BOHEMIA NUGGET. C. J. HOWARD - EDITOR Knlereil nt the postnmee Cottage Qrorc, Oroicnn nil Settottd ('Hit maU matter. Nutitorliitlnn prlr. SI. HO, In nlRiire. AilTrtlliit tnte iiinitn known upon HppllcxUnti. 1R I DAY, MAKCII 9, I9O0. T1IH OltAOI.K'S tHINUNIIltUSt. Has the republican party throng!: its representatives in congress taken the contract to dig its own grave Oregon ian. Harvey whose sir name is Scott has had the self imposed job of un dertakcr for a long time; in fact, so long that he is becoming jealous even though he has never yet dug a grave that quite suited the re publicans. He lingers around the cemetery that his own fantasies has constructed, and with his dirt worn spade plays sexton where there is no funeral train in sight. Even his imaginary corpses are too lively for him and are resurrected at such inopportune moments as to cause him much chagrin. Wearied with digging in the mi 1st of the pollution he himself created, he attempts to cremate a few individuals such us McKinley, McBride and in fact, the entire Oregon delegation just to show how his "machine" fs working. There is no fence too high for Harvey to straddle, and .he will rifle a dead issue to a finish even if he has only one foot in the stinup. If Mr. Scott would quietly take an outing for four years and read his contradictary political rot, he would s;e nimselt as others sje mm. ut course he has several kicks coming since many a feeling boot has blessed his political aspirations by placing the bosom of his pants in front of him. lue delegates to tue congres sional convention should think twice before attempting to turn down Representative Tqngue, and be sure that in the event Mr Tongue does not succeed himself that a man just a little more ca pable thau he is placed in his po sition. This district rightly boasts of many capable men, but among them even his political enemies will give Hon. Thos. H. Tongue prominent piace. 11 is not a per sonal issue that the delegates to the congressional convention should consider but a general issue for the good of the entire state. Mr Tongue is now well fitted to the harness which was thrown over his back and is now in a position to do his constituency much good if given an opportunity. He has made rapid progress, and for a one termer has accomplished many things that men much older hi the representative hall have failed to accomplish. For instance, Mr Tougue has created 62 new post- rr . f omces, iourteen 01 wmcti are in Lane county; he has proven to be a friend to the soldiers, in as much as reports credit him with having received 275 original pensions, or increase of pensions granted prior This item, when you lay aside the patriotic feature, becomes a financial proposition, in as much as it has added to his district about $2,000 per mouth. It is said that ai present sometning line other pension claimsare before him, and they will receive his attention as fast as time will permit. Mr. Tongue is an able man, in fact the entire Oregon delegation is com posed of able energetic workers, men who command the respect and are able to fight a good hard battle along any lines in support of the interests, of their constituency, delegates should consider these things. The county court should recog nize the needs of the citizens of Row river and Mosby creek and erect the bridge a petition for which is now before the court. It is a deserving .request and will be of much, benefit to the people of that Section, AOKlMIALOU.t. On Feb. 17th at Eugene, theciti sen's nnrtv came toccther, or m other words three factions con vened viz: democrats, unionists and nomilist. Of course these rc- 11 formers had to have a name, and in order to keep peace in the hereto fore disgruntled and desintregrUed fumilv the name of "citizen was chosen, which term like charity, was evidently intended to cover a multitude of evils. The appropri ation of the word "Htixcn," which is defined by Webster ae one who "has the privilege of exercising the elective franchise" plainly in dicates that there are 110 definite principles of poiitics, inasmuch as the word applies to every voter in the land be he democrat, populist, or republican. None but citizens are entitled to vote, and presuming that a ros? by anv other name vou'd smell as sweet," it is ap parent that this acephalous ticket will be placed in the field with the understanding that the delusion will work upon the unsophisticated voters, who naturally take pride in the fact that they are entitled to the rights of citizenship. Without submitting any living issues to the public, the old togas of the erstwhile Jeffersoniim de mocracy were cast aside and mingled with the threadbare gar ments of St John, Weaver, Coxey and other reformers. This new born son of Babel had to be named and so it was christened "citizen." Montes labo rant, et rediculus mus nascitur. BONDAGE. Fealty to party where none ex isted was extorted by the following motion, "moved that all parties be excluded except those who are ex ponents of the principles of the party." Why "hide your light under a bushel" if you have any? Why not let it shine for the bene fit of the misguided? According to Holy writ the evil love darkness better than light because their deeds are evil. According to Web ster the'leader of a party is the ex ponent of its principles. Evidently al! those who were not excluded were leaders, and if so, the supply and demand for offices will not regulate itself. Free speech under bondage, free press under a "citi zens" arbitrary censorship is non sense pure and simple. To eradi cate wrong, to improve our moral and political situations, to set aside existing abuses, and to retrench ex penditures by the freedom of the ballot box is one of a citizen's just and inalienable rights vouchsafed to him by the constitution, which he is entitled co exercise open and above board. Secret orders, creeds and political machinery should never bind him to keep hidden a gem ofenlightenmen from the com monwealth at large of which he is an integral part. This game of "blind man's buff' is a delusion and a snare, and in fact it is "any old thing" to defeat republicans. It will be a difficult j task for the most adapt acrobat in this newly formed ring to ride three horses at once, however well he may have been trained in political somer saulting. .1 Anion the Mies. I You Miss a money- Our store new Mltn. Wo nrutiiH alon all wilts' All YlV tltla atnrti. und DOOlltl' supplying tlH'lr dry goods need. M It CHURCH. Preaching Sunday March nth. Suhiect nt 11 a in "Parasites of Nature and of Grace" and ill the evening at 7:30 p 111 "Pictures on the Wall." The public is made welcome to all services. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Subject nam "Our Mission:" 7:30 p 111 "Can We Prpvc the Future Life of the Soul From Nature?" Other services as usual. Public cordially invited. ! Rev M. O. lirink is holding a series of meetings at Saginaw this week. He reports a good at tendance. The M E ministerial meeting for this district will convene nt Leb anon about April 15th. Rev. M. O. Brink of this city is docketed t, ic .rinK. n mwlieine of erent for an addrets. I merit and worth. 1). S. MKAKKI.X r 1 11 I...... -...! 1 unitllll .MCimuiii nun i'Mi I Mattie, Bedford county, Pa. For ; - - w.. ...... j vaie uy i)Kwiv wki'h v-u , vimii. large congregations greeted each tJrove. Lyons & An'l.HGATK, service, which were both interest- Drain Druggists. Savin cj3 Propos ltlO If You Skip This Advertisement. . .. M. ii-iii lmv. ru ami emm' iHily n now timing iiiirrmr tin id mui.,.1 , lly""Ml, Hhirli mini I ckl out Mo.,. U -u . !i ..Hieing mil priw. on vhh. ' . . r fc M mmlM , , - I N Kutin:rinMr,.r;:i. '1 ..... ,, .r .... ...-m ...y. ...j We have saved mmiy doctor hi Is since we uegau usi.ig ,ti.imit;i lain's Cough Remedy in our home. We keep, a bottle open all the time auk whenever any of my fumily or mvself haean to catch cold we be gin to use the Cough Remedy, and as a result we never have to send away for a docior and incur a laige doctor bill, for Uiamlxirlain's Cough Remedy never fails to cure .1 MM ing and attractive. In an address delivered by a cer tain governor of one of the South ern states, speaking with refereuce NOTICE FOR PUiil.TCATION. Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon. February 21, 1000. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed We are carrying T,ir tlollttl Tuitnrn Mirelmnt Tailoring Sau) for niHkc-tc-onler suits, Conic in ami look through "tirraikj line te Spring Simmer Siunplrs cloct nny our you d mm it will l made up for you on the ImhU of IV.IIanio Pocket! We believe The Roynl Tallin arc masters l ilic T intf ait. Every garment ptndticed by them .viic the lud skill to Christ's teachings in the several notice of his intention to make final colleges, he said: "I do not care proof in support of In-, claim, and to call names, nor make invidious comparions, but there is n splendid endowment institution in the United States endowed with mill ions many years ago. Through the short sightedress, or b-induess and prejudice of the man who gave that said prool will oe made be fore Joel Ware, U. S. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on May 15, 1900, iz: Wiufield S. Fletcher on H. E. No. 7224 fcr the W 12 SE 14, SE 1-4 SW 1-4. and lot 2. sec. 18. T. 20 S ,R. 4W. He names the following wit nesses to prove his contiuujus re.i- NECKWEAR We have just received our large anl well .selected line of Spring u wear from an exclusive neckw;ur hou c, injuring yni the lau-it s iks ina'k in tip-to date style. h .-titer you uiMi to or not, wc iuvi c your insjctioti, mid we arc quite uro t prove to yuu we have the nwellcat Hue of 11 -rkweur rvn -Iim town. the endowment, there was a clause , dene npott and. cultivation of said in his will .providing that 110 ruin-' aml. viz: ister of the gospel should be per-1 Herbert M. Doty, Charles E. mitted to cross the threshold of the . Rttssell, Samuel 0. I.ockwood, I. collecre under anv nrotet or for anv "m. 01 i.orane, uregon. C3 4 - " J . purpose. It is a peculiar fact that ! J. T. at no time during the 20 years I was in congress, was there ever an hour when that institution, en dowed witli all its millions, had to my knowledge, a single graduate in either house." N0T1CEF0R ! Ul'MCATION. Bkihuks, Register .VOTICK nK FUKLU'aTIUS. Unlletl States I.nn'l Office, Koreburi?. Orttton. Fobrnary 7, 1(00. Notice I herelij- given that In compliance with the irovitlona of the art of (untrreMiif June 3. 1S7S. entltletl "An aot for the tale of timber lands In theSUtetof California, Oteum, Nevada, and Washington 'jcrrltory," Charles K. Itanons of Cottage (irore. County of Ijine State of Oregon has this ilay filed In this ollirn bis sorn statement No. bX, for the pnrrhare of the lots .1, 1, 7, 8, of Sofllon No. 18, InTownihlp No. 23 S Kan Ke No. 1 W, ami will offer proof to show that the land ou, nil mote TaluaUlcforlls timber or stone than for agricultural pnrixieea, and toestab'lsh heselalrn to raid land before the liegMerand Koeelverof thliortiec at It(n- bnrg, Oregon, on Wednesday the 'ft day of April 1'JOO. He names a witnee. I J. II. Orrell, K. B. Lilly, J.I. Jones, James WANTKD. Ijiw, of Cottage Orove, Oregon. Any and all persjns claiming adrorsely the abore deacrlhed lands are rearrested to 'H'.e their claims in this oillceon or before sid 2A day of April, 1900. J. T. llHiron, Register. ! unltnl states Und ORke, Kowburff. Otttoa. j February 1, 19, ! Notlee Is hereby iclcn that tu mmptlanc , with the prorations of the art of (iBKitwiof I JtineX. lAJh, entitlr-l "An set for the wl of ' tlmbor lands In the nt(i(rcllfiirrU. otsvun. NeTMla, and ashliiton Twirltory." John B Orreilof Cottage tirore, Cnm.tyof lne. Mate of Oregon hvi this day nleil In litis o tiles) blc h em statement No. &w. for th pnreltat of the Lots 1.2,9, lOof Keetlon No. I, In Town thJp No. U 8Kartf e No. 1 VI , and Hill offer pn trhoMr that the land sought Is more ralnnblt for its tlmler or stone than lor aurlenl tural purpo fs, and to esubllsh his claim to said and before the Register and Hec-lrnr of this oShe at HuseburK, Oregon, on Medncxlay the Adayof lpril mn. He names as h ltnems: Charles K Hanons, K. K. Lilly. Jatnai Uw, J. I. Jones, ol Cottage firore, Orogon. j Any und all persona elaltnlii,; sdvo'soly the abovewlesorlbod lands are reit!eal to f)l their claims In this olllce nor liefore "IdJft day of April l'XO. . J. T. UhlMM, I'.eglsler. I 500 split pickets. Call at Nugget office. Come and see our new seeds be fore buying. PlUU.II'S & J0N1(9. NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION' , United States Land Office, Kotseliurir. Ore.. February 17. 1000. Notice is liurebv eivon th'ttt in com. plianco with tho irroviaions of tlio act of ConcresH of Juno 3. 1878. entitled "An aot for the sale of- timber lands in the blates of Unhfornitt, Oregon, Nevada, und WitHliini'tori Territory." Kurl Martinson of lluywitnl. County of Haiv- yer, Statu of iceoniiin, hits this duy 1 1 .1.!. 1.!.. . ' .. J. uicu 111 uiiruuiH; inn sworn BiHiernt'llt No. 8t7. fortlio nnrchnse of tho NW W of Section No. 20. in Towneliln No22S. Range- No. 3 W., and will olTer proof to snow iimi, inu mild Rotigni m nioro valuable for ita timber or atone tlinn for agricultural purpoeeu. and to establish Mb claim to saidlund before the Register and Recoivor of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wedneedar tho 2nd day of Muy 1900. le lie names an witneaHess: Andrew Johnson of Havwaid. Wis. cousin, O O.Ltitid, II. J, Hanaen, Karl MartitiHon, of Ktr(,'eno, Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to lllo their claims in this office on or before said 2nd day of May 1899. J . T. IiKIDOKS, ReRifjtor. WANTUD. 500 split, pickets. get eflice, Call at Nug- C6RHL JWHRK6 McFARLAND & CO. Dealers in MAIN STRKIiT, roprietors. 1 3 '( I ; iVr 1 1 1 ton , Po 1 "k, j Veal, "Bncon, Lni'd, and Game in season, j TI-IJS LOWES. PRIG'IGS. i COTTAGli GROVK, ORl' T-Jaaiies Hemenwayl DKALF.R IN Jenkins and Lawsoii's New Paiet Dept. A full line of paints, varnisbes, oils, brushes, glass and paper. 3STO SI-LELin WORNE GOODS. All Frenh and Now, Direct From the Factory, AOKNTS VOK THK CKI.KDRATKU GUEftiMiD COTYMjE GOliORS. ifS?Over 20 years experience in the paint and paplir business. jjaJ? Keai Estate .and Mining 3?roi)Grt PsprM'als I Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Cmpanici j NOTARY PUBLIC .... strict Attontlon paid to Ccl'J Office opiwsite Sherwoodw Jk Progression u u Wo are living in h rapid mco: nnago of ProKrwaion. The tt'o'H' and you uiimt move with it. Keep up with the times. If you see n ehanoo to bcimiU yonrtn the opirorluriity. You Can Benefit Yourself by Culling At ."Benson Drug Company. E Q. ..4 r .... j - . -. . . bciforc )urc!i:tsEBEy elscwlicre. Estimate given to Contractor) and others on all ce of work. Store oti $eh street, half block south of Main street. COTTAGK GROVK ure Drugs and Chemicals-sc rI iinr'j cs m I VV tit s If you want any thing in the Hardware line, come and pur goods and see how the prices suit. Wc fchall endeavor toWd full line of HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, Miners Supple, Mechanics Tools, Cutlery, As tion, Washintr Machines. Churns. Etc.. nnrl .1 Full Lie of Arte Implements. -ZZaectaa. Philips & Joni