MIR KCJH Devoted to the Mining. Iraberiiif; and Panning Interest of tltff Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Irving. VOL. IX Cottage Grove, Qre2,o'n, OFYidriy, 3 90O. NO. . . . . i - . . . . . . . . 0 i MINLb m MINING. 7$ BAEG-AIM We only have six I g-djes'. Jackets left, ' r . . and will close .-tliQin :(Hit.;for.: Cash-as follows: ' : -ro.t... T.t; "' ' ' . ' Size 3,1 and 38 color Black, $ $3.75 Former Price, $4.50.' ..'. .J ; .Gray " $8.00 . Black " $..'oo ; " ' : ft h 'i 30 38 and 40 $10.00. 40 fUCST MACKINTOSHES OP ALL KINDS $6.00 $4.00 -sr.',-, at cost. ';Iw, aJ'.'Xftw vij 'akitt'cc Bristow'.-i-B; Devoted to Bohemia Notes and Mining Items of General Interest to Mining Men. Did You 'See ---SHOES'--''- - Our line is strictly all . vighr..WSx&&& rjiGrii,xri.ci Avjiei. l you ; 1 1 : 1 vixu y iu ju.y9 yQXi iio w wnere to gel; an. up to ciace. fcjnoe. ' ;, ,v HATS AND CAPS Pcdoras, 50c to ?3.oo. Turbans, Si.oo to $2.50. Railroad Black, .fr.oq. , Cowboy-, $1.24. Caddy's, $2.50. Hoys Hats, 40c to $t. 00. Golf Caps, rjc to 65c. ' ' ' ---GROCERIES- .3' In the grocery line we have, and will keep, Vegetables. Oranges and Lemons, continually "oh hand. Our oranges are the very choicest in the tjia'rk'eTTor five cents each. .. WIS WOULD LIKE TO II AVIS YOUR TRADK. ... There is less snow in camp now than there has been for many years at this time of the year. ' Already prospectors are coming in camp from far and near the ground beingsare in many places. v .Th'eNoo'hdrty-has suspended operations for an indcufiite period for some unKnowi, cause. ': Ho'ldertriSfn & Hickey arc progressing fine with their big contract on the Montana Mining Company's property. . jtir. and Mrs. Perry Long arrived' in camp this week. Mrs. Long will hxve charge of the culinary department and Mr. 'Long is conductor on'' the underground railway at the Montanas fine mines. . Byrne Bros': & Klopensline are steadily pushing development on the .1 famous' Grizzly, group recently purchased by London capitalists with ,r.i 'T:vr 6 '""'The Local Company formwl in camp by Messrs Williams, Lockwood jPelersfin ami others who purchased a group of fine claims lately from White .Bros. & Tilledge at Gleriwood are preparing for a larcre amount y)5(dwlopment'thLs coming season. .. Morgan, the veteran prospector, and partner hare lately muvVfivm,th!r quarters on Steamboat to their group ol claims near tbfJl jj&'nes group a'nd are doing some substantial development. The ope'if -winter allowing work to be done higher up the mountain. "Mow -men are actively enjracred in camp this winter than any other j time'ia'the history of the camp. Last winter during the months of January-and February the mail and packages could easily be taken in 1 on owe horse, .This winter the mail is brought in on a pack horse and 1 oitcn it talces two ana even more to accommodate tlie increase ot busi- ,. , 'The nre-some dozen or more men over at Ridge hotel holding down (.claims with pick, shovel, hammer and drill. The sound of heavy j cannonading can be heard over in that end ot camp almost anytime day r' or night. A fine showing is being made where one year ago people ran '! oyer in their mad rush to gain the highest peaks; but all the gold ledges ar.e not loutm m tue hignest aitituue. If Bohemia was only in ice clad Alaska or in some desert where no one could live there would be no end to the amount of capital invested, railroads and smelters by the dozen would be built. The main trouble lies in the fact that she is easy of access at all times of the year, and in vestors are always slow to take hold of something that is easy. The experimental stage of the camp is past and before long the much talked of railroad will bs a reality, and the smoke of the smelter may soon be seen ascending from the depths of the great Champion or Horseheaven canyon, where water, timber and ore abounds in inexhaustless quantities only awaiting some method of working and the smelter is in our opinion the best for this camp considering the vast amount of lead, silver and copper our ore contains. Besides an abundance of the filthy lucie, lime, feld spar and fiucre spar also abound in parts of this great mineral belt. Continued next issue. GAR MAN &' NEW-LAN ID; -: LUND if HANSEN Estimators and Locators Ol' TIMBER LAND. Parties wishing to be located" on Timber Land will find it to Uiejr advantage to consult us, We have had Sixteen Years experience in the timber laud busi ness and guarantee satisfaction. Hotel Sherwood, Cottage Grove, Oregon. Progression, We nre'lU'lufc iir n rapid ii),'n -aji age of Progression. Tlio World in:6vct nnu yon must 111001 .with it. 1 ! ' U - .-, V "kV V'.f '. ; t V ' Kcop up with tlio timet!. If you ncu st'clffiuco to'ibciulItr-(5ur6elf'yruBj) .the owiortVulit:' r- ?'Y fl .,,1X You Can Benefit' Yburseh bVf G byf Oa'lh'ngiAt:.. It you are lpojcini; Jot'-' rgon. .Uiat will I10 iiHcfiil a wi'll hh 'iVitnlneirtiil tol'liltliim ml.Toncii lUrdnmo. . , You enn jtet ; ago, fVjilijt) pliotcwUt' Hoydi n tuiv place iii Lw for ' ' "' ' ".. . ; .if you want wall jwpor.or boke don't fortfet to Hut piicos of J. P. Ourrin the dnigRlBt. Okipkin & Vkatcii Co. aio lio loadoni in all hiuduof mining supplUm, nuimu nition and aiiorting kocrIh . Suital Suitai! Tailor nimlii miiti! ! ! Up todato in ovary reapt'ot, from $10 up. Call mid fQ0 HUinplon, Quo. 5onrAN. Kor buit vhIiioh in tuns mid coffoon go to,OHinuii)j&Sahr.. . . . , .I'll if OkEp.OX. To the rt6urIo of Uottaije Grove and vlcfnity': :iY"rtrt ai ( huraby ,vyA"i'.and 'rfl'fMlv'fo'rbtdihui nt to.RHow domtofoU ,1ow otf' whtmi'iioliig,.i)n or pniiu; through my pmmlnea. ,. , 1). G. McFamiiaxii. ' CALL TOP COUNTY WARRANTS. Kottcoia h'oroby given that thafollow hift wari'ttnU will be paid 011 proi6nta tionatmy oltlco on 'mid after January V2, 1000, Intorosf 011 aamo will censo January 82, 1000. All Lano county warrants from rogistorod munbura '0109 to 0160, both iuduairo. .Diitad lJiiBonu,' Jumiary 20, 1000. A.S. P.vranwoy, , County TroaiHUMr . UNWRITTEN WORK POSED. EX- 'Parties-.wishing to enter the 'priri ting office- at tin's season should A';".' -.'.''j 'i.'j. .'.1 1 a .1 yt.te to the inner. door, and give three distinct'a'ps or kick' the door 'downj'.the devjl will attend to the nlarin. ?Ypu .will' give him your na,me, postofficc address and the number of years yo'u are owing for 'the: paper. He1 will . admit you. You will advance to the center of thV'rrtnm mill rulclrwis tlip pflit-nr w jfji the followin'g countersign: Ex- rtfcii(Wtuc r.rgjj.t'-hatid about two feet from tyfc body, with the J.humb anu luuexawnger cinspiug-a j,io oui, which drops into the extended hand of the editor, at the same time saying: "Were you looking for me?" The editor will grasp your hand and the bill and pressing it will say: "You bet!" After giving him the news concerning your locality you will be permitted to retire with a receipt for an ob ligation properly discharged, Marcus (Iowa) News. S)'inj Suits . Glo. iiohlmrvn the popular tailor haB now on hand his samples of spring patterns, and ia ready to tako orders for your suit. Tho samples nro exceed ingly nice,, and nro suro to please you, both in. -pneo and quality. Call anil oxnmine.. IT-IS HERE! ' ' The Largest Stock in South Lanel Consisting of -O- -O- Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Stoves and Tinware; Pumps, Pipes and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS!, Guns and Ammunition, Studebrker Wagons, Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows, Etc. Ear Miners Supplies, the only house South of Port laud, Give us a call. , GRIFFIN & VEATCH. ; ' COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON