Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 02, 1900, Image 4

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Sill '
! 4
El 1
Kntered t the postomee t CotUre Grore,
Oregon Second Clas mall nutter.
Subscription price, 01.50, tn SKtvaaeo.
Artrertlalna; ratea mail known upon
Friday, March 2, 1900.
? Among the
"Nobody will greet the news
from South Africa with more
genuine iov than rresiaent mc
Kiuley; Eveiy battle
Ira Campbell of the Guard, who
is so rampant about the amount of 1
money the county has expended,
has little to say about the county
improvements that are the result of
this expenditure, which is of
general benefit. Mr. Campbell
should be placed in a buck board
and given a free ride to Siuslaw.
Bohemia or Blue river at this par
ticular time of year, and then when
his bruised spots are again well, he
should be given another free ride
over some of the very excellent
roads, the result of the eihcicnt Saginaw Saturday
work of the present county court, L , .
1 '- r 1 1 . . 1 ' o
ana sec u tic can aetcci any
difference. Campbell is for Campbell,
first, last and all the time, but he
Rev V J Gardner will prench at
nam also aecular services in the
evening at 7:30 p m. .Friends and
stranccrs arc made welcome to all
M. O. Brink, Pastor.
Rev M O Brink
will preach at
evening and
All tlif rpi'iilnr spi-vicm will h
the Boers Jould not object to the people who he,d ln the c P chnrch next Sun-
line out of Eugene having a little
benefit of the county money, and
no better way can be suggested
whereby all the people of the
win means a few less votes for
in November.". Oregonian.
We are taught that the days of
nf rrrrVifvct nw nvpr Vit t rif pp-f)
sumof the Oregonian has consulted l"
his oracle and divined the -- .. -
I nAtininrr ir i rr rrrr f ,
It is a known r b " -"'-n
day. All
strangers will be made
going conclusion.
fact that Scott doesn't like Mo
Kinley nearly so well well as he
does Scott, and the same may b-
said of Bryan, but it is not related
that McKinley has ever even
written a state letter on the subject.
If the Boers should happen to learn
of Harvey's prophesy they would
We have saved many doctor bills
fetuce we began using Chatnber
lain's Cough Remedy in onr home.
We keep a bottle open all the time
ank whenever any of my family or
myself bagau to catch cold we be
gin to use the Cough Bemedy, and
as a result we never nave to semi
away for a doctor and incur a large
doctor bill, for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy never fniU to cure.
The following is a letter retrard- A. K- Uc f luent, etlitorof the " certainty a memcinc ui kiwi
inciouowing is a leuer regaru- r..i. .' ru: j tnrr inml uwih n Miauvi v
ing Bohemia Nugget', special K a nllnlbr of fheu Gcnera, Merchant and Farmer,
mining edition, and is highly ap- raatism in his rizht shoulder and , Mattte, Bedford county, Pa. For
predated: "I have looked over side. He says: "My right arm at sale by Bknson Drug Co., Cottage
youi special miuine edition a creat times was entirely useless. I tried , Wove. Lyons & Ai'I-lkgath,
Wo are rejoiced to note that be
fore the close of the meeting at Co
burg 10 more converts were added
to the 30 and among them were
some of the business men.
You Miss a Money-
Saving Proposition
If You Skip This Advertisement.
.;K-.. y "?'TXm . Bvtrjr .ly l.ol.l. i.l , .
Btipplvint; tltir dry good. nvviU.
1 1
surprised to receive relief almost
thrnro down their arms and re- many umes, ana our callers nave
turn to sausage and cheese making done s. It is a splendid piece of
disconsolate. How an English work an'd v"r people should make
victory should coucero McKinley is t profitable to you, not only for
awret too Hero for the reading this special edition but for all your For sale by Bknson Drug Co.,
,HiPtn rl! and evidently regular editions. Iam not eivin Cottage rGrovs Lyons & Avvuu-
r rf ....... 1 gate. Urain Unnrtrictc
. oo ...
Chamberlaiu's Pain Balm, and was! Drain Druggists.
immediately. The Pain Balm has1
been a constant companion ofl
mine euer since and it never" fails."
lodfTMl nwn v down in the bosom of 'u any "tally when I say that
the only Scott, he has the "open thfr wuld have hard work to
sesame" GreatScott." bring into the camp a better man
for the upbuilding of the locality
The Eugene Guard in its vin- " yr place is booming, look out
United Btatea Land Offira, RoTCbnnr. Oreion
Kebrnary a7. lnoo.
Notice 11 beraby Riren that In compllanrc
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon.
February 21, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final
proofin support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made !e
fore Joel Ware, U. S. Commissioner
at Eugene, Oregon, on May 15,
Winfield S.
dictive zeal to create democratic for yourself and see that a large lot ;he tien'm'.-An ZIo'ZlT H. E No. 7224 for the W 1-2 SE
thunder out of the faults of the re- prosperity sta-s right in timber untis m the states of California, ore- i"4 SE 1-4 SW 1-4, and lot 2, sec.
publican managers ot the county yur bank account.
affairs forgets the fact that it was Yours ever,
formerly an advocate of the ex- Joan S. Pinney, Mgr. Ameri-
penditure that it now seeks to con- can Type Founders Co., Portland,
demn. It does not remember its Oregon
hue and cry for a new court
gon, Nevada, and Wahlniton Territory," , 18, T. 20 S. , R. 4 W.
Clement IMatt of CotuKe Grore. Comity ofj He namcs the f0lowjjr
tiv. onto ui wurjuu um tun imr men in in s
office hi. .worn .tatenient No. MJ, for the pur- I , eSSeS t0 PrOVe hls COIltlllUOUS reM
chaie of the VE M of b'ertlon No. U, In Town- ddlCe Upon and Cultivation of Said
It meani $ f $ saved to the ptnir man or thejrich !
. 1 1 t.
Kenicraoer, every arttcic you uuy in otir store i exactly as itpi'
scnted; and, no matter what you buy, remember that our motto
'llaat ani 'I'liintr lat I .iuw iiiniioi'Hl
M. a.' raa. n J va vitii tiKvaav J Bo)
The following in only a partial list of our prices, and every artiafw
in our store is marked with a corictui)ding lowncss of price. Ut
.Wen' Victor Shirt- ?n
A perfect Fitting shirt in this season's loriugs. The prtttbSj
patterns ever shown in town fi; 1.25, $1.50.
Mn' Umltrtrrar
A large stock of both Cotton and Woolens at prices from 25c to Ji.JS
per garment. !?i
.UN'H IllttH
All the latest colorings and styles, nt prices to suit the people.
Men'n Winter anil Snrlna It'tlultt In Shorn
Swellest styles, direct from the factory, insuring the lowest prka'tH
J!.5o to ?3 75.
Mon'g Xrrl: ll'rar
Most beautiful silks made up in the latest patents as Imptiiii
English Squares, Hat Wings, and Tecks, 25c50c.
Everything you want in the lihe of fashions.
It has been authentically re
ported by the British war office
that Ladysmith has been relieved.
for Lane county, and how it for
merly praised and boasted of the
commendable and successful en
terprise, uunng inose umes mere if Lord Roberts wishes to make
wa no political graft in sight, aqd njs victory . over Cronje a notable
for its own sweet self it praised the one and one that will live beyond
actions of the county board, which him to his credit, he will exercise
actions it now condems as vile every effort in showing respect to
abuses and extravagances. Presto, the brave general who crossed steel
change, the war whoop of the un- with him.
terrified although sadly disfigured
a . . a I . t m mm ...
democrats suu in tue ring nas uenerai Miles, is ot tne opinion
aroused its ardor, and without re- that the Boers cause is strengthened
gard to what a swath it had cut a rather than weakened by Cronje's
few years ago, it unsheaths its heroic fight terminating: in sur-
hlpo. 2iS. Range No. 3 W., ami will offer
proof to show that the land nought li more
ralnable for It. timber or stone than for agri
cultural purpose, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver of
this Koeebnrg, Oregon, on Welnesday
the 9th day of May 1909. g g
lie names as nltne'ses:
Henry Hanson, 0. O. I.und.of Eugene, Ore
gon.Ole Hegaas, Ole Roe, of Bucoda, Washing
Any and all -persons claiming adversely the
a'joie-descrtbed lands are requested to (lie
uelr claims In this office on or before sild U.h
day of May 1503.
J. T. saiuou,
land, viz:
Herbert M. Doty, Charles E.
Russell, Samuel G. Lockwood, I.
P. Inman, of Lorane, Oregon.
J. T. Brikgks,
i. Wall & Wliippll
United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon.
Febrnary 7, l'JUO.
Notice Is hereby ghen that ln compliance
with the provision, of the act of l.'ongres. of
June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the .ale of
timber lands ln the States of California, Oregon
united Htates Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon,
February ". ltjo.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes. 1878, entitled "An act for the trie of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon,
Neradn.and Washington Teorltory," 'ohn 11.
Or'ell of Cottage Grove, County of jne. Htate
of Oregon has this day (lied In this office hi.
.warn statement No. K, for the purchase of
the Lota 1.2, 9. 10 of Section No. IH, In Town
sh'p No. HKange No. 1 W, and will offer proof
to show fhat the land sought Is more valuable
for Its timber or .lone than fur agricultural
purpos, and to establish his claim to said
SCalolne knife and iumDS into the render only when resistance would KeTad"' ttml 'hIngton ierrltory." Charles nd before the Reglsterand Hectlver of this
staiptUB Kline uuu jumps inio ine icuuci uuiy witcn reMhiance WOUld nanous of Cottage Orove, County of Lane, office at Itoseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday the
"push." Consistency thoU act avail nothing. It is evident that State of Oregon ha. thl. day filed in this office i of .VprillDOO.
very transparent! The vision of there is plenty of steam behind the ?""-0":7Ti
- ... 1 n . I . r r , I'
spoils ana tne moss covered I uoers yet
fealtv to oartv Is too seductive for
the ereat but mlsiruided orpan. ine ie'epnone Company re-
It would have the public believe cent'y organized with the view of the Regi.ter and Receiver of thi office at
that a democratic ftrfml,.,rl, building a line to Bohemia. Is a J". Wedne.y.h.d.yof
wnitltl haw thpn snwr1 thA rniintrv forerunner of the rapid advances
. .... .. I J II ClrrrU V..
from the very extravagance that inat w7 .D maae,in cottage Grove lJlw of Cotta'ge 0
the Guard then favored but now ana vicinity the day is past
copidmns. Sophistry unadulter- when Cottage Grove and Bohemia
ated as plain as the hand writing MininS District can afford to do
on the wall, is the Guards only without dai,y communication. It
ammunition, trusting foolishly as it a much needed enterprise, and
does that the peoDle at laree will every one who is in a position to do
be influenced by its misleading 80 shou.ld encourage the enterprise
No. 23 H Range No. 1 W, and will offer proof to
howthat the land sought I. more valuableforlt.
timber or .tone than for agricultural purpose.,
and to establish hes claim to said land before
He name, at witnesses.
E. E. Lilly, J. I. Jones, James
rove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claim. In this office on or before said 25
day of April, 1900.
J. T. IlRiiKir..,
He name. a. witnesses:
fharles K Ranou., K. E. Lilly, James Law,
J. I. Jones, of Cottage drove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described land, are requested to file
their claim. In thl. office on or before said 21
day of April 1900.
J. T.llRltMlU,
DenlerN in
500 split pickets,
Wall paper from
atul Itlven.
Call at Nugget
lOt-ta up, cocliran
Representative Thos. H. Tongue
may be defeated in the next con
gressional convention for renomi
nation, but should he be defeated
the people will be deprived of a
splendid represntative. Mr. Tongue
may have his faults, same as other
it .
oy taKing every
stock possible.
dollars worth of
United Statea Land Oflico,
Roseburg, Ore,, February 17, 1000.
nuuuu is iiureuv civen tniit in mm.
BHanco with the provisiona of the act of
onjjres8 of Jnne 3, 1878, entitled 'An
act for the Rule of timber lands in the
Jenkins and Lawson's New Paint Depot
A full line of paints, varnishes, oils, brushes, glass and paper.
people, buthebasspleudid qualities d,eM SHELF WOTMSTTR 00018
All Fresh and New, Direct From the Factory.-
as well. The attitude Mr. Tohtrue Martinson of Jiavwnrd. Countv of Haw.
has taken in the matter of Indian J
war veterans, is well worthy of No. 847, for the purchnso of the NW X
consideration He is u worker, RfttIfge0c SsV.f kKToS frSS
and that s what the people want. "how that the land sought in more
asssassasasaai valuable for its timber or stono than for
ri n r t, agricultural purposes, and to establish
General Cronje the famous .Boer his claim to said land before the Register
rrttnmnnrlpr :iirrnr1ra1 fn r?.,.n1 and Kecolvcr of this oflico at ItriMnhiirv.
Ulu" (immn nn Wili.l,,. tl.o,l M mrae.r . ..
Roberts Tuesday morning. It was May 1606. ' w ycura experience in uie paint ana paphr business..
Ho names as vtitnessess:
A .1 .... ... T.. 1 I tl I "i tn
men with him at the time of hiB cousin, O. O.Lund. II. J. Hansen. Karl
. I W 1 . r 11 '
surreuaer, a mucu smaller force i"Hon, 01 r.iigeno, uregon.
tlmr. fl. nrMc.1. ... i LA"?.. ?.nd powoiif olalmlnB d-
...v... ...wuvu, ucuciui verBuiy ine aoovo-ticscriued lunus aro
Cronje made a desperate fight and reqiiestca to
no uoum in uouig so auowea many May 1809,
of his men to escape capture by
siipping away in small detachments.
Beef, Mutton, Pork, pQ
Veal, I3acon, Lard,
Fresh Sausages, Fish
and Game in season,
James Hemenway:
Heal Estate and Mining 3opertyc&l
Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Cmpanica. Pc?
NOTARY rUIiLIO .... Strict AtUrntion paid to CollMdSSf
Office opposite Sherwood Hoti.
Parties contemplating building or
iminting shiuBU consult us and iret n.i if
2cLo'"dVhof eoro purchasing elsewhere.
J.T.itiDOEfl, Estimates alven to Contractors and others on all classes
of worlc.
Wonder if the Guard would pre
fer the old court house to the uew.
500 split pickets.
I get effice.
Call at Nug-
Store on 5eh street, half block south of Main street.
Tho World boiJ
Keep up with the times. If you seo n chnco to benefit yourself r,,'5J5
tho opportunity. Bhj
You Can Benefit Yourself by Calliiig At tea
We aro living in a rapid niro: anagit of Progression,
and you must movo vrlth it.
Benson 33m g Company.
ure Drugs and Chemicalsac
II you want any thing in the Hardware line, come and look OW
our goods and see how the prices suit. We whall endeavor to can
full line of l
Stoves, Tinware, Miners Supples, Mechanics Tools, Cutlery, Amrnfl,
nuu, w Asning iviacnincs, v-nurru, ntc, and a' roll Lie or AricuvJ
Implements. ';
Phil 5ns Anrm-
1 ffi J
1 1