho ocean, a great
wedge, 25 feet high, 500 feet wide, aud
about 8 feet thick, rolled out of the
center section of the dam, clown the
face of the 00-foot fall, deep into tho
river below. This left a hanging gap
in the very middle of the dam, through
which the debris and water fiercely
poured, while the llood, already raging,
was threatening everything-iu its path.
The released water poured into the
power house, catching eight employes
at work there, drowning all of them.
Within a snort time all the valleys
to the south and west of Anstin were
filled to overflowing with water, and
the southern portion of the city, tribu
tary to the river, was inundated.
Large crowds collected on tho river
banks, and several persons were swept
into the river when tho dam broke, but
all were saved by boatmen.
A crowd of white people, numbering
about 30, living just below the dam in
tents, were seen at their habitations
just before the dam broke and have
not-been accounted for since. It is
generally believed that nil of thorn
were swept away.
A family of six negroes liviug in the
valley 6outh of tho city are known to
have been drowned.
It is estimated that more than 100
honses have been destroyed, and the
loss to property will be great. The
breaking of tho dam engulfed tho old
water company's plant below tho city,
and It is tonight lying 15 feet under
water, while the city is in darkness and
without water.
Cnuie.I a Serious Train Wreck.
Laredo, Tex., April 10. The north
bound passenger train which loft here
over the International & Great North
ern railway this morning, was wrecked
by tho spreading of tho rails near Two
hig, about noon. The entire train, ex
cept tho engino, went into tho ditch.
Mail Agent Sobright was seriously in
jured, and several others seriously hurt.
Further details have not been received
The Rio Graudo has come to a stand
at 20 feet, without damage to tha
bridges hero, but tho waterworks ma-J
chinery is submerged, and tho crops
along the river havo been destroyed.
Fiunu and Organ Factory Humeri,
Chicago, April 10. Firo today partly
destroyed the piano and organ factory
of tho M. S. Schurz Copmany, corner
Morgan and Superior streets, entailing
a loss of $50,000, covered by insurance
Tho cause is thought to havo been spon
taneous combustion,
Saratoga Ojiora-IIciims Humeri,
Saratoga, N Y., April 10. Tho Sam
Souci Opera Houbo block aud tha
Schaffor building, at Ballston, were
buruod today. Loss, $150,000.
,,-r. r t- v-,rrt":;1;:;rr' """
,.a... ,"1,U,, .
Bedford. Oraugo Free ;;.
(also ru erred to as iv. -- .
Spruit) furnish Un , l I. ol
tored the drift tl.onul.cU'ra boutc
Mlamls up." re.mixed t HM.I1UOW am
l0t tho cart through, li w Ijnjw.
repeated .everul times, until tho
on arrived in a tout.
was discovered mid wly
followed. In ono cart were J
cent, to whom Commandant D- t
ihontod "Hands up." 0- "j ?
obeved, whereupon tho ohter fhot liW
comrade dead. t ttf?-
ad was immediately !'" 1
burghers lost threo imn killed and 1 1
wounded, including a Hold cor. o .
Among the wounded as Dutoh M M
frv Attache Nix. who melved u tail
let'ln the oh.vM. Altogether t ... How.
captured 380 prisoners throughout
''' Tho significance of tho battle nm'
not bo underrated. It was fought by h
forco ot Free Staters, on a Hut 1"IM
and without shelter. The l'reo Mater
aro now desirous of nuirvlmgoti Bloem
fonten, nnd tho olllcois are
auxous to emulate the suootmw ot
their lato allies. All tl.o Southern llw-r
forces havo now forimd Junctions with
tho malu Boor army, and form a largo
Tim buruherH. who
were provously short of food, now havo
plouty. Commandant Dowel font tho
British gnus, wagon and prliwuei to
1.1,... nl i-ntnlnr imPOrtllUCO tl.all
tho victory U the capture of British
secret paprm, Incnming map"
( IK1I7 1SU8 nnd Ib'J'J. outlining
fur t)u invasion of
VII KfJ I U l-V 111. 1H " " -
thn nrnnirn Kre Statu ami tho Trails
tviiiL' nlikii fur reacliti.K
Johannesburg from Mafeklng along Dr
Jamiesoir route, aniciuieti so n m
avoid mistakes. Another gives the
plan for a march from Bloomfontoln to
Krocnstad. Advices from Vientern
berg, l'rieska and Keulmrdt lww tho
colony is full of rebels. The Kunhardt
rebels aro marching on Cahiula. ami
othors aro on their way to Fourteen
A dispatch box was found at Salinas
Post containing oathi signed by Free
Staters. Tho signers have been lent
for in order that tho general may ox
plain tho invalidity of oaths under
I'rritrirut Slryn' Sprrcli Ilia t'r
. Stitte ICmtit.
Pretoria, April, 9. In his spwh at
thn opening of tho Free itato Band,
Fnidcnt Stoyu deolarod that, in pito
of tho surrender of Bloeinfontoin, ho
had not Inst tho hope of the triumph of
tho republican canto. The war, ho
eald. wiib forced nim tl.o Transvaal,
and nothing remained for the Orut.go
Frco State but to throw in its lot with
its sitser republic, in accordance with
tho terms of tho treaty. The war, ho
continued, was begun with tho objectof
maintaining tho Independence secured
with the blood of tho forefathers of
the nation, and had been ro euccBftdul
that it had cuunod the greatoot wonder
throughout tho world, and even to the
Boers thcmfoltes.
After paying a trlbnte to tho memory
of General Joubert, Steyn said tho Brit-
"ish, notwithstanding their overwhelm
ing numbers, were violating tho Hug ot
truce aud tho ltcd Cross, and ho was
compelled to report the matter to the
neutral powers. Tho president further
remarked that tho attempt to create
dissension among the burghers by issu
ing proclamations had failed. Itefer
ring to the correspondence between thn
South African presidonta and Lord
Salisbury, Steyn proceeded:
"Not only wore those efforts made,
but the republics dispatched deputa
tions to Europe and America to bring
the infiuenco of tho neutral powers In
order to secure cessation of bloodshed,
and I greatly dosiro that those efforts
bo crowned with success."
Territorial II III.
the Home.
Paaietl lij
Washington, April 0. The hoiifo,
after four days of debate, today punned
tho substitute for tho senate bill pro
viding for a territorial form of govern
ment for Hawaii. Tho bill now goes
to conference
Tho most interesting 'fcutiira of tho
days' proceedings was tha attempt of
Hill, of Connecticut, to socure tho
adoption of two amendments, ono pro
viding for aresident commissioner in
otoad of a delegato in congrons, and tho
othor declaring that nothing in tho act
should be interpreted us a pledge of
statehood. Both wcro overwhelmingly
Deboo, of Kqutncky, today gave no
tice that he would move to rofor the
credentials of ox-Sonator J. 0. 8.
Blackburn, as n souator from that state,
to committeo 6n privileged and elec
tions. During tho greater part of tho
session tho senate hud under considera
tion tho Indiuii appropriation bill.
Sullivan, of Mississippi, delivered a
speoch in favor of seating Hon. M, S.
Gold Minn Oft,
Cripple Crook, Colo., April 0. Two
hundred minors havo boon luid off at
tho Portland mino on account of tho
high rates demanded by the ainoltors
for the treatment of gold ores.
Two Negroes Hanged.
Baxley, Gn , April 0. King and
Lonls Gosaby, colored, who killod Dan
iel Mims, a farmer, and his young
child near hore tho night of March C
last, were exooutod hero today.
Roberts Propnrlnff Tor a Win
tor Campaign.
nil mi mtniniii i
-I-1, ,.:"
Manila, Apt. i i
counter tL. VM
, ih. Mrautliur, II" Will
N,l(. .if M ' I'lHtinr.l a
lllnvil Aiolimli.
. i... ii iiriiom nro now
lionuiiii, ! . ,
lK.gii.nlnK. honh rvlua Uutljr, to rt-ul-
Wo that Mini it.'.Hirii .
.'. . ... .i... .i ... .1 fw word, of thn
hhih hoi "' "I'" '0, -"n,u
brilliant tlUHll to iwiniK'niv'lll.
I'leprtratUtiM nro being1 ". to hold
BliMM.ifontoln uguintt surprlio.
Kitchener lm boon given tin Imiwrtnnl
duty. MnK rwnui'-lble r J,rt,u'
tluu ol Hit. mil way while l.t.l Itolrl
I waiting for remount-) nnd winter
clothing for tho troop, wI.omi thin -Milton
khaki uniforms and boot aro worn
out. tiem-ral Brabant and General
Gatacro aro inith at A fUlidMlll.
I,ord KoberU will probably for Mimo
time confine his ojwiMtUm t eh-nrlng
th Free .statu U'hlnd hint of ruldi-rs
and to the relieving of Malcklng, for
which purwe apparently tho F.i.gHsli
division, now arrhlinp t Cat- Town,
) tiii unions! to KluiWrley. Lady
Sarah WIIkih and othor Mafeklng cor
rwoi.ilonta iwnd dlnrlM of tho dolngi
thrre, showing that tho Born havo
tried, bv abttudoiilng their trenchwi. to
lure tl.o woli:l " "to a n.lnwl Forttumtoly. tho British rn
glnert dK-overwl tho mine, out tha
wire commuiilcMtlcin nnd uucarthwl 260
jiout.iU of dynamite and war gelatine.
What the oliancit aro for an a.hnnun
to Pretoria limy l Judged from thn fnel
that ouly from O.lHW to 10,000 litimi
aro on their way to tlw Vm, and fnim
tho further fart that Die military tail
oring department only within thn latt
three nwki Ihvhii iiiukliig Voilru kha
ki uniforms. It Is ntld it will take ut
ltrtt two mouths to provide 200,000
Mr. sieyn's oddiew to tha Frt State
rand at KriHU.I Is Tito
FwoliBr-WoliiurKi.s deputation has fall
jiuwer to liegtitlatt) .or peacv, nubjtlt
to the taad'a sanotiou.
Ijidy Koborw will remain at Ua()
Town. TI.e Duke of Wett.nltntor, tlio
Duko of .Murlbtirongh and Iird Henry
Cavendish lkintwick have gone to the
Itruat lu HvniKiilin It ljr to
lnlrri.allolial rgollllon.
Monteroy, Citl., April 11. A pntr
of cormlderablo international imKirt
auc has just been nM-elttxl from Lou
don by Jiiooh II. 1jvhv, of this city,
roil of tl.o California pioneer, Jacob P.
Lewi. Tho mjT ts tho original grant
from tho MuxtoHii government, tnadu lu
18 (Ut, to Jacob P. I-umi and other of
18,000,000 acr of hind lu Iiwr Cali
fornia for colonization purixiK!.
At tho time tho grant wiut tnadn.
Mexico was in a state of war, which
continued jiractlcally until after the
accension of Dtuz to tho presidency,
and Ieofe and his itHOclatea found it
diltlcult to induce colon lt to go thvro.
A further voutrart was made wltti tho
Mexican government, by which Lcomi
paid -flOO.OOO for tho laud ujKiirtho
condition that if he failed to colonize
bocause of tho war buforu tho expira
tion of an ullotod time, tho government
was to return him fuO.OOO of tho
This amount has never lxrn paid,
and it is stated that tl.o .Mexican gov
ernment absolutely refuhoi to rocogulzo
hceflo's claim. J. It. Lcono, ok .t son
of Jacob P. Loose, roceived a deed
from his father shortly Imloro tho hit
ter's death, nsslgnlug him ouo-uightli
of tho entlro 18,000,000 acres, and It in
this, as well as tho SO,000, for which
ho is lighting. Ho intends to move at
mice through tho state department at
Washington for a recognition of his
claim and a restoration of his proHrty
and tnat ot liolrs.
.inn..., i '
lWnt o.wt "jy
mini. II vii ,,ii... ... . J.I
"1'IUltfi. .
Hnrklng Olilurai. Kootliolil,
Tacoma, April 11. Tl.o steamer
Monmouthshire brings news that tho
commcrcialiHtH of Japan aro agitating
tho quostion of Japan obtaining u foot
hold In Foo Klen province, in Southern
China, opposite Formosa.
Tho Japan Kxjwrt Society, founded
by Count Inouyo, has appointed a
committeo of iulluentiul men to lines
tigato tho' best inethoilfl of increasing
tho exports and decrcuslni; tho Im
ports. Thu eamo society nont ono of
iih inemnora to t oo ivien, which prov
ince ho reimrtH rich in silver, iron, lead
uud Ho recommends that min
ing concosiiloi.H bo first Miourod, to bo
followed by railroad concessions ho
tweon Foo Chow and Kiu Kong, r.0
miles. Tho port of TbwuucIiI, ho says,
should bo opouo(i to facllltato trade
with Formosa,
By order of tho empress dotvngor, two
of tho most promiueiit Chluoso reform
ers havo boot, uozied uud probably exe
cuted. A Mexican land grant to .l.irni.
Loose, mudo in 180!), may cause trouble
uotweon Mexico and tho Unltod Stutos.
War In Ontoiiiltlu Hpri.Hdliig.
Kingston, Jamnlca( April 11. Co
lombluu advice? just rocolved hore an
nounce that u robol attack is momen
tarily oxpootod at Snvnnima, It is
added that tho pluco has beon propared
for tlio oxpectod n.ovemont, and that
artlllory has boon trained so iih to com
maud tho harbor. At Ciirtagona, all
Is excltomoiit, owing to tlio rebels' suc
cesses, uud n largo body of government
troops bus arrived at Colon to stougthen
tho garrison there.
nmi, live mill., oiit..,.
Wiling two ,
wore in (nil .i,i.((;
Infanlry. whilo .a,,,,,'
pnivlurii, was purmm "
gents and m.iiKt i 1(,
oiiurcn in ram. W,...,, "1
ntH)lliHl tin. riKtu until
Jdoutoiiant ... t(n, ,,,,71
tlf if... Hl.t .... ..""Ill
(Jordan was w.. ,i,ih,i 'fRfel
ii... i . nutu l?,.IMv.... ..,.... .. 'fili
. . .. . .. ,,, c .
kiiiwi tno ..., . ,wlni,-fgaj
town, and Miif.f.n!,n Smft
(llliuoro. of ti i itty d ,. BnTf(
who wa ab. nt iney ti'lfeTB
Ultli.mtoly th. .,.uif,MbST3J
........ .... U...C( , iimt,
luring IS!. jf
tieniiral Y . j, tM.h.f.JflK
North buwii. i.t . i'Uk . IuSTi
fur mlnfuM im nc rfpiKP
l.N form U litt'it 'r (tojn
ro uxliMiuifd uy tti ttK-iffSTR
slant vlgllaiin. i.-wt ,KeJ
garrlnoii thn t. u 3 m i . h
that thn liixur,;. nit 4r rttt'i
dUtrlut uud ki )n
tlmt It U niHi".rv )f
ptutMinient in tral itI
thu mliiy m-umiii bJ,aii ineo,
Jninon Hell, wt: u .1Sib'u
r-di.tlien. Lutnu t.ultbP2
rtHiniiUtlmis. Hi uvi ij, .MlS
lundiNiuatt'. ami (:.? m,L
towns, wilho'it :,t 6(1
'Hin president ' hatti,1
Baar. Lunm, an) tx,tW
natlvo, liiin- t nihiatvr
they wnru Vi."i to Uj
Allinri'MUD. Tbf tnlkM i
town has joiiip-i iut iuk-i
they had thrr ttt i. I tu,
dlil nut.
Hlltiallol. at Aii.'ui t loxilO
AlKl U. TlU . Mril ...iniin
sltilNtUm in in.i'i' ( 1 Im
IkiI tlio rrK.rt ' ' i (-ail
dlcAte that tl.f H rf-
uit'liM vyluuin iri nlrriia
Wharton aul In .ii.j . .r.
thing lining nun. ' u io j
of tiruporty uud nttuf
In ltMtr tUi
CAIIHtxl IIIIICll dull ll
1I!.U,60 WOaluitltk 'H. il ln
..... rn.u.rl.wl l.v tin. ra.iiiiut.
(run. tin are.i nurr uu-Jiyi-"
MMt Of llaxtmp CCUIIIT 'lTr
that there ha In n kiJ
niniiug the famuli rlmJRK limn 't I W:4H
ing by tho tldul uu,
aii uneoiftlriued n-i ttuB
wero lot, nothing niiUwhipi
In thn wmtl.t ni ' igfd
rovnral HjrM)iw are iuUwq!
mr rtrwH'i.tlng a (,m.iV rala
iaiiH, and two mr. Its-JlI'
iKHIHWllHVP lH'fU WJlhilfihl
rher is rewding Mi-id' Hgi
and nbovo, uotwlti.MaifiM
that another heavy rl JI
varlv this moruliig ou
mlliM north of hen- M
lleitorts tonight from Um&
Fuyctto county, an- to tbilaSi
whllo tuunli of thu met,
town Is under witter thej
... t v.. i. .Mltda"
la atiinu. ut.w jJ3J
Hvnata ltrjrilr.1 llm .talfnL
I.II..K for Tkt(fJi
Woshlngtoii, April H'TO?
further iIUcuimiIou tod. gor
jeetod tho soutarlaii hciioc' Wan
to tl.o Indian approprwti"1
by Jones, of Arkansas, W'ilB
to 10 Ah has Im-cii tbo ftfiw
two or three years, tM "goTi
mi'UHuro was olToro'l ,M'B
to the hill, but it was rubjiji
iioint of ordur that It JfW
latimi, mid, theruforc, not nl
in. appropriation bill.
Ion, tl.o bill was im.mio, Jj
carries alwut .fH. M I.OW' jKjj;
cemfnl effort waa miulo oa
date for u voto on tho "jjaj
tlvo to tho seating of 9n,,?3pu
from Pennsylvania 'ilitnglp,
rouowod tomoiTow ll",hnri
two hours of tho sesui"". "(ell
civil code bill wuh umler ogjgg-,
An ameiidmont offeroil l)J Jm
concerning tho tltlo to mapar
in tho Capo Nomt district
warm debate. , Buri
This was a dull day If
Tho agricultural "Wrf ' toft
under consldorutlon, lUld j'sBR
vohiolo of considorlmle Jlffi
hato on irrelevant "jlgsTj
Good progross was iii. Rig
after tho oloso ol tho BWf-p
out of tho 1)7 iiugoHbolD;'jfaj
d tfV.. .1.,,.. ' yt
wires bocaiiHO homo one fi
tho life is Bwitchod ok i'l
..'." a "Zni
i.. April
jozemau, juum.i - ja
linn been falling for tl.o J B
and thoro nro uow
the level. Tlio f torn' A
la montiiM. v j
hiiow or ruin, and tl.o
Muni for 'rilaiM S3a
Vullejo, Cal.. Al
eh llel.rgunH wcro D, ibyr,
J,i i.v tin. naval nil"'"'