Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 19, 1900, Image 2

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rublUlicd KTcrf 1'rlilny.
Comprehensive ltevlevr of tha Import
ant Happening of the Init Week
Cullfil l'roui the Telegraph Columns.
William Jackson, tho soont, is dond.
Tho United Vonlo miuo wns sold foi
British authorities liavo released the
Gorman steamer Horzog.
Two whito men woro shot and twe
nogroos woro lynched at ltiploy, Tonn.
rremior McDonald takes tho nttor-noy-gonemlshlp
of tho now Manltob?
A British flag and portrait of the
queen woro trampled under foot in a
Victoria saloon.
President Hill, of tho Great North
ern, regards tho ship subsidy bill as a
national scandal.
Lord Balfour in a speech denied thnf
tno mst tor gold is tnoiucentivo to Eng
land in tho Tranvnnl war.
Suit has been begun in tho United
States supreme court to test the valid
ity of tho Bland-Allison act.
Governor Brady and tho Capo Nome
delegation havo appeared beforo th
house committeo on publio lands.
Tho president has recommended the
promotion of Howlson, Kuutz, liomony
and Farquhar to bo rear admirals.
Tho United States cruiser Albany,
purchased from Brazil, developed (
ipeed of 20.87 knots during a builders'
trial run.
England will release seized Ameri
can Hour. Foodstuffs are not consid
ered contraband of war unless intended
for the enemy.
Bnrnat Grinberg, formerly a well
known Jewish business man of Seattlo,
has been arrested in Tarnapoli, Gn
licia, Austria, on a charge of buying
girls for export from Austria to the
United States.
Secretary Gage gives as his reason;
for hla recent action in utilizing na
tional banks us depositories for national
treasury notes that thereby ho prevent
ed a disturbance in tho business world.
He denies that ho has discriminated
in favor of any bank.
A London dispatch says tho long
pent-up storm is now bursting over the
heads of home government officials.
It says that if parliament were in ses
sion, it is doubtful if they could retain
power, and only a remarkable change
in tho situation can save them when
the next session convenes.
Senator Hoar has made public a lot
ter he had addressed to
Eastern papers in reply to a speech
mado by cx-ropresentative Quigg, of
tho Essex Club. In it he says that
Aguinaldo is honest, and that the war
was caused by a mistake mado by Gen
eral Otis; that the Americans were tho
aggressors and Aguinaldo wanted
A pro-Boer meeting was held in
English parliament may be convened
before tho end of the month.
Frenchmen are opposed to tho new
treaty with America.
A Missouri lodgo of Hibernians de
cided that it would not help the Boers
The Chicago baseball club will make
its spring training quarters at Los An
geles. An Ontario (Or.) man has a schema
for using the natural steam of hot
Tho bombardment of Mafoklng wns
renewed Friday morning.
Many Boors are bol loved to bo trek
king northward from Lmlyamith.
Tho national convention of United
Miuo Workers opened at Indianapolis.
Whon Bryan visits Now York ho will
bo entertaiuod exclusively by Tain-ninny.
For tho first tlmo In history grocery
storoa and meat shops closed in Chicago
on Sunday.
Genoral Wood has crossed Ornngo
rivor and established tho first British
post in tho enemy's country.
A determined woman and a hugo
broad knlfo kept n mob at bay in Chi
cago until assistance arrived.
Sir Wilfred Laurier says that Can
ada will give England both men and
money to noip ner in tno present strife.
Summer resorts of Hookaway beach
nnd Jamaica bay, Now York, may havo
to move on account of threatening
Whcaton and Schwnn's troops aro
keeping tho rebols of Southern Luzon
moving. Americans havo few losses,
but the rebel losses aro heavy.
The traus-Atlantlo steamship lines
havo increased their nnsspntrnr rntim 1m.
tween Now York and Europo, owing
to tno neavy travel oxpoctcU to tho Paris
John P. Heose, under arrest In Fort
bcott, ian., has been released by
Jugdo Thoyer's order. Heoso was being
held for contompt of court for address
ing striking miners.
Tho Servian ministry has resigned,
owing to King Aloxauder Insisting on
granting amnesty to nil tho political
pnsuners convicted 01 nign treason
against his father, King Milan.
A circular appealing for peaco nnd
pledging for tho Boerx, signed by 400
clergymen of nil denominations in tho
Netherlands, has just boon delivered to
tho ministers of nil Christian churches
in Grent Britain.
I The suit for tho prize monoy for tho
uBsirncuon oi wervera's fleet involves
tho question of whether or not tho
cruiser New York really participated
in tho battlo. Tho uttornoy-general
avers thnt as all the Spanish lleot and
property were destroyed thoy wero not
The urgent deficiency appropriation
bill, the first of the important bills for
the government, reported to tho house
by Chairman Caution, carries SKA. 127..
841, of which $47,003,332 is reappro-
pnatou lor the military and naval cs
luuusnments, and .'' for dis
tnct appropriations.
Tho Boers havo lootod nil tho stores
nnd mines in Swaziland.
Two cases of bubonic plague are re
ported irom feouth Australia.
Londoners aro still complaining over
me rigid censorship of war news
Carter Harrison has refused to accept
mo candidacy lor governor of Illinois.
The rodmill workers at Cleveland,
v., will striKo, invoking 4,000 work
How Our Trade Hns Grown
in Past Fivo Yoars.
Unit imI Klitgitnm mill It Dependencies
liy l"u r tli Heat Uuttoiuer, mill (lor-
l i it 1 1 v mill I run i'ii Come Next.
Washington, Jan. 10. Frnnk II.
Hitchcock, chtof of the foreign mar
kets division of the agricultural depart'
I meiit, has prepared an interesting col'
lntiou of figures showing for tho first
time the respective! amounts of our
Agricultural oxports which go to tho
t-ovcral countries of Europe and of the.
other continents. Tho period covered
Is 181)1 to 1808. Tho statement shows
f hut tho agricultural products exported
from tho United States In the live yearn
had mi avcrago annual value of !f00!),
5:18,201 . Of tlicso cnuruiouH oxports,
about 00 per cent found a market in
the United Kingdom nnd its various
dependencies. Tho sum paid by tho
iiritisii ieopio for tno American farm
products purchased during tho period
' mentioned reached as high as .f 103,
I 083,054 a year. Great Britain alono
took moro than ouo-half of our agricul
tural oxnortH. tlui onnniirtniiontM on.rl.
ited to that ocuutry forming about SS
per cont of tho total shipments and
having an unuual value of !f 303,407,
701. Gormany, which rnnks next to tho
United Kingdom as n market for tho
products of American agriculturo, ro
celved about 10 per cont of tho oxports
lor 1HU4-VU, tho nverago yearly valuo
amounting to .?30, 320,254.
Franco, with purchases that aver
aged $43,088,701 a year, or about 0.0
per cont of tho total, was tho third
country in importance Thoso throo
countries tho United Kingdom, Gor
many and France received togothor
nearly 75 per cent of the total agricul
tural oxports.
After tho threo countries just men
tioned, Tho Netherlands, Bolglum,
Canada, Italy and Spain afforded tho
most Important markets. Tho Nether
lands bouuht 4.3 nor cent of the total:
Belgium, 3.0 per cent; Canada, 3.5 por
cent; Italy, 2.2 per cent; and Spain,
1 .5 per cent. Tho avcrago valuo of tho
exports to theso countries.
iviiiikm wnntni aan.onn to Vot ('
rinrk mnl Win n.lereil Din.OOII.
Washington, .Inn. 15. Dr. Ector, ft
dentist of Missoula, .Mont., win tho
ilrnt witness hofimi tno uianc invru-
... 1 If. t....l .....
gating coiniiimeo louay. uu nmi i"
tiolpatcd in tho campaign In llnvalll
county In tho interest of 12. P. Wood",
it M tlx. t.llfftflllt.
ucmucriiiiu uiiiiuiiiiiiu ii mv
turo, nnd who wan a friend of Chirks.
'i-ii-tr nil 1.1 lin linil ill-toil nt tllll illKtllllt'O
of Blok ford, ono of Clark's malingers.
Witness wild Bickford hud promised to
pay mm for Ms cervices, nut no sp
clllo sum had been mentioned. A
number of lotttun were read Intending
tn lint., tiinf ltii-i.fnril liml I iciiii an
ngent of Clark In the eeniitorini nice.
.1 I .1... ...I... .......
urosK-oxamiiinium in uiu imi n
postiwiicd until the deftiiiHO could look
.... .1... i..,..... iii.ui iwmi ii UTiir
IHI UIU llHll'In IUl.l'lluu llv.i. j.Miv..
ltoprosontntlvo Sullivan, member of
ii i .1.1.1 i... n It,.
1111111111 Mil II'ITIH 1111 liril 1111111 lllllllliu
enlltitv. oiirtllloil til InivlllL' lll-IHl 1111
nwinitltml I... 1ll.lrf.ir1 III Ifnllltlll Will'
ir.ii.iiui. uj iiiiniiiiu ... j..
. . .. ... . .1. . 1 I.. 1.. ......
viouh to tno iiioeting oi wiu ivgiHiiuuio
nun nsKOd to vote lor uinrx.
"1 said," tho witness testified, "thnt
l mlKlit do so if tnero was eiiougi
in it. Ho said how much. I w
fii'nutv tliMiidiiml 1 let tlliltl lluVfill lull
If half thnt amount would not be
enough. 1 replied no, and wo parted."
Sullivan said ho met Bickford, who flft. win rliniisnllil Wlttliwia
",neij"v. iii.vvu ...........
told Bickford ho would not vote for
Clark under niiv circuiiihtanccH. ulld
luui seen no more of mm.
General George Sharpe. a veteran of
iuu civn war, is dead at Kingston,
Tho Pacific coast has sent forward
over $10,000 to tho Lawton fund, and
more will bo sent.
The Boers havo refused to allow th
American consul at Pretoria to act at
uritisn representative.
Tho secretary of war has asked for
juou,uuu lor expouses in sending the
upanisn prisoners homo from Manila.
California wants foreign countries
forced to reduce the duties on canned
gooos through reciprocity treaties.
Tho shipbuilding trust has not yet
won orguuized. tho amount of capi
talization Is not yet determined upon.
Tho Big Four rnilroad will roanmo
payment of common stock dividends
and will tako over tho Chesapoako &
Unole Sam will press her claim
Rgalnst Santo Domingo. Franco got
her money and now domnnds ac
Tho Boers in a spirit of humor have
namod threo prison streets In Pretoria
"Ladysmith," "Mafeking" and "Kim
borloy." England cannot understand why
Bullcr's forces did not press n passage
on the Tugolu whilo Whito wns ongag.
ing tho Boers to tho. North.
At Battle Crnnk. Hoh tl.o UA t
Sherman Church, a millor, was found !
wedgod under a wator wheel. Tho
hands wore tied nnd a weight fastened
to the log.
Dutch coloninls taken in arm a nrn
not treated as war prisonors, but nro
uemg prusecuieu ior treason.
The latest official report upon the
foreign commerco of China shows n
great increase both in its imports and
ex puns.
The Creo Indians nf r.inniio mr,
take the warpath and strike a blow at
uieui xmain, now that tho British
aro nusy.
Frederick D. Eonflla. nun nf Ua
prietors of tho Denver Post, was shot
uuu moriaiiy wounded by a lawyor of
mm. Ult.
French warships have taken posses
aion of Kwong Chau Wan bay, where
u uuuuunry uispute nas been pending
Dovcxui IIIUUUI3,
Tho wreck in St. .Mary's bay, N. F
is still unidentified, alth fin ffll f a !
lieved to bo tho Helgoland, which was
miner uiiunor uy tlio Standard Oil
uwijiauy. xen oodles have been lo
cateu among the rocks.
A lono robber held up two restan-
iimiB m mu miost of Kansas City at 0
iu uio morning, jsoth jobs wero ac
complished in less thnn
nnd tho robber escnped, the gapini!'
riannta .....1.1.. . , , o
fwi" limning uu resistance.
Mrs. C. M.
Cal., aged 73, died suddenly on the
.wi-uuuuu uregon express between
iMontague, in tho Slski
yous. She was noomnm.n.).,,. t,
mains of her lato husband to Seattle"
iur uuriai.
John Barrett.
in a public address In Chicago, said
nvjiiaiur iioar-s speech, which
iTua V.UUIUI1 to liont' Knn. n..,l ..!...
S " f. I u DllURU-
quently put into handa nf tim vihi..
5 md .tho 0I'eu i,l:urrectlon in tho
l niiiupiuos.
Mrs. Christina TrMh nt w.
Louis, omorged from a tranco to find
iiuiBuu uuuer nroonoa
lui 1 In n1 n.wl . ... "
uu .,u 1uuiHir(jU jor tno grave. A
movement of tho eyelid saved tho
woman from death nt tho hands of tho
nndortnker or from burial nllvo
Report! of Procmllng In the Motlder
Jllvrr Uo ii n try.
Modder River. TlmrHdnv. nnnnrnl
Bablngton, with two reigmcnts of
Lancers, tho Victorian ninnntnil rlflna
and a buttcrv of horso urtillerv. lnft
hero on tho evening of January 7 (Sun
day) and crossed tho Freo State border
on Tuesday.
Simultaneously nt)
were made. A column under Colonel
Pitcher went from Belmont to tho
south of General Bnbinutnn'a rnntn
while a portion of tho garrisons of
Klokfonteln and Honer Nest klnnf. nn.
tier Major Byrne, advanced towards
jacousdai. ueneral iia himrtnn nmm.
trated 12 miles and his scouts 20.
They saw no signs of armed Boers. Tho
farmhouses wero found cmntr. tha nn.
cupants having had nows of tho ad
vance anu gone inrtfior into tho inte
rior. The British bivouacked nt Hum.
don. Thev burned threo fnrnilmnaoo
tho proporty of Lubbe. ono of tho Boer
leaders. Yesterday they swept around
southward, returning hero today.
Nothing was uccomnlinliiyl nxmnt n.
Colonel Pitcher enmn Intn tnnoV.
with General Bablncton nnil tlmn .
turned to Belmont.
Major Bvrne recnnnnltnnvl tlm l.lll.
aljout four miles from Jncobsdnl nnd
saw 700 BoerB.
linen Xrnr the Heu.
Durban, Natal. Jnu. 10. Thn rn la n
Boor commando in tha 7. nrn fin nn
country, Zululaud, within a day's
umicii ui wio sea, witn wagons. It in
tioiievcd to be waitim? for mimiltnu nna
ammunition secretly landed noar St.
xjucia-s Day.
Tlio Boers have looted nil tlm dn.o.
nnd mines in Swnziland territnrv nn.i
the ruined natives are completing the
IlflTOIlll tlio TlI.Aln.
London, Jnu. 10. A nnootnl li arm tnh
t l.- m . " "!'"'
iiuiu iuju lown. tinted Krlilnr Tn...
uarr 12 (ovoninc). annontionu thnt
eral Warren has crosii thn Tni
. "6V.i
Report Will I'rohiilily lie llrmlr lie
fore l'i'briiiirj' 1.
Now York, Jan. 15. A special to
tho Times fwin Washington nays:
Alxiut tho last of January tho Philip
pine commission will submit tliolr fall
roiiort to tho jireslduut. President
Schurman was nt tho White Honno
Thursday to announco that progress
wns boing niiido, nnd that boforo Feb
ruary tho work of the commission will
be completed. The report mado in
Soptcmber wns n goiiunu ono, in which
nil tho commissioners jollied. In the
lull report ench commissioner will ileal
with n sopurnto subject. That of Pres
ident Schurman is on government for
the Philippines. Ho has considered
tho mutter fully nnd has discussed his
report with tho president. It is as.
mi met l that such practical poiutx us ho
may offer will bo brought to tho ntten
tlon of tho npproprinto committees of
tho senate nnd tho houso.
As to tho question of ngnln sending
a commission to the Philippines, it lmi
been suggested in congress by both sen
ators nnd representatives that n joint
commission of members might bo
named for that purpose. It would bo
very populnr and nlso very oximjiwIvo,
nut it is insisted that It would bo n
better wnv of nreDariiiir coiii?rfH fnr
legislative nctton than tho plan of mak
inir un a commission nutHidtt nf mn
gross and oxccting members of both
houses to read tholr rejiort after It hnd
uoon mntio in order that it mny becomo
informed. It is said that a special
committeo oi members well-known
would be moro lutoreating nnd Impros
Prnnce Will llo Slonkrchjr Again.
Chicago. Jail. 15. Count fin In
Chasiioy, who wus mnrrlod In Colorado
C 1 A. .
Dpruigs tno nays ngo, nnd who passed
through ChlciiKO Inst nk-lit on Ida Tl'llV
to Pnris, Iwliovcs eventunlly Frnnco
will havo ngnln a monarchial fonn of
"Nothing will bo dono In n political
way to reorganize tho present govern
ment," ho said, "until after tho Paris
exposition. That is practically u taut
ter of agreement nmonL' thn blirh utntna
men. But Franco la nonr n l,
Uio Fnshodn incident nnd tho Dreyfus
iiuuir uuueu mucn to tno genornl (lis
coutont among tho lnnssos. At tho
proper tlmo tho man to lead tho royul
1st nurtv will bn fnntwl. Tt la .,f
likely that Princo Louis
b colonel In tho Bussiun nrmy, will bo
Two British Columns Mnroh.
Ing Around tho Doors.
line In tlm Knt, tlm tlllier In lli
nr inn .iiniu iiiiirn i ikiiiihi l!trj,
tlilnif (julet nt Alerkatriiin,
Great llnttla Iiutnln.nt.
Boer Hendannrtnra nt rin.
Tliursdny Everything points to n groat
battle within tho next few
smith for the last two
firing rockets. Tho object ia not kuowtt
Flchttncr In
Manila. Jan. lfl Avtnna
iodu roport a sharp fight January 8
between a bnttnlion of tho Nineteenth
infantry nnd a bodv nf I
copying a strong position In tho Soud-
iuu mountnins. Tim mmm ,.
routed, the Amoriomm
smooth-bore cannon, some riflos, and
uumruyiug m0 fortifications. Four
uiuricans wero woundod.
I'laKiiii Caiea nt Honolulu.
wnshingtoii, Jnn. 15. Tho stnto
oopnrtment fins boon lnfofmod by Mr
Heywood, Unltod States ntmnf. n t. I Imm
lulu, under dnto of Jnnnary 1, that
eight deaths havo ooourrod from the
bubonic plagno at Honolulu slnco tlio
inns loiogrupnto roport, Docombor 20
last, which unnouncod threo deaths
irom tno cause of tho plaguo. Dr.
Iloywood also states that tho entlro
city of Honolulu is quarantined.
Venezuela Finance! Improve.
Caracas. Vonoziinlti. .inn r, ti.
flnanoial crisis Is ended. Tho diffi
culty botweou tho govormnont nnd tho
bank has boon amicably sottlod, nnd
public confldonco is restored?
Indln WIIMluyHlfver.
London, Jan. 15. Itonowod buying
of silvor by tho Indinn government, tho
Stntlst says, cannot bo much longer de
layed in consoquonco of rupee coinago
requirements, nnd this will load doubt
less to a markod improvement in tho
prioo of alitor.
Portland Carriers win n..i. ...
..... --"Hiiimr mail.
Wnshingtoii, Jnn. 13. Tho plnn of
having mail roulHtnrmi l f f) ...1.
colloctod will bo putinprnctioal opora
tionJanunry 15 in 00 cities. Among
the cities choson aro St. Louis, Denver
nnd Portland, Or. Tho servico will bo
Inaugurated olsowhoro when consid
ered beneficial, upon tho applications
of the locul ofllolnls.
Txinilnn. .Tan. 17. (leimral llnii,..i.
Iiitiwt mitlientlu word iih to wiiat l0
mid His 110,000 men a in tiuiug vv
wired fnnii Sprlugiieiil inter Inn lint
fni'ii'iinl atllll. Ktrlvllllf til ttlhib .....
.W. I...... r....' ... ...... .yj
tint unknown. Iilldl)ll lit ronfm 11(1 It.
Diiriiiisn unn rtiimir mm iiiKiin ti,i
SneiiNur Wllklllsuil. till) inllllnrv nr.
pert of the Morning I'ost, iiMorts tlmt
the liner force In Northern Nntul u
lin-'or limn (Innnral 1 till !( r' nml t.i
Georgti White's together, no that Urn
noerrt nro iiinii io leavo ii iiirco around
I jnli'Miiiltli birunr thnn thnt wltliln tin.
town, mid yet tti opK)so (iciieral Htn
. ... i i ..ii
ler wiui n inruii Hpimrior id nm own
Tlm Sit it mlii rtl l'Ivom tinuiiliii.iu-ii i..
the following dl-natoh. tinted .lituuarr
111, from Dm ban:
"A man who lias just arrived hen.
fnun Knrlnifllnlil kiivm tlmt n Ui-m.l.
column iirticevdlng to tlm rtdlnf of
Ladyxmltii has cronnixl tho I.ittlo
'rugela. When he left tt was fiicing
tint Hour ixiHltlnn nil tlm I If l TiiihiIm
..... . . f . r. - n " .
nnd a lunvlter wiih shelllug the Bint
trenches. Ho nay also that 270 wag
ohm laden with coniiiilHuariat storuit for
Ladysiiilth hnd left Frere, and It wiih
expected that the column would join
hands with General White Moiiilav
"The traction eiiglnes havo 1ki'U do
lnif excellent work in hinilliii? lionw
wagons out of hole and nmuiih. TIiIk
they nccoiniitlnh with the grtat-nt
"British tuitnils bnvn illmiivoriwl tuir.
ties of Boors in tint illntctitm nf llniioi-n-
dale, between Fnini and KHtroiirt."
A dlsiNiteh from ( iiihi lown. dutcd
January 15, says:
"There In gorxl reiiKm to believe Hint
the statement that Sir Charltwi Wiirrcii.
with 11,000 men, has gone toward
Weoiiau is correct, and we may expect
ImiKirtant nows shortly.
"HejKirts hnvo Ikjoii received hern
that dyeentory In very life In Lady
smith. "Kvnry thing is phenomenally quiet
nt Sterkstnim."
ItejiorU from the Boer camp nlllnn
that the circle of Investment lias lu en
drawn doner by the occupation of nonio
mint nearer the town, tints lilMinttlng
reinforcements to opiom General Bui
ler. Thn Dally News suggests that n mtil
titiidn nf the mmtirs that originate in
South Africa and London nro given
currency by the Kngllsh military au
thorities In order to mislead the Boer.
The war pages of the great tlnlllcH
this morning uro almost barren. Never
theless, the instruments on tho loop
connecting tho war ollko with tho ca
bles rontlutio to click.
Twiinty-Two t'.i.o. Vv t lute, One n
Honolulu. Jan. 17. Slum tlm if
Inst., nine casoM of tihiL'iin bnvn ilnvnl.
oped, making 22 cases to dnto. The.
board of health has adopted herolr
mensurcs, and it is bollovcil tho work
now in prourt-ss Will stillim nut tlm
scourge in a short tlmo. Thus fur but
ono Kuropean hns been attacked. This
case was that of Kthel Johuson, a ft'or
wcglau girl, nued I I venrii. Tlm ntlu.r-
21 ciises are divided us follows! Chi
nese, 15; Jnpanoso, 2; Huwalian, 11;
South Sea islander, 1. '
Tho !ld Inst, the hoard ot health de
clared the entlro Judicial district of
Honolulu undor quarantine. The
council of state has
000 for which to fight the plague nnd
placo tho city in a proper sanitary condition.
Tho bulwnio til
spreading In Jnpan. jVon mull euiinot
come from there whllo tho prom-iit
ruloo nro enforced.
steamship companies will suffer honv
ily. Tho KoAu Hon arrivod thU
morning from tho IbIiuhI without hnv-
lllg bcoll llbll) to nimmnnli m... ...l....r
Thoro were iloimty sheriffs with shotl
guns nt every lundinf ikco, mid they
shouted tho order to ifflaW;..., mm. .
result was that tho steamer rotm'ned to
Honolulu absolutely empty.
Leung Chi Tho, the Chinese roforinor.
Is now in Honolulu. 'Piw.r'i.i.,,,.,
mil has written to tho government pro-
"""' s Kini. t,eung Duing allowed to-
freneli dun. rp h llnrn,
London. Jan. 17 'ri.,. n,.n.. ...
publishes tho fnllmvi..,, im ' . .
correspondent ut Lo Crousot, l-'rancu:
Alter two nays' inquiry, I do not
hosltnto to assort t hut. thn o,.i
companv is not nnlv xvnht .... ;
- "v tiuiiui iltullb 1111(1
lay in tho mnnufuctnro of guns nnd
" iur mo jioors, but tlmt It
hns alreui y packed, ready for shipment
to tho Trausvaul, six heavy guns of
urge caliber. The work.neif S
thnt ere long 00 nddltlonul guns mo. 1.1
bo dispatched to tho Boors.''