Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 02, 1900, Image 7

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    mfNfo with
1)01111 1 llllt wimi iw m-i. uuu uini nun
. J.. II. u . t
"(lit 1 10 tONl Of lllllll llllll II UN HUM'
fTilsTbf tllUUMllllU (if CUIfM to IU
rAYTnmt iimn v women who nro 111 trv
fervihintf thv hear of In tlio wiiy of
cUlclnc.uiHt thin ux)crhiiciilln with
altnowii ilrnc l u toiiHtiint inunuvu
JiJSJr iilrcmly linmlruil hi'iiltli.
ffKuIeriu to tin very uiiwImu, for
icrolaro romctlli'M wlik'h itru no ex-
irimcnt innl huvo linen Ioiowii yenr
liliyeBrH t4 Imi lining only goofi.
Tnlt5i for liipitnnco lj'"iiv K. I'mlt
unvayeKrintiip i'iiioinnii loriiuny
;iirith ri'conl lum been onn iiii
olienlcl'iilii of Hiiercrin. No iiii'dlcliic
rgfeitii'i'1 lllii tlm world Iiiih wvi-r
nownlliiiH hhi'Ii a record for curen.
1 1 Veelim ho htrnnio that homo jH'Oplo
lllltalcu iiiciIliincN ahont which they
allyTUnuw nolhliifi, homo of which
Ightlbu. ami lire, really hiirinfnl !
Iitlojon thu other liiind It U ctinllj
pvcdftlint over ono million women
ijojbceu ri'KUireil to health hy l.yilltt
llMnlcliain'H Vefrt'tiilile Coinpoiind.
Wolltau MiiblUlicil In tlio iipwm
.jkraKof 111 u I tiii;l tUatcM moru
ntilinyti'xtliiioiiiiil Ictlcrs than huvo
cwbcen pnhllNht'd In thu Interest of
1yiotirer inoilicllio.
AIIRHIh Nhoiild, and tlot:, prolnco a
IrltTof coiitldoiicu In thu heartii of
iinenjjvlilch Ik dlllleult to (llhlode.
iJEvlicn they arc rtnUetl lo take koine
IngfeUo tliuy hoy, " No. we want
ttuvVK, I'liiKlinin VeKutahln Com
un'djjw hull hurt been tried, and
ijfijjfotiiid wiintlnjf . wIiomi reliability
CStatillnhed far beyond thu expert
intnlfStuife "
Wchnvi) thoiiKiindHof let torn llVe thu
lowing addreMted to Mrn. I'iukhain
owing1 that
'onihly Suf faring Is M-
aym Curoti by Lydla .
idhhatn'o Vogotablo
omhound, also Back-
iho and Boar In y-down
' I;ufferctl untold njony cvety
ntli'and could got no relief until I
ed your iiicdlclne; your letter of ail -a,
and a few Imtllen of Lyilln K.
lUhttiri'N Vegetable ( oiiiponnd have
tie mo thu hupplcNt woiiiau alive. I
ill.blcan you a long na 1 live." Mltta
B SAUL, Dover. Mich.
Fouryearit ago I had ulmont Riven
liopo of ever tH-liitf well again. I
TjiUU'ctutl with thoiie dreadful head
ur'tspolls which would hometlmcH
tUirru or four daya. Alao had
ikaclie, benrlriff ilovwi tmiiiH, letietir
ca'.'dlizlnchu, and trrrllile pulim at
ntlilvj period, conllnlug mo to my
U fAiUtr rending m many
nlttlsfor vour uicdlcliiu. I concluded
tryl.Iti I began to pick up after
lngvthe tlrht Inittle, and have con
ucd to gain rapidly, and now feci
t a different woman. I can rccom
Dd Lydla K. llnlhanra Vegetable
ppound In the highest tcruin to nil
t vrbtnen."-Mih Hoha Hki.dks,
tW. Cleveland Ave., Canton, O.
o Lottors which Provo
kt Lydla Em Plnkham's
gaiahlo Compound Will
imovo Tumor and Curo
StattiFomalo Woaknoss.
TjvolycurH ago I wntt a great
tererroin womb trouble and pro
flowing each mouth, and tumora
ild fojui In the womb. I had four
tors in two yearn. J went through
ttment with doctom, but they did
no ghod, and I thought 1 would
o to.renort to morphine.
,Tho?doctor auld that all that rpuld
p ruqJwiiH to huvo an operation and
e the, womb removed, but I had
rd dfJMrs. I'lnliham'H medlcino and
ldcdo try It, and wrote for her
Iceland after taking her Vegetable
ipouud thu tumorn were expelled
I ItlQgeKiin to get Htronger right
Off,' and um n well as ever before.
I truly nay that I would nuver had
touiwell had It not been for I.ydlu
l'lnUham's Compound." Mahv A.
air.VaUontown, la.
After, following the dlrectlonn
pnjjntyour kind letter for the treat
atyofjluucorrhea. I can any that I
qboen entirely cured by thu use
LydiS H. I'lnkham'H remcdicH, and
1 gladly recommend them to my
indj A, 1J. IUvius, llinghamton,
iothor Oaso of Womb,
ltfjnoy and Bladdor
'ouhlo Ourod by Lydla
Plnkham's Vogotablo
(Dejui FniKND Two years ngo I had
Id-lRd fever and womb trouble In
Worst form. For eight months after
lSsii habo I was not able to nit up.
jtort troutcd me, but with no help.
odjbearlng-down pulim, burning in
mftch, kidney nnd blnddcr troublu
Ifiny back was stiff nnd soro, tho
nWdvary was badly affected and
fwhlng I nto distressed mo, and
rapyas a bad discharge.
lIE?as conllned to my bed when I
?tolto you for advlco and" followed
iiVdireotlons faithfully, taking
1I51K. Plnkham's Vcgotablo Com
tndJLlver Fills nnd using tho 'Wash,
IJam now nblo to do tho most of nly
liffwork. I bollovo I should hnve
HJfiltOiad not been for your Cow
indA I hope this lotter may bo th.
ulif benefiting some other sulfur
Qyotnan. I recommend your Com
inf to every ono," Mus. Maiiv
008N, Trlmblo, Pulaski Co., Ky.
)r. Porkhuret is authority for
pent that wlion D. L. Moody
IVfor ohuroh momhorBlilp it
fjQJjP put hint on probutlou
fl'nt ho did not npponr
'(out to upproolnte tlio
TT, lCZS '''Ece is the
mi of ii lllnetc lK iieil llcrl r
lliixbiiiiil'N I'oc'liellioiik.
Oiiu of Iho children eiilhil. nnd hIio
went lo hoc whin wjim t li inntior, rim
hull wiih ilnrk, t1n chlld'H licilinmii hih
iliiilt, I lie loor lo Hid loom Mood pnrtly
open mid lliu iwiiilt was lluil mIio run
Into Iho door. In Hpliu of tlm iihiiiiI p.
pllciilloiiM for liijiu-ift of Hi it mittiio
Hit- hrulKc JiiMt over her pju wiih pain
fully In ivlilimi'c In a very hIioiI Hum
nnd her hiiHliniiil wiih Hynipiillii.Cf.
"Yi.'M, It iWh nun," Hlie Mild In re
ply lo IiIh itii-Htliui. " pniim . a
great ileal. I think I ought to K, t ffc)
for Unit."
"Fifty ilollniH," Ik; cxelalini'il. "From
"From you," hIid repllcil.
"lint I illilii'i piiHh you lulu the door."
he proli'Hted, "Mini neither Old I loavo
the door njiir."
"Nl'Veltlll'lcH," hIid iikm r.e.l, "1
llilnk that hriilHi! Ih worth ?:()."
"I inn awfully nmr.v yon hurt your
Hi'lf." he unlit, "hut I (hurt hoo why It
should coHt me $r(i."
"Iti'nillHC I ui'i'il It to get Unit gown
I Hpuki) to yon nlioiil," hIio exp u niil.
"Oho! Ho ihnt'H It," he retunii'il.
"You want to work on toy HympiithlcH
to get the gown I huvo already re-fiiHi-il
lo buy for you. Well, It won't
"Von won't let mi have It V"
"NuppiiHe I should knock over a few
ehaliH. niHh iiroiind the Hut uolnlly for
live or ten inluiileH and then tip over, n
tllllll'," HllO Hllggl'Htcll.
"I'd think It very footlxti of you. hut
It wouhln,l ehange my determination,"
he miHUiMi'd.
Then HiippoHe. nfier inakliig hiicIi n
racket iih Unit, which could not fall to
nroiiHi' the curloHlty of the nelghlmlM.
I hIiouIiI go out on Urn hi root to-inor-
row wllli UiIh Kwolleu mid illHeolored
eye," hIii pei'HlKtcil.
"WIiiii'h IliatV" he ileiuillldeil.
"SuppiiHe when I wiih linked how It
happened I hIiouIiI appi'iir III at cane.
laugh In a coiiHiriilneil hurt of way, mid
iflcr Hiiine lieHliailiiu nay that I mil
ngaliiHt a door."
"You wouldn't do Hint!" ho exclaim
ed In u In iin.
"What would bo the Inference drawn
by Hume who heard thu racket up here
""h. co now! Don't ho silly!" he!
protcMicd nervoiiHly.
"What would they think of youV"
the went on. "Wlmt kind of reputa
tion would you get In thlx neighbor
hood?" "Hut-but surely you wouldn't do It!"
he lUHlHted.
"Do I get that gown'" she linked, nn
kIic pulled n chair over mill! It was al
moNt ready to full.
"Hut you know' I never did n brutal
act In my life." he pleaded. "I never
treated you othur Hum kindly."
"Will you he able to convince tho
tielghborH of Unit?"
"I'll bet." he nalil iih he reached for
IiIh poeket ho.ik, "tint on r.iu Into
that door ptirpoNcly."
Hut nlie got the gown. A rcHourceful
woman can profit even by her mlnfur
tune. NeW York Sun.
"It 1 Had n Hon 11c Wool,! Cct No
I.cuucy from Mc."
"Ill the genus millionaire Cecil
Ithodes Ih unique. On the face of tho
earth lo-day there Is probably no other
rich inn ii who would iiho IiIh prlvato
fortune to htilhl a railroad In n savago
country or defray the expenses of a
war, not knowing whether there shall
be n reimbursement. It Is sucrlllco of
this unusual sort. In nn ngo when
money Is king, that commands the ad
miration of statesman and mechanic
nllke; while capitalists from very won
derment are constrained to give aid.
This explaliiH why. through tho
length nnd breadth of South Africa,
you cannot llud n man Hint envies
IthodcH IiIh fortune, since he neither
spends money on himself nor does ho
hoard It for posterity. 'If I had n sou
lit would get no legacy from me.' says
this world-unique millionaire. '1 llko
to see n young man begin poor. It will
bring out the best that Ih In him.'
To a Itockefeller. Could or Vnniler-
hilt such disinterested use of millions
must seem like ItiHunlty. Here Is n
man that husbands his fortune with
one hand nnd lavishes It with the other,
much as Napoleon kept the recruiting
sergeant busy nt one end of the scale,
while he never hesltnted lo lllng n few
thousand men to certain (lea 111 nt tho
other. He lives n plainer life than his
associates. He owns no steam yachts
or private cars, nnd consistently de
clines nil titles mid peerage honors. Ho
vhtiiis society and prefers knocking
about on the veldt Iu a Khaki suit to
attending a court reception. Ho has
spent n million dollars to provide Capo
Town n zoological garden nnd beauti
ful park, yet he lives himself for tho
most part In n thatched hut In Mntn
beleland. Threo times Imvo Incendi
aries burned down his vllln nt flroot
Schiir. On each occasion hns ho re
built It nt grenter expense, though ho
Is seldom thuro to enjoy Its luxuries.
It Is u good wny to distribute money
to tho workliiginiiu,' ho says." Alns
leo's Magazine.
A Now Order.
In tho mutter of orders, medals nnd
(liploiniiB, Franco ots no limit. Tho
latest Is dlplotiuiH for washerwomen.
Tho washerwomen, to bo sure, occupy
conspicuous position on tho Seine,
mid huvo played an Important part In
tho llfo of I'ntls, especially In rovolti
tlonury periods, They mo nearly iw
formidable us tho market women.
Olthor In recognition of their nblllty, or
In defeionco to tholr liilluciice, tho gov
ernment hns established this now or
der, nnd hns awarded twolvo mcdnls.
It In surprising how dumb tho avep
igo tunn is about figures.
"Best Teacher'
The experience of millions
has demonstrated that Hood's
Sarsaparilla is the perfect
remedy for all troubles of the
blood, stomach, nerves,
bowels, liver and kidneys,
And that it impAtts stttnglh, vigor and
vlUlity. Every teslimonUI is the voice
of experience to you.
Dyepopola - " A completion of
troubles, dyspepsU, chronic Ci.ti.rrh And
inftAinmAtlon of thcstomAch, rheumatism,
etc., made me miserable. Had no Appe
tite until Hook Hood's SarsapArillA. lam
thoroughly cured." N. D. Seetey. 1674
West 1 4th Avenue, Denver, Col.
(JfipodS SaMafrahii
JIwmI'i l'UU mrn llvtir UN . tlm non IrrllMInK and
"'l'd'rire U lTii wTlfi 1fwnir VtrttfiitXlTC
WhIIiIiik Wnrlly.
A man who walkn ciruiimHiHictly has
IiIh oyon open and IiIh witH about him.
If yon link him where ho Ih going ho
can toll you instantly. Ho has a rule
of conduit, anil a distinct object in
view, and curries with him a certain
hciiKo of dungor that somo ono or come
thing will iuterfuro with tho object ho
Iiiih iu view. Huch a man yilll bo more
likely to accomplish his purpoHo than a
mere wunduror. If it Ih worth while
to walk circumspectly, foi tho sako of
miccchh iu btihlncHH and tho nccotnpliidi
ment of our earthly Hellenics, how much
more Ih it north whilo, for tho paku of
our spiritual welfare and growth In
grace? United Presbyterian.
Idtltwiiy rtiilillnjf.
Cream together with two ounces of
frcMi butter and a cup of white granu
lated sugar; add to this tho well beaten
yolk of one egg and a cup of milk.
Work well together and flavor with
any ownee deMred. Mix a largo ten
HMoii of baking jiouder with two cups
of Hour and gradually add to tho mixt
ure. Hake in an oblong tin. When
cooked, divide In two, spread ono-half
with jam and prenn tho other lightly
on it. Some of tliin mixtiiru might Imi
baked iu miiiiII putty puns fur tea cukes.
lloHtou (ilolw.
With local application, a they rannot reach
the neat ol thulii"ae. Catarrh la n. blood or
eoimtltullolialdlM ate, and in order to cure it
you tnnil tak3 Internal remedlei. Hall' Ca
tarrh euro la taken iiiivriiall, ainl actmllrectly
on Iho blood and inucom turlnce Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure la nut a iiuaek medicine. It vrat
prvnerlbed by ono ol the bem physician In thin
country lor )nn, and iaa regular prem-riptlnn.
It I ComiHiied ol the bent tonic kuoun, com
bined with the Ik-si blood iiurlflcm, acting ill-rt-eilyon
tho iuiicoum Mirlarci. Tho perfect
combination ol the two Ingredients hinliatpro
ilueeatuch woiiderlul retultt In curing catarrh,
bend fur tcitlmoulalu, free.
K. J. CIIKSKY A. CO., I'ropri., Toledo, 0. .
Fold by druKRlMi, price "Sc.
llalla f amily 11 lis arc the belt.
A .luat (lull.
It is as hard as over to recoucilo tho
wrongH which men sutler at each other's
hands with tho great truth that there
is over all n just, holy nnd gracious
Cod. Our own personal life Is fulltof
unsolved mysteries, and lays ;ipon us
heavy hands. Thero must bo wrao
great facts of which wo can lay hold to
steady ourselves amidst tho Hood of
doubt which otherwise might engulf us.
Hov. Kd. Coo.
A powder lo lie shaken into the shoes.
At tills season your feel leel swollen, ner
vous mid uncomfortable. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's
Foot-ICnse. It rests and comforts; makes
walking easy. Cures swolleniindsweuiiiig
feet, blisters and callous spots, ltelieves
corns and bunions of all pain mid is u cer
tain cure for Chilblains, hjw eating, damp or
frosted feet. We have over thirty thousand
testinioiilnls. Try it tod'iy. hold bv all
druggists slid shoe stores for 'o. 'frail
paekago FHHH. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, I.e Kuy. N. Y.
Man is not exceptional in the fact
that ho is and has to bo a worker. All
nature is u scene of incessant action.
F.vorything from atoms to stars nnd ys
toms of suns nro constantly in motion.
Hov. Dr. Thomas, People's Church.
Tnko Laxntivo llromo Quiuluo Tablets.
All druggists refund tho money if it
fnils to curo. K. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. '.'Sc.
An American Machine Shop.
Foreigners who visit tho Paris ex
position in 1000 will huvo nu opportu
nity of seeing a typical American
miK.-hino shop iu full operation. Not
only will tho machinery in tho build
lug, such as travollng crimes, hangers,
shafting, oloctrlo motors, etc., bo of
American niako, but tho structure it
self will ho mailo on this sido of tho
Atlantic Philadelphia Tubllo Lodger.
Too Much Tlmo Wnntod. "If you
will got my now suit done by Patui
day," said tho customer to n tailor,
"I'll bo forover indebted to you." "If
that's your gnmo," ropliod the tnilor,
"tho clothes will not bo dono nt nil."
Ohio Stato Journal.
STiiiln Him Hiiiiiealolc,
A tramp wont nlong u dusty road
nnd sat down on tho stops of a houso
in n quiot villago streot. Through tho
windows tho voices of n man nnd
woman iu violent altercation woro
hoard, nnd tho tramp llstonod intontly.
Angry words, nnd occasionally tho
sound of something thrown, ronchod
his cars, ho could hardly sit still.
At Inst, ovidontjy, tho wlfo had
tnkon n broom, nud tlio blows foil fast
nnd furious.
Tho tramp could stand it no longor,
hut, rushing to tho sido door, ho darted
iu, nud, stepping between tlio pair, ho
crioit, with n husky voico:
"Give us n clip or two with tho
broom, old woman:' it sooms just like
old tlmosl" Collior'a Wookly.
t7 of Liquor In hn Army,
Tlio EvanRelicnl alllsnco nt Cincin
nati listened to twoaridroiiiM-K on "Tem
perance." Hov. F. M. Well, former
chaplain of tho First Tc.nnoneo regi
ment at Manila, npnko of Intoxication
among tho MihllerH. Ho Kiiid that thoro
wore 1100 traveling liquor KalcHincri In
the I'liillpjilnoH and that liquor Ih told
on many traiiHportH, as well as on Iho
ImttlcHhip Indiana. I lo cited names of
ollicers wham ho Mild ho had Keen
drunk, and mild 00 per cent of tho ill
iickh among tho roldlers Ih canned hy
liquor. Ilo was followed by Clinton
N, Howard, tho temixtranco orator and
relormcr, who outlined Ills work iu
Ilrnnl IIU Niimr.
Tho following Htory Is told in tho
life of tlio Into Archbishop JIchmjii by
Ills con about the archbishop's favorito
dog, Watch: "My father was reading
tho lesson, which was tho thirteenth
chapter of Kt. Mark, in which thu word
'watch' occurs several times. Tho
dog, who had been slumbering peace
fully, became very restless, and, as tho
bishop ended with the words: 'What
I say unto jou, I say unto all, watch,'
in a very imperlotiH voice, there fol
lowed a great nonfiling and scratching,
and Watch emerged hastily from his
place and proceeded to tho door of my
father's stall." Troy Times.
I'r tVlrrles Htrrring.
All ItiVfiitli.ii for steering any craft, by
meiiiis nf uti cllii-r witvi: mi the wireless
j leleriipli f rim-i I ban l,een perfected. In
iiuvul war it ii expecled to make the tor
pedu bout nlmoHi infallible. In tli a re-
sped It will equal the ruinous Hosteller's
htoiiuirli Hitters, which never fails to cure
cniiMipuliou, iinligctiuii, dyspepsia, bit-luiiHiu-ss
and miliaria.
I'erfm:lly Almtirfl,
Chappie She called mo a conceited
Dolly Tho ideal Why, nn idiot
has nothing to bo conceited about.
Town Topics.
I shall recommend I'iso's Cure for Ton
sumption fur unit wide. Mrs. Mulligan,
I'luninlead, Kent, Knglaiid, Nov. H, Ih0..
Tills world is full of fools, and ho
who would wish not toFco one must not
only shut himself up alone, but albo
break his looking glass. ISoileau.
Nn Morn Hour HtiiniHclm.
When Jnu'r rpitl'Meil, uiiillKeitcd food rntB
In your Klmnaeh like k'nrlmff In n nwlll barrel.
Ivmi It out Willi I'a-careu Candy Cathartic!
luc, a'. SOe.
Ought lo Inrliiilr nu Alarm llefl.
This timely suggestion comes from
tho Chicago Kccord: Why not inuko
every microbe, wear a fender and carry
a headlight?
As soon as n man gets so old ho has
no more trouble with heart affairs, his
liver liegins to make him griof. Atch
illhOll (iloho.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslon 's Fooih
lug hyrup the best reniedv to use for thrtr
Children during the teething period.
"I can't get nway from a good
agent," n man writes to this ollice,
"What can 1 do?" Don't nrguo with
nn agent. Let him talk. Keep quiet.
When ho has run himself down, say:
"I do not want it." Do not guy any
thing clso. AtcliiiiMin Globe.
llllirot.l Trnlll KUIimrllt.
The U. U. & N. nnd Oregon Short
Lino have added a buffet, smoking and
library ear to their Portland-Chicago
thioitgh ti aiti, and a dining car service
has been iuaiignarated. Tlio train is
equipped with tho latest chair cars,
day coaches nud luxurious litet-cluss
and ordinary sleepeis. Diteot connec
tion made at (.ranger with Union l'a
cilio, and at Ogden with Itio Grande
line, from all points iu Oiegon, Wash
ington ami Idaho to all Kaeieiu cities.
For information, rates, etc., call on
auv O. IE. & N. agent, or address W.
II. Iliirlburt, General Passenger Agent,
Tart Hut True.
Until Indivuality is enabled to ns
sumo tho mantle of greatness it can
probably do as much to mako a man
uiiK)pulnr us any other ono quality.
A settlement of tho dispute between
tho Buffalo Kx press And the Buffalo
Typographical Union, which has lastid
over two years, has been reached.
It yon haron't a rcnular, healthy niorement of the
bonola erery day, you'ro kick, or will be. Keep your
bowoU open, and bo well. Force, lu Itieibapoof
violent phytic or pill potion. Is danseroui. Tho
amootbett. easteit. most perfect way ox keeping Ibo
bowela clear aud clean U to tako
Pleasant, Talatablo, Potent. TuteOpod. DoOood,
Neror Sicken. Weaken, or tlrlpe. 10c. 6oo Write
for free (ample, and booklet on bealtb. Aildren
Slril. U.m.ti ('af7, Cklli, ,lrl, Kw T.rk. S2
Tboaaanda ofcarden
era depend on Ferry 'a Seeds
ovenr year and never atiiftr
dlaappolntment, Clicun auball-
tutra bring loss, not nnylnir crona.
It nays to ruiv a lltlln mora fnr
r'KBUY'aBltll. Five cents nernanrr
everywhere, and always worth It.
ilnaji the Heat. 10OOReel Annual free.
HH .. CUKtS WHtHt Alt ItSt f AltS. .03
iSi Best Cough Syrup. Taitea Good. Use pfl
EJ In time. Sold by druKgltta. rjl
nuici c
Gured of GataMh
By Peruna
After 20 Years'
"My wife Polly J. Evans), says she feels entirely cured of sys
temic catarrh of twenty years' standing. She took nearly six bottles
of thy excellent medicine, Peruna, as directed, and we feel very
thankful to thee for thy kindness and advice. She did not expect to
be so well as she Is now. Twelve years ago it cured her of la grippe.
I want to tell thee there has been a great deal of Peruna used here
last winter. Peruna does not need praising. It tells for Itself. We
can and do recommend It to anyone that is afflicted with catarrh."
As ever, thy friend, John Evans, South Wabash, lnd.
When catarrh has reached tho chrouio
stago, of courf-e it has gone beyond tho
reach of all local remedies. Nothing
but n systematic remedy can reach it.
l'eruna is the only remedy yet deviped
to meet such cases. Peruna eradicates
catarrh from tho system. It does its
work quietly, but surely. It cleanses
Willamette Iron and Steel Works
DralCllrra anil Ililllilpra nf Murlnn Knclllpa, Mining mill Dredging 3liirlillirry
nml ieniTKl Mill hiiiI Iron Work, I I re Ilyilr.tnti, Pulleya, Shafting, etc. Corre-
pomlt-ure Solicited.
A. 33c " a-kt-pt.-ct BOTTLE 3TOH lOc
DOCTORS INSIST that their patients use "5 DROPS" for
Swamson Rheumatic Cvre Co.: When I wrote jou for a sample bottle of "5 DROPS" tny
wife was sulferln; terribly from Rheumatism and was very discouraged, as I had tried every
thing the doctors prescribed, even sending her to RlchGeld Springs, etc My doctor is very much
surmised at the progress ray wife is making, and she is so well that she
HI ImEkF lam now entirely welt and I give "5 DROPS" the praise for my cure. I
HeLT could not find anything that would give me the slightest relief until I
VsSss tried this remedy, and I recommend it to everybody as a permanent cure
(trade marxJ
for Kidney Disease.
yf Is the moit powerful iplrle known. Free from opUtes and perrectly htrraless.
It fftves almost IntUnuneoui relief, and Is a positive cure for IthrumatUn,
Sciatic. Neuralgia Dyspepsia, jlackncbe, Asthma, liny Tever, Oatai-rh, Ia Orlppe,
Croup, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Nervous and Neuralgic. Headaches, .Earache, Tooth
ache, Heart Weakness, Dropsy, Malaria, Creeping Numbness, etc., etc.
nr n A VC to enable sufferers to g Ire "S DROrS" at lesst a trial, we will send a 25e sample bottle.
Oil UATO prepaid by lnalt,forI0cts. A sample bottle will convince you. Also, large bottles (9M
doses) II 00, 6 bottles for Ii. Sold by us and agents. 1GISTS niSTKD la X. TerrlUrj. VIRITI 13 TO-Dir.
8 WAN 8 OX KIIEUStATIO CURB CO., 10O to lot X.uke St., CHICAGO, IXXs,
r'elire anil IVIr l nrks.
Rlnl Irnn lenrluu: nltlre rnlltuir. elt !CII Alder.
.llavliliitiry ituil !iiiill.s.
cluuerr. sii.plies. l listsi., I'nitmml.Or.
can civo you the best bitrgalns iu general
inachliiery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
pltiws, belts and windmills. The new
tloel I X Ii wimlmill, sold by him, is un
equalled. c
Has the largest sale of any ink
in thu world.
-Wewlsh to gain thlirear 900.010 (
ni customers, snd nsncaoDer
1 Pkar. Oltr Uardeu llret. llof
I Pkg Karl'st KuiersldCncumbsrlSo f
l.aurosstf Aisrsett.siiuco, loo A
eltrawborry Melon, 15o J
I I Bar IfsdUh, loo j
ltsrly Hips Calibage, 10c C
Karl Dinnsr Onion, l0o C
Urllllsnt flower Heeds. 160?
Worth 1.00, for 14 ceats. Tw
Aboto 10 Pkgs. worth 1.00. we will I
mall you free, together with oar I
great usiaiog,ieuiog an auous
upon rscelpt of this notice Jtl4c,
stamDs. IVa Invite rourtrads. and
LKUOwwuea yon once irr nailer's ;
tseetl you win never uo wunoui.
i est earliest Tomato (Jlant on earth. lC- f
a join i. siinu susn to., t tKossi, nis. f
-aaiii iTizsson nsitsr's muu rsr
ONE FOR A D08E. Cure Sick Ileadacbe and D j
pepsla, Itcmo -e, l'lmplei.l-urlfy tlio Ulood, Aid Dices.
tloa, Prevent Illlliiuineis. DonotUrlpeorSlclcen. To
convince. jrnu.wmmatisamp e free 1 full box.Mc, OR.
B08ANKOCO.(rkllslskls,ra. Bold by DruggUU.
Address Ult. NIKUK1KK, Mountain Home, Ida.
ea Sw
the mucous membranes of the whole
body. It produces regular functions,
l'eruna restores perfect health in a
natural way.
No one should neglect to procure ona
of Dr. Ilartman's free books on catarrh,
pent to any address by tho Peruna Medi
cine Company, Columbus, Ohio.
etc. Read
the follow
ing letters:
refused to keep her seamstress and is now doing her own sewing. The
doctors Insist on her taking "s Drops" and assure her that It is now
only a matter of a few days and she will be entirely cured, and as we ara
very well known here, the "S DROPS" is receiving considerable atten
tion and praise. F. E. TRICK, Jersey City, N. J. Oct. 13, 1899.
Swaksok Rheumatic Cure Co.: I suffered terribly with Kidney
t" li. f i .r... ...tu. i... k.t,iu , ,,r Titinm' i
MARY A. CARBAUGH, Black Gap, Pa. Aug. H.W.
8toam Pumps
and Water
Pumping Plants ot
Any Capacity
i' a 'first - iiimii'u
Oto3B Flrat Street, l'ortluiul, Or. "
Machinery All Kinds.
rVimcthlne toput their blood In proper condt-.
Hon (or uprlng's cliungeable weather,
Hoore's Revealed Remedy
Will do it effectively. No nleohol or poisonous
drngs-purely vegetable, 11.00 per bottle at
tho drug More.
A wonderful discovery. Will render the
tliinest and most porous leather waterproof
ami adds to Its diuabllltv, petnl nn aie silver
hum receive uy retiiru mall, post piild, enough
to Inst you two years. b'ntliHCtlnii KiuirHiitt'eil,
ThompsouA Craig, 415 aril St., Ban I'rniiuisco,
Vie UlgCJ for unnnnrft
irritatioui or ulcratlon
of mucnui Membrane,
ralDlem. aud uut aitria
CEvAUCHtUlCALCO. Uatvt poUouou.
"or vent Iu plalu wruDDer.
by eipreia, prepaid, for
I.0U, or 3 bottle. 3.75.
C'lrcumr ttut on requaat.
N. V.
So, o looo.
tyilEN writing to uilvertlsera please
f r uientioa tiua ;
$$l boi to irlotar.
f 1 Frveata CooUtloB.
N. P,