Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 02, 1900, Image 1

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    T ' c Prosperous Business Men
, t (JottARi Grove Advertirc In
tin- NuiiCt.
wit n
4 tA. -vL. JL
at r
Br'ng- Yotr Job Work to the
NtifTctJob Office.
.hh rrices Reasonable
I,. tf '
-.Devoted to U.. Mining, Itmhorim; and i'uimiug IntoroHls of this Community, to Good Covcrtimciit. mid J ItiHtHi K for n Oiul. ftinke. .
C."M-njg;o Grove, Oregon, Fi'idny, March 3, 3 OOO.
osro. 7
i nm.stu Id (.K'lU'.mullsunttliif
ii k tirtiiuhes.
;. V.. Ortjfltlt, t'n p.
f, .,.
:;'KV,-T LAW,
. ,. a Kilter,
:.:!)' At' Law,
' i Main M ffri,
-ov, () ( tut .
fcy. HI Her,
I rincl-'sn"iithln;r.
"I Ivik in .'i !ti-iM"t 'r.
t1 - '1
i..!. i :iv sritf.vr, n. t.
'V. men and Children.
i c (irove, Oregon
fM Knfiifog'cS'K.
.. O. Perkins
S. Mineral Surveyor,
c .r .'.'.e-i'.ion given to Mining
vi; pm-nring of Patents.
is I'vss. Okkc.on.
. a , '1 Cotmselor-at-Law
. ' ,ti-ntuu tflveit o ttin
, ..
witioiial Bank Building,
p Atorr;.;y-at-Law
Ci.r .'t-rion given In Mining
B't.i'i- and Collection.
ty dOHimA PufLI3"iNO Co
r.o 0.
i-rVtrOKl ... 'lA
i i i C v h
717: j- : r-, i,r,r 7 ' -" slf
C Jl $L
C7 ao 23 5 a 00 80
11 1
t . ii-ik C'otinfn'to)':i at
1 ' . IttoHtitm given to,
I. 1 of Aliiii'H. I
Kll.K'.K, OllEHOX.
r- c. ir r t i -r r i ! i 11 Mil f
Closing- Out at Cost
Our Ladies wrappers, dress skirts. If 3011 want
bargains in these lines come with your cash and
secure them early.
New goir caps in scotch plaids all wool for men
youths and Misses at 50c. They are extra good
v allies.
Our new styles in mens silk bosom golf shirts
for summer wear are just what you want and the
prices are right.
Just received some new Umbrellas. Gents lin
en collars, trimmings silks, fringes, etc.
Eakin $t Br! stow.
JI.F WALKER .... AUn.jrcr,
p'K WINKS. ti
H'i Cottage Grove, Ore. i
-1 ropneior 01 !3iMaasoiB(ahjeBoaot33HeecayonKft8tieiioHugaoBOEcieKftrcnnBonnoEcuoH
l'f J'v;)'!!,.! Cijiir aim- Confcc-
ti nery Store.
''iic ('(IIIIICll LutlclHSH.
. 4, M
Dealer in
Cigars of how and Hich
Ora'le aii'l Prices to suit the Trade
Mni Street. Cottasre Grove. Ore. Is
. v
Devoted to liohemin Notes and Mining Items of General Interest to
Mining Men.
' The Mttsick mine after a successful run of eight months shut down
this week. The reason for the shut down is the lack of wood. The
! company, h.ts hu:iJr;di of cord wo 1 cut on their property, but owing to
i the great amount of work ln.d off the company fai'.cd to get sullicient
wood to thtf mill t run the year around, and at this season of the year
, it is almost an impossibility to lnul II jwevcr as soon as teams can be
insed to advantage, the mill will he put to work again. It is .aid
' the cleanups haw tutted a handsome dividend to the owners this season.
It is said that "Hilly" Mastcrson, of the Nappanee group has
struck some excellent rock on the Monarch claim recently.
j A spkndid stieaknf ore ruuaiug$8o to the ton was recently struck
I nt the Mayflower, owned by Pen y Kly, on the Yrcka ledge. "
! Advi.-es to the effect thai while it will be necessary to shut jtjpvit "
j the Musick owing to the shortage of wood at the mill, the shut tyjrwyt1,
' will be only temporary. P. J. Jennings who is acting superintendent
'during the absence of Superintendent I. II. Bingham who is at present
, in Paris, 1'iance, ai rived Wednesday and is makiug arrangements to
have teams immediately emoloyed at wood hauling. In the mean time
it is said thaMhe mi ier will he kept at work, aiding to the already
large amount of ore on the dump.
Geo. W. Lloyd accompanied by Mr. Kdward Hnff, Mr. Lloyd's
partner in Cripple Creek interests, visited Bohemia this week inspecting
g several of. the best properties in the distrii't. Mr. Haff lias purchased a
claim from C. I Mitchell and expresses himself hijrhly nleased with
2 the buy
:all on ...
I). L. Pirkard & Son
S2ttHNe Psaiiiting;,
:n"!fifi: Psiintiugr.
It itrli ti tturaiileeil
attending school.
Grandma - Crow . who has been
Mr Krank Walkley returned to sick for some time had a very
1.:.. 1 . T . . T. t C A l'rl CriAll IIMtantnu 0 1 .
a iiuuie 111 j'.ugenc inter a weens " ;wmua;, guc i
2 visit with friends here, he expects almost 90 years old.
a - 10 suiri 10 iiiauo next wcck wuere oru, 10 Air ana Mrs Unarles
u Regardless of quality or make up, we sell them on a uniform profit. We make just the same S he will spsnd the summer. Simpson Feb 20 a son.
S per cent on our 000 stuts as we uo on our suits, u 11 y in one price am. wiui is wuai iney are 5 Mrs Klma Davis returned home Rev M O Brink preached two
a i 1 r... ifc , n,i( St All mir tlnHiiitcr Hu a'littp tv. 1 v flu if mm ihikk b 1 " w
g marKeu. jwi nuuu.w, '' " a - "-j' Friday f
Up-to-date styles, and guarantee prices lower than I , J
you can get them elsewhere.
trade has increased Mens Suits, $l).00 to $1 8.00
iderfully in the last " hats, 60 " 3.00
month. "Shoes .SO" 4.00
S Our
k woud
g' wesell the right kind of
g goods at the right pricer.
iday from Wilbur where she has very interesting sermons in the M
" Shirts
ti wear
" colhrs
" ties
60 "
Off "
JO "
a oo
I nn run rocninmeiul your roil tulilo 0 hnnip fi r n sh irt vi'uif
l! Dill. Iiivo u veil It u I loroiiuh S . "oml "fa SI1 in Ihlt.
unit It Ih fnnC ciiUirH.
been visiting her mother for three; E church Sunday morning and
weeks, her sister accompanied her evening.
Complete $0.25 $82.00
Vitiir f5.M loKfror nho mu ntalotly
niriKiu worn u imir an wiiitor; nood 3
11V (IKNTLKMAN-TllftUlklllfo U tho bout
knlfo I ovor luul.
Tliono iiro only a fow; wo lmvo no
room to quote nioru, r
'ia.uuf a mm vAkm nil rm mm n v. mm rm mm i ! ww mm mm mm mm ti. mm 7w mm mm mm mm mm mo mm mm mm mm wm mm mm v mm w mm mm mm mm bi w mm mm mm mm mm mu mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm db m mm mm mm mm n mm mm
Miss Myrtle Lott came home S1lt us
, frnm f'ntlno-f. f.rn lf,-,Mn,r It VOU Wftllt tt llOUSe minted. See
S H McKernan went to Eugene US! !fyOW Wa au art!stic siS. see
Monday and returned Wednesday. us5lfvou wal a first class finish
e r. T n . . , , 'put on your buggy or carraige, be
S G Lockwoon paid Cottage m aud see ubsif
Grove a v.stt last week. paper your m tQ
Miss Eliza Rogers returned home us. These are our specialties,
from the Grove where she has been Jknkint & Lawson, the painters.