tORAXK ITEMS. Miss Bessie Johnson is visiting at Praia this week. Jr Schneider fcilkd a large cou- parsed George Harrison & wild cat last Saturday. Vdney Ray came home from Saginaw Monday and win start for Eastern Oregon soon. Mr. E. Addison of Eugene is out oa a visit to his brother John of this J. P. Owent went to the Grow Saturday returning Monday. J Atkinson went to Eugene. ' Mrs McQueen returned home after a couple of weeks visit at the Grove. C E Russell and Mrs I, E Ward attended the fuueralof their father Wra Russell at Medford returning home Saturday. UOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. Notice McFarland & Co's new ad in this issue. The surrounding hills were lightly sugar coated with a mantle of the "bcautifor Tuesday. A crack in the clouds let the sun in however and it vanished like a dream. Bingham H. Roberts, on his ar rival at Salt Lake was immediately arrested for unlawful cohabitation with Dr. Maggie Sbipp. After his United States Land Office. Roebut, Oregon, February 2ml 1900. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the nruvUiou. of tlio net of Congress of Junu.t, 187S, entitled "An net (or the mK o( timber lands in th State of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," George O. Walker of Walker, County of Lane, State (or Terrttorr) of Oregon has this day filed in thil oiTice his sworn state mcnt No. 820, fur the purchase of the N , NW 1-4, SW USW 1-4 of Section No. 8. in Township No.22S Range No. 2 W., and will offer proof to show that NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Unit Office, Roseburg, Oregon, January 4, 1900. Notire it hereby giren that In coin pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of limber land in the State of California, Oregon, Nrrad:i, and Washington Territory," John W. W st of Euceno. County of Ianc. State of Oregon has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No, 750, for the purchane oi me & t, -a ol Section No. 4, lnTownhipNo.20S. Range No. 2 ..ami will oiler prooi to snow that the land sought is nmrt valuable for it tint m ., nun win uuer litvoi iu anun mat . ; r"-" ;- - .- the land sought is more valuable for ilalror Ktomj than for agricultural pur- .f , . , ilnAkM lniI.K .tt lilt nl.tH. In ..1.1 timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to aid land before the Register ami Re ceiver of this office at Rooebure Orexon. on Friday the 20th day of April 1000. tie name as witnesses : N. It. Walden, J. R. Wiseman, of Cot tage Urove, Oregon, A. F. Davis, C. allien, of Cottage drove, Oregon Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 20th day of April J. T. Brtipats, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. poe and to establish his claim to said land l-elore the Rntiatcrand Receiver of thisoftlce at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tues day the 2Uth day ol .March 1UO0, lie names as wlluc--ie : JohnS. (iray, F. W Prontlco.J. B. Luckcy, Samuel Clifford, of Eugene, urogon. Any and nil persons claiming nd- veireiy tne aoove-nemrriiioti lands are mi nested to tile tbeir claims in this offico on or before said 20th day of March 1900. J.T. Bnuxirca, Register. Summons. In the Circuit Court. of tha Blatant llmrm United Slates Lund Office, Roseburv. Ornron. Februarr 2nd 1900, nonce is nereiiv eiven thai in com-1 " j ixir, i iiuun, . pliance with the provision of the act of i n.i n- rIr.. ...... ( Congn M of June 3, 1378. entitled "An To arid boakf. Iftn'lantat.orenanit. act far the sale of timber land- in the IN TIIK N ime ofthk htatk OKOIikooni SUtes of California; Oregon, Neva.!., ' ItfZttMS ititnXtr menrat air prwrlDM in tea onler for tha I Ol 1 NOTICE I0R Pl'BLICATION. United States Land Office, Itbsoburg. Ore., Jaiumry JW, IWX). Notice U hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the net of Congress of June 3, 1878, untitled "An act for the sato of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," Philip L. Spong ol Cottage drove County cf lano, Statu (or Territory) of rrgon has Ibis dav tiled in this office hl sworn state ment No.7lM, for the purchase of the NW 1-4 of Section No. 20. In Town- shin No. 22 Ramie No. 2 Vt NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Statei Loud Offico, Rosohurg, Ore., October 4. 1899. N'nlt.-e is hurebv ulven that In Colli pliance with the provisions ol the set ol Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the "ido of timber lauds In tlio States of Cnllfornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," 1MI J. Estahrook of Waslibiim, County of Bay- livid, Sluto of Wisconsin, lias tins nay tiled In thlr-office Ids aworn staiemeni No. 722, fortho purchase of the BK ' 8 B i , N X 8 K (. 8KN K H. !' Inla 7. 10. II. 1U ol Hecllon No. 2U. in ami will offer proof to show that the laud Township No 21 S Range No. W., and sought la more va unuiv lor us iitniwr or w olior nroot to allow uiai uio lann Blono than tor agricultural purposes, I sought Is more valuable for its timber and to establish Ills claim to saiti tana ' or (tone than lor ngrleullurnl pitrpoe,s. before the Hegistcr and Rccetveo of this I flt to establish his claim to said land office at Roseburg Oregon, on Satuniay before the Hiitisteranil Rceeiverof this ths 7th day of April 1U00 lie aaines as Mltnesies: Jack Lewis of Cottage Grove, Oregon. F. A. Elliot of Ncwburg, Oregon, J. I. Jones, W. A. Ilemenway, ol Cottage Orovc.OrvBou. Anv and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this offico on or before said 7th day of April 1000. J, T. UniDOtH. Kvglster. Citation. olUevat Itwehurg, Oregon, on Thursday the 14 day of December. I8IW. He uaineii as witnessess: II. F, HolluiiUx-k of Eugene, Oregon, Austin Rootol Hprlngfleld, Oregon, l-ev Is Biorl of Alltany, Oregon, J. 0. Olsrti of Eu gene, Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming ad versely tho alovo-descrltod lands are rcoiirsled In tile their claims in this office on or before said 14 day of Do cember, 1899, J.T. llaipoM, l?egster. moticx to cmtniToas. i and Washington Territory," James S. t .-.- . 'i . nnbllntlon nl thla an T Ca.a. i T 5a f r I mis oar men in mis oillce ma sworn i pobllmthn of tbl aammona. Kit flm date of suiemeninu. &W,Un- tlie purcnase ol "L1 rooiiaaiion twins; on ine sua iisrnrreb. iiiu itn i-i m owiiun oo. jt, in lown- , th rt .vi., , "v." VM ' .ho hip No. 22 S. Rango No. 2 W., and will I notltld that If fon fait toiirramt aniweV I " . . . . . w ,.... i v i niHin aaraDr siran inai itwjoin r n inio.Lnuuri.vun . us rtai.v wmvn. r . . . t r'. - . . - . : . . In thViMti lias Conatr Wismn Kstculor of Iks last will IlHnomatlaVItOUuaravll.MloIi I u,l teitauianl ol lha eatala ol Win. tt. tttdr ii..i..i r n.i .hi.n.u.. S , leri. All le wius harlns claim aalun i. n.riUrt w. in,wwi ,rZ.',7.. i ssht eiate are herl.r iiolldsd to iirssnt llin .VT. I" i! l ItiSl tlPl(lAS V(ttafaarat l ttlaVa Bml I Jlall1k in ins Asms oi M bl.ta ol orKon. V rZZJ,. "ViTn -Z. ,.,MZ' Am wltbln lx inontb from lhatlataof ihtsnntloa. palm thlilnduajr orrelrftiarr A IMSO, rrra ji'hs raiur, imtiir fVinrt nfih. uiii. ni iiHm. f.. iiu. llarlna) anil ktaalactr In Knran Urtfnn I'outitr of ln, at tha Court floom thrnf. at J.titane, In lb I'oantjr of Ijint. on hatumajr ik. imk . I L" i " . . . ) 1. iuc vi.u u v. rvuru.n I9uu. ii isn o riuc lit irof reb ' iwreuwiii oi imi uijt lueu auu isire in balncon i ,h(,w eanse. If anr thara t. why a ruartllan a,i..tL. .rv MliLVIII.VM HJrjUUI W.IK iiucaa, iua nun. li. u. ruttar juaie oi toa County c'onrt of Ihabtals of Oregon for tba Cnnntr of Lana. with tha Heal of aald Court affliol.lbli 1Mb oay oi jauoarr a. 11. two. Attet: X. V. Las. Clark. Bjr '. I. Uisu. lputr. wun uv. Maggie SOipp. Alter nisjolTer proof to show that the land sought sm oompumt. tbe plaintiff win .npir Mtbal experience at Washinrton it wiU " more valuable for lu timber or stone , KoIw'tTbVa be tOO bad if he U Ship wrecked m- "?nc",!ural purposes, and to 'etlrlna- bstween plalntlfT anrl dafemtanl li! at IlOtnC I ik. r.: i n ..t n. r n . enstodr of IlArrsr nsBstr lhi minns .it,f r CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANTS. the Kcgisternnd Receiver of fhis office ii..r. .1.. JfT"!.. . J . minor em w of i na .... lXnillalll RUU IIBIDfllllDI. lull nilinil IT SI art mat ' at uoseourg uregon, on tnday tlio 20th Nottce is hereby given that the follow ing warrants will be paid on presenta' tionatmv office on and alter January 22. 1900. Interest on name will ci Januarr 22. 1900. All Lane eotintv warranU from registered numbers 6109 SS" on or bcfore ,aM -0th day ' APril dar of Anril 190i1. lie names as witnesses ; Frank B. Phillips, John Ialmer, O. H. Willard. James Lewis, of (Jottaca orove, uregon. Any and all persons olnimine ad versely the abore-described lands are requested to file their claims in this to 0150, both inclasive. Dated Eugene, January 20, 1900. A.S. Pattxbsox, County Treasurer. INTERESTING PROGRAM. 1900. . T. BnrrxiEB, Register, NOTICE FO REPUBLICATION. Juvenile. Theatrical and Vocal Enter- United SUtes Land Office. Roeeburg, Oregon, February 2nd 1900. Notice is herebv civen that in aim. plionce with tho provisions of the act of 1ninP,,nlUnil.l.rn'nnM f. v.j.oi -unBO, io,o, ent ueti "All uinuraiiu. iu lyoiura uror e toDrenrv ot.i. n.i;rn.nt. i v i. Proceeds to be used lor the lmrjrore- uiciib ui hiiiojii; uiiurcii ui ioiiasre. Aaminsion aauiu zacia. umitlren rvf! . Ilivirfc will ha nnnn at half mad. p m. Performance will brain at 8 Opening Chorus. "In the Starlitrht. Jiauieair, "Ht Uecilia," Dialogue. Male Characters. Pianoforto Duet. "Basket of Roses." ia4Pft tfoipn nnrl ran. t'ttta linn oaruii uuiverirH . Chanty Chorus, Gloner. and Washington Territory," Orson H. Willard of ottage Grove. County of uauv,auiui vor xemioryi oi uregon nas this day filed in this offico his sworn sUtament No. 819. for the purchase of meatv l-iot section so. 24. in Town. ship No. 22 S. Range No. 2 W, and will offer proof' to show that the land sought is more valuable for its' timber or stonu than for aitricultoral nuroose. and to ..i.t:L i.i .i.i . cauiuuan ma claim 10 sum ninu ueiore the Uegisterand KeceivuroX this office at uoaebiin? Oreuon. on Kri.l ir ihn 'ilrh L.nampiain," day ot April 1900. He names as wttneates: Frank B. Phillips. James 8 Benson Elalntltt and defendant, tbat plaintiff alanine er maiden nam; of Ktama May .Moore and for S'irbotncrand further relief a to tba Court mar eem equitable and latt, and for berroala and dlsbarsemtntaof thl.tult. Tblsanramontli pnbllabed br order of the iiimi. c -. roiirr, i.onnir jntir or I lie "Juuir, oimieni urejron. mane at t Barn ben Knnne. Orcron. Jannarr 27th lorn Dated Euptne, Oregon Jan. 2Hb I0(M. J.B. Mkdlsv. Attorney for HalntlfT. Eieulnrnf Ihelaal will and IwlatntDl of the Kttale of Win, K, Fraljf ilaaed. ind at Grand Exhibition March, by C. Blake Jumerf Iajwi's. Johu'palmer. of Cottaua ' Tableau. "Fnith. HnriA nnrl nhnrirv dialogue, -Diraiegy," female Uhar ficrs ' 1'ianninrrn i mot "Snnnno i inMA.Ai. fj - ww. ws, aw.aia uaa iiltn ill 1 UftLii. Vocal Quartette, "Shoemaker," Boya. A.CV1W1I1UII. "Peerless Oregon," Chorus. Country Aunts Visit. "There's Mnnin in a Mnrhora Vt i - . ........ , WlkU, liance. Two Iittln cirU. finale, "My Old Kentucky Home," 1 m i. i rt a aauiuau- oenooj unnuren. Tl.1l w- . . xtiurLiii rinii ton. ilm. UTICE FOR PUBWCATIQN. Grove, O egon Any and nil persons claiming ad vereeir mo auove-uescnoetl lanas are reauesteil to We their claim in thU office on or before said 20th day of April inu, J. T. Bripors, Registur. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Notice is hereby triven that in com pliance with the provisions ol thn act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," John Van Corden of Cottatre Grove. fJountv of Lane. Mate (or territory) of Oregon has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 812, for the purchase of tho NE 1-4 of Section No. 14, in Town ship No. 22 S Rango No. 2 W.,and will Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Februarr Ft WfW fin rn l av n oca aa a. l a r v - - -1 ' " 1j . Jii. ,.'v"-:"? oner prooi to snow that the land sought ' '"n .k.lll.1 ILB U1CU llULICa UI I Im Innr. wulllu ila (. Ju ... H ntpnrmn rr. mnM n I r r 1 .. . . . -. - ".ui iiiuui in bud- i tnan tor airricultnni nurnnui o...l t.. establish his claim to said land befoie 111 ne made oeJore Joel Ware, U. S. mm iDinnAP n w tnA..n rv the register and Receiver of this offica ...... i .... .. arehin rnnn uT r"L "fr:V " 1" ""ufB .vregon. on rnuay the Jio naniei as wiiuessea: Lk 1 til. 111! t- va a Ho names the followlnr, t u'.V A. ". ''V...:. "ruraoaugn, .. ....wu-um m dusunn ri- 1-erKlllH! IVIIIIfltll Viln lin.. ...., ; ... ---yk k.,., lueu. 01 lAiiiHi'e urove. ureirriii. (vni:..-. 11 t x' T. . . Anvantlall persons clainunu adversely 11 iiiiuiii ii. lianmer. tiranr. hv umi i .1.. .1 j.. ..-m. , . j " : iwW Mirhaoi nnu.i n v V j io nuuTo-ucHcnucii lanas are requested "LV ".c,'ae, Eobert B-Kelsey, of to tile their claims iu thiH orti r , a . neiore aid zritn rt.i before said 23th djy'of April 1900. J. X. JJlllIXIKS, Register. OTICE FOR PUBLTOAfrnM NOTICE for prrnivmATinv J. T. Bniuass. Register. United States Land Office, Itoseburtr. flrwrm Vel, n iatv (lift IB h.HlllM ... f I - w . .link 111 cum. 1 11uii. 11. . 1 n . :. . . 1 United States Land Office, Rosebun;. Oreiron. Fehrnarv 1. innn Notice is hereby gi ven that in coin- ance with the provisions of the act of plianco with tho provisions of tl n..t ,.f pria nr .lima v tut a i t i t - for thB aai f ' in, iko'. T" 1 .ft" 1""" lB8 entitled "An . . ...v, uuui in ..iiu I acv ivr ine saie 01 iimoer lamix in f h 1 m 1 1 " s ""-s"ui iiuiku, oinra ui uninurniu, uregon. .Nevada. 1 Washington Territory " HprWi I on,l ivu.i....nn t..'i..7. .' ii! . t . . . . T -" " wa.w H4ii(l.vii 1WI I 1 LUI V . A' I Ia I f ' r 1 . Ut s ;,vv"Mv v.www, iiimi ;. j vuniru urUTU. VX) 11 Illy UI of Oregon has this day filed ill I Lane. State for Territory of nZn'l,. OlliCfi tlltt RtrArn fltorAa TT OM1 I at. I . 11 1 . I t . .tt A, . . J . im6 i, jr:-4oi bee- atatement No. 813. (or tho nnmlitiMn nf 0 ".I .n 'IV. n . L. I r . I i m . . --"".-" a i mo lAiia i. m anil rj i n v nt Nuctlnn " .-V ---,' n..ivuwuiWi ki u, io, in xuwnsn p no. zs a uanue n Abil ",e..M wught fs more No. 2 W.. and will offer nroof to ahna- CDIinrVl nuriVMAa anil f ! .I-.l. . . claim to said land before the IlW,r ..ln.r...l Vi -....iLi. sl . T(iM. nf ... wt VV.: r- .vk., m.u usiauiieil um , uuiuc ai uoseourg, ciaim tosaid land before tha Rec ster v",uiiionuay ine JO dav ol Anril. and Receiver of th a nffl,.A ..r iviw". on rnuay ine zaifi day ol April 1900. lie names as witnesses II. Wynne. D. Bruinbaue-h. .Tnannh II. Perkins, J. Lewis, of Cottoirn ri Oregon. " ' I Anv mnA ami I .1.1 1 l t a J.. " awaaa) Ml SB 1 V nilu Mil IGl DUI1I L.lUIIIlIT1(r ri unNni tw VT1 UI II If Ttllala llal . X 11.1. II I . .I. " f I a. a " ' onorbeforetaidlOthdayof April to file thsir claims in this office on or T Wlore aia23tU day of April 1900. J. T. Bbimu, J, BiiiouKS. Jicguter. Register. enamts as witnesses - d. ivsnnett, j U.Cochran, L. F. 7, . ' v.wm. v.aillllllK 1VU f . . -""v.iiuwi uuui are i i io nie trie r c aii NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land office, Roseburg, Oregon, February 1, 1900. Noticu ia hereby given that in com pliance with the provieions of tho act of congrosa ot June 3, 187S, entitled "An net fortho sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washinoton Territory," John B. Mwby of cottage Grove, count v of Lane, State of Oregon has this day filed in tnis sffice his sworn Statement No. 807, for the purchase of tho W kf NE ;-4, 8E 1-4 NE 1-4. SE M NW 1-4 of Section Ab.8, in Township Ao. 22 S Range 2Vo. 2V.. nnd will offer proof to show that tho land soueht is more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to oaUhllsh hisclaim to said land before the Register and Re cti ver of this office at Roseburg Oregon, on Friday the 23t h da v of April PJ00. ne namtM as witnesses Joseph II. Perkins. H. . Fhlllins, F. It. Spong, of cottago Grove, Oregon. Any oJ nil persons olaimlng adversely NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lnnd Office nt Roseburg, Oregon, January 20, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In sup port of his claim, and Hint said proof will bo made beforJoel Ware, U. S. Commissioner at Eogeue Oregon, on March 31 1000, yixsOathe Miller on hla II. E. 7159 for the W NK M A Vf 1-2 SE 1-4 sec. SI, T. 108 R 2 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence, upon and cultivation of aaid land, viz: Calvin Casteel. Perrv Casteel. ol Saginaw, Ijine Co., Oregon, Thomas Brown, George Petty, of CrMwell, Lane j kai., uregon. J. T. Bbipokh, Register. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice i hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by tha County Court of the Stat of Oregon for Lane County, executor of the relate and of the last will and testatnsnt of Isaae Monroe White, docessed. All persons having claims against said estate ar hereby required to present the same to me, duly verified aa by law rrotiitxl, at Cottage (.rove. Oregon, 'within s(x months from the dst hereof. Dated this Uth day o November, 1H99. N. W. Whit, Executor of the estaU of Isaac Monroe White, deceased. SOUTH AND EAST vi THE SHASTA ROUTE or tiik SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. NOTICE FOR PUBLI "UBLlQATf.Qxl Vliltnl Htatts Lnntlrifri 1 Mnstbiirtf, Ore., January St ifl?,'i Nolle Is Tiuroby give,, ft,,. nllanee with the provision, i L'oiiurossof JunoH. IH7M ...... V.V'i actf7rthe sale of i,nm , ,.'71 Stalls of California, n, I and Washington Terrllorv V..,I'l Elliott ofNowbarir. tU.t..L . .t.,."k I state (or Territory) r.f O,,,,, " day flM In this office I.I, , si, 1 meiit No. 79fl, for ths imrclii.! ,? HE 1-4 of Section No. art. , No. 22 8 Range No. 2 W ," ,.nH.f loshow that the ., more vnliiahln for Ita tlinUr r than for agrlmillnral purposve .!? establish his claim to snld a',i i , at RoselMirg, Oregon, w KalunUv 1 7lh .lay April, 1900. u I lie tinmen as witnesses : P. L.Krtonu. J. I. JiwiKa 1 t J. W. Cook, of Cottage Grove, Ore,,! Any and all rstm rlainiinVJ vcrsoiy iao niaJveHiearriiind UUlf( renuestrd to file their rlalm. t. .' office on or before said 7th dev.. I i.'l I . T. BniiMi.. 1900. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Land Offlre at Roseburg, Oregon' iiucr nerciij firen mat the foil, Inif-nsiued settl r has filed notip...! Inlentlon to make final proof in suin ol Ills rlalm, and tkat said proof wilh matla Iwlor Joel Ware U. 8. CpfiiraV'J inlesioner at Eugrne Oregon, on Mitt1' 31, 1900. vUs IVrry Costeelon hii 1. rl fi.TW7. roe trw mw 1.4 sec. fl.T. i-sS new ' ... ... Ho names tho followint? wllnr.. , provo his continuous residence upon nl Ltililvaiiomif Mh) land, via; 1 Calvin Castaa-I.of Saginaw. .aiie(V vrrgon, iMtn aimer, i nomas lima. it corgi iTiiy, u ijreawell, Ijitie 1 Uregon. J.T. IUitMiai. RvgUtif. j KOT1CB OK FORFEITURE KXI'KRdr) TUAl.NS Hl'.l VkXLX NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Lnnd Office, Roseburg, Oregon. January 4, 1900. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, I87H, entitled "An ;:ri irx A M 8:IS a 11) &: I M 7.00 A M COO I' It : I' M l-v Ar. Ar .. fitrtlaad. .At Coltac (Irnra, .Ar .Pan franplaoo .Lr Ar Ar Ar Ar., .. Orlan Ij Ansalaa, . .. Mlam. . .. Nttr Orlaani... tr l.r l.r ,t,v 8:30 A Ml TMVM Ur .... Tort land ..Ar I.T .CuttaKanrera .l.r 7:15 I'M 5:45 A M Ar., Ar. F. Wynne T iKll"r""" 8lue 01 timner lands in the i:T ' (J Oreenn. Nevada. and Wnshinglon Territory." Frederick W. Prentice of Eugene. County of Lane. the above-described londa are renuMted tfiot'3 , Oregon has this day filed in this to file their ciainu In this offico on or .flictt nwwoni 1 statemeiit No. 749, for before i-aid 23th day 0 Anril 1900. i!"5 l.,"n:"1!? ' 'e. 8 h H, "f Section J.T. Bnipoaa, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Eehruary 1, 1900, Notice is hereby given that in com pliance Iwith the nrovlsions of thn ai-t of congress of Juno 3, 1878, untitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregan, Nevada, una vtasningion Territory." r. vv vnn ol cottatro drove, countv Itnn, Slate of Oregon has this day filed in this office his sworn statemant No, 810, for the'purchnHe of the Lots 3A4 nndESWl-4 of Section No. 18. In Township No 22 S., Rango No. 2 W, an1 will offer proof to show that the land nought is more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purpose.!, and to establish his claim to said land before tbe Register anil Receivei of thin offico at Roseburg, Oregon, on Frid.iv tho 23th day of April 1900. ne names as witnesses : F. P. Phillips. D. HrnmliaiiTh. Jnwnli Perkins, J. Lewis, of cottago Grove, Ore gon. Any and nil persons claiming ad versely tlio above-described lauds are reo nested to flln tlmlr nliim. Intl.t. . vinkvuii ui uriuic ruin -.Till uar oi Ap.ll 1VW. J . T. Uiiidoks Reginter. bo. 10. in Township No. 20 8. Range on. z ., ami win oner proot to show that the land Bought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cult rat purposes, and to asUblish his claim to said land before the Register aim itecciveroi mi onico nt Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday the 20th day of kiHn-ii iiruu. He names oh witnesses: Samuel Clifford, John W. West. Job 8. Gray, J. 8. Ltickey, of Eugene, Ore gun. Any and all persons olaimln? art : 1 i . . . t iiarry I rersety me nuovo-tiescrinen lands are nty of requested to tile their aiainis in thi onice on or before said 20th day March 1900. J. T. BafPOES. Register, Cttl'M Ar. .Ban rraaelara. Orlan ... . Loa Anftlct... Lr ... Kl la i.r .Set? Orlant.....I.r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. Boseburg, Oregon, February 1, 1900. Notice is horebv pliance with the provieions of the act of congress 01 June 3. 1H78. entitle! "An act for tho e.llooi timber Innrla I n I'll a mates ot California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,' William Vant-ordenof Cottage Grove", County of Lnno, State of Oregon has thiu dav filed in this office nis sworn statement No. 811. for the DtircliONn nf tlm 'E 1.1 of Section No. 10, In Township No. 22 8., Rango No. 2 V nnd will offer proof " "i mti tanu eougni is moro valuable for ita timber or atnnn iln inr agricultural purposes, nnd to establish illHCtnim U) sa III land lxforn ihn TF..!uin I T . .a a . ami iveceiveroi tnis office at Uosebure. Jrogon, on Friday tho 23th day of April He names as witnesses: t. P-' D Brumbaugh. John Palmer, John Van Gordon, of Cottago Grove, Oregon. Al,Jr ""d all persons claiming adversely the abovo-described lands aro requested to Hie their claims In this offico on or before eald 23th day of April 1900. J. I. UltlDflEH, Register. United States Und Offioe, Roseburg, Oregon, January 4. 1900. iiijuro IB ncruuv divuii trmr In wm nlianee with tiie provisions of the aot of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act ior me saie ot tltnner lands in the mates 01 unitioruta, Uregon. Jievada and Wash iiiir ton Terrltorv." John tt Gray of Eugene, County or Lane, State of Oregon has this day filed iu this offioe his sworn statement No. 748, for the purrijuiooi inew K ol Hoction No. 10, iu Township No. 20 S. Rant".- Nn. w and will offer proof to show that the ntna sought, is moro valuable for its umoer or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to ostablish his claim to sa u. lann ooiore the Register and Ro ceiver of this office at Ifonnhn on Tuesday the 20th day of Maroh lOOO' iioiiaiiicB as witnesses: w John: WWest, F. W. Prentico. J. 8 j.uckev, pi hugeno, Oregon, John tt neuior 01 oaginaw, urogon. Any and nil persons claiming nd versoiy tho aliove-describod lands are ruquesieu o 1110 tneir claims in th! oiiico on or boforo said 20th day of l, 1 (VA J. T. Bkidokh, Register.. CALL FOR MEETING OF PEOPLES PARTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE. The membera of tho Lane county cen tral committee nro herobv called to moot at thi court house, in Eugnno. Oregon, on Saturday Fobmary 10, 1000, nt 1 n clock In tho afternoon, for the nur poso of makintr anportinnmanu in.i. county oonventlon nnd attending to nioh othor lx-siness aa may oomo bofore the UV.M.JJII1CV. The presence of ach mombor ol the committee is earnestly requeited. By order A. J. Zumwai.t, chairman. h. II. 1'atschbo.v, SwroUry. :4U !: M iJisacw 7:30 A M t JO A M P1NIKU CAIO, OBHEKVATIOi?CAtln! Pullman flrtt clan aad tonrltl atearilDC ears attarbait lo alt Ihronsh trains. fniuiM nm uacllont at I 'a 11 re r. Omaha and Chltaro with trains fur other eaatern rltles. WKT 8i nr. uiviToii arrwaia roartaan ir roavauia. Mall trains dally (aicept HundarJa ..Ar l:MPU .Lr l:PM ToThomsa linghtoaand all rartiil whatsoever concerned: '. You are herobv notlfleil that . k.JsTu expended fiOO.OU In work and uiuuc ifM iiiccmini anuwa anu recorueu in U 'i mining reeunU oi the Bohemia nilBlw'jdf district in Lane County, Oregon, n.jt "The Climax" mlnlntf claim, ami i.' ". onler to hold said tiretnisM under lU ' provision of Section 2321 IUtW ' Slalutes of Una Unltait Stales, bvingtli ' amount retitilrMi l hold tlio saidclaia for the years 1KUA, 1896, IKU7, 184 . 1899, respectively; antl if within nintl'v: . daya alter the completion of the lutl cation of this uol lew, yon fail, neglected3 .reditu to contribute your irlluri rj t portions rn sain expandlturea at 1 owners your Interest or fntercals it! aaii ciaiin will Ijeouian I lie firotiertv dl tu- r.l.U ...i.. ..1.1 - u- -.i-.h i:w t- m 1 It,ii iLt. TVI-I .1. - .1 u 1...I inin'. Signed J. B. Moaain, J, W. Darcaa, W W. McFalad. Cnailxs McFaaiasn. TllOKAS RlCnABMo. t:U A M A M :0 :fOA U t l:flt 7;53 A M 1 1 M I'M l.r. Ar l-ortland. .Corrallla At AlliaiirandCorvaltti connaeli with trains m iu. v., a r., itr. INUEPKNDKNOK I'aHHINOKn. Kxprtu train dally (axcafl BtinilayJ. 7:so I M 8:30 I'M Lr. Lr. Ar. . . Portland Ar 8:2SAM Mclllnnvllla Lr 1:AU .lndenittiiea....Lr 4:S0AH Direct ennncetluna at Ran rranclira with ?JVJ,',A4LT.A,.,'JA,'AK' ,',,IU'' . JSf.J'!'.''0,''h rates call on V. T Cttjr Ticket Agent. Cottace Urora.urtf on. RESUME 8UNSET LIMITED, Sontbern Paolflo's Famoni Flyar Starts From San Francisco, December 16th. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ijitvd Office at Roseburg. Oregon, November 16, IKOy. Nolle la hereby given that Iheiullow. lug-named settler has II led notice of I1I1 intention to make tin I proof in suut-rt of his dalm, and that said proof will be made before tbe RegUrcr A Roccivor. U. 8. Ijtnd Offlc, at Roseburg. Oregon . nn January 6, 1900, vis; Reuben Bliniirl on II. E. No. 7243 for tbe lot I, SE M NR W, N X SB 1-4, sec. 10, T. 23 8., II. 3 W. He names the following witnesses to t, iiiutc ma continuous resldunvo tiKili and cultivation of said land, vis: W.A. McBee, J. B, Rouse, II. II. MeBee, T. M. JlcUrubbs, of Amos, Ore gon. J. T. BttllMIIH, Register. Thcac IUustratratcd Publications. "The Sunset Llmiteil, the Soutb.rn Pacific's famous train of the Sunset mute, will conituoncH ita r,m.lnr tt,. , , " ' .w w""or aeaoaon fruuy.useembar 6th Tho i i-hedtil taw thla sldered rather superior to any previous season, anordlni- aa It will .r.W..i..-i.u for favorable vlnar nt nnlni. i. . ".k.., uu. una lOBging agreeable connect ons at Naw Orleans wiHillmittd trains Of Other Hrua k .n;i il ilC inii'urwu centers 01 tho east Will m bt thb North krk Pacirio Railway Co., to amt aoursss upon lUCKIPT, IU STAKPS, 01 OTflfCR WlSI.OJTTKa AUOU.1TS 3UMBD Tbotrainwlll leave San Francisco at 6P. M. on Tucsilays and Fridays, pa.,. R i KnvU 7 o'clock the .y, tuttiiig nor mng, tnua giving a day light view of the orange bolt of Southen California. T. . .. .1, us connection at El Taso with through cars of tho Texas Pacific for St Louis, will place California passen- Oflra In Ihnl nt.u i .k . '. "i v . ..' "!v """i iv io ia nours ahead of allother lines. Tho trin from nouHionto New Orloana, through the Interesting tilnnfntln.i. It Hn..ii,. ?'.ii ... ."" "i -.u.,1.11, ,Wumns, will also Us by day Ight.ond tha arrival in the Gulfcltv jvst m tune to connect with the fast i ii iinininaiAM ru v m Cincinnati r" u iri ' i ' ""nr poipis, Alio Hunsct Limited enulpmsat and j r.f wen.gnown high the distaneo of tnnn ...iu. n' the Sunset Limited In 114 hoiin. only nours innirnr tiiat i. .i. trains through " ni.iT. " ,D...,".ie". 3300 miles. Tho Sunset li an ideal mtiY011'8' tl'0,t',velor not being mb heted (to any of tho discomforts Infldtnt n, iJ.CKme,ntwent,,ef condition! o the woro Northern rouloi," WONDKRLAND An annual publication of about 100 pages, gotten up in most attractive style and beautifully illustrated In half-tone. The oonUnts of each number are varied anddiCbiout from iti predacessor. Tli NoitTitiBN rACino has become noted for tlila publication. Tn Finest TriiNo itc Railway LiTiitATunrc. Send six centi. YELLOWSTONE PARK MAP A relief tnnn of Yellon-atnnM Park. Printed on firm papor, and suitable for motintinu or framlmr ami fnr nan ill schools, ebua rooms, etc. Tho lest imp of the IVrk that is publicly distributed. sinned in postboard tubes, fiend lOoU. MAZAMA PAMPHLET A nicely illustrntiul tlvo Of Mount Ranler. Wa.l.lnotnn thn grandest Ico-covorcd peuk in the Unltetl States. Send two centa. KOOTENAI FOLDER An illustrated fnlilae and rjkllf .nan nf tho Kootenai Region in UrltlshColiiinbia north of Spokane. Bond two cents. ARMY AND NAVY BOOK- TV1U about both tlm IT. R armies nnd nnvtos nt beglniiing of Span-Ish-American irnr. lm f n,.l. nml dlacont islands. A veat nooket history well worth preserving, for ruferenco. Sondton cent a, In Sending for thesn wrltn Mm flildrCSS carofully, nd atato where ndvortiBeinent nun scon. Unas. fj. FEB,