Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 02, 1900, Image 5

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The "Poet "I the .Sierras" cnter-
Invd a lnt'RC and tittentivc an
Jjgtice at M iirtin's Hull on the even
nft n jantl. 1 1 in lecture was
tfleto with good thoughts, aud
HSrWhlv worded. "Lessons not
Round in books," the first theme,
very interesting, tis he 'took
miSlbook of nature for hirt text,
labelling long nud fervently on the
fiwSoim it disclosed to those who
ffi&lit happiness and contentment
ffram the grand and heiiutifttl as
portrayed by the handiwork of God.
iTcfrcbnked the iuvetoiate leader,
SuSjitist and book worm with tell-
effect, and virtually advised
thctii to go out doors and read the
ffrccn fit'lds, llowcrs, tiees. waters
WralKunsliiue of the universe, if
?!cy would aspire to be either good
grggit-at. Changing his apparel,
BeflTgiin led his listeners through
tjSnows and ice of the Klondykc,
ncariy freezing them with his vivid
Scscril'tion, loo reulistic to be com
ISffible. Mr. Miller has a mellow
voice with a distinct pronunciation
mingling his prose and poetry as
eSSily as one stirs his sugar in liis
te!Hf He will be a welcome guest
niEgntaKc Grove among a host of
oluBhiul newly made friends at
jvsver time he may chance to
utW 11' KT
IjjgjC&II. Stone, the flouring mill
rnamjinet with a painful accident
jnjfEBrci'k- He caught his hand in
OjUclt and nearly crushed the back
ouftl Although there were no
bfjnca broken, the flesh wounds
wer5exe?dingly painful and it will
Senile time before Mr. Stone will
Uie free use of his hand again.
1 1 ittif Jackson Stanton
)l Uiav Stanton, died at the
y h.imc at Creswcll, February
0"'V aRed 25 years. Mrs.
ntbii leaws a liu.soaiid, a little
(jftughter 4 years of age, a father
yujimnothcr. Mr. and Mrs. T. M.
mjpfcjjoti of Saginaw, and two
ljTcrs, () and Heninc, be
wgnmiy true friends to mourn
filcw and Wiley proprietors of
thgyU'sort s:tloun hasjlist added a
uieluew oasn register to uie ai
rew well equipped place of busi
ue?l The regi tcr is one of the
atl$v improved having the total
jjjjlran I lou'de roller, c ibulate I
orttwo men to work, night and
joya The register cost $231 laid
?rne Hincs n hook tender nt
Saginaw Mill No. 2 met with a
ininfrl acc'l'0,lt Mf'iday. He was '
barking n log when his ax
djpjjgd and slashed off the little tee
ofjliis left foot, also nearly severing
lliird toe Dr. Job dressed the '
id and while quite pn in I ul 110
scymis results are anticipated.
Ilawleyof Creswcll, who
(iafloee 1 mentioned as nominee for
tlQjFice of sheriff on the-republi-,
mfiTOckei was iu the city the other j
days with the view of letting
people know that should they, de-!
isrjsgo give it to him, he would
accept the nomination. The Nug
gemJcknowledges a pleasant call.
iauk Goodman opened up a
Jnecial brand of ; cent eiirnrs this
week known as "Our Favorite." I
QoTthe end of the box and on the
insttlc of the cover of the box is a
picture of the Cottage Grove school 1
budding and the pupils and
teachers taken by Royd.
Remember the annual school
tneetfng at ,tjhc Cottage Grove
school house Monday March 5th
o'clock. There is to be elected
director, to serve three years
iwione clerk to serve one vear.
rge attendance is requested.
in uhmijoy.
)liver Veatch, who has been
pitching lately and came very
being a subject of quor entitle,
fet sulphur and lard applied
Lis an infallible remedy
It is an assured fact that IIo
liemia and Cottage Grove will say
hello by phone before many months.
For some months efforts have bueti
made to form a company for
this purpose, resulting in the or
ganization of the Pacific Telephone
and Telegraph Company, with R.
W. Thompson, secretary; A Mather
president; G. W. Ilolcomb, vice
president; R. J. Jennings, superin
tendent. The company is organized
under the laws of Oregon with
i'orlluud the principal place of busi
ness. The company is at present
securing the right of way into Cot
tage Grove and along the line to
llohcniia, nud the work of con
struction will begin at once. This
not only givci Cottage Grove the
111 tch needed communication with
one of the best mining enmps on the
coast, but will be a means of bring
ing capitol here to develop the
resources now lying idle.
The Christian Church was filled
to overflowing Sunday evening to
hear the rendering of a selected
program under the auspices of the
W. C. T. U. of Cottairc Grove.
The exercises consisted of music,
instrumental and vocai, agreeably
diversified by short speeches and
recitations. Rev. Matlock in an
eloquent mood interested the au
dience for n short time, and Prof.
Day acquitted himself iu his usual
happy manner. The songs and reci
tations were especially attractive
feature of the occasion, while the
choir sustained its reputation of
being one of the best in the city. The
assembled multitude departed en
thusiastic iu its praise of the splen
did entertainment.
riiursday Mr. V. H. IJUir the
new landlord of the Hotel Sherwood
took jKissessiou of the house, hav
ing arrived accompanied by liis
wife and son from their former
home in Washington. Mr. Blair
enjoys the reputation of being a
thorough and progressive hotel
man, and he has entered into the
spirit of the business with a vim
that marks him a success.
NltW FUKNITllltlt stokk.
U. S. Martin has opened up a
new ftirii'ttm store in the Hcnicn-
way building recently purchased by
him. Mr. Martin has had many
years experience in the business
nud understands the wants of the
people. His friends will be pleased
to learn of his engagement iu busi
ness iu this city again.
KxTKNniCi) (?) TKir.
Harry Knowlton and "Toots"
Sanders have returned from an ex
tended (?) visit of some 24 hours,
in Idaho. Hilly Jones accompanied
the tourists on their return trip
home. They speak very inter
estingly of the scenery and "ride"
which was brought to their notice
during their long sojourn.
At the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Baker in thisciry March 1 1000
Mr. Marion W. Davis to Miss Emma
F. Palm, Rev. M. O. Brink officiat
ing. The contracting parties have
the well wishes of many friends.
Al Johnson, who is down this
week from the Fletcher & Reed
propei ly where he has been work
ing for Ilolderninn & Hickey on
contract work, is our with a well
developed case of mumps.
A Mine Owners Club has been
been organized iu Portland, with
headquarters at the Imperial Hotel,
with F. J. Hard well known here,
as secretary.
The Columbia River nud Oregon
Timbertnan published at Portland,
is among Bohemia Nuggets highly
appreciated exchanges. It is
splendidly edited and the February
number is replete with data inter
esting to lumber men and timber
land owners.
Lane county court sets the third
Monday iu this mouth.
Woodmen Circle gave a very
pleasant social at the hall Monday
As stated last week the sub
scription school to be opened at
the close of the public term, would
begin work Monday, but as Mon
day is school election rj vacation
will be given on that day. The
work from the primary up will be
in charge of Miss McQueen and
Miss Hunter, Mrs. Downing hav
ing withdrawn. The work outlined
will conform with the "state course."
The regular examinations will be
given at the close of the term fol
lowed by j romotioiis. Tuition
per month $1.50, except pupils
from Miss Downing's room, who
will be admitted for $1.25 a mouth.
All About you.
W. W. Hawlcy wasiu from the
ranch this week.
Conductor Sam'l Veatch stopped
off here last Tuesday.
F. W. Jennings has returned
from a visit to Portland.
Newt Jones returned from a trip
to Albany last Tuesday.
Mrs. R. B. Job and daughter
visited Eugene this week.
C. H. Park visited the Bohemia
district this week.
Dick Jennings made another visit
to the Helena this week.
W. W. Mastcrsou is iu from the
Nappance group.
Geo. Whitsett of Saginaw was a
visitor to the Grove this week.
Clias. Mitchell returned from a
short visit to the mines Saturday.
Kli Bangs the veteran liveryman
of Eugene visited his interests hero
this week.
Assessor D. P. Burton was shak
ing hands with friends iu this city
last Sunday.
Dick Jennings and Hugh Behene
have returned from a weeks visit
to the mines.
Mr. John Aiken is building a
house on his property in McFar
Iand's addition.
P. J. Jennings visited here this
week Mr. Jennings also visited
his mining interests iu Bohemia.
Sheriff Withers and Deputy
Prosecuting Attorney L. T. Harris
were visitor here last Sunday.
Thos. Hunt, Green Pitcher and
Rout. Martin are in from their min
ing property.
Hon. R. M. Veatch is booked to!
address the people of Saginaw on
topics political, March 2.
J. A. Merriman of Hillsboro who
visited friends here this week re
turned home Wednesday morning-
F. J. Hard has returned from
Cripple Creek and was looking after
business interests here this week.
Dr. Suapp, who has been east
for several mouths, will return
here from Ciucinuatti, Ohio about
March 9th.
Sam Bennett who has been
working for several weeks on the
Kugene Register has accepted a
position with Editor Chausse at
Grants Pass.
Bert Wood arrived home Tues
day morning from a several months
stay jn California, where he has
been working at his trade on a
gold dredger.
Horace McKinley, of Eugene,
who has been looking after the
timber interests of n Wisconsin firm,
for years, iu this section, was n
visitor to Cottage Grove Monday.
Edward L. Half ot Cripple Creek,
who recently purchased the
Mitchell claim, Bohemia, is in the
city. He visited his recent pur
chase this week and is highly
pleased with it.
W. H. Shane, the well known
mining man who owns some very
promising property on Monte Rico
ridge, Bohemia District, is shaking
hands with friends in this city this
Ed Andrews who has been for
years head clerk for A. V. Peters,
Eugene, and, by the way, one of
the most popular young men of
that city, visited his sister and
friends in this city last Friday and
No one could ask for better
weather this time of year.
In Brief.
If you nr looking for a present Hint
will bo MROliil hh well iiK-'orniuiimitiu f0.
to Phillip snd.'oncH Hnrilniirc.
Voojctiii net nn good utiitnp plioloM at
lloyriu an iiiiv pined in La no Co., 21 for
If you wiuit will! pnper or IkxiUm don't
force t to net priccn of J.I'. the
GiiiririN A Vkatxii Co. nro the IcikIoi h
in nil kinds of mining tmpplice, aniinii
nitlon nml Hportin goodx.
Suit! Suit!! Tailor mailt! NiiitHlil
Up to date iu everv respect, from $15 up.
Cull and hcu tmmplcn.
Geo. Koiilman.
I 'or beit vulnoH in tcno and coffees go
to CimimhiK Afcchr.
ftiilmzribo for tho Oruponian and Bo-
TlifflncHt line of 11 1 raw matting nt
cochrun & lieviiiH.
FriiHli candicH 'every day, in ado from
pnro sugar nt tlio Tailor shop.
For quality and cheapness in freiih
metttH go to tho Central meat market.
f. .. Lewis, boot and hoe repair
idinp. Firnt class work, low priced.
0 ppoHito Sherwood Iloirl.
Oct your wife n washing machine,
wringer orchurn for a Christmas present
Phillips and Jones have them.
Kakin it Hrintow are agents for the
Oenuine Oliver Chilled and Steel
Plows anil extras.
We have in stock a nice assort
ment of garden tools as well as
garden seeds.
Piin.r.ii'S & Jonks.
The lect for the money if you want
any table or pocket cutlery go to
Phillips A Jones Hardware.
Take your laundry to Geo. E
tirillitli, agent of tliu Kugene Palace
Laundry, (toes down Thursday and
returns Saturday afternoon.
A choice "election of dried fruits nt
Cummino ASehu.
A great variety of mush goods nt dim
ming A Selir.
Boys, havo you seen thoso fine shoi
guns nt GitiFFix A Vkatcii Co.
Subscribe for the Nugget.
J. 1'. Currin has a c. nice Hue of in
grain and figured wall paper, nt prices
to suit the trade.
United States Laud Office,
Roseburg, Ore., Feb., 19, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in
compliance wiih the provisions of
the act of Congress of June3, 1878.
entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands iu the States of Cali
foruia, Oregon, Nevada, 'dud Wash
ington Territory," Phillip Hohl of
Cottage Grove, Countv of Lane,
State of Oregon has this day fileJ
in this office his sworn statement
No. 850, for the purchase of the
NW 1-4 of Section No. 20, in
Township No. 23 S Range No. 1
W., and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said laud be
fore the Register and Receiver of
thisofficeat Roseburg, Oregon, on
Friday the4th day of May 1900.
He names as witnesses:
Nathaniel H, Martin, Enon E
Lilly, James E. Ostrander, Sina
Orrell, of Cottage Grove, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands
are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 19th
day of February 1900.
J. T. Bkidgks,
Three doors south of Depot you
will find me opening up a brand
new stock of goods, up-to-date from
the factory. When all in will have
a good line of furniture, uudertak
iug and wall paper, and will sell
them as cheap as good goods can
be sold. U. S. Martin.
(your own selection) to ertrj sub-
Kiiber, Onlj 50 cents a year,
g A rm j bkullM colored pUlct Utst jjc
3 ftthtont; drt stmakinc economic! fiacy 2
7z work; homehoM hinu; fiction, tic. Sub'
;C tcribc to-day. or, in4 jc for Utett cop. Se
5 L4r agent wanted. Send for Items. 3;
j Stylltth, Reliable, Simple, Ujvto $
date. Economical aud Abftoliitelr S?
reflect Fitting 1'apcr Pattern-. 3t
g (No-Stam-AlUwanca Patterns.)
S- Only 10 nd l ot. ch ooavt b!htr.
g Atk lor lham. Sold la nuuly er city
iwl town, or by mall from
g I18-t48 Wlt 14th St., New York, t
..Cmnming & Sehr
Dealers in General Merchandise.
A full line of Schilling's Best Teas, Coffees,
Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Baking Powder,
and Soda.
These are the "Money Back" goods.
Best values in Glassware, Crockery, Gran
iteware, Tinware, Wood and Willowware.
Pickles in bulk, Syrup in
Salmon, Herrings, and Pigs Feet.
-Camming & Sehr.-
Wr. S. Chrisman.
The Fashion Stables.
Gl?risnjau & Bangs, proprietors.
First-Class Turnouts,
It is very hard to stand idly by
see our dear ones suiter wnue
awaiting the arrival of the doctot .
An Albany (N. Y.) dairyman
called at a drug store there for a
doctor to come and see his child,
then very sick with croup. Not
finding the doctor in, he left word
for hi in to come at once on his re
turn. He also bought a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
which he hoped would give some
relief until the doctorshould arrive.
In a few he returned, saying the
doctor need not come, as the child
was much better. The druggist,
Mr. Otto Scholz, says the family
has since recommended Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to their
neighbors and friends until be has
a constant demand for it from that
part of the country. For sale by
Benson Drug Co.. Cottage Urove.
Lyons & Applegatu, Drain
We sell good goods nt good prices for
our customers, Central Meat Market.
Eakin & Bristow have just re
ceived their first shipment of Cres
cent Bicycles for 1900. They al
ways give satisfaction and are the
cheapest iu the market $25.00 and
Phillips and Jones say that al
though they warrant the J." I. Case
plow to give ptrfect satisfaction.
They have never had one returned.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore., Feb., 19, 1900,
Notice is herebv given that in
compliance with the provisions of
the act of Congress of June 3, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," Nathaniel H.
Martin ofCottage Grove, County of
Lane, State of Oregon has this day
filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. 849, for the purchase of
the SW 1-4 of Section No. ao, in
Township No. 23 S Range No. 1
W , and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more
valuable for its timler or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land
before the Rr g'Ster aud Receiver of
this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Friday the 4th day of May 1900.
He names as witnesses:
Enon E. Lilly, James E.
Ostrander, Phillip Hohl, Tina
Hawley Cook, of Cottage Grove,
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands
are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said 4th day
of May 1900.
Are now fully supplied with an elegant line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Teas and Coffees, the finest in the market,
and at iowest prices.
A large selection of all the leading brands
of Pickles, Sauces, Catsups, etc.
The best brands of Canned Fruits and Veg
All at Bottom Prices.
bulk, Pickled g
Eli Bangs.
roprietors of the Bohemia j
Black Butte Stage Liaes.
nadle Prices
Double or Single
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought at
the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with U9.
We shall be pleased at all times to
quote you prices upon all lines
handled by us, whether you buy or
Our stock is new, neat arid clean
and having had years of experience
in business, we assure you the very
best goods the market affords, and
the lowest possible prices. 6.
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove Oregon
Are now Well Stocked with WIN
TER GOODS. Quality,
the very best and
prices' that will
Astonish you
UP-TO-DATE line in UN
DERWEAR. All Grades and
Call and See Us."5
Main Street.
tton't Tobacco Spit and nmote fonr Lire Atiit.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mw
oetla, lull of Ufa, norvo and vigor, take No-To
Uao, the wonder-vrorltor, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, COc or II. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. AtfUreea
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or Nw YorV