BOHEMIA NUGGET. - - : a J, HOWARD - - - EDITOR. &MrMk m owts t m im k ur . fe-ri.ttn prir., in 'iinw, AilvrrtLWig ppllcatlan. Friday. Feb. 2, 1900. , , , , . :. Kverv voter should make it his . , , . . , special business to register as soon as possible. Theobject of the law !H. ;n.ani inr lInMr t,m,lH mm- un nH ... register. If you do not register you cannot vote. Don't put it off. If no one registers there will be a mighty small vote cast the coming election. Residents of outside pre cincts should look into this matter. It is lair to presume that every available voter living in the cities and. large towns of the state will be registered. If they do and you don't, they are pretty apt to have things going there own way. Walk up gentlemen and register, .It only takes a moment. The Review of Roseburg. un doubtedly the biggest (?) paper on ;fearth, also edited by one of th,e Sbiggest scandal mongers and blackmailers on earth, making two of the biggest things on earth, is very much exercised that the Nugget should dare to comment upon the Harvey abduction case, aud then laments the fact that the Oregonian thought sufficiently well of the article to give it space. The Nugget has said nothing it cannot substantiate, and has not reflected upon railroad men who are gentle . men, but upon the class to which this man Harvey and, undoubtedly, Patterson, belong. FREE ADVERTISING,,' Tuesday.The Twice-A-Week Re-. view,ieceived five new suhscfibets, one'from Roseburg, one from Yon calla, two from Coles Valley ajnd one from-' South Dakota. All came th without solicitation. Two new subscribers to the Daily Re view, were also received. Since the beginning of the month the Twice-A-Week .Review has added 30 names to its subscription list. . Last year was the most prosperous in the history of the paper, but the new year opens with still brighter " promises. Roseburg Review, r-r- The editor of the Review, evi dently, in his anxiety to appraise the public of his growing sub Vcription list, admits" that these are roa4hpsperous times and still getting -better, and, yet, in nearly, every issue of his paper, he complains of ! ;the present administration and la ments the passing of the good old democratic days; with its, closed factories, suspended banks', idle laborers, disastrous strikes, and Coxey armies marching to Wash ington asking for employment and bread. Does the Review want these times to return? Would it exchange the Philippine army for a Coxey army. Would it ex change the hum of the factory wheel for the murmur of hungry laboring man? Would it exchange the screech of the engine whistle for the cries of suffering women and children? Is the Review aware that others as well as itself are prosperous these times? Med iord Eye. HADN'T II BAUD OF IT. Lots of people are wondering what will be the next development in the Plummer-Geer penitentiary case, The, general impression is that if the governor 'ct t,,c the matter rest as at present it will result in his political undoing.- , iik County Itviuizer. j yej vve hadn't heard of it. - There is a very small minority, who take any stock in the stories which originate! in the brain of j pimiuner, a man who ij recognized tua known ixn jn his ojyn party as one of the 'lowest reprobate that ever dis , ., ; graced politics. If the public will ICKU U1C iUCIUIUIt. VI 11.V1.IH ..liv.ll ! latlon. cminating from this broken 1 down politician of Polk, giving ! Governor Gccr credit for being n w ' , , i man of ordinary business sense, . t . ... , , I :.t.... ...... . (Tif-f tg Knll mt 1.2... honest, the conclusion will be . .... . .... Wl I H ffOtll beginning tO did, 1 HC Only IUU& lu nuiuici uuuui jui now-is what will be the magnitude of the next lie the Plutnmer outfit will coin. 8CH00L NOTES. boom 4. Assembly Monday morning. Nellie Itoonoy ia out of school on ac count of aiiknesi. Tho scholars of our room welcomed two'novr pupil Monday morning, JJugb purrin and Luther Van Fleet. MisscjMock and Lonn Chrisraan, Mcmg;--0h9 Dutton and Alraon IJeraehwyy visited our room Friday. Wo are sorry to note that William HentUVer is out ofjichool litis week ou account of sickness. Miss GrousocKilF' ytsited this room Thursday. Everybody was surprised Tuesday mo-nfng when Prof. Day announced in assembly that school would closo in about four weeks. Miss Lelah Hardy visited school Tuesday. Delegates. The delegates to the Republican League convention held in Portland February 0, from the cottago Grovo Re ubiican club are J. c. Long, c. urkliolder. c. J. Howard, Darwin lti ton and J. v . cook. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Offico, Roseburg, Ore., January 30 1900. Notice ia hereby given that in com- plianoo.wUb tho provisions of the act of CongresB6t June 3, 1878. entitled "An Lact for tho wile of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, ana Washington Territory, "frank A. Elliott of Newborn, County of Yamhill, state (or Territory) of Oieeon has this day (lied in this oflico his sworn state ment Ho. 7UG, lor tno ijuruhuRc ot .the SE 1-4-of Section No. 20. in Township No. 22 S Range No. 2 W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought 1b more valuable lor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before tho Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Saturday the 7th day of April, 1000. no names aa witnesses : P. L.Snone. J. I. Jones, J. E. Lewis. J. W. Cook, of Cottago Grove, Oregon. Any ana all persons claiming ad versely tno above-described lands are requested to. file their claims in this office on or before said 7th day of April, JWU. J. T. BnmoKB, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. January 20, 1000. Notice is hereby given that the following-named Bcttl r has filed notice of his intention to make final oroof in BUDnort of his claim, and that said proof will bo maue oeiote Joel ware u. a. uommts mlsBionor at Euneno Oreson. on March 81, 1000, viz: Perry Casteelon his H. E. no. 7W7. ipruie 8W 1-4 sec. 0, T. 208 R2W. Ho name tho following .witnesses tu prove his continuourreeidence noon and cultivation of said land, fit: Calvin Casteel.of Saginaw. Lane Co., Oregon, Oatbe Miller, Thomas nrown, ueorgo retty, 01 Ureaweil, Lnne Vo., Oregon. J.T. BniDOEB, Rogister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, January 20, 1000. Notice ia berobv eivon that the follow- jng-named settler-has filed notico of his Intontion to make final proof in sup p6rt of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before Joel Ware, U. 8 . Commissioner at Eugeno Oregon, on March 31 1000, viz: Oathe Miller on his H. E. 7150 for tho W NE 1-4 & W 1-2 SE 1-4 sec. 31, T. 108 B 2 W. He names the following wltnesse to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Haid land, viz : Calvin Casteel, Perry Casteel, of Paginaw, Lano Co., Oregon, Thnmnu Brown, George Petty, of Crcsweil, Lunu Co,, Oregon. J, T, Bbioobb, Register. Goods! oliday At LUBCH'S. For Young and Old! Come and They will be sold as cheap as South of Portland. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, January 4, 1000. Notice is horeby given that In com- 81iance with tho provisions of the act of ongress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Novada, and Washington Territory," John V. W st of Eugeno, County of Lane, 8tute of Oregon has this day filed In this offlco his swqrn statoment No. 760, for the purchase of the 8 E f of Section No. -t, inTownshtpNo.208. Range No. 2 V., and will offer proof to show that the land Bought Is mure valuablo for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses and to establish his claim to said land More the Reeittcrand Receiver of thisJofficoHt Roseburg, Oregon, on Tues day tho .uth day 01 Marrh lwu. lie names as witneraes: John 8. Gray.F. W. Prentice, J. 8. Luckey, Samunl Clifford, of Eugene, Oregon. Any and all portions claiming ad versely tho above-dccribod lands are OfSl ucsted to lile tbclr cinims in tins oinco on or beioro said 20th day of March 1900. J. T. HiuixJKS, Register. NOTICE FOR PURLICATION. United States Land Office, Roitburg, Oregon, January 4. 1000. Notice is hereby given that in com liancu with the provisions of the act of ,'onL'rt'ss of Juno 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the State of California, Oregon, Nevadu, and Washington Territory." John 8. Gray of Eugene, County or Lane, Htato of Oregon has this day filed in this offico his sworn statement no. 7-w, or me ft urrluue of tho N E of Section No, 10, Township .No. ZUB. Kanttu Ho. ' ., and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuablo for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of this offico at Rnneburg, Oregon, on Tuesday tho -inn day 01 March iuuu. lie names as witnesses : John: W. Wetit, F. W. Prentice, J. 8. Luukov, of Eugeno, Oregon, John Wheeler of Snuinaw. Oreiion. Any and all pontons claiming ad versely tho alove-dcBcrilHil lands are requested to filo their claims in this office on or before said 20th day of March 1000. J. T. Bbidukr, Rogister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Offico, Roseburg, Oregon, January 4. 1000, Notleo ia fjereby given that In com pliance with tho provisions of tho act of Congress of June 3. 187S, ontitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." Frederick W. Prentice of Eugene, County of Lane, State nt Oregon has this day flltd in this offico his sworn statement No. 7-10, for the purchase of the 8 E , of Section No. 10, in Township No. 20 8. Range No. 2 W.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stono than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish nis claim to said land before the Rogister and Receiver of this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on Tuesday the 20th day of March 1000. Ha names as witnesses: Samuel Clifford, John W. West, John 8. Gray, J. S. Luckey, of Eugene, Ore gon. Any und all persons claiming ad versely 'tho above-described lauds are requested to die their claims In this office on or before said 20th day of March 1000. J. T. Bbidoib, Register. A choieo selection of dried fruits at Cummino ASbiib, A great variety of mush goods at Cum mliigA Sehr. Subscribe for the Nugget. I will sell all Japanese goods at greatly reduced prices until Feb. 1st. Call and see them. Imii.y Mkinxhr.' J.P.Currin has a choioo lino of in- grain and figured wall paper, at prices m nun, 1110 irauu. tit. ...M 1 . ... t u bbii k"i koxih ni eooo prices ror u, vUBWU,cr0, vemru. meat waricet. - n.. 1 .. . . f- Ho 4f E. Wall & Whipple, Proprietor. We wish to thank the people ronage timing the past year, and honest prices, that is, the very best speak for our share of the trade in MKN'S HKAVY SHOES. A very good shoe for $1 35. A half Creedmore for $1 50. A full stock kip, double sole and tap for $2 15, A genuine oil grain, double sole and tap, high top, for $2 30. We also carry the Wisconsin drive shoe, hand made, 12 inch top, $6 50 We have a large line of men's hats in the new shape and colon prices from 50c to fcj.oo livery one of our fj.oo lints have a guii antec tag sewed inside, signed by the manufacturer. Our line of men's working gloves is complete. Our ptkt are from 35c to $1.35. Kicking? Has your husband been kicking about the toughness aud quality of the meat your market has been delivering you lately? About the price, too? We would like to supply your table with meats, Our steaks and chops are ten der aud at the right price; and as good cutters as the town affords. GOOD WEIGHTjsaf McFarla,nd Meat Jam s Hemenway: DEALER IN Heal Estate and Fire, Life and Acc dent NOTARY PUBLIC Benson Drag Company Dold this Space. Olatcb tt, Hardwar If yon want any thing in the our goods and see how the prices full line of HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, Stov5,rTfnwarr, Minen Supples, Mechanics Tools, Cutlcrr. Ammuni tion, "Washing: Machine, Chumt, unpiemcts. EaklnA Brlstownro agents for the uenuino viivor uiuiieu anu Dtooi Plows and extras. 11 you warn a saw, nxo, weage, or any till n0 In thn Viwl knnruira lino w, 1 11 jl t u ""w ' 0 ' Jhabest for the money If you want any inuie or pocKoi cutlery go to rhHp& Jones Hardware Tako your laundry to Goo. E. Urillltn. acont Ol the Plltronn Pnlnnn T n.. u .1 I 1 mi , . -uuuiiurv, uocs uown inursoav anu ...... roturns uaturuay afternoon. iday Goods! See Them you can buy then of this uicinity for their Hlral J by keeping tow, gooji goods at the lowest cash prices, 4 our line. MKN'R UNDIiRWKAR. a goou vaiuc hi 35c per rarmtcj t . Natural mixture, a splendid viltjl 50c per garment. j Heavy cotton, fleece lined, 50c J garment. Half wool, 65c per garment. All wool, $ 1 00 per garment. Hxtra heavy gnrmcnt. all wool, $t 50 tfsWGIVIJ US A TKIAll Oo. orr Knnovr om Mining Property Insurance Cmpaniec. Strict Attention paid to CoUcadtil Office opposite Sherwood HoUll Hardware line, come ant! look on suit. We shall endeavor to carry Etc and a Full Lie of Agricultural j Philips & Jon sJ Froah candles everyday, made fromP pure sugar at tho Tailor Hliop, . For quality nnd chonpncus In freij meats go to tho Central ment market. m. . . v. a. uowlH, hoot and hIioo rcntffl u ppOBlte Sherwood Hotel. Boys, liayo you neon Hioho flno iboj guns at GmrriN A VeATin fin. Oct your wlfo n waslilnc ntncliincl wringer orchurn for a ChrlHtmas prcut"' I'M II ns am Joni liiivn h,n ... wn now ). ..11 -t... i n..n,n ' " m.UT 111 Boots and Shoos, Eakii. A Brlstow.