Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 16, 1900, Image 3

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Mmivian s i. irmmes
Ijmftt him, rather, how to
'Mf f ienu cMosttnfir
Zmmes come from bad bldod
ndlare cured by Hood's Sar-
raparllla . Every person who
scrofula, salt rheum,
whers, CAttrrn, oyspepstA or rneumA-
should At once begin liking this
tUlcine thAt the infirmity may be
illy removed.
Consumption "After the grip I
5K bid cough, dleelness And night
wits. Humor broke out And consump-
lonmkvAs diAgnosed. One bottle Hood" s
$ArApArllt helped me And four bottles
prtf me perfectly. Airs, N, D. Kinney,
fffonlx, Conn. emember
!(' Hlli i-ur llrrr IIUi Ilia nori'lrrltatlng and
'f'ii7fTTI7iliriri in tl wild Hood's rtaraaiwtiHa.
'f'lin OimrM'a lrt Cheat.
"aTliO torvn of it'ti nt Wlnilwir, On
'uJormJiiiiil lliiliiioriil imtU-M am very
ujrKQB At WlmlMir thorn I tornm
fiwfflfor iilnuit (.DO tnliH. Tliiini (ho
bttu)(y l ilit 11 1 him) from tho luko .in-
BeatltTtlio north tcrrni'o, (nun I'mKinoro
lftu3fVirt;lulii water. Icn in not only
fiwil!lT. uhimI lit tho royiil kitolimi, but
t'tifoUbi rmliiolUK thu timiMrutiiru of
il5wwi'i""ty''i Himrtini'iitH In hot wi-iitli-ftrrpaTlii'.:
It Ih jmckoil III pniUy wixmI
:n?5uw! mill Mood in thu llrt'jiliiLUM.
'' "wSS CIlNllRXillilr.
Mmtt' Noruh Initio 'uir JurMiy jiiolti't
' bve3fiit htovo mi' It wtu Hcoroliwl.
rlMt) hour itlxiut it, Ulnny?
fDonny Ol .lid; mi' ()1 iiIho htir-rml
Uhotjt chuiiKuil tli' Jacket i-puiplut.ily.
.fflEiury How ihviiH thot7
'PpSny Well, ymno, it livnn a Jer
rojfMckot whin nlii Initio It thor,. hut,
fttlthjjiifti'r it wu corchnd If i1iwih
: Timokiiitj jiickot. I'hlciiKO Daily
' VITA LIT I um.iti-liilltal.-d or .s.iaiisled emrdhr
IrtKhll'a l Isolating Tiililn HIIKKII 1 rll
Mollis emilainins' 3 W reaV iirmiuriil Dr. Kllii'
Institute ni Anil HI., riilUilrlnliU. Founded tall.
! 't?t " ' " -
Pm"ca' I,lH,r 'nictii attention to
.tho oorlotiM fact Unit scurlut favor has
never liccii olwervod in epidemic form
In tiio troilcnl or riibtrotiloul retfioni of
,Aii(SS)r Africa.
I iMoTlirra will find Mrs. Window's Hmilh
Injt 8yrii tlin best remedy t unn for ihir
Children during llii' tratlilni; period.
jJJanuHvilln, Win., in a jxjarl liutton
factory which tiiriii out tlioimandM of
tlijSiln.'Ht iiality of huttoiiN. Toiih of
JduSlt-Hlppi cliiiti nhidln itru ucod in
rprtxiucing mo uiiiioim.
IKor liuiif ui'd licit ilUi'inm. I'lao'ii Curo
Isitlie lii'At iiinlii'liift nu Inno ilfed.--Mr.
JiiJlN"rtln oit. WimUor, Out., Cunmlii.
Nmlia Iiiih porhiiim a t;rpatr vurinty of
'plontH than any oilier country in tho
1 xv of 1(1, haviiiK 16,000 nativii hmi'('1cm;
'velill'e thu llnru of thu cutlru continunt
!ofcKuropo only oiubnicuH ubout 10,000.
3fiiniiiin ICnla n CHarnrrl,
IT. Daltv upl f In,
iidllt. NurtliiK iiidllirii mate
tlielrjiahk mlliliy imrKatliu nlth Caiori'in, tlm
Duly Mfu laxmli e lor liablca. All ilrui(ll,lUc,
"pfbo f-'outh
Keiirtlnntoti mtiNoum Ik
conntaiitly iiddln to tho collection of
SoToiil illo itiMtriiliientH and modelH of
'oi'dTfaHlilonod machluoH. Wo learn
frora lnductrfoH and Iron that they
'I'M? now mado u larpi iiuiiiIht of
KWitioiirt of iiiodiirn miudiinory and
toola, micli as u coal k"h purifyin
tliouie, n llelluvlllo lxiller, a linn
'tingfiie, water ttihu boilurH iihIu liipi
fuel n transformer, fleam titrhiuo, utu.
,MaTiy of tho iiiachiuu moduls uroidiown
Tuke Ijixutlvu llronto Quiuiuo Tahlota.
'AllJlnik'glHts refund tho mouoy if it
'taU to curo. K. V. Urovo'a bdgnaturo
JhTon each Ikjx. 25c.
jMlfnow iipiHiurs prohablo that tho
Jlonnt Illanc railway will uventttally
J)JjMtilt. Tho lino in to bo workod
elflclrleully, and is to utart from Quolien
ongl end at I'otits KochurH Houses.
'TgolArvu will bo utilized to furnish tho
neceBwiry power.
Jiyiio board of education anil tho po
iticaldoimrtmunt of Now York aro tho
two'moHt oxpuiiHivo dopartmentH of tho
Jnunlcipal Kovornmont. Collootivoly,
their maintenance couU ifL'0, 000,000 a
Hfflie Gorman war doparttnont hnii
Mrtothint; llko 200,000 pIkooiih trained
wwwar purlieu, auil Kruueo lias 250,
000. Russia and Italy also havo hom
ing piKoon oiit(lt in tholr war do
!partuient, DCS. rUKTnil
Uton haren't a regular, bealtbr moiemcnt of lha
ja a erorr dar.jrou'r alck. or will be. Keep your
Jgjfela ooen. and be. we I . Force, in thoiUapeof
25nl Phjalo or pill polaon, la dangoroua. Tho
woottiott. eaaloit. uiutt perfect war of keeping lb
. ... v.v., unuuwuu
KuatJ nrt i aj
ti, 1 'i"'o. foient.Taiteqpoil.nonooii,
E.i7rr.Sloken Weakon. or Urlpe. lOo, t0o Wrlto
ia mm .8 HI AIL IVil FAILS. El
I . . . a-wwe wi w9-m
in lime, ooia or urufff nil. r1
(r ni n i zm m ii ij wi
I A T.and nf Priiinlai-
llov. Joiiuiih I'arkor, tho miilnrnt
KiiIIh1i jircuiilicr, confcfimm that In liU
' 6iitli thu iKiund oMIiu iiuiiio Van Did
I ini'ii'ii I-nnd now known an Timiiii'iiiia
I K)wiirfully iifTdutml IiIn linauiiiatlon.
It wiin to lilrn, an It ha, licon to many
nyoung(itor, an aiimlliiiKly myntorlou(i
, plitco, hut in tinm It lont ItN in' 1 1 hiik
, KiiHtlon, anil ho tolln how thin nimu
I about in ll Ih roront hook: "A I'rctioliitr'M
. Mlu." At a MuthodiHt nmntiiiK in thu
north of KtiKhmd tho pitoplo had houn
J xiiiKiiiK u liyinn In which thu lliu-!
"Wiiiiru iiiarrhlnK through Ktnniiin
uuI'h Kround' occum, anil at tho olomi
of tho hymn ono kooiI old man, whom
oinotlon wad lii.oxrcdH of IiIh luttdll
Konco, furvently nrayod: "tirant that
whon thlH Hfo in ovor ovory ono of u
may liavo a cottitKii in Van Dioinnii'M
land." Tho jxinr man noimdiow Kot it
into IiIh head, hy wnno law of mental
HHMiolutlon which no ono can fully ox-
plain, that I'.iiiiiiiiiiiiuI'n kioiiiiiIh and
. Vnn'Dipineii'H Dund worn practically
onu mid tho Hamu. Youtli'n Compaii
ion, I llnrhrra unit Inamilljr.
'llio rockiiiK chair ciiiicch iiiMiinlty, wi
it In nald. In fact tho phyalcialiH are
claiming that thu rockiiiK clnilrn ic
thu caiiHO of mont of tho iiervotiH trou
lilen fnim whli'h women HiifTor, and am
iii1vIhIii their rolcKation to miy placu
where they will not Imi lined.
j Thu Chlncfo honor tholr KtieHtM hy
, placing before thuin tho oldcHt ckkn oI'
taiiitililo, which am connidort'd thuir
KreatCKt dulicacy.
Tli Mytrr? nt lluat nt Nrn,
It la it pii.zlliiK fait thai l tit; ilrckn of
Milling vi!m-U almw ilum at Mllil, even If
Mil-lied In lint inoriilnif. anil no urk in
liiur illiniiL' thr ilav. Till la like IndlL-ri-llnn
anil ilypcpla, ulili li i rrepa on one
iiiniHiirca. Tin unly uni to cure tlii'in la
hy llm n-e of lloali'llcr'n Stomach ISitla ri-,
whlrli ulaii iri'vi'inn nialarn. fever uuil
lln CniiKlit On,
Ho Do you holiuvo In hypnotism?
Hho I hcnnl tho other day of a man
who wun hypnotized by living mado to
look for Niinii timo at a dlmuund rliic
Ho I wonder if any brlk'ht ploco of
kIiihh would havo done it an well.
Khu l'urhaKi do, with a man, but
not with a woman.
Ilo (ut u jewclem tho noxt dny) I
wuni a iiiamonit rtiiK, luoy'H mze,
briKhtwt you huvc N. Y, World.
Iliiirnit Tritlll Killlililriit.
Tho (. It. & N. and Oreou 8horl
Lino havo inldud a bulTut, iiiokliiu and
library car to their i'orthiinl-ChicaKO
thtoiih tinln, and a illniiiK ear i-rvicn
him beoil Inaiiiiiiaralml. Tho train ia
equipped with thu lalnat uhalr ear a,
day t'oni'hei and 1 it z ti r i m I a) Hiht-claHa
and ordinary tleepiN. Diieot couuvc
I ion made at Oranger with Union I'a
cifln, ami at Oitdmi with Kin (Jraudo
lino, from all Milnta in Oieumi, Wanli
I tiutoii and Idalio to all ICitBteiii citicH.
Kor information, ratea, etc., call oil
auv O. It. it N. Hcmit, or addrciia V.
II. Iltirlburt, Ueuural i'aanenuur Agent,
I'oit Intnl.
An Important I'nrtor In Tranarontl
nrnlnl Tratrl.
No ono cniMdnn tho continent can
nfTord to cut Salt Iiko City from his
route. The attractions of thu placu,
including tho Mormon Temple, Taber
nacle mid Church institutions, thu
(i rent Salt Iikc deader and denser
than tho Dead Sea in tho Holy Laud
tho picturcMmo environment and the
warm sulphur unit hot springs, nro
greater to tho square yard than any lo
cality on I ho American continent.
Tho Hio (iraudo Western Hailway,
eomiectliiL' on tho Hast with tho Den-
1 ver & Hio (iranilo and Colorado Mid-
I ll,.ll,....u n.,.l .... tl. U'..u ...III.
tho Southern I'aclllc (Central Itouto)
and Ori-gon Short Lino, is tho only
transcontinotnal lino passing directly
through Salt Ijtko City. Tho routo
thnniKh Salt. Lako City via the Hio
(iraudo Western Hailway is famous all
tho year round, On account of tho
nqttahlo clitnato of Utah nnd Colorado
it Ih just as popular in winter as in
summer. Send 2o to J. D, Mansfield,
2r!i Washington St., Portland, or (ieo.
W. Ilointz, Acting Goueral l'lusonger
Agent, Salt Lako City, for a copy of
"Suit Lako City tho City of tho
Several hundred rivor drivers leavo
Hangnr, .Maine, every spring for the
liuadwiiterM of tho l'enobHcot, Keuno
hoc, AndroMcoggiu and Connecticut
rivers, and there aro always among
them some who never come back.
Btatx or Ohio, city cnowx), l
Lucas County. ( "
Frank J. Ciirnky lnakca oatli that ho la tho
aenlor parter of tho Una of K. J. C'iirney & Co.,
UoIiik btialnvM la lliu City of Tolcilo, Comity
anil Hlate aforraald, anil that aalil firm will par
tho sum ot ONK 11 UMlltKI) DOI.I.AKS for rarh
anil every cane of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by tho uto of Hall's Catakrii Cimt.
Bworn to before me ami nibtcrlbeil In my
pretence, 6th day of December, A. I). 18S0,
lill notary labile
Ilall'a Catarrh Cure la taVen Internally and aota
directly on tho blood and mucoiia aurlacei of
tho ayatcm. Hond for teatliunnlala, free.
F. J. CIIKNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by dniKKlata, 7Sc.
Uall'a Family l'llli ar the beiU
Didn't Work.
"Whatn boautiful lonngel"
"Yes. That's a birthday presout
from my husband. Ilo always gives
mo n present that costs him as many
dollars as I am years old."
"That's nice of him. It reconciles
ono to growing old. Hy tho way, I
have a lounge- at homo liko that but
not nearly as fiuo, and wo paid 88 for
It "
'"Is that all? This this didn't cost
noarly as much us that." Chicago
A rosldont of Dawson City writes:
"As far as my observations go, tho oil
mato hero Ih us suitablo for raising
winter whont as in any plaoo in tho
Northwostorn or tho Northern states of
America. From my oxporlonco of tho
last two yoars, I soo no reason why this
country should not bo ablo too produce
its own vegotublcB aud grain"
Knnanna C'oino Naturally by Tliclr
J'lltlitliiK Umilltlra.
People Hhould not wonder Hint Kim
sas produced a KiiiihIoii or that the
Twentieth Kansas proved lo ho such
raiiiing iigniers, ir u writer In AIiim
lee's Is correct.
"Long before the discoveries of until
In Cnllfoniln and Colorado, Missouri
triiiierH were venturing Into the distant
Arizona nnd New .Mexico. Herein llei
the topographical hcgluuluir of Kansas
Tho Himllower Hlate wiim In the lint
of easiest progress for the traders. II
iieeaiue Hie route of all traiiHcoiitlneiit
nl trulls. It was fortified hy army
posts nun ilereniled by trai Imr stations
and these forts niul stations In turn
were the nuclei of future promlscitoiu
popitKiiion. Hlmllarly when the West
ern gold exellement arose, Kansas win
in Hie line of overland travel and se
cured permanent Inhabitants lout' u
fore Nebraska, which Is almost equally
fertile, or before the lakotas ami Mini
tana, through which the low grade
Minn to the const traversed so nroflt
nbly nowadays Uy Hie (I rent Northern
nun tne .Northern Pacific railways pene
trate. A siting of Inhabitants wit
dropped like wheat nlom; tin- nhl emi
grant trails, and grew mid multiplied
out or sheer necessity where It fell.
"It Is aronird the tilnees where men
who can go no further throw down
tneir pucks or where families who are
tired of thu canvas-covered 'prnlrle
schooners' and cooking with bufralo
chips turn their oxen or horses loose to
stun lor themselves, and begin to cut
logs or hake mud for cabins Hint such
hnlf-wny-between Ktntes as Kansai
get their start; and the maimer of gen
esls dictates the succcedliiL- nntiire of
neqiilsltlon. The emigrants who were
lert iiehinu in Kansas might many of
them have wished that they had gone
on, for the dnys of the territory were
written In blood until long nfier the
people of the Knst ceased to cry 'poor,
bleeding Kansas.' It was the have-to
of staying behind the van. the resigna
tion to the Inevitable that breathed Into
the KansmiN the spirit of defense and
conflict that abides with them still, mid
makes them conquerors In the battle
with mortgages, aud matchless tighten
In the rice llelds mid torrents of the
"Yet It wns this smne repellnnt nnd
grim Inevltnblllty that sent two sween-
Ing tides of Immigration over Kansas'
lieail. anil resulted lu Die population of
Callfornln. then Oregon, then Colorado.
then the entire western slope from
Ptiget Hound to Smitn Fe. People went
where there was the least resistance."
How DIckrtiN Kctiiikcil n I'rnmlricut
American Literary W'onirui.
Some people are prone to forget that
love-making should never be carried on
before n crowd. Honest nfTectlou of n
man for his wife or of a wife for her
husband Is n beautiful thing to see; but
It Is nhvnys possible for them to let the
world know of their regard for each
other without hugging or kissing or
using extravagnut words of endear
ment In public. When a man calls his
wife "Sweetie" and she answers "What
Is It, dearest'" In the presence ol others
they generally create the Impression
that they are either very soft or that
there Is shamming on both sides. In
this connection Julia Wnrd Howe has
In her reminiscences an Interesting
anecdote of Charles Iilckcns. Dr.
Howe and his wife went to Kurope on
their wedding Journey, and had letters
of introduction to many of the people
who were then prominent In Kugllsh
llternry and political affairs. The great
novelist entertained them at his home,
whero they met John I'orster, who Is
known as the biographer of Dickons.
Proceeding, Mrs. Howe snys:
"Mr. Korster Invited us to dine nt his
chnmbers lu tho Inns of Court. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Dickens were of the party,
and also tho painter Macllse, whose
work wns then highly spoken of. After
dinner, while wc were taking coffee In
tho sitting-room, I bail occasion to
spenk to my husband, nnd addressed
him as "dorllng." Thereupon Dickens
slid down to the floor, nnd, lying on his
back, held up otic of his small feet,
quivering with pretended emotion,
"Did she call him 'darling"" he cried.
Mrs. Howe nowhere mentions that
she ever called her husband "darling"
before other people after that.
InuenlntiH 1 lit f.
Two of tho latest additions to the
Museum of Criminology nlford a most
striking example of Ingenuity which,
If rightly applied, would havo placed
the man who possessed It, n noted
railway thief, beyond all temptation to
Tho chief of the new nddltlous looks
like a large and very handsome leather
ttnvellng bag, but when It Is closely
examined It Is found to contain only
nu elnbornto set of hooks, so fastened
to each Inner side that they can bo
worked from the handle.' Tho flat
bottom of thu hag, too, opens Inwnnl,
like n swing door, ami the whole thins
Is so designed that when the manipu
lator of It sees somo one put n valine
down temporarily on the platform he
rapidly sidles up nnd plnce.-t his "trick
grip" over tho other one. When he
a well-dressed man always, so that sus
picion nmy bo averted hns covered
tho coveted valise, he sets the spring
In motion nnd tho hooks grasp the
The other Instrument Is nu umbrella
with a very strong nnd stiff stick.
Whero tho ferrule generally Is thero Is
a steel spring, worked from the handle,
mil this nets llko n very powerful pair
of tongs. "Grips" nnd parcels enn be
picked up with It In nu Instant.
Tho Stoat Penetrating Mounil.
Tho roar of the Hon can bo nenrd
further than tho sound of nuy other
living creature.
Tells How He Escaped the Terrors of Many
Winters by Using Peruna.
Mr, Isaac Brook, Born in Buncombe Co., North Darolina, March 1, 1788.
Says: "I attribute my extreme old age to the use of I'eruna."
Born before United States
was formed.
Saw 22 Presidents elected.
Pe-ru-na has protected him
from all sudden changes.
Veteran of four wars.
Shod a horse when 99
years old.
A concern in Iowa is making farm
wagons wholly of steel, and it can
scarcely till the orders that pour in
from tho wheatgrowers out in Dakota
and other parts of tho West.
New Orleans represents more than
half the total valuation of Louisiana,
and consequently pays more than half
tho taxes.
RAMBLERS and IDEALS $40, $30, $25, $20
Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co.
Willamette Iron and Steel Works
Dralgnora nul Ittillitrra of Marine KiiBjInra, Mining hihI Drntajlng Machinery
mill tieni-rit! .11111 Hint Iron Work, Kirn llydnuita, l'ulli'ja, Shafting, etc. Corra
aoni!fiire Hollrltrtl.
Ve need your assistance In announcing to the world the GREATEST REMEDY that Science
has ever produced, and you need our assistance to secure relief tor yourjelf and friends
through SWANSON'S "5 DROPS."
A REMEDY SUPREME t"uSm n"Ue7aShopp;
It, ao will "5 DROPS" unfailingly conquer all diseases like Rheumatism. Sciatica, Neuralgia,
Lumbago, Catarrh ot all kinds, ASTHMA, Dyspepsia, Dackachc, Sleeplessness, Nertousness.
Heart Weakness, Toothache, Larache, Creeping Numbness, Uronchltls,
Liver and Kidney Troubles, etc, etc., or any disease for which we rec
ommend it. "5 DROPS" Is the name and the dose. "5 DROPS" Is per.
fectly harmless. It does not contain Salicylate of Poda nor Opiates in any
form. The Child can use It as well as the Adult.
Read carefully what Mr. I,. R. Smith, of 1!1 Dorado Springs, Mo., writes
ua under date of Nov. 37, 1899, also Martan Bowers, of Caraghar, Ohio,
I do not know hoir to express bow wonderful I think your "ft 1IROPH"
ITiude uakb. J a month that I would nae 10 die. One dar a ladr called to see mo and brought
meanadTertlaementof Tour "S DICOI'M." 1 resolved totrr Hand sent for a sample bottle. Have
been taking 11 for three wooka and llare not had an attack of autrerlntr since 1 took the nrst dose. I 1)0
IIoto II ha tarea mr life. Tola atatoment la ikuIUtkIt true. 1 shall also take pleasure In recommend
iurrour "ft DUUPII" for tho curo of NF.UJtAl.OlA. L.U.HMITII.
Kl Dorado Springs, Mo., Nor. 27, 133U.
Tour "ft nitOPS" came to hand on the 11th of last month and waaglad to receive It fori waa suf
fering at the llmo with untold agonlea. The tint dose helped mo out of mr pain ou short notice. Illess
tho name of Uod for It. It will do all rousar It will, and more too. J had severe palna all over mr bodr,
when night camo 1 could notaleop. Tho worst pain was In mr left leg. I could not nut mv foot to the
Boor without Buffering great pain. Have used four different kinds of medicine for HIIIIUM ATISM
aud got no relief until 1 got your "& JIUUI'.S," which gave melmmedlato relief as above atated.
MAltTAN llOWKUS, llox 8J, Caraghar, Ohio. Dec. Ill, l&M.
f m A 0 to enable aufferera to gtve "S DHOP3"at least a trial, we will send a sample bottle, pre
OU UM 1 Or paid by mall for 80c. A sample bottle will convince you. Also, large bottles (300dosei)
ttM, bottles for U. 8old byua and agenta. AUKNTs HASTII) la Kt w TerrlUrj. Hon' t will tt Write now!
is iniiilu to give KtilUfiiL'tUin
and it ilocs. Have you used it,
I'sa UlgM for unnstural
Irritations or ulceratloua
f muooua menibranes.
i'atnlris. and nut aLtrln.
eEUChIUICsiC0. gent or poisonous.
SJoia by Urugetsta.
or sent In plain wrapper,
or excrtis. nranalil. fnr
1.00, or 3 bortles, ..7S.
Circular svnt on request
the Use of Knife.
Address OR NJIWKIIIK, Mountain Horn, Ida.
SKm laiuttfsys. W
A-.i-JV autrtaixil m
RJ boi to Itrutirt.
TaSaVnmcmKlTl.n BUal
HaK u.b.a. 3ra
Always conquered the
grippe with Peruna.
Witness In a land suit at
age of 110 years.
Believes Pe-ru-na the
greatest remedy of the age
for catarrhal diseases.
Not Fond of Ciimpnny.
Qncricns Is Nearleigh hospitable?
Cynicns 1 should say not. Whv he
wouldn't even entertain a doubt.
Town Topics.
A new union of beer-wagon drivers
in Brooklyn has received a charter
from the National Union of Brewery
Stoam Pumps
and Wntor
Pumping Plants ol
Any Capacity
0 to 35 Flrat Street, l'ortlnd, Or.
Maolilnery All Kinds,
Will out-yield corn; will make the same kind
of meal; has superior fattening qualities; will
solve the problem of fattening Hogs and Cattle
lua wheat country; should be sown In the
spring the same as wheat aud will yield from
60 to 100 bushels per arret the straw after It Is
thrashed has an oily substance and It Is almost
as good as hay,
l'rloeofaeed lOo per pound or SB per
hundred. Address
SI, J, SlIIKLUa CO., Moioow, Idaho.
Itiac Brock, a citizen of McLennan
county, Texaa, has livtd IJI years. He
now lives with hi son-in-law at Valley
Mills, Texas.
In speaking cf his good health and ex
treme old age, Mr. Brock saysi
"After a man has lived in the world as
long as I have, tie ought to have found out
a great many things by experience.
"One of the things I have found .out to
my entire satisfaction is the proper remedy
for aliments that are due directly tothe effects
of the climate.
"During my long life I have known a
great many remedies for coughs, colds,
catarrh and diarrhoea. I had always sup
posed these affections to be different diseases,
but in reading Dr. Hartman's books I have
found out that these affections are the same
and that they are properly called catarrh.
"I had several long sieges with the grip.
At first I did not know that Peruna was a
remedy for thu disease. When I heard that
la grippe was epidemic catarrh, I tried
Peruna for la grippe and found it to be Just
the thing.
"As for Dr. Hartman's remedy, Pe-ru-na,
I have found it to be the best, if not the only,
reliable remedy for these affections. It has
been my standby for many years, and I
attribute my good health and extreme old
age to this remedy.
Very truly yours,
For a free book on catarrh, iddttss The
Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus,
Strictly Up to Date.
Patrice I hear Miss Sprinter is
having three new ball dresses made.
Patience Yon don't say sol
"Yes; one baseball, one football and
one golf-ball dress." Yonkers States
man. France Is about to raise a loan of
120,000,000 for public works in Algeria.
Fenrtt mini Wlrn Wurka.
roiiTi.Asn wittK a ikon wouks: wip.e
ami trim leucine; mllrc raillin:. etc. sil Alder.
Mnvlilni-r hihI Siillra.
clilner.v. aiipptlvs. KlralUt., I'urtinnd.Oi.
can pive you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel I X h windmill, xold hy him, is tin.
W wish to gala this vearSOClorO c
naw eDstomvra. aod nance onr G
llki.CH GarJtaBitt. lie i
Pkg Karl'at Emrrald Cucumbarlto i
la urosae aiarati ieiiace, isa
oirawDrr7 sicion. ise
UDarBadUb, loo1
Ktrlj Rlpa Cabbaga, loo I
Karlr Dinner Oolon, loo I
Ilrilllaot Flower Bteda. lie 1
Worth 1.00,r.r 14 etats. Ta3 i
Above 10 Pkra. worth ILOTJ. wa will I
mall you free, together with oar 1
grt ui9f, lain D u auoat
f AllEt t MllllUN BOllAI POTATO
UIUU INIIU VI 111 Id II U 1 1 17 17 1'lCl I
atavmna. IV a invitaTaDrtravria. and '
4 know when job onectrr Hatxer's
Hare II juu wilt uvrrr uo wunoo. '
Ht trllitTomato Ut&nt on Ub. I'C
JOH1 i. 81 LI IK (.LED tO., I. IHUbbE, Wit.
A underfill discovery. Will render tha
tlilnest ami moit porous leather waterproof
nnd mil's to lis ilurabllltv. S-end i:s J)c bl'vc
and receive by return mall. kjM ikiul, cuougli
to Inst you two years. Hutlkfactlon guaranteed.
1 hompbou Si Craig, 415 3rd St., tan Kranclseo,
grow paying; crop because they're I
fresh and always the best. For
sale everywhere. Refuse substitutes.
Stick to Ferry's Seeds and prosper.
1500 Beed Annual free. Wrlto for It. I
D. M. FERRY A CO., Detroit, Mich.
Is amedli'ltie Hint will build up the nervous
system, purify tho blood.
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Will do It quickly and more permanently tlmn
any other medicine. At the druggists M
per bottle.
N. 1. N. V.
Ho. 71000,
WHEN writing- to advertisers pleas
mention this paper.
i8 u
m 1