Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 09, 1900, Image 6

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rnbllah.d Xvarr Frldar.
"CmirehenilTn llevlew of the Impart
nt Happening, of ths I'ml Week
Called From the Telegraph Column.
will not give up tho
preparing to invade
Tho Boers credit divino provitlonco
with thoir Tugola victory.
No river and harbor bill will bo pro
enuxi at Una session of congress.
The British parliament hns rcassom-
sled. No disorder was mnnitostcd
Alexander Dnnsmuir, tho coal king
oi the Pacifio coast, died iu Now York
aged-17 years.
Services in coniniemoration of tho
martyrdom of Charles I, of England,
woro bold in Boston.
The transport Missouri, en route to
an Francisco from Manila, has 17 iu
sane soldiers aboard.
Fire destroyed the business portion
oi tlio town of Winfield, Kan. Hun
chreda of peoplo are homeless.
Lieutenant Winston Churchill de
scribes the battle of Spionkop as tho
hardest fight of the South African war.
All is quiet in Samoa. Tho natives
are more settled than at any time sinco
the disturbance botween tho native
The sheriff of Colfax, 'Wash., has
offered a reward of $500 for the capture
oi Clemens, the murderer of a man
named Boland.
Tho Democrats
silver plank.
Tho British arc
tho Froo State
William Henry Glider, the oxplorcr,
died at his homo iu Morristown, N. J.
Tho transports Ben Mohr and Men do
havo arrived at San Francisco ftom
Conditions in Cuba are such that tho
pooplo arc not yot ready for solf-gov-
Major-Genoral Otis has appointed a
civil governor in JCorthorn Luzon and
opened tho hemp ports.
Tho Northern Paoiflo lias solcotcd
Everett, Wash., as tho point from
which thoy will ship to tho Oriont.
Honry Wattorson says tho Lonisvillo
& Nashville Railroad is tho head and
front of tho prosont troubles in Ken
tucky. Tho Echo Mountain house, a large
hotel near Pasadena, Cal., was de
stroyed by fire. Tho loss is estimated
at $100,000.
Tho natives of Borneo are in lebcl-
lion. Tho trouble, is serious cnoush to
domand tho attention of a British gun
boat and marines.
John G. Brady, governor of Alaska,
says that there will be lawlessness and
a reign of terror in tho new gold fields
of Capo Nome next summer.
The Hay-Pauncefoto treaty, amend
ing the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, relative
to tho construction of the Nicaragua
canal, was signed at tho state depart
ment by Secretary Hay and Lord
In tho Heart of tho Retail Sec
tion of tho City.
I'mpprly Worth 1,(100,000 l)ilrnyril
-I.MIM AVrre DUIrlhiltnl Aiming;
llanjr-One Mall Klllrll.
St. Louis, Mo., Fob. 1. Property to
tho estimated valuo of $1,600,000 was
President Semi. All tli ?iirrrnmmlrnr
(ii llm Nenale.
Washington, Feb. ft. In compliance
with a resolution of Inquiry, tho presi
dent has sent to tho senate a copy of
tho report and nil accompanying papers
of llrigadlor.lienorul J. 0. Hatot. in
relation to tho negotiation of a treaty
of iiirrecmcnt made bv him with the
sultan of Sulu, last August. In reply
ing to tho request tho president says!
"Tho payments of money required by
tho ugroutfiont will bo made from tho
revenues of tho Philippine islauds, un
less congresH shall direct otherwise.
Such payments are not for iqwolflo ser
vices, but aro a part of tho considera
tion going to the sultan, tribe or nation
Kobbo's Expodltlon to Sfirmr
nnd Loyto.
Satire. Itetl.tril lit American. Willi
Vt'ixiilpii Hwonl. mill Mow" hiiiI Ar
row. lijr Tags! Chief..
Con. I ' Hi
V'.,.l.l....l.,.. I. .
Htntos anil ir.,l ii.i.....: '"t
nltidv imiriiiiil t. ... i . . i. . '.
an amicable itunwu .
operations of tlio. n.w?
trouty us affecting t1(1 'ft'11",
.In. Mill. it I . 'K"l III
r. .......... nun -Miiinil I,.. l -y,
State of tlm nmi. i v?.. 12.'
.: ." Mr
mo result marks the
uurneu touay, mo greater part oi lour ullljor tho agrocmont. and tlioy aro
blocks of buildings and their contents I atipulatod ns subject to tlio notion of
conferences botween th cfilcUil
statu ibilmrtmi.i.t I i
tiff full. . ...... .t.. 1 '
which n liiiinlHir of meetim,,
and tho subject fully di.euJi
between Third and Sixth street, and
Franklin avenue and Morgan street, in
the heart of tho retail suction, being
destroyed. One fireman was killed,
uino other members of tho tiro depart
ment were iujurcd more or less sori-
ously, and flvo or six citizens wore
hurt slightly. Nono ot tho injured
will die, as far as known tonight.
Tho loss on both buildings and
stocks of goods is approximalely
$1,500,000. Definite figures aro ex
ceedingly hard to obtain. There woro
six retail concerns which wero heavy
losers. Tho remainder of tho loss is
divided in varying 'proportions among n
score or inoro of small ' shopkeeper or
firms. Only two concerns suffered loss
of over $100,000 -Penny fc Goutlos nnd
Sohaper Bros. Tho buildings in which
tho two concorns wero housed woro
owned by tlio Mary K. Kuox estato,
congress, iu uonforuilty with tlio pruo
I tico of this government from tlio earliest
times in its agreements with tho vari
ous Indian nations operating and gov
erning (tortious of territory subject to
tho sovereignty of tho United States."
General Otis in transmitting tho
treaty, August 27, says!
"Tlio attitude of theso people, has
been a subject of apprehension for sev
eral mouilia, and by this agreement, I
believe, tho apprehended landing dif
ferences aro happily adjusted."
Secretary Root,' in a reply dated
October 27, tells General Oils that
"tho agrcemuot is confirmed ami ap
proved by tho president, subject to thu
action of congress, mid with the under
standing and reservation, which should
bo distinctly communicated to tlio sul
tan of Sulu, that tills agrcomcnt is not
to bo doomed in any way to authorize
Manila, Fob. 7. Brigadier-General
Kolibo's expedition In tlio Islands ol
Luton, Uiyto and Samar has occupied
permanently and garrisoned iiluo towns
with tho Forty-third ami I'orty-Miwuith
regiments. This 1ms placed on the
nmrket 1 HO. 000 hales of hemp.
A thousand insurgents armed with
rllles, and over 6,000 armed with
wooden swords, bows and arrows, wero
encountered during tho entire trip.
The troops killed 76 natives, II of
whom had rillos. Tim others wero vil
lagers armed with wooden swords.
Tho American losses wero ono man
killed and nlno wounded. Tho Auiorl
cans captured $11,000 In gold, tho
enemy's money, and -10 mintxlo-londlug
brass cannon. At Culliuyog, Samar,
.1... .....I .1... I..I.MI tllM I .. ... .1 '
inu eiu'inv uinuiHini ..iu u. on more man ono (kthii,m
(I nut Britain agrees t..
tlon of tho Clay t,. iw,"rrp
which sho practically rli,2iS
claims nHK,otlng a legal Jl2
Mouragita canal after it
Ih'011 IHIIIslrllrlnil 'II 1 H
foro, Is to eliminate thm (,.,' ,
treaty himrliiif mi tin. ...1 . . '8
.w. .....I ... I .J- 1 i
...... I.. HUM W IVI.H, (1)1, I lilted f
frro to construct and id.. i. 1
this gwut liiter-oceanlr water,!?2
In nil thu dismission which h
had, Mil iu emigre. ami unU9
a long iiiiiiiImt of years. 1(.r tt&
posiMl canal, tho question lf jv?
rights uiiiler the Clayton llulwfej
has formed n priimiuiini f,.i..
riso to tlio question vtn-tlitr fcrf?;
United State government hf5
moral right to provide fur tlmttJff
ii.,.. ..f i... i ...i.i
..i.i. ui iiu v.ini nlllluUl
of tho tnuty.
A special dispatch from Cape Town
nays 150 American scouts, who arrived
Ihcro as muleteers, have enlisted iu
the British forces.
A cold wave is prevailing east of the
Rocky mountains. The temperature is
eight degrees below zero at Chicago and
six below at Omaha.
The Fergus Printing Company, of
Chicago, one of the oldest printing
houses in tha city, was thrown into the
streets for non-payment of rent.
Great Northern officials and em
ployes- grievance committee neid a
conference and it is announced there
will be no strike, all differences being
Governor Taylor declares that a state
of insurrection now prevails in Ken
tacky. He has ordered the legislature
adjourned, but the Democrats have re
fused to obey his edict.
it. V. ilson has been arrested in
Can Francisco on the charge of having
moezziea a package containing $600,
while he was agent for tho Great
Jwoxthern Express Company at Frank
lin, King county, Wash.
Iee Gong, a Chinaman of Fargo, N.
., who alleges St. Louis is his home,
appealed today from the United States
court to the secretary of the treasury,
and was released on bail. He was tho
first of the 70 Chinamen charged with
violating the exclusion act, to be heard
by tho courts.
Plague at Honolulu is under control.
Dawson evil-doers are forced to saw
Tlio famous Cherokee hydraulic cold
mine, of Oroville, Cal., from which !
$13,000,000 in cold has been taken.
and comprising 100 miles of water i
ditches, 30 miles of "debris" canals
and 1,500 acres of patented channels,
has been purchased by a Pittsburg syndicate.
V, i. "V,1 . . ,T'oo,oou. or glvo cousout 0f tilu United States to
i uuiy w ueuuus- loss, WHICH is COV- tho oxlsteneo
Surveyors are now at work on
Oregon Midland railway route.
A big steel mill was wrecked
Pittsburg by a boiler explosion.
A bill was introduced in congress
provide mining laws for Capo Nome,
Money is now ready for tho purchase
- oaiem, ur., lederal building site
Census Supervisor Kelly has left for
-aiasKa to enter upon his duties there,
owing to a split in the National
ieague, Baltimore may lose her base
nail club.
An attempt to rob the Missouri, Kan
an oc loxas railway train at Holden
Mo., was frustrated.
ine united States transports City of
memo and Senator have arrived at
ban tranclsco from Manila
Near Corunna, Spain, a torpedo boat,
name and nationality unknown, has
eea totally lost, with all on board
Sjuorantlno officers in San Francisco
re adopting stringent measures to pro
t- .1 . r .... . '
mui jiuri irom tne uuuonlc plague,
nie Union hotel, at Revelstoke, B
j was totally destroyed by Are, tho
maze originating in the furnace room
The German steamer Remus has been
wrecked near Aarhaus, Donmark,
wuero she was bound. Tho captain
uu io men perisned.
Colonol Charles F. Williams, com
raanoer oi tne United States marine
corps at Maro Island, died suddenly of
uuuiurmuge ox tne stoinacn.
"Nick" Haworth, suspected murdor.
" mum; tvatenmau sandall, at
Xaysvillo, Utah, attempted to commit
suicide at Bait Lake by bleeding.
ltouert iitzslmmons now claims ho
was drugged when he was whipped by
James Jeffries for tho championship
v, ma wurm m voney island, last June.
A runaway electric car on tho Day
ton & Xenla traction road, at Dayton,
O., left the track at a sharp curve and
as domolishod, killing three persons.
The adjutant-general has received a
telegram from Assistant Adjutant Gen
eral McCain, at Vancouver barracks.
stating that Colonel Ray, at Fort Gib
bon, Alaska, reports the safe arrival
there of Lieutenant Herron and nartv.
who were supposed to have been lost
while exploring the Copper river country.
Recruiting for the Strathcona horse.
tne detachment which Is being equip
ped and maintained by Lord Strath
cona, Canadian high commissioner in
London, has begun at Fort Steele, B.
C. Although the number to be taken
Irom this section is restricted to 40,
there aro over 200 applicants for enlistment.
The Boers at Stormberg are hard
The house passed the Indian appro
priation Din.
lhe transport Manuense has arrived
at San Francisco from Manila.
W. J. Bryan spoke to an audience
2,000 people at Chicopee, Mass.
Cardinal Gibbons commends congress
n ucnuu in uie uoDerts case
a daily paper
San Franolsco has
ju-intod in Chinese.
Joseph L. Mayers, state senator of
Ohio, from Coshocton, walked to tho
capital from his home, a distance of
300 miles, to show his independence of
Citizens of Dickinson county, Kan.,
lave organized a relief association for
the purpose of Bonding corn to India
for free distribution in tho famtno.
-rtrJcken districts.
Nielson, of Minneapolis, lowered tho
two-mile skating record of 5:51 to 6:33
William Stanley Hazeltine, the ma
nne artist, is dead in Rome, aged 54
A serious riot occurred in Porto Rico
during the parades of two political
Chicago trades-unionists in the Fed-
eration of Labor denounced Governor
iaylor, of Kentucky.
The president has issued a proclama
uon nxing a tariff of duties and taxes
for the island of Guam.
Ihe passengers and mail brought
irom iionomiu oy the steamer Austra
11a were released from quarantine.
ihe strike at Cramp's shipyard,
wmcn nas neen in progress since Au
gust, has been officially declared off
TIT r .i . 1 ..
m. uwmi, me contesting cover
. T . I T 1 , . .
"ui ui nDuiutsjr, ib ueau irom tne re-
Bult of the bullet fired by an unknown
Tho British government has contract.
ed with the 1'hiladelphia & Reading
Railroad Company for 1,000,000 tons
oi coal.
I'lre in bt. Louis destroyed fnn?
blocks, causing a property loss of
$1,500,000. One man was killed and
several injured.
A reward of S5.000 has been offerpd
lor tho arrest and conviction of the ner.
eon or persons who made tho attorn r.t
. 1. III. . . I
uu we uiu ui tv imam uoeoei..
uenerai liotibo has occnniml fhn l.
ianas oi Liamar and Leyte. In the
ngnt at catbalocan 10 insurcfmrn
killed and the Americans captured five
cuimun, Wlin their artlllervniBn
Secretary Reitz. of the Transvnnl
public, says that the Boers have
abused the white flag, and that the
uriush murdered women, children and
American citizens at Derdepoort.
ihe value of property cantured bv Art,
miral Dewey's fleet in Maniln Imv bn
i . . , .... -
uecu eswmuiea uy tho hoard of ap
pralsal at $320,141. Tho largest items
in tne statement are: "Shin and Hnnf.
equipment, $241,500; ordnance mate
rials, SI4.204. and fuel. S20 nnn
n-l . . .. . ' ,
xjio uppraisai was called for as evi
dence in the suit brought by Admiral
i;ewoy ior tho awaid of prizo money.
ered entirely by insurauco, is estimated
at $135,000. Schapor Bros.' loss is es
timated at $100,000. TheRe two con
I cerns occupied about half tho block on
, the west sido of Broadway, Booth from
! tho corner of Franklin avonno, and tho
buildings wero entirely destroyed.
Tho rest of the block on tho west sido
of tho street is taken up by tho build
ings occupied by tho Famous dry goods
store, whose loss was comparatively
On Franklin, just back of Penny &
Gentles, the building occupied by tho
Fuch Millinery & Cloak Company
suffered a loss on tho stock of $40,000.
The store occupied by D. Crawford J&
Co., at Broadway and Franklin avenue,
was entirely burned, with a loss on
buildings and stock of $70,000. Tho
People's Housefumi8hing Company, at I
, 814 North Broadway, was completely
wrecked; loss $50,000. At 812 North
Broadway, Doere Bros.' storo, flllei'
with a stock of 5 and 10-ceut goods
sustained a $33,000 loss on building;
and stock.
The fire swept throngh tho block
from Broadway to Fourth street am:
burned all the buildings from 827 to
809 North Fourth street. These build
ings wore old- three and four story
structures, some occupied as tenements
above and stores below, while others
were vacant. Hero the St. Louis
Dressed Beef & Provisions Company
Herboth Mercantile Company, tho
Schisler-Cornelia Seed Company, and
three small stores, suffered an aggro
gate loss of $65,000, while tho losses
on buildings amounted to fully $45,
Among the firms and individuals
that suffered heavily from the fire aro
the following, whose places of business
were on the east side of Fourth and
west side of Third streets:
A. iSasse, wholesale grocer; Plant
Seed Company; Krenuing Glass Com
pany; Baseett's plumbing establish
ment; McLaln & Alcorn Commission
Company; Bueller Block Commission
Company; Nelson Distilling Company;
nake b fcons (Join miss Ion Company:
George A. Benton, produce; Bauer
Flower Company; Shaw & Richmond,
produce, ihelr losses aggregate thous
ands of dollars and aro partly covored
by insurance.
Late tonight John Cummincs, pri
vate watchman of Penny & Gentles.
was arrested and is being held, pending
an investigation into tho origin of tho
fire. He was taken into custody as tho
result of a statement by a woman room
ing opposite, to the effect that she had
seen a man answering tho watchman's
description, lighting matches in the
storo previous to the fire. Cumminmi
denied having had anything to do with
it, and states that he was at homo
when the flro broke out.
Win. floelinl Is Ili-ml.
Frankfort, Ky Fob. 0. The bullet
fired by an unknown assassin last Tues
day morning ended tho life of William
Goobel at 0:45 o'clock this eveninc.
The only persons present at the death
bed wero Mr. Goobol's sister. Mrs.
Brawnecker, and his brother, Arthur
Goebel, of Cincinnati, who has been in
A newsboy of Philadelohia was nr.
restoa unuer tho blue law of 1704 and
nnou lour dollars for selling news.
papers on Sunday.
Aumirai bcniey. who was nimmtlv t miri.v-fcOCUUl flflornn Mnsnn
has been a member of the fraternity
bauvu mid uvuuiyjirbi; Diruiaay.
A law juBt passed In Norwav mnVM
jgiriB mengiDie ior matrimony unless
I they can show certificates of skill in
cooking, knitting and spinning,
constant attendance at Mr. Goobel'i
ncasiao, and Dr. McOormack. Jiintnn
Ooebel, a brother, who has boon hurry
ing irom Arizona as fast us steam
would carry in a vain hope of reaching
niB uying mother in time for some token
of recognition, urrlved 40 minutes too
Ilnzletln, (lis MarlniiArMit.
New York. Feb. C William SrnW
Hazeltine, the marine artist, is dead in
fuome, aged ui years. He was a native
pi Philadelphia.
Capt. Sigsbeo. tho hero of the Malno
nuu who win taito onargo of tho naval
mteuigenco bureau on February 1, has
purchased a houso In Washington.
Slers Ilatlons ut Mufeklnir.
fliaiOKing, Fob. 0. Sieco rations nf
Droau and moat havo only now been on-
lorceu. uats intended for horses am
now saved to supply tho troopers, if
needed. Tinned milk and mntnhna .,-
commandeered. Liquor Is scarce.
Hot Weather In Ilueiiot Avr...
Buenos Ayres. Fob.
dred and two sunstrokos were ofrieiniK.
roported in this city yesterday. Of
these 03 wero fatal. Tho temperature
was 120 in the shade.
of slavery iu tlio Sulu
archipelago. At the same timo when
you communicate to tho sultan thu
above mentioned understanding, the
president desires that you should make
inquiry as to tho number of pereoiu
held in slavery in tho archipelago, and
what arrangement it may bo practicable
for their emancipation."
In his instructions to Genera! Bate.i,
under this direction, General Otis says:
"It is boliovcd that tho market price
of slaves In tho archiiwlago Is insigni
ficant, ranging from $30 to $00, Mexi
can, and that in some instances own
ers will be pleased to grant freedom to
their sluves if thoy can escape the
burden of supporting them.
ucuoral Otis continue to the effect
that tho character of tho domestic slav
ery existing iu tho urchiiielago differs
greatly from tho former slavory institu
tion of tho United Stateo, the slaves
becoming members of tho owner's
General Bates, in his report, stated
that when ho first linked to see the sul
tan, tho latter sent his greetings, say
ing he could not como to the general, be
cause he had boils on his neck, ami could
not put on his coat, but that he would
recognize tho protection of tho United
Mates, requesting as a favor that In
might hoist his own Hug alongside that
of tho United States. Tlio sultau'i
brother went to Jolo to meet General
Bates, and tho sultan afterwards joined
him. Goncral Bates states iu this con
nection that tho Snlus are verv iealous
of their institution of slavery.
in ins original instructions to Gen-
eral Bates, General Otis instructed him
to push to the trout the uuestlon of sov
ereignty, and told him he could promise
for the United States not to intorfcrn
with, but to protect, the Moros in the
freo oxerciso of thoir religion and cus.
toms, social and domestic, and to ro
spect tho rights and dignities of tho
sultan. In return they muht acknow
ledge tho sovereignty of tho United
States. He also instmcted (ennriil
Bates that it wus important that the
United States should occupy tho prin
cipal distribution centers of trado, and
that Siassl, tho capital, should be nniui.
pied by our troops ut no distant day.
A Hiilf-Mllllon-Dollar I'lrr.
Dayton, 0., Feb. 5. Karlv H.I.
morning a fire, tho result of a
explosion, in the tobacco warehouse of
j. r. won, threatened for a whilo to
lo immense damnco in the
ing district of this city. Tho flro was
Hnally gotten under control, not how
ever, beforo fully $500,000 worth of
property was destroyed . Tlio principul
losers are: J. P. Wolf & Sons, tobm,
merchants; E. Blmm & Sons, grocers;
Benedict, cigars; Dayton Paper Novel
ty Company.
Mghtwutchman Sucdinfor wim nvnr.
como by smoke and found unconscious
by liroinen. Several flromon were
badly irozen, and Fireman .McCoy was
mu.i, juuuuuiy uy tailing wails.
Liquor Trunin In Mi-xlnn.
City of Mexico, Feb. 5. Thn m.
continues to denounce tha growth of
tho liquor traffic in Moxi .,..,1
ascribes to the increasing
of ardent spirits iu various forms, the
augmented mortality and crimo. The
Mothodists hero, headed by Bishop Mo
Cabo and Rev. Dr. Butler, havo bogun
a campaign against iutomporanco and
uio iucai wiinouo journals aro oxhort
iug men readers to arouso
to prevent tho
Krom tho mime niithoritnitt .iti
it is ttHcertaliuid that I imi.l-.l
. ... n.-u
iMiiwceii wio governments un,.fHK
to tako Is not named, though
sumed that mimic innJJ!
will bo drafted nud tent t ih m
for lt confirmation. If,
Americans chasing, lighting and scat
toring them to tho mountains.
At Cabaloguii, Lukbaii, tho Thru!
general llred tho place with kerosene,
just bofoio tlio Americans landed, and
then fought with ciiiinon and rifles from
tho hllU encircling tho town, for two
I U'l. i. l.'lll..l..,. ...or..
Hum. uiiuii 1 " , miuio no (leiuaiuiN for a i -i
driven out, tho Americans did their fr 1(!r abandonment of wlmte,l
I,., t l, t in fitwn I ! Iillliif I m fur 1 i i. ... . """"D0
several hours. 'Ihlrty stono ami ,0 ,, wh,t,, ,,lu now .,, "Si
other ho.ires. half tho business rtlim qh. Just what shais. ti,0 tlS.
tilers prevented tlio fire from spreading.
Tlio next day Major Allen, with thre
companies of the Forty-third regiment,
pursued Iiukhan to the mountain fast
nesses, mid thence to the coast town,
ivhere Lukbaii was heading, Iu hoie
jf escaie. Lukbaii, by taxing thu un
lives, lias accumulated $100,000 iu
(old. Ills captuio is prolmhle.
At TiicIoIhiii, island of Lev to, thn
.nemv evacuated tho town and tho
Americans puisued them to thu hills, fleeing imiicnmhutaiitx wero
killed, inrlu.ling three women. At
Palo, much miles distant, thu enemy
weru found entrenched, and resisted,
liicutcniiut .IoIiiimiii and I'.' scouts fniiu
thu Forty-third rogimeiit drovo out 150
of thu enemy and captured thu town.
Thu insurgents in these towns wero
mostly Ylsaynns, who had been Im
pressed into thu service of thu Tagul
leaders from Lnwiii. Tho Isayaus ap
pear iiidiffereiit or sullenly antagonis
tic to the American occupation. Tha
Tagal chiefs lulliieuuiil them against
ui, but when thoy perceive wo aro
much more powerful than tho Tagals,
and intend to maintain garrisons in or
der to open thu islands to commerce, it
is lielluved tho nitH-l party will loso ltd
popularity. Tlio Americans are gladly
accepted by the inhabitants, who aro
dully returning to thu towns. There
Is a lush of commercial vessels from
Manila to these new ports.
Two llmian AnlU,
Washington, Fob. 7.Thu Democrats
continued their assaults ujjoii thu Phil
Ippliioiwlicy of thu administration dur
ing the general debate tiiMin the diplo
matic and consular appropriation bill
today. Two speeches weru made by
Democratic members of tho foroiim
affairs committee, DliiHiimro, of Arkan
sas, and Champ Clark, of Missouri, op
posing tho retention of thu islands.
Tho speech of Clurk, which lusted al
most two hours, was a notable effort,
rcploto with iinlquu oplgrums. and at
tracted much attention. No Itonubll.
can Fjmko in defense of tho udmiulstra
tion today.
Ull.ln.. ..I 1, , .
u.uiiv i uiiiisyivaiiia, who wu
elected uh a iJomocrat, but who madu n
speech last week defending expansion
was goaded today into tho onnounco-
ment mat tlio Democrats could con
slder his seat constructively on tha Ro
publican sido. Beforo thu debate bo
gan, on effort was mado to pass a bill
looking to tho appointment of an ox
pert commission to nxamino Into tho
questlou of tho pollution of tho water
Hupply of cities, but it was defeated.
The Chlcauo mumbnrs
lumen esiiuciaiiy at tho Chicago drain
age canal.
C'uiniiirrrUI ltrKiiUlliuia A(tM42a
Nl.ltllirr Mil Cuillrinp.jS
San Francisco, Feb. ; (, jitS;
ciiiia, minister from Chile toJipit
tho Unltiil Stall's, who hiuloi
ennnmit on tho sue ce(nl nrS
of mi ttiiimrfiiiir i.nn ,.,i tSL
ii- KnHi
twiM'U Chili) and Japan left fur in
ington today. Mltilsier
sHstking of tho treaty, .ul tlutj
iriiiL-ii rix.-ipnH.-liy leailin s In M R
to the "most favoriMl nation" m
tion. iloth nations make reruui R
vat Ions us to their rcluti.m U fl
immedfati) nulK'liUirlnn' natiow. j
Iirovisloiw of tha treaty look fa J
to thu establishment of a sImrmi f-
imiween Japan ami I'hile. U
jsilnt thu minister said.; i uinik, is going to
great market iu Jhhiii tor Ml
wxia. Japan uses 500,001) Ionic
tilizer annually. Steamers fnw
juin can bring to Chllo tho pAr,
ems, silk and cottons, and lb).
return with tho fertiliser luijn
as a principal cargo.
Japan now gets her nltmlti
other things from Germany. Tit
tcr obuins thorn from Chile,
country good to Kuropo for tM,
and silks. Jaixin and Chllo lKsak!
must trado directly with ecbim
Japan is liecomlng a grist
turcr of cheap cottons. My
can consiimo largo quantities of
mid cheap cottons."
ICnwnnl of anion IXTrrml.
Franklin, Ky.( Fob. 7.-L. II. Finn,
county attornoy, has offered persofially
arovyard of $1,000 for tlio arrest and
conviction of tho person or persons who
made tho attempt on thu life of William
Goobel, or of any onu who had any con
noction with tho crlniu.
OlinngH of Herman Amliniiailun.
Ber iu, Feb 7.--Count Wolff Met-
W1IU in a groat lavorito of i
a proy to alchollsm.
that tho government
means of public action
perunce movement.
thomsolves Rcror W,"'n. who will represent
from becoming J "'JL'V ' "enco ' 1,, K1"'
...w V.U.IIJIIU llIIlIlllKHflfin IV.... I ...... n.,,K v.,,,1. l.l.J, ""
. ' ----- : lIplMul, ,1 ri , !... ,i,n,A 10t
I'Mrailr. of Tim I'lillllrnl I'mMIm fill
ami Itlotr . M'rrr Mrurk.
San Juan, Puerto Rico. l eh. i-l
tho January L'7, wlillu tho leW,
worn celubratlm: their victory itl
janlo they met a republican!t
i ..tii..i.... .. , i. . .i
iiiuiniuii I'liiicii in a run, iiim mvw
which was that one man was kfltau
six seriously wounded. Fourtfrtl
tho town's best citizens aro in?
charged with murder.
Tho federals had secured permit
to txiradu In order to celebrate !
victory. Tho republicans had
ed permission to parade aim, half
roftiifud, as, iicconllng to the gM"
orders govomlng elections only
party can parado on a given day, 1
republicans decided to disoW,
orders and marched to meet tlieV
When tho victorious party MJ
ropublicaiiB comim thov charuw'
onimuuntH. A flerco fliiht raiued;
volvors ami ktiviim woro drawn, w
flashed in tlio sunlight and sliotir
out. Tho city polico woro not on i
but a squad of insular iiollco ch.)
tlio mob and soon quelled thu riot.
Itnlinllliui In llnriiriii
Tacoma, Fob. 7. Mat Su SelleM
robol leatler of North Borneo, litf P
stirrod tho natlvoa thoru into rebel1!
according to Oriental advices roce'l
horo. Thoy commouced warr
lr la .1
will endeavor by 1,1 tzf'"-Woidonborg, who has
i to aid tho torn' foivc.(1 o.ixvo ot ilonco owinu to
Transport Ohio Arrives,
San Francisco, Fob. 5 Tim
port Ohio, 27 days from Maniln nt...i
here toduy. Tho Ohio brought 160
bodies and two passongors.
Cole IVuvfil Kxamlnatlon.
Boston, Fob. . Charlna Tf nl
formerly president of t,a mi '
National bank, and who is omr,7 J u 7 1 '8I inoro is greui
.juuvi.uuu, tne property of tho imnt M. i t pic oi an
waived examination today, "ami Klf lT'1" to seiz"
lmlil In itnn nnn ..!.. .',, ' i,u'i lolnt. Tho cavalnr i.n..i..
4. 1 .i ... ... ' . . . . """B -no
....i.uii maiooi niH health, may event
ually llAPYllnn ...l 1
iiiinmMIIKlor'H Slln.
I!."." !!" "io emperoris
-""" van mo activity tho am.
bassador displayed during ho crisl .
It is also said that tho ambassador',
health is entirely broken.
Kolinrt's Aijviinoii.
iJL'- 7'TA "BPatch
iri, says; inoro is i-reat
viu vuu,uuu ihjiiuh inr tho
?fntil di8trl.0t urt' wh'oh sits
Mavch 20. Benjamin IS. Smith nnd
lVininmln Walls, of Boston
liepted us surietios. Cole was broni.
hero early In January from Los Ange-
COInplotod thn r,n,.nr" . . V "
retired to recoup Its losses. Tho ifi
"t Coleborgrtttnyurrod"
Thn vr.i.l,)l i -i.
.v,,UUiiU u, , onezuoia
British and ChineHii hIioiiu woro lo
Tho robols then rotreutod into thejjj
glo. Several (lays later thoy
lowod by a fnrennf "Ml lilnninckcti
Sikh nollcomon. Fivo miles iH
theso woro uttacked and driven 1
by Solloh'a men. who flrod t
from it ilfitmi. uiviiu ll. nl iill(lfirtn"1
A number nf tlm Itrltluh wero kiUl
and woundod.
Itesnliitlnn. Ounileiiiiiliisr llrlt'0'
Jollnr. 111.. I.VI. a AlntlOOOP
.f p . wf ut ,m
plo attondod a pro-Boor mooting J
touuy. Resolutions eulogizing i
dene Krugor and "his stand for it
ty," nnd condomnlmr Great Cn"1!
Woro npprovod, umld grout upi'lue'j
I.nrirn Iliti,l Hlinn lliirne'li
Nnmjuloli n..n i.-i. n I'ire tl
morning burned to tho ground thei
60,160 square miles. It is arg0r tlmn JfinB Allou l'ol hop, nd J,
ny country in Europe except RnBllla i cloitroyd fiOVoral ior biiildf
i nussia. i,,,, $400,000.