Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 02, 1900, Image 8

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United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore., Feb., 19, 1900.
Notice, is hereby given that in
compliance with' the provisions of
the act of Congress of June 3, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," Tina Hawley
Coojc of Cottage Grove, County of
I,ane, State of Oregon has this day
filed in this office her sworn state
ment No. 852, for the purchase of
the SU 1-4 of Section No. 18, in
Township No. 23 S Range No. 1
V., and will offer proof to show
that the Jand sought is more
valuable for its timber or 'stone
than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of
this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Friday the 4th day of 'ay 1900.
He names as witnesses:
Nathaniel H. Martin, Knon K.
Lilly, James E. Ostrander, Phillip
Hohl, of Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad-,
verselythe above-described lands
are requested to file their claims in 1
this office on or before said 19th
day of February 1900.
J. T." Bkidghs,
United States I.aml Office,
Roseburg. Orcein, February '.'ml 1900.
Notieo Is hereby given Unit In com
pliance with the provisions of tlio not
of Coniiress of June H, IN7H, untitled "An
net for the sale of timber hinds in Hit
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
mid Washington IVrrituiy," OeoigcO.
Walker of Walker, County of bine,
Stnto (or Territory) of Oregon has thin
iluy liled in tiiiH office his sworn stato
nientNo. 820, for tlio pureliaso of the N
S, NV 1-4, SW 1-4 NW 1-4 of Section
No. 8, in Township No. 22 t Kmiiio No.
2 W., und will ofler proof to show Unit
tlio liiml sought in more vnltmblo for its
timber or stone tliiin for agricultural
purposes, mitt to establish bin eliiim to
mini limit oeiore me ucuisicr nun m-
United (states Land Olllro,
Roseburg, Ort-iwn, January I, HUH)
Notice is lioreby given Unit in eom
pliiineewilli tbu provisions of I lie net of
Congress of Jitnu II, 1878, entitle. "An
net for tlio sale of Umber IhiuIh in the
States of Culiforniii, Orcg.m, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," Jolm W .
... . . .. . I . ..I I .t.l.k Ktlltl.
".V."' . i. ... .11-1 :.. .1.1- ...II..., ' C ..... ,..r IVhlllnrVl 111 ll-ttull
o iiiveon mis mm imy iiir" , , .1 , 1 ... i.i.. .mini atnle
his sworn statement No. 750, for the dav lllcd in tl.1. Hi . . ' bis ( ' " ' ,
purchase of the S K U of Section iin-nt No. JW. hir l bo p. 'V!"1"' .J!;,,',.
No. 4, inTownshlpN..20.S. Range No. - 1 NW 1-4 o Sec hi. N o .0. J
W..111HI will oner prom 10 snow . in ...e mm,. '"'v - " ,,, (..nil
II IU1 111 IIIMT 1IIWI o.--. -
liln fur lint minor or
mniKiifc in limn .
United KtntfH bnml OHlee,
Hoseburg, On., January IM, ' 1,1 '
Notieo in hereby given Unit n ' ' '
pliance Willi tlie iiwvIhiiiiih u tlio jt '
Cong. ess of June :!. I87S, cull led An
ael lor the sale ol timber lands in in
states of Culiforniii, (begun, Nyr'
lim WuHliiiiistim Ten limy. I'b ' I' ';
Sponi: of Collage tiiove I .muty f lt 1
Imul Hiiui?lit I iiiuru vMlmible for its tint
beror stone tlinn for agrii-iiltuial pur
poxes uml to establish bin eluini to said
imul iK'fore the ltecisternml Iteeeivvr of
tbin;ollieent ItoH'buri!, Ortvon, on Tiien-
coiver of this olfiee nt Itodebiirj; Oregon, 1 dnv the 'Mlh diiy of MmivIi I1HK).
on Friday the '.'Otb tiny of April 1000.
Ho mime.- iih witneyse :
N . U. AVulden, .1. It. WiHCinan, of Cot
tiitfO Urove, Oregon, A. F. Davik. C.
W.iKlen.of Cottage Orovo, Oiejion.
Anv and all pewonn elainiiii): ad
versely tlio aliove-deserilHHl land are
reiieHted to lilo their elainiM intbir
oll'icc on or before said L0tli dav of April
1 001).
J. T. IlitimiKM,
lie iinini'anB wiIir'pmch
John S. lirnv, F. W I'runtiee, J. S.
I.ueke.v, S.inmVl Clillord, of Kiigene.
Anv rtml all pernoiiM claiming a.l
verselv t be alHive-ile.-'eribed IiiiiiIh aru
rciuetrd to tile tbeir I'l.iiiiix In tlii"
olliee on or before said 20th day
March l!00.
J. T. HlllDOKN,
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore., Feb., 19, 1900
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of
the act of Congress of June 3. 1S78,
entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lauds in the States of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," James K
Ostrander of Cottage Grove, County
of Lane, State of Oregon has this
day filed in this office his sworn
statement No. S51, for the pur
chase of the SE 1-4 of Section No.
30, in Township No. 23 S Range
No. 1 W. , and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone (
than for agricultural purposes, arid ;
to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of
this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Friday the 4U1 day of May 1900.
He names as witnesses:
Nathaniel H. Martin, Enon E.
Lilly, Phillip Hohl, Sina Orrell, of
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad- i
vcrselv the above-described lands
aretequested to file their claims in
I States land Oiriee,
Roseburg, Oregon, FebniHiy 2nd IIWO.
Notieo iH hereby sivon that in com
pliance with tiie proviaions of the act of
, Congiesd of Juno 8, 187S, entitled "An
act for the xale of timber laniln in tbu
States, of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," James S.
Benson of Cottage Urove, County of
Lane, State (or Territory) of Oregon has
i this day tiled in thin otllce his .-worn
statement No. 817, for the purchase of
tlio NW 1-4 of Section No. 24, in Town
ship No. 22 S. Uango No. 2 W., and will
otter proof toshow that the land xoimht
is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural p'hrpo.-'-.'s, ami to
establish his claim to njiid kind li-luie
tlio llcgister and Uoceiver o' ibis oll'ice
at Itoseburg Orcv'on. on Fri.iav the 20th
day of April 1000.
lie names as witnesses:
Frank 11. INiillips, John Palmer, O.
II. Willaril, .lamee Lewis, of Cottage
drove, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
office on or before said 20th day of April
J, T. llRIbUKH,
United States lind Office,
Koseburg, Oregon, February 2nd 1000.
Notice is hereby given thi.t in coin
plionce with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled ''An
act for tlu sale of timberlaiuls in the
titates of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," Orson 11.
Willard of ottage (irove. County ol
Lane, State (or Territory) of Oregon'has
tins oav mea 111 tins oiucc 11 is sworn
xlone than lor i'V . . .
and to establish bis claim l said lainl
Injfore the Ucglster and Itc.'clv.'.; ' I Hn
olliee at Itosehuig Oiegim, on Saturday
the 7th day of April IIKH).
Me names as wiliicm1:
Jack LewiHof Cottage Omve. Oregon.
F. A. Klliotof New burg, Oregon. J. 1.
Jones, W. A. Ileinenway, of (ottage
liiove, Oreuon. .
Anv and all pcrsone I'laluiing ml-
ofiyirselv the alHive-describiMl lands Hie
' riiiueBtiMl to llhi their cii.niif m a"'
j olliee on or before said 7th day of April
J . J. T. HltllHlKH.
In thr Circuit Coiirl. i.( tlioSUtuot Orriroil,
fur Ijuio Ciiunty.
Kimiiti Mnv IIhh. I'tnlntlir. .
DkvIiI Umx, nrfcii.lHiit. J
To vld lloni:. Hffolliliilit linmcvl:
Yon Hrr herrl.y rniulrcl In le hihI ani-nr In
thr tttmre rnlilled ('oiirt unit nnsuer tlie com
l.lniiil tiled Htralitxt you therein, mi or
the first dny nrrm'rlbvil In the onlcr fur tlie
iiililli'tliin of this mnmi!n, uhleh icrloil of
time Is six necks from ill t ilnlo of tlio II ml
imiillfHtlcin of 'his summons. Sulil llrst Unto of
Mtd publication LcIiik on the .'ml lUrofKeli.
inon. anillhe Ust tlate of imlilli-atlon fxilnron
the IKIh ilny ol Marrn 1!mi, nun jroii are herel.y
111 tltleil Hint If yon fnll tn so t.ienrnnl nnswer
snld iim.lnliit, the tilnlntltr will ni.ily tiitho
1 oiirt inr inc reuei iicni.iiineii 111 piiiiu hi scorn-
plulnt. to-wlt Thnt ihp iK.nilsof nintrliiii iiy
r fs'iinr hetneon i.lnlntlir noil hv
f rcrcritlssi.heil. ilint ilalinitrhe nunr.leil Ihn
mistiHlv nf llnrvev Ilonic the minor child of
ElnttitllT nnct ilc'emtuiit. that plnlntlir nssiiino
er mnlilen tinm 'of Kinmn Mny MiHiroaml for
uch other ami further relief a to Ihn Court
mnr seem e'liiltal.le nnit Jus, und fur her costs
mid illsljurscnients of this suit.
This summons Is imlillsheit t.v order of the
Hon. K. . Potter. County Jivlco of Ijuic
Comity. Stnteof Orexon, iimilo nt i'linm)crs nt
Knciie, Orciri.n, January 'J7th 1).
) Ihitctl KuKene, Oregon Jan. -Till !.
J. S. J
Attorney for I'lslntlfr. '
In the County Court oflhc Slnleof llreitoii.
I tor the foiintyof Ijii'c.
In tho mntler.of t ho luiirillHintilt of i
I S Cllallon,
llrrlicrl W. ltlotxl, uu Insane nfrsmi '
Tu llorbort W. IIIimhI. ifMitlnj:
III tho Nuiuoof thuMHieof titoiion. loll are
herrl.v cllcil unit'rsl lo nir In llie
.'on nl'y Court of the enie ui ntcmni. lor lh
Ci.utitrof Ijiiiu, nt ihe l oiirl Itmiin thiuvuf. nt
Kiis-C'ie. In the . oui.t) of Ijiiib.oii !ntur;Mv
ihe loth day of Kcl.rnarv lyuu, at im i.VIim-Ii In
the fnraniM.n of that day, then and the te In
how came. If any tbaie be. why a KuarilUn
inmnn not ne ! H)itn-i jour c.i".c. Xo. ,'IV . .1111 n n rr
Witness, the lion. K. o. I'otlrr Judira d I ho . ' m ' ,., ,'
....,. . ...... f ih smin 1.1 orc:i.n that tlie land sought Is
fur tho C.ninlv of lane. u mo
'ciil of snld Court slllii-l. lilts Hlh
,lu nf January U.
K. f. I.I.K. Ork
lly K. I. .Huns. iH'imt)
statement No. 810, for the purchase of
tho SW 1-4 of Section No. 21,inTown-
this ntfipe on or before said 4th dav ship No. 22 S. itange No. 2 W. , and will
jaf February 1900.
J. T. Bridges,
United States Land Offico,
Roseburg. Oregon, February 13 11)00.
. 1 . f I 1... . t.n, in nnm-
ioiic is iiurui'y uivcit mufc i. turn-
oiler proof to show that tlie laud soueht
is moro valuable for its timber or stone
I than for agricultural purpoi-cs, and to
establish Us claim to said land before
I the Kegis'tcr and Keceiverof this office
, at Itoseburg Oregon, on Friday tbu 20tli
dav of April 1000.
fie names as witnesses:
Frank IS. Phillips, James S Benson,
United States Land office,
Roseburg, Orugou, February 1, I1100.
Notice is herel.y given that in com-
1 pliance with the p'rovieions of the act of
congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An
act for the wale of timlx-r lamN in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
'and Washinoton Territory," John B.
: Mosbyof cottage Orovo, couutv of lme,
State of Oregon has this day tiled in tnis
..trice li if sworn Statement 'No. SO", fur
the puri'lmco of the W NIC ".-4, SK 1
1-4 NK 1-4. SK 1-4 N W 1 -4 of Section ,
-Yo. 8, in Township .Vo. 22 S Hnngc A'o. '
' SW., and will offer proof to show that .
the land sought if more valuable fur its
timber or stone than for agricultural lj
purposes, and to establish disclaim to
said land In-fore the Itegister ami lie-j
celver of this office at Itoi-vhnrir Oregon,,
on Friday the 20th day of April 1000. ,
He nanio.-t as wilnt ses :
Josenh If. Perkins, II. F. Wynne, T.
j B. Phillips, P. L. Spong, of cottage
(irove, Oregon.
Anv anu all persons claiming adversely
I.tnd Office at Koseburg, Oregon,
January 20. UK).).
Notieo Is hereby gheu that the follow-iug-liainiHl
settler has lileil uolii'i'of hi1
Intention to make linal pr.Mif in uup
port of his elaiiii, and that said tmxif
will bo made lielorr Joel Warn, S.
CouiuiissionHr nt Htigene Oregon, on
Murcht 1000, vir.:Oathp Miller mi Ida
II. 71511 for the W NK 1-4 A W 1-2
SK 1-4 sec. .11, T. lOS'lt 2 W.
II. 'names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous resi.lencu upon
and cultivation of said hind, viz:
Calvin Casteel, Perry Cnstrel, of
Saginaw, Iiiie Co., Oreu'iiu, Thiiiniis
Broun, (ii'mgo Petty, of Creswell, Initio
Co., Oriuon.
J. T. BltllHIKH,
UulliM Stall, UmI'IJ.'.;.
Ilosebnig. Oil-go". IVbnmrv I .'";
Notieo I n'i'" K"' "
nltann will. IL- P"W IKW,
I'oiibm-hh of Jiim!li ISiK, i nli 11.1 n
n tXr the .ale ol limber bind- In Ibo
ales of California. Oregon. Nev.ida.
1 Washington Ter.ltorv." Amliew
,(,hs,.,.ol lluywaid, County o Siiw-
,,.r suite of Wis. lu baa Ibis dav
.lod 111 this oll'ice hi '' f,",v,,!1',"1
S. SIS. fur tlie puii'hus.. of the N I I
,.r Seel Ion No 2H. In Township No. if S.
Itniiue No.ll and wlllollor
iho thai tin- bmd sought Is moro
volnahle (or ll llnilM-r or at. "n"'r
.inrleiiltuiid purHM.i., iind 10 .'.HihI all
his claim to said land More the
Ucolslcr and llpceiver of Mil- oirii'i' iit
Itoseburg. OiKgon, on Weilnesday the
2nd .lav ol May 1000.
He names as wltnesei i
K .Maiiinson oIJIImvhiii.I, Isconaln,
O. O. Lund, 11. .1. II 11. Andrew
Johiianii. ol Kuueuu, Ori-gon.
Anv and nil peisoli" I'hdllillig ad
vetselv the iiImivimIwciIIk'I libl J'M'
nsnicste.1 to III" llielf clillins III I ds
olliio 011 or Uiforo uld 2nd day of May
L'nlteil Stuli'H liiid t)iricc.
liosobiirg. Oiu-on. Feb.. I .'I. 10.M).
Nollcols he ebv given Unit in colli
pll.iuee with the i.uvisloii" of the afl of
Congress of Julie :t. IS7S, enllihsl "An
act for tho sale of UiiiImt laud In the
States of California. Or-nfim, Nevada,
and Washiuifion IViritorv." Olc Uoo of
llucslii. Ciiiiniv ( Tbilisi u. stale of
W'aslniigl'i.ii b is IhU day tiled ill this
office bis snorii sl.ilt'iiionl N'n. W!, for
tlm puichaT of the NW 'i "f Sccilon
.V11. 24. in Tow n-hlp ,n. 22 m. uatigr
prisil 10 snow
inoic Villiiiilde
forils UiiiIn'i or st'itic lb ill f..rngil pmpiise . and to i-dnLll-h Ills
cluilll to s.ild lull I In-biic llli- Itciislt'r
Mild l!ec. iver d Una office Hi lioMdiurg.
Otegoii. on isln,..,iv the O h ilnr of
Mhv IIKH).
lie naiiii's as w iliiesi' :
II. K. II in-.ii. Ivor I. mil, O O Lund,
of Ktlg.'lie, OifX"l, 0e llegaits of llll
cisla, Washington.
Anv ami all persons clalinllig nd
versely the Ihivi'- liirlwil lands tin !
iticiil to tile I'li ir .'l.nn.s in this mTu'i'
on or Indole said (fth davol Mhv ItHX).
.. T. Ilililgi's,
,J""""'y ;, ltJ
' ' " Mini
NOTU.'KFon I'l bl.U.vrin
Wllllllll KlNIC. I
MOM'lllllg, till',
Nnllci' Is lieridii
pllimci' Willi Ihe li'OMsu.i,,,,! ,1"
I'llllKlvr. n Mill. I I., mi t'lltltl
net for th Hale m un,i , 1. .'".'"J
Siiil.s ol Ciillf.iui.,,, 1 . ..ui, V
and Washington Tiini.v
Kllioit of NewlHiig. r..M,n i."
tiili'(orTfiillory) 1. 1 ii,,..,,.. !"
day lllisi In this ..III... .
mem No. 70.1, lor 11... ,,.,,
SI', II. if Seellon No. j ."'J '
No Tl H Ittinge No 2 .
priaif tiiNliow Ihni iho Uini '"
inoru villuabbi lor Ha im,H.r '
tlinn for agricultural pnriKv
ralilblish Ills fin lilt 1.. ssnl 1..'
.1... D..l.,... I I, "'"I
llli' iikipii'i nun Itis-i'ii,.,
al Uncoiling, Oiegiiu, uu
7lli day of A pill, ltsifi.
lit Illllllt'S II M Wlllll'll-
I u I
1 . I,. -.'nm .i . 1.1
J. . Cimk.ol Citiiin-i-
Anv and all pis m,
V.'IseK Iho iiImivi" dn-. r ,i
H'iiiii sli d lo llie llii-i
olli.'o 1111 or U'fore a.tid
1 ,
H tllll
J. K. 1
d lb
1 Isiflu ,
III. .,V,J
notkm: foii priti.uwTift
'"'If. Ofs
1 41 lid Oilier nl It...
Jiiiiuri v 'jn j
Nollce la Innd.y m,i, n,.,. ih'ri
Illg-UHIli.'d ai'tll thus ui,. 1,
iilleullou In mil... .. .,1
id Ills t'lllllll, Mild Mint . , ,
mailii Uduie .ImI Whip I 3. 1,,
uiisi.rier nl r-ngi'iti' I.
III, I'HXi. VI. IVr.r ( i.i
No. 7il7. for Ihe SV 1 ,. a .
It 2 W.
lit 111111M Ihr fulhisr n
protr Ids conlllitloti tesidainvm.
i iilllrnllnii ( snid l.iii.l ,
Calvin huc.ii. I
Oitvon, ll.illin .Mlllc. . I .
IVtly, of Ctii.xi.ll, M
James Lowis, Joint Palmer, of Cottage ail persons claiming adversely
(4rove O pioii t,,e above-described uro nil nested
. uruu, u etoii. ... . Uni.. ,1. ,.!...!..;... :..
.u 7 n - - . 1 UIU.K, V LLUII.
pliance with the provisions ot tno act 01 Anv aml a(1 persons claiming ad
Congresa of June3, 18.8, entitled A n , versely the alsjve-deecribed lands are
act for tho sale of ttnilx-r lands in the . requesteil to file tii'uir claims in this
States of California, Oregon. Nevada, I office 011 or before said 20th day of April
and Washington Territory," Iver Lun.
of Eugene, County of Lane, btn'e ot ure
gon has this dav filed in this office his
sworn statement No. 833, for the pur
chase of the SW 1-4 of Section No, 12, in
Township No. 22 Range No. 3 AS'., ijnd
will offer proof to show that the land
ebtight iH more valuable for its timber or
stono than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish bis claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office
nt Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday the
24th day of April 1000.
Ho names us witnesses :
O.O. Lund, H.J. Hansen, A. W.
Newman, Peter Moc, of Eugene, Oregon
J. T. BltlUGKH,
. Register.
United States Laud Office,
Roseburg, Orego , February 1 1000.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provision! ot. tho act of
Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An
to file their claims in this office on or
beforcsaid 23th day of April 1000.
United States I.aud Office,
Roseburg, On-con, January 4, IIHW.
Notice is hereby given that to com
pliance with the provisiims nf the net of
Congress of Juno .'1, IH7rt. entitled "An
act for th- sale oflimb-r lands in the
Slater of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory ." Frederick
V. Prentice of Kugeue, Count v of bine,
tate f Oregon has this ilav lllril in Ibis
I'liited Slates bind IIILer,
Ico-ebiitg. 0.cgnn, Feb ,'Ai, WW),
Notice ! Hereby uiven thai in iinn
pliaucowitli tin- p'niviioiis of the in' I of
Congress of June 3, IH7', en i'liil ' n
act for Ihe nlc of llmln'r land' 111 the
Slates of California, On-.'. 11, S'.-vada
i and .ishniuiiin tVrtllnry," ti e lliv-.ta-1
of Bucislii, County of Thurstiui, Stall- nf
I Washington hits ibis iluvllle l in ibis
iiin.-e his swoui Miutcmcril N'n. Kill, fur
the pnielnise of the SK '4' nf Sii'tion
V'i. It, in To.iiislilp .V... 22 S. IEjii e
. A'o. 3 W., ami . i 1 1 . .irr pin-.f In show
I that the land mii'lit is in ire v.iluilil.i
forils UiiiUt or slouu tlinn for agri-
culliirnl puriM.i-. and In eslahli.h his
I claim to s.iid Inn I Is'fum tie- Iti-.-i-ler
, and Itii'oivi'rnf this olTii-t- nt 11 A-olniru,
I1! "it Wisl'iel.iv the Uth dav of
Mav IU.XI.
I lie nil in. -s its witnessea:
I II. K. Ilaiisnii of Kogofic. Oregon
OleltiM' of lliiiisln, W isliiiufnii. Ivn.'
Lund, O. O. Lund, of Kugeue. hj,n,.
.iiivniHi mi iHirsuiiHelaiiiilug inlv
ins ., 1
oflico his sworn Htatenient Nn. 740, for i . .,, "V''-,"'i,'r"""l lands arc .
the purchase of the SK VI. of Section 1 " t". '.' !"' ,"'' " or In!
Nn. 10. in Township No. 20 S. Hruiuc
Unitad States Land Office,
Itoseburg, Oregon, Kebruary 1, 1000.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance ..with the provisions of tho act
of congress of June 3, 1878, untitled "An
act for the sale of tiniln-r lands in the
All ... . . ... . .. . -------
uctforthe nle of timber lauds in the 6 1 .'" 1c?,,Ior,"i,v "'lian, Nevada,
States of California, Oregon, Nevada. a"'l " ashington Territory," Harry
and Washington Territory," John Van 1
Ooideii of Cottage Grove. County of
Lane, State (orTerritory) of Oiegon has
.1.!.. -I nl.. t ! .1 1 .
Anv andallpersonsclainiingadveisely ! this day filed in this office Ids sworn
the above-described lands are requested
to file their claims in this office on or
before said 24tli day of April 1900.
J. T. Bkiooks,
" United States Land Offico,
Rofteinng, Oiegon, Feb. 5, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tho provisions of the act of
cojigreks of June 3, .7878, entitled "An
nut for the sale of timber lands in the
' States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and AVashington Territory,". Herbert
Eaklti of cottage Grove, county of Lane,
State of Oregon has this day filed in
this office his sworn statement No. 822,
for the purchase of the -VE 1-4 of Sec
tion ivo. SO, in Township JVo. 22 S
Range A"o. 2 "W .,nnd will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
Hgrictilturul purposes, and to establish
his claim to said laud befoie the Register
and Receiver of thss office at Roseburg,
Orogon, on Monday the JO day of April,
Ho names as witnesses:
"W. S. Bennett, J G. Cochran, L. F,
Wooloy, G. c. Miller, of cottage Grove
Anil and nil nersons claimim.' ail
versoly tho above-described lands aro
reiiuusted to file their claims in this
offico on or before said Iflth day of April
J, T. BltlDfiEB,
statement No. 812, for.tho purchase of
theNK 1-4 of tiection No. 14, in Town
ship No. 22 S Range So. 2 W.,and will
offer proof to show that the land sought
is more vaiuame tor its timiiur or stone
I'. Wvnn of cottaue (irove. countv of
Ijiiii!; State of Orvgon has this day filed
in this office his sworn statement No.
810, for the purchase of the Lots Zik4
iindK SW1-4 of Section No. 18, in
Township No 22 S., Range No. 2 W, and
will offer proof to show Unit the hind 1
sought is morn valuable for its timber 1
or sioue tnan tor agricultural purposes
o ...u. ...... ......w .y, no I.UII'WI 111 niUIIU I , . .11111' ,1 . ' . . :
than for agricultural purposes, and to ""' to ''ish his claim to said land
office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Fridav
thoiOtl. day of April 1900.
He names as witnesses :
F. P. Phillips, Ii. Brumbaugh, Jocph
Perkins, J. Louis, of cottage Grove, Ore-
establish Ins claim to said land befoie
the Register and Receiver of tins office
at Roseburg Oiegon, on Friday the
23th flay of April 1000.
He names as witnesses:
F. P. Phillips. I). Brumbaugh,
Joseph H. Perkins, William Van Gor-
uen, of Cottage Grove, Oregon
No. 2 ., and will olfxr proof to (how
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or atone than for agri
cult nil purposes, and to ostahlUh his
claim to said land hefor the Register
ami Iteceivcr of this office at Rosebiirg,
Oregon, on Tuesday the 20tb dav of
March 1900.
He names us witnesses:
Samuel Clifford, John W West, John
S.Gray, J.S. Litckey, of Kugeuu, Or
gon. Anv anil all pursuits claiming ad
versely tho nljove-dcscrilied lands are
reoiicstcd to lib- their claims in this
oflico 011 or before said 20th day of
March 1900.
J. T. BltllKIKH,
fore saiil Ul Ii d.iv of M iv 111 XI.
. T. BmmiKH,
and all persons claiming 11. 1-
Anv and all persons eliiimiiiL' adverse, versely the above-described lauds are
the above-described lands are rfxjiiested 1 requested to file their claims in this
to file their claims in tills office on or ; o'l'ieo on or buforesaid 23tb dav of A pi IJ
before said 23th day of April 1900,
J. T. BltllXIKH,
J . T.
Notice Is lioroby given I but I'oter John Fra-
ily hus been ntipolntod hy tho county court of
jjiio i oumy ureKou r.xevuior 01 ino uu urn
iind teatament of tho estiito of Win. It, l'rndy
(locouswd. All persona having ulidms against
mm eststo are heroby untitled 10 prcbem mem
with tho proper vouchors to me at I-oruno,
Ijine County. OroKon or at tho law oflico of
jiurnauKU uiin Kissinger in i'.ukuiio itukoii
11 11 Jim nix miuitlis from me uutooi rinsnoti'.'0.
Pttteil this Jud day of February A D. l'JOO.
Pktjcu John l iuuv,
Fxent.'r of tlio last will aiul tcslumont sod
of the tstate ot W m. It, Jt'rudy deccsseU.
United States Lanil Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, February 1, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tho provisions of tho act of
congress of Juno 7, 1878, entitled "An
act lor the sale of timber lauds in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and ashington '.territory," rotter P. 1 States of California. Or...m,. ',....iu
Phillips of Cottage Grove, County of j anil Washington Territory," William'
Lane, State for lerritory) of Oregon has Van Oordenof Cottage Grove, Countv
Una nay filed in this oflico his sworn 'of Lane, Statu of Oiegon has this ilav
ufntonioiit. Nn. HIM mr flm tiiiri.lmu.. i llln,l t.. .1.1.. i . . Y
, , , y , i . 1 1 hi is i. u ii e ins sworn siaiemcut
the Lots 1, 2 and L M 1-1 o Section No. 81 1, for tho purchase of tho NK 1-1.
No. 18, in Township No. 22 S Range of Section No. 10. in Tnwnshl., V i
United Statos Lanil Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, February 1, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tlie provisions of the act of
Conuress of Juno 3. 1878. cntifloil "An
act for tho saleoi timber lanils in the
T ..Sir l-.fll jr. .
.o. it .. anu win oner proof to short
that tho land sought is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register
ami Receiver of this oflico at Roseburg and RecoUerof this office nt Rosolmrtr
Oregon, on Friday tho 20th day of Oiegon. on Fridav tho 20th dav of A. ,r7
(inn - i
He names as witnesses:
F. P. Phillips, D. Rrumbaugh, John
Palmer, John Vim.Gordeii, of Cottage
of Section No, 10, in Township No. 22
S Itango No. 2 W., mid will offer proof
ii sunn umi. mo inn.i soiigni is more
valuable for its timber or stono than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
hisclolui to said land before tho Register
April 1900
Ho names as witnesses
II. Wynne, D. Brumbaugh, Josonh H.
Perkins, J. Lewis, of Cottasro Grove.
Anv and nil nersons clniminc adversol v
the above described lanils are requested
to file their claims in this office on or
before Bald 23th day of April 1000.
J . X . JSKIDOliS,
wiuio, lllll.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the abovo-described lands are wiuested
toiiiotiioir claims in this office on'or
before said 23th day of AprillOOO.
J. T, UjlIDflLH,
United States Lanil Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, January 4, WOO.
Notice is hereby given tbiit in com-plianc.'-with
the provisions of tho ( f
I'ongiessof June .'I, 1878, entitled "An
aclforthe sale of timber lauds in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory." John S, ,
Gray nf Kugeue, Countv or Lane, State I
! of Oregon has thin day filed in this oflico I
ins sworn stiiieiucni ivo. 748, for the
purchase of the N K '4 of Section No. 10,
in Township Nn. 20S. Range No. 2 W.,,
mm win oner prooi 10 snow tliat the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stono than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said hind before the Register mid Re
ceiver of this office nt Itoseburg, Oregon
on Tiiesdrty.tho20th dnv of .March 1900.
no names as witnesses;
John' W. West, F. W. Prentice, J. 8.
,'v' ,of ,:"L'"fii', Oregon, John
heeler of Saginaw, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ml
versely the above-described lands mo
rc.iiested to file their claims in this
o nee on or heforo said 201 Ii day of
March 1900.
Ind OHU-oat Itnsel.nrK.Orexciii,
I I'cbruary mm. I
' sotloe Is hereby Klven that flm follo'slnx.
named settlor lni ll'el notli-onf his Inta.itloit
to make final proof in siip,rt of his claim, and
that snld proof trill bn ina.le lfnro tho
IteKlilerHtiil llecclvcr, I'. H. Uml Oltlce at
HnsebiirK, fremm on April 111. I'.ii) v: I
Charles llrown on It. K. Nn. for Iho lit a,
HE M NW i, K '4 HW sec. I a. T. X H It, a W.
I He rinrnea 'the fnllowlnsr uIIiicmcs to prnvo
I hlsi-outlunoiis n slilem-e tiui and eulllvatlon '
of said land, vl:
I William CHhortrlilKe, (iltbcrt I.. HhnrlrldKe, 1
i-wi. ii, iiiicnio, reier .MOlartlu, of Amos,
! NOI'UJI-: I'O t IM'Ul It'ATK
I ... .
Ulllt.-I Slnlrs l.i. Of
U'isdl,rv, OnV Hi, l - l-i tiiv I)
N itj.-i- Is herx-liv u'vn liaii,
pi it mi' ltli the proyi-i.ina ofiia
j I'nugii ( .one 3. 1H7H. ntilU
j art fur II... .iile of tltnl" r lan-h
iHUtosill C ilifnnilil. O .V'HI,
, mul Washington T ,nt,'
i Chiirh-s K. K ii.'iiis ..( i ,n( i
i dimly nf luiin, Stall- .-ffti
this dnv fittfd In this m
rlntrllii'iil Nn.Wi'i. do to- iinn
the fsK I 4 ul S i ti.ui .V . .11 ia
ship .No. 2-tj Itm.'e V. I W ,u
nffer proof lo slum thai tin- l.inl .
Is morr vsliislili' for its imds-f or
tlian for inr.."-s, ,
I'slnldlsli his i-,iiiii in .n i !(pH
the llegisler riml Riti-Hit ll.s
nl lln-i-biirv. Oregnii, .in Km
(Ui day of May I ism
Shi- mimes as wltnes
.V. II. M inlii. Ki i: l.dlr. .
K, Oslriiiider, Sinn Om it, of (
(iron-, Omx'iii.
Anv ami nil k-h.iis rJr
vi'is--1v Ihe nlsive.ilt-si'rifssl U
rmiii-slnl tu fu their i-taim
iilliri-mi or Imfnrv said H'tli iUn
T. Ilf
Illld Olfice nt Ilusi'iinrg Or
I'ldniuir J
.Viitlce ia bendiy given tlul I
lowilig-liiuneil svl'tlrr has lllr.1 tn
lila inleiitiiin lunmke llunl pn4
Mirl of his claim, uml UimI
will Ik- made bufnrr Joel Wart,
(-ammissioner, nt Kiiiiciie,
March HI, lm. vl: Jiiinrs K. I
on II. K.Ao. 702 for the lulil
2, T. 20 It I K.
He names Ihn fulloivlng vilo
prove his contimious resiilriw
nndi-iillivailonuf aatd I.i ml . vir
Wlllliitn II. I tinier. Oralil I',
Wesley Michael, RoIktI II. W
Uiwell, Oregon.
J. T. IIbik'
. T. HllltMIKS,
Southern Puclfic'ii I'm s Fhrfl
Fiom Han Francisco, DiccmUfj
Trains lenvo
Imul nnd way
J.v. Portlarifl,,
Orovn for Port-
nt 3:07 a. in
3. T, Rriihieh,
Notice is hereby given that tlio follow
ing warrants will be paid on tirusmitii.
tion at my oflico on and aftor Jannnrv
OO I OAA T..i . ...
ibw, inieresi on same w cennn
January 22, 1900. All Luno county
wurrants from registered numbers flioo
toOlBO, both inclusive.
Dated Kiigeno, Jniumry 20, 1900,
A.S, Pattkhhon,
County Treasurer.
8:.'I0 A. rn. 7 -00 n .
I.v. Cotlnt-ii Orove 1 :2(1 a. m. 2:57 p. m.
Ar. Anhlnnd I2:KI a, ru. II :.'t(i a. m.
Ar. l-acrntn-iito. .. f;(0 p. m, 4 a, rn.
at. nnn rrnmuro. 8:16a. m.
Ar. Ogden h M5 a. rn. 1 1 :4r a. in.
Ar. Ilenver 9:00 a.m. 0:00n. m.
4r' J.Y"I"W ( l,y - 7i5!'5 n' '" 7:ao-
Ar. Chlrawo 7:115 a.m. 9:3Ha in.
Ar. Ijoi Angeles. . I .-20 p. rn. 7 :0() n. m.
Ar. Kl Pi.f.0 Il:0() p, m, (t;oo r. M1,
Ar. lort Worth. . 11:30 a.m. 11:30a.m.
Ar. (Jilyof Mexico 9 66 a. m. 9:65 a. m.
Ar.Iloiihtun 4:(K)a. m. 4:(Hla.m.
Irr.0f,,,n8- fl:26 P-ni 0:25 p. m.
Ar. wnphlngton.. 0:42a, m. :42a.m.
Ar. New York . . . , 12:48 p. m. 12 :43 p. m.
Pullman mid Tourist cars on both
trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Og
den and Kl Pago, and tourist cam to
C lilcago, St. Louis, Now Orlcntm and
OonnectiliB at fian Frnnclsro with eev
eralBteamsliip'llnoii for Honolulu, Ja
pan, China. Philippines, Central and
South America.
Boo I). T. Awbroy, Agent, Cottaco
Giovo Station, or address b
0. 11. Maiikiiam. O. V. A.
- Portland, Oregoiin
"Tim Sunset Limited. tliH
Purine's famous train of II"
route, will t-ouiiiiiiiici- lis snifi.t
winter season on Fridav, Drami"
Tho ri'heduht for Hits yr
siilen-d rather superior lo nn;
season, affording ns it will iff
for favorable view of poinHw"
along the line, and makiiir
I ... it .I flhU
( buiiiiwi;iiuua ui iiew uricnin
trains of other lines to ami '"7
, i.iiimii iniu i ruirrr ui uipviish ,n
The trnlu will leave Halt FwB
, r, P. M. on Tiie. lays nnd FrM-l'-I
I lug Ui Angeles about 7 ofwfl
following morning, thus givinj ' J
light vl.iw of the orange hoitw
Its connection at Kl 1"
through earn of the TexasA
St Imls, will place Callfornl I1
gers in thnt city from m
ahead of nil other lines. Hi1"'
f I . . n. I lltrtff
iioustnu to ow uneniin, "y,;m
iiiUirestlng plantations ami M
Hoiithorn fiuisiHim, will
light, mul the arrival in tll Wl
jvit In limn to connect wMTj,
rul i iti fur U'ushlnL'ton. w.2
Clnclnmti, Chicago nnd "ther p'r
'im... u, i i.IimiIiw cm ii Ipnifl
service Is up to JtH wcll-kiif! it Im worthy of rn '
the .llstmiee of 8000 imHm
l.'.,.luu lr Now York S lia.'J
I IHIIUIDIU " .' , , ,,J l.ntd
t ho Sunset I.IIH ' , ' 'in
w mer K, thi tA' J?m
to iiici. iu ' ijr