THE U & I ft. fl. Ca, LIMITED. What though between thy heart and mine The long miles itretch, my dcr, Blucc wc have n private railway Hue And Lore Ih the engineer; Love drives the ciikIiio straight and true, And the trains in an Instant lly. Bearing sweet thoughts from me to you Over the U & I. The U & 1 Is a wonderful road, For the Millions are In our hearts, And the train Is due Iti thine with Its lond The moment from mine It departs! It runs through the land of Movers' dreams, That has ever a starrr sky, And fairies welded the soft moonbeams Into rails for the U & 1. The cars are words that wc fain would say. Sweet words that all lovers prize. And the engine is lighted upon its way By the light of your fair blue eyes; The boiler is fed by the gentle tears You shed when we said "Good-by," And our trustful hone and our tender fears Arc the freight of the U & I. And never an accident, never a wreck, Nor washout, nor strike, nor blockade, lias come to our dear little railway to check The trains, since the last rail was laid: Hut buck and forth, 'twixt your heart and mine, Knch moment the trains still fly, Hearing sweet messages over the line Of the wonderful U & I. -Life. much he adores her, could nnyone be nrr i nn qi JJ JQRJST more surprised tuan uear mauium i . But, between you ntid me, should they come back looking dreadfully bored, with nothing to confess but their ad miration of the currant bushes or whatever It wns they went out to In spect, mamma Is more surprised still, only she succeeds In disguising her feelings n good deal liettor. By Just such n hnppy chance Boggle nnd Mary went out one afternoon to look nt n wonderful well that bad lately been sunk In the garden; but. oddly enough, they got no farther than n pnr- SHOWS A PRACTICAL YOUNG MAN HIS ERROR. A Oood Customer Ilroimlit J"cK ! tfouao of Ilia Duty Tliotmht l-crliii.w u Mlubt Like Flower After Bho Waa Slurried. Ho Is young ntul ambitious, nnd prides himself on his common sense, tlcularly shady summer-house, where his practical buslness-IIko way of doing 1BECTLY he saw the envelope lying on the breakfast table be guessed whence It came. There wns an iinmlstaknbly lady-like look about the handwriting, while the post mark confirmed his suspicions, and the pretty blue monogram left him no pos sible room for doubt. SI. C Mary Chichester. Iteglnald Trevor had got up late, his razor had been blunt, his shaving water had been cold, and every. thing bad combined to annoy him nnd upset the placidity of. his temper; that dear little note with the pretty mono gram was a magic wand that suddenly changed the whole aspect of life. He took up the letter with a thrill of pleasurable expectation such as only lovers can experience; be Angered It tenderly, turning It over and over, aud admiring It from every point of view, How delightful his name looked In the delicate handwriting! He had never realized before what a pretty name It was "Iteglnald Trevor, Esq." How daintily she turned her T's how grace fully she formed her It's! Iteggle kissed the pretty blue monogram, aud, al though there was no one to see, blushed ns be did so. Kissing It gave blm no very definite sensation of pleasure, but it seemed the correct thing to do In the circumstances, for love Is an exacting divinity and demands any number of these antiquated little ceremonies When In love for the fourth or fifth time one becomes more careless about such trifles, but Iteggle had never- well, hardly ever been In love before. bo naturally he was anxious to comply strictly with all the orthodox forms. He opened the envelope very careful ly, cutting It with a paper knife along the top so as to leave Intact the pretty blue monogram. The letter ran as fol lows: "Dear Mr. Trevor We are Inviting a few friends to go with us to Henley on "Wednesday next, and It will give us much pleasure If you will be one of the party. I hope you are disengaged nnd will be able to come. Yours sin cerely, MAltY CHICIIESTEK." To anyone else the letter would have seemed prosaic enough, but to Beggle there was a wealth of new meaning In the customary "Dear," and poetry In every word. "I hope you are dlsen gaged nnd will be able to come;" he emphasized the "I" with delight, and rapturously kissed the signature. He had understood that lovers usually lost their appetites, but he was not going to follow tradition blindly, so he proceed ed to eat his breakfast. After all one must eat to live, and was not life now doubly worth living? Before he had finished breakfast he knew the letter by heart. This should not have been a great strain on his memory, but he looked at the note sev eral times during the day In order to be quite sure he remembered It correctly. The "Yours sincerely" depressed him a little at first; ho could have wished It bad been "Yours very sincerely." Then he reflected Uiat he had often heard that a girl's feelings were In Inverse ratio to the warmth of their expres sion, so that "Yours sincerely" obvious ly meant more than "Yours very sin cerely." Q. H. D. He called on the Ghlchesters the next day and accepted the Invitation In per 6on. Mary looked more charming than ever, and he felt a glow of proud sat isfaction as he thought of her dear lit tle letter nestling In his breast coat pocket. When a man Is In love he Is an easy prey to superstition, and Uegglo cultivated a habit of carrying the note about with him, as If It were a species of talisman. Love tiles fast when on golden wings, and Beggle being a man of means for tune smiled upon his suit, so that It was not long before he found an opportunity of putting the mnmpntous question. is it not strange how fate throws people together and gives them that needful opportunity? Quito by chance mamma happens to suggest that Ed win might like to look at the currant bushes, or the rabbit hutch, or the now garden roller, or anything In fact that most peoplo would find thoroughly un interesting, and off ho goes with An gelina, and when they como back, look ing dreadfully shy, and Angelina con ttei that Edwlu has told her how they looked Into each other's eyes In stead, and there they made the re mnrkable discovery Hint they wero both exceedingly fond of one another. "When did you llrst know you cured for me?" asked Mary, "The moment 1 tlrst saw you," said he boldly. "That's not true. You tlrst saw me at the Fosters' ball, and you danced nearly the whole evening with that tall Miss Johnson.' Boggle could not very well deny the Imputation, but he protested vehement ly that he could not Innglue how he had ever been so blind as to prefer the ungainly Miss Johusou to the lovely Miss Chichester. "Anyhow," he said, "I fell In love with you very soon afterward." "But uow, how am I to believe you? "Why," he cried exultlngly, recollect ing his precious leter, "do you remem ber the letter you wrote to me last July?" "What letter?" she asked. "Why, surely you remember nsklng me to go to Henley?" "I remember your coming with us, so I suppose we asked you Boggle was seized with a momentary panic lest he should have forgotten the note In his pocket, but he drew It out triumphantly. "There!" he cried, kissing the note once more, "I've carried that dear little letter about with me ever since I got It." He had looked forward to this mo- things and his sordid earthllnoss gener ally. On his way lumiu the other even ing ho stopped to look In a florist's win dow, and the florist asked him lusldo to see some very tine wedding flowers he was sending out. The florist was an elderly man, with kind eyes blinking behind spectacles. "You don't buy flowers any more, do you?" he Inquired as lie tied up a bunch of white lilacs and Ijiwsou pinks, nnd laid It on a fan of feathery green ferns. "No, 1 don't," said the busUiess-llku man. "You were n pretty good customer a yenr or two ngo. Violets every day, and roses twice a week, wusji't It?" Er I was eugnged then." aud the practical one laughed and flushed. "You used to take her flowers every time you went to see her. didn't you?" Aud the old florist's tone was more kindly than Imiulsltvc. "Yes." "They're not so very expensive In the spring." Oh. she would have like them ns well bought on the streets, ns long ns they were fresh nnd fragrant. She didn't enre for the swell box. She wasn't that kind nt all." Too bud. too bad. Young Indies are fickle. I suppose she chose another lu your stendV" "Oh, no; I married her a year ago." The old florist twisted a bit of string nrouudtho stems of some pale rosebuds atrto. his fflowlnir Imagery, nnd tho elo quence of his diction made his address es singularly attractive, ami they were read with Interest the worm over wieii they appeared lu book form. While his most Important contributions to art were his earliest works, yet some of those which followed, notably "Unto This Last," "Ethics of the Dust." "Sos- aino and Lilies." "mown oi Olive. l'ho Oueon of the Air." and "Tho Cestus of Aglala," will be always more popular, not alone because they are less technical but also because they contain some of the most oxqullstoly finished passages lu the whole range of modem literature. Mr. Buskin's powers wero exhausted long ngo by overwork nnd tho fever of production. For some years past In has lived lu seclusion, hopelessly wreck ed In mind and body, but the brlllliwil work be accomplished lu his prime has added Immeasurably not alone to the nrocress of art but to the wealth of English literature, lu nrt he made him self an authority. To literature ho has contributed from "the pure well of En glish undellled." ICE PLATES IN THE MISSOURI. I - . I I.A 1.1 ... .1 .. 14 t.,..,!!!!,. ment: be bad pictured the sweet won- uu " l " '"- s"'" " nt. .1.1. I.... ........ .,....' I.... ...... n.i.f qIiii ii-imlil Ju uuu 1 .- uu; der In her pretty eyes as glance up at blm and murmur: "Oh, Beggle. all this time!" But, to his groat consternation, she did nothing of the kind. On the contrary, directly she saw the letter she burst out laughing, Beggle was dismayed; such conduct showed an utter want of proper feellu ' ell, he said, reproachfully, "I don't see what there Is to laugh at. Mary took the letter out of the envel ope and laughed still more. Beggle re membered how sacred that letter bad beentohlm.andhow often be bad press eu it to uis nps, anu uegan to grow angry at her frivolity. 'Well?" he said ncnln. "Why, she cried, as soon ns she could speak for laughing, "you poor dear boy, don't you see, this Is mam ma's writing; her name's Mary, too." And little Tommy Chichester, who was out of earshot, but who had watch ed the whole affair with breathless lu terest from the shelter of a neighbor ing holly tree, has never understood to this dny why his sister should have laughed so much, and his brother-lu law should bare looked so excessively foolish. more?" Indeed I do. We're very happy. But you know the flower business doesn't go any more. Did she ever say so?" asked the re lentless old man. "Well um eY, no. 1 can't sny she did." "Did you ever ask her nbout It?" "No. I'm kept pretty busy, you know, with more practical things. I don't have time to bother about trifles." The old florist didn't answer. He dived Into the Ice-box nnd came out with n handful of mignonette nnd white tulips. He wrapped them In n cornu copia of tissue paper and hnndetl them to his Into customer. "This Is for old time's sake." be said. "You might take them to your wife, and If she doesn't like them you can bring them back to me." They never came back. But the young man did. Commercial Advertiser. I-'utituntlc Formation that Kcactntilo Frozen Oyntcr Putties, Tho Ice lloes of the Missouri Blver are probably tho prettiest and most extraor dinary that float upon an American river. Over upon the Mississippi, nbove Its continence with tho Missouri, the Ice floats lu groat lloes that are Ico Holds, some of them with nu area of ten. twen ty, thirty nnd forty acres. Frequently they become so large that there Is no room for them to p.iss between the bars aud dikes, and the river becomes block ed until warmer weather rots and din lodges the gorge. An Ice floe lu the Mis sissippi, so long as It floats aud the JOHN RUSKIN. Provided Agnlnt a Famine. When old Jacob Wlllougbby died re cently Kensington lost oue of her unique chai actors. Pievlous to the Centennial Exposition of 1870 Mr. Will- oughby was seized with a fear that the millions of visitors who were expected in the city would deplete the food mar kets of Philadelphia, and that a famine would ensue. So firmly did he become convinced of the truth of bis predic tion that he Immediately laid In au enormous stock of edibles, mostly can ned goods. The cellar of bis house was plied high with preserves, potted meats, canned vegetables and nearly every other article of non-perishable foods. Of course the anticipated famine did not materialize, and Mr. Wlllougbby wns left with his stores on his hands. He might have disposed of them, but that would have meant admitting his mistake, nnd so kept them. For twen ty-three years, according to a well-au thenticated report, he has fed bis fam ily and his guests on the uftermatli of his centennial stock, and when com pany came there was great rejoicing In the family, for then the stuff went faster. At the time of the o'.d gentle man's death there was still a portion of It left. Philadelph:n Becord. KtiKlnnd'a Great Writer and Authority on Art. John Buskin, the foremost of modern art critics and one of the most brilliant contributors to the pages of English literature, who died recently in London, began his artistic year with efforts In pictorial art. He was not eminently successful, however, but his studies and practice grounded him In the fundamen tals and thus thoroughly qualified blm for the splendid work In criticism which ultimately spread his fame throughout the world. Ills first published work was his well-known defense of Turner aud modern English land-scape painting, -which was subsequently enlarged Into the standard volume known ns "Modern Painters," which appeared In 1843. His '.heorles were strenuously opposed by A Large Bocklng-Stone. Buenos Ayres seems to have the largest "rocklng-stone" yet discovered. It is situated on the slope of the moun tain of Tandll, In the southern part of the province, and measures 00 feet long by lb feet broad, and Is 24 feet high. Its bulk Is 5,000 cubic feet, and It weighs at least twenty-five tons. Nev. ertheless, it Is so beautifully poised that a single person can set It rocking. When the wind blows from the southeast, the stone, which Is pyramidal In form, sways to and fro on Its foundation like tho branches of a tree. ICR rl.ATKS I.V TltR M1SSOVIII. weather Is cold, becomes always larger. It builds out from tho edges, and lu a few hours It will Increase many feet In diameter. So much for the broad and sleepy flow of the Mississippi. It is nnother sot of Ice floe that floats on the Missouri, r-r the Missouri Is nn other sort of river. Where the Missis sippi flows from two to three miles an hour nt a normal current velocity, the Missouri Is racing along seven nnd eight miles, nnd, while the Mississippi Is sweeping evenly and smoothly, the Mis souri Is rushing, swirling and cutting up after the fashion of the famous wa ters that fall at Lodorc. So tho floes of the Missouri nre whirled and ground one against the oth er until they are round ns a wheel every one of them, and half of them spinning one way, and the balance the other. They rarely get larger than four feet In diameter, and the major portion of them are not more thnn three. Con stant grinding upon their edges builds up a cornice of white, powdered Ice, nnd, like little Ice plates that would hold water, and looking for all the world like 10,000 oyster patties migra ting to the sea, they go bobbing and spinning along In the prettiest of processions. Antiquity or Chess. Although the origin of chess Is en shrouded In considerable mystery, there Is but little doubt that Its birthplace was In India, and that It Is an offspring of a game called Chaturnnga, which Is . .. - ........ ft I . I - . . ir nn EXPLOIT 01? A IIEKU. rX family. Tho estate was ttitiri ed to the grnr.lng of sheep, d! enJiind HtiitesuiniiMlilh t Itln l , ....... lu I. ..II.,. II. - ' II lllllll in la-nil 111 II Hlleep, ft. Into Iiiih now been divided Into dred or more prosperous Hm0J1 nnd where there was on,-,, 0W'C ALMOST PERISHING. OF THIRST IN A DESERT. Mr Ocorue (Ircy, I.riidrr of nil Anatrul iirIiiii Kipr.lltlon, Wulka Miinjr Mllra t. l'r.uuro llrln for III Hick Mild Inciiimcl tntcd Fill timer. drill or more proHporoii um ;1 family tlii-io Is uow a i,,,,,,,,, ,,'Kf: 1MRMI. ""SB "New 'enlanil's Intent oTp(.rt not lis least Important. It ii(r5a nn in ii'uui til IHIWU1IMI Mill uoi as pauper, nut as piiiinioi,fn Amu ...... ...I... I.i.u I. ' t-1,7 nv u tin mm iH'l'll III llifi An explorer's life Is often a lino rec ord of determination, solf-sacrlllce and Indifference to danger. Seldom, how ever, duos one hear n slnry more heroic than Hint or au expedition undertaken has nn Income of less than situ. .. I... Ul. J n1 ...II.. I 1 ..... 1 .1 ...I ... . . ' III AllRiriiWHin I'J i?n ii-i"ij,ii " in i-iiiiiirii in u cilnlou or n t nrtorwiini uocaiiio one oi uir nim-m - i h ijunrii-r u nay. rum in iui m loiilal governors in tne nrmsii service, twenty-five years, niut In u Mere Is the story, told by hi biogra pher: Sir (leorgo hud arranged to inako n doMit of supplies uti Hornier Island, and had then continued his explorations. A terrible storm came up. and as the food supply was giving out, the party returned, Sir (ioorgo bud a dread lest the galo might have ravished the stores lu hi absence. Accordingly he took only one or two of his people with htm. and went, full of anxiety, to (bo spot where the provision bad been burled. "O (Jod. we nre nil lost!" That was the wall for Sir George's ears as the spade made It clour that tho food stuffs had been scattered by the storm. It was almost tho pronouncing of the sen tence of death upon the party, lu a desert country nnd far from civiliza tion. "1 hadn't nu hour to lose." Sir (Ioorgo says, "so back we hurried. I delivered tho news, counseling calmness nnd courage. We must endeavor to mnke Perth In tho whale-boats. It was a for lorn ehnuee." The boats strained In n boisterous sea, and ultimately flung the voyagers ashore three hundred miles from Perth three hundred miles of a parched, barren waste. For a little while fair progress was made, then strength declined through want of food and water. Sir (ieorge sought courage and consolation In the dog-en nil New Testament which ho had In his knapsack. The hymns his mother hnd taught him came back Into his head and heart, (rue comforters. A small company only were lit to trav el. Sir (leorge pushed on with these In order to send back relief to those un equal to the sally. It wns the perish- lug to the rescue. A bin!, shot, wns welcome ns manna from heaven, and n muddy wntor-bole was the sweetest of discoveries. Dew was eagerly licked from shrubs and reeds. Lips grew black, tongues swol len, eyes wild, and the hoioJess cry was: "Water, or wo die!' The native guide schemed to lead Sir George from the others, bogging, when discovered, "les. we two may lie saved ir wc go on; the others nre so weak that they can't walk." Sir George cock ed his gun, and the guide led him back to the party. A blistering thirst of three days and two nights! Happily a water-hole not bereft of moisture was found In tho nick of time. A few birds flew about It, but Sir George's baud shook so that he could take no aim. How good to lie down and rest for ever In the parched grass! Yet the Iwt- ter Instinct asserted itself, aud the sec ond half of the expedition, far In the rear, cried for relief. -On! on! Sir George staggered across tho miles until, In the goodness of fortune, he met natives who gave him fowl and water. He crawled Into Perth, black with tho sun, haggard from want. Tho good wife of tho outermost settlement, where Sir George knocked, seeking re freshment, took blm for "magic. "When I spoke to her In English," bo said, "she looked so surprised that I n quarter-a day ii'iiuercr uiriii in emirily t lint) miii-ii minium ill inner (-iii)iiirli. iiiKiim-i rci-dgiiiiiiiii or tin. hoiii? .l'u l-ll-llt ti. I. nil...... I.. .. bus created." Alnslre s. S . grf A FAITHFUL DOQ. 0 ii: How lleHuvrd tho I.lvr. f tJbi l'roretor. Q. Last winter a party ()f proirJi were cotllped on the Yaliles j5 Alaska's great glaciers. Imy f)tSIB nicy iiiiii women nieir way f.J iieniu iiispuiing every font with! until it was iteclilcil that the mninJ Hiiiiiim n,i nil ill ..null, . " !' ""'I lB0 their number, aoeouipn tiled onitrlS dog, should endeavor to Mini a Kg which would lead away from tbiim dor. b- Fnrdays the two men wan terMrn, nature succumbed and they injtfuv weary and exhausted. Their fi'fij companion clung to them sndSoj warmth of hli body was grntff.Jr! they crouched low with the liitfij laden wind howling nlxiut iii.-m, Their scanty stock of tirorisioBiK well-nigh exhausted, when oneoffl" suggested sending the dog turlfT) camp. This was a forlorn lioiw Hi their only oue. Quickly w riting made It fast around tho dog's uniM- encouraged blm to start bak ckT trail. 5f The sagacious nnltiinl did nt j-JW to understand, but after n-H-HtnKc forts they ioruadcd blm to startiS?. he was soon swallowed up In tlicri the mist and the storm. Two days and nights passed. d W!l!ftl till llll'fl Mlirflri,t llllffitil mi: On tho evening of the third day. tfe nil boM had gone and they tt?& coming resigned to their fate. the blinding nnd drifting smw iworfe the faithful dog. nnd close lielilthl-rfi came ready hands to minuter to In; cm 4 fa wnuts. menHo tied In Orlentn literature as In ft.nre(1 8llu m, ,t rm mwiViir, use fully 2 000 years before the Chris- e lnert,y explnlllca. .c r tlan era. I-rom India chess spread Into not ..,nllKlC(.. ,vho nro your ,,, Persia, nnd thence Into Arntiln mwl l. . .. ....... . ... JOHN lIUSKItr. A Wonderful Floor. An extraordinary floor has been laid In tho Loudon Coal Exchange. It Is constructed of Inlaid wood, and tho pieces are arranged so ns to represent the mariner's compass. Some of tho slabs of wood, of which there nre alto gether 4,000, have Interesting historical associations. Thus the one forming the haft of the dagger In the city corpora tion arms Is a portion of a tree planted other art critics, and In the second edi tion of "Modem Painters" he replied to them. This work was warmly received both In Europe nnd America and cstab llshed his fame as a writer. Temporari ly leaving the subject of painting, he turned his attention to architecture and his next two volumes, "Seven Lamps of Architecture" and "Stones of Venice," Increased his reputation and mndo his fame as critic secure. Volume after volume rapidly appeared. Ho was a prodigious worker. In addition to his books he wns a frequent contributor to newspapers and periodicals and he soon became one of the most popular lec turers In England. Ills services to art wero recognized by his appointment ns lecturer nt Cambridge lu 1807 aud ns Slade professor of the line arts at Ox ford In 1870. During his long nnd brilliant career, by Peter the Great, when he worked as -,-, , chCllg0 Trb many' gub; a shipwright at Deptford. Jt.cts eIlgigl,(1 Mr JlU8ila atcnti"a besides those pertaining to art In Its Beaudelalre, tho French poet, used , , , , f " ,no oppor- to dye his hair green, nnd wore winter V"!,1 M of V lec lV:es varlou8 garments lu summer and summer gar- ",',, 8 ,D B"'ea ,uuo- n oiner f...u i ,..if, ir. i.. . J Public, occasions to treat subjects of n of throwing flower pots nt windows !,)n0Mil:t0,n0mlM, P!,,loJ?Pu1lca opposite for the pleasure of hearing ' ?n Thoush not always or thpm iironk. tbodo:t ln tlie8e directions and some- umua mjyiavucuuie, me ueauty or hl- Persia, and thence Into Arabia, aud ul timately the Arabs took It to Spain nnd the rest of Western Europe. The game was lu nil probability Invented for the purpose of Illustrating tiie nrt of war. Tho Arab legend upon this point Is that It was devised for the Instruction of a young despot by his father, a learned Brahman, to teach him that a king, notwithstanding his power, was depen dent for safety upon bis subjects. Tho Greek historians credit the Invention of the game to Palumedes, who, they claim, devised It to beguile tho tedium of the siege of Troy during the Trojan war, told, she brewed Sir George tho most delicious cup of tea he ever drank. Soon relief to the expedition was scur rying across tho plains, Gn-at Britain wns the first forjin country to recognise the bellgori-aHP the Southern Confederacy. Hbedfll,1 on May 13. 18(11. Vf Just when the dny liecnuie illnSf Into hours Is not known. uorliW process explained. The Greeks fl'"( mans measured time by the wati rfSl and the sun dials. The hourglass, ffi wnu sand, wns the outgrowth of tk& vessels, from which the water uTInffj through tiny openings. ilu The most curious street pavcniftt the world Is Hint which has n-cttfl been put down In Lyons, France. ijH of glass, the blocks being about Hj Inches square, each made mi of ililg, smaller blocks. The glass tWj are so tightly flttid together UTS water cannot pass between thcin. gfl a pavement glass Is said to have gmto- resistance than stone. It Is a poorchc due-tor of cold, aud Ico will uot fwi upon It. fa A brood of five nestling spam! hnwks has furnished Dr. B. W. iig feldt somo curious results. The wjjn wero so graduated In size that It r penred the female must have InlilfA'. eggs nt regular Intervals, proWfi three or four days opart, ami that his Tho Normandy Barber. There's a proverb which Insinuates that "travelers' tales" nre always open to suspicion. Therefore we do not vouch for this one, reported by a Paris corre spondent of the PlttHburg Dispatch, on the authority of a friend who had Just visiteu .ormanuy. Ho tells me that In a little village up mere ue wus suavcu once by a woman barber. To moisten the soap sho spat on It, like a bootblack on his blacking. "Ie that the us.ual way of making a lather?" he asked her. "No," replied the tonsorlal artist, "we only do that with strangers. That's our regular way," nnd she pointed to a sis ter barber who was shaving a pensaut In an adjoining chair. My friend looked around and rni n graceful Illustration of the local fash Ion. Tho other woman was spitting on the man' cheeks and moistening the brush ln that way. Germany's Commercial Drummers. Germany has about 00,000 commerl clnl travelers on tho road aoo days of tuo year. In only ono particular are nil women tho world over, alike; they all Ukn chocolates. It's hard to follow tho bent of a mon' mind when ixt Is la financial straits. nation commenced Immediately M the llrst egg was deposited. Still nfl At the outset of his Journey Sir remarkable was the fact that the Kij Gcorge had had his sextant, but having alternated, the oldest bird being a rWf to walk hungry nnd thirsty, he needed the next n female, and so on. to walk light, and hid the sextant lu a tree. Death raced him so bard that ho cased tho burden of keeping lu front of It by (enring off the lionrds from his New Testament, nnd throwing them away. To the Word Itself he clung to the last el According ton computation thereiTI nt present not less than 110,000 looxSl tlves In operation In tho wholo uafl 0.W THE UNEMPLOYED. Pew Zealand Leads the World In Hoi v I n if the. I'rolilciu. "New Zealand Is far ahead of the oth er colonies of Australasia, aud, lu fact, of any other country In tho world with which I am acquainted, In Its treatment of the unemployed. It has a well-con- sldcred plan lu actual operation, by which the unemployed nre gathered up in cities, nt Government labor bureaus. ami are forwarded to ono point or an other, whero they nre wanted on Gov ernment railroads or other public works. At theso points they nro not kept In camps to bo scattered again when the work Is through, but they are usslgned farms, and their work Is so arranged that they work alternately il r-a . lor me uovcrnment nnd on the r own land. The Government advances them funds to clear their land and to build themselves homes. In all parts of thn viz., lu Europe (VI.OOO, America 40,! AhIii ftfUMI. Australia ' (MWI niut Af.t"' , In Europe England has the gmJJ est number of locomotives, I. e., lW-rf, Then follow Germany with iMiy. eniiiitn ...III. II fUWI A i.ul.ln I IttnfiH .". with 5.000, Italy with 4,000, ItW with 3,500. Belgium with 2.000, Bl with 2.000, Holland with 2,000, Switzerland with 000 locomotives. i Tho Army "Unit.' We hear a good deal about "units tho British army, nnd It Is not aim; easy to know what It means. When an army that Is, several W! corps Is lighting, the unit iiicaM army corps. When nn army corns Is fighting, .... I L I.. .. , ..t mm is i ue uivision, or ono-wiiru iu corps. IK When a division Is lighting, the means a brigade, or one-half of IK division. When a brigade Is fighting. Um ! means a battalion, or one-fourth of brigade Usually, howover, n unit Is u colony the pennlless-out-of-work Is by '"I"!1 0,lt' ot tho f(,llowllK' this system being converted Into fi A bnt,nllo of In fan try-1.000 men. thrifty land owner. A "limdron of cavalry 100 nii'it. "It Is not to tho uuemnloved nlnnn that tho Government gives land. It has entered upon a deliberate policy of breaking up tho largo estntes which wero formed In tho early days, it pur chases theso estates, If tho owners nro willing to sell; If not, It condemns them. Tho land Is then Improved with roads, properly BUl'VeVCd. ntWl I. fnanM , , , - . ... ivaviu iu Biiitui larnis. A hntterv of nrtlllnrv rIk irillis, A company of mounted Infnntry-I men. A company of engineers, of the ar; service corps, and of other ncccssofj troops, France's Great lYtll- Now Yenr's Day Is tho great of tho year In France, not "A Bnnnln.n,, , i, . . . fllUrU UCIlUUIUinilCCB OV" n- A specimen case Is that of the estate other tituall prescutti on that