INTERESTING PRKi HAM . .luvunilo, Theatrical and Vocal Enter tainment Will he given ly tho Hoarder and l).v Pupils ofthti Convent of Mercy of Undone, in Cottage Uruv 8 February I7tJi 1000. Proceed to bo need for tho iniprovo niBiit of Outliollu Church of Cotta&e. AdmisMon adults iHct Children ICcts. Doors will be open nt half pat 7 i) in. Performance will begin at S o'clock Opening Chorus, "In tho Starlight," by S. Ii loner. Tableau, "St Cecilia," Dialogue, Mate Characters Pianoforte Duet, "Itasket of ltoaea," Mise Helen and Irene Potte. Recitation, ''Death of Champlain," Miss Sarah Oiilverwoll. Charitv Chorus, Olouer. Grand Exhibition March, by C. Make one. 100 Miul.ini .Marie A. Dohner. Tableau, "Faith, Hope and Charity." Dialogue, "Strategy," Female Char sclera. Pianoforte Duel, "Springs Approach, " and Walsh. Vocal Quartetto, "Shoemaker," lloya. Itccitation. "Peerless Oregon," Choruii. Country Aunts Visit. , "There's Music in a Mother Voice," Solo and Chorus., Dance, Two little girls. 1 Finale, "My Old Kentucky Homo," Chorus. Tableau, School Children. Martin's Hall Feb. 17th. VTI 1 T l Kl IHldR-i. No'lic In hcrehv ill von that l'otrr Jurin I'm- tlM W!l Kpil'IBlV 1 It'' in "UIUir,T iMMiri t" liiui CiHint,- nrK'oa Kxneutor (iiino mm wii ami twtmentof ttiBMtjle of I txOy dm-rated. Alt im havlnit claims Kattil mlil it at hrby nmltleil to reiu tliem llh the iiroiier vouchors lo mo at l.oraue. County. oreim of at tti Law oltloc of Harbrturti and Kllngr ih tSupfiiie Orcitm) within six month" from. th datsrof thix notice itHtcd thi atitt "icy Kebrry a n low. I'kikk John 1 kauy, Kx"tttorof the Ituit V 111 Hint tastamcnl and of the Kstate ht Win. K. Find deceased NOTh'F l ull Pl'KUCATloN United States Lmid OfTlne, Koieburg, Ore.. OotyWr !, iw). Notice is hereby given tliat in com; Citation. pliancy Hlli the provision of the act ol I'ltnarnwof June H, IS, entitled "An HCt fVtha mile of timber hudR in tho SlMOVW Calif.irnitt, Oregon. Niivadii, and Washington Territory," Del Estnbiook of Vshburn, County of Ky iTel.r, Staft- of Wlm-mulii. has this tay fllml in this office hi sworn iitaumient .itirchiiHC of the f i'. Si .No. WVf forlhe pti . SK.'4, K 's'in'V, S K 4 N A patition was circulated on the streets of Cottage Grove last week by D. E. Slagle, to be presented to the County Court of Lane County, asking for a bridge across Mosby Creek, there being a settlement on the opposite side, which experiences great difficulty in getting out especially during the winter. The erection of the proposed bridge will let the citizens of that vicinity into the road leading to the old Robinson mill, from the main Row river road. The petition is nieet jng with much favor by the voters in this section and shouid receive proper recognition from thecounty. In the Count t'onrt of the State of Orajrou, tor the (onntyot lane. In the raattor.of iheOuftritlnnthliiof) Citation, Herbert W, Hlooil.m Inune ereon ) To Herbert W mood, vreellitji: in the Name of the atio o( orefoa, You xrc lieiobv rltetl eii't requlr4 to ptr to the County Court of the State of. Oieiron, for the County of lane. t the Court Room thereof, at I'.ugeno, tn the comity of lane, ou sntumny Hie 10th day of February 1W0. hi ten o'aloek In ttie forenoon of tht tlity, then Hint thcie to beitlK hit's 7, IT), li HI of Heetlun io. at), in T.m-mliiii No'.M S Uanae No. 1 W., and will olFer prtwit to show tliat tho land aoti)ht it ftfrtru, vaUAiblo fr it timln-r or Mone than for nsricultnral purponp, and to establish bin etalin to nald land bofofythe lleuiwleraml Kecelverof this office at lton-buru, Dienon.on Thurwiay the 1 1 day of December. Ho namertMi1 witnoseii' : II F. Nollenboek of Kiwne. tlieiron, Austin R. A. SAND13US, l-RofUtnTon or MIA i SALOON. Wines,. Liquors tuul Cigat.s. Choice lirnmls. A l-'ttvoriie Resort. COTTAGK OUOVR, OUKGON, i"i 1 1 im , - " . 1 . a If 11 KID am- n (omii BAH KG Hi Tl'dHSdCtd (iCIU'lVlr.lh,. ... "'"I IX ntiaint. hi uh iu lil(ri, El, ni. SHAVING Hie forenoon oi mm amy, jnen aim ineie o :, ' " , J. . n , r, , .. l tii,,i. jhow euc. if miy there be, why a Kiinrilliui Hoot of (?)irinsflI(l. Oreiron. l.o is tMeri n,l,l not he ninolntel forvour entxte Witness, the ltn. K. O. Tatter Jutlae of the Coiintr i our I of the State of Oredti for the Comity of t.ane. with the .. Seal of Mhl Court nixol, thin 16th .anyoi Jnuunryi. u. linn) . Attest. 1)F K. U. I.K, Clerk. I.. CliHh, Deputy XOTICK OF FOHFKITUHK of Allmnv. Dreiron. J. 0. O boh of hu oi.tio. Orronn. Anv and nil nerous claimini: nd verselv tho nbovfj-doK'tilKHl lands reotiested to file their c hIiiih i ofllca on or lwforo eaid 1 1 day of 1 fombor, 1S09. - J , T. lllttlHHIS, Itcclstor. i .1,', ' : 1- NoVlcR'Dlf PUnMCATION. GLASS BROS. PROPRIETORS OF if is ' Colli Grove PI ToThomat Kaujjhton nnd all Parties i ou nro liorOby notified that wo have 1 I.nnil Ollice at Kopi'burt;. Orecon, uxpendcil fSOO.Oo in work nnd lnonoy on Koveuibor 10, Ib'J'J. the claim knowli atid rccor.letl in" the Notice la ho ruby civon that the follow minitAi: teconls of tho Bohemia mining ' iiiK-'n'amcd nettler han filed notice of hid listrieV in I.ano County, Orecon, as 1 intention to mako tin il proof in Hittiport to furnish Mouldings, ColliiK" flriiTx a. I. E. Yonnrt, 'iifiniiiiii i nt i ... iumw ill m OOImOii Unlll ilwni. (Joltaue dvuvt, I'ATTERSOX AXI JIAR T'JJY The penitentiary will be too good ' a place for Patterson and Harvey, debauchers of Winnie Thorn. The girl is only a child of 15. She is scarcely out of the way of babyhood. But her name is sullied, her life is darkened by the shadow that has fallen over it. Patterson and Har vey, steeped in lust and lost to shame, wrought this shame. Even if the child's detention was not by force, the crime is acarceiy less heinous. She was a little unpro tected girl; they were two strong men, who should chivalrously pro tect little children, instead '"of devilishly ruining them. If thgre is not a hell, there ought to be'- : Corvallis Times. The above is another libel . for the bullet-headed 2x4 editor of The Roseburg Review to use as wadding. Tho Climax" mini tit; claims, and in order to hold euid piomit-e under tho provisions of Section 2M'2I Iteviscd Statute? of the United States, boitiK the arjfbunt required to hold tho mi id claim, foftthtu years 1SU6, .1990. 1897, 18HS. 1S99, respectively ; and if within ninety dayB after tho completion of tho publi cation of tbiJiotlcwvon fail, rtrcloct or refuso to eontributo'';'yoiir portion "or portions of said expenditures an co owners your interest or intercsta in nai'd claim will beefNuo tho property of tho subscribers, under said Section am': Dated this Third day of November, I SOU. Signed J . B. Mohoan, J.'W. Hakkk, W V. McFakland, Charles McFaiu.axh. Thomas Hiciiakdson. of bin claim, and that said proof will bo made before the Kouistor Hoeeiver, I'. S. Land Ollle, at UoeUnrp. Oroou, on Januarv 0, 1900, vi : Itc'uben Stlnnet 011 II. K. No. for the lot, 1, .Sli lt-1 NK 1-1, N S SH 1-4, sec. 10, T, 23 S., Jt. 1 Ho names tho followiiiK witneiiCH lirove his continuous rcslilcnc nml'culHvatinn of aaidj W. A. Mdleo. J. II McHco, T. M. Mctirubbs, of Anlo., Ore-1 Ron. , . J. T. Hhihukm, ltejjiHter. We are now prepared all kinds of Hrackots, Cornice, Sash and IJoots, Door and Window frames, Screen Doors, Windows, Pickets, etc. Wootlwork of nil kinds made antl 1 repaired. We will also work Floor ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or size Studding, etc. PRICES REASONABLE 1 resilience ..ttpon Bon Ton SOUTH AND KAST VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE ' OK TUB NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roteburg, Ore., January 30, laOO. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, VA"&, entitled "Ay act lor the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Orogon, Nevada and' Washington Territory," Philip L. ' Hpong of Cottage Grove County cf Lane, tUte (or Territory) of Oregon lias this av" filed in this office his bworn etate tnent No. 796, for the purchase of tho NW 1-4 of Section No. 20, in Town ship - No. 22 Range No. 2 V EXPRKF8 TUAINS KUN UAtl.V T:M lPJt.I.T. I'ortlenil Ar (9:15 AM l;26AJI Ar CottiiKb lirove Ar 3:07 AM S:1SAM) Ar Pun lunolwo. .Lv :0! M S:30rM Ar .0den Lv 1:10 I'M 7:00 AM Ar . Im Angelei. . J.T 7.00 I" M 6;WI'M Ar ..MPaw Lv i:IAJ 6:25 I'M At.. ,Sr Orleanii J.r 8:i0AM KXECUTOlt'S NOTJCH. Notice is hereby civen that the utider' I Bigned has beeii appointed by tho County Court of tho Slate of Oregon 'for Lane County, executor of the estate nnd j of tlu- Icuft will and testament of Isaac ' Jlonroe.jW Jute, rloceaHeil. All persons Having nanus against anin oftato fierciiv renin red to iircnout tlie sn to me, djilv verified as bv law reiilirel, at Collage Grove, Oregon, within six months from the date, hereof. Dated, thic Ctb day of November, ISO'.). N. V. White, Kxccutnr of the estate of Isaac Mpnroc Whito. deceased. MEAT MARKET! RESUMK SUNSET LIMITED. jVL'uii Sfci'eeb 3;:Colliiffc Grove, Oiwii. Supply house for Cottage Grove and Bohemia. Will 114, .1, S, MKIILKV. Ailoriicy At La, OmreOu )lkliiNM, Cottuye drove, Ore Cy. fliller, General Blacksmitlils T'f Diuna N'nrtli nf l-'tl,, I li.i.. . iiiiij Uo(ttyc (iron, Ortgon. Mrs. K(itUcrlicSctkTf,M. iinwunu.i wi uiitvu Mini Ln C tt 4 fm tn C t-r J im.-. " GO TO - Wflrs. Bel Suit ford Fashionable Drcmakiaf, Main Street, Cotti;e(lfn B. W. WEBER, 1 ..,.,.1.. ,!.. . . , 1 Mnln ntrl, 0w,a Mkla M llrlil..', S:SaA Mi J:6CrMi Lv rortlniid . l,v OcttageOrove .Ar Lv I 1:30 P i 12:'J0 1' Southern Pacific's Fatnons Flyer Starts From San 'Francisco, December 15th. "The SuiiMt Limited, the Southern Pacific' famous train of the Suunet route, will commence ita service for the vviAter ppasonon Friday, Decemt)er 16th. i tio pt'iitMiuie tor linn year im con 7- 1" it Ar.. . San Jrinelco . Lv 7 00 A II 6. 15 AM Ar .... OjJen I.v 110 . M I'-U-r Ar . ixx AnirelOT . I.v 12:30 r M . 1 !.... :001'M Ar ...... Bl Po Lv 7:20AM ! B,lir,vtl nwi3r euiwrior iw i.riy prcvioue :26 f M Ar. ...New Orloan Lt S:W A M reason, flHOrtllng MB it Will OptKjrtUnity "" . ,. . r.V.V 1 forfavoi-able view of taiinUi of interest UisiNd Cars,- obskkvation cars. rIo, ttlB , ,mkinz airrwable .ii your order by Telephone. W. H. Beagle, M?g,r. l'Dllmftn Aret-cUei aid tooriat aleepln uan ! eouneutions at New Orlcona with limited attached to J1 through trin. I'rompt eon- triind of other lintta to and from the Motion at iKinrer, Omaba and Chloaso wfth iRllM,,u,it (intor nf l)m traliin fur other e:e.Jn eltlea. 7:30 A M U:MPM WKT HIDE DIV1BION. BKrWEIH !'OHfIMj(t;.AKp CUfcVALLla Mall traim dally (except Sundar). Lv PorHand Ar S-0 V .Y 1 Ar fiorvallli. ..Ly 1:201' Ml or t of the C, & K. Rjr. , INHEPKNUJINCK I'AgeKNOitU. Exprew train dalljr exeept Snnil&y. 4:50 PM 7:SI)PM 8:SU I' M Lv . Lr.. Ar . .. .Portland' Ar ..MoMlnnville Lv . liidopenclerioe....l.v 4:fXJAM Direct eiinneetione at San Francisco with steamihlp line- for HAWAII, JAPAS, P1IIL1P J'l.NEH A'U AC TKAI.IA. Kor IbroaKh tickets and rate rail mi I) T f ,.., . 1 7, .. in f fVVWl UI JA Jl DUA-lb-tllAli anil win ouerprooi 10 snow mat me tanu (JH- n?cct Agont, cottage urove, Oregon. Houghtla more valuable for its timber Or i'1. stone than for agriciilturnl iurposes, and to establish his claim to said lAna before the Register and Receivee of this ofiico at Roseburg Oregon, on Saturday the 7th day of April 1000. , He names as witnesses: Jack Lewis of Cottage Grove, Oregon, F.A.Elliot of Nowburg, Oregon, J. I. Jones, W. A. Ilemenway, of Cottage Grove, Oregon. Any and alt persons claiming .ad versely tho above-deacribod Iandvhre requested to file their claims in this oBico on or before said 7th day of April 1000. J. T. Bkidoeh. Register. SIXTH If OR MEETING OF PEOPLES - . -j . ,mmn . T nni,,,Tnvni, .The mombers of the Lano county cen tral committeo are hereby called to meet'' nt tho court Jiouse, In Eugene, Oregon, on Saturday February 10, 1000, at 1 o'clock in tho afternoon, for the pur pose of making apportionments to the county con vention and attending to such other business as may come before the cmninittee. The presence of each member of committeo is earnestly requested. , By order ' , v. A. J. Zumwai-t, chairman. h. II, Patskuho., Secretary. I i I MAKE American Beauties, F. C tho Latest Models 1 1 The train will leave San Francisco at 5 P. M. 011 Tuesdays and Friday, pa i.iit Loa Angelee about 7 o'clock the following morning, thus giving a day light viesr of the orange belt of Southern California. Dh connection at Kl l'aeo with through curt! of the Texas A Pacific for St Ixniie, wilt place California kihui). gere in that city from 10 lo 12 hours ahead of all other linos. The trin from 8:2, a m t iiouHioit to isew urieaiis, tiirougfi tlie 5:CJ A M I intfrtHlincr lilnntntinim run! Iimwuiu nf S aithem Louisiana, will also buljy day light, ond the arrival in the Gulf city jvst in time to connect with tho fart trains for Washington, New York, Cincinnati, Chicago nnd other points. Tlie Sunset Limited equipment and service is up to its well-known high standard. It in worthy of remark tliat the distance of .lOOO'miles from San Frane.iHOO to New 'York is traversed by the Su iset Limited in 11-1 hours, only 12 ho.trs longer that lr the fastest trains through Chicago, n distance of 3300 miles. Tho Sunset is an ideal winter oute, the traveler not being sub jected to any of tho dihcomforts incident to inclement wcuthur conditions of tho moro Northern routes." Yours truly, 0. II. MARK11AM. These Illustratratcd Publications. Wat, hk kkxt by tub Nohthukn Pacific Railway Co., to any ahdrkhh UfOj JtSCKlIT, IX iTAMPH, OH OTHKR WJMK, OFTHK AMOUNTS .VAMKH RomemborDr. l.L. Scofi.dd, Dentist when you want dental work done. Subszribo for tho Orcgonian nnd llo hemia Nugget. Our fee returned if we fall. Anv nnc crtwilnn sketch nnd debcrlpt' n of any invention will I WONDERLAND An annual publication of about 100 pages, gotten up in most attractive stylo ami beautifully illustrated in half-toiiu. The contents of each number are varied and diireient from it i predacesxor. The NoitriiKKN Pacific has become noted for this publication. Tun Finkht Thing in Railway Litkhatuiik. Send six cents. YELLOWSTONE PARK MAP A relief map of Yellowstono Park. Printed ou firm paper, ami suitablo for mounting or training and tor use In schools, class rooms, etc. Tho best map of tlu. 1'aik that is puliliclv distributed. .Mailed in paptbonrd tubes. Send lOcts MAZAMA PAMPHLET A nicely illustrated iiiimolilot.lescrit tive of Mount Ranicr, Washington, tho grandest ico-covored peak in tho United mates, bcnii two cents. KOOTENAI FOLDER An illustrated foldor and rolief map of mu i-wwiuriiui iiegiou in JiniisnuoiiiinDHl nortti ot bpokano. Send two cents. ARMY AND NAVY ROOK Tolls about both the U. S. and Spanish armies and navies at Ix-ginning of Spanish-American war. Man nf Oiil lil nm! I adjacent, islands. A vest pocket history i well worth preserving lor reference oeiiii ion cenis. On Each Box. Ill SmidillL' for Ihpsc writ,. lw cyntracbe.'i!rve oOfUrMc,K'"l0.V,f"c ,"SS5S.' y . Htate where ad vertiHCiuent Patent" fcent Utrou remits!. I'ntcnla uniml nllHHl'C'H. tbrouKh US advertised for kale at our exniMui- I PateUtS taken OUt tlirnmrh l,u riritv. a.mlnt KALAMAZOO CORSET CO. 3a&3S3SB Bend lor sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. Patent Attorneys,) SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLO BY' Jlvmvnwau p littvhhoUlcv. Oium. S. I'KK, illll. l'UNM'lli;.)!' A(llt. ST. i-AVL, MINN. Cvans Building, Sol Davidson retoived his stock of Ijowelery this week and now hits n vcrv waqhington, d, c. "it'c uiHjiiny, zzr ry tzd i . JlTJL. I KTJfCl DKI'UTY- Tl o r: i n wt'.v.. .lutiituti IU 1 LlattiiM nnd procuriuc; of I't Grants Pass, Okk L. T. HARRIS Attorney and Couiisclor-at- Sprrlal attention ylven to Law nf Mine. National Hank IJtiildi i;ii,iit.. . T T f Mi. arrnrnoii civ- I n i r Qlltn!l 2 nliHi.l!.... a t Iliisiiiew nnd Collection. K,Iiw.w JItl - , i 'iwiimjowii vtiiru Attorney and Cotneton lid v. Special Attontioti given mo lAiw of Mines. EUOKXK, tf r-. r-o. . . . .... win. KCINOnAW -i.THl; BYfTJ A n.Tr-r7 . ! I I tW Akl . . . JKt.f WAI II'U ... U-.. X HRAI.KR IM FINE WINES, fiLgfl WQUORS, CIGA Main vStrcct, Cottage Grove, FRANK GOODMAN . . . .Proprietor of - ttoncry Store. Faney Canned Lunchet, X M Dealer in Cigars of I.ow nnd High Main Street, Cottage Grove. Call on. Ii. L. Pickard S Soo FOR sug-Dii Work, oru Guaranteed COTTAGE GROVE, OKK.