Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 16, 1900, Image 6

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emDrehenalTe KeleW of the Import
ant Iltenlrl of the Pt Week
Called From the Telegraph Column.
Lord Roberts ami Gcnoral Kitchener
ixvo started for the front.
The Insurgents have been driven out
of Legaspi, province of Aibay.
Thousands viowod the roniains
Senator Goebel at Covington, Ken.
.Affairs in Santo Domingo nro in a
turbulent condition. Insurrection
It is said the dowagor empress o
China is afraid to depose the emperor
tvt present.
On account of the serious roadbed
'washout on its Lowiston division, tlio
Northern Pacific will lose $100,000
The transports Pathan and Sherman
Arrived at San Francisco from Manila
On board the Sherman are 75 invalid
Fire at Little Rock, Ark., destroyed
property to the value of $205,000. The
J. P. Qninn Drr Goods Company will
lose $100,000.
British troops crossed the Uppor
Tucola river at Kolendrift with the ob
ject of storming the Boer positions, but
were driven back.
. Three hundred Spanish prisoners re
-volted at the treatment they received
at tho hands of Filipinos, dispersed
their captors and hold the fort.
The largest office building in tho
world is to be orectod in New York
City, by the Alliance Realty Company
It will be 20 stories high and will cost
President Ilavemeyer, of the Ameri
can Sugar Refining Company denies
that the leading refineries of the com
pany were closed down as a result of
the loss of business.
Fish commissioners of Oregon and
Washington have issued a statement
that only citizens were granted licenses
nd that false claims may have been
made in some instances.
The mortality in the city of Bom
bay, India, in one day was unprece
dented. There was a total of 408
deaths. The situation is aggravated by
the advent of famine refugees.
Word has been received by the de
partment of Indian affairs and by tho
-police authorities of fresh troubles
among the Indians of Upper Laird, B.
C. Seven members of a Scotch family
are said to have been murdered.
The Sunset Telephone Company of
Oakland, Cal., has mortgaged to the
Old Colony Trust Company of Boston,
its entire possessions in California, Ne
vada, Arizona and New Mexico, as se
curity for the payment of gold interest
learing bonds to the amount of $2,500,
000. The Nicaragua canal bill will bo
pushed through both houses this
Mexican liberals favor the candi
dacy of President Diaz for re-election
try a vote of three to one.
Tho league of Republican clubs of
Oregon convened at the armory in Port'
land, with 800 delegates present.
Mrs. Lillie Devereaux Blake has
announced her candidacy for the presi
deucy of tho National Women Suffragist
.Members or tne Algonquin Club, a
leading social organization of Bridge
port, Conn., have declined to entertain
"W. J. Bryan.
The plague in Honolulu has broken
out in several isolated places outside of
the orginally infected district, and its
progress is regarded as serious.
John D. Rocketeller is no longer
president of the Standard Oil Company,
Jlo resigned last December, but tho
-facts were kept secret until now.
Fifty-seven paintings, tho property
el Austin 11. King, of Providence, R
J., were sold at auction in New York
for $77,375, an average of $1,356 per
Adelbert S. Hay, the now United
States consul at Pretoria, was received
by tho Transvaal government, and pre
eentea nis creaonuais. lie created an
excellent impression.
Astoria, Or., now has the right of
"immediate trnusporation. A dispatch
.from Washington states that Senator
George W. MoBride's bill providing for
uch has passed the senate. This
means a bonded warehouse at Astoria
and the unloading of Oriental freight
at that place.
By way of preparation for the great
struggle now In progross, the Boers in
the year 1808 bought from France
alone, guns, swords, carbines, pistols,
cartridges, lead, zinc, powder caps,
iuses, etc., to the invoiced value of
f 380,000, according to a report of the
jitato department from United States
Consul Covert at Lyons.
Henry Hughes, a hero ot tho old navy,
lias been admitted into the county
almshouse at Chester, Pa., at the ago
of 05 years.
Cannonading doos not interfore with
the sending of wiroless telegraph mes
sages. This has been tested in South
During tho last year 25,203,001 bush
els of grain and 3,108,513 gallons of
molasses woro used for the manufacture
of liquor in this country.
A trans-rorslan railway will bo
Australia is alarmed ovor tho situa
tion in South Africa.
Albav nrovinco is muoh harassed
by the Filipino robots.
A tnrrttartnl form of COVOmmOllt is
recommended for HAwaii.
Dawson merchants are closing up
shop to go to Capo Nomo.
Congressman Sulzor, of Now York
is talkod of for Bryan's running mate,
Firo in tho Brooklyn navy yard do
strayed property to tho valuo ol !f 100,
Four men woro fatally wounded dur
tng a riot at a danco in Northern Okla
Tho strike of tho Cuban oigarmakers
has been settled. Tho effort was unsuc
Robbers mado an unsuccessful at
temnt to hold up a Santa Fo ttain iu
Elijah Cone, ono of the oldest nows
paper men of Wisconsin, was frozen to
death in loud du Lao.
American minors uro not allowed to
carry arms or ammunition into tno
... .t
state of Sonora, Moxico.
Chaplain Wells, inst returned from
tho Philippines, says there is too much
whiskey sold and used there.
The transport Siam. whioh lost 311
mules out of 330 on her trip to Manila
is back in San Francisco harbor.
The city of Skagway protests against
the appointment of a dolegato to con
gress without tho voto of tho people.
Ed. Armstrong, a Modfonl, Or.
bricklayer, was shot and fatally in
jured by A. J. Hamlen, during a saloon
Firo at the National Bisouit Com
pany's works, at Worcostor, Mass., de
stroyed property to tho value of $00,-
The Kansas supremo court holds that
railways cannot be compelled to fur-
nlsh free transportation to livestock
Buller's attack is now known to
have been no feint. He was really de
feated in a third attempt to reach
Thomas G. Merrill, of Salt Lake
City, widely known throughout the
West as an energetic worker in the sli
er cause, is dead.
The Boers are becoming aggressivo
General Joubert, with 0,000 men,
threatens Buller's right at Cheveley
Another detachment of burghers is
creeping through Zululand to destroy
British communications.
The Corbett-Jeffries tight will take
place at Coney Island about the middle
of May.
T. Daniel Frawley has made arrange
ments to take a copmany of actois to
Cape Nome.
An alliance, offensive and defensive,
has been consummated between Ens
land and Portugal.
The English nation has settled down
to the realization that the war with
the Boers will last a long time.
Governor Taylor, of Kentucky, has
declined to sign the peace agreement
and the case will go to the courts.
A destructive fire visited the city of
San Salvador. Central America. The
total loss is estimated at $1,000,000.
The United States transport Colum
bia arrived at San Francisco from
Manila. She made the trip in 30 days.
Three ballot-box stuffers of Philadel
phia were sentenced to imprisonment
for two years and to pay a fine of $500
A resolution expressing sympathy
with thb Boers was adopted by the sen-
ato. It was offered by Allen, of
Lord Roberta has addressed a letter
to Presidents Kruger and Steyne, com
plaining of the wanton destruction of
property in Natal.
Threo children of P. D'Arcy, living
near South Union, Wash., were poison
ed by drinking tne water Irom an
abandoned well.
Six men were injured by an explosion
in the Columbia firecracker works at
Fostoria, Ohio. A large part of the
factory was wrecked.
It has been decided by the secretary
of the navy to appoint Commander
Seaton Schroder to be the first naval
governor of tho Samoan islund of
The house committee on military1
attatrs will investlgr ) into thu Idaho
mining riots at Wurdner, which the
federal troops, under General Merriam,
In Chicago, 7,000 workingmen who
have been engaged on buildings in
course of construction, quit work. It
is the beginning of a war between labor
and tho contractoi .
The jury in the caso of Roland B.
Molineaux, convicted of poisoning Mrs.
Adams, returned a verdict of guilty of
murder in the first degree It is said
the trial has cost $200,000.
The Boers have taken Inkandla, a
Zululand magistracy. Tho magistrate
the night previous exploded tho maga
zine, and, with his staff and police
evacuated the place and proceeded to
Bigamists in Hungary are required
by law to live with both wives in the
same houso.
The National Live Stock association
recommends leasing government graz
ing lands.
Alan Arthur, son of tho late presi
dent, lives in Europe. He finds that
his incomo goos furthor there.
Kansas City is to hqve another in
torarban electric railroad, to run to
Olathe, Kan,, 31 miles distant.
Provlnoo Muoh
assed by Thorn.
lliibnnlc riitRiin nml Smallpox Anionic
(hp Filipino-Operation of Hell ami
neuron III I.uiml.
Manila, Feb. 13. Of loto tho in
surgcuts in Albay province, Luzon,
havo adopted harassing tactics against
the towns which tho Americans havo
garrisoned They camp in tho hills and
maintain a constant firo upon tho
American outposts. Whon tho troops
sally against thorn, they scatter, re
turning when the Americans retire.
They shoot burning, arrows, and havo
thus burned a largo part of tho town of
Albay. Indeed, most of tho towns iu
that ptoviuco are practically deserted,
except by tho garrison. Scarcoly any
of tho inhabitants leturu to their
homes. They are camping in tho inter
ior, and it issupiiosod armed insurgents
prevent them going back. It is report
ed that tlioro is much suffering among
them, owing to lack of food. As a re
sult of these conditions, tho hemp busi
ness in that section is seriously hin
dered, and ships going for cargoes are
compelled to take gangs of coolies to
do their loading. Homp held in the
interior is quite inaccessible.
Colonel Bell will tako two regiments
and a batterv through tho provinces of
North Camariues and South Camariues,
going there on trims ports. Mauv in
surgents retreated to that part of tho
island from Cavito and Batangas prov
inces. Another expedition will soon
tsrat to garrison towns along the north
coast of the island of Miudauao.
Gueriilla warfare continues south ot
Manila. Two attempts havo been
made to ambush tho Americans. Col
onel Schwau, while returning to Manila
with his stiff and an escort of 100 cav
alry from Batangas, was uttacked by
the insurgents. Tho lujter woro' dis
persed, but the Americans had five,
Lientenant-Colonel Beacon, with six
companies of the Forty-socond infantry,
had a two hours' tight with General
Pio del Pilar's command, which at
tempted to ambush the Americans
along the trail through Moroug prov
ince, near tho lako. Here, also, tho
insugeuts were dispersed,
Americans hud several
among them a captain.
but the
General Bell is operating southward
through Zambales province with a
small force.
Another expedition is proceeding
northward from Subig. It is reported
that the insurgents general, Alejandro,
has recovered from his wound and has
assembled a largo forco in that district.
The plague continues. Light cases
were reported lust week among the
natives und Chinese There is no
citement, however, and business
social life are undisturbed.
Small i)ox is prevalent among the
natives along the railroad and in the
towns on the northern coast. Two
officers of the Thirty-sixth infantry
have died of the disease and anothei
officer and several soldiers have been
Dlinilir In Too Orent 8 peril Chlnrit
I'Hatiiia.ter In Truile.
Chicago, ieb. 13. "Tho greatest
question of our time is whether the op
simulation of the commercial force of
China by the world will be a quick or
slow process," declared Benjamin I.
Wheeler, president of the University ol
California, who passed through Chicago
today on his way East. "If the pro
cess be speedy," he continued, "there
is likely to be a disastrous disturbance,
but if it be natural and unforced, a
peaceful adjustment will be insured.
Therefore, the question, not so much oi
the Chinese as of Cnina, is of para
mount importance to Americans.
'Tho pressure of ages has made of the
Chinese, pastmasters in commerce,.
Their lack has been iron, and as tho
commercial development of this coun
try has been characteristically that ol
metals, they have seemingly been dis
tanced. But let them once acouire in-
truction from the Western world in
the metal arts, and they will bo able,
with their geniue, to revolutionizo the
commerce of tho globe."
Illlzzuril In Colormlo.
Denver, Fob. 13. A blizzard it
sweeping over Colorado. Tho central
and northern portions of tho state are
in the throes of tho storm which is
gradually moving southward. Snow
has bees falling in tho mountains near
ly all day, with no prospect of imme
diate abatement. As vet railroad
traflio has not been affected to any
great extent, but a continuance of tho
storm will seriously interfere with it.
Reports from Southern Wyoming and
Western Nebraska are to the effect that
blizzard haB been raging in that
vicinity today and ia continuing.
Methodists in this country nronoso
to raiso $20,000,000 as a "20th century
thank-offering fund." This imraenso
sum will be used for educational, char
itablo and churoh purposes.
Family Wa Asphyxiated.
Chloaco. Feb. 18. MnrMn .Tnr1 a n
an engineer, his wife Mary and their 5-raonths-old
boy, wero accidentally,
asphyxiated by gas last night in tholr
uume hi rorty-inira street and Stewart
ISUcult Company'. Fire,
Worcester. Mass.. Fab. in
today in tho Gilliam block.
Ly the National Bisouit Company, com-
iiiciuiy gunou tne uuiiaing, doing $00.
000 damage B '
Further Advice. Ilrmi.lit by Ui Kin
prra or Uhliia.
Victoria, B. 0.. Fob. l.-Tho
Mcamor Kinpress of China, brings tho
following Oriental advloos:
A terrible accident in reortcd from
tho Wnhn river. A Junk was i-ught
In a miow squall and turned Untie. all
on board, numbering 20 in all,
From Nugo-Ya, Japan, comes now
of another tcrrlblo accident. A lire
broko out January .2:1, in a largo spin
ning mill at Koryo Muni, in tho Owiirl
profoeturo. Two buildings were do
itroyod aud 31 factory girls burned to
death. Six were Injured badly and a
number slightly Injured.
Tho Flour do I.utus. as tho Junk ho
lug sent from Hong Kong to tho Paris
exposition is called, has started on her
adventurous trip from tho China sea to
tho French capital. Tho Junk, which
is ono of tho common Chinese kind, is
73 feet long and 28 feet wido. Sim
will stop on tho nmto at Saigon, Singa
pore, Colombo and Aden. Tho j""
will bo towed through thu Sue canal.
Captain Bourdounet, who is in ehurgo
of her, is accompanied by his wife, ono
French sailor, nine uunlmutos and nine
A great conlliigration occurred at
Kluang, December 3l. In all 300
buildings woro destroyed. Tho cause
of tho tiro is not known. Tho damago
will exceed $1,000,000. Mont of tho
bulldiugs destroyed were big shops.
At Saigon, an Innimito woman has
given birth to twin, joined together
after tho manuor of tho famous SlamoM)
twins. Tho infants were placed on ex
hibition immediately after their birth
and it is intended to send them to tho
Paris exhibition. Tho French pajicr at
Saigon protested against this treat
ment of tho newly born Infants on thu
ground of Inhumanity. An injunction
was applied for, but was refused by
tho courts.
According to a dispatch received
from Ngaukiug, thu provincial capital
of Anhui, and translated by tho North
China Daily News, it seems that, en
couraged by tho nieces-en of tho ma
rauding band iu Shautung, a number of
rowdies of the former proviuco havo
latoly banded themselves Into a soeioty
called tho Sluo Tuo Ilui, or Littlo
Swords Association, having tho same
objects in view as their predecessor,
the Tal Tao Ilui, or Great Swords As
sociation, that of plundering converts
and men of wealth. Tho now associa
tion, it uppcurs, commenced its work
on tho Yank Tee river, and raided u
wealthy family of thu name, of Wu, u
few miles north of Wuhu, carrying
away a largo quantity of spoils and
wounding several pcrsous. The next
step of the bandit was to plan a raid
on a number of Christian families liv
ing near Wuhu, where thoro is un
American mission chapel iu tho charge
of a missionary, but tho inhabitants
became alarmed and summoned sol
diers, which scared away tho maraud
ers, all of whom boldly declared that
they belonged to the Littlo Swords,
whoso mission wus to exterminate con
verts to outside religions and mis
Cuuftrri One Drutli mill llrnvy 1-roperly
St. Louis, Foil. 11. Considerable
damage to projiertv in various parts of
the city and vicinity was wrought Iks
tween 2 and 4 A. M. by a wind storm
that reached a velocity of GO miles an
hour and was of tho nature of u torna
do. Tho barometer fell to 20.25, tho
lowest point ever reached in this vicin
ity, according to the weather bureau
dflicials heio. Previous to tho wind
storm a terrific thunder storm hud
raged for several hours, the ruin fall
ing in torrents. Tho raiufull was 1.0
.Mrs. busio inompson beenmo en
tangled in a livo wire, which had been
blown down, and was killed. In the
burned district between Franklin nvo
nue, Morgan street, Third aud Sixth
streets, .fiiu.uuti worth ol property was
destroyed. At 827 North Third street,
tho four story building occupied by the
George A. Benton Commission Com
pany and the Sage & Richmond Com
mission Company was blown down. It
was next door to ono of tho buildings
destroyed in Sunday's fire, and its
walls had beon weakened. At tho
ruins of Penuy & Gentle's department
store, Broadway and 1-ranklin avenue,
a cupola loft standing at tho west end
of tho north wall and a lingo brick
chimuov topped by a tall sheet iron
smokestack wero carried down by the
forco of tho wind. Policeman Forie.
wno nau oeeu standing neur, had a
narrow escapo from death. Much delay
and considerable uamago was snfforcd
by nearly every railroad entering tho
city from the cast side of the river.
At Jefferson City, Mo., tho wind and
rain storm was one of the most sevoro
fU it t ... . .
ever leit mere, it was ioiiowetl by a
fall of 03 degrees in tomperuture and a
Bnow storm, which is now ragiug.
Anton Heister, aged 05, was blown
from his door onto a stouo wulk and
Stolen Money Returned.
London, Feb 11. Tho sum of 20.-
000, the balance of 00,000 stolon from
Parr's bank a year ago, has been mys
teriously returned Tho notes wero
found this morning enclosed in a
steamer passbook
I'linner' force Defeated.
Pretoria. Fob. 11. Colonnl Pi
force, on Fobruary 2, attaokod tho Boor
Position near Itnrnnnntii
heavy fluhtinu. inchnUni
to tako tho pluco by storm, tho British
wero repulsed. Thoir loss is unknown.
No Boers wero injured.
Severe Storm lit Mlmieupolli,
Minneapolis, Fob. 10. Minneanolin
May experienced tho sovorst snow
norm ol the winter. Business is
Itlyzod, and trains are late.
Roborts Begins Movomont
on Mngorsfontoin.
Tlie Town U In H'ire, Nlmll, i't I" I"""
mlnoiil limrr of rllln Hurt. Ail
iHiirhiK Through KiiIiiIhihII
Ixmdon, Fob. 14. Uird Roberts has
gathered 35,000 men, with whom, ay
cording to tho best military opinion In
London, ho purpose turning thu loft
of tho .Magprsfontuln lines near Jacobs
dal, unturing tho Freo State, coinwlllng
General Cronju to raise tho nirgo of
Klmberley, and thus making his llrst
step toward llloumfontolu.
Yesterday lrd Roberts announced
thu appolntmont of General Sir Henry
t'olvllle. hitherto commander of thu
guards brlgadu, to tho command of tho
Ninth division, which is boing formed,
aud will consist probably to a great ex
tent of colonial troop. General Col
villa will bo succeeded by General
Reginald Polu-Carew.
Lord lloberts tolls thu correspondents
that when ho gets down to buslncn
they slmll havo umplo opiwrtunltlo to
send nows. Ills chief press censor yes
terdav issued now rules and in future
all written communications are to go
unchecked. Only telegrams will bo
censored. For tho next few days littlo
nows Is lkoly to got through, but later
there will lio moro freedom. Thus
says tho censor, und thu lust clause may
bo interpreted to mean that mjiiio
thing is atxiut to happen.
Klmberley, 80 miles away from thu
Modder river Ksltion, Is insorestraltn.
Details of tho Documbor death rutu
show that in a population of 1 1,000
whites and 10.000 blacks, tho mortality
was 00 whites and 38 blacks ier 1,000.
Tho infantile death ruto wus 071 jmr
1.000 among tho white and 012 jntr
1,000 among tho blacks. lnterio
fuvur was prevalent. This frightful
state of things in Decembur cannot
havo improved much, if at all, since,
and tho lighting jiower of tho garrison
must havo been greatly diminished.
Meanwhile thu bomburdmoiit by the
Boers has Increased, and .there is Im
minent dangur of tho town falling
under the very eye of Lord Rolierts.
it is believed in circles closo to tho
war ollko that ho will move at onco
Scouts havo approached within 1,000
yards of thu Boer entrenchment
Magersfonteln. They huvo found these
Strang and ascertained thut thoy uro
used as dwelling place. Naval guiltier
are constantly watching tho enemy's
lines with strong glasses, and they no
claro thut there is appreciable dlinluu
tion in the Boer forces.
In Natal thu Boer commandos south
of tho Tulgela occupv Bog's farm and
soveral miles wust of Cheveley. Two
thousand Boers, with three gnus, nro
advancing thruugh Zululand toward
The war olllco ii making prepare
tions to continue tho stream of troop
for South Africa, tour largo steamers
have been chartered.
Three Sprri'lirft on the Semite FlnuitrlN
Washington, Feb. 14. Tho final
week's discussion of the ponding flnan
clul bill was begun in the senate today
itiu speakers wero two Rupulilicum
KlkiiiH, of Wust Virginia, und Wolcott
of Colorudo und one Populist Butler,
of North Carolina. Elkins advocated
tho passage of tho iiendiug senatu
measure in a brief, but forceful argu
ment. Wolcott, chairman of the Inter
national Bimetallic Commission of
1807, spoke for many ItopnbllcunH who
adhere to lilmutallsm, and his speech
earnest und eloquent, was accorded un
usual attention. Butler closed tho do
hato for tho day, advocating tho udop
tion of his amendment providing for
an issue of paper currency by tho gov
An important bill was passed by tho
houso today, which makes universally
applicable tho law that now permits
tho transit in bond of goods through
tho United States. Goods in bond can
bo shipped through any portion of tho
territory of tho United States to foreign
ports, it is principally designed to
givo tho transportation companies of
tno united States u lartiou of tho
trans-continental trade to the Orlinit
Tho bill also repeals tho law of March
1, 1805, prohibiting tho shipment of
goods in bond to tho Moxlcan frc
zono. Tho latter provision was fought
by htopiions, of Texas. Tho remainder
of the day was occupied in passing
privuto pension hills lavorably acted
upon at IIIHt J rldav lllirht's nnuolnn
and in District of Columbia legislation
To Survey llrltlth North America,
Winnopcsf. Man.. Feb. 1.1 Tim
Canadian government is equipping a
iuruu h irvev nurrv tor nn nrnm rmt nn
of tho immediate territory lyinu ho-
tween tho Great Slavo lako ami llnd
son's bar. This stretches from rim
Rockies to tho Atlantic. It is 2.000
miles wido. mid is sunnosnd rn vmnl,i
rich mineral stores.
The War III Yiicutun.
AuStlll. TOX.. Fob. 14 A fltunnfl,
from Oaxaca. Moxico. suvh rim irui.
dent Dalz has ordered two moro regi
ments of troops to proceed immediately
to Yucatan, whom thev will Inln t:,...
eral Bravo's forces in tho campaign bo-
iuk wagon ugainst tno juayii Indians,
A eovon-yoar-old girl, of Bntto,
Mont., was killod by tho accidental
dischargo of her father's revolver. In
t ii r n While HI un h
KatmnsClty, Mo,, Fob. II
special mini rori Arthur, 're,
"Junius rlweuimy (wlilloi wi-,
at i o out; mm mornniif u.
nnn vm. i .mi iiiiiii lorrm.-
hud killed Charles Crumbm. .
laiKiror. ny juiiiiiiiiig a naynnet
His nacK. ino urltuo was ,.,,..
on tuo uiiunioou oi rehnirtry
.i .. , .. . in
nt'lii iiiii mi iiiiirnniiH lirrmtlif
sum hi iiiivu n-MiiiMii irmn
... . ..." 'I
light that took- place it lew m,U
"' ' '-V "'IIIIIII
lor tnuriiur in mo nml iU
was placed on trial lit lleauiii'itit,
rrwuy, unit mst nignt thu nvu
i .. . ....ii... ..i ..... ........ ''"iifi
llllliru ll iiiiu.i t in urn xiiiiiv. Aikea
as hu was released Hweenev
Port Arthur, arriving here m I'jjit
"Word hud been tolegriiilim ,2
that ho whs coining, und a mob,!.1
hint ut thu depot, marched hii,)!'
town and strung hlin up to a tel(!!J
polo without cerciiiimv. In o,,
uttmnpt thu rope broke.
attempt was made suceesslul bjj
Sweeney's legs so his feet mnllft
touch ground and drawing up t li r
taunt. Their work ueitiitipit a:
mob, which was inadii up l 'onft
thur cltlxmm, i!iscred quietly, U'
"Sheriff IjiikIiih f llemimimt.ii.
notified of thu mob's work, nnd U
mediately started for Port Arthur.
returned to Beaumont tonight ,jV
Jack Martin, a boss stimilnrn, IHU
follow workman named ('!itni.l,tJf
custody. Martin is believed
been a ringleader Iu thu lym-hing,-
Ilvpiilillrnn I.egUlnlora llrtnmril jll
Frankfort, Ky., Fob. 14. TMi jjj
another day of uuliiokeii calm In YrS,
fort. Tho Itupuhllcuil member. ot
legislature met at neon, and, ufUili
jKilntlng committees to inform i2J
or Taylor that, pursuant to tholttai
his proclamation adjourning thu it
latum ut I-ondon and calling uTJ
Frankfort, they had come to tlili(l
and were prepared to trausnct
huslncM as must iiime Ixtforu ig
The governor acknowledge the ifi
and both honw adjourned until Jl
morrow. There were nine mruit2)
the senate mid 28 ill thu houre. U
Thu committee which wus cii
to coino from the Democratic iiiajj
at ImlnviUu, to rert whether
safe for them to count to FraniiL
did not put iu an upitcuruiuu di&
tho day. S
Today, Governor Tnlynr dertlMe
order away all of the soldier nuri4
with thu exception of a few fur s i
onal body guitrd. Hu had teutM
Colonel Wllllum and given oidrnfi'
thu moving of thu troops, but cmijj
nis friends urged so strongly tlut f.
soldiers ho iiurmltted to remain M
Governor Taylor changed his
and said that, for tho present, ut
I "
ho would not havu anr more of
returned to their homes.
Iito this afternoon tho detect
working iiou thu (ioobel assasiiaiir
discovered a bullet Imlwdded loot.1
tho treeH in thu south side of the cw
tol square. It struck thu tree nloHj
fneheN fnim tin. ifnimitl uinl iilmri.lai
n--'. , "
a lino from thu executive building, g
the ss)t where Governor Govbcl rr
A block of wood containing the bttv
was cut from tho tree, and is nuwfj
thu posMMtsiou of thu pruueoos
attorney. p
The ChlriiBo HlrlUr.
Chicago, Fob. 14. Of the 7,fi
building tradesmen who took ihelrbi
holiday Saturday afternoon, In ili tltc
ol the now rules of tho building
tractors' council, one-half, it wai
nouiicuil bv labor leaders, rina
work as usual on big buildings. 1
is regarded by labor Interests us U:
eating weakness iu thu building cC
tractors' agreement to stand by it'
another. At tho heudquurturs of ij
contractors, it was declcarod tho e
still at work were doing so under l
clal agreements, in order to comr!
certain portions of work. Openitllj
on numerous smaller structures nre
a standstill, aud will remain so, '
bosses say, until tho places of loelg
out men aro II I led. To guard utfiuf
others taking their places, union u$
havo 1,000 pickets stationed about
city. V
Tho building material trades count J
with a imiinlu-ruhlti of on nun Imn i
. ... w,,lr Ww, .... ,
nouncod that it will supjiort the tol
ing trades council. No material
bo furnished to contrautom uintilnj
uomiulon labor. 2
I' I re lit Hie Niivy Viiril. Q
Now York, Fob. 14. Building j)
7. in the Brooklyn navy yard, occupg
by the electrical equipment depijt'
mnnt. was destroved bv tiro tod3
Tho loss is .$100,000, equally dlvlijjj
between tho machinery und btilldi
A largo quantity of valuable retnw
wero saved, which Admiral Philip '2
would havo involved u task of uboutw
rH to replace. 2
Tho fire is boliovcd to have
caused by a dofootivo oloctrio iw
wiro. and started ultout A. M. A1
uiiral Philip hi in self took charge
tho forces that fought thu flame :,
received sovoral cutH about tiot
from broken glass. t'
Admiral Philip will, it is said, recO'j
mend tho establishment of a rcgu
firo department at tho navy yard.
l'rluoe Henry In Vienna,
Vloniui. Fob. II). Princo Henry
Tlrimuln n.l. li'llltlCr,
Francis Joseph mot him at thoratWj
l,l him tO V
Hoflnirg. Tho popuhico gavo
prince un ovation,
Mm. .'aimer' Nomination Coiillrm?
Wnnhlii.irnii Vnli. 14 TIlO 0D?1
today conllrmod tho iiomlnatiofl
Mrs. Borthn II. Palmer, of IIH'i!
bo a commissioner to the 1'uruni
" - . jt'
nor own hands.
ft tx 1