Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 16, 1900, Image 4

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Hnlorod nl the xiofflce t Cottftgte drove
Oregon Heeornl Glass mull mutter.
Hulmcilpllon iirlfo, 81.0(1, In n lvanoo
Ailvurtlsliig niton iitniln lmiwu upon
Friday, Fun. 16, 1900.
Roseburg lias a new pap;r. It
is a three column four page, known
as the Roseburg Orncle, issued by
the Roseburg Hook and Job Print
ing Co. It is small but promises
to grow. As the growth of news
rmpers is dependent upon patronage
ts destiny is in the hands of the
business men of Rosebure. It is
brisrht and newsv for its size and it
is probably edited by one of Ore
irons best newspaper men. It ha?
n column under the head of '"Oni
man about town says," which will
either establish the little paper in
the good graces of a sufficient num
ber ol supporters to keep it alive, 01
send it to an early grave. How
ever the Nugget wishes it success.
When you hear of a young man
going wrong in any walk of life,
you can conclude almost to n
certainty that that young niau has
been spending more money than he
earns. The condition of affairs in
which he is placed may have been
the result of one of many circum
stances attendant upon those who
earn a salary, dress well, feed well,
and court the society of the uight
rei ler; bu. the young man ol
today should stop and think oi
of these things, and make up his
mind that he is going to live with
in his means.
Democrat papers of Eugene and
Roseburg stated last week that a
large democratic club has been
organized in Florence. Inquiry
developed the fact that the so
called Marge' club has seven mem
bers and that nearly if not quite
half of these have for several years
past called themselves populisti.
If the party shows the same
strength all over the country, the
populists may well ask. What hat.
become of the democratic party.
Florence West.
The Oregonian would turn Mc
Bridedown for re-election; but thus
far it has failed to present a reason
able excuse for doing so. There
may be others as good as Mr. Mc
Bride, but thus far he has proven
himself pretty good timber and
simply because the Oregonian is op
posed to him for reasons best known
to itself, it is no indication that Mc
Bride will not be re-elected. The.
Oregonian is usually on the losing
side of the senatorial questson any
Al ing with the 45 euit wheat
the Guard of Fugene and the Senti
nel of Salem may incidentally men
tiqu 50 cent potatoes,
. Bohemia Nugget appreciates the
gift oi a number of volumns ad
dressed this paper by Senator Mc
Bride, which are indeed valuable
to any newsyaper office.
While the Guard is ranting about
15 cent wheat, it might interest
some of its readers by saying some
thing about 85 and $100 work
hordes, $25 two-yer-old steers and
l-cent-a-nound hoes in 1800 and
1900, as against $25$35 work
horses, $15 two-year-old steers and
2 -ceut-a-pouud hogs in 1896. Come
Brother Campbell, speak right out
111 meetin'.
The old relic of a fifty years mis
alculation, who has "edited" the
road-Axe since its birth, jumped
ipon the Nugget last week because
t mentionell a bull dozing sheet
'iiblished in Southern Oregon, a
1 blackmailer. The files of the
Nugget-show that once upon a time
t spoke of the Broad-Axe in some
liing oi the same manner. Now
f the Nugget had lied about these
papers, no harm would be done by
ailing attention to it; but simpl
lecause the Nugget calls a papei
y the right name occasionally, the
ild huckster, who is dying of
iroken heart because of 11011
atronage of the sheriffs office,
should not jump so far sideways.
The war in The Transvaal still
ontinues. The British govern
ment has massed and placed on
the field of battle the greatest army
iver organized on English soil.
England has met with many mis-
laps and up to the present time has
nuch the worst of it, but the day
s not far distant when she will, i'
ler present methods are closely
bllowed, strike a blow that wil!
hange the tide ol battle, and again
lace her in the front rank of w:r
ug nations in the eyes of the world
England must fight this war to i
uccessful issue. She cannot afforr
o lose. Should she acknowledge
n anv manner whatsoever ilit
jrowess oher African enemy, sh
vill then and there lose her pres-
ge as a war nation. England wil
lot admit of defeat. She will figh
jtitil she conquers.
At the biennial meeting of the
Oregon Republican Editorial Asso
ciation, held at Portland Feb. 5th,
the following officers were elected
for the ensuing two years: Presi
dent, D. M. C. Gault, Hillsboro
secretary, Win. J. Clarke, Gervais
treasurer, S. S. Traiu, Albany; ex
ecutive committee, J. B. Eddy,
Forest Grove; J. J. Whitney, Al
bany; C. L.Ireland, Moro.
At the meeting of the Oregon
Republican League held in Port1
lrnd Feb. 6 Hon. S. B, Eakiu of
Eugene was elected delegate to the
National Convention, Mr. Eakin
is one of the most staunch repub
licaus of Lane county and the honor
fell upon the right man.
Hon J. M. Church mayor of La-
Grande, Oregon was elected presi-
dent of the State Republican
league at the League meeting last
; week Mr. Church is a popular
f man a life long republican and no
I doubt will make an efficient pre
siding officer.
I Hon. Ivan McQueen of Lorane
is out for renouiination on the re
publican ticket for representative
for Laue,
G K Pitcher to Charlottie White
Hunt, lot 6 block 8, Long X
Landess' addition to Cottage Grove
Mand Masterson to Jennie M
Williams. Arrodeau mining claim,
Bohemia; $90.
J I Jones and wife to Marie
Harris, two acres near Cottage
Grove; $164.
Jim Miller is visiting his father
Ike Taylor had a sudden attack
of heart disease last week and cam
tujar dying but is better at present.
The recent school census show
quite an increase in the number of
Bert Lee of Silk Creek ht:s moved
over here and Lee Damewood and
family are preparing to mo e to
A little snow here Tueday mom
The outlook for fall grain is not
very encouraging.
W Cuiady intends to work Ike
Taylors farm this year.
Same people feared that the re
cent warm weather would stait the
fruit trees to growing but no growth
has been noticed vet.
L M. Claim Bohemia; Geo. W.
Lloyd, locator.
Kate Fraction, Bohemia; R. F.
Martin, locator.
Cem, Bohemia district; Ana
conda Gold Mining Co; locator. By
B. E. Ilawley, manager; amended
location. - " '
$ Amoiur the Cliurote.
Rev. C. A. Woolcy, formerly
pastor of the church ut tins place
now financial agent of Mincrn
Springt College, paid us a visit the
last of 'last week. He is succeed
ing welUwith the finances of the
Rev W V McGce preached hi
last time as Pastor of the Prov
tlcnceC P church on Row river last
Sunday. Rev. C. 11. Davis ha
pui chased a place some 5 mile
above Providence church and will
move onto it soon and will take
charge of Providence in Mr Mc-
Gee's place. He will also supply
the preached word to those further
up the river. Success to Bro
Mr. McGce returned to Coburg
this week where and the pastor,
Rev J H Manuill began a pro
traded meeting two weeks ago
Rev J F Claycomb of Eugone C P
church continued with Mr Man
vill last week and the resultn thus
far have been a great revival at Co
burg. It is to hoped it may still con
tinueaud save many souls.
Regular services will be held at
tue U I' cnurcli outumy. All are
invited. Come.
Church services nt the M E
Church Souday Feb iSth at n a m
subject "The Complete man." At
7:30 p m subject "That Serpent.'
Friends and strangers are made
welcome to all meetings. Epworth
League services at 6:30 p in.
M. O. Brink, Pastor.
The W C T U will meet at the
,2 P parsonage on next Tuesday at
The W C T U' Gospel Tcra
leranee Meeting will he held
it the Christian Church on th
svening of Feb. 15. The program
.vill be as follows: Opening song
Joronation; Scripture Reading
rayer; Temperance Song, b
Jhoir; Recitation, Miss Nettie Bur-
lick; Solo, Miss Hattie Thompson:
lecitation, Miss Blanche Johnson
lecitatiou, Miss Eva Chamberlein
Solo, Miss Lettie Veatch; Recita
ation, Miss Hunter; Instrumenta
Music, Miss McQueen; Reading.
Miss Foss; Address, Rev. Billing'
fon; Song, Choir; Recitation, Mctta
Brink; Q-iartet, Misses Ostrandei
tnd Lea, Messrs. Awbrey and
Wooley; Recitation, Six Littl
Girls; Song, Steele and Hazel
Miller; Recitation, Miss Ethel
Downing; Collection; Closing Song;
united States Land OOlce, Itoscburs, Oregon,
February 1S0.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Juno 3. 1878, entitled "An apt for the sle of
lrnber lands In the States of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Teorltory," ohn Jt
Orrcllof CottageOrove, County of lane, State
of Ore on has thlsday file I In this office his
sworn statement No. for the pnrchase of
the Lots 1, 'J, 9, 10 of Section No. 18, In Town
sh2p No. 23 Sltange No. 1 V, and will offer proof
to show that the land suiiirht Is more valnabl
for Its timber or stone than for nxrlc-l turn
purposes, and to establish his claim to mb
tnd before the Iterlsternnd He" Iver of th'r.
ofllce at HoseburK, Oregon, on Wednesday the
ft day of April I'JOU.
lie names as witnesses:
Charles K Itanous, K, K. Lilly, James Law,
J. 1. Jones, of Cottage Grove, Oregon. ,
Any and a'.I pemns clalml adversely the
above-described lands are lejrcs'ed to file
their claims In this office on or before said 25
day of April liiO).
J. T. llRUlOKS,
United States Laud Office, Rosebuw, Oregon.
February 7, WOO.
Notice Is hereby given that In cou.i-l ance
with the provisions of the act of li.ngreisn'
June a, 1878, entitled '-Ail act for the n'o of
timber lands In the States of California, Die on.
:evuau, uml Washington jcrrltory." Charles
E. Itanous of Cottuge Grove, County of
State of Oregon has this day tiled In this olllce
his sworn statement No. 830, for the puiehcce .f
the Lo's.t, -l,7,81ofee,IoiiNo.l8.lnTownshIp
.no, 23 a nange No. 1 W, and w 111 i Hor proof to
showtliat the land sontuls moie valuablcfor i s
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes.
and to eslab Ish hen claim to said laud before
he Koilnter mid Receiver of this olllce at Rose-
bnrg, Oregon, on Wednesday tho 23 day of April
lie names at witnesses.
J. I). Orrell, IJ. K. Lilly. J. I. Jones. James
Law, of Cottage Orove, Oregon,
Any and nil persons claiming adversely tho
above-described lands are requested to file
their clolms In this oUlcoon or before said 23
vi April, i-jw
You Miss a Money
Saving Proposition
If You Skip This Advertisement.
. i I ,..,u,l,illu mi mtur iltirilltt niirMrlun f i I ...
...... .1 v tintwlu. I
It is tlie Leading
Parper of
E. Wall & Whipple, Proprletoj
Wc wish to thank the people of this ulduity for luelr liberal j
rouagc dining the past year, and by keeping cooti, nonest jood,!
honest prices, that is, the very best goods at the lowest cah prlcttj
sneak for our share of the trade iu our Hue.
A very goal shoe for i 35. A good value at 25c per KrrJ
A half Crecdmore for $1 50. Natural mixture, a ipleudiU
1 f..n .......t. us.. .ni. .till soc per garment.
. . 1 Heavy cottou, fleece lined, ocJ
j, garment.
A genuine oil grnin, double sole Half wool, 65c per Karraeut.
and tap, high top, for fa 50. AH wool, $1 00 per aarmeut.
Wc also carry the Wisconsin drive Kxtra heavy all wool, $1 y i
shoe, hand made, 12 inch top, f6 50 earmeut.
We have a laree line of men's hats in the new ahapes and cok
prices from 50c to 3.00 Kvery one of our $3.00 kata have a pi
antec tag sewed inside, stRucti uy me ruamnaciurcr.
Our line of men's working gloves i complete. Out
arc from 25c to $1.25.
3?er Year.
the News
from the largest
prper with the
largest Circula
Dealers in:--
IBeef, Mutton, Pork,
"Veal, 33acon, Lard,
Fresh Sausap-es, Fish
n nd Game in season.
James Hemenway:
mm 11 tj
ruonsnea in
(rour own selection) to trerj ob-
; "'w lcum j car.
Real Estate anrl Mining Propertyj
Fire, Life and Acc dent Insurance Cmpanies.
Strict AtUntlon pdd to 0Uttii
Office opposite Sherwood Hot
Benson Drug Company
Rotd this Space. Qlatcb tt,
A m f Iuki.iII..! ..I ...
r; K"U wimc4 iioj (or tmZ
Z Qtvll.U TJ -1 1 - L I . r. I ,
iZ date, Kcoimui ca aud A WJuteJ
Ptrlect-nttlog 1-apcr PiitZu.'
If voti wntit niiv thintr in thf VfnrAwnr lltm mm. mj tu A
' O aw iHivf VUUiG IUU fUUIt V
1 - 1 I 1 . ... .
uur Rooua mm sec now mc prices auu. we niiau tndeavor to cany
full line of
HFAW ATMn cwrrrw U AXtnxrr axv
- .uuwnnnuf
Stova, Tinware, Miner Supple, Mechanic! Tools, Cutlery, Anunutrl
nun, tt lUiiutK Miuuiuics, vnurui, lic ana a rtau Lie ot Ailcuitui
Philips & Jones'
Mv ciiHtonicrM will find lino of my
fri'uli cnndluri now nt my old pluue,
I'luiise t; an uh for tliu genuine article,
J) . Lincoln.
ftSisv. C n 1 II. r. .
S- .-ntiKnw. ran rns.i
Ob I M . A . ...
sad town: or h. .d i.I ' !
! ISO-Mi W..t 1 4th $ N.wY.rt.i
To the pooplo of Cottage Grovo and
vicinity. You are hereby warned and
strictly forblddon not to Allow dogs to fol
low you when going on or pasting
through iny promiBcs.
J), G. MuFabland.
Our fee retumcft If AnvoaesaUUII
sketch and dtscrlptloa of any InrtotloB "'
promptly rectlre our opinion frte concrsi
1'atent" sent unnn r.n,,..l I.l.nla MCsn!
through us advertised for sale at oar eir1"!,!
Patcnta taken out throush us recelr, tfSZ,
an lllttstrated and widely drculatcd Jour.
. . V vr nuiaciurera ana idtww"
0ud for asmpU copy rSI. AddiS
(PnUat AtttHtturt. S
iHllslltC. UIABMIMOTOH. 0. 9-1
Dr. Price' Cream Daklnsr Porfitt
woria' fair II If act Madal and DiXw