Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 30, 1900, Image 4

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1 V
?: 1 SI
if .
? Anions the Ch urchcs.
latere at .tho pontortW at Cottage Urove,
Owfon aa Second Clan mll matter.
ubeorlptlon price, SI, (SO, In advanc.
Advertising rates known upon
Friday, March 30, 1900.
F. E. Billington.
At the Christian Church Friday
April 6 nt 7:10 n m Rev. T. 1).
T.5tr. SMTclnrv nf tlir "Orptroii
' - 1 ... . j - . .. o
Christian Missionary Society" will
speak in the interest of the "Gen
eral Board" of the same church.
1 he general Hoard is doing mis
sionary work in Oregon's needy
fields. This year $1200 have been
Jinnrnnrintpfl tn flint: vvnrlr. All
11 1 - -
members of the church are uiged
n Ita 1 1 t-rt L'fiitt nirl nil AHulri' ntlnr.
Last weeks Nugget contained ested iu the flllurc cf Oregon in-
the following article: -uryan oniy vitcd
charges the dear good people of
Eugene and vicinity $220 to stop
off" and orate to them." Mr. c r church.
Campbell of the Guard who is Regular services next Sunday
..j r t.: 1 .1 rl except at 8 1) in at which time.
J1UICU lUi ilia uuie muiiiilui uua ui i ... , .
,. , , . there will be a gospel temperance
fn.rr.Mc nnrl wltn win im vpr lfiinnni . . 1 -"-
..... meeting at the cnurch. All the
to be unjust nor untair in politics, churches are expected to be present
sweus up a iew pouniis more ana anu iaKe pan as per program
f I
Dineriy denounces me ixuggers
comment, by telling his readers apicknickkr.
that "Such a statement is truly The Junior C E picnic ol the C
too mean and contemptible to an- P church was quite a success last
.r ' wlt Mr r.-imnhpll wW Saturday. The pastor and xx
, . , .. r , .... bright and happy juniors les
rrt nrH. rin vnll tinting It Fnr? Whv - rfJ J iv,;-
........ ... ... ""' than half of the society wen
not run another dead patent present. Mrs. Damewood tht
medicine plate. The fact is that former superintendent who now
the Guard is entirely responsible lives above Latham invited the
for any misleading statements that J"irs to come to her home. This
i . . . ... was the first intention but owing t
may have been published with :,,,,.,...,,, t, . . i ?i
1 , , circumstances the trip could not be
reference to Bryaus charges. The made. Mrs. Damewood will have
Guard first published that it would the pleasure some day to entertair
require" $2 20 to bring Mr Bryan to them. However a most delightful
K.llirpne without nflVrintr nnv r. da' wns sPe"t Oil the McFarlailtl
t ... butte- Gods best gift to some of
J.M.K.I.U.. a3 iu use tuC uioncy tfce best homes ;u CoMnBe Grove
would be put and it was natural to children hnVItt miiici,;,. ,in
suppose it went to Mr Bryan-or and fragrant flowers, all combined.
per chance Campbell. However 5ave t our pastor and his wife
since the first announcement it has a?d, the Ian,bf of the. fol(1, 0111
. ...... . . , , . I of the most pleasant days of the
hppn ntithpntionllv stntH thnt n . . r - '
... . year Tms 1S one Qf ma . Sllch
order lor Mr. iiryan to speak m days that the Juniors are promised
Eugene without interfering with by the superintendent.
his other dates a special train would We already hear a whisper
have to be provided, hence the aul aTstr- , f
.... Revs. J. F. Clavcomb of Euirene
necessuyo! raising 22o, 190 some and w v McGee of Co"
uu uunaia u. wun.u n ausui ucu uj- urovc win exenanee nulmts Sun-
East nud West Cottage Grove Re
publicai' Delegates.
Pcrsuaut to the republican primary
call, the two Cottage Urovc pri
maries assembled at their respective
quarters, Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock, March 26. A good at
tendance was in evidence nt both
primaries and the best of hamuli)
Was called to order in the Ma
sonic hall and Mavor Bristow was
elected chairman with Attorney J.
E. Young, secretary.
The following delegates were
then elected. Darwin Bristow, J.
S. Benson. G. W. McReynolds,
Joe Powell, II. E. Underwood, V.
B. Hawley.
W. B. Hawley was nominated lor
road supervisor of West Cottage
Grove precinct.
primary convened with C. J.
Howard in the chair, Jas. Hemeu-
way secretary. The following dele
gates were then nominated and
iss a Money
Saving' Propositi
If You Skip This Advertisement.
. 1 1 ...I. .11.. ... ...... .1...!....
ijiSi'P tarn .1.. 1 n.-r ..1.1 .;.r.'t
.mmlvliiL' their dry uikxU .hhhIk.
"II - "
the special train service. Had Mr.
Campbell taken the pains to write
an intelligent item in the first place
no one would have been misled.
M K church,
The M E church services will
hereafter be held in the Masonic
Hall during the summer, Sunday
Cnm r u, a i:s scnool will continue to meet nt tn
uiiiv. ui luc KUUU 111. I I
brothers object to a doctor charg- preachinf Sunc,ay morning April
f . It XT 7ii.ltA tl.A m.ti:A . n .
ing j)2.oo 101 services; a lawyer
collecting $1.00 for making out a
deed to a $5,000 real estate deal:
and would have a man assume the
responsibility of president of the
unuea auues on a salary of ?2.5o Born Mllrch j900 tQ Mf and
. WJ, u MM 1C tu.s oi me Mrs james Taylors daughter.
M..uuucu Ka"S aioug Willi It. Tirl. r j j
However these ame e,r Waller Canady and J,nl Miller
lists fall over themselves in sltin. have Prchad the Thompson land
.... ti IT "G here.
out 10 nrjan s special car gralt,
1. We invite the mihlio tn meet
with us in this new place of wor
upon oanot were declared amy , p.,.rnl xf,.,,-,,, ,,.,,1
elected delegates to the county con . Mattie. Bedford eminty,
vcntion: O. F Knox, C. II. Burk
holder, H. Yancy, Wm. Laudess,
J. H. McFarland, E. L. Doolittlc,
J. N. Chapman, C.J. Howard.
W. S. Bennett was unanimously
nominated for road supervisor of
East Cottage Grove road district.
Immediately after the nomina
tion and election of delegates the
East precinct primary meetinir ad
journed to go into joint meeting
with the West precinct primary at
Masonic hall to nominate a justice
of the peace and constable. The
meeting was called to order by
Chairman Bristow at 3 o'clock, Mr.
Bristow placing iu nomination O.
F. Knox for chairman of the joint
convention. The motion and
election of Mr. Knox to the chair
was made unanimous.
Nominations lor justice, of the
peace were first in order and closed
on J. W. Vaugnn and Robert
Grifliii. Mr. Vaughii getting a
majority of all the votes cast he 1
was declared duly nominated by'
.... 1
Ult 1.UUII , , Jitni.1 WK Hnltt. i....... ... .v- .-1- .
I v. ..11 nrt nir B(T U(
Henry Wagner, R. W. Veatch llm,lt'r in'i'iintheu!iiifrii.frnin (
ur. xrct..j ... reTfla.anil Ha.liln t.m TeorllnrrV :ihM K
nominated for constable. Upon
the counting of the ballots Mr.
Wagner receiving the maiorityof h'-i' s',-snk'e N... 1 w. ami riiiifrriiri..,f
nil votes cast nnrl tvnorlenlnre,! ,.'"'h"r.,b.,l "'eUn', ",";h, " ' THluaMa
We hnve saved nuuiy doctor bills
since we began UMng l.liaini)cr
luin's Cough Rc.ucdy in our home.
Wo keen a bottle open all the timt
ank whenever any of my family or
myself bagan to catch cold we bc
liiii to use the Cough Ilcmcdy. and
as a result we never have to scud
away for a doctor and incur a large
fliwinr bill. for Chamberlain's
rniili Mmoi'ili- iiev'.r full to fine
. . .!-: r I ... . .... . .
"w"11 ) -. .v... ... t. ndve w mi pen. hub n nienn inuvy ikwoiii t nil . rrm v u
II LI U lllltl 'irkllt I TIMllliri'lllFlllta ill lllltlllallti II I HI v n rt I III 1 u r lit ...... I.. .
l-ariuer. 'include nil the m w culorincs iu snip and fii-urc m ',oih hWj
Ph. lor t. r"m
v ---- - 1.I1IIU IIU.U.i.
sale by Hknson ijuug Co., Lultngc
Grove. Lyons & Ai-i'I.kgatk, ;
Drain Druggists.
NOTI C'E " F0R PU H Ll C ATI Off .
Laud Office at Roseburg. Oregon.
February at, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proof iu support of his claim, and
that said proof will he made lc
fore Joel Ware, V. S. Commissioner
at Eugene, Oregon, on May 15.
1900, viz: Winfield S. Fletcher 01.
H. E. No. 7224 for the W 1 2 SE:
1-4, SE 1-4 SW i-4, and lot 2. sec. 1
18. T. 20 S..R. 4W.
He names the following wit
nesses to Drove his continuous re.i. !
dene: upon and cultivation of said
laud, viz:
Herbert M. Doty. Charles E.
Russell, Samuel G. Lock wood, I.
P. Inmaii, of Loranc, Oregon.
J. T. Bkihgi-.s,
.soTici: ion 'uiii.Kvnox.
I'nltnl Slatri Ijaml oitlue. Ilu.clmrr, Otmon.
Kcliruar)-", IK...
Notlrc la hctelir clrrii thm lit moii.IUi.u
with the riivlliini nf iho nrl ui mtttmot
for the sntinif riimnri,s nil the novt-lltwi mi tlw
, --, '
niultii Kilkv itieltt lin a Inrfcc nH)rtmcnt of liht iois utnlikl
-I. ..t .1 f i.: .1 t ,.. 111.. . 1 r H
aiiiiunui im-u -ii'uiiM nun vHcri)'; June mihi rurj-ic
1, it ivnrth .itivtniiii' in vnu In iinv frttm t .
iu the country mid at the rtinc lime that you nrv l.n .!,; cbi
Wc carry this choice line (The Royal Tylors.l StLnmBntfi
1 II ill & M
& CO.
Orrcllol ColUzoOriire. Cuunlrnf I -a in- hi... '
olOrcion hai Ihli.lar nie-t In (hlio.lire hit i
warnilalemenl No. m, for the (mrchaw of1
me ixi !.-.',, lOof Section So. 1. In Town-
wunoui a murmur, it iiryan is
the god of liberty and enlightenment
and has a heart torn full of holes
by the great curses this govern
ment is inflicting upon the poor and
oppressed, and thinks that the
only way for them to receive relief
is for him to expound this 16 to 1
doctrine to 'em why don't he in
Charles Miller arrived here Satur
day and is staying with his father.
rruz oouerstrom was over near
Gowdyville Wednesday.
One inch of snow fell here March
My customers willflnd nHnoofinv
fresh candies now at my old nliice.
Pleaae call on us for the genuine nrticlu.
D . Lincoln.
XT- f
the goodness of his bleeding heart " "Trr ' -oav
his own e,,n.. vt ,.c Plubitionists of Ine county will
made a fortune off the people the Oregon on, Satur-
pastfour years. It wouW'nt hurt Apr'L14; 'o. at 9:30 a ,
jlim i the court house, iu the county
commissioners room, lor the our-
pose ot nominatintr a full rmmtv
It is said that the friends of O. ticket to be presented to the voter
V. Knox both in Eugene and Cot- at the June election. This is to be
tage Grove, are anxious that he al- a mass meeting and ail prohibitiori-
lowiiis name to come before the istsare urged to attend, and will
convention for county judge. Mr. have a vote in the convention.
Knox has not aspired to the office
but it is understood that if his see us.
for lt timber or Hone than for arliiil
nrpoc. and to eitnMIh h.i rl.lm to M
anil lcfiire the lleKlmeraml llec Iver nf thl
om.-eat KotebnrK, Oregon, on We.lnn.lay the
S.Iajr of April IjO.
He name witnowec
Charlc K llariout, K. K. Lilly. J.inej j,
J. I. Joiiea, of Cottage drove. Oregon.
Anjraii(lallir(ucUimlii) a'lre-ely the
above-le)icrll,e.l lnn.l. are re.iiete.l to file
their ela. mi Inth.i office on or before alclvf,
day ol April 1MU.
). T. llltlliOK,
C.t He I'M CIl
I hereby announce myself as
candidate for "sheriff" of Lane
county subject to the decision of
the republican county convention. ' fore buying
J. S.
500 split pickets. Call nt Nugget
Come and see our new seeds
.Buef; Mutton, Pork,
Vie a 1 , .1 n con . 'Ln 1 ! .
Fresh Sausages, Lislf
m id Game in season. I
Piiilmi'S & Jones.
Irieuds insist he
name to be used.
will allow his
If you want a house painted, see
us; ifyou want an artistic sign, see
us; it you want a first class finish
put on your buggy or carraice. be
sure ana see us: if vou wmli tr.
1 ' "
paper your house, don't fail to see
of county judge has riven ,.n rU"5, inese ar2 our specialties
idea and is now 'seeking the noml. JmiNS & WwsoK' the Peters.
nation for county assessor.
It is announced that A. C. Jen
nings ex-county clerk, who has
been spoken of for the nomination
J. S. Stiles, marshal of Eueene
has announced himself as out for
sheriff of Lane county on the re
NntlfA (a tiAt-Aliw (.. tU i i ,
decree of tho Cirimlt Court of the State of Ore
'" .or j-ane Lounty, mane, rendcre'
f,! e,M?Zil 'i18 20,11 ar ' March. .1.1)
publican ticket. Some pretty good S FVl W
tj u.i ww. m i iuw ivy, iJeicnuaiUfl direct-
men are coming to the rrout(or.lJSih?bSVUm,t'Jewrevm'
the office of sheriff. RJ?K "iwlff'SK?
".. iTlt J.xr".u "'""" io me nighont bidder
nS'-l'"!''?." oor of the Court HoSsi
.i.A""'!1'.1. B'Hte ' Oregon, on
Those Who have ail intort ! 8 afternoon, the followinLdeJcWn STu
v iu Bnn T(ut nrnnoplv ...,( . ::--.- :
the issue of the Oregonian contain- i'IaSaui?' n,?lxha
i-anuenn Anciition to Cottage Grove, as nlKltpil
ing the write up of Bohemia Dis- tSnAn&JhP-
tr.Vt oo.. .. uS,,1" "M LwMyot Une and Stale ol
Jenkins and Lawsoii's New Piiint Depot
A full Hue of paints, varnishes, oils, brushes, glass and paper.
All Freth and New, Direct From the Factory.
SSfOver 20 years experience in the paint and paphr business. j2f
James Hemenwayj
Peal 353stn;fce and Mining JPropoi
UtprerwaW L'
Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Cmpanici
Hrict AttenUon jwild to Oiij
Office opposite Sherwooil?
Wo mo liviiiK in h raplil two; biiiiko of I'roTCnijIon. Tlio WorH
'Alt ll.lll WIlt ..III.. ...... M .-111. 1.
.... JHH diun. inii.u .Tllll JI.
Koep ti) with tlio tlitum. Jf yon hoo n clmncn to hcnctlt oiiri'
tliu ojiport.inHy.
You Can Henefit Yourself by Calling At
Benson Drue: Ooirmanv. fi
ure Drugs and Chemical9-sa
v.4 iim.uic cuuies at mo- ir.".... -
lieinia Nugget office. u r ot
a. a, ujiKLEii, Kcfereo.
aitiiii2r sliiulai (bi.&.i1ie
lieiorc imrchsising elsewhere..
Estimates ylven to Contractors and others on all classes
of work.
Store on 5eh street, half block south of Main street.
Hardware -asflgae
Tf ... ...! 1.. .1. . ...t
x. jrwu wmu miy iiung in uie Hardware line, come and
our goods and see how the prices suit. We whall endeavor IoC.
full line of
StovesTinware, Miners Supples, Mechanics Tools, Cutlery,
tion, Washine: Machines, Churns, Etc., and a Foil Lie of Atkn
Implements. K
Philips & Jonei