LYNXJIOLLOW ITEMS. . ';r It is a little strange to writo 1000 Isn't It? Mr nnd Mrs D P Sheridan cele brated the Hint dny of llio now century by inviting ii few friends to dlunor. Mr and Mra Ellis Simmons guvo n very enjoyublo purty to r number of friends. Dancing wuh enjoyed until n lnte hour. ' ' Messrs. Macklo nnd Porter hnvo got their wood saw machine running. Mr Van Simmons has bought tho 9borry ranch consisting of 200 acoes. Mr Wm Temple of Pendleton spent N)v Year's day with his Bisters Mrs Van and EIIIb Bimmons and Mrs H Harvey. Mr Tttmple owns and farms 2200 acres ot fine wheat land near Pendleton. Our school closed Friday. Prizos were awarded to tho following pupils. M For perfect lessons': Do'.llo nnd Francis v Simmons nnd Benlnh "Wilcox. Those receiving prizes for being present every day wero Mabel Mnckio, Lily Neat M ttrfl.. Wtlnnv If.,.-..... T ..nin Wlnnl. r-rr fr and -d)ollio Simmons. Miss ' J . HJ a. ttbUA. .JIM 1UT JM.IUIUI II iMIIIU iik is engaged for another term . "WALKER ITEMS. 'V. Mra Fred Parker of Creswell was ME"5 visiting friends here the first of the lit Doc Brown of Ih.stera50regon is in on a visit to his 'slAjjtSiijret Chris man of this place. jgfciP ' Mrs Chns Wright returned Thursday from Etigeno. Mr T D Sullivan of Cloverdale was In this vicinity tho first of the week. Prof. McQueon finlsbedJa four months term of school in thiBUiatrict on the 0th. Miss Renn Chrisman returned from the.Grove Monday. Miss Jessio Shaffer went to 8nginaw Sunday to visit a few days with rela tives a few days before returning to her home la Southern On region. MINING It is announced it nn exceed- ingjy ricn ore , i been struck 4Lex5S';'' ' s-liday mine. a gtns. ana m . i lyecl in- quite ly will ie com- Ihe Mu- Lwill add lalready aOXX , - . i . ". a one about crosscut , n IedUe and expe strike another Boon. It is unfflir stood fihat work will be continued all wifnter. AMfnrher itipornnr.ition of Rrt. hemwi mining property hag bei effecjted wbich bids fair to become prominent among the great properties of the camp. The .jtemo and Falling Star, claims ed by Gill Medow, have1? been porated m'thelsum ot sioo,- shaes pfaced aFJi each, with low. U. K. loo and smb. jn' as incorporators. One of the "Uncorporators informed your correspondent this week that the principle object of the incorporators ie to sell a sufficient amount of stock duly to enable the company to thoroughly develop the property, to deternine first ol all, whether or not the property is all that its nresent prtspect work indicates, " j - U iWnaMiiiir line tlinc'fnr a id aS the WpspeCtlUg lluS UlUS lar given sausiu-jiory reauivs, ucuig ranked among'the best in the dis trict, little uneantiess is felt as to a successful outcoue. Was Alway reliable 1 ie Weekly Orcgonian. COUNTY WAKHANT8. Notice ia hereby given that the fol lowing warrants, will be paid on pre scntntion at my otllce on nnd after Oc tober 14, 1800. Interest on same will censo October 14, 1800: All Lano county warrants from registered number 5805 to 0000, both lnelus7vo. Dated, Eugene, Octobor 12, 1809. A. 8 . Pattkksox, County Treasurer. FOlt RENT. I wish to rent iny farm of 200 acres, 3 miles from Cottage Grove. Stock fresh milch cows, hogs, horses and farm implomonts for sale. Inquire at this office or address, II, II. IIahvky, Cottage Grove, Pro. Tho Northern Pacific luivo recently established nn agency Jn our city with Mr. James llomenwny ns agent. Cnl on or writo hhn In regard to tickets to all .Eastern points. Dr. Lowo the well known graduate ocula-optlclan has located permanently In Eugene. When you want glasses have him test your eyes In tho Jewelry storo of Joo Lucky. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE To Thomas L.uigMbti and all Parties whatsoever concerned : You nro horoby notified that wo have expended $500.00 in. work and money on tho claim known 'lihd, recorded in the mining records 'of tho Bohemia mining district in Lane County, Oregon, ns "Tho Climax" mining claims, and in order to hold said premises under tho provisions of Section 2.324 Revised Statutes of tho United States, hoing the amount required to hold the said claim, for the years 1805, 1800, 1807, 1808. 1800, respectively j and if within ninety days after tho completion of the publi cation of this notice, you fail, neglect or refuse to contribute your portion or portions of said expenditures an co owners your interest or interests in said claim will become the property of the subscribers, under said Section 2324. Dated this Third day of November, 1890. Signed J. 11. Mono an, J. V. Bakku, V W. McFaki.asd, McFakland. Thomas Richardson. . SOUTH ND EAST VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OK THK EXI'KE88 THAIN8 RUN DAILY 7:00 P M Lv.... Portland Ar Ar..(JottBtte Crore. Ar Ar..Sn 'ranclsco..Ly (9:15 A M :i:07 A M S:051'M v;& A 8:15 A 5:30 I' M 7:00 A M 6;00 I M ova p M r J. .Unrdon.. Lv I.v I.T 1:10 I'M 7:ou I'M 8:40 A M 8:00 .A M r.... I-o Angeles. r....A(KlPax. ., r IJ .'t flrlMtii Lv S:.10 A M 3:M P M Ly. CrojpLv j 12:20 I'M 7:45 s . ' : - f Lv 1:40 i M . " AJLy 12::iO V it . T LUl'ri& ' l ', ca R8i jTJ?'aneIeo with ?mn. JAVAN. I'HII IP fratei cnll- on I). T. 1AM. SUKMKNWAY', luruvc, urcgun. TAKE-NOTICE, I take this opportunity of informing Cottage Grove and Vicinity that I nin prepared to make eandy at my factory on Main Btreet centrallv located, mih ject to order by the box audi attchoc ilate creams, bou bona, caiameU and other delicious cream goods. Also ico cream by the gallon as tho, season is closo for holiday goods. Please giyo mo a call. D. Lincoln. Remember Dr. 1. L. Scofield, Dentist when you want dontal work done. Subszribo for tho Orcgonian nnd Bo hemia Nuggot, Our fee returned If we fall Any one sendlncr ketch and description of any Invention wl promptly receive our opinion free coucernlue u the patentability of aame. "How to Obtain a raterit ent upon request. Tatents necured patentability of same. "How to Obtain a throuch usadvertlsed for sale at our exoense. Patents taken out through us receive tpccial notice, without charge, in Tub Patient Rhcord, an illustrated and widely .circuited journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREK. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS A 00. (Patent .Attoniejrs,) Evans Building WASHINGTON; D. C. CALL SOUTHER If ACIFIC CO. ' ' ' ' ' V V - r-8KnvATio.N &tv- y": - .y'-.-tjXlft 'fliP ' 1 BIDK'i DIVISION. -' 'st.i . v1", f teUy (except Sunday). '"o'-'W'' , ir .Portland... .Ar 6:fioTjl ; ,. i-yfk';.' Jtt"..Corvallt Lv lsaoi'M Jfcorvaltls connects with tratni EiNDKNOE PASSENOhlt. ynlly except Sunday). 'SjfcPortl and ....... A r 8:25 AM agnnvllle.... Lv 5:50 AM Seii(ience....Lv 4:5UAM NOTICE FOUPUllIjICATIOtf. United States Land Office, Rosobiirg, Ore., October 4. 1800. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance witli tho provisions of tho net of Congress of J lino !), 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Torrltory," Doll J. Estabrook of Washburn, Comity of Bay field, State of Wisconsin, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 722, for the purchase of tho 8K 8 E i, NM8 E V, S E i N E i, being lots 7, 10, 0, Hi of Section No. 20, In Township No 21 S Range No. 1 W and will offer proof to show that tho laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, nnd to establish his claim to said land bofore tho Register and Receiver of this ofllco at HoHoburg, Oregon, on Thursday tho 14 day of December, 1809. Ho names as witnesses!: II . F. Hollcnbeck of Eugene, Oregon, Austin Root of Springfield, Oregon, i.ewls Bierl of Albany, Oregon, J. C. Olsen of Eu gene, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tho alxive-dcscribed lands are requested to file their claims in this ofii coon or before said 14 day of De corn her, 1800. J . T. HltlWIKH, .Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office nt RocebilrgrOrcgon, Novoutl)erl5, 1800. Notice is hereby givon that the following-named settler has filed noiice of his intention to make tin tl proof in support of Ids claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register & Receiver, U. S. Land Ofllc , at Roscburg. Oregon . on Junuarv 0, 1000, vlr: Reuben Stlnnet on 11. E. No. 7248 for the lot 1, SE 1-4 NE 1-4, N SE 1,4, sec. 10, T. 23 S., R. 3 W. He names the following witnesses to prove ns continuous resuiunco upon and cultivation of said land, vir. : W. A. McUee, J. H, House, II . . Mcltco, T. M. McUrubbs, of Amos, Ore gon. J. T. KlitDUKS, Register. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed hits been appointod by t!i. County Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County, executor of the estate and of the last will and testament of Isaac Monroe White, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present tho same to me", duly verified as by law required, at Cottage Grove, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this Gth day of November,. 1800. X. W. White, Executor of the estate of Isaac Monroe White, deceased. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given, that the co partnership neretotore existing between C. M. Henderer. E. J. Patterson and John Frvfr under tho firm name and stvlcnfC. M. Henderer & Co., is this day dissolved bv tho mutual ronsent of the parties constituting said firm. V. m, lienuerer win collect an no- cntH 'f nd pay all debts due from Patnl.,at-Cot ottaco Grove. Oregon. Junnary 2nd. A. D. 1000. C. M. HftNUKItKH. E. J. Pattrbbon. John Fiivkii, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at ROseburg, Oregon, V ' November23, 1800. ' Notice is hereby glyen that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to muka final proof in .support of his claim, and that said proof will be inndo bofore Joel Ware, U. S. Com missioner, at. Eugene, Oregon, .on Januarv 13, 1000, vix. Thomas .1, John son on 'H;E. No. 8238 for the NV 1-4 NW 1-4, sec. 18, T. 20 8., R. 3-W. Drove his continuous residence ... ti i i " nnilCUIUVnilUU Ol unill lllllll, it. : Tnt T.ntni. Henrv r..itnl. JOflnnh v T T.ftTn'T" 'n Tl ' l ' w-li.:.- 11 lllllll A'U A'lllllllf, Ul IIUIIVCI, Oregon. J. T. DniDaKB, Register. F.CGO MAKE American Beauties, Latest Models On XCftch Box, KALAMAZOO CORSET CO. SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLD BY Hcmenway p liurkholder, I NOTICE FOUPUUIjICATIOtf. a R, A. RSETS SANDERS, ritOPJUKTOK OF" Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Choice Brandt;. A Favorite Resort. COTTAGE GRO.VK, OREGON . GLASS?- BROS. PROPRIETORS OF. Cottage Grove Ve are now prepared to furnish all kinds of Urackcts, Mouldings, Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and Window frames, Screen Doors, Windows, Pickets, etc. Woodwork of all kinds made and repaired. We will also work Floor ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or size Studding, etc.' PRICES REASONABLE SHOP NEAR S. P. DEPOT Bon-Ton MARKET! Main Street Cottage Grove, Op Supply house for Cottage Grove and Bohemia. X i0 Rend your ordern by Telephone. W. H. Beagle, J, M'g'r. ThegeIllustratrated Publications. Will na'SKST nv tub Nouthkiin Pacific RA.iviYjDo., to anySj?d1ikss upon KKgKIPT, IN HTAMI'H, OR OTIIKU : WI8K,orTHB AMOUNTS NAMKO WONDERLAND AH nnnuul nuhlieation of about 100 Tim rnntnnts of oneh niilnher nru vnrimi ,nt lt( frnn. t nrwlni.f.Hr.r ',,,,ulen' ,rom '.",lu eBHorr The NOIITHKUN 1'. acifio Iibh become noted for thi publication. Tiik FinehtTiiino in Railway Litkkatukk. Send six cents. YELLOWSTONE PARK MAP A relief mnp of Yellowfitone Park. Printed on llrm paper, and suitable for mounting or framing and for use in schools, class rooms, etc. Tho best map of tho Park that is publicly distributed. Mailed In pastboard tubes. Send fUcts. MAZAMA PAMPHLET A nicely illustrated pamphlet, descrip tive of Mount Rnnior, Washington, the grandest ice-covered peak in tho United Slutcs. Send two cents, KOOTENAI FOLDER An Illustrated folder and relief mnp of the Kootenai Region in IlritishColuinbia north of Spokane. Send two cents. abmy'and NAVY ROOK Tells about both thoU. 8. and Spanish armies and navies nt beginning of Spanish-American war. Mnp of Cuba and adjacent, islands. A vest pocket history well wdrth preserving for roforonce. Send ton cents. In sending for these writo tho address carefully, and state where advertisement was seen. Chun. S. l'EK, Gon. riHnmjror Agent. 8T. I'AUL, MINX, fi- Sol Davjdson rooeiyod his stock of jowelery ,thi week and now has a very nice display, ' . . : Eaki'l & Bestow BANKERS. Trais(icr(i Gchcrcicii ivmhing Business li (ill Its liranchcs. Illicit Urovn, Orri, E LITH. SHAVING I'ARI.OR, I UottHBu Urot - - - - own O. JS. Griffith, 1'rop, J. E. Vomt& 1Y AT LAW Offlw On UaIii direct, Went Hide fJott(tfe Grove, Oregon, J. S. MBDLBY, Attorney At Law, Ofllre On Main Hlr'eet, Cottage Grove, Oregon Cy. riiller, General Blacksmithing. Two Doors North of Eakin A llristow'i, Cottaye Grove, Oregon. Mrs. KamcrlncSchlcer, N. D. Diseases of Women and Children. Cottage Grove, Oregon. GO TO - Mrs. Pet Snnford's, I'Ult Fashionable Dressmaking. Main Street, - Cottage Grove, Or. A- H- LOW r-V Attorney-at-Iaw Real Estate. DRAIN - - OREGON H. C Perkins DEPUTY U. S. Mineral Surveyor Special attention given to Minin Claims and procuring of Patents. Grants Pass, Oregon. L. T. Attorney and HARRIS Cotmselor-at -n Law Special attention given o th Law of Mine. First National Bank Building, Eugknb - - Orkgoi Attorney-at-Law : Speciai attention given to Minif Business and Collection. ICUGKNK - - - - . - - OlIEOI I1B1.UUS W. THOMrKON CHAR. A. II A it. Thoiqpsorj & Hard; Attorneys and Counselors t Law. Spedial Attention given 5 the Law of Mines. EUOKWK, OltKdf. Wm. RENSHAW -.THE EXCHANGEdtai ALP WALKER .... Mam'. DEAIJSR IN FINE WINES, Mft LIQUORS, CIGA13 Main Street, Cottage Grove, Ot. FRA K GOODMAN . . . .Proprietor of "p? ' The Popular Cigar and Cosf tionery Store. . liny Canned lAinchet . Dealer in Cigars of Low and High Grade and Prices to suit the Main Street, Cottage Grove, ( Call on B. L. Pickard ft Son FOR Mouse PaintiiBg, Paper Ilim Sifirn Work, Carriage Pahitjf Work Guaranteed COTTA(J OROVIC, 01