Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 02, 1900, Image 2

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VnblUbcd Burr Frld7.
ComprnhsnalYs IleTlew of tlift Import
ant Happening of the Pmt Week
Culled J'roiu the Telecrapl. Column.
Lcander J. McCormiek. of McCor
tnick: harvester fame, is deHd.
Rov. Jnmcs Sranrt, president of Tcr
fine University, LaFayotto, Ind., is
Tho Ncz Pcrcos Indians 'will food
sot nearly $200,000 from tno govern
Pacific Coast Steamship Company'!
stevedores at Vancouver. B. C, aro on
a strike.
All business at Mafekiug is now eon
dncted in "bomb-proof" underground
ODcrations in tho Philippines art
drawing to a close and police will re
jtlaco soldiers.
Contract has been let for the erection
of n new oil and guano factory near As
toria, Oregon.
Tho Southern Pacific Railroad Conv
pany has established a relief depart
ment for its employes.
Tho Fair estate has failed to break
down Mrs. Craven's testimony relative
to her marriage with tho senator.
Admiral Dewey says that if the Nic
aragua canal is to be a neutral paih
way, fortifications are unnecessary.
"Women's rights have made snch
jirogrcss in Chile that already two
thirds of the public school teachers are
Leslie E. Keeley, inventor of the
Kceley cure for the liquor habit, died
At his" home in Los Angeles, Cal., of
heart disease.
The sultan will pay for the losses of
Americans in Turkey during the Ar
menian troubles. The sum involved
is about $100,000.
General Hector McDonald, com
manding the Highland brigade and
leading in the pursuit of Cronje'r
forces, is severely wounded.
Representative Lentz, of Ohio, intro
duced in the house a bill to provide for
the public distribution of a United
States map to all schools in the United
Upon representations of the Spanish
government to the effect that pome of
the islands south of the Philippine
archipelago, which had been taken
possession of by the United States gun
boats, were the property Jf Spain, the
authorities of the state department
Lave examined the charts and con
. eluded to direct the withdrawal of on
claims to the islands of Caygayen. Su
lu and Subutu, both of which lie with
out the boundary lines laid down by
the treaty of Paris.
British have occupied Colenso.
At Detroit, Mich., Tom Sharkey
knocked out Jim Jeffords in the second
Trains bearing provisions, fuel and
passengers aro now to be started for
Uueen Victoria lias appealed to re
tired members of the army to enlist for
iiome defense.
John Pentella, of Astoria, has sued
the Clatsop Mill Company for $20,000
for the loss of an arm.
A split in the Populist National Con
Tention, being held at Lincoln, Neb
Two tickets will be put in the field.
Charles E. Macrutn, late consul at
Pretoria, in the Transvaal, furnishes
proof of his charges against the British
i-iupino guerillas who attacked a
squad of Americans on February 2,
killing a corporal, are to be tried be
fore a military commission on the
charge of murder.
The steamer Coptic brought to a local
Ban Francisco company 1,840 sacks of
ore concentrats from the mines of
Corea, and is the second similar con
eignment within a few mouths.
The war department has issued
statement that the receipts of publio
lands in tho Philippine islands, be
ginning August IS, 1808, and ending
December 31, 1800, amount to $0,090,
Tho Metropolitan Museum of Art
Treasures, of New York, in their annual
.report, state tho value of Turner's
Grand Canal, Yenice.bequeathed to the
museum by Cornelius Vanderbilt, as
In Chicago, BOO men employed by
tlie unerai JUectral Hallway Copmauy,
fought with employes of tho Western
Indiana Railroad Company for the pos
session of tho Dearborn street crossing.
JL dozen men wero injured.
Judgo Seaman, in the United States
district court at Chicago, issued an
order denying tho injunction prayed
for by tho Chicago Triliuno against tho
Associated Press. This grew out of
alleged infringements of copyright.
Rear Admiral Bradford estimates tho
cost of tho Pacific cable at $10,000,000.
Droyfus is still in Southern Franco,
where his health shows continued im
jrovement. Eli Jimerson, full-blooded Indian
treasurer of tho Senecu nation, is $1,000
jhort in his accounts.
During last year 44,000 imigrants
sottlod in Canada. Tho number from
the Unitod States is 11,000, or about
2,000 more than last year. I
Cronje has surrendered.
Pugct Sound salmon packers havo
A big pro-Doer meeting was held in
Detroit, Mich.
National BlmotalHsts will meet in
Kansas City in July.
Tho Trans-MissUslppl emigre's will
meet in Houston, Texas, on April 1".
In a battle with the Yaqnls. Mexican
troops lost over 200 in killed and
Hamilton H. Greyson, former pot
master at Manila, died in Philadel
phia, of hiccoughs.
Two Pittsburg tin plate works have
resumed operations, giving employ
ment to 1,000 workingmen.
Dr. A. Wright, of Buffalo, president
of tho American Instituto of llomco
paths, is dead, aged 74 years.
Firo in Montreal destroyed tho
Theater Francals and nearly an entire
block, causing a loss of $100,000.
Catholics in Now York aro seeking
tho privilcRO of teaching their religion
in tho public schools at certain hours,
Tho United States government will
build roads and wharves and 2,400
miles of tolegraph lino this year in
Pncillst Tom Sharkey threatens to
retire from the ring unless ho can ar
range a match with iitzstmnious or
The United States supremo court
has denied the application of Captain
Oberlln Carter to bring his case into
that court.
The Interstate Commerce Commis
sion's session at Norfolk, Nob., is inves
tigating alleged discrimination in
freight rates.
In London, the Grand theater, whero
Henry Irving and other actors havo
been In the habit of beginning provin
cial tours, was gutted by lire.
Admiral Dewey lost his prize money
case, the court ot claims tieciaiug mat.
the Spauish fleet In Manila bay was
not superior to the American. He was
awarded $9,750.
Ten 01 tho leading chain works in
the United States will bo combined
and operation continued under the
management of the Standard Chain
Works Company.
Full powers havo been granted to
Henry L. Wilson, United States min
ister to Chili, to sign a treaty of extra
dition he has negotiated with the
Chilean government.
An Old Maids' convention was held
at Cynwyd, Pa. Prizes wero awarded
for the oldest, the handsomest, the
smallest and the tallest maidens that
attended the convention.
A boiler in the Pullman Lumber
Company's sawmill, at Pullman, Ark.,
exploded, killing six men.
Colonel "W. S. King, ex-congressman
and a national character for the past
40 years, died at Minneapolis.
i mm m
Wreok of tho Californian Off
tho Maine Const.
The Verl Went on i
Imr of I'orllioul,
Henry Storm.
ltrrf III 111' HftT
MhIuc, During "
Northern Ohio is in tho throes of
fierce blizzard. Trains on the trunk
lines, especially west-bound, were do
Desperate engagement between the
British and Boers north of the Tugela
resulted in the .English being twice re
Tho German steamer Admiral has
arrived at Lourenco Marques with 110
passengers, mostly Germans, who will
join tho Boer forces.
The Japanese minister to tho United
States, Jutaro Romura, has been noti
fled by cable from Japan of his appoint
ment as minister to Russia.
A young dentist of New York city
shot the wife of tho man who befriend
ed him and then committed suicide
Jealousy was the cause of the crime.
The Platteville Powder mills, Plat
tevuie, wis., were wrecked uy an ex
plosion, killing three men and badly
injuring one. Several buildings were
A steamer believed to bo the Cali
fornlan, of the Allan line, is ashore off
Fort Williams, Portland, (Me.) harbor.
She was heavily laden with grain,
bound for Liverpool.
In Chicago, GOO machinists employed
by Frazer & Chalmers and Croley &
Co., are on a strike, on account of tho
alleged refusal of their employes to
recognize the union.
i-our oi tno live members ot the new
Philippine commission have been
selected. Thoy aro: Judge Taft, of
Ohio; Luke T. Wright, of Tennessee;
II. C. Ide, of Arermont, and Dean
Worcester, of Michigan.
Tho plaguo in India continues viru
lent. There were 583 victims in Bom
bay city during the week ending Febru
ary 10. With 01,000.000 people affect
ed by tho famine and only about 4,000, -000
in receipt of relief, tho country is
in a bad plight.
A preacher of New Britain, Conn.,
whoso love for preaching has entirely
overcome his desiro for ordinary labor,
was given tho alternative of obtainiug
a position by which ho could support
his family or go to jail to continuo his
religious studies. He had spent his
time expounding his doctrines on street
corners, and slnco October had pro-
lded nothing for his family.
The total wealth of American colleges
and universities is $250,000,000.
A geological survey expert has found
much coal in the Philippines, but no
precious metals.
In St. Josoph, Mo., thero is offered n
bounty of $000 for every highwayman
that is killed.
Tho Gorman foreign office says tho
change in Chinoso emperors is of no
importance to Europe aud the power
will not act.
Portland, Mo., Feb 27 Tho big Allan
flno steamship Callfornlau, which loft
her dock at midnight, went ashore on
Ram Island lodge, just outsido tho
harbor, a few minutes after tho pilot lolt
hor this morning All tho passengers
aro safe, though stih aboard. Most of
tho local Featuring men aro of tho
opinion that tho rocks havo penotrated
tho bottom of tho vessel in soveral
placos, and they doubt very muchifsho
can bo savod. Tho vossol is valued at
$3,000,000; tho cargo at $300,000.
Thoro aro six cabin, llvo intermediate
and 10 steerago passcngors, bosido a
crow of 75 men.
Tho California!! was In charge of
Pilot Edward L. Parsons, and at tho
time ho left hor tho wind was blowing
haul from tho southeast, and a heavy
rain was falling. Pilot Parsons left
tho ship on reaching tho boll buoy of
Cushing's Island Point, after ho gavo
tho officers of tho ship the courso. Ten
minutes later the Califoruian was hard
and fast aground on Ram Island ledge.
Tills is a reef that runs out from Ram
island aud tho ship had gono soveral
points off her courso when she struck.
Tho ship is lying under tho lee of Ram
island, on tho ledge, and although tho
waves aro breaking with great forco,
tho long ledge acts as a breakwater and
protects tho ship. Tho local otlicials
feel confident that tho ship can bo
floated. Tho conditions aro now fav
The CaHforoian was bound to Glas
gow by way of Halifax. Captain Rare
lay savs that the hold is full of water.
the fires aro extinguished, there in a
heavy sea, but the passengers are jer-
fectly safe. Tho cargo of 3,000 tons
consists mainly of meat.", lard, apples,
cheese and grain. The greater part ot
the cargo was probably insured by tho
consignees. It is not known- whether
the ship was insured.
Tho steamship California, now
named the Califoruian, was built on
the Clyde and launched in 1 SO 1 . She
is built of milled steel, is clashed A I
in Lloyd's special survoy, and with ad
ditional strengthening over Lloyd's
requirements to comply with tho de
mands of the admiralty for tianstort
service. Her length In 400 feet, beam
40 feet and depth of hold 32 feet 8
Inches. Her tonnage capacity U 5,000
tons, fcno is divided into eight com
partments, the bulkheads of which aro
all carried to tho upper deck. These,
with the cellular double bottom, insure
tho greatest amount of safety in case of
.Pontofflce Itobl.eri.
Independence, Feb. 27. The post
office was broken into this morning
after 3 o'clock and over $600 was se
cured ; tho amount of cash was $212.95,
and stamps $400. An entrance was
made by taken out a window pane in a
rear room, and then a panel of the door,
thus giving admission to the ollice.
The tools were stolen from a black
smitn snop in town. A nolo was
drilled in the outside door of tho office
safe, just abovo the handle, and tho
hole In the Inuer door was made just
above the combination lock, and powder
was used to blow the safe open.
The robbery was not discovered until
about 10 o'clock today, when several
dollars' worth of stamps wero found be
hind the adjoining harness shop by W
H. Craven, which led to an iuvstiga
tion. It Is thought that the thieves
havo been in town for tho past two days,
and could be easily identified. The
money lost belonged to Postmaster J.
A. Wheeler.
Cnmiiinml-r nt Murrains "e.crll.ri the
Tiini't l.nns Slrgr.
Lomhm. Kl. sn.-Hxlniots from
Colonel Ibidon-Powell's letters to hi
relatives are published In an Illustrated
weekly. I lu writes:
"Here I sit In my bomb-proof bu
reau, writing these letters. Around
mo Is a telephonic, communication
with each one of my outposts. At
eauh of those outposts a toleseoiH) keeps
constant wnti'h on tho Hoor outposts
and guns. As soon us It is seen which
way their tire is ultout to bo directed,
tho wiiu communications are sol to
work and a bell, with which emh '
fensivo quarter is provided, filings lit
that p.irt of town whero the shell is
about to fall; and all in the open go to
tho ground like rabbits. Generally
speaking, mint of us, unless duty takes
us out, keep pretty oIumi during tho
dav; but we eumo out and take tho air
at' night. Tho liners usually finish
pounding us toward evening, or just
send us a few shells before the sun
goes down."
One tiling Colonel linden-Powell has
not neglected, llo has effectually
swept Mufoking clear of all suspected
traitors. Those who are not outside
are shut up in particularly strong
quartern. Ho says:
"I have 47 prisoners, including the
Into station master at Mafeklug, all ol
whom were rather more than suspected
of treasonable corresondineo with the
Tho paper goes on to say: "One
dark night, it few weeks ago, a KiifHr
Htlll.l uu-nv from tho outnsts of tho lit
tle boleagured township. With the
subtile instinct of those children of the
veldt, which has been lost to civilized
man, ho made his way through tho not
work of encircling trenches and laagers
ami set his face to the north and lliilu
wayo. lie carried a couple of assegais,
a few mealies and a pipe. The latter
may havo si'omed of littlo luiiortance.
but hi tho stem of that pipe lay tho
message from tho cheerful, confident
chief, which, after a journey to Debt
goa Hay, gives to us at homo those in
teresting details of tho resistance offer
ed bv tho town to thu lioor siegu."
He tells how, even at Mafekiug, be
fore war came to them, people were
ready to underestimate tho chaructei
of tho hostilities likely to ensue, and
pooh-iioohod tho necessity of making
any special provision against Rocr artil
lery. Rut Colonel linden-Powell was
not tho mau to bo swayed by such
ostrlch-liko conduct.
"1 havo come hero to hold this
town," ho said. Straightway, ln-fore
any enemv aititeared on tho horizon, Im
set about marking out tho Hue of his
exterior defense works, and, with thai
common sense which is the vt tost ol
tho true soldier, at once directed tho
construction of ample shell-proof cover ,
against tho guns which at that time I
seemed so chimerical to tho people ol
Mafekiug. I
"Each ono of tho outworks," he'
writes, "all around tho town was at
ouco provided with underground shell
proof accommodation for the whole of its
garrison. The town itself was divided
into three or four sections, each of
which had its own arrangements for
defense. In each, big mounds of earth
havo been thrown up, with good inter
ior apartments, all constructed of the
handiest material, sucli as wall sup
ports and roof cross beams of railway
metals, with panelings aud roofings of
corrugated iron."
He then tells us how ho converted
the collart of soveral houses into safe
retreats of a similar kind, and, by
means of banking lingo mounds of earth
immediately overhead, they rendered
good service to the garrison and the
inhabitants on tho day when tho Boer
artillery began to rain shot and shell
on the devoted littlo town.
But the perfect, machine liko system
which holds sway at Mafekiug is per
haps tho most interesting fact about
the siege. ' Go into uny well known
optician's store and you will find the
men hard at work turning out as many
glasses as they can mako in tho short
est possible timo, chiefly telescopes of
great range, now urgently needed by
our troops in South Africa. The in
adequacy of our supply ut the front has
put us to serious disadvantage through
out tho thoater of war. Not so at
Mafekiug. Her wily chief, from the
earliest moment, saw to that, ami ho
tells us how he has them in constant
uso. In thu center of tho boleagured
town is a big traverse or mound of
earth. Inside this mound is tho brain
of Mafekiug, Radon-Powell
Surrondorod His Army
I.rse I'nroe lo Defend Hl..ifn"elti
Mul.lMrii itril.tnitfe nl r-i.nlul.rrs
tye fur (InlnhiB Time.
Ixiiiilnn. Feb. 28. Tho warofflcr. 1ms
recoiled tho following dispatch from
Lord Roberts:
"l'liardobcrg, Feb. 2S.-Gmir.ral
Cronje and all of his force capitulated,
unconditionally, at daylight and Is now
a prisoner In my fainp. Thu strength
of his force will Im communicated later.
1 hope that lntr majesty's government
will consider this event satisfactory,
occurring as It does im the annherwiry
of Miijnbn."
liner Are t'iinrriilrillii l llltteinfnn
trill. Iindoii, Feb. 28. Tho Boers are
nsseiniillng an army near llloitmfonteln,
with which to dispute tho invasion u'
Jrd Roberts.
This Intellliienco comes from Pre
toria by way of Lnrenco Marque. The
commando are described as "hastening
from all quarters of the two repub
lics." No estimate is uiado of thrlr
numbers, but the withdrawal of tho
lloers I nun most of the places whero
they bate been 111 contact with tho
llrl'tlsh, except the district near luly
Hinitl ay raise tho resisting force to
30,000 men. 'J his figure assumes that
the lloers have liotwi-cii 00,000 and 70,
000 men in the field.
Tho gathering of this army across
tho path of Iird Roberts gives signifi
cance to General Cnmjo's steadfast de
fense. Ilo hits engaged tho corps ol
Iird Roberts for 10 days, slid has given
timo for the dispersed I5r factions to
gut together and to prepare oitlon to
receive tho advance of the HritUh when
Lord Roberts moves forward.
Turley lli-ei.ri llir 1'nriiinl Drlmle In Hit
Washington, Feb. 2H. Formal ills
cussion of tho right of Senator (juay to
a stmt in the senate as a member from
Pennsylvania was begun today by
Turley. of Tunnosco. Ho prow-Mod a
constitutional argument against the
seating of 4'iuiy, which was given close
attention by his colleagues. He will
conclude his speech tomorrow. Con
sideration of the Hawaiian government
bill brought nut a lively dlscuseion be
tween Tillman and Siguier, in which
tho former Rdmittcd that Ixtllot Nixns
had been stuffed mid negroes had Ix-eii
shot down in the South to maintain
white domination. An amendment
was made to tho bill striikng out th
property qualification of voters for mem
Iters of tho legislature, but little othei
progress was made. ,
Tho general debate upon tho Puerto
RIcan tariff bill was today extendi
until lomotrow iil.-nt. interest ecu
tered in tno conterences which were
going on among tho Republican leader
ami the dissenting Republicans in thei
efforts to compromise their difference!
on tho bill.
l'miml. nul Town on I'lrr.
Pittsburg. Feb. 28. At 1 o'clock
this morning fire was discovered
Wilson's billiard hall, Main street
uianon, ra., anil in a snort timo an
entire iuock oi iiusiness liuiltllugs was
destroyed. Tho loss Is estimated
$160,000. Judgo W. W. Rarr, the
oldest inhabitant and a prominent jkiII
tlclan, dropped dead from excitement
Tho water pipes aro frozen. At
o'clock this morning the firo was still
raging and not under control. Snow
was being piled up in huge idles, and
teams wero usod to cart It to tho scene
of tho firo. Hugo bonfires wore lit
all fire plugs, but at Into reports the
water had not thawed out. The near
est town is Kdenburg. 10 miles awav
and thoro is no possibility of getting
neip more.
In Northern Cape Colony.
Arundel, Fob. 20. Colonal Hender
son's squadron ot tho lnuiskllllngs,
with two guns, reconnoitered westward
Tell Down n Shaft.
acrauion, ra., t-ou. an l-our men
wero Killed tills morning in tho Mount
Pleasant mine by tho brer.Ulng of
mmo carrlago. Tho killed are: Wil
Ham Oilbort, Thomas Williams, John
Rogaii ond Frank Woodwurd Tho men
wore descending on tho inino carrlago
to tho sixth vein. When it reached
tho fifth vein tho carriage, which was
. nuniwiiiu i , , ' .
to Mooifontoin Farm, on tho direct h,."B '"v..1 BlrucK un
road to Colesburg and Hanover. They : ""J"'u wnicn was lett pro
got close to tho lloers lu tho hills, and
Cremxtlnn of I'Ucue Victim.
Chicago. Fob. 20. A special to the
Record from Honolulu, February 18,
via San Francisco, says: As there are
no facilities for cremation at Kahului,
where the latest udvices show that tho
black plague has broken out, the seven
bodies of those who have died from tho
dread disease were cremated in tho
open air on the beach at night by pil
ing up an immenso amount of firo wood
for a firo. The harbor was full of
ships at the time and tho sight from
tho decks of the vessels of the burninir
of the plaguo victims is described as a
weird one.
right on ISiirinnh-Chlneae Ilounilnry,
Rangoon, British Burmah, Feb. 24.
A British official attached to tho
boundary commission, named Hertz,
while touiing in the Burmah-Chineso
frontier with an escort, has engaged
and routed two considerable forces of
hostile Chinese from Mirkawgpa, kill-
ing tno leader of tho Chinese and 70
Mill. Kleviitor unil (irnlii I! urn ml.
Hallfaxx, Feb. 27. Tho works of
tho Maritime Milling Company at New
Glasgow, wero destroyed by fire today,
with a grain elevator and thousands of
buBhels of grain. Tho loss was
$150,000. entitle distance northward.
I'lreiimn Killed, Olhera Injured,
Detroit, Fob. 27. Firo tonight, in
the plant of tho Detroit Steel & Sprint;
Company's works, destroyed both tho
company's rolling mills, causing a loss
of $100,000, fully insured. Fireman
Timothy Keohano was crushed by it
falling stack and killed. A hospital
ambulance, running to tho scene, col
lided with a swiftly runnuing oloctrio
car. llio ambulance was smashed to A moto may bo removed from tho
pieces, and its occupants, Driver Frank eve, or tho pain at loast alloviatod. bv
Derthoaur und Dr. J. T; MoKittrick, putting a grain of fluxsoed under th litoraturo in Barnard Collora is 5!
worn Itnllv lvrtilcnrl nrA ol.AA1r.1 H1 I.. -ii . 40 UUHU
,.v. v ....vU ,.uv,cu, .... m hub city oi aponloxv. ni.nd ni5
- '.
Purls, Feb. 2H. As a result ,
lllllt- r..nw Him lll'iril III
ijiii'ii, a milium in rarls, ui.,.r
in aicoiiui ami on sinritn, n u tii.,
liiiiHitiiin ill,' hi .ill. piiri.mi I ....
until n block ol six in,,ii(.nJ
I...... .ltM I II l-.ll .-.111 ...
A great concourse of jM.Ptntor)
assembled and hail ii ..(,nClt,
near, woeii siiiiiieuiy tint
...i a i, .. :
I'vuu i initio iiiiuiiM-r
i. ...1... I!.... ........ it ,
.in mi. i. pw. ii.iMiii-ii, wi-ro it
, ... . . 11
less injured. inn cxitin.t,.
...irr.t.l lit n !l(nlnnl .ItlMi..
it vrim iiiuiiKiii' i im i iniM-ii Inri.--
leen nveriiMi. iinriv '-.,n,
tnriiil fir IK-lnif iliihrltf 'ii.. .
it........ .i ... .
compilation 'i"vm unit ir.n wt,, I
ami quiiti a iiuiuoer sert-imir
l no tiro nroKo out at h , ,.ue ,
m ......... HU ..... ....t... '
n-inu iiinrii hi ji uiiftii' m n
obtained firm hold tolir- a Uu
covered, it progress!! iiiUmuii
ing menu-ill" iiuriug un- riiit,, (
nt 1 o'oiock mm neon gi-m-n tt
trot. At i o oioi'k, nowii-i-r. t!l
lug wans lMirillllietl inn tinmen
a number of alcohol vats, mul ij
explosions negati to lake pin,-,.
. . .1. f
Uiocu oi wiiniiiinisi' va " ni itl
rounded oy unoecupimi t-r-ihb
which tno niiniiiig iiu-i.n.,, iirr'J
the buildings collapsed, ri-n-mt-;
Msi of lliuues, ami i-nusiii)- iuitn
tliroiiglmtii inn insiriri l'.'nii,J
dwellings lli-ar 1 y In-gaii Imntily
lug their furniture. I he mtj.
bent and fumes seriously tmir.i?
work ol tno lire iirigude imr-,
e iikIhi's were sent from 1'nru to k
The firemen worked li-nrli-..;. i
more than ouco were in- ii'.tstt:
ground by falling roof ami waijj
A ileiaellliielll in nouui-rn
flri'iuou in emptying iin
uoiiMis ol itirniturit. a ,uirj
busy in carry Ing ii-ttms tu die trpJrr?
lstrinn hospitals. lip
Fortunately the fiaim-s ll u iJ
tho llttiiioiiMi riwrvmra -l ihlrisiwi'
The loss Is t-stiiiatt'd ut 'Jwf-l-
Mrllrena I.oe
.More Tli n
too k
A nt-. .al t
, '-Ili-ril, Xr Jul
jecting, breaking tho bottom of the
carriage and dropping tho men to tho
pit 75 feet below. Oi bort and Roimn
wore killed Instantly, whilo "Williams
and Woodward lived only a short timo.
Chicago Hummer Itenort Hurtled,
Chicago, Fob. 28. Franz Thiol
monn's summer gardon, with its palm
house, stiigo and othor buildings, and
tno tiroad sweep of wator puvlllion
threading tho edge of tho lake, tho
nreathing spot for thousands of merry
iniiiwng mm mrougiiout tno summer
ovonlngs, burned early today. Tho
loss was .f50,000; insurance $0,000.
Tin I'lute Work Itimiimi..
Pittsburg, Feb. 28. Tho Mononga
liela Tin Plato "Works und tho Ktnr ti..
tno city, was dostroyed by firo today. Jto works, both owned by tho
Tho loss is estimated at .$200,000, Tho American Tin Plato Company, which
Great Northwostorn telegraph odlco mv0 '"oon closed two months, resumed
and Grand Opera houso, which occa- oporatjous today. Tho two mnploy
plod part of tho building, are among 1,000 workmen,
tho places ruliiod, -
' in, VI' Jl noun.
Now York. Fob. 2fi
Hovoy, tho poot, professor of Knglfsh
iuiui.uru in jiarnani uoilogo,
ill tills nlti, nl .
wore fired on. They quickly got thoir
guns in position and shelled tho hills.
Evidently the Boers woro driven out,
retiring northward, when thoy cumo
under tho fire of two other guns, sup
ported by it company of Australians,
near tho British western post on Dra
goon Hill. Colonel Henderson pro
ceeded to Mooifontein Farm, which ho
now occupies. I ho British patrols
from Hanover also came out that far.
Tho lioors aro not in groat forco.
Thoy havo been persistently followed
all day and havo withdrawn a cousld-
l'lru In I.oiiilnii, Out,
London, Out., Fob. 20. Tho Ma
sonic tomplo, tho finest structure in
ChlrAKO, Feb. 2H.
Chronicle from I'otaiii
says: Tho Mexican 1 cdi-rui t- ijin
under Geiii-riil Tornn, Imtn n.nt! - iTO
mas from the Ynquis. but lv Ojiug
the llemwt lighting of the wnr. -Voil
sacrifice of 200 eoldicr Tt H0t
here is lilted with wiioiidi-1 in jhsu
public buildings are utilized -3
anticipated the surprint the ri-,''!j5
tended. Tho Indians m-rc n 'tM'U.
by 10 adventurers, miners ail4 yng
Istys, who acted as ctniiinaii en gB1,
urate -omiitiio of U) men ;ich jril
Yaquls had iiImi a Maxim g -n, rl&
had been suiuggliil tbrongli nt IplEi
A. T., inn IihiiI of iitacliincrr pja
gun was iiianipulatoil, the MtuU0"
Mtv. bv two ex-rouuh riders slcl
Torres rcacbil hero Thursday t
ikkiii and decldiil to divide bissrs
iuu men into two iiivikioiih iiitc0T
and strongest, tlanked Ity the puv
Democnita, loft hero at dajtirwl: V jy
day morning. No scouts pre!iM),0'
forco and the first iiittmatioii o
presenco of tho liuiols was a tn'4ol
ing fire from the Maxim anil i "Qrc
volley from conceiilisl fnrtillcatl tffj$
a dense thicket. Tho first dulti-iflj t
triHitixl in confusion, ami was slitU
in tho timber growth along tho njjSjj
More than 100 men fell at the tlntgftj
The Democnita then steamcl up ijjcf
swept tho thicket with her int'tp?!
gun, but evidently Ineffectively. jtTj
forward decks were swept, and tht joh
tectetl upper docks jtepiterod with cm
lets from the Maxim. Ten salloniijft
First Lieutenant Itiimltolo, of theoflt
wero killed. Tho Democnita rbipb
for more than half a mile until a 'tesf
in tho river sheltered her. 3
Lato in tho afternoon hill
showed tho waiting commandert ofM
first division that tho second ilttASS
ment had reached thu iiulglik4ijr'
heights to thu southeast In its
movements. A simultaneous MfoS
was then made from tho front
flank, and tho Indians retri-attil-
Maxim gun, disabled and uselin,"Ru.
brought to Potato and "U Indlnus,
nlllclal nqsirt Klutes, wore fouml Jr?5
During tho first fire of the Yitquii
.Mniiean I-'ederalH wi.rn ilrlveti into
river in a panic, and drowned.
total Mexican loss was 227. The D
oerata has been taken to Uuayiui"
This is tho first timo tho YikiuIi &
mado use of fortifications. "ffi
lliillillnc lliirni'd In Chlrtii. j'q
Chicago, Fob. 27. Fire toil ,i,o,
stroyed a four-story brick bullilinfjhSn
51-65 Jefferson street, causing a'oiyoaI
$05,000, divided among tho follo!BS",
linns: ijamiiiort & Mann, macJiiv
William W. Vernon, ias macuii
James Barry & Co., pattern m'S
Hartley Kloctrlo Coinpany: (Joorsn
Nyo, pump inanufsoturer: Chark'f
Bendhain, pattern maker.
Two 1'rozim llodloa I'oiiikI.
Iluffalo, N. Y.. Fob. 27. The itftS!
wnicn jiiih raged slnco jostcrimy '".tlio!
noon, with a maximum wind velffeSff
of 05 miles, abated toniuht. The
of a farmer was found frozen stiff "ft?
snow drift about it milo from te 'MI
Near Warsaw, tho body of John
mody was found frozen.
Hld!rn' Clotlilnv DiilU-lrncr-
San Francisco, Fob. 28. Uion
request of Major Oscar F. Long, ?
turnnistnr. United Ktates volant
dojiot quartorinastor in this ci'
board of survoy mot in his ollico m
tooxauiino into, roitort uooil llIHl u I
i, -.1 .lnflMl
resismsiiiiiiiy lor an niiogou
of clothing and equipage Bnipi'
Major Long to tho quartornmn
Mnnlln. 1 I . mid fnr dofloiOIIf-'V
dainiiL'd trt nnartormasior' iif
. . .i , x i.. .1. m tl
ueivod ut ino uopui in iu' ,v
w v vw J VltiO,
ariouH posts, u fja i