Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 26, 1900, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Mining Umbering nud Farming IntcrcHtw of litis Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Living.
vol. ri;
Grvove, Oregon, Friday, Jan. 26, 19CO.
We only have six ladies' Jackets left,
and will close them out for Cash as
Size 34 and 38 color Black, (J $3.75 Former Price, S4.50,
" 36 " Cray " fS.oo " " $10.00.
" 38 and 40 " IJlack ' $3.00 " " $4. 00.
"40 " " " S6.00 " " $7.50.
Bakiti & BristoWo
New Goods Arriving; Daily,
Just Received, a new line of Hats, Caps,
and Shoes, all in the latest styles. Since
the manufactors' price have been raised,
our price. We will open our Spring Stock
of Shoes, the latest styles, exactly the
same quality, and at the same money we
sold them before, while they cost us from
10 to 15 cents per pair more. We have
the largest line in town.
Our line of Caps for men, boys and girls
is large enough for a town three times the
size of Cottage Grove. Trade with us and
save money.
SOT Alibi: A (WOMl'LlSll-
About the most notable accom
plishment of the high tarrifT these
days is to prevent Americans from
buying American-made goods as
cheaply as they are sold to Euro
peans, Guard.
Another notable accomplishment
of the high tariff, is the undoing of
the democratic paily, causing them
to completely abandon the free
trade delusion, and hustle about for
another national issue, resulting in
their adoption qf the free silver
falacy, the result of which has
been the down full of democracy.
Another notable accomplishment of
the tariff policy will be its assistance
to a good, sensible, sound money
policy, in placing a republican ad
ministration again in power at the
.i 1 -1 o
coining presidential election,
much for high tariff, sound money
and republicanism,
q Wc nro living in a rapid ago: aiig of Progression. The World moves
4& I .. , i.l. !.
iwiu vein iniiai iiiuvu nun iv.
Keep up with tho Milieu. If you uuo n chance to benefit yourself grasp
the opportunity.
You Can Benefit Yourself by Calling At
Benson Drug Company.
re Drugs and Chemicals
Cottngo Orovo Ortl Tout GA I! moots
ovory wound and fourth Saturday at 1 p
111 in tho city hall. All oomrmlea aro
rordialy iuvirud to conio and join with
r. E. Mil. 1,1:1), Coin.
Suits! SiiltH ! 1 Tailor mndo suits!!!
Up todato in ovorv respect, from $15 up.
Call and seo munploH,
" OHO. HoilMIAK.
Special .rates during holidays nt
IJoydH I'liotograph Gallery.
If you nro looking for a present that
will Ira useful ns wull an ornamental go
to Phillips and Jones Hardware.
You can gut ns good stamp photon at
PoviIh uh any ptneo in Lauo Co., -1 for
If you want wall paper or books don't
forget to got prices of J, 1 Curriu the
Devoted to Bohemia Notes and Mining Items of General Interest to
Mining Men.
The Ophir mine owned by O. P. Adams, Cathcart Bros., et al,
which lacks 180 feet of joining the well known Musick, on the same
ledge, and on the south and'easjt of Bohemia Mountain, is highly
spoken of by many visitors as one of the coming dividend payers in the
camp. This property was located by O. P. Adama in 1892, and since
then considerable development work has been done each year, within
the means of the owners. The work gives indicaiton of two parallel
ledges, upon which 50x60 and 40x50 feet respectively, has been driven
on the ledge, besides a 40 foot cross cut. Both ledges have been cut
nearly 6 feet from the hanging walls .and still show ore on the foot
walls. The ore is a mixture of free and base, almost a fac simile of the
Musick ore. The assays have run as high as $40 gold to the ton. The
property has an excellent mill site on the companion claim, The Royal,
which is also supplied with an abundance of timber.
A smelter is one of the most necessary institutions to any success
mining camp, providing of course, the camp is in the true sense of the
word, a success. Recent developments in the Bohemia District prove
beyond all reasonable doubt, the absolute need of a smelter and also
demonstrate that if a smelter will pay anywhere it will pay here. Take
for instance the recent great strike at the Musick. Here a mammoth
chute of ore going 40 percent lead and running high in silver and
gold. absolutely a clear shipping ore, has been so extensively developed
that the management feel free to say that from this mine alone 50 ton
of this ore a day can be furnished a smelter, for 3 years at least. As
development work goes on, the chute widens, and those supposed, to
know are perfectly confident in its lasting qualities. The strike was
made in level No. 4 and considerable stoping with exceedingly flattering
results hafi already been done. Level No. 6, is now being driven west,
already with a full face of ore, to tap the big strike. A smelter in the
district is of course the thing desired, but if it cannot be attained, Port
land surely should set about, interesting capitalist in the construction of
one there, as no safer investment for capital can be found.
The Albion was the last boat to leave Cape Nome. Until June that
country is shut ofT from the outer world, along the coast from Golofin
bay to Cape York 2500 people will remain during the winter. All have
plenty of money and food is there and can be had at some price, so,
there will be no necessity for any to go hungry,
hardest to get.
The Great Northern Railway Company recently let the contract for
the erection of an ore dock on Allonez Bay with a total capacity of
62,500 tons. It will be the largest ore dock in the world.
The last liquidation of the San Sebastian Company from the Com
pania Metalurgica Mexicana at San Luis Potoi. Mexico, shows re
turns of nearly $1300, or $50 per ton.
The result of a 15 days run of 'the five stamp mill of the Virtue
mine in Southern Oregon, resulted in a clean up of three gold bricks of
the value of $12,000. A good showing for Oregon mines.
The Golconda mine, near Baker City, is milling extremely rich ore
these days so rich that frequent stoppages have to be made to clean the
plates, and secure the amalgaum.
The Baker City mining committee arc furthering plans with th.
view of securing a mineral collection to be placed in the Oregon exhibit
at the Paris exposition.
Portland is beginning to buz.-, with the hum of the mining industry.
According to a reliable report several brokers will open up offices in the .
city and go into the brokerage business on a larger scale. The pro
posed mining exchange, too, is soon likely to be realized, according to
present signs. The promoters are now awaiting the return of Mr. F. J.
Hard, from Cripple Creofc, Colo., who will bring a copy of the consti
tution and by-laws of the Colorado exchanges, which will form the
guiding rules for the Portland exchange. Such exchanges have been
fmitirl nrofltable. and it is thoucht that a similar one in Portland will
meet the needs of the mining world. Portland Telegram.
Two boundry district mines made their first shipment recently the
B. C. in Summit Camp, and the Payne mine at Sainton, B. C. It is a
trial shipment of ore at about S40 per ton values The Butte and
Boston have went against a rich body of ore. There is said to be two
feet of the ore and it assays $ioS per ton Fifty men are en
gaged in framidg anew custom mill, at Republic, Wash. ; and the
structure will be raised by the last of this month. The building will be
210 feet long by 90 feet wide. Spokesman Review. .
The Largest Stock in South Lane!
-Consisting of-
Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Stoves and Tinware; Pumps, Pipes ,aud(
Guns and Ammunition, Studebrker Wagons, Canton Clipper Plows,
Harrows, Etc. For Miners Supplies, the only house South of Port
land. Give us a call. GRIFFIN & VEATCH.