Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 09, 1900, Image 5

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I in P'MikW
k '"Murotl
lie WorU'
il your
and m
I Ion. R. M. Veoich (iiTomnniiicd
ur J. P. Cuirin and 11 few otlicrH of
ie stalwart democracy visited
ft'liiinr lust Friday evening where
r. Vcatcli fired the first mm of
i" . .... . .
life campaign, i iicy tools ute
Middle of the road, or the lies
ffthor, in preference to pitroiiizing
ihe railroad corporation. Wc lire
ttfornied tit n t they hud mi cn-
Tjaiiift'itic meeting before n club of
members. Mr. V. says they are
taking In iiicmhcrsi on probation
Umll after election. We were
aware tiini Home arc name to ic
taken in" on nearly ever occasion,
But can .cntcely c include lint
zKilt .. ... lu til .l.n ..It...
tolhold m itnny rc teutonl sinner.
ll llntiurl kiiikIii unit wli t hanalil
0 pulnta ho tiintla nml wlml lio W
I iicvnr kiinw "till yim lmo reml
jO i coi'li lie tniido nt Paglimw
dm Onidncr of Anion wan in
Wi last Saturdi y and made the
uggct i in c a pleas mi call. Mr.
fJafclncr brought with I i i tit his
brother E. M. Gardner of C ismol's.
Michigan, who has been visiti g
fur llie past two nionttts. Mr.
lift has been on an extended
to relatives in California mid
on ami kikjuks very mlcrcst-
of his coast trip. The two
jrrn loin and nil nail not
for,; i years and it is needles
that the meeting wrs a
ftllleissant one. Mr. Gardner left
jMcMgiy on his return trip to Michi
gonRia California, hut hints that
ilianiay again visit the eoiut at no
ffaridstfliit diy.
OTMiitit kkoommhndation --
here are few people who have
. SLQrcK
ii'K -better opportunity to judge the
fcjSffih of n town than railroad
11 l' roaUinK cleiks. Quite frequently
' ' pfttSw fr I'o-tuiHStcr Sherwood.
WyjclF. signifies that their attention
' ItnSlhppn rfillril til I .nllnui l .riwn
!i tlirpgh the great increase in the
mjflllfor this city. Here is the
IpMroiie under date of March
Cp. ljliiColt!ige Grove grows faster
i V.tluujany other town on the
Imcan the mail."
jijtui tgyro i.ivit
MMrSL. Archibald and wife, from
J Qgjjffi Columbia county, arrived
USIfiyst week and expect to make
.thejnhoinc here. Mr. Archibald
Jslnphew of Mr. Percy Newcomb,
nnujwjil remain upon Mr. Ncw
comBS farm near Cottage Grove
1- MQSto iumin.
u arc not of the opinion that
mineral have money to bum you
iliQUlufhavc seen the jolly fellows
lie Mustek tossing uickles
Oil. litwtuc muddy streets the other
t t jvjam finding amusement in see
NjglHie small boys fall over each
ijfie their effort to get the coin.
Nokes anil I A. Lewis
well known shoe makers of
vl i.SHflff ! 1 I, -
ir JsiHjSiiii ,1!,vc '"sen, noi P(J-
A ftlcafiOTjut in a business wav. Mr.
is given up Ins shop in the
Martin's hall and gone in
r. Nokes in the Bennett
Park the mining man left
Sunday for Eugene from
place ho started over the
ji Pacific south ciiroute to
rlaiul, Mr. Park expects to rc-
tirinifcre about May 15th.
WOT Gettys and Geo. O.
jipyrles nave received register
laukJTnnd are prepared to register
;eralfor Bohemia precinct. They
lUUielfound nt the posloffice.
OT W. Uoyd left Moir'ny
reritlic boutlicru Pacllic en route
3o3tpn. Mr. Uoyd will be gone
evening March 2 1900,
'and Mrs. C. H. llurkholder
ibig, handsome boy. C611-
atulations Charles,
llose Williams announces
laftne drawing for the luncli
Til take place next Saturday
p. m. at Iy. Iyiirch's store.
Monday win nchool election day
f n Cottngc (tiove, attd a teprc
Huutative crowd of ladies and
gentlemen were in attendance at the
appointed h ut 2 o'clock p. 111. The
meeting wits 11 most harmonious
oil'. the only trouble being the in
ability to place in iiomitiition those
for the offices of director and clerk
who would not decline. At last
the billot for director was taken; K.
Jo dan and Oliver Veatch as nomi
nees. The result was the castiiu
( f7, votes of which Mr. Veatch re
ceived 52, Mr. Jordan 14, and llie
balance scattering Mr, Veatch
was duly declared elected. Mr. J.
JC. llarratt was placed in nomina
tion for clerk. Sjveral others were
nominated but they declined. Upon
motion Mr. Harrctt was elected
by ac Initiation.
School Clerk Oliver Veatch has
already completed bin report for
the s -hon term just ended. In his
teport is noted that the district has
427 pttp:ls under the age of 4 and
20 years of which 298 are enrolled 1
besides 5 pupils under the age of
6 making in all, enrolled 303. This
is a pretty good sized school to be
led without school privileges fo ir
of the lawful school months of the
year. Such conditions are not en-
coitriging to people contemplating
making a home in Cottage Grove,
wholiHea family of children to
Mr. and Mrs. R 15. Miller who
hive been circulating a petition for
oid for Mrs. Jo- Wheeler of Silk
creek who whs left a widow some
fvw wt-eks ago with 6 little girls to
-upport, have met with much suc
cess and speak highlv of the. people
wlr nave so getieromly nelpen
Mrs. Wheeler. They received $20
it rash, A sacks of flour and itnv
quantity of rlot.ung which will
hel ci th; the little family of
d lighters. Mrs. Wheeler is
highly appr'cialive of lite kiudneSB
ten lered lu r.
Everybody seem to go in bands
these days and its a hard job to get
11 personal column. If the Nugget
published the names of those who
c line 111 Irotn Uoltemia this week
and then tltosc who vi-itcd Roe-
ur an order would have to I c
p! ceJ with he American Tvpe
I' lUtidcrs Company for an "upper
c s; ui ick lull ol ' caps.
The" fact is every bodv front Ho-
hernia visited Cottage Giove and
every hoiy ion cottage urovc
vi-1 ted Rosemtrg this week.
Many of the residents of Hohein'a
ire o' jewing to the inconvenience
to which they are placed in the
matter of a voting place. It seems
that the pteciuct voting place is at
W ldwoo I. The boys claim that it
is too faraway for them; that they
cannot get out to vote as :t con-
suni?s too much tune, asserting
that they can just as well get leave
of absence lo come to Cottage Grove
as to go to Wildwood.
Cy Hingham overseer at the Mu
stek mine arrived in Cottage Grove
last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Hing
ham has made a long stay in the
hills. He went in on the 19th of
last June and this is his first visit
out, lack ug only n few days of
nine months, almost lime enough
to make a mining trip to Alaska.
Tlte Southern Pacific tie plant
and tic train now running over
this section has in its employ some
15 or 20 Cottage Grove men, who
draw front the company from $500
to $550 per month. This money
comes right into Cottage Grove.
U. S. Smith hits pnrclinHud K. II.
Oiihos clKiir and cunfeotfonory ntoro. Mr.
Smith Ihii good liiiHjnedB innn anil will
no doubt build up a good buaiiiOHS.
Uopublluaua of Collago Grovo Ito
publican Club will incut ut the City
Hall Monday night, March 12.
0. II. Amt'H, iniiiini: man of Sampler,
v'lBlteil huro ami in tho mineH thin wool;.
Mr. Ames is well plen&uil with the dis-
Mr and Mrs Suth Rowe are visit
ing with I J Taylor and family..
The annual school meeting for this
district was held at tlte school house
Monday, Several resignations were
tendered, and altogether the meet
ing was not harmonious. A special
meeting will be held soon , ami in
teresting events are anticipated.
A petition asking for a post office
at Divide has been circulated.
There ate many things lltnt will
requite the close attention of the
city council of Cottage Grove for
she next few years in view of per
manent city Improvement! at the
least possible expense lo the city.
One of these; will be that of an ade
quate water system. At the
present time the city is supplied
with HtifTicicut pure mountain spring
water for household purpose, but
there is not surplus enough to
admit of sprinkling lawns, say
nothing of supplying the hose com
panies incase of a sweeping fire.
Ah Cottage Grove grows, her citi
zens will naturally take .a pride in
keeping nice residence grounds.
This can only be done by the
abundant use of water. The city
will be called upon to furnish it;
and then again tlte fire department
should have consideration. A the
city grows the danger of fire in
creases. As the demands and
dangers present themselves the op-
portuttity for the city lo purchase
water privileges and right of ways
attendant, will be
city authorities as
practicable should
lessened. The
soon as it i
look into this
There is no
matter in particular.
use denying it lite business por
tion of Cottage Grove is. practically
speaking, without fire protection.
Special Correspondence lo Nugget
JJohemiai'.es and Cottage Groveites
nru Awaiting the call o the Helena
ens-. It will probably not come up
before I'ridav morning.
IT I- t. 1 . . 1. I 4
iiiiKii raiiersou is oetng meu on ;
111c i -11.11 ki; ui riijic ii-djii uil- ih.-i.mjii.
ol Winnie Thorn. The prosecution
withdrew the case from the Jute
county docket and brought it to
t ial in Douglas. Considerable
difficulty was experienced in draw
ing a jury. Nearly everybody had
read the papers and formed an
opinion. Those who had not read
the papers had talked with their
fipwial-l:15 p 111 Thursday. Patterson
was found guilty as charged. Will be
doiitenccd Monday.
The hotels arc crowded here.
Some guests are thankful to get a
chair to sleep in.
In the cae of Jones, administra
tor of estate of Guillhange, de
ceased, vs S P Co for $5,000 damages
verdict, was given defendant.
All vToatVroii.
Attorney J. 15. Young visited I?u-i
gene Wednesday.
Uncle Joe Garoutte was a passen
ger south last Monday.
John Graber was n visitor to
Cottage Grove and Eugene this
Chas. Van Pleet has returned
from a several mouths stay in Cali
Andrew Tynntl of the Minora
King group 011 Steamboat was in
town this week.
Attorney Jerome Knox, of th's
city was doing professional service
at Roseburg this week.
Lew Hartly arrived from Cor
vallis this week and will visit his
mining interests in Bohemia.
W. H. I.eKoy ol Ijoliemm was
among the guests at the Cottage
Grove Hotel this week.
Titos, Gardner of Amos was
registered at the Cottage Grove
Hotel this week.
Attorneys K. R. Skipwortli and
A. C. Woodcock of Ktigen were in
attendance upon Douglas count)
circuit court this week.
Miss Bertha Tail of Walker left
Wednesday for Albany, where she
has accepted a position in the Postal
Telegraph office.
Geo. O. Knowles, Albert Stocks
and John Uoyd came in front the
mines Saturday and left Monday
for I'lorence on a two or three
weeks visit.
Burton Hurd of Cripple Creek
legistercd at the Hotel Sherwood
this week. Mr. Hurd is n thorough
mining man and is now in Bo
hemia on a tour of inspection.
Misses Maigarette and Catherine
Brutid who have been spending the
winter with their father and brother
in Bohemia arrived in Cottage
Grove last Saturday en route to
Siuslaw on a visit with friends.
ir, Rrlcr.
J f you am ImikinK font prpaorit Unit
will bu tiM'jful ari wull in onifimmitiil o
tol'iillllps AtidJones Hardnaro.
Vou('flti uct at uood KlHiiip photOH at
HoyiU as any tilnco fn Lane Co., 21 for
Hyou want wall paper or books don't
foraot to eel prices ol .1.1'. Curiiu tlin
Hulls! SiiilHff Tailor mado milts! !!
Up to diito hi evorv rodpricl, from $lGup.
Calf ami ecu siimplos.
Uko. I5ont.MA.v,
J'or I(ohI v.'iIiioh in torn and coffcos o
lo Ciiiiiiiiiiin (VSuItr.
If you want it suvr, axe, wedge, or any
lli i nt; in tliu wood uliojipurH ftic.
I'billipi) A Joiicm bitve 11 uo"l mtHortrneiil
ami prices right.
Two cows belonging lo Win
Thorn were killed by Wednesday
morning's train, near Latham.
Frnsh camlitiH every dny, malo from
pure suar at the Tailor Hhop,
For quality anil clieapncAS in frceli
iiiKiits go to the Contral inunt iimrkol.
I'. V LiwU, boot and shoe repair
hnp. FIrl oItit work, low priree.
O ppofiic Plu-rwood Hotel.
For all kinds of plumbing and
tin work go to Griffin & Veatcli
Get your wife a waoliini; inacliinp,
i wriiiKcr orcliurn for a CJIirinlniJia present
Phillip!) ami .I0110 liuve them.
Knkiu A Ilristow are agents for the
Genuine Oliver Chilled and Steel
Plows and extras.
We have in stock a nice assort
ment of garden tools ns well as
garden seeds.
Piin.T.irs & Jonus.
At the school meeting at Walker
f. r- .... o ... .,.i,.,l .1:
rector tor a term ol three jears and
j Wrifht clerk
The bei't for the money if you want
any table or opkct cutlery go to
I'hilliH & Jomob Hardware.
Cottage Grove visited Roseburg
Take your laundry to. Geo. K.
Grifiith, agent of the Engine Palare
Laundry. Goes down Thursday nd
returns Saturday aiternoon..
A choice fclootion of dried fruits at
Cummino ASbhk.
A creat variety of much goods at Cum
mint: A Schr.
Stitacriho for the Nugget.
.1. I. Currin has a culce lino of in-
irniin ami figured wall paper, at prices
to suit tho trade.
If you want a good job of plumb
ing done go to Grrffin & Veatch,
Griffin & Veatcli Co. are agents
for the celebrated Canton Clipper
Plows, Harrows and Cultivators.
Griffin & Veatch Co. carry a full
line of Canton Clipper and John
Deere Plows. None better.
The boys down from the Musick
are on their good behavior.
United States Land Office,
Roeburg, Ore., Feb., 19, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of
the net of Congress of June 3, 1878.
entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," Phillip Hohl of
Cottage Grove, County of Lane,
State of Oregon has this clay filed
in this office his sworn statement
No. 850, for the purchase of the
NW 1-4 of Section No. 20. in
Township No. 23 S Range No. 1
W., and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to
establish bis claim to said laud be
fore the Register and Receiver of
this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Friday the 4th day of May 1900.
He names as witnesses:
Nathaniel H. Martin, Enon E.
Lillv. Tames E. Ostrander, Siua
Orrell, of Cottage Grove, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming ad
verselv the aoove-aescnoeu laucis
are requested to file their claims in
this office ou or before said 19th
day of February 1900.
J. T. Bridgks,
A. R. De Fluent, editor of the
Jountall Doylestown.Ohio, suffered
for a number oi years trotn rheii
uiatism in his right shoulder and
side. He says: "My right arm at
times was entirely useless. I tried
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and was
surprised to receive relief almost
immediately. The Pain Halm has
been a constant companion of
mine euer since and it never fails."
For sale by Bknson Drug Co.,
Cottage Grovs. Lyons 8 AiU'UJ-
GA.TK, Drain Druggists.
Cumraing & Sehr
Dealers in General Merchandise,
til I
A full line of Schilling's Best Teas, Coffees,
Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Uaking Powder,
and Soda.
These are tlte "Money Back" goods.
Best values in Glassware, Crockery, Gran
iteware, Tinware, Wood and Willowwarc.
Pickles in bulk, Syrup in bulk, Pickled
Salmon, Herrings, and Pigs Feet.
Gumming & Sehr.4
W. S. Ciikisman-.
The Fashion Stables.
Gl)risrirun & Buns, proprietors.
Reas nadle Prices
First-Class Turnouts,
It is very hard to stand idly by
see our clear ones sutler wniiei
awaiting the arrival of the doctor
An Albany (N. Y.) dairyman
cair.d, at a drug store there for a
doctor to come and see bis child,
then very sick with croup. Not
finding the doctor in, he left word
for hira to come at once on his re
turn. He also bought a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
which he hoped would give some
relief until the doctorshoul.l arrive.
In a few he returned, saying the
doctor need not come, as the child
was much better. The druggist,
Mr. Otto Scholz, says the family
has since recommended Chamber-
hin's Cough Remedy to their
neighbors and friends has
a constant demand for it from that
part of the country. For sale by
Bisnson Dkug Co.. Cottage Grove.
Lyons & Applkgatk, Drain
Wo Bull jjood goods at good prices for
our i ireUuuurs, Central .Meat .Market,
Eakitt & Bristow have just re -
ceived their first shipment of Cres
cent Bicycles for 1900. They al
ways give satisfaction and are the
cheapest in the market $25.00 and
Phillips and Jones say that al
though they warrant the J. I. Case
plow to give perfect satisfaction.
Thev have never had one returned.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore., Feb., 19, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of
the act of Congress of June 3, ii7&.
entitled "An act for the sale of
timber laud in the States of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," Nathaniel H.
Martin ofCottage Grove, County ol
Lntte, Slate of Oregon has this day
filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. S49, for the purchase of
the SW 1-4 of Section No. so, in
Township No. 23 S Range No. 1
W , and will offer proof to show
that the laud sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of
this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Friday the 4th day of May 1900.
He names as witnesses:
Enon E. Lilly, James E.
Ostrander, Phillip Hohl, Tina
llnwley Cook, of Cottage Grove,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands
are requested to file their claims' in
this office on or before said 4th day
of May 1900.
J. T. BiuriGKS,
Arc now fully supplied with an elegant Hue of
Staple and Paticy Groceries.
Teas and Coffees, the finest in the market,
and at iowest prices.
A large selection of all the leading brands
of Pickles, Sauces, Catsups, etc. r
The best brandx of Canned Fruits and Veg
. All at Bottom Prices.
1 w
Er,i Bangs.
Proprietors of the Uohemia 1
and 5
Black Butte' Stage Lines.
Double or Single.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
iJfHi i-. Y tJi
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought at
the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with u9.
We shall be pleased at all times to
.quote you prices upon all lines
liauclleu by us, wlietner you buy or
Our stock is new, neat and cleafi
and having had years of experience
in business, we assure you the very
best goods the market affords, and
the lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand", Cottage Grove Oregon.
Are now Well Stocked with WIN
TER GOODS. Quality,
the very best and
prices that will
Astonish you
UP-TO-DATE line in UN
DERWEAR. All Grades and
Prices. '
Call and See Us."
Main Street.
non't To'bACto Spit and Hnote t wr ur anor.
To qutt totaooo easily and forever bo mn
wtlo, full ot life, norvo and visor, tabs No-Tc
Bao, tuownudor-workor, that makes renk men
strong. All druggists, GOo or l, CuroffuaraQ.
teed. Doolclot tni N.iutplo free Addreed
5tutllus ltomody Co.. UUUato or Nmr Yor