Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 09, 1900, Image 4

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Clnr-UtA t1i ncnimnt for the POV-
Prnni,5n0f Kentuckv. who was Despite the fog and rain Cottage
shot by nn assassin, died on the Grovo Is cnconntcrlnp no mists in
evening of February 3d, from the the way of business. This is a
effects of the wound. wholrsotne and substantial breath
The proud state of Kentucky has of promise for the coming future as
intn nn tmcontroin- s indicated by the number of
ble mob and for n time set law and strangers from all parts dropping
1 . .
order at defiance. The civil and among us. Bohemia seems to he
military authorities have clashed the Mecca for some, while a great
and the state has neither governor many others arc locating thctlmber
or government. The events 00 lands on Mosby Creek some thtcc
curring arc as deplorable as they I miles on that route, A consistent
an Htfrmrfii1. Denlorable for man informs its that there will ho
Republican Club meeting at the the reason thnt tUe odium cf dis- no less than half n dozen brick
eracc rests upon tne entire nation mummes built Here this summer
The first acrobat to turn a double and stands out as a striking illus- beside numerous other minor entcr
somersault died in Chicago the tration of our weakness in culture prises that are in view. Bohemia
otherday it is not known whether and civilization before the whole will assurdly see a mining boom
the first politician who accom- world; disgraceful, because the during the summer that will equal
plished the feat is yet alive. deed was n cold blooded murder Uf not eclipse anything in Oregon,
too dishonorable even for a bar- The open wintet will permit earlv
The Southern Pacific Railroad baric country to tolerate A land access to the mines, and in fact quite
Company is paying $2.50 per cord of wealth, culture and education a number are leaving here daily, this
for wood a against $2.00, lait year, has degraded itself into a band of early in the season. No less than
nnd $1 80 iu '97. Another indict- lawless assassins and desecrated ten persons miners and timbcrmen
uon tne country aua iue wuuiiuk every ngni mat entities u 10 cum- together. Ielt ruesnavantl nssoon
man is goiug to the dogs under a munion with law abiding citizens, hs the roads will permit this number
republican administration,
Kntr4 at the postofflee at Cottage Grove,
Oravoa u Second Clau mall matter.
tluliaorlpttun price, SI. BO, lndviuica
AilvvrtWsag raea tnd known npon
Friday, Fbd. 9, 1900.
You Miss a Money-
aving Proposition
If You Skip This Advertisement.
... I ,.,.. .111. H.llli iliitataaiB fill UJtlttl til a.d
n,.r atnm iikwh in nlwtlVH illtOIOPtlltit to wiinonillMll Dtl.VOm HUH VV "'" " v .... .w,
Our Moro ih'wh b rinjn 11 I""""1. .. , wlt,,r u,MhU wliluli inimt bo ommI out More Mutt' 1 1.
bmIm. Wo nroiiiiik . t "J' " h.V. .vJ iiiurannn'llM Kvory iUy hol.ln! .( Intm-il lo hI.o ,
nt till! Mom, nun poopm wmijiihsi
supplying tliolr dry gooda-iimls.
Whether it emanates from either willbegreatly increased. At present
democratic or republican sources, there Is a four horse freight team
the loathsome venom of poisonous leaving here for the mines as often as
politics is at the bottom and the occasion demands. There is a twice-
stench is becoming intolerable, n-week mail and a Drosnect for a
I he days oi Ulay, Carlisle, Buck- telephone connection at an earlv
ner and lireclcenndge have passed date. Cottage Grove will reap Mie
and Kentucky chivalry and pride benefit on acconut of its fitting lo-
have gone with them. As to Goe- cality. Located in the midst of a
bel, he received his death in the vnst farming, fruit and lumber
manner tnat be naa administered country, supplied with wonderful
hnnt Twlvincr five new sub- it to another and nence Erie! lor water facilities. nrlnntpH fnr m
- I ..... I
. j f rMM I Him dAAe nrtf iwaictH crv hpflvikv I .i.!-f J . 1ft? 1
It is reported that Aguinaldo is
in Hong Kong. The United States
ought to send some of the Ken-
tuckians after him. They are al
ways armed and equipped lor an
mi t . J
emertrencv. iiiev mieni even uu
him the Goebel act in its latest
The Roseburg Review crow?
It is (lie Ioac'lum
Paper o:f
oftehurtr nnd tho other four were He that draweth the sword shall withal, the center of the four nn?nt ii 11 .
... . :u 1 - ,a s. 1 ,.. .. . .11 in Mini
I (Jill 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 3 111 1 Hlldl I f j J -"O I Ul L11C LUUIUJ3S. il.l tUC II IJVlIM' fill 1 U W I I f 1 1 I
1 . ... ..I - I V y f II l1.t V J
n i . . r ii. i
c iinrnm. tine wmim liner liiui
. . . ... a B . l . 1
I I I I IV I I il I I I I 1,1 I I . 1 UL 1IIJ
V 1 3. 1 A.
PTir. pxr.
Uill of some significance in
logic of events.
The republican party promises
two things that are worth more
to Oregon than has ever been of-
""citne various ronns trnm tts nmnv
fertile valleys surrounding indicats
it cannot help but grow and
prosper. People not extremists
. .a 1
even oeueve mat by tiie coming
fourth of July we will have a rail-
Ef, Wall & Whipple, Proprlctorij
We wish to tliatik tlie people oi uus uictnuy lor uieir nnerai pta
ronage during the past year, and by keeping good, honest goods, iD
honest prices, that is, tltc very best goods at the lowest cash prices,
speak for our share of the trade iu our line.
. . . A I
A very good shoe lor J) 25. a goou vaiuc at 25c per gnrnienti
A half Creediuorc for $1 50. Natural mixture, a spleudid valu
full trL- vin ilnii!il(. sole mill Sc per garment.
tni) for 1 1 Hcavy col,ou flcccc ,illcl, 5c IX
. .. 1 . 1 garment.
A genuine oil grain, double sole nif wool, 65c per garment.
ami tap. liign top, lor y2 50.
All wool, $t 00 per garment.
We aWo carry the Wisconsin drive l?xtra hcavy all wool, $1 50
shoe, hand made, 12 inch top, $( 50 garment.
Wc have a laigc line of men's halt iu the new shapes and colon,
prices Irom .sw to 5.3.00 livery one tu our 3.00 tints nave n jjuii
atttee tag sewed inside, signed by the manufacturer.
Our line of men's working gloves is complete. Our pricti
are from 25c to $125
When tfae democratic members fereti Q state at any previous road partially if not fully complete
. r t.!-1 two stens forward in the march of I
nmo 1 irpirnn win ennn a Trwi?r 1 t . .. 1
m.9 uva lui 4 ubuiudt kMWftu i r a - zu At - ; r 1 - 1
w - 1 ui k i tunica m iuc new emu rc oi i rot- Tf :
'i 17 1 iii i Ti 1 '.1 1 1 1 ki 1 lifv pvrn iriMi 111 1 t?..ama h... i
- t , ' . . 1 " 1 mac in me near incure a county
I IV C WUUIU 1 LC LU ilUU 1 1 If 11 L tf. I Hill IVbillLU IIWIC. X J
f aahMWw'u miwuii na j a 4IVIV.U - - -v u.
It is likewise order but 01 tne substantial sort
noted for its failure to keep them, made of that sterner stuff that de
.1 . .t. . . .1 J
we have only to call attention to
pre. I.... .... . . D T ir A if Tri T nmiw v n
voters of Oretron for the past eieht
Following the issue of a special years by this same old party. Sa- Congress not only refused Rob
column 8 page weekly to a 6 Meal,' unless, that it is that the de combat and disconsolate. He
1 - 1
1 T T a. "a ir. I .11 !.. a 1
rrnni mriri mnir mnrrpr nnr i t n --rnn nnnn - in nMirinoi nva i lit" 1111111 i f 1 1 inpi i inupri .inrpc
. I . . j . I .r . i . t
0 t - i --o i r - o
. ir. 1 aan aa. 1
Lottage Grove have long since are like pearls before swine. They
mpn rnnr nil nn ennm tn mA I nnirp nn lien mr Avninc.A
. g . - ,
ness. They should remember that
as a rule the "spoils" of office
perhaps what is referred to in the
word "deal" do not belong to
the vanquished. It would be the
3?er Year.
Dealer's in
Beef, Mil Mori, Porlc,
"Veal, '.Bacon, Lard,
ond Gnrne in season.
united States Land Onico, Kosebarg, Oregon,
February 7, ItiCO.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
witntne provision of the aetof Congress o(
I June 3. 1878, entitled "An apt for the sle of
timber lands in the 8tates of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Teoritory," John II,
Orrellof Cottage Grove, County of fjine, Klalc
l,tl. f f11 1 - fiuregonaas miiuay mo t in thUoUlce his
"-'b ,w jtavc o tvcapuii nvrornsUUment No. K!9. fnr the nnrrhun nf
in the hands of an adversary. The ,h8 s 1,2, 9, 10 of Hection No. is, in Town
n ' "w "w-" I to show that the land soneht Is more vm1iik1.1i'
imposed UDOU as will be noticed atl,or Us timber or stone than for agrlciilturn.
the next election. V'XZ'' 'Jl?"1 .hl cI,ra to, "Vs
oOlce at Rorebnrir. Oregon, nn Wnrlnptrluv td..
ItOOA TORS ,Ic nanes as wltneses:
Charles E Rannm. K. K. I.lllv l.n..
i.O inose wno Contemplate lOCat- - Jones, of Cottage Grove, Oregon.
tWO ounces of yellow orussiate intr timr r-lnimc lh Mi.m.t --nr nd all pooiisolalmlag adversely the
suta ,UKKVV ahnvA-rlasA A.l la..,. - . 1 a- n
)rills for cranite fnr hpcf pflTrt
..1 J 1 J. AA. t
cj j
anirle of tc deprr; ntul if a
O-- I J O
snape tne side ttirust ot the
ri ;i iriri uf. t utpthi nnii cmtii
particular brand of steel to
water, one quart ot salt to a
it ot water. Ssome tool sharpeners
the News
from the lara-est
9 , 1 1 -1
prper Avitn tne
largest Circulation
James tiemenway
Jrleal Estate and Mining Property.
Bepraa U
Fire, Life and Acc dent Insurance Cmpanico.
Htrlct Attention paid to OolloUa 1
Office opposite Sherwood Hotl
Slu mm m Hoik n tk. H xna
pnncipai aim snoum be to work proof notice in its columns. This
steel at a low red heal, avoid paper does not want the earth, and
" ' " ' ,1, uvuui uuco ii
day of April 1000.
3g iyor own Rck-ctlon) to every sub- a
-Kriber. Only i cents a year.
he Reader in its last issue seems
ive the town council a slap ior
aiding the fire limit ordinance,
council are all business men
perhaps understand iully as
'as the Leader man the neces
of protection, irrespective of
ness competition, and we have
iub"t but that they will per
what tbey consider their du
br the town's best interests,
he ordinance as it exists is a
i" tfoe council perhaps knows
d if it is a good protective
tire, they perhaps know that
expect to publish all the timber
land notices; but if you think that,
during the life of Bohemia Nugget,
i it has done something toward ad
vertising this section of the coun
try and is deserving of your pat-
Unlted States Land Office, Koseburg, Oregon,
February 7, 1900.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance!
with the provisions of the act of riuigiesof
Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for the sulo of I
timber lands In the States of California, Ore :on.
Nevada, and Washington 'Jerrltory." Charles
E, Ilanous of Cottage Grove. County of Litne.
ronage, show it by giving it all the 8tate ' O'djon has this day died in ihisoiiice
support you can. In that way you & wuu. SZSZ Z
will assist the management of this N0, 238 ,UngoNo,lw,and w 111 l,rer Pronf "'
ahnWlhlltthAlliniluMii-hrlaninia.l...l.l.f...i .
nnnr in nnfiiiinrr n n ......I.. . w-. ItuBU4rilJr ,
r-r b r avenue timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
whereby a better paper can be pub- a"d ,0 ettah Uh hc" clulm to w ii oefore
lishedand better rpnlt Ko5 """egisieranaiieceiverofthisomceatltoBO.
nsnea ana oeuer results obtained bnrg, Oregon, on Wednesday then ahv i
.11 1 111. . ' "
an ruunu, iuc iNURcet extends
rhnnlrn tn tlin,. mn lin.,o f " witnesses.
. iuui iut j, ii. urrell. E. K. Ill If t. r w.. i.. I
- I w s vwhvoj w Mattbs I
been COnsiuerate. "w, oi cottage Orove, Oregon.
... i b ii ZZ TT? I Anjr n1 aU persons claiming adversely tbo
UlnnfOrl An IrlDa SS" lands are reonested to fli
Uiliuu nil IUUH thiaTtoSBti their elalms In this oaiin i..r...M o
al ,n.ll .ftrtrt ' ' w 1
XEasasasMmiM...,. fl
A utmi bcauiiful tobrrd plain. Unit -J
1; 'toiiiidrniiMllni;rii.nuiiiii , lanci
g ark,hiifhl4hiiii ,tiiun.tit; .Sub S;
: Uilr si,i. vmucil Sciul fui items. C;
3 . iyi n. Reliable, Rlmplr, Up-to. 1
mj uatr. A i.. ..i.
H I'.rl.-.-l.t-.ii,,,,, n, " "V'f !
. . . dtiuiu
Rold this Space. !atcb it
If you want any thing iu the Hardware line, come and look o?e
our goods and see how the prices suit. We whaU endeavor to carry s
full line of
Stoves, Tinware, Miners Supples, Mechanics Tool. Cotlery, Ammuni
tion, Washing Machines, Churro, Etc and a Full Lie of Arlcultural
Philips & Jones.
Mv ctiHtomerri will Unci n Hnoof my
frtuii fiamli.iu ....... i.i .1 Uur fee rturm(i .!..,
1 PleoBo nail n f,... ,lw. .. u,l S n'.l.'i! L" S.yJcnllo wB
i. 11NUUL. 1 ftte III" ICDt linon M.r1
nd will act accordinelv. with- &?,fS?U?.?f ltAJSKSifLJ!'j rt-
ny free advice. Wa.hlnon, I). 0 forthelr li0 prise cfXtr
(No-Statn-AIIowanos Patterns.
r, a4 1 tit Mck-mnt l(htr. Z&
A Ik lor IhtB. SnIJ In ...rl. ..... . i.' r:
! 138-146 Weil 14th St New York. S
To the pooplo of Oottnice Grovo und
vicinity. Yoti are hereby warned nnd
Btrictly forbidden not to nllow dogs to fol
low you whon going on or paanlng
throiiRh my prcmiBCB.
I), G.MoFahianu,
Tateuts taken out tlirough us i
noffee, without charge, In Tub Va
an illustrated and widely circu
nit nt nur antiiit.
receive jjci
Ben ! r5,X M"Mufcturer and Investors.
Bend for sample copy m. Address,
Ean Building, WABHINOTON, D. C.
D,P.r,cc's Cream Bakln? Powder
WrM' Pair Highest Medal and DIdIooii. y