i n.1 vk -n. VM w v.vsj ., .vani yv , Vi i "AN UNPROFESSIONAL MODEL." J U rxt V 'U -u 'U ,-u ,-u -u K HUM llecllllllIK (III till' COIIKt of Norwiiy iiiimIo ilio wlili' fjord Hliiiniiicr Ilia1 lliiild (,'old liidow llirlll' llllMllltlllllH. CIlllHtlllC Milt lit foot of Ilio cliff ilrciiliilMK-liot Hint twin mmU'I'P, Imt lllMt In I'OVI'I'IC. Till) Hindi lie l' Ioiik liritldiMl luilr hIiIiii n Imlo iih hIiu rented her clieek on Itit tul mid ilieiiineil. Iler tlioiiK'lilM e fur iiwny. iind nhe did not iiollcu i mimic olio nun (jini'iiy rnn-eu iiih t wiililn ii Hliort (IImIiiiico of where wit I lu wiih evidently mi nrtlNi, ni til feet In tliu limit Iny an open i fol lo. He dropped It Ih onrn, ciilninccd nt the 5b3m" ted mid lovoly vIhIoii. Tim QoSu-r like fiu-c of the girl, tlu f ltd lut rSilnine ii Mlioi t lirown woolen Mklrt, n ejjfmisetie of hiiowy linen, a hlnck vel jftf liodlru n ml ii red Htocltliitf cup on l7?g (.-It'ii ml njr luilr. Kft'lirit n utility for lilx next exlilblllon! Snaii'liiiiK IiIh immu'II. ho inndo n hiiHty sEgu-li of Ilio Utile IlKiire, with the cIIITh &fiiliif up liehliid. Hie ptitcld wnter ilmiiHt touching her feet. Hlie wiih surely a fulry of HiIh In ml of romance, ttyl presently Hie Utile elven would ttdie to eek her. lie could nlmoxt fah'y tliein whlnperhiK to her now. Ilgvlnc llnlHlieil tho sketch, lie gently rowii1 imliore. fClirlxiine Ntnred with MirprlKo n he ttl)N'd from the liont. hut wiih r.niured 3iilie respectful milliner In which he ujpn'MHcil her. fjf lies your pardon for Inirndlni;," ielil he politely. "I tin il no Idea there friiK iiiiyoue in turn region nut mycir. llll in r. nr. covi.n nr. no jimtaki.no iikii. Itit will you kindly tell me the iiiiuie t thin pluee? It Ih iiinrreloiiHly lieiiii (Jul." And ho snt down on n rock near B'Tli.it Ih the Nnerofjord," she replli'd. gd her eyeK neemcd futlioniH deep iih he npoke. "It Ih very beautiful, hut ii in iiiiiir uiippeueii iiere. What was that? Do tell me," he ked, at the name time milking mental ten of the lovely model he Intended reproduce on the other tilde of the Many yearH ago," hIio went on, "n nutlful mnldeii lived on HiIh uioiin- iu, and kIid hiuik ho Hweetly In the Veiling that all were charmed who Htencd to her. She wan merry and appy, and her koiikh were gay an any jjd'H. Hut one day n otiancer came In ft hont even an you como now and cnrliiK the maiden hIukIuk nH hIiu Hat t o hu pralHod her voice and mild ninny i iikh which plea Hid her. And after j auu iney met nere every evening mir p the Bummer time, and Hhe wiih ho ftppy ulie taiiR only for luvo of him. ioiikIi he lived In n dlHtnnt country, he conHcuted to liecoine IiIh bride. Ho Jomlsed to como for her when the MivcB fell In tho forest, but hu did not Jine. Tho huow covered tho monntnliiH nil the spring melted It, and then hIio iiew she would hco him no more. And er mid bohrh Hceined llko n moan an io wind carried them out to Hen, till ne night a terrlbio Htorin swept the lord nud the girl d:d not como home, hey found her thcro by tho rock In io morning, whoro tho waves had wished her body on tho snnd. And jmo any that on stormy nlglitH you enn ear her monnlng liy tho cllffH, for Hhe till mourns for the lover who promised come. I never sit hero at sunset but think of her." "Thank you," roHponded the artist. "I Idn't know tho htory, but I can qulta ollovo It of such n place iih this. Do on live on the inoiiutniu?" And he otetl tho small feet nud delicate hands, hlch did not look us If they bud evo ouo much work. "Yen, I hnvo lived hero with grand father Hlnce I wiih a llltlo child. .My puientH were Ioh at m-ii. Would you like to hoc graiidfatlc rV" hIiu HHkid. without a Hlindow of niUtnmt or appro heiiHlou. "Ilo 1m very fond of com pany." The artlHt readily ann-ntlng, ClirlMtln led him Ihroiigh the gorge to the other Hide of the mountain, where a tine old limine Hlood In Hh Midler. The old millor looked n true deicend ant of the vlldngH iih ho nit In the porch, from where he could view the fjord In all Uh changing uuijenty. Ho welcomed the traveler royally, and a Hi'i vant brought him a d. aught of wine mid Home ciirlou con feel loim. ('hrlHllue nut at her ginnilfiitlier'H feet llHtenlng to IiIh wonderful laiei of tin; northern hoiih. and the moon wiih high In the heaveiiH whi n Hie m-tlnt depa.t ed nfter pioiiilnlng the old mini to to turn the next day for a null In IiIh ijueer looking vchkcI. Tho rooniH of the Art Club weru thronged with artlHtH. (-oniiolMHeiirH. pn troiiH and men or wealth mid fiiHhlon. In one comer a liutterlly group ot gliln hovered round u canviiH murktd "IWt." "Oh. what Ih thatr "Did you ever nee anything no charming?" "Whut lovely hair!" "What Ih It called V" Tho catalogue miHwercd the iiich Hon: "An Kveulng Dream iu Norway, by O. It ." Suddenly there wan n IiiihIi. mid the admiring group turned to look tit n f.ilr, golden-haired girl who had Jict i-liler.-d talking to a dlHtlngiilHhed-looklng iiiiiu. Though dreHHed In the prevailing fitnli Inn, there rnuld be no uiMukliig her. She wiih undoubtedly the original of the Norwegian maiden lu ",WI." Not without rcHiilt hail HiIh iiiiiu with the keen nenne of romance npi-nt two montliH amid the etichnutlug iitmoH phere of the Norwegian laltcn mid moiiutnliiH. In company with the grand old Nonwillful nnd IiIh love'y g and daughter. I'ullke the lover In the an cient legend, he did not promlHe to re turn for IiIh liKde, but won and mar ried her on the very mountain whe-e at Hiiiicet he had find seen her dreaming by the fjord, and carried her off to IiIh wcHtcrii home, to ItiHplrc. hlm In bin art forever. Huston PohC " You May Band ifie Sapling But Not the Tree." Whtn Jise.ue Has become chronic and deep seated II Is often difficult lo cure It. Tint Is the reason nuhy It Is best to take Hood's SarsapArllU when disease first shows Itself. In long-seated, tena cious cases, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is also wonderfully successful. AN EXPENSIVE BET. Tlic Winner HiifTe-cl n (J renter I.onn In II Im rcmriinl Property. "Speaking of practical Joken." Hald a Canal Ht reel ImihIiichh mini to a Mobile Herald reporter, "I hiiw that old omelet trick played on a fellow lu Atlanta the other night and I wiih really amazed that he didn't go on tho win path then and there. "Tho thing oceui red nt a rcHtiiurnnt where I wiih taking nnppor with four chance acipialiitanceH intuit) on tho trip. One of the pnrty wiih a cigar hiilcHiiian from ICchmoiiil, and after Hiipper hciuntiHcd uh with hoiiic idi'lglit of-haiid tr.ckH. Finally he turned tj ii North (ieorgla mcicliant, who was In the crowd, and asked If hu had over seen an omelet made In a hat. "The merchant was a portly, rather poinpoiiH Individual, ami replied, after some thought, that hu had not. 'We.l,' Hiild the tobacco man, 'I'll bet tho ci gar h for uh two that I can make an omelet In the crown of your new h1 k hat without damaging It lu the slight est degree,' I knew what was coming and began to giggle hysterically, but the Georgian remarked solemnly that he knew he would loce, but was will ing to pay '20 cents to sec the trick. With that he ha tided over his hat, which wiih brand-new, nud the tobacco salcHinan proceeded to Bend for toine eggs nud broke several Into the crown. "Ho stirred them up with a knlfo nnd then held Hint hat over the gas. In about three seconds It wns a ghastly, hideous ruin, dripping raw eggs through a big hole burned lu tho top. 'Ily Jove!' he exclaimed, 'you have beat mo out of the cigars. I've forgotten how to do tho trick.' As the Georgian examined Ids wrecked tile his face was a study for a painter. A few hours Inter I encountered hlm nt the hotel, nud he took mo aside. " 'I won Hint fellow's clgnrs nil right,' ho said, 'but I still think It was a kind of a foolish bet.' " Tho so-called modest violet commands n higher price, In proportion to Us size, than any other llower at a green house. Falling In lovo develops the detective Instinct In a woman more than It makes her happy. s NEAHLY DURIED ALIVE. Iiiillmi W'iiiiiiti' Nnrroir lUrnpn I'rotn ti TrrllilH lli-nlli. Mrs. Kllon Cronby hud n narrow ca nape from being burled nllvo in Craw ford county, Indiana. HIio wiih pro nounced dead, ami jiropiiratiotiH for tho burial weru being made. While HiIh wiih in progress hel daughter, It) yearn old, worn out by exbiitiKtion, lay down to roHt, but her yon had ticarcoly cloned beloro hIio sprung up and per emptorily Insisted that her mothers' liody bo returned to tho bod. Sho re marked that her mother had called to her in her sleep, saying: "Mary, don't let them bury mo nllvo." The under taker complied with tho duughter'H re ipiest, wiyiiig it wiih but a dream, but tho daughter stoutly claimed tho con trary and would not be denied. Nearly eight hours pinned when Mm. Crosby slowly opened her eyes and looked ut bur daughter, who hud roinalned by her bedside, constantly watching for a return to life. Mrs. Crosby Ih now considered in a fair way to recovery. Btatb or Ohio, Crrr or tolkio, J.rcin i'oi'ktv. I ' Frank J. 1'iiK.sr.r iiiakct otih that he la the icnlor artt:r ol Ilio tlrrn ol . J. CIIEMr.r A Co., ilolinc ljiliii' In ilio fltr of Tololo, County nml Hutu aforr-aalil, ami inat anlil firm will j.ay tlioauin 01 (INK IIUNIIKKII IIOI.I.AKH for each mil every caw ol Catarrh ttiat cannot bo cured ly Ilio uto ol Hall's Catakhii Ci-re. FRANK J. CIIKNKV Bworn lo 1-fore me ami nlocrllwd In my preeence, Ihla etti day ol IleccmU-r, A. I). IM, . , A.W.LKA80N ' Notary J'ublle Httll'a Catarrh Cnro la taken Internally anil acta directly on the blood and mncotia aurlacca ol the ayatcui. Send lor lotlmonlali, tree. K. J. I'll KKKY & CO., Tolodo, O. fold by driiRKtttt, 7Sc. Hall's Family l'llis are the best. I'uintcrs in tho car shops at Knox villo are working 15 to 17 hours ior duy. Just before a mnrringo ceremony in Lithuania, tho bride's curs are boxed. This is iu tho iuterest of tho brido should tho mnrringo prove an unhappy one. Hhe can sun for a divorce, nud uKsurt that sho wiih forced to marry. Adjiitiint-tienural Corbin thinks tho Luwton fund will linally reach ? 100, 000, which will ho invested for Mrs. Luwton in got-uruiucnt bonds and u-ivo her an income sulliciont to provido against all want and ennblo bur to edu cate her children properly. BUY THE GENUINE ... MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. tVXUTK THE .VASIH. Uwin i-haanar In thfi and thnii mi r aooda lhat nnl r1 linif TUL Inllph. Tested, true to name, freuli and rellalile, Aiwajra tn aii for Kerry' lane no oinera. write lor ivw Annual. It. il. KEItltV Jc CO., uctrali. ia fmiEWs INK Jiut as cheap us poor ink. LADIES xEro HECKKT Ten ccntsi Modesto, C al. Are You Tired ? Do You Lack Energy? You can become energetic and lose that tired leclliiK by using Moore's Revealed Remedy It contains no dangerous drugs It lias aileasaut taste, ft a bottle at druggists. INDIAN RELICS WANTED Carh paid for Stone Arrows Hpears, riiH-.Ai-s.etc. Write and send out lines to II. I". llHiullton, Two ltlvcra, AVIs. SOLE AGENCY Worthlngton Steam Pumps and Water Motors. Pumping Plants ot Any Capacity TATUM& IKIWKN SO to 38 First Street, rortlnnd, Or. Machinery All Kinds. DRsGUNN'S'rPILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache and Dyspepsia, Itrmote I'lmplesand Turllr the lllood. Aid iRrsllonandrreTrntllillauinei.i. Do notOrlpaorHlcken. Toeomlncn you. wn will mail sample (rre, or full box for !Sc. lilt. HOSANKC CO., f hllaitn., .'cuna. Bald hj nrugglsts. Iml l:l UllS M l 111 list IAIIS. I'll In tiros. 8oVl br druggl'ts. t The flismn ,1onn. Thoro aro many .Toiiosch In thin world, but Ticrhntm not nnito o mnny an people think. Not long ago two rlendd mot who had not Keen each other for ten yearn, ninco their chool dayn. "Wliom did you marry, Hilly" linked one. "A Minn JonisH.of I'liiladolpliia," re plied Hilly, who wan a trlflo Hcnnitlvo. "Vou iiIwiijh did tuko to tho tiaino 'loner.' I can remeinlicr when wo went to hcIiooI together yon uhw! to tag around after a littlo uub-noed Jouch Kin." "I remember it, too," naiil Hilly. "Sho'H tho girl I married." Youth's Companion. Arllllclnl Hlght. All bivenliir Iiiih perfected an el-rtrlcnl niipliniicf. Hhlcli In- clnlina will cnnliln the blind lo nee. This Mill bring much liupi.l lies to those w ho have defective evt-slylit. Another greut licover- which will bring huppluenK to I hope w lingo stolunrhs have become di-rnugi-il, la Honietter'H Hloiinicii l!litcrn. It i u lertnin cure for indite tiou, l.vsiejila, maluriit, fever and ugne. In Saxony no teacher receives Icsh than .fllOO a year. : Only Hnfn Mrillclnn for Chllilrnn. The tender Utile Insldis of children nrc ruin-! cd by violent purges, plllor liquids. Carcarets areplennant, fiarmle s.ilfc-clivc, bruggists 10c, Va; 60c. Now York liotiHOHiiiItbH get $3.20 for eight bourn. I know Hint mv lile win saved bv PIo's f!ur for Huns ptum. John A. llilltr. Au riiiDIc, .Mtclilgmi, April 21, 18U3. Tlio North StafTordHhiro (England) ChriHtiiin Kudeavor union hag put on foot a Bchcme for obtaining 0,000 new total iibsitncnco plcdgea in tho year. TO CtJltK A COM) IN O.VK HAT Tako Laxative Hromo Qulnlno Tableta. All drugglstH refund tho money If It falls to cure. K. V. Grove's nlgnuture in on each box. 2Sc. Improrod Trnln ICriilitrifnl. Tho O. It. & N. nud Oregon Short Line hnvo added a ballot, nuioklng and library car to thuir I'orllHiid-Cliiongo tliiotigh ttaiii, mid a (lining car service him benn liiHiigitaraled. Tlio train la e'luipped with the latest obair cars, day coiicIkh and luxurious llii-l-clasg mid ordinary aleepMio. Oiicut contiec I Ion made at Granger with Union l'a clflo, and at Ogilen with Itio Orauile line, from all poitilH in Oregon, Wash iiiglon and Idaho to nil Kanluin oities. For Information, rated, etc., call on any 0. i!. & N. agent, or adilre W, II. Ilurlburt, Uciieri! Pimeouger Agent, I'oitlniiil. "Within tho next fivo yearn Missouri will Htartlo tlio world," prophesies State Geologist Gallagher, in a recent Interview, "with tho great amount ol lend, zln-, copper, nl'kel, cobalt and coal mined in the state. Missouri Is rich in mineralH, tho richest of any stato In the country." Don't smoko cigarettes for the pur pose of killing time. Time will transact business at tho old stand long after you iuit. Chlcugo News. Mothers will Iind Mrs. Wiiisbtvr's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use fur thl children during the teething period. It Anawnrril thn I'nrposn. Maude Have Holla and Jack had t now quarrel? Lena Oh, nol but thoy've patched up their old one till it's about as good as now. l'uck. iESTFOBTHE If roo bsTen't a rmulsr. bcaltby mOTement of th botrols eserr day. you're sick, or win be. Keep youi bowels open, and be well Force, in thesnapool Tlolent physic or pill poison. Is dangerous. Tbi smoothest, easiest, most perfect way or Seeping tba bowels clear and clean Is to tako Java furnishes two-thirds of quinine uted. tho VITALITY low.itttiUliafednr eshamlwt cnrlby llr. Klln' lntliforalliig Tiiulc. KIIKK II Trliil Jlrs I Is- coiilaliitus 2 Wi-ks' trftiinifiit. Ir. Klfu's In.liliilf. Kil Anh Ht , l'li!luli-lilila. Foiimleil lTI During the laBt fiscal year Herlln ox ported 83,083 tons of ticerand imported 82,080 tons, of which 34,508 came from Havaria und Hoheinla. Mexico Is one of tho United States' best customers in the sewing niacbiuo Hue. m fP CATHARTIC 'wfea. TnAor ssajin nioisnwfo ..Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Opod. Do Good Nererblckcn. Weaksn. orUrlpe. 10c. (Oe WrlM for free sample. aDd booklet oo health. Address Strilr Km4jttmptmf, CkUss. Busl. SwTrk 3331 KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Built on the Square. A Splendid Line for You. MR. DEALER. Portland, Oregon, Delivery, and Replacements on Guarantee. Quick Delivery Guaranteed. A LINE HARD TO BEAT. CLEVELAND CHAINLESS 'Bevel Gear) $75 CLEVELAND CHAIN KOAUS1EK 50 ufYEuipb X"'rv;;x rr : - (wm W jhLia u-ivi.mii v-i Aviif iu STORMFB CHAIN IS PENNANT SPECIAL CHAIN 30 Boys' and Girls' Bicycles. Largest Jobber of Bicycle Sundries in the Northwest. Writi for Catalogue and Discounts. Aeenls wanted in all towns throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. AMERICAN BICYCLE CO. PORTLAND BRANCH, Pops Sales Dep., 132-134 SUth SL RHEUMATISM. KIDNEY DISEASE A. HSo SAMPLE BOTTLE FOR lOe. DOCTORS INSIST that their patients use "5 DROPS" for etc. Read the follow Ing letters: Swaksox Rheumatic Curb Co.: When I wrote you for a sample bottle of "5 DROPS" my wife was sullerlnr terribly from Rheumatism nnd was very discouraged, as I bad tried every tiling the doctors prescribed, even sending lier to Richfield Springs, etc Sty doctor is very much surprised at the progress my wife is making, and she is so well that she refused to keep her seamstress and is now doing her own sewing. Th doctors Insist on her taking "5 Drops" and assure her that it is now only a matter of a few days and she will be entirely cured, and as we ars very well known here, the "5 DROPS" is receiving considerable atten. tion and praise. F. E. TRICE, Jersey City, N. J. Oct. 13, 1899. Swansok RnnciiATic Cure Co.: I suffered terribly with Kidney Trouble for years, and after using less than two bottles of "5 DROPS" lam nowentirely wetland I give "5DROPS" the praise formycure. 1 could not find anything that would give me the slightest relief untlt 1 tried this remedy, and I recommend it to everybody as a permanent curfl for Kidney Disease. MARY A. CARBAUGH, Black Cap, Pa. Aug. 22,'W. Is the most powerful specific known. Free from opiates nnd perfectly hsmiless. It aires almost Invtaauneous relief, and Is a posttlTe cure for Jlheumatlsra, Relatlcn, Neurnlsla, Brspepsl, naeknehe, Asthma, Hay Tever, Cilturrb, I- Qrlppe, Croup. Uleeplesiaess, Nervousness, Nervous uutf Ncurnlale Headaches, Earache, Tooth. ache, Heart svenkness, SJropsj, mum-iri i.n:ci"ni.iuni"Mi ryf r A V O to snsbl sufferers to Rite "5 PROPS" at lesst a trial, we will send a SSe sample bottle, OU UAI 9 nrepsldbr mall, forlOets. X sample bottle will conTlnce jroa. Alto, large bottles (901 doses) II 00, ebottles for S3. Sold by us and stents. S0KSTS nilTIO la JUw T.rrlurj. WRITS CS TO-D1T. BWANSOX BIIEDUATIO CUUE CO., lOO t IO Itke St., CUICAGO, 1X1. (trade make) "e nDlDCil PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Kmii- kikI Wire Works. I'OllTt.ANI) WIIIK A lltOX WORKS: WIltK and iron leiH-ini:smre rnltltic. etc. .I'll Alder. .Machinery Mini Hniillr. CAWKTON & CO.: RNUIKKS, IIOM.KUS, MA. chtnery, supplies. &-M First Hi., Portland, Or. JOHN POOLE, Portland, ORraon, can give you the best bargains lit general inuclihiery, engines, boilers, tanks, jiumps, plows, belts nnd windmills. The new steel I X Ii windmill, sold by hlm, is unequalled. w I Prvvtau lioolkclan STaltHI CURE YOURSELF 1 Use llli ti for unnstursl dlichsrtes.lnllamiusUons, lrrltatluns or ulcerstlons of mucous membranes, Pslnless. and nut sstrln. EvWSCHtUIWtCo. gent or poisonous. tuna ojr nracclsta, pr sent In plain wrapper, by express, prepaid, for II.0O, or S bottleii. S.Vs. Circular sent on request. Is Curable Without the Use cf Knife, Address Oil. NEWK1UK, .Mountain Home, Ida. GANGER CORN WHEAT Will out-yield corn; will make the same kind of meal; hits superior faltenlnr qualities: will solve the problem of fsttenlng Hogs sndCsitls in a wheat country; should be sown In ths spring the same as wheat and will yield from 5u to 1U0 bushels per arre; the straw after It Ii thrashed has an oily substance and It Is almost as good as hay. Trice nf sued lOo per pound or SS pel hundred. Address SI. J. SHIELDS CO., Moscow, Idaho, YOUNG MEN! For donorrlni' and Gleet fftt r&lwt's Okay (Specific. II u the ONLY medicine which will cure rich and Tery cue, NO CASE known It hu erer fUHt to cure, ng matter how et-rioua or ot how long standing. Ileiulu from Its uae will iutonbh you. U U ahnolutelj aafo, prevrnu etricture, and can be taken without It icon nlence and detention from buMnetia. TRICE. fS.oo. Fot Mle Ht all reliable dnifririrta, or atnt prepaid by eipreut plalnlj wrapped) on receipt of price, by 1' A UST CmtillCaL CO., Chicago, 1IL Circular mailed oa requost SURE CURE FOR, PILES ITUlllNU Pile probncB nioUturw aud oauste ltcliitis Thla toriu, aa well I.liud.Ulewdlniror Protruding Pileaarecurci bjpr. Bosnnko's Pile Remedy Dtup Hohlntf ud bleedltiK. Ahaoru tuniora. Uto a Jar at UrujntUU or atul by mall. TratWe free. Writ me about yuur caae. UlL UObANKO, Pbilada., Pa, N. P. N. U. No, 5-1000. w 1IUN wrltlnc to ixlvortlsers i1ai mention tins pupur.