Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 13, 1900, Image 5

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mn ii ew in inc nruiiu iKisnunstir
iiost handsome cnnc, presented
l-uiliuim ill mi n in nu l
thnt by wltnply pressing tlu
volt eet n most brilliant
lom a battery enclosed inside
iue. Tom will uc tbe cane
for the purpose of finding
Ufieifty bole to bin private residence
lieit&returnlnjr home in the wee
gramfboarHi after tbe city lights
lunSMMonu iioutws.
PU business and dwelling
MVSSfnrc in demand and not to be
flttdljupmr thriving little city. Al
i.iadstCTery day strangers, are seen
0ljStrectft looking for business
locotious or dwelling bouses and
bilged to go away localise
not a vacant house of any
ion in town.
;jSH5 Davidson, of Kugcne, bas
ougjnof Jobn Nokes His interest
jirijjfieroot and shoe shop, and tbe
pjpujn.c will now le Lewis &
Davidson, Mr. Davidson will take
pliarfiWiext week, but owing to
tbefcctltbit he i unable to get a
dwelUlg hemse will not move his
fuai!yierc at present.
ofco' w m KNCItll .
l-'-Worlias commenced on the M
1 tl ChSreh building on tbe church
propeftyadjoliiing tbe river on the
Vfec- The building will be a
ipacio.wooden structure sixty
!eet Square with a stone foundation.
t irUbSontaiu three large . class
-"ooniBesidcs tbe chnjcl. It is
xptedjUo be completed bjr tbe
In" Eugene, Ore., Mrs. Ida B.
IbntnbM, wife of F. U. Chambers
fcddBgnter of Mr. and Mrs. T. G.
IcfricxB, died Tnesday morning
X t:30clock aged 33 years, 9
!. nonths and 18 days.
KThe; town officers elected last
eefc were qualified Monday night
j.........;.J..The recorder was in-
tnicted to draw an ordinance ex-
j.tndfag'wi.e fire limit, on Main
treetto Ut. Wall's comer in West
- ttageGrove. Also to draw an
frditUncejproriditig for cows run
jng atarge from April lit to
eptemberpst each year, from sun-
g ,e untilsuii down. .
Todayl Arbor Day. Nothing
in be more appropriate than the
"".antingof splendid
shade and
j 'nawcntal trees on the
ouse crouuds. Let the surround-
Wiwf$He valued institution of
,ftarhing)dw made attractive and
casaHtvto look upon in coming
HaroldMFredrickson. a youth of
j yenrsjjwhile climbing over tbe
1 cket fence at the Sherwood hotel
indayMaccidcntally caught bis
'ot and fell, breaking his right leg
t abovcjtbc ankle. Mrs. Schloflf
SldJnapp attended the little
Iflerer. and he is getting along as
illalTcoufd be expected under -the
EWni.gkfclson was thrown from
I& s horsejfeast of tbe depot and
GUverelyruised by the horse fall
gfjfffon htrcg Drs. Job and Wall at
nded himfand found him seriously
It'uot dangerously hurt.
'AWhcTChristian church Sunday
pHgpgadies kid gloves. The
uenwjUjpIease leave at this office.
Mr MIlTvATiMri rrrvnr.
It a annQunccd oy county uicrK k.
cr .1. !. 1 t
la3,SiVllil?Si Uf I),. R.nLu A. lfar,.-
artsv'mTll on Fairriutr mountain,
le U aBpt hoiill lo, iiM It will bon
jaftconjrcnlence to rcaldcuto of Ho.
utadlitrtet wlihlns to' vote, hb tliov
fjfndyjdo no without the Ions ot
tF.P jualile tlmo nnd the exponso o( 11 trip
,y otCotUgelGrove.
aro now builly enjftged ro-
e old church building lately
the vaennt lot ndJolniiiK
Gnioa bsrbur Hhop. It is
bo flniahud by the 16th
t ofllco will bo moved into
Portland, Or., April 12. Kcfiuhllrnn
Hindi Convention convctiixl with I'niioii
c.liitlrnmn; 1). Itrlctow wnn miule anU
ant Hertetnry. It. O. Hooth w 110111U
initial Mr In tit Hlnla Hcnntor. (Iwi. M.
Ilmwn Kwincd nomliiutlon (or promcut
mn ni Mir ini.
Tliu Drmocratlc convi'iitlon In In e
Inn todiiy, wlthChntnhorluIn elmlrnmii.
Ilarridoii It, Kincald in Nnoketi of for
jomi nmtnwr,
There will lie a meeting; of (he wool
ftowi'M of Houth I.Hue, bold at Oottncc
(Jiwve, Saturday April 2Hth for the pur
jk)ho of orcanlzliiK 11 wool grower aino
110 nx
April !, to the wife of J. Ho win ait
Oow hrll. Call at thin office, prove
property and pay for thla notice.
The following rent oitnte (ratmfrre
have hem recorded Hince our taut Imiuej
I-. .Ionian ana wile to Mary Hlmnn,
the H W comer of lot 4 block 3, Mcl'ar-
lund uddition; con. ftH5.
ti. O. Warner to Frank Jordan attid
V. Itearn loti 1, 2 ami .1, Mock Mug
& I.andemi addition, con.; $M0,
J. M. HhcrwiHxl and wife to Joe Young
the N lfect of lot 3 block 5, McKrland
addition ; con., l"r.
Geo. Grifiltlf recieved a new fTO barber
chair thin week which id now at the din
oiml of bin citntomcr. It in one of the
Intent improve! and 11 uptendid eaiuple of
luerhaiiicul art.
Felix Cnrrin and othera brought in a
huge cougar twterday. The varmint
wna killed on the uiounlain near tbe. old
OxleHby plncr, and menntired nliout nine
feet from tip to tip, ami wan iu fine con
Tbe hntna ( Thou. Ilowcra , otiu mile
cant of town. Imn been uuarantinrd on
an'onntnf three well developed cjintn of
nmall iox. The aunVraren nro Mm..
Ilowera and two crund-children, tbe
children Mug lute arrival from Wnb
ingtoii.wlirrti the dincnrc wan contracted.
Or. It. It. Job, tbe attending pbynician,
infornin tlx that tli - iliieaie i of a mild
form ami that tbe patient are recovering
A social dance was given at
Martin's hall last Saturday evening
and was highly enjoyed by those
The foundation for the new resi
dence of Dr. Snapp is now com
pleted on tbe property be recently
purchased from tbe M E Church.
W. B; Dennis, superintendent of
the Black Butte mines, and also
late purchaser of the Kugene .street
railway system, came in from tbe
mines Wednesday and went to
Portland Thursday.
Ralph Baker returned frrm Port
land last week where he has been
attending tbe Business College, and
has accepted n position in Baker &
LKk wood's cigar and confectionery
Melviu . Clow of Silk Creek,
while chopping wood last Monday
cut his foot so severely as to uecesi
tate the calling of a physic iau. Dr.
Snapp dressed the wound.
The Fashion Stables conveyed
seven men to the Black Butte
Tuesday. They were from Minne
apolis, Minn., and were looking
for timber land locations.
In almost every neighborhood
there is some one whose life has
been saved by Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or
who bas been cured of chronic
diarrhoea by the use of that medi
cine. Such persons make a point
of telling of it whenever opportu
nity offers, hoping that it may be
tbe means of saving other lives.
For sale by Bhnson Druo Co.,
Cottage Grove. Lyons &
OATit, Drain, Druggists.
Parties desiring to build barns,
sheds or other outbuildings would
do well to take nt'vattage of the
low figure at which The Booth
Kelly Lumber Co. are offering some
cult lumber iu 1 inch and 2 inch
thickness. Call on them or write
them for particulars.
We believe Chamberlain 8 Coutrli
Remedy is tbe best in the world.
A few weeks ago we suffered with
o severe cold and a troublesome
cough, and having read their ad
vertisement in onr own and other
papers we purchased a bottle to
see if it would effect us. It cured
us before the bottle was more than
half used. It is the best medicine
out for colds and coughs,-The
Herald. Andersonville. Ind. For
sale by Brnson Drug Co., Cottage
urove. jvyons Arrj.uAT,
Koy Uroger of flagim; apent sWiibiy,
in tlio (trove, '
Dock Loltor nnd family aro vlnltlng
on Montiy Creekr
Henry Johnson returned to Bo
hernia Tuesday.
W. If. Medley moved Friday t'l' hi
farm 011 Silk Creek.
Mrs. Nettn Garred returned to
Saginaw Tuesday.
Mr. Myra Conn! of Drain in vihlting
at Frank llambrlck.
J . N. Jonea made a' visit to Hcio lant
week returning Sunday.
. Wm. Monroe returned to the
Musick mine Monday.
Meinr. Thoina and Kdgar Bowman
went to Uomatoek Sunday.
Chaa. Cocjtrnn went to Ronebura
Thursday returning Friday.
Mm. Fletcher of 8iit'Inw i vialting
friend in Uie Grove thi week.
Mr. Smith of Walker wan the xet
of Mr. I'et 8anfnrd Monday.
C. II. Burkhofdcr did business at
Drain Monday and Tuesday.
Uncle Johnny Cole, of Row river
did business in town Tuesday'.
Mr. itndMr. Duve AIIIfoii have re
turned to their home in Kotcburg.
II E. Underwood has been un
der a physicians care this week.
Henry Laiidess came down from
the Helena mine Monday evening.
Dr. Snapp is having a well bored
on his premises near the parsonage.
Jas. Sears and E. Holderman
arrived from Bohemia Sunday
Jud;e David OoixImcII of Portland ar
rived hero Wednciiday on profetnional
Miia Powell of Coait Fork wa a uncut
ofherninter Mr. II, pilligon the fi rut
of the week. '
Arthur Laurence the popular ajijea-
man for -Allen A Icwii wa doing tlio
town Friday.
Mra. John Ixiwry and children left
lant Satunlny to join her huaband at
Greenwood, It. C.
CIioh. I.owin and Jumea Barneburg
were iu town Sunday from Com stock re
turning Monday.
P. J. Jennings came up from
Portland last week and left for tbe
mines Monday.
Mr. Amoa Soverna of Itoiehtirg in in
the Grove viniting hi aister Meidame
Miller and Snnford.
Mr. and Mr. D. Rrintow went to Ku
gcne Tueiday to attend thn funeral of
Mr. Ida CliniiiborH.
Miwf Kcna Chrinman returned to Tier
home ut Creawell after a visit with
friend and relative.
J. D. FIctcher"ret iruedTuewdav morn
ing from n trip to bia mining interent
in Southern Oregon.
Mm. Julia Smith nnd daughtor Mia
Vera left Saturday for their home in
Ogdcn, Utah, nftci a five month visit
with relative and friend.
Herbert Leigh lias moved hi office
into the Meinzer building on Main
street Wept Cottage Grove.
Geo. Urumlicld returned Wednesday
morning from Cou Bay, where he tint
lieen for the past two week.
B, K. Wurley, auperintendent of de
velopment work at the Champion ar
rived in town Tuesday evening.
Jos Pironi, of Eugene, represent
ing H. Weinbard & Co. was doing
business in town Monday after
Henry Mathews, a stock man of
Creswell, was in this vicinity Tues
day, purchasing all tbe stock cattle
W. H. Abrams and wife came
up from Eugene Sunday for a visit
with their daughter, Mrs. C. J.
It is reported that "Cy" J.
Bingham has a well developed case
of tbe mumps, now at the Music
mine. Congratulations "Cy.".
H. W. Churchill wa called to town
thi week by the Mine, of hi brother-in-law,
Wm. V. Ciithcart who in
dangcrotiHlv ill, nnd with btit'little hope
of recovory.
Alt Walker ha been in 8pringfleld
since liiHt week In attendance at tho bed
Hide of hi fa her, who ia dangerously
EdJenke camo, in Tuonday evening
from ids mining property on sharp
Creek, where of lute ho ha boon doing
considerable development work with
promising result.
Miss Zulia Churchill who has
been visiting her cousin Lizzie
Knox returned home Sunday, Miss
Lizzie accompanying her on a visit
Dan Beck returned to Bohemia
In grief.
If you want wall paper or hooka don't
forget to got price of J. P. Ctiriiu the
Suit! SuitHl! Tailor made miita!! J
Up to date in every rcsK.-ct, from f 15 up
Call and see samples.
Gr.O. IloitLMAN.
For best valtio in tea and coflee go
to dimming ASehr.
If you want a saw, axe, wedge, or any
thing In tlit' wood choppera line,
Phillips fc Jqne have a good aasortmeit'
--iL fl..
nun nucn ngill. '
Fresh candle every dav. made from
pure sngn'r at the Tailor hop.'
For nunlltv nnd cliennncti in fresh
meat go to the Central meat market.
T. A. Lewi, hoot nnd shoe rcnair
niiop. i-i rut clan work, low prices.
yj ppotnie rjnerwoou iioiei.
For1 all kinds of plumbing and
tin. work' go to Griffin & Veatcb
For watches, clocks and jewelry
patronize Davidson the Jeweler.
Get vonr wife n wasliine machine.
wringer orcliurn lor a Uliristmaa present
PlillliiiH and Jones have them.
Kakiu A flristow are airentn for the
Genuine Oliver Chilled and Steel
Plow aud extrps.
Over 00 odd natterns of wall naner to
chnofo from and more on the way, at
Jenkins A Lawson'a.
We have in stock a nice assort
ment of garden tools as well as
garden seeds.
Phillips & jokks.
It you want good work remem
ber Davidson the Jeweler.
For a fine assortment of fishing
tackle and sporting goods Griffin
& VitATCH, Co. are the leaders.
The Wat for the money if vou want
any table or pocket cutlery go to
riniilpn a Jones Hardware.
Free witli each dozen cabinet nbotos.
I will Vive for the next .TO davn one life
cire jHirtrnit free made by Portland Art
Co. J.N.Itovn.
Take your laundry to Geo. E.
Griffith, agent of the Eugene Pnlnce
Laundry. Goes down Thumdily' itud
returns'Suturduy afternoon.
Farmers if you wamVagood culti
vator Grikfin, V-eatcii'-Co, have
J.T. Cnrrin lias a choice line of in
grain and figured wall paper, at pricve
to suit the trade.
Special bargains in flooring, rus
tic and ceiling, in short length at
Hooin-K.eiiy yara, aaginaw.
If j'ou want a good job of plumb
ing done go to Grrffin & Veatcb,
We sell good Roods nt good prices for
our ciiHtomcrH, Ucntntl Meat Market.
Our garden tools are all right
call and see them before you buy.
Griffin Veatcii Co.
Eakin & Bristow have just re
ceived their first shipment of Cres
cent Bicycles for 1900. Tliey al
ways give satisfaction and are the
cheapest iu the market $25.00 and
Phillips and Jones say that al
though they warrant the J. I. Case
plow to give perfect satisfaction.
They have never had one returned.
Griffin & Veatcb Co. carry a full
line of Canton Clipper and John
Deere Plows. None better.
Gardett seeds in endless variety
at dimming & Sehr's onions sets,
timonthy and clover seed at lowest
Dried codfish aud smoked halibut
Cutnmiug & Sehr. .....
We' will-pay -the highest price for
wool and auohair.
Come and.see our new seeds be
fore buying.
Phillips & Jonbs.
Boys when you are going fishing
remember our line of flys are all O.
Griffin Veatcii, Co.
Frank MeFarland ha bought 50001b
of tilohair for A Stein burg of Albany.
Thia ia about all the clip in this neigh
borhood. The price paid wn SO cent P church next Sun
day morning and evening nt 11 and 8
respectfully. Everybody come.
Heavy frost occured throughout the
state 8unday nnd Monday morningH ot
thin week. In some section it 1
thought that the damage to tho fruit
crop ia considerable, but in this imme
diate vicinity it is of little importance.
A list containing the names of tax
payors for Cottage Grove nnd vicinity,
together with the amount of their ro-
roapectivo taxes, has beon placed in the
hands of Eakin ft Bristow, whoro one
may obtain tho amount and if wde-
sires make a deposit covoring the samo
Sheriff and Tax Collector for Luno
Dealers in General Merchandise.
A full line of Schilling's Best
Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Baking Potfder, IP,
and Soda.
These are the "Money Back" goods, -r- M
Best values in Glassware, Crockery, Gran-
iteWare; Tinware, Wood and Willowware. 5$
Pickles in -bulk, Syrup in
Salmon, Herrings, and Pigs Feet.
Leading Fashions
Fancy Silk and Stiff Bosom Shirts,
Neckwear and
Mens' Straw Hats in both plain and
Something New in the fancy braided straws in theWaverly shapes
A full line of mens' Crashes in plain aud checkered effects.
A Marvelous Display of mens' caps in tbe Golf Plaids.
Marvelous iu extent and variety.
Justrecieved, 20 doz. mens' heavy duck, working shirts
They are neat and yet serviceable.
Merchant Tailoring Department.
You get your pick of hundreds of patterns and qualities that are
made just to suit when you buy your
thicket MM I Wall & Whipple.
United States Land Office,
Rosebnrg, Ore., Feb., ro, 1900.
Notice is.. hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of
the act of June 3, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lauds in the States of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," Nathaniel H.
Martin of Cottage Grove, County, of j
Lane, State of Oregon bis this day
filed iu this office bis sworn state
ment No. 849, for the purchase of
the SW 1-4 of Section No. 20, iu
Township No. 23 S Range No. 1
W , arid will offer proof to show
that tbe land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, ajjd
to estabitsn ins claim to .saia land
before the Register and Receiyerof
this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on
Friday the 4th day of May io'oo.' .
Enon E. " Lilly,- - James E.
Ostrander, Phillip Hoh.1, Tina
Hawley Cook, of Cottage Grove,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described, lands
are requested to file their'claims in
this office on or before said 4th day"
ot May. 1900.
J. T. Bridges,
A. full line of the
latest patterns.
The priGesjwill
please yon, and
in Taint ot qnal-
p.ty and "bean by
cannotbe beaten.
S Burkh
Are now fully supplied with an elegant line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries.-.,
Teas and Coffees, the finest iu tbe market,
and at iowest prices.
A large selection of all the leading brands'
of Pickles, Sauces, Catsups, etc. '
The best brands of Canned Fruits and Vcg
e tables.
AH at Bottom Prices.
Teas, Coffees, U
bulk, Pickled f
& Hawley.
fancy straws.
clothes of us. t.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore., Feb., 19, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of
theact of Congress of June 3, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of Cali
fornia, Oregpn, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," Phillip Hohlof
Cottage Grove, County of Lane,
State of Oregon has this day filed
in this office bis sworn statement
No. 850, for. tbe purchase of the
NW 1-4 of. Section No. 20, in
Township No. 23 S Range No. 1
W., and will- offer proof to show
tljat the -rand sought is more
valuable forfits timber orstoue than
for agricultural purposes, aud to
Ktablishliisj:laim to said land be
fore tle . Rg ister and Receiver of
thispffic"flt-.Roseburg, Oregon, on
Friday tbeth day of May 1900.
He names as witnesses:
Nathaniel H, Martin, Enon E.
Lilly, James E. Ostrander, Sina
Orrell, of Cottage Grove, Oregon.
. Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands
't . . 1 r 1 . 1 .
urc rcquesieu 10 me uieir Claims in
this office on or before said 19th
day of February 1900.
1 J. T. Bridges,
Kotlce Is hereby Ktven thnt by vlrtnro o( a
decree of the Circuit Court ( the State of Ore,.
Run, In ami (or Lane County, made, renderect
anil entered on the 'JOth day nt March, A. 11;
l'JOO. In tho suit therein entitled J. K. Yonnir.
rtnlntltr vs. O. U. Koyes. Keyei ..hi
liiRihat'the hereinafter described real im'
ertybesold and aiolntlii( the underefifjltid '
sole referee to make sale thereof; I will ntl'ur,
for sale at public auction to the hlRhest bidder
for cashi at the front door ot the Court, House
in Eugene, Jjne County, State ot Oregon, ou
the '.'ml day ot May, A. . 1W0, ut one o'clock
fn the afternoon, the following described lots
and real property, towit: Lots numbered 2, :t,
4,6.andcln lllocli number 11 of the Long and
ljmdcss Addition to Cottage Grove, asplaUed
and. recorded, being In the town of Cottage
Orove. in qald County of Lane and Stato of
linted at Eugene, Oregon, this 28th day of
March, l'JOO.
A, K. Wiikklrh, Referee.
Notice Is hereby given that Jas. B. ltenson,
administrator ot tbe estate of J. A, Iletison, da
ceased, has rendered, presented and Hied i
In the County Court, of Lono County, State of
Oregon, his Anal account of his administration
of satdestutu; and that Monday tbe 7th day of
May A. U. 1900. being the first day of the May
term of said Court, at 10 o'clock of said day
has been llxed by tho Judge of said Court ay
the time for hearlnx-sald final aecount and
settling said estate, it . which time all persons
Interested are hereby reonlrod to appear and
lllo their objections lir writing to raid final ae
count and contest the same.
Dated cottage uruic, uregiui, afnuiu, n.
D. 1900.
J. S Dr.NdoK,
m nnd the east room will be
a newt) stand,
Drain, Druggists.
to Springfield aud Eugene:
County. Oregon,
Alain Street.