Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 16, 1900, Image 5

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I,iist Saturday evening about 9:30
nil alarm of lire was Bounded, the
inilllnary store of Mist Emily
cllcr having caught fire from
ttic inside.- MIhh Melnzcr was in
tlu hack jmrl of the store ut the
urn.' with a mm? lady frlcnda, hut
lias no i'lon how the fire could have
b' a tod as It occurred ln'the'dWplay
room, and there wan not even a
lamp binning there ut the lime.
She 'pio'iuiues hmvever that the
if originated fioin the dpiuks fly
ing from a match when she lit the
fir. in the fitting roo n which is
nly so, anted from the display
in m by an nrch w.iy. Miw Meiti
ei' stock was damaged $2'o; and
lite building wan damaged probably
$7,-,. The lire boy i unpadded with
a lu-arty good will and soon had
the fire under control although
tlry had to wade through the mud
t 1.. lrtiitu A Tlrrllt
il.-. .1... I.w!l.l!.w.
... A tit
Postal Impeclor Clement visited
the Cottage Orovc postodice on
hfiMiiI business last fiiuay. ue
m llirniv Hiirprineii iti. mc
llllli'lllli ll IIUM1IE1.1 HCIIIJJ uuiiv J
this ollice i:ul staled tint u reucueu
. . . 1
iW n nut lu-ce.Mary to uecoiuc a
third class oijiee liitce moutmsuiee.
t require 1 me uiiiiir.u mnnraj ui
. 1 1 .
niUOIl as a iinru fiusn uiiiv-w. 1 iiv
. . - 1 fT..... MM...
fOfi'MHi ' III' uniiiinc univc mj-h-
1 r ..... ' ....
Ill Ltl I 'l ....
Nls WUI I'llUUc IIIC Ulll.v w nv
. .1 .1.... ...... ..,t tlnftllM tlrttit.
... 1 .1 rt . 1 .
i :i 11 iwii-i e lor wo mi. kiuin uu
Still ninot ii,' -.'Ntnnva.
' 1 1 I ill t A HI." Tl
; 1. Kinney. $2crtary ant
' .t. I.. ? 1......
iy this week Thursday tin
guest tn iur. i.iuyu. .. r.i.uit
r . i i i i. i':...,...
:.-ut .evotai uay m me int-ini
:t looking over the soveta
p-' -lies 01 iiiieie.ii wiiiuiig mvm
VI :t.fL I1I1I1 III'IIZIIIK- i it: C ."
I - "
1 !lr,',l I1C ICH UU lll ICllllll liunir
t. I ... .... l.:.. ...... v . . iiiib
!. I 11. l.l... iiai.flili t -
y i i" .1... .....J .....
r )i)"rue.H wmi.ii u nm; nun:i m
.. . . i it.. : it. :..i.:....
. ? j -.p.t - ' - n
M licul eximiiier sent out at
. m.-.tigutio't oi the County Court
'.-in- Ciunty. cotnistinj? of Ors
T, Clieshhe and D. A. I'ainc
Vi.w f.iit 1 P.iMther it'id Hndlrv-
" ' I -' - "
l,c tjicre a'c over joo easej of
ii, ..I , .v in l!i "dt!io!'e! t' m
!. . : r. .....
i.iii i j in i .i': c nuii i iiavv
.. . .i i.. .i
1 I M IL 41 I'MIl hll lllV. Ulv
P.j.l viv.v wui l oy me nie'iie.ii ex-
.. 1. . .. . . J .. . . ... m- l l.ul.A II...
i iiia il hni1 isn a m c ii'ii' ffiltl fil
ir vr.v l'At'itw.
Uv-r.ic.: Maun editor of the
1 , ,i.i?..f i fvf Ifiriilf.rt tr tlllll lull ttl
... .. it. if.ififAt.rtri(k ii iiiinrAi
ajiisiie ai rtiiuioni. suecurtaur 10
i i i . . r I f I .
he. fllfnrl F!i!. His first issu?
't bright local pap :r, with a po-
iti(-;il liuudL-cri in.' :ifler Itrvmi ntwl
hirt silver ideas. While we do not
liiuii-L Ki 11. mi. itfiiiiii M " i ii ii 1 1 ii-;i i
1 dtli, still we do appreciate him as
. 1 1 f I. ! .. 1
and sincerely wish him and his very
clever wife who by the way is Jt is
valuable assistant in the ofiice work,
idl possible success.
Mr J. K. Barrett acting at the
instigation of Clerk Veatch has
been taking the school census for
Qstta.4;c Grove dUlrict the past
week completing the census Tues
day. Mr. Harrelt reports that the
number of scholars in the district at
tlie present time is 390 against 353
last year, a gain of 37. . A pretty
good showing.
l'OR. sai.h.
A g jod wagon six years old for
30, Inquire ut Nuggt office.
Charley (SoglagJ lCvati.1, who
was reported as having myiittrlously
disappeared from the depot restau
rant this city, has been heard from
uu tht: following letter to the pro
prietor will testify:
Kugeue, Oregon, Jan. 29 '09,
Mr. Jot) Slee, Collage Grove, Ore
gon Dear Sir; I was very tumsh
mtrprised this morning on arriving
home to find -mym-lf advertised. I
left Callage Grove for reasons best
known to myself and had no in
lentiou ol defrauding you. If you
will suiid me my bill I will remit by
return Inail. If I had had any bad
lutcntl'ms I would not Imvu told
you who J was. Please send
amount of bill at once at 1 do not
rare to be talked about.
Yoars very truly
C. W. Kvans.
fKl'lUMt!) 'i'lfl'. 1'tUK OUDINANCK.-
The city council at its meeting
last Monday night repealed the fire
ordinance which excludes the
building of structures other than
orickor coirogated iron on Miiu
ilreet from the depot to Lurch's
corner. A petition asking for the
rejMJtil had bti circulated and pre
euted likewise a reinuuslmiice.
When the council balloted upon
the issue the vole stood four for te
wnl and two against ns follows:
Couupiliiien Stone, dimming Chris
man an.l Hawley, repeal: Council
ncii Lurch and Heiiucil, against
ewal. .
wiu. co i?at
Miss Laura Jones the popular
alitor of the Drain WHtchuian
visited her father and brother in
this city this week. Mhs Jones
aiid father, H. C. Jones, will start
ib nit the 20th for an cakteru visit
i'ia Xew Orleaua.
o qijimt Trri.i?.
The tt-stimony in the case, Noon
lay mining company vs Chas Uru
eau and P J and K J Jennings, to
'luiet titli- in the mill situ contest
van taken Monday, attorneys Slicr
dan and lktison for the Noonday
ind Attt'Mieys Gocxlsell, CrawfonU
ind Medico for Uruneau and Jen
nings. ;)RKASMAKI!vG.
Miiw Medley is prepared to do all
kinds of dressmaking at her home
,ust north of Garmau& Newland's
J'.IHX -
To the wife of Win. George at
the home of K. W. Veatch this city
Fd 13 1900 n 14 pound son.
Mel Warner, the popular piano
:u ter ii H the city.
Mrs. Gleu Stone is visiting
friendss in Uugene this week.
The new cottuga belonging to
Johnson Taylor is now Hearing
.oinpletioii aid will be occupied
oy Mr. and Mrs. Krank Goodman.
Death cunc to the household of
Mr. a id Mrs. James Henson of this
city last Tu?s'hv morning Feb. 13.
in a cruel and heart rending
manner. Their little daughter
Mnbel Catherine, suddsnly passed
away attera few hours illness, at 110
liiiio considered datigerous. Sun
duy Mr. and Mrs. Benson had
Mabel at church and she was in her
usual good health, wreathed in
happy childish smiles lor all who
noticed her. Mo.iday she socuied to
take a seveie cold.. Dr. Wall was
called and while he realized that
she was a sufi'.Ter from cold he had
no idea of a fatal termination. Tues
day morning she became restless
and shortly after 7 o'clock while
lying in her fathers arms she seemed
to go into convulsions. The black
angel of death havered near for a
moment and the great door of
eternity swung out and the little
flower faded into the life everlast
ing. Mabel Catherine Henson was
born July 29 1899, and lived to
gladden the hearts of a fond mother
nnd father, just 6 months and 15
days. She is the second baby girl
Mr. and Mrs. Henson have watched
lowered into the grave dining the
last year, and the heart felt sym-
pithy of the "people of Cottage
Grove and vicinity go out to them.
AH boiit Yoli.
George I'arkH is up from Kugeue
this week.
I ferbert Kakin visited Kugeue
Jas. Jennings was in this week
ft 0111 the Helena.
Uev. Uillington returned to Ku
gene Monday.
Attorney J. Ii. Young visited
Jiugene this rCL'k,
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Walker visited
Kugcnu Wednesday.
Geo. W. Lloyd was a visitorjto
Kuguue last Wednesday.
Surveyor C. M. Collier was up
from IJugcne last Monday.
John Dowd of Wildwood was in
Cottage Grove last Monday.
Theodore Jennings left for the
Mttsick this week after a months
Superintendent D. 15. Murray of
the Noonday was in Cottage Grove
G. W. Thompson of Bohemia
was in Cottage Grove Sunday and
Bird Farrier, the well known
miner and prospector was in the
city this week.
Jesse Bounds the sewing machine
man was a visitor in Cottage Grove
last week going north Saturday.
Billy Jones who with Fred is
doing a live saloon business at Scio
was visiting friends here this week.
Attorney David Goodsell of Port
land whs attending to professional
business in this city he first of the
Attorney A. M. Crawford of
Roseburg attended to professional
business in Cottage Grove last
P. J . Jennings returned from a
visit to Bohemia last Sunday, and
after a two days stop went on lo
P. D. Gilbeit, the clever drum
mer whose jolly countenance is fa
miliar to Cottage Groveiles, was in
town Monday.
Fred Midnzer was in the city this
week looking after his building
which was recently damaged by
the fire.
Geo. O. Knowles of Bohemia is
chronicled as a committeeman to
the jiopulist convention held in liu-
gene last Saturday.
Wm Akxnnder one of liugene's
best contractors and builders was
doing business inCottagc Grove
Monday and Tuesday
Ben Lurch did business in Eu
gene Wednesday, and it is wins
peied that he joined the uoblc
baud of lillc thereabouts.
Mrs. Kninia Thompson, court
stenographer for Lane county, took
testimony in the mill site suit the
evidence in which was taken this
Mrs. J. B. Stowell of Rugenc has
been visiting in thislnty this week.
At the depot Tuesday as she was
taking the train the lady suffered a
slight stroke of paralysis.
Mr. and Mrs. O. O. McClelleu of
Salem who visited Mr. aud Mrs. C.
J. Howard last week left Saturday
for a two days visit at Eugene be
fore returning to their Salem home.
Al Johnson of the Johnson,
Byrne Bros. Mining Co. returned
Tuesday from a visit East. Al re
ports a splendid time and is ready
to buckle down to good hard work
E. R. Case has sold his barber
shop to William Lutz, am ex
perienced barber, recently of Leba
non, who has taken charge of the
business and will hereafter run the
shop. Mr. and Mrs. Case left for
Cottage Grove where they expect
to locate and where Mr. Case will
probably open a barber shop.
Albany Herald.
Wednesday night's masquerade
was expensive for Harry Clark, tho
drummer, who happened to be in
attendance.- He lost his pocket
book containing $75, and thus fur
no trace of it has been obtained,
although a reward of 20 is offered.
In Brief.
It yon nro looking for a preuent that
will 1)0 useful ns well tin omntuuntid go
o 1'liilllpn nnil Jones Ilntdivaro,
Yoiijcnn ft"t an kixmI tumi photos nt
Itoyilh as uuy place in Luno Co., 21 for
If you want will pnper or bonk'1 don't
forjjut to nut prlcon of .1.1. Cm ii the
Oi'.tpm it V batch Co. are tho lcadeni
hi all ki ruin of inhibit' Htipplieit, nmmii,
nltioii ikhI HporthiK V.ohh.
Suits I BiiIIhII Tailor hircIobijIIh!!!
Up to (lulu in every respect, from $ 15 up.
Cull and ncv tciinptun.
Gko, Hoiii.mak.
For bout vhIiioh in lean and coffees go
to CiiriiinltiK AtJohr.
Hubuzribo for the Oregoniflii nnd IJo
lioiniu NukkiI.
Tl.( flriCHt lino of Ht'raw ninttinz nt
cociirnri iv Jiuvlnft.
Freeh cundics every day, made from
pure Miliar at the Tailor shop.
For quality ami cheapness In fresh
omuls k to thu Central meat market.
Wnll tinner from lOcts uo. cochran
mid HI von.
P. V. Lewi!, hoot nnd bIioc repair
hop. Firnt clans work, low prices.
O pj.ocitc Sherwood Hotel.
Jioyn, havp yon seen tho fine ehot
Slum nt Gitim A Vkatoji Co.'
Oct your wife a washing machine,
wringer orcliurii for n Christmas prencnt
l'hillipH mid Jones have them.
Knkin it Itrifltow are n'ntu for the
Genuine Oliver Chilled and Steel
I'lows nnd ox Iran.
If you want n huw, nxc, wo dgq, ornnv
thine in the wood choppeni line.
I'hillipHtV Jones hnvo n koo1 kasortment
and prices right.
The hect for the money if you want
any table or pocket cutlery go to
Phillips it Jones Hardware.
Take your laundry to Geo. E.
(irillilli, accent of tho Eugene Palace
Laundry. Goes down Thursday and
letiirns Saturday afternoon.
A choice selection of dried fruits nt
Cummino tS Kit it.
A preat variety of mugh cooda nt Cum-
mint: it Sehr.
Siilmoribe for the Nupiret.
We will sell you Valentines from
ic to 150c.
Benson Dkug Co.
J. P. Cnrrin hns a choice lino of in-
L'rain ami n'imil wall paper, at price
to suit the trade.
We cell irood eooils nt j;ood prices for
our ciiHtomt-rs, uentral .Meat .Market.
Eakin & Bristow have just re
ceived their first shipment of Cres
cent Bicycles for 1900. They al
ways give satisfaction and are the
cheapest in the market $25.00 nnd
$35 00
Ed McKibben was in from the
Musick mine this week.
Commissioner Edwards was up
Wednesday on official business.
Winters Wallace has accepted a
positiou with Horace Mann on the
Medford Enquirer.
Chas. Griffin of the Griffin Hard
ware Co. Eugene favored the
Nugget ofiice with a pleasant call
Sam'l Bennett, who has been a
valuable assistant in this office lor
some time went to Eugene Wednes
day where he wdll enter the em
ploy of the Register on the night
To the wife of Geo Whit
sett at Saginaw Feb 13 a bouncing
big boy. Congratulations George
The infant son of Mr and Mrs
Will George died Feb. 15, 1900, at
the residence ol R. W. Veatch this
Thoro is no better medicine for the
babies than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. Its pleacant tasto and prompt
and eileotiial cures make it a favorite
with mothers and email children. It
mtickly cures their couphs nnd colds,
preventinp: pneumonia or other serious
consequences. It nlso cures croup and
has been used in tens of thousands of
cases without a slnido failure so far as
wo. have been able to learn. It not
only cures croup, but when rIvhii ns
soon as tho erottpy cough nppoars. will
pruvent the attack. In casos of whoop
lug cough it liquefies tho tough mucus,
making it casior to expectorate, and
lessons tho severity and frequency of tho
paroxysms of coughing, thus depriving
that disease of nil dangerous conee-
qnences, Forealo by Bknsok Dauo Co.,
Cottage Giovb, Lyoxs ft Ai'I'Leqatb,
Drain, Druggists.
Cummins: & Sehr
Dealers in General Merchandise.
3 tA nf Pirlf1ia
A full line of Schilling's Best Teas, Coffees,
Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Baking Powder,
aud Soda.
These are the "Money Back" goods.
Best values in Glassware, Crockery, Gran
iteware, Tinware, Wood and Willowware.
Pickles in bulk, Syrup in
Salmon, Herrings, and Pigs Feet.
-Camming & Sehrv-
The Fashion Stables.
GlHisiiai & Bnst proprietors.
'First-Class Turnouts,
Rotel Guqcm
Headquarters for Mining
Every wan' attended to. 0
EOGKNK, ------ - OttBGOW.
A pocket book containing about
seventy-five dollars. $20 reward
will be paid for return of same by
either Baker & Johnson or Hemen-
way & Burkholder.
Hakky W. Clark.
The masquerade given by Prof.
Wood and Al White at Mar
tin's hail last Wednesday night
was largely attended, and pro
nounced a very enjoyable affair.
Miss Pearl Churchill was awarded
the prize in the cake walk.
G. H. Stone & Son purchased loads of wheat this week.
two car loads from Creswell and
three from Yoncolla.
During tho early part of October, 1896,
I contracted u bad cold which Fettled on
my lungs and wus neglected until I
feared that consumption had appeared
in an incipient state. I was constantly
coughing and trying to expel aotnething
which I could not. I became alarmed
and aftor giving tho local doctor a trial
bought 11 bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy aud the result wiib immodiato
improvement, nnd after I had used
threo bottles my lungs were restored to
their healthv state. B. S. Euwahus,
Publisher of Tho Review, Wyant, III.
For nalo by Bksson Dauo Co., Cottagu
Grove, Lyons & Ai'I'Leoatk, Drain,
The funeral of Mabel Catherine
Benson was held at the family resi
dence at 10 o'clock Tuesday, and
the remains were interred in the
I 0 O F cemetery.
"I think I would vo crazy with pnin
were it not for Chamberlain's Pain
Balm," writes Mr. II. Staploton,
llerniinio, Pa. "I have been nflllcted
with rheumatism for several years nnd
have tried remedies without number,
but Pain Balm is tho best medicine 1
have got hold of." Ono application re
liovest tho pain. For sale by Bknson
Dnuo Co,, Cottage Grove, Lyons &
Aitleqate, Drain, Druggists.
Arc now fully supplied with an elegant line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries. .
Teas and, Coffees, the finest in the market,
and at lowest prices.
A large selection of all the leading brands
flnnme Pnfenric fr
The best brands of Canned Fruits and Veg
All at Bottom Prices.
bulk, Pickle
Eli Bangs;
I Proprietors of the Bohemia gj
Black Butte Stage Lines.
nadle Prices
Double of Single'
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Successor to B. F. PHIIXIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed
All kinds of Produce bought (it
the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with. oft.
We shall be pleased at all times to
quote you prices upon all lines
handled by us, whether yotf buy or
Our stock is new', neat and olefin
and having had years of experience
in business, we assure you the very
besrgoods the market affords, and
the lowest possible prices.
Remember the place: Phillips
old stand, Cottage Grove Ofegofl.
ficmenway $
Are now Well Stocked with WIN
TER GOODS- Quality,
the very best and
prices that will 4
Astonish you
UP-TO-DATE line in UN
DERWEAR. All Grades and
Call and See Us.-
ueniiNWAY & burkholder.
Mala Street,
feat Tobacco Spit ul Bmoka Wt UK) &wf.
To quit tobacco eaitly and foreTor, be mie
vatic full ot lite, nervo and vigor, Uk No-T
Bao, tho wonder-worker, that makes weakmea
trong. Alt drugglito, Moorll. Cure guaranteed.-
Booklet and eampls free. Addreaa
Btorllns Itomcdj Ca( Cntcago or Nr VarV