Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 09, 1900, Image 7

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1 mj
200,000 Mon to Fight
tho Doors.
interesting figures
SI Ktity TliiiinniHi i on nr inn
Now Ml tlm I'miit There I
Hpl AolUllr l tlm NivyYriU.
Smlnn. Fob. II. Mr. wynuiinm'8
ffiEtKablo declaration in tlio Iiouho of
jromoiiH thnt Greut iirituni win nuvo
ggfertnlKl't 180,000 roguhiMlti Honth
frUiSfr.OOO CitniidlunsiiiNl Atifttrnllaiu
JSEciOOO South African volunteers, ii
ol with wtlilonnont. Ol tnu
if UIH.OOO troops, with 452 guns,
TSrgnow there with tho uxeoptlon of
;tlmt mo ullout. iiuyoun com-
Erfijon thin l tho InrKnt force Grenl
lutltt hit ever imt Into tho noiu. At
aolenfl of tlit Crlinoitii wur she ban
Saped together no, won. yviiiiiiiki"".
Waterloo, nan iuuu ii r.
F, speech wild tho strongest lo-
UifSSRliu uovurjiuiout litis yet put for.
(rnlTllH to what has boon doiio mid it
'""SBiS general tono of tho mornliiK
" taper! In thut IiIn figure will astonish
"tfuflwuntry. Iloughly ipoakliig, only
MoTOOU men nro itt tho fnint. Ton
WnMSnd others hnvo homi lost, and
dWSjM) nro shut up ut Ludysmlth. Kx
jltjulng tlioio thtro nro 70,000 troojis
rjjpivo not jot been In notion, In
Uiilmlbn to thorn) ut sea.
,TjSKffiS " "lu,l.v effective Imvo not yot
'tiQceSljcngitgod i" oxjilulnud by tho laok
tojjfiaud tranniort4itioii nnd tho oruiml
to SulH of supplies, to which Iinl Bob
wettSRi dovotlng his experience nud Lord
wKlIclioiior his KuiiliiH for ilotiillH. It
i MCiffJiiH though tlio weight of thoHO
1-iuaflJen must iloHtroy tho ciiullllnltiin
iwflich" now holiln tho Drltish force ntu
lioSttry wherever thoy nro in contiioi
AYffHTtho Doer nrmy.
tr,,l,"l,,rU organization
viUB.iKit oxplaln adequately why,
wfiMgonornlii nt the front request m
cnforcements, thoy not them in rather
unfnli numbcM. Knowledge in slowly
io1!oTriitliur to London thitt Inrgo gnrrl-
Hint bo kopt in Capo Colony to
ilown tlm Cniio Duluh, who, ra
every ono known, ouuiuuioor mo urn-
"lalldiiitn thoro throo to two.
aldo ncntp received during tho
liutns hour do not further illumlnnto
bSwiilitiiry oiH-rntloim. Vnriooii lndo
judent corroMiondcnt coullrni tho
3Bk. ; i. ..ii .i.i i.i.
IIT linn ueiienii Jiuiirr nn inn
px Jnuunry 28 that ho hoped to ro-
8 T.udyKiultli within a '.yuuk. It Ih
lanovfd In Ohio trttftworthy iiinrti
Shot? ho in nuaiu iimniIIIiik tho Hour
j further lint of caxualtiuii publlHlied
tho war ollk-e brlnx- tho total from
tlioTcrokAliijj of tho TukoIii to tho atiAif
tJouincnt of HpioukOp to l,l)8,' olllcer
'MKxcoptioual nclivity nt tho navy
' janln continuvM, but it corronoiiclent ol
'j;d)tiJir'M luariiN that thin Ih chiefly now
li ConVt ruction and rollttini; work. Three
IiTiT. ,in i... ... n........
BlllJ'n lll in iiitHiuianiuuuw iiv .'uiw..-
port thin mouth.
ipmo unploimaut crltlclim ol tlio
war ofllco ban In'en cauiii'd by tho din-
Mvery that tho nifjhU of Ie-Knllold
'jcnrbluoH uro iioiecttvo. uid carinnon
fliave been mipplird to tho outgolna
IKpurth brlgado of cavalry.
BlUliy. "if I'miiMylirHiilM, Hpiiko In Kktui
ir Kiinliiii.
nVnshliigton, I'oli. 3. ltoprosontn-
ve Joneph Hibley, of Pennsylvania,
vho attained great promluouco iu tho
64th congress bv his enruoHt champion-
ship of frco silver, unwilled his Demo
initio colloaguns today for their oppo-
tion to expuuslon iu a spcoch that
undo tho floor mid galleries roar. Sib-
oy bad recanted his views on freo
silver, nnd is now generally out of lino
With Ills colleagues on tho Democratic
8luo. Ho iunistort today that oxpau-
on was nn original Democratic (too-
rluo protuulgutcd by Joffersou. uud
Sahored to by Mndlson, Juokson, Tyler,
'oik nnd Iluchnnnut Iu oloiineut bin-
Suage ho picturod tho destiny of 'tho
IJnlted Htutos currying tho nrts of
Ktnco nnd tho story of tho oross to tho
Jmotest cornors of tho globo. Sibley
received nn iiuproHslvo demoustriitliin
hen 110 closod.
Tho remainder of tho dobato today
as uuiutorofltlug. It touched tho
questions of mediation iu tho Trims-
ayanl. lyuohlngs in tho South nun tho
Bury law in Hawaii. Not much pro
Kress was mndo In tho Indian appro
priation uni, winch was minor con-
Nearly tho outlro morning hour iu
ho senate today was occupied by Allon,
of Nobrnskn, in tho discussion of tho
report of Soorotnry Gngo, concerning
tils transactions with tho National Olty
bank, of Now York.
Daniel, of Virginia, thou dolivorod
nn extended speech 011 tho ponding
financial inoasure. Ho vigorously
ipnosod tho propostion that tho country
'whould go to tho gold standard.
Daniel M. Ituudsdoll, of Indiana,
nnd Charles G, Dennett, of Now York,
wore sworn In ns Borgonnt-nt nrms nud
ocretnry of tho sonnte, respectively.
VlitirBKil AVftli 1'urgliiK ItoniU.
Now York, Fob. 11, Julius Hchroo
ier, of Forest 11111, N. J., wns nrrostod
u this city today on n wnrrnnt charg
ing forgory, on oomplaiut of Ladon
liorg, Thalmnnn &,Cp bnnkors, who
chnrgo Schrootor with forging bonds of
tho fitato of Virginia. Upon those
ullegod forgorlos of Virginia bonds,
amounting to .$100,000, it ia chnrgort
that Schrootor nuccoodcd in obtaining
Jonus, ainoimtlug to $08,000 from the
f-lmpor tors' & Traders' National bank
ud LadouborK, Thalmaun & Co.
Heroin KfTnrU Tnlmn nt lliitiiitulu tit
Cheek the lllaeaae,
Hnn Francisco, Fob. II. Tho steamer
Australia, nevon day from Honolulu,
arrived today and rnjioriH that up to
tho time of hor dopnrtiirn, 41 deaths
from pluguo hud occurred, and thoro
wnn a total of 512 cnnoH. Tlio Australia
had on board 16 passengers, tho larg
est ntiiubor whloh ovor ciiino to this
(xirt on it singlo Ntvainur from tho
Hawaiian IhIiiiiiIh,
In an effort to stamp out tho pluguo,
it wan decided to burn onoof tlm block
In Chinatown. Tiio flro wan started,
ittd It Kainod such heiidwuy that tho
llio iloiartinont could not control It.
Tho llaiiion riirvnd rapidly Irom ono
block to aitothor, and noon tho wholo
(JhlncNO (unrtor waN dontroyod. Hard
ly a Iiouho wax loft HtitndlfiK in tho din
trlct. Tho ChliHW) mid othor rcnldcnti)
of tho dlntrlct flud fnun tholr liomon
In torror, and worn uiiablo to Ravo
much of their ofToctn. Ah a rcfiult of
tho destruction of tho CIiIikiho quartur,
7,000 pooplo woro rondonid houiolomi,
and thoy nro now living in tuntii.
Tho llro doHtroyod 12 hlockn, liound
od by Ktikui, Queen and Nunau ntrcotn.
Tho iiiont notablo building burned wan
tho Knutuakakplll, a promlnout laud
mark, and tho uioxt comfortable odlflco
of itH kind in Honolulu. It contained
it largo plpo organ, valued nt $5,001).
Tho Htonumhlp licrmolH rendered vnlu
utile aid. Kho put out two linen of
hone which ."Jived tho Honolulu iron
Tho Awitrnliit'ii pawiiKern wero
takou off and placed iu the ipjarritntino
Htntion nt Angel Inland, where they will
remain till tomorrow.
According to advices from Honolulu,
the traiiHport Aztec, which loft thin
ixirt for Hllo, with 400 mules and
horiuiH, may not attempt to laud hor
cargo ut Hllo. Lighten would huve
to be employed, hm tho whnrf there enn
not itccomnioditto tho Aztec. At pro
out tho weather conditions nro Bticli
that tho howftM cannot bo lauded safely,
and it Is exacted that tho Aztec will
Imvo to return to Honolulu,
There was ji small riot ut tho deten
tion cump at' Honolulu tho night of tho
liiid, owing to tho refnwtl of tho author
ities to nllow the JuiKtuexo to bum a
lot of now lumber for fuel purposes,
. . . ....
uud UicauHO they wero restrained from
burning a new cottage in which one of
their number had died of tho plague.
Tho arrlviil of tho reserves ended tho
troubles, nud it citreful watch is be,lng
kupt, ns tho Jitpanese ' uro exceedlnlpy
sullen nnd some have armed themselves
with clubs.
Affairs ut Hllo have quieted, and no
moro trouble is expected.
Arralr III .Japan.
Yokohama. Jan. 15, via Sun Fran
cisco, Fob. 3. Tho event of this week
lias been the arrival of the United
Stntes tronsjiort Grunt with the Forty
eighth regiment, U. 8. V. (colored), on
ltoard. In consequence of tho break
ing out of tho plague iu Honolulu, tho
Grant wus obliged to put iu hero for
coal. Permission having been granted
by tho nuthoriticr, n dross parade of tho ;
regiment wns held this afternoon and it
great crowd witnessed the unusual
sHctaclo of nn uriuod body of American
holdlory landing upon tho shores of
Tliu eiitlro disappearance of tho
plague from Kobe and tho occurrence
of no moro sjxiradiu cases iu other pints
of tho empire, its ravages being uocv
confined entirely to tho city of Osaka,
is it fact attracting much attention. In
the litter city it has assumed its most
dangerous form, that of lung nttnak,
nud hits thus become the very breath of
pestilence. Iu spite of this, however,
only 11 U cases have occurred there.
Itorr War III Illlmila.
Chicago, Feb. 8. A sMcial to tho
Times-Herald from Danvillo, 111 , says:
Fntnk Spocht, 11 Gorman, who hns nu
Kuglish wifo, nnd William Shoomukor,
nu Englishman, with it Gorman wifo,
got into nil nrgnmentovor tho Door wur
hint nbdit. The ininrod uro: Frank
lui.iw.tit uriililiml flirun tlmna with n.
pitchfork; may dio. William Shoo
maker, badldy beaten nnd scratched;
Mrs. William Shoemaker, scratched
and hair torn out; Mrs. Frank Speoht,
badly bruised nnd scratched.
At tho beginning of tho frnens, tho
women stood vnlliintly for their own
nationality, but its tho light progressed
' Inmmf nnntitrv lltlfl fnllrjllt for hnr
husband. When tho pollco nrrived,
Speoht wns unconscious nnd blooding
profusely, while tho women wero tour
lug ut each other's clothes nud hair.
Ncgni l'rlenilty tu HiiBliuiil.
Now York, Fob. 3. A dispatch from
Zurich Btutoa that tho reports that
Monolik is arming ure untrue, nud that
tho negus has rejected French nnd Hub
siaii couuboI to nttitok tho Knglish from
the rear. Monolik In Novombor Inst re
ceived nn oxtrnordlnnry nmbnssndor
sent to him by Knglnnd, with tho
grentoHt honor. Ho hold uuy number
of couforoncos with tho Knglish envoy,
nt which Horr Ilg, his Swiss ndvisor,
Wits present. Tho negus wi 0 highly
dolightod with tho result of tho nogo
tintlous nnd loaded tho ombiissy with
costly prosonts for tho queen.
French nnd Riuwlnn diplomnta nro
dlssntlBflod ut tho turn which things
Imvo tnkon. Kuglish influence in
Abyssnin Is stendlly increasing. Mon
olik will not visit I'nrls. Ho tnkos the
grontost posslblo intorost in tho con
struutlou of thopjlboutl-IIiirrar railway.
MUilniiury KIII01I Hy Clilnnmj.
Titrls, Fob. 3. A dispatch from
Poking says: Tho report of tho doath
of Kmporor Kwaug Su Ih not conflrm
od. Tho dlBpatoh adds that tho safoty
of foreigners Is not throntenod, but
that nn Knglish mlsslonnry having
boon murdered in tho provinoo of
Sluing Tung, tho Drltlsh, Amorlcnn,
Fronoh, Italian nnd German mlnlstors
. . . 11 . .1
linvo nddrossod a. uoto to tno loroign
offlco asking that measures no taKon uy
tho ChlnoBo authorities for tho safoty of (
Allen, ii f Nnlirixkn, ('fiiinluilril III Ar
rnlgiitiimit of Hnrrnlnry tlHgn Imllnu
Hvliiiiil Jueatluii In tlm llua,
Wellington, C. An effort by
I'ottlKrew, of 8011th Dakota, to dine 11 us
tho Philippine queHtioii iu tho rouato
tfnluy wan of no uvall, M ho wan mot
by it point of order which took him
'nun tho Door. Ho had gotten only ho
far an to charge that tho great Joiinmlii
of tho country would not publinh tho
factH con:oniiug tho I'hlliiipliio war.
Hul)i:(tiuiitly lie offered another reso
lution 011 which ho will peak noxt
week. Allen, of NobriiNkn, concluded
IiIm (tpoeoh iu tho iirralKtnuciit of Socro
tary Uago Iiociiuk) of bin trauMietlon
with tho National City bank of New
York. Ho had prnviouidy Introduced
ft resolution providing for an luveittluit-
" ",0. '":n".,? ! th" tTTury " 1
' partiuent, but objection to iu coiiHid
! uratlou Bout it over until next week.
Tho hoiiKO toilay dovotod its attention
to the Indian appropriation bill. It
got no further, however, than tho ap
propriations for Indiuns schools, whero
nn effort was Inaugurated by Fitzger
ald, of Now York, to ierinlt I ho socro
tary of tho interior to contract with
miIiooIh for tho education of Indian
children whero tho goovrumeut lacks
facilities. . No appropriation is made
for contract schools In this bill. It lc
claimed that tho present Indian school
facilities are inadequate.
Morn Wltnoar for l'm-coutlnn In tha
Clurk Cur,
Wanliliigton, Feb. r. When the sen
ate committee on privileges nnd elec
tions mot today, Campbell, represent
ing tho momorinlfslH iu tho prosecution
f tho chargos ugnlnst Henator Olark,
. 1 1 , . ... . 1 .. ...1.1. i.i-
of .Montana, In connection with his
election to tho United States senate,
nnuounced thut ho had three moro wit
nesses to examine, thus doforring tho
liegfnnlng of tho presentation of tho
Tho first witness wns Frank K.
Wright, cnshler of it bank nt Lowlston,
Idaho. Wright whh questioned concern
ing tho nccnunts of State Representa
tive I)ng nud Stato Senator Hobson,
tho latter being president of his bank.
Ho said that prior to tho meeting of
tho legislature, Long had owed tho
bank $100, and Hnbxou had owed it
$22,000. Long hud paid his note In
April, nnd Hohhon paid his in May
last, both with checks. Tlio account
transcripts woro placed in evidence.
Tho ono of Hobnop's ciims showed that
in April Inst 11 letter wus recolved from
tho Continental National bank of Chi
cago, advising tho Fergus County bank
of n credit of $25,000 in Hobsou's be
half. Hobhou was then in London, but
tho withers did not think he had gono
to London with Senator Clark.
Hobson had never told him whero he
obtained tho Sf2fi,000. On cross-examination,
tho witness said that Hob
son was considered n wealthy man,
worth about $300,000 or $400,000.
Ho know that ho had cold somo mines
in London, but did not know whother
tho $25,000 was derived from this
Serloiia Troitliln I.lknly to Occur In
Upprr Kgypt.
Paris, Fob. C. A dispatch to tho
Ilnvua news agency from Cairo con
firms tho report that n rebellion had
ocourred among tho Soudanese troops
in Khartoum. It says: "There is
much anxiety here." There linvo been
many grave incidents, notablo the
growing discontent in tho Kgyptian
arm, which has renchod to a mutiny
in two Soudaueso battalions. Tho gov
eminent has sont Colonel Wlngato to
parlo with them.
Tho army complains of bad treat
ment nnd tho socrot dispatch of Kgyp
tian troops to South Africa. It appoiira
certain that 10 Maxims and a largo
assignment of saddles havo gonotp Dur
ban, nnd 11 number of Kuglish officers
nud civil functiounrios linvo obtniuod
unlimited furlough to go to South
Africa, which is believed to bo a breach
of Kgypt's ueutrullty. Tho govoru
mout is nlnrmed nt the nttitudo of tho
blnok troops, nnd has tukod tho kho
dive to intervene. Tho latter hns sent
n letter urging obodlenco, but anxioty
novortholoss continues. Kpypt is al
most denuded of European eoldlers.
liny Hentl Iliior Fund to TrnnaTual.
Washington, Fob. 6. Secretary liny
hns received tho sum of $2,750 col
lected by tho St. Louis Westlicho Post
uud transmitted to tho department of
stnto by Mr. Protorions, to be used for
tho benefit of tho widows uud orphans
of tho Dour BoldtoM. Tho Becrotnry
hns forwarded tho mouoy by tho muila
to Adolbert liny, United Statos consul
at Pretoria, to bo turned ovor to Presi
dent Krngor for tho puiposos Bpooltled.
Tho notion of tho stnto dopnrtmeut,
it is explained, uppllos only to contri
butions for ohnrltnblo objoots.
Hliort Mull Itmite to Nome.
Wnshlugton, Fob. 6. Tho postofllce
department has dlreotod that n shorter
mall route, ontiroly wlthiu American
torrltory, shall bo established to com
municate with tho Capo Nome gold
Holds. This will bo from Katmai, on
tho const, via Nushagok and St. Mich
nol, and will bo sovoral hundred
in 11ns shorter than tho prosont ono by
way of tho Yukon rivor. The first trip
, -. ,. m. nn. Arnrni, Th0 gorv.
, . . ,,, b COutlnuod
Sonato Onoo Moro Shut
on Pottlgrew.
noxt winter.
Mri, Wnthrrifl Gollitntlng a Mlnnrnl
Kilillilt to Tnkn to Now Orluni,
One of tho best mineral exhibits aver
taken out of Oregon will bo on exhibi
tion nt New Orleans during tho National
Kdltorlal Association convention, to bo
held there, beginning March 1. Tho
idea of a minornl exhibit to bo taken
South nnd Kast originated with Mrs,
Kdyth Weatherred, and sho is looking
uftor tho matter personally.
On it recent visit 'Jo Grant's Toss
Mrs. Wontherrod mot n Inrgo number
of enterprising citizens who nt onco
nppoluted committees to colloot nn ex
hibit. Mrs. Weatherrod was greatly
pleased with the enthusiasm mani
fested by thoso intorcstod in Southern
Oregon mines and this part of tho state
will send u very rich lot of samples.
Tills town will bo represented in tho
touvonlr book.
u i...i.',..i ( i v.,.... '
Oregon, whero sho has gone to finish
the work of collecting minerals, which
!,,,. .. ,, ,,.nf viuit r tWt 1
trnrt of tho state. Sho has visited most !
of tho largo mines nnd reports all own
ers and managers quick to percetvo tho
wonderful advantages of advertising
through tho National Kdltorlal Associa
tion. 1'ivo hundred Hiimplo boxes
ccs of ,
pcrln- j
oro nro being arranged nnd su
tended by .mm. Weatherred. hue win ,
have full charge of theso at Newj, piIlt Tlie mill nt. this location
Orleans, nnd will distribute them wim bo nccc,Hiblo to a largo supply of
whero thoy will bring tho best results. 1 tho vcry (In0f)t yoinow flr, and situated
Mrs. Weatherred has made a special , ln lnll,.B f,nm KftI,hrH. where tho lnm-
stuay 01 uregou mines ana nns wnviuu
. t . t n . f 1 L L - '
many articles on this particular ro-
nourco of the state. Tho souvenir book
being prepared to bo given nwny will
have many pages devoted to tho mines
of Oregon, with illustrations of mills
and now mining towns, which will
how to tho Kastern people that tho
minerals of this state and their devel
opment are assured facts.
losted by Mm. Weatherred will,.pn her
Mam 01 theso samples of ore col
rtnm frnm tlm K.,t. h tiiniad over .
to tho permanont mineral exhibit in
Portland. Somo of the very rich sam- "
..1. 111 . n !... mtno nwn.
cm, who havo kindly placed them in
Mm. Wcatherred's keeping for the New
Orleans exhibit.
Mining Nrar Ilamlon.
Mcskm. Dixon & Stone, lessees of the
Madden mine, have piped off consid
erable surface, and aro nwaiting the
arrival of lumber from Adolphsen'
mill for sluices. When completed they
will cominonco piping in pay sand.
Mr. Butler, purchaser of tho Zum-
wult block sand mine, has six or seven
men employed, nnd has dono consider-
able work, running night and day when
a goon supply 01 water was on ;
about 10 feet deep, but did not leorn (
as to tho amount of dust he was taking
just across 1110 river irum awua,
Jim Culver is mining, and has taken
advantage of tho bountiful supply of
water to pipe off the Hurface and he
will soon be nble to test the richness of
his miiio.
MesfM. Pago and Tom Kelly, lessees
of tho Deyvo mine nt China flat, have
been busy repairing Humes and ditchei
and commenced piping. Thoy have
had considerable trouble with their
Hume, falling timber having smashed
it at tho same place threo different
Mine Tiirna Out itl-li.
Lon Corbett, half owner in the
Itoyal, one of tho best in the now well
known up-river group of mines, has
brought to town half a sack of ore from
111 mltin. A iinrflrm nf it. selected nt
random from tho sack, was tested by I
nn nssavor of Lit Grande, and showed I
$55 to the ton $45 of silver nnd $10
of gold. Tho owners of tho mine nro
euthusinstic over the results thus far,
nnd nro pushing tho work rapidly.
Thoy boliovo tho ore is vnluublo enough
to be shipped with profit. It costs,
according to previous estimates, for
wagon and railroad freightage nnd for
smolting, $24.50 per ton. If tho ore
shnll hold out ns good ns thnt shown in
tho nssny, it enn be handled to advan
tage Dut it is believed that at lenst
two mills will bo erected before nnothor
year, and this would mean tho develop
ment of nil tho mines in thnt group.
Tho Itoyal is located about five mllos
from tho lino of tho proposed new rail
road, 14 miles from Sump tor, and 15
milos from Granite.
I'roinUliiK I.rIce.
Polk Dows, who Uvea on the Dig
Applegato, below tho Nick Wright
placo, is opening it promising ledge on
tho hill west of tho creok, Bays the Ash
laud Tidings. Tho first dlscovory of
... I...- . 1 .1 ..
tins peculiar lurmuuuu ruvuiiiuii imi u
number of stringers, but they woro
very rich 111 ireo goui ana almost
wholly freo from snlphurets. Further
prospecting shows theso striugers to be
coming togothor, aud Mr. Dows now
has a ledgo about a foot wide, and tho
oro is of tho most promising charaoter.
Persons who havo examined this dis-
covery think it will develop into a por-
ninnnnt vntn nf much vnlno. Mr. Dews
lsgrcatlyplonBOd with his prospoct, and
will push work us last as . possioio on
tho ledgo.
It. II. AVhltohond is up from the
mines near Lolaud, says tho Modford
Muil. Ho brought with him nbout
$1,800 iu gold just nn even 70 ouncos,
nt $18.30 per ounce. This wns tnken
from two short sido races, nud was tho
result of eight or 10 days' run.
New Strike In Checkmate,
The Checkmate mino at Willow creek
has nnothor Btriko to its credit says the
Spokauo Spokosman-Kovlow. A now
oro ohuto lias booh found. It has boon
peuetrutod 00 foot. Tho oro is high
grade, nud will be shipped without
concentration. Tho rich streak is
from oight to 10 inches thick. This
property has produced muoh high-grade
oro iu tho past, but tho shoot now
openod is ontiroly now, not having been
found above
Commercial nnd Financial Happening!
ut Intflrntt In lit drawing
Vettern Htatat.
IiiiproTment at Italian!.
A permit has been granted to tho
Seattle Kleotrlo Company to build a
new trestlo for tho IJnllard division of
the Consolidated Street Railways Com
pany, extending along the shore of tho
bay between Omaha nnd Alva streets,
and tho right wns also granted to balld
another trostlo west of tho present ono
along Salmon liny. It is tho intention
of tho street railway company to ex
pond $00,000 in tho improvement of its
lino to Dullard to meet tho traffic de
mands created by tho growth of that
city, and to that end threo new motor
I cars of 100-horso power each have been
ordered from Kastern manufacturers.
trflk will bo taken up and laid
lonK the now trost es and on Western
avonuo the lino will bo reconstructed
la a modern manner.
Raw SII1I to !! Moved.
l'ntton & Holsches, of Scoggln val
ley, have leaHcd tho old mill site, 12
mflf.ti WMf rif VrtriHif. Hrnvn. ffli-. ,".irlv
own,i ,y Colonel T. It Cornelius, and
wjj commence at once the removal of
thnIp H!1W min from Scoirizln vallov to
0 '
ber will bo loaded on cars and shipped
to Kastern parties, vrtio havo placed
two large contracts vith tho mill.
There is not an idlo saw mill In Wash
ington county, and this year, owing to
tho demand for lumber outside of tho
state, will bo the best year for the in
dustry in the history of the county.
An to laaulne School Warrants.
The state superintendent has deliv-
wl ' Pinlon tot the effect that school
""tnci. warrams snuuui uoi, i iobuuu ujr
tho clerk or signed by the tlireotors na
audited and
anoweo: nor snonin tno
warrants bo
delivered by tho clerk until he has pro
cured the signatures of tho directors.
"The usual way of doing this ia at a
meeting of the directors. After the
claim is audited, the Warrant should
be signed as n part of the transactions
of the meeting, and the clerk should
then deliver tho same to the party to
whom it ia due. It miuht. however.
come under some method of procedure
covered by some by-law that the board
jjag adopted."
To sMflreLunlll,r,
)amber mlB,nef)g actlve ln
clai.kamag cotmty nnd now machinery
is Ma), artded to increage the capacity
j.-a!,e cruek, are having improvements
made thnt wiU increaBe the cuttinK
capacity of their mill to 10,000 feet
j n , y t q
daily. F. L. S. Dagby, of DagbyDros.,
Molalla, came up from Portland, where
ho had placed orders for machinery
that will increase their cutting capacity
to 12.000 feet per day. Tho latter firm
Is doing considerable business in the
I way of furnishing oak lumber to boat
builders in Portland.
State Park Infected.
The gardener of tho capital grounds
in Salem has found indications of the
dreaded San Jose scale on somo of the
trees. He immediately began spray
ing, and will spray not only tho affect'
3d trees but also all the trees and
shrubs under his care.
Pacific Coi.t Chat.
A Kugene man has loaded 100
of hops on one car.
Hums intends to build a stono jail,
to supply a long felt want.
A Nestucca man has 775 caees o
cheese nwniting shipment.
Tlio Spoknno exposition is incorpoi
ated with n capital stock of $10,000.
Thirteen knot sawyeM at a Fairhaven
sawmill went on a strike last Mondaj
At Kndicott n 3-year old child of F,
K. Stanfleld fell into a watering trough
and was drowned.
Fish Commissioner Deed says that
the Coos buy Bahnon hatchery will bo
built tho coming summer.
Tho superintendent of the Stockton
mine, Susanvillo district, itisreportcd
will erect a 40-stamp mill.
Willlnm Kiugsley, n logger, wns
killed by tho north bound passenger at
Maohias, Snohomish county.
O. Finnlgan, a train dispatcher, wa8
found dead in bed at Seattle. Heart
disease is tho presumed causo of death
The now militia organization, Com
pauy M, of Whatcom, was mustered In
to tho Washington National Guard last
Charles Dully, a Conulllo City boy
has shipped n box of 23 dozen frogs to
San Francisco. Ho gets 75o to $1.50 a
dozen for thorn.
Hobart W. MoNelll, a well known
citlzon of Seattle, who died on the 27th
at San Joso, Cal., will bo buried at
jhkiou, iu
Somo ranchers on Poison croek report
that in tholr part ol Harney county
stock feed is as good in tho mountains
ns it wns in April Inst.
Two citizens of Bums have leased
land to tho northeast of tho town, for
tho purposo of con8tuoting a first-olnsa
raco taok and baseball grounds
In tho Silver crook country, Harnoy
county, n week ago, snow was all gone
and it was mining.
Kdwnrd Marshal Drown is dead In
Tacoma as a result of a disoaso con
traoted in tho Philippines while sorv
ing as a mouibor of the First Washing
J. F. Alton's store In Fox valley was
entered last Tuosday night by burglars
who rifled tho monoy drawer, but took
nothing else, They cot about $10 in
DellYcrloa Btailo
on FrTlama
It. G. Dun & Co.'a wcokly review ot
tmdo says:
This year starts with
much of tho
year's business already
dono, nnd 4II-
comparisons will provo
misloadlng It
that fact is not taken
into account.
Last year the certainty
of great 1m-
pro vein en t had como before tho yeatT
pened, and thoro was a rush to ges v
orders before wotks became crowded?
and prices advanced. This year tho
works are already crowded for month
aheod in most lines, andprices had
ready advanced so far that recoil Iuut
already commenced in somo branches.
and was thought probablo in others.
With tho exception of woolon mann-
factures, tho chief industries have met
less new business In January than last
year, though deliveries on previous con
tracts have been larger than a year ago.
Wheat rose 1 cent, but soon reacted.
Atlantic exports were only 1,480,593
bushels, flour included, for the week.
aciflo exports have been 4,2Q9,bih
bushels In five weeks, against 8,070,864
bnshols last year.
Speculation in cotton has raised tlio
price to Bi cents, without Improve
ment in tho demand. The receipt
from plantations still fall bo far behind
last year's that low estimates of yield.
are expected.
Wool Is rather weaker in some
grades, but stronger in others, so that
the average of quotations is steady, not
withstanding Home sales at concessions.
The iron and steel Industry is so tat
tled up by contracts reaching through,
most of tho year, that tho effect of pro
duction exceeding consumption is felc
only in some instances.
Failures for the week havo been 233
in the United States, against 224 last
year, and 34 iu Canada, against 25 last.
flaattle Market!.
Onions, new, $2.52.50 per sack.
Lettuce, hot house, 40c per doz.
Potatoes, new, $1820.
Beets, per sack, 75 85c.
Turnips, per sack, GOc.
Carrots, per sack,, 50c,
Parsnips, per sack, 7585c.
Cauliflower, 75c$l per dozen.
Cabbaue. native nnd Califomta-
$1.00 1.25 per 100 pounds.
Apples, $1.25 1.60 per box.
Pears, $1.00 1.25 per box.
Prunes, 00c per box.
Dutter Creamery, 31o per pound;
dairy, 17 22c; ranch, 20o per pound.
Kggs 20o.
Cheese Native. 10c.
Poultry 13 14c; dressed, 1415cv
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $12.00;
choice Kastern "Washington timothy.
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, S523;
feed meal, $23.
Darley Dolled or ground, per ton.
$21; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.25;
blended straights, $3.00; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $0.00; gra
ham, per barrel. $3.80; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.804.00.
Millstuff8 Dran, per ton, 514.00;
shorts, per ton, $16.00.
Feed Chonned feed. $20.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef
steers, 45c; cows, 44?c; pork.
4 He; trimmed, 0ic; veal, small, 6c;
large, 4c.
Hams Larce. 13c: small. 13;
breakfast bacon, 12 Ho; dry salt sides.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. 6263oi
Valley, 52c; Dluestem, 54o per bushel.
Flour Beat crudes. $2.00: craham.
$2.25; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 353Gc; cnotc
gray, 34c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $15 16.00;
brewing, $17.50 18.50 per ton.
MIllstiifTs Bran. $17 tier ton: mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $10 per-
Hav Timothv. $10011: clover.
$7 8; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 porton.
Dutter Fancy creamery, 50 55c;
seconds, 42H45o; dairy, 3037)o;
store, 22H27a0.
Kggs 1610o perdozon.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; now ' cheese 10a
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
4.00 per dozen; hons, $4.50; springs,
$2.503.50; geese, $7.008.00 forold;
$4.500.50; ducks, $0.007.00 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 12nO per
Potatoes 5580oper sack; sweets,
2240 per pound.
Vegetables Boots, $1; turnips, 00c;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, lHo per pound; parsnips, $1;
onions, $1.502.00; carrots, $1.
Hops 7 10o; 1808 crop, 50o.
Wool Valloy, 1213o per pound;
Kastern Oregon, 814o; mohair, 27
80o per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wothers
and owes, 4V40; dressed mutton, 70
7 Ho per pound; lambs, 7Hoper pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.50; dressed,
$5.500.00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top Bteew, $4.004.50;
cows, $3.5004.00; dressed boof, 0i
7?40 per pound.
Yeal Largo, 78o; small, 8&.
0Ho per pound.
Han Franoiaco Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 1216o per
pound; Kastern Oregon, 12,10o; Val
ley, 2022o; Northern, 1013o.
Hops 1800 crop, ll13o per
Dutter Fauoy creamory 2728o;
do seconds, 2530o; fanoy dairy, 33
20o; do seconds, 1821o per pound.
Eggs Store, 1510o; fanoy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, $18.00 k
21.00; bran, $14.50 15.00.