TUIO linn ' WORRY'S USELESS BRIDGES. mere ii tbe thrill of taut night' fear? Whm U i In. stsln of last week' tear? Where Ii tbo tooth that ached last year? Gone where the lost pins go tc rm ln.t nlvht'i riddle Is all made plain The sunshine laugh at the long-past rain. Ami thi tnnth Hint nehed ha lost Its pain . That's where our trouble go to. Where are tbe clothe that we ucd to wear J Where arc the burdens we used to bear? Where Is the bald head's curling uaUJ fJonp n-lirrp the tillts disappear to. For tbo style has changed and the clothes arc ueW, TVii. iklia urn tri-nrlnir n brighter hue. The hair doesn't snarl like It used to do. And the parting has growu more clear, too. Where are tbe bills that our peace dis tressed ? Where Is the pin that the baby "bless cd?" Where arc the dotes of last year's nest? Where have tbe pins all gone to? On tbe old bills paid are new ones thrown, And the baby's at school witb her pins outcrown. And the sounbs are runslnc a nest of their own You can't bring 'em back If you want to. We stand the smart of yesterday, To-day's worse ills we can drive aw?; What was and Is brings no dismay For oast and present sorrow. But tbe burdens that make us groan and sweat, The troubles that make us fume and fret, Are the things Uiat haven't happened yet The pins we'll find to-morrow. Itobcrt J. Burdctt. I NEMESIS. ! a a o oooooooaooooeoaooo6q 66 T Is easy enough to break on" ivitb a woman. Jack; don't worry so. Sue will take It tiara for a time, but if you must break her heart sooner or later, save your own out of the wreck If you can. After all, a woman's heart Is hard to break. It is 'off with the old love and on with tbe new with the whole sex. I liud." "But you don't know tbe girl, Ben. She Is a blamed sight too good for me. 8he Is one of those sweet, relined girls, whose affection absorbs her whole soul, . and I know she loves me as few men are ever loved. Every look, word or ac tion tells me it is true, and, though I feel tbat I have made a mistake, Ben. I cannot tell her so." "Don't tell her a thing. Jack. That Is not the way to manage u woman. Sim ply disgust her with herself. Stop send ing her (lowers and kulckuacks; don't take her out somuch, and when you do, praise up some other woman to her. And. Jack, don't go over so often; tell her you are taking up a new study or porting nights. She won'tbelleve you, of course, but that won't matter. Make engagements and fail to keep them, or go over late, or be seized with a desire to return early. Oh. there are a hun dred and one ways to aid you. You can tease her a little when she Is serious and be serious when she Is gay. In fact, differ with her as much as possi ble without being antagonistic, and find fault and pick to pieces the little argu ments she may give In defense. And be ns entertainingly disagreeable as you can without really appearing to be so. I will wager tbat within a mouth you will be ns free as air. Tbe girl will shake you. No woman cau stand the pressure. I have tried It, my boy, and I know. My old-time sweetheart, Fran ce Oraysou, Is now the wife of a far better man than myself, and the happy mother of a charming boy. Of course Ehe did not name tbe child for me but I did not expect It." "1 believe I will try It, old man. But I am fond of the girl In a way, and If you bear of our marriage you can know I lost heart." "Cheer up, Jack, my boy," said Ben Mallory, wringing bis baud. "Love Is a lottery, and Cupid Is a merry little fel low when you know how to manage nlin." Ben Mallory and Jack Downs had known oue another but v. month, yet In that short time had developed a firm friendship that ouly the confidence of youth can Instill. They were both stran gers In tbe city and brother lawyers In tbe same Arm, which added to their congeniality. Jack was an only child, adored by bis parents, while Ben was oue of a large family of two marriages, whose place In his home numerous brothers and sis ters usurped. lie bad been reared by a wealthy uncle of no family, wltn whom lie bad lived for years, returning to his own home once a year for a short vaca tion. For his own people he cared little aud seldom spoke of them, not wishing to explain their strained rela tions. Yet If Ben Mallory ever truly . loved a bclug on earth ho loved bis ewect little half-sister, Kitty Kerapster. fibe was now at college, aud had lately ceased to write to her big, handsome brother ns often as was her wont. Ben had not seen Jack Downs since their talk, though bo beard from him now and then from bis borne, whither lie had gone for a rest. "I am tnklug your advice," ho wrote, "but the girl bullies inc. I don't know how to take tier, and I feel like a confounded brute. I've a mind to umko a clean brtfut of it." The next letter said; "Ben, I nra free. After all. I am not happy, I wish I bad been square with the little girl. She let me down hard. Mother has set her heart on my marrying an heiress In town, but of the two the Uttlo girl suits me best" "That fellow Is a fool," murmured Ben, as be unfolded a small missive J from home. "Ho loved that girl and didn't kuow It" Ben smoothed out tbe paper and read: "Kitty does not seem happy. The child never complains, but she always loved you, and you might cheer her up bit. "MOTHKU." "Kilty unhappy!" Ben ran his linger through his stinight, black hair nnd thought hard. "It Is some man," bo Mid to himself. "I should llke'to put my two hands nbout bis ugly throat nud choke him, so!" nud be crushed the loi ter In his strong hands, then threw It from him Impatiently. "Yes, I will go and cheer up tbe Uttlo girl, Poor Uttlo Klt She Is not like other girl." Two days later Ben sat In Kitty cozy sitting-room, with the bright tlre llgbt shining ou her pale little face, nud reflecting the tears lu her honest gray eye.. Ben drew her down beside him on a divan. "Tell me about It Utto girl." be said. "There Is not much to tell," she wills pored, nestling close lu his strong, lov ing arms, as a tired child might do when weary with play. "I loved him. Ben. O, I did lovo him so! He was kind and true nt first and then he seemed to grow moody and sullen, nud often cruel. I dldu't under stand nt first"- Ben shuddered as n strange feeling of horror crept lutf his heart "Go on. little girl. Ills voice sounueu unsteady. "Sometimes 1 would not sec him ror days, nud be got so 1 could never de pend on blm. nnd he never kept nis word. He could not kill my love. Ben, though I finally tried to hate him. But he spoiled my life and killed my respect for him. and now I despise; him. thor oughly despise him yet love blm still." Ben's face had lost Its gentle expres sion, nnd with stern set features he stared at the polished door. "What Is his name, anil wno is ue; Ills hard voice startled the girt "Jack Downs. 1 met blm at college." answered Kitty. Ben Mallory sank back among the soft cushions, while a look of pitiable remorse crept Into his dark eyes, aud the lines In his face deepened, ns with age. Kitty crosseu tne room nuu genuy stlrred the coals In the open grate. The dying embers threw a shadow light on Ben's dark face as he watched the girt May God forgive me," he murmured Inaudlbly. "I have broken tbe heart of the only creature ever given me to love. Frances, you are avenged." St-1 m rs for Crushing; Ice. The great and powerful Ice-crusblng steamers of the lakes are without ex ception car ferries that Is. they trans port whole trains of passengers and freight curs from one terminal of a rail way Hue to the other, thus controlling an Important link where brluges would be Impracticable. These Ice-cballcnglng ferries ply the straits of Mackinac, tbe Detroit River and across Lake Brie from tbe Amerl can to -the Canadian shore. They are hugs steel-shod craft weighing several thousand tons and some of them have cost more than $350,000 each. Fitted with propellers at either end. they crumble tbe Ice by the pressure of their bulk as though Its three or four feet were but tbe thickness of a cardboard, Whatever else Is wanting, adventure Is not lacking In tbe lives of the men who spend tbe months of snow aboard the majestic monsters which are to the lake tracks what tbe snowplows are to tbe railroad lines. A few winters since, with a thermometer ranging from 18 to 30 degrees below zero, one of the car ferries was caught In an Immense Ice field on Lake Erie and tlocted around for a few months with a great mass of Ice piled mountains high around her. A portion of the crew was, of course, obliged to remain aboard and each day a couple of tbe men made an attempt not always successful to go ashore In order to secure provisions and supplies. Ofttlmes this meant a long, dreary 'trip across tbe Ice, and frequently, when a yawning chasm of dark-hued water In tervened between tbe sbore and the edge of tbe Icefield, tbe foragers were not able to return to their Imprisoned comrades for Intervals of several days. Self-Culture. Receives a "Flower of Hell." E. C. Downey, an attorney of Churu busco, Ind., who spent many months In Central America, has recently received from a friend In Guatemala one of the most wonderful species of flowers known to mankind. It Is called tbe "rose of hell" and grows only In tbe vicinity of Antigua, near tbe crater of tbe volcano of Fuego. It Is looked up'on by the native Indians with a su perstitious dread and Is named tbe "rose of bell" because It thrives better near tbo steaming Fuego than away from It The Indians regard the crater of Fu ego as the doorway of tbe Infernal re gions and this (lower as being pro duced by the evil spirits associated with tbo demons of the sulphurous cllmo where the souls of tbe sinful all go. The flower Is very deadly and when boiled Into a liquid and given to any animal death rapidly follows without pain, as quiet and peaceful as sleep. Science docs not record another In stance where this wonderful flower Is found except In Guatemala, and tbe only place It Ib found In tbat country Is near the doorway of the famous Fuego volcano. Several universities of this country will send nfter specimens of the rare flower nnd use It for ex periments and demonstration to tbe classes In botany, CHILDREN'S COLUMN. A DEPARTMENT FOR LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS. Bomethln that Will Intr.t the Jn Tcnlle Member, of Ker;r Household -Uoalnt Actio, and Ilrlflit Hyln f ManrCnte and Conning Children. "Pap-t" asked Touimle. "Is It cow ardly to strike something littler than you, that can't defend Itself?" "It Is. Indeed." replied tbo.falber. "Well, 1 don't know." reflected Tom mle; "I don't see how we could light tbe ras without striking a match." Children of Many Nation. Gift of Stationery to Soldiers. A London firm recently sent 100,000 packets of stationery as a gift to South Afrlcun soldiers. AMKUIOAN. My flag of silk 1 owe to the Jap, To the Eskimo my sealskin cap. My palm leaf fau grew on Java's trees. For crackers aud rockets 1 thank the Chinese, The Iudlau's land and my own are one. Which boy do you think has the most fan? JAPANKSB. I am a jolly, jolly, little Jap, Hear my little shoes go clap, clap, clap: When I go to school I leave them at the ilnn iv Then down I sit on a mat on the floor. I use these chopsticks when it a time to dine, A silk gown I wear when I'm dressed up fine. Sometimes a man starts out to be a social lion and ends by making a goose of hlniwdf- INDIA. An Indian "brave" I surely shall be, But now I'm a baby tied to a tree. "Be a good papoose," my mother will say. "And the -birdies will sing to you all day." Then I watch the clouds in the far blue sky; I am going to catch one by and by. AFIHCAJC From a leaf of pnlm was woven my hat, I eat my supper on a palm-leaf mat, The food that I cat the palm trees give, Now what Is my name and where do X live? Five Cent' Worth of Travel. Wo know a bright boy whoso great longing is to travel. Ills parents have no means with which to gratify him In that respect He occasionally earns a few pennies by selling papers and do ing errands. Instead of spending tho money foolishly, he carefully treasures It In a small Iron box, which bo calls his safe. One day, after earning 0 cents, he dropped them Into tho box In tho presence of a companion of about bis own age, and exclaimed: "Thero goes 5 cents' worth of travel!" "What do you mean?" asked the other boy. "How can you travel on 5 cents?" "Five cents will carry mo a mile and a half on tbe railroad. I want to seo Niagara Falls before I die. I am nearly four hundred miles from them now, but every 5 cents I earn will bring them nearer, and a great many other places that are worth seeing. I kuow It takes money to travel, but money Is money, be It over so Uttlo. If I do not save the .little, I shall never lmvo tlm much." Some boys squander every year tho cost of a coveted trip to some point of interest Let them remember that ovcry 5 cents saved means a mllo and a half of the Journey. Small amounts carefully kept will foot up surprising results at mo enu or tne year, and al most every doctor will testify that 5 cents' worth of travel Is better for tbo . ..... ... rfc.n r rent worth ?Wr Temple. ha ' plant that Knnva at h rale o' ino Inches every iwoiilyfo Thin remarkable bH of vegeU Hoi caned in ,,,":i,sf,f,ro : Cochin Chin... Who" " ""'L. " America It was -Imply an ugly laok 8 ll,. resembling n huge lm " ' It lay nearly all winter In n dark elowx, ut w.lh .he approach of spring began .oumnlfest sign of life. It w; from ll resting place and l n poach banket with otl. ug ' but some rn.wMN.por. , " ho mollled green slalk pushed out f ,, ,, few day had roach" a height of eight feet Of this height he blossom, which wh. a Mindful dark maroon color. comprised fonr lee . After the blossom had withered aud mid from It grew a nest of K',t umbrella-like leaves, which reached thulr maturity In July ami August. In September the ... . , i i..r, nililiiif but a leaves perisiicu mm - " new fat bnlb. This was Howl away lu a dark place, and again In Ibe spring . -I.. ... Il.-lit III tut the Hum is nroiigm m . -through Its time of flower and growth, Wiintril to fee Hint. "If you wit any more of that pud ding. Toniuile. you will see the bogle man to night" Tommle tafter n moment a thoughl) Well. give me some more. I might as well settle my mind nlwut the truth of the story once for all. BRUIN PRESSED THE UUTTON. Sylvun fccnc Strunucly l'rotluccil In the Buck WiMuUof Multie. John II. Lewis, of this city, say tho lloston Globe, a photographer, who speuds Ills summers In the region around has develop! what Is prolwbly the only picture ever taken by a black bear, for brulu really did take the picture, lie held tbe cam era, focused the thing, anil pressed the button, lie held the camera wrong side up. however, and bis niw must have shaken from the looks of tbe print. Last August a party of six friends from IMalullelil, N. J., imssed a fort night lu camp on tbe upper west branch, occupying tbe log cabins at Sours High Lauding, so called.- lu ho large a party there was considerable refut food, and ttil-t was dumped about a mile from the camp lu the wood. The garlmgo pile failed to grow, and the entailers were at a Ioi to account for Its disappearance. Filially oue of the men made up tils mind to go to the scene nnd watch fur tbe animal that came around regularly every day to feed on the crusts of the table, llu went to the point one morning aud sat In the-bushes and waited. Soon he beard a noise, nnd lu a minute or so a big black bear appeared. Then came another, and llnnlly a third. They ate all of the garbage aud then went away. The I'lalntleld man conceived a desire to photograph the animals. He put up a Job with tbe cook, and the next morn-In- a good half bushel of truck was scattered for the benefit of tbe bears. The camera man loaded and cocked bis machine, sought a favorite spot and waited. He bad not waited long be fore two bears lumbered out of tho woods and went to work cleaning up tbe potato peelings, bacon rinds, etc. Tbe man watched the brutes for a while, and then, slipping from behind a tree, tiptoed toward the animals, hold ing tbe camera In such n position tbat he could press the button when tho bears saw blm approaching. When within twenty feet of the animals they scented bm and turned In bis direc tion. The New Jersey man forgot what ho was there for. He dropped the camera and lit out for camp. When he return ed be was accompanied by all the guides and their rifles. Tbo bears were gone, but the camera was tying on tho ground, not where be left It, but a dozen feet or more away. The machine showed plainly tbo marks of the claws of tho bear, and that an exposure hnd been made. It was generally thought that the drop ping or the camera had done tho trick, but tho lllm, when developed by Mr. Lewis a few days ago, showed a wood scene that could have been taken ouly from quite an elevation. Tramline German Students, German students are returning to tho medieval notion of wandering nbout tbe-world. Tho modern Gollards, how ever, nro personally conducted and know beforehand precisely whnt their Journeys will cobI them. Last year thoy visited Italy; this spring 1,(500 of them will go to Constantinople nnd to Asia Minor, On tbo wny they will frnter nlzo with tho Itotimanlnn university students, who nro preparing n big "fruhschoppen" for them In Bucharest Couldn't Just Kcnieiiilier. "Do you seo this HtrJug uround my finger?" "Yes, sir." "Is It n shoo laro or n corset lnco?" "Looks like a black corset lnco, sir." "Then It's ft corset film wants mo to get her. Sho tied It mound my linger this morning and told mo to either bring homo a pair of shoes or n corset. I can't reme'iiiber which. But uow you lmvo solved tbo question." Ms 1U I'"'" Advice. N'lto Before Ut wlion mw Ootno Homo maw Hiiyn to Mlinl "IMvv. I got allium I want you to 'It'll ""Well." paw wijh! "Hpoel nwny. I don't 8pono Ibey ar iMinylhluK tell You nil nbout" Two gurlrt waul l work Mure, mw Haj'H, "and I wlsl.t you'd Toll in.) which one lo 1 1 Ire. Om-V n H w whj i r ami one' n Nlngllsh gnrl. Wlilluli win would yn take?" How Do I no," snyH jmw. "W lieu I nln't seen them? Yon ot lo no which In the Ibid." "Thay Seem nbout tbo Bauie. iw "Well sMn wo Flip n Penny." jMiw. "Tab for the Swede Krl and lied fer tho other one." "No," maw miyn, "I think llml' DU gwlsfull. You got to Tell mo which M Tnllf." ....... i So puny wMin Tliay mine nnr nun Pw lie looked out through I ho craek from Ueblnd tho Poor nt Them while Thny wan Talklii' to maw, and when maw came lu paw khjh: "I gut j on lletter Inke tin luglUh gurl." Uist nlte jww Come l (nine Ptirty Tired ami when we (lot Set Down lit tho Tabid iiinwtuiig I ho Hell nud lu coiim the Swead gurl. Paw He bHiks at Her n iiilult nud when she went out lie Syn lo Maw: "I Bet I no what you'd Do If I Told you to (lo and Jump lu III" fjike." "What?" maw nst "You'd go away hhiio Whnlr and Climb a Tree." mw my, him! lhu Ho made n KwIhi ut n Ply what wh Mux xen around and hocked over the vlim gar llottel. It whs it Sail Slttt.-Chk-Hico Tllliesllerald. FIRES GOLD BULLETS. How a liner Wurrlur I AvenuliiK Hie Death of III Hi A Pari pajter publlshe an entertain ing story of n umii tntuicd Vhii !! hooin, who I lighting with lite litter. He I said never to have iiiImwI a buck, n Km Mr, or a w lid ostrich since lie w i It) year of age nnd he I now .V. Van I llostMjom ha taken n notable pnrl In nil the war waged by the Transvaal. ! ImiIIi against the native and (he Kit ' gllsh. and lias always iw-ored heavily a I a deadly marksman, liver i-alm, ami ' phlegmatic, the most exciting moment have never disturbed the tcadlne of hi nerve. Shortly after hostilities began In the tmint war. Van IIiihIkhjIii ua fold I that hi only two sou bad Im-vii killed In oue of (he early engagement, llu nt once went to hi old friend, the Pre. blent, and demanded lo be appointed lo the rank he had held In INN) nnd subse quently. "Have you still your famous rifle with which you did such great shooting against the Mntnbelc?" asked the Presi dent. "Yes," replbil Van HoslMwm. "Then you will need cartridges" said the President, "aud thoso you shall have.'' "No, President" answered Van ih boom. "1 have pkmly of cartridge. I have made some for myself. Then, drawing clone to Kruger. he whliqtered something In hi car. It must have been astonishing, for "Oom Paul" let his pipe drop from bin mouth, nud all the world knows how Krugcr clings lo his pipe. As ho bade (ho President gond-by, the famous markxiiinu snld with a chuckle: "Ah It's that thoy come after, It's Just ns well to let them have It' Then off he went to tho front, wllh his rifle, hi Bible, and the regulation thirty days' provisions. Whenever tho opposing forces came within sight hi method of action was always the same, Hu would cautiously approach tbe ad vnuclng P.ngllHli until ho found con venient cover within rllle range. Then, stretching himself nt full length, hu would study the enemy's force until ho marked a young umii whoso appear ance and bearing showed blm to lw an olllcer. Upon this figure the deadly rlllo was brought to boar; (ben, ns tho sharp crack rang out and tho young olllcer fell dead, the burgher would leap to his feet, Hhout "Ghumbcrlaln," and then drop Hat ngnln. Onco more his program would be carefully carried out, and when tho second olllcer fell Van Bosbooin would carefully retire to ftafo cover, read n psalm, and nit mnoklng his pipe until tho close of day. In memory of bis two sons (ho rlilf was 11 red only twice In encJi'llght, but always with fatal effect When tho dead were collected It was always caRy to Identify Van Bosboom's victims, for lodged In their heart or brains, Instead of tho usual two ounces of lead which form -the Martini bullet, was to bo found u bullet mado of two ounces of gold, Pcoplo then understood old Krti gcr's surprise and tho enigmatical words Van Bosbooin had used when bidding tbo President good-by. Groutur London, Tho nonulntlon of greater T. nnitnn lu moru than six nud a bnlf millions, of which but four aud a half mllllonn m- accredited to Inner London, nnd about two millions to tho outer ring. Tho wholo nrea 1h cuual to a clrcln linvln,. radius of nearly fifteen miles. Largo bodies movo slowlv also amnii bodies wheu called to get VP In tho morning. Kncourngemcnt after censure Is the sun after a shower. The Fnvaire Bachelor. "There Is one thing J would llko to kuow," said tlm Savago Bachelor "Is that possible?" asked tho Hweot Young Thing, with hoiiio acerbity; this occurring nt tho breakfast hour, when lovely woman Is nt her unsweotcHt. "Yoh. I want to know why nearly nil tlicno women who lmvo distinguished themselves by n display of brains look co much llko men?" Indianapolis ITCBB. TCIpiifianL TrainnM lllllafl During tbo lust twelve. inontliH nt lenBt n dozen elephant trainers lmvo been killed tnoro than lmvo been killed In ten yearn previous. You can't take a trlclc with tho trump of fume. ... ,,r. iiru. Kill IIP T.I. - -,."l' III 111111 'lil-l Ik nun Kiiiitiim. in. "'iu. rally, had ,, Jtfg iiiiu "M'cril'lln f y-'i iiiiiiiy yi'r y...n,Ul., ''" In iu ill -"'I Ml, ... .. . ... ' "f CllM.. of (he group i,)rlll.,, 1(1 ft nun i in vet riii,i..i...i . . ntiecilole, and . Uinrkii k "It's your tun. ...iw. i, h "I,rr,"K lurid,,, rnllwny expirii-ii,v " Mr. I) purri-u lit, , . . live Htirvey of u,t ,.... .""TBI "I'll (ell yon. .,.! u'.i" never (old b-f,.,. uAl twit check nt- WAwvo lu blank, win. i, i wm 14, "grlvaw iiiyM.lf. l)iirinw iiefciitf'iWjMW rHKlllie III New k i 7.4tfLa' 13 j -isShI? thWf Willi tho X. V gtimititU miiwm liteiillt Kliiln I W Ii- . i.lf " wiih prlvato w. r ntt ( tdPl nf i hu rmiii u,i i., i ..i . 'tneimi - - . - nuu i i"-" IlllltlICO III IIIC. (I lidsnmi ii lu wxteii l our 'ifmlnalt froMnc Nw York City n.i-i tii ,,.MWom r riiiiu ij t) n . Jtf tnalo "otic i,. r ,1,1. .rhJHnjj' la itw:eary. km ,ljUrr .J3ft eadTn m ' Ml ! ! (lie mailer rut to New Y eret na hjn1IiIi- a. ni.,. iletitriuiiieO upon tent of the dm u stry cmhwi the ib . atitl r. .'hi wn a p .ny t.j SiSm for n young umo m. u . tMraMj mettle. To ut snifi' -JYiiI two iiiouih k, V,v V.inafy quired what 1 v. t ;,t f. $omfil Avenue uoiei n .ir I i Kecrilb nud nluiiMt tlie n ::i du it i tlinniip tlieru I iiiade !. a Pm . i fSLtlSk' Jovial. Iiaudsoiin ruL ifiMK-flj own aue. and we i ii..3t..asarn lie knew I wh u i ti X 'Uialvci road and freipin i ii .Li.rourffci umnersatlin) t a . Jurarej talk freely about ' . r 1 1 1 JfJiiSS, a Html nlMiut i. i t ui ttSni York. WyB. "The ilay ou mi ' I (! flWJO. for l h projM'tty I (M b;.! 'Jbi&fi lu silrft. only t y ' rpm$m lux "P and down i r- turlrHl manner t 'itffogti oHee, ll rvuiarkr i au l "''Mg my mhiih. A i't ot UiSowlfr cbeil be luriiiil i ut SlJlJjIt M,YiiU'v ileetditi i) Ul4SyMl mieb proM'rty." it- fi.l, tv W'J' S!i "IIIh iimnuer inn tiio i-jUHffi' with tny buwliien ' i rcV'tRUTrci me. but before 1 emit I rrr "15$chj he cuiilliiiieil. (trnow " Tlmt'a nil right I'm tweac! nlKiut yotir busline n'J3rm' here. It Isn't too uic y 'k, change the hicnlicti ef yoomg If you'll do It nud pun; flfrogTt and mich whnrve I am 'futlonf offer you thl.' and If tjL'?" clut-k for f.VJ.WH) s gniJ lj"l!ii ... .i... unTerei Ui me t nvvu 1 1" in. r tne i weeii ring sf&s "1 Imuded hitn I v k (U coldly reuiarkHl 'li .-i vc oundf wrong man. I'll bid )u tmoV "Walt n minute.' lc iruiMlt nbashwl. 'livery man, bjfiiV?S price. lie pulled a p i 05?) took from It nnoiher ' wtiiint5 Fill It In (o so t J' '-'SfrStl . a . nniii; i-ni ii in iu ruent "1 had (o ndiiiire the luit'genrc wn Hlmply cobis'.'il. nml UoClJbec geidug angry I laiighul trtndf. I finally convinced hu.i 'ISXij! to bo bribed and rati ofl'J ho wont nwny, however, ''aJJItHi that tho Tweed ring had wUg tloiiH on tho dock pruis'rtjlnjs mo to take, wllh n forels the X. Y. nud Z. rond'i iv31 If wo had loeatcd on It Qfa hnvo cleared u fortune. L'j'M they had tho property on If3j' nud n largu sum ItKlellnUoljflgr, "And thot'H tbo most oxcliSg)9 enco I can recall," said 'lyjjjjj conclusion, "nnd one I rert'boTar sire to glvo myself n iKatmtjlj A Hiiiltlnu C"oucl(fnWl "Mndaine," begaiUbe wlfjj- "do you remcmiier nisi i promlRcd to clean the snow yard?" adfnu' "Yes, nnd then sneaked rfMS doing It," retorted (ho wife. fijjy,'! "But I came bark, nwiUif gund! through n July nun to keep Snath When I reached your gatt'HlSK hnd vanished; but you t,J oaTrlS tho scytlio nnd cut tho Brt"Wfjf. "And you sneaked off gffrfil "But mo conscience fi''Sotora why I tramped through iw'jgegfj 10 II III Hit 1110 JOU." y.-mn .... IhllMM'l . . . A (Ionium scientist imi F'ixf sv.i fould) trouble to cnlculiilo tho atieguSV (Ion of n wink, In orucr "Dipij Just what tho phrnso "In '"ioi of an oyo" meniiH. Ho sayinUhoj occiiplcH four-tenths of n Mm ((yelld descends In onc-lentmito. ond, HlnyHdownthlr(cca;bae n second, nuu rises - huudrcdtliH. rnrla JtngplWOttf Tho rngplckers of I'"rl,'l;l KL' nl-H ner or hoiuumi'i i umko their living by mJ I) HU mil OUl Lu nrM Wllt 1)0X00'' no uneii iu iiuin lip ii in J cannot bo opeucd except vmm meu who carry It nvm m rm. n frond VlMf iliuiu lliu - .MWJtlBr run an uv lg Wii nnd lleas Into every