BO H H 1 a. n . S t Devoted to the Milling, Lumbering mid Punning Interests of this Community, to GoodOoveriiiiH!iit, mid Hustling for a Living. TITlt I,AWS AGAINST TRUSTS JL-.pC jOotfcage Grove, Ovegoh, Friday Ta3i9, 13 CO. KO? 1 BAEGAIIS only have six ladies' will close them out We and Jackets for Cash left, follows Size 34 ntul 38 color lllnck, (JT $3.75 lformor Price, $.V5 36 V. 38 nd.49. 40 Gray '.' $8.00 " 1 Black""" S3.00 $6.00 " $7-50. MACKINTOSHES Ol AM, KINDS AT COST. NKW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY B&kin & Br! stow. & To imike room for more (roods, we are groins io sell 3 odds iuuI ends Jit bijr reductions. Now is the time to 3 save money. First come first served. l?or tlic benefit of those who lic ense the republican party of in augurating or upholding the so cnllcd triiHls of the present dny, the following flections of the Sher man Act of 1890 arc subjoined which were enacted into law by a republican congress, and no one except a republican had anything to do in placing the law upon the statute book or enforcing it: "Sec 1 1 very contract, com bination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in re straint of trade or commerce anions the several states or with foreigtr nations is hereby-, declared to be illegal. Kvery petson who shall make any inch contract or engage iii any such combination or con spiracy shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punishttd by Hue not exceeding one year, or by both aid punishment, in the dis cretion of tin court. Sec. 2. Kvery person who sIihII mouopli.e, or attempt to monopo li7 or combine or conspire with any other x:rmii or persons to mo nopolize any part of the trade or MARHIKI) On the ovenlng of January 8, 1000, a pretty wedding occurred at thorosldenco of Mr. and Mm. Jiitucn Teotora. Tlib contracting parties being tliolr son Shelby h.TeoUrs and Miss Iattlo M. Van Scholack, bolli of Row rlvor. The coriunony was performed by Justice Vaughn of Cottaco Orovo. Good mimic, a well spread table, Jolly but entirely decorus company of relatives, friends and neighbors made ii u vory enjoyable night's ontertalninent. All Joined in hearty congratulations and In wishing nuioh Joy for lint future of tlio happy couple. Tlio following porsons were Wr'.'?.?"1. Mr; K,zft. Va" Bcholack, Willie. Klxn. .Tun and Frank and Mlnsns Itox. Annu Van ticholaek, Mr. and Mrs. James 'iWorn, .Mr. mid Mrs. Oeo.' Teeters, ton mill daughter, Mr. and Mrs. IJIiner JWditllo. two Holm iuuI ilinul.t...- Mr and Mrs. Perry Van Hcholucir aiui family, (jeorga and frank Van Seboiuck, Mr. and MfH H'lUoii. Mismom Sadie and Wvttt Wilson, Mr. It. 1). Wilson, Mrs. John liavler, Mi. and Mr. J. Land, Urant, Ulmrloaand Frank Iluylos, MInkou Annie and Minnie JJayloa, Mr. and Mrs. Lucky Doollttle, Mr. Hugh Doollttle, Mr.and Mrs. Win. Kirk, Miss Noma Dooliltle, Mlm Kma Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirk, Mr. und Mrs. C'luu. Pitcher, Cwriii. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ohuietiill, him lietvla I'uttou ; Mr. and Mrs. II. Stewart, and daughter, Mr. Mac 8ter.-at. N.J. Hodolhlem. Geo. Kerr, Wm. Jwrnet and Walter Churchill A Gubht. MV1DH ITEMS. with 1 over shirtj'.light striped, size 16, J, i 65c, reluccd to 45c 2 over .shirts, light plaid, size is4, 16, $1-25, reduced to 75c 2 over shirts, light twill, size 15, 16, $1.00, reduced to 75c t over shirt, dark checked, size 15, 500, reduced to 45c 1 over shirt, light striped, size 15. 50c, reduced to 45c 2 boy's over shirts, dark, part wool, sizes 13. '34. 85c, reduced to 50c 4 undtr shirts, medium dark, good quality, 50c, reduced to 40c 3 pr dark blue and 1 pr red flannel drawers sizes 34, 40, $1.35, reduced to 90c x suit heavy wool underwear, size, shirt 42 drawers 40, $3.00, now $2.50 2 light hats, Fedora style,, sizes 7, 9 Mi, 1 25. reduced to 90c 2 black Caddy hats, sizes 6, 7, $2,25, reduced to Si. 50 1 black, low crown, good hat, size 6, Si. 50, reduced to $1.00 5 black, assorted styles and sizes, Si. 25, now 75c 1 black Kcdorn, size 8)4, $1.75, now $1.00 2 light high crown, sizes 7, 7jfi, Si. 50, now Si. 00 1 wide brim, medium crown, black, size byi, S2.00, now Si. 50 2 wide brim, medium crown, black, sizes 6, 7. $2.50, now S2.00 t wide brim, medium crown, black, Mze 8, S.75i ow Sr.25 These arc only a few of the odds and cuds, we have lots of them in all the lines. Walter IHIgciliiw been vhitinu .wranu an wm i;omii. Laalweell K ! 81111th IimL a- vnlnablu commerce among the several sUtes ! Sho m k,imi hy n ful,,-," "traw; or with foreign nations shall ht KFSmllb. Jack Koblnooh and Roy deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. 'H0?",'" 'i10 I'"1 'irveycl between . ..... , , . ,tbttti !ml"hellrtofthew.fek. and. on conviction thereof, shnll be . i.arllll 1m,(, ,,, , . , ,1.. ... - " Gar man & Newland. Progression ! punished by fine not excectling $5,000 or by imprisonment not ex ceeding one year, or by both said punishments, in the discretion of the court. 3j! Sec. 3. Kvery contract, combi S I nation in the form of trust or other 2 1 wise, or conspiracy, in restraint of f3 I trade or commerce in nuy territory 3j in the United States or of the Dis trict of Columbia, or in restraint of :S5 ' trade or commerce between any S such territory and another, ur be- tween nuy such territory or terri 3. 1 torics and any state or states or the I District of Columbia, or with S3 ; foreign nations, or between the I District of Columbia and any state or states or foreign nations, is here- S ; by declared illegal, hvery person I who shall make any such contract S 1 or engage in any such combination or conspiracy shall be deemed 3 1 guilty of a misdemeanor, nud, on 3 ; conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine not exceeding 5,000 or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by both said punishments, in the discretion oi the court." The above law is the only one ever passed by congress to control trusts nnd to punish those who in augurated them, and that law was passed by a republican congress. eplling for the rullroud quantity uf company. Mr llurkholder of Cottage Grovo wait out to the Divide on buiinem lust week fiaiiiuel Ablwt who hao been working near here ha returned to bin homo ut Eugene for u virrft. MrN K V Klnltll'n.l ..-Art. I.u( Monday of the death of her iter Mr ii vui ui .inniani. jiecouHu wai a daughter of Mr liuuimcr who formerly lived at Cottago Grove. LORANH ITKMS. I Rev Mooro a Divinity student do livered three excellent Hormons for ua j Saturday evening, Sunday morning and 1 evening. Chay Lott la our mail carrier now, Milton Glow made hia lint trip Satur day. J D Petrlo has returned from Salem where ho bus been several days. Mcsiira J I' Ozmont and J 0 Perkins went to Cottage Grove this morning. Our school will closo Friday with ap propriate cxerciees, also the Cartwrlglit tchool. GUBUtidish is visiting hit friend General Thorp at CorvnllU. DiLsI.thn infant daughter of Mr and Mr John Robblni Sntunlav Jan 14. '2 X We are iiving in a rapid age; an age moves nnd you must move with it. Keep up with the times. If you see grasp the opportunity. of Progression, The World chance to, benefit yourlf Vou can Benson Drug" Co, Cottage Grove, For anything in the line of PUEE DEUGS v j. Oregon. HBMIOALS. The famous Geoagia Minlstrcla will urrtve here in their npccial cars which will bo tilde tracked hero Sunday. They aro said to be tho strongest uiinistrel organization on tho road. Always rcllablo Tho Weekly Oregonlun. AM08 ITEMS. The coyotes aro visiting this section of country again. J II Rouso ha built an addition to hia aw mill which ia u great holp to him in his busing:). We learn that thcro was a Bible read ing at Gmndinu Mosleya on tho 6th conducted dy II 0 Combs and after ser vices a good dinner was borved. Rev Dunnl.i preached at tlio school house n week ago last Sunday and last Sunday at the lllack Buttu boarding hoiiho, and on next Sunday ho preaches at the twine placo. Mr Raker of Cottago Grovo visits us on co a week and it is a grout help to our vioinity. Business is booming at tho mines. Suouess to the Ilohemia Nugget. BuiirtCitiUKit. IT IS HERE! The Largest Slock in South Lane! O Consisting of O Shelf nnd Heavy Hardware; Stoves nud Tinware; Pumps, Pipes and bAGRICULTURAL lMPLEMENTS!-sae Guns and Ammunition, Studebrker Wagons, Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows, IStc, or MijMrs Supplies, the only house 8outh of Port land. Give us call. GRIFFIN & VEATCH, , COTTA0K ftROVE,' .pk-KQQN