KB SPECIAL EDITION No. i. Tuesday, March 13, wmum A MM M he Ruboos Helena Mining Case The Most Interesting Litigation in The Mini ifhumet llg IjTeVgrent mining law unit jenHtas demanded the attention IgaHamilton's Court nt Rosc- Douglns County, went to the iMondav forenoon and after lours?delileration that boly re ledfhl clear verdict in favor of iingftlllros nnd Ilruncau. :ft!c of the suit just decided XSKQ. Warner, ct alvs Jennings arm Chns. Hrmieau, and was Mtlovcr a year ago to decide the "Helena' the richest The Pacific coast located in HOIIIiMIA MINING DISTRICT. Warner set up that he had a prior location known as the Badger and that Chns. Iiruncau, the locator of the Helena, jumped his claim. However this angel of truth (?) (Warner) let" Mr. Hruneau go on with his prospect and development work without making any re sistance, and in fact few people knew that he made claim to the property for nearly threeyears after Bruneau located and commenced development work. Chns Hruneau is one of the man-