Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 23, 1900, Image 1

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    il'lie ProHperoim Bualnewt Men
Bring Your Job Work to th
Nugget Job Office.
'Pricc3 Reasonable
A CoUarc Grove Advert? in
the NtiKRrl.
Devoted m ilu- Mining, Lumbering and Farming Interests of thiu Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
U)iA;ixt (J rove, Oregon, Friday, !Fwb 28, 1 f-)OC.
NO. (
Jj JL Jp ts jw& JL J
ihiii.ik iii unu'mdll'xiiiWnfl
In iik ss ii hiii u.s nmnt lies.
(nltiin Urtivti OfcgQli
it. dvijjttu, I'i'Ofi.
Closing- Out at Cost
Our Ladies "wrappers, dress skirts If you want
bargains in these lines come with your cash and
secure them early.
New golf caps in scotch plaids all wool for men
youths and Misses at 50c. They are . extra good
Our new styles in mens silk bosom golf shirts
Tor summer wear are just what you want: and the
prices are right.
Just received some new Umbrellas. Gents lin
en Collars, trimmings silks, fringes, etc.
-1. K. Vn&
iUiitW ill WHY,
Hm"li Mhi ntujrtt, Well HIU,
Cut! aye drov, Orr.ui.
S J. S. M)U, 'Z-
.Itloi'iipy Law,
nine. in Vlnln wriei
Cett"(r Oroi'f, Oregon
Cy. Hiller,
iencral Hlncksmilhing.
Id i Noi ili ui l.fikut A HrlM.m .
i 'n'foir (,'f ore, Off yon.
Mi x luilhcilMt Si Meet, M. I).
f W omen and Children
i '
Cottajfe Grove, Oregon ! J NCW QOOCfS Coming....
(!() I'd
Eakin & Brlstow,
rTTtriln - fi t-Tit-i ttt-i fflr1 rtr-T.Tiiwnr.r
ys. Vet SmtUtViVK.
- --I'OK-
FiylilowM? !iiwmalii!i.
A Vni'c lino iii'itiiiitty on Imml.
-ti'.f t . 4llJtllltlf
Cuklll Mrl.l.iK Hunk
i. C. IPexJkiiis
S. Mineral Surveyor.
. . . . . . t . :
'jH-' I. II UlICIHtOll glVOU IU .IIH1I!K
ii ;n ti, '1 pnj miug ol patents.
k N : 5 J'ASS, UKKOON.
c .iiicv hii1
.- -
fl' . SflltHK
ti.nii iiieniniit uirvn
msi N.ui'inaJ Bum: Huiming,
, i i. - Okuoon
Lu. Stexreias,
?c -iai attention given to Mining
HuMiiefi and Collection.
kMB .... . - Orkuom
, imninoK ra, A. tunuv.
it v me w ' uouuHtlora hi
Jtlenlion given if.
r .an' of Mines.
1'iftiy m-iir every dny. Our line of men 's neckwear can nut be beat, it is up to
date. In tit-s we have all the different styles, colors, and in price from 15c to 50c.
Dress Goods.
Some Good
Our cnahimtret comprtnes all !
the leading color price 25c to
jcv In blacks we have them 1
from 25c to 1.50 per yard in ,
color we have a large assortnitiit .
from is to 8sc rr yard. We 1
received some more ol the heavy
Bargain! yet ia odds and end j
When ym buy these goods yon
Our Grocery Trade
Trade has increased wonder
I efforts to get the freshest goods
in the market.
outing flannel for 10 and 11c per 1 save from 40 to 50 per cent and
yard. Some very pretty patterns. they are as good as any goods.
Barman it $vfand
M 1IKA1 Y.K If f
Miiu Stic-ct, Cottage Grove, Ore.
.... Proprietor of -' ' '
rUe Popular Cigar and Confec
tionery More.
t t
I Hue i; Can net! hint rim.
Dealer in
Cigars of Low and High
Jrade and Prices to suit thcTiade.J
M.iin Street, Cottage Grove, Ore
Call on.
Ii. L l'ifilfiH'd (fi Son
- FU.ll
Paper Hautfinft
"orL Owirantteil
I PVn ft 11 IV C I? V Progression fi
Estimators and Locators
Devotefl to Dohcmia Notes- and fining Items of General Interest to
.Mining Men.
Parties wishing to purchase a map of Bohemia should call n or ad
dress Bohemia Nugget. This map is a late production by Messrs Hard
and Lloyd of this city, and is thouroughly accurate. Price J5.00.
John Brund. of Bohemia, who has been visiting for several weeks
at his old Siuslaw home near Florence has returned leaving Cottage
Orovcfor Bohemia last Sunday. Mr. Brund is interested in the Sweep
stake group with Knowles and Gettys, and the gentlemen are doing
some extensive development work 011 their property.
The winter bar, been up to the present time one of the most open
in the history of Bohemia. If the roads wete what they should be
freighting could be carried on at the orcscnt time.
The well Known Champion property in Bohemia, Owned by the
II rrlfoad Mining Co., of Chicago was sold last week to Benham and
a'kitiK of Tacoma, Wash., for something like $50,000. This is one of
h: most promising properties in Bohemia, and is well equipped with a
10 stamp mill and tramway, and hundreds of feet of development work;
but the past few yeirs has been poorly managed. The gentlemen who
have made the purchase are men of large mining experience and it is
iaid that the days of shut downs and idleness at the Champion art
numbered. This is a sale that will meet the approval of every tinning
man in Bohemia who knows the true state of affairs.
Portland has now a well organized mining exchange. Those of the
Pacific Northwest interested in mining properties can 'congratulate
themselves upon the business enterprise and cnergj' of the people of the
metropolis of Oregon. Some are of the opinion that a mining ejebr-nge
should have been gotten under way at Portland before this, and Port
'and has been accused of being slow as to the mining interests of Orr
gon. This accusation has b:en made by those who have onjythe nost
triemlly fueling for Portland, through their anxiety that that city
should not let the opportunity s'.ip, contending all the time that Ore
gon's metropolis is the ideal place for the leading. Pacific Nortl w.t
Mining Exchange, and uion; particularly lias bitter comments bcrn
made relative to Portland's slowness in the matter, on account of the
many people who are interested in mining properties being desirons to
rush their properties upon the market. Upon conservative consider
ation, however, it must be admitted that Portland has not been slow.
Ou the contrary she has been on time. Iu fact Portland is usually on
time in the majority of enterprises benefical to that city and the state at
large. It is not consistent that Oregon should have a mining exchange
before there is business in the territory which, geographically shall
come under its control, to justify. The fact of the matter is tl-reis
Kj barely sufficient business at the present time; but Portland has taken
S the matter in hand and has organized ready for business. Now let
aatii ullu 3 j tlin.p wut hnvf 1ifrptnfiire ncctised Porthmfl of heinc slnw irpt a swift
, , 1', Rl ....w...-. 0 . , q
i iuiiy ami are niaKing speniai move dll aiu st huulate the enterprise which means the lite of Pic fic
" , Northwest mining, bj their united effort. Geographically Portland is
? I so situated that she will control the bulk of the mining business of Ore
By trading with us you will gj gun and Washington.
g j Portland now has a smelter proposition under way that will revolu-
I lionize mining in Oregon. It is what many have looked forward to,
b hut heretofore the developed properties of Oregon have not been suffi-
' cient to justify the erection of a first class smelter. It takes one to help
I the other. Developmotit has gone on slowly but to an extent to give
S' those who were interested in the smslter proposition, a feeling of
security that the time was at hand to make the start. The otart is
made and a smelter is assured. Now the next thing is more develop
ment work. More ore in th? dump. A smelter must hare ore. Ore
gon mines hive the ore. Get out the ore the smelter will do the
! be able to have your picture en-
I larged free of charge
j and you pay me
j no thorJor goods.
Parties wishing to bo located on;
rimber Land will find it to their
advantage to commit us,
Wf me living in a rapid Hgn: nnnga of Progression. TI10 World movus
ami ym inusMiiovo with It.
Kv up with thu timcB. If yuu see a chuneo to benefit yourself pniep
tliu opportunity.
You Can Benefit Yourself by Calling At
T3ensou "Drag Company.
Pure Drugs and Chemicals,
We have had Sixteen Years (
experience in the timber laud busi- j j;
ucss and guarantee satisfaction.
nron l.umrn
4k.1 Bon Ton
Hotel Sherwood,
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Wines, Liuuoi's and Cigar.
Choice Brands.
A Favorite Resort.
We are now prepared to furnish
all kinds of Brackets, Mouldings,
Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and
Window frames, Screen Doors,
Windows, Pickets, etc.
Woodwork of all kinds made and
repaired. We will also work Floor
ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or
size Studding, etc.
M"am Street
n n
lie wove, uiwii.
Supply liousc for
Cottage Grove
and Bohemia.
The labor troubles which have been ou in the Slocau country since
last July ar now reported at an end and the big mines are resuming
Buffalo Hump, to inst. A large aud extensively rich body of ore
whs recently struck on the Fortune claim, showing a grade running
much higher than any heretofore encountered. .
The miners union has crauted permission for the miners in the
Slocau country to go back to work at $3.25 per day.
The gross production of the Mercus, Utah, mines for December ia
officially stated to have been ?54-345
According to a report which J. H. Fisk . recently made to the
Seattle assay office, Oregon had on the first day of this year 533 stamps,
of which 500 were working, and 150 more were being put iu. Within
a year Oregon may have iojo stamps. Mr. Fisk estimates that Ore
gon's quartz mines are now yielding $5000 a day; the placer mines
$7500 a day. Oregonian.
Stud your order by TeJajthone.
W. II. Beagle,
Uncle Sam has 6r new vessels The Oregon Weekly published at
under constiuction for his navy. the University of Oregon made its
... appearance this week. It is a four
The democratic state convention pajJe pai)er devoted to the interests
will meet in Portland April 12 of the uuiversity, with CN Mr
Senator Simon has introduced a Arthur editor-iu-chief, aud E N
bill asking for $250,000 for the Bly the and Grace I Wold associate
uui jaiviui, .1,01 editors. It is a bright news paper
establishment of a government auci should be supported by every
mint at Portland, Oregon. college student.
The Largest Stock in South Land
-Consisting of
Shelf aud Hea.vy Hardware; Stoves aud Tinware; Pumps, Pipes aud
Guiis and Ammunition, Studebrker Wagons, Canton Clipper,
Harrows, Etc. For Miuers Supplies, the only house South f Port
land. (Uvc us a call. GRIFFIN & VEATCH.
v.()TTAGli (JR0 11, ORIS.