Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 12, 1900, Image 5

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    21t Birthday - !
l.iut Saturday, Jan . It. 10.10, was his'
glut birthday, und in honor thcroof M ,
mother Mr. Kiln Wall imv hot- con
Hiilpli I). Wllljiplo, a party, that in yet
B, jkciii o( Ity tliurtu preHjm as on of tho 1
,)H plomliilC ononis in till) history of
their fioehil llfo. Too client homo of
j)r. and Mr. Wnll U a charming homo
0 sntcrtttiniiiont at nil time, anil on
thii particular ovonini: tiolhin wan
overlooked that would ml I to tliu com
fort "lid pl'J i""iro of ifitO'itH nnd son 1
alike. Wlilrit nml otliur parlor Kami's ,
vtero indulKud in until about 12 o'clock, I
ffhflii tho dining room dour wciu
throvrn open anil the gumtn invito I to
pjrtnku of ai delicious a Htippur an was
ever iproad. One of tlio attract ivo
feature of tho inppur was the doctorx
limoua plum pudding, which never
fUl to ploAHu the mot faHtiilioiiH. The
mppor wad dlscusied until nearly 2
o'clock when tho gui'sU idiowered con
gratulation after congratulation upon
Mr. Whipple and departed for homo
toilrcnm of plum pudding and happy
cheerful face. Am insr tho imcful and
hljhly appreciated presents given Mr.
Wnipplo wan a liandnouu) gold rim:,
malo of Hohenila gold with a garnet
Mtting Among thino present were:
Dr.and Mrs. k'o. Wall, Misson Mary
Ciitrin, Lulu Currin, Krmine Vuat-h,
Nova TerkiiiM, Itolne Hakor, Nina
Oitrandcr, (trace Heuii-uway, Ilenctta
Whipple, MnTliomaM, of thin city, and
Kthel Murray of Eugene. Mernirn.
Jcmc Griffin, Hoy Homeuway, Theodore
Jfnningn, Frank .tannin?, Winters
Wallace, Geo. Grililth, Frank Whipple,
and Ralph I). Whipple.
The Nrw Proprietor .
Tho changes in proprietorship of the
Fflohinn Htables of tliin city have been
frequent oflate. On tho lft Duncan
Bcntt of Eugene bought out ChaH.
Henderer A Co and ln-fore the week was
liver Kli H.mgii tho pioneer stable man of
IKugeno and Scott Chrisnwn of this city,
nrmer owner of tho business, purchased
lie same. Thin thrown the busim-ati
nto tho handH of the two bent livery
rn in tho Willamette valley. Kli
.ings hasn't a peer in Oregon in bin lino
f business, and Scott Chrimiiun Iiiih tho
'putatlou anion? the (li'iimmurii-anil
ley know a thing or t 40 ubout livery
, rvice of being one of the bent in the
Ue. It in underslood that everything
i tho barn will Ihi overhauled and new
I eh and up-to-dato Improvement!) will
I made preparatory to tho uprihg trade.
Jnothor guaranty of faithful and nyf
iniiitic Hervico is tho iiartering of
garrison Briatow, one of Mr. Hang's
tiost comHjtent drivers anil atnblo men,
u tho KaHhion riUiblis. Success and
jr m per ity 1h hihu to come through tho
(1 irts of the new firm.
1 ipubltcan Club.
I, ast Thursday night .Ian. 4 1!)(M). a
rjjublicanimMtin.! wuh held atHhe city
hll and a republican club wan organized
vtli a inemberHhip of over 100
ujeommenee on, t he club to be known
111 the Cottage Grove Republican Club
Til officers elected for the ensuing two
yrn were C. J. Howard, president; C.
Ji.llhirkholderee president; Jamen
llirtionway, sectary, Darwin Hristow,
trcwurcr. Upon motion tho club ad
joirnod to meet Thursday January 13,
iitJhlch time the delegates to tho state
u4 will lx electol. Tho member
flhip of tho club nt present entitles the
Cot igo Grove organization to five dele
gat . Every ropublicon should bo
pres nt, nnd takoan active partin the
elcttion of delegates. The membership
roll fill also bo open for signers. Como
out gentlemen and swull the Hut.
Got US DniH.
Saturday evening Marshal Miller was
telephoned from Creswoll that a tramp
had stolon a coat from a bridue car
penter in tho employ of tho Southern
Pacific. A description was given of tho
man and Marshal Miller found him in
the hobo camp near town. Ho had
traded the cntf-cj another knight of tho
rood, hiJ the ;lo marshal claimed
tho wa'tot'Ye .fed that ho had traded
thec4 n.s wtated that ho hud bought
It from another member of tho free and
easy fraternity. Ho was arraigned be
foro J(idge (Vaughn that ovening
Dnputr Prpsecutlpg Attorney Harris
who happened to be in town appearing
for the state, nnd found guilty. Ho was
given 25daya In jail, and Jtobt. Veatch
was deputised to escort the gentleman
to serve out his sentenco.
2?ihvlUti Student .
Last Friday ovoning the NaBhville
StudenU'" played to one of the host
house.! Cottage Grove over turned out
to a travsling company, at Martin's
Hall, wWlo'tho entertainment was not
juit what many of the patronB expected
and the price of admission was a little
high, still for the kind it was rjuito
Winnie Thorn iluughtiir of Mr. and
Mrs. Thorn of Latham, disappeared Sun
day afternoon. Search was undo lor her
but no truce could be obtained until
Tuesday morning when she returned
from UiHuburg from where hhe had been
sent home by her uncle. The girl is
said 1 1 tull a pitiful story. Slu cI.iIiim
that when on her way houn from this
city Sunday ufternooii she was forced
Into a box car attached to a freight train.
From that time everything was a blank
to her. Upon her return home she was
found to 1)0 in a very excitable con
dition and it is alleged that evidence of
the comuiital of a mont foul and dan
tardly criin is at hand. Prosecuting At
torney Hrown and his able deputy, L.T.
Harris of lvugeno have been ut work on
the case. However at present, no ar
rests have been made. The girl's testi
mony regaiiluig her treatment is said to
tie mods t. jiiiI and her condition upon
her return home shocking. Tho
young huly is of a respectable family and
has always borne a good name. If tho
reports which havobeoii circulated aro
true the penitentiary gates stand ajar
for the black hearted whelps who com
mitted the crime.
At hia homo in F.ugrne, Jan. 0 11)00,
H. C. Owen, one of the pioneera of '44
aftera general breaking down which hns
been undermining the once powerful
constitution, for tho past thice years,
iiansed over tho border Ut mingle with
. n - -
his early day associatea the majority of
whom preceded him. Deceased was
one of tlie best known pioneer characters
in the state; was prominent in the early
political history of Oregon and was
known from one end of tho state to tho
other. Ho leave four nuns and one
daughter, J. W. ami Clay Owen of
Monroe; Hen jam i 11 A. and Nesmith
Oacii of county, and Mrs.
Henrietta Mansfield of Xampa, Idi.' 0.
OjJleAal riHltor.
The Modern Woodmen of America
Camp of this city received Major Wilsie,
ofWichit.i, Kansas, Supt. Deputy count-el
of tho organization, and Deputy
Organizer Clias. Biglow, lust Tuesday on
otlicial buinei!i. Major Wilie has
headquarters at Eugene for the present
and is doing some very effective work
along the line of fraternal insurance for
his camp, and is ably assisted by
Deputy Biglow, who will have tem
porary headquarters here with tho view
of looking after tho interests of this
camp. Mr. Biglow is a worker and
will no doubt do sonic effectual service
for the local camp.
Fanerahof Hon. Jtobt. Clow.
Dr. tn) Wall and Mayor Darwin
Bristol, fi this city attended tho funeral
scrvi Hon. Itobt. Clow held at Eu
gene la,, Sunday, conducted by tho Ma
sonic Grand Lodge assisted by tho Jmi
gene Masonic Lodge. Mr. Clow was
also a member of tho Elks and that
lodge attended in a hod v. Mr. Clow
was a 32ud degree Mason and was promi
nently spoken of as one of tho best
posted members of the fraternity, having
served for years as a member of the
committee on Liw and Jurisprudence.
To Look After Their I'roperti.
J. M. Sherwood is in rccoipt of a
letter from D. It. Ladd, of. San Joso,
California, who represents his mother'a.
interest in the lCnotts property, Bo
hemia, the llr.ft patented mining claim
in t!io district, which has laid dormant
for a number of years, an.l uks for
information regarding this section,
stating that hu aud hid mothor will
probably visit this soction and their
mining interests this coming spring.
Trouble on Itow River.
Judge Vaughn had tho case, State va
Klsv Van Schoiack before him last
Saturday, John Red ford being tho com
plaining witness. It seems that trouble
hml existed between tho two gontlcuion
for some timo, and Friday, it was al
leged that defendant assaulted plaintiff
on the hisrli way and tho ohurgo filed
against defendant wub that of assault.
Mr. Van Schoiack was tinea ?o aim
Acme Sold.
Mrs. h. J. Humphrey who has suc
cessfully managed tho Acme restaurant
for Hoveral months, this week purchaicd
the business and will hereafter ussumo
the ontire respontibility. Mrs. Hum
phrey if) a splendid cook and has boon
quito successful in the management.
There is no reason to believe 'that she
will not, with her determination to run a
first class up to-date eating house, buc
coed in ovory sense of the word,
Slipped and Fell.
Miss Pearl Smith of Walker mot with
a painful nccident ono day last week.
Sho was stepping into tho buggy nt the
home of Mr. Wright; when sho Bitppea
und fell, injuring hep hip quite severely.
SerlouHlfIInrt. I
The little 8-year-old son J. L. Borne-'
burg, met with 11 serious accident this
week. He was 011 a borne power while it
was in motion nnd fell oil". His kneuj
was caught in the cogs and the fleli
was severely mangled and torn from tho
bone. Dr. Wall Was calltd and dressed ,
the wound, and at last reports the boy
was doing nicely.
At the residence of the bride's parents
Mranil Mrs Frank Veatch, near Divide,
Mr. Casper Lea of this city and Miss
Nora Veatch were united in marriage
Rev. Wallace officiating. Tho con
tracting parties are well and favora bl
known hero and their many friends
hasten to tender congratulations.
January 8, 1000. nt tho home of the
gtoom Mi. Shelby Teeters and Miss
Hattie M, Van Schoiack were united in
marriage, Judge Vaughn of this city
officiating. Congratulations.
Ail About you.
8ee the school report on page 4.
Sheriff W. W Withers was in the
Fred Byrne arrived in from the mines
Inst Saturday.
Jesse Bounds arrived up from Eugene
Monday afternoon.
Supt. D. B. Murray was up from Eu
gene this week.
Chas. Mitchell is down for a short
visit from the mines.
Don't forget tho Special Mining
Edition of Bohemia Nugget.
Darwin Yoian of Eugene was a visitor
in Cottage Grovo Wednesday.
Miss Katie Runk was an arrival on
last Monday afternoon's passenger.
Frank. Hughes left Sunday for his
mining property in Douglas county.
John Nokes has sold his shop to Wil
Davidson who will take immediate
B. Lurch and daughter MissCelia ac
csmpanied by ake Lureh visited Port
land this week.
Robt. Martin returned from his holi
day v'tBit with his people in Yamhill
county last Monday.
I. H. Bingham superintendent of the
Musick Mining und Milling Co left for
Portland Tuesday.
Barney Lewis had the misfortune to
throw his arm out of joint Monday
while cutting wood.
Sol Davidson after a week's visit to
Portland and Spokane, Wash., re
turned home Saturday.
Horace Mann has returned from hie
California visit. Mr. Mann expects to
engage in the newspaper business in the
near future.
Mr. C. E. RuBsell of I,orano has re
turned nome from Mwlford vjvhereJjuj
attended his father who hns beerT quito
ill but who is now improved.
Tho W. C. C U. will met at the C P
parsonage on next Tuesday at 2:30
o'clock. All new members with the old
ones are expected to be present. 1
Prosecuting Attorney L. T. Harris
aflor transacting professional business
in this city Friday nnd Saturday re
turned to his home in Eugene Sunday.
Miss Sinn Orroll returned from a
throe weeks stay in Roseburglast Tues
day morning, where she has been en
gaged in the central telephone office of
that city.
The city council has ordered new cross
walks leading from the New York
Racket store and from Eakin & Bris
tow'a bank to tho bridge put in and
Marshal Miller completed iho work
Monday und Tuesday. "
F.J. Hard, of Colorado Springs, who
has been in this city for the past six
months, looking into the mining in
terests of Bohemia, left last Sunday en
route homo on a fow weeks visit. Mr.
Hard is highly pleased with tho Bo
hemia district and in nil probability
will rutnain definitely.
Wo hereby extend to tho many kind
citizens of this city our sincere and
heartfelt than ka for tho kind words and
gentle niiiiiatrations, during tho illnesa
and death of our darling. Especially do
wethank tho Odd Fellows for their tender
nesa in our great grief.
Mn. and Mna. F. B. Phillips.
A choico solection of dried fruits at
A groat variety of mush goods at dim
ming & Sehr.
Ron't Tobacco Spit and Bmoue our Mre ATtaj.
To quit tobacco easily aud foraver, bo tnap
DOtlc. lull of life, norro and vigor, talte No-To
Dao, the wondor-worltor, that malies wenfc men
I strone. All druggists, SOo or !. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or Now Yori-
Gumming & Sehr
Dealers in General Merchandise.
Are now fully supplied with an elegant line of
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Teas and Coffees, the finest in the market,
and at iowest prices.
A large selection of all the leading brands
of Pickles, Sauces, Cats,ups, etc.
The best brands of Canned Fruits and Veg
All at Bottom Prices.
A full line of Schilling's Best Teas, Coffees,
Spicese, Flavoring Extracts, Baking Powder,
and Soda.
These are the "Money Back" goods.
Best values in Glassware, Crockery, Gran
iteware, Tinware, Wood and Willowware.
Pickles in bulk, Syrup in bulk, Pickled
Salmon, Herrings, and Pigs Feet.
W. S. Clemens.
The Fashion
Gl?risnar) & Barjs, Proprietors.
ZKitfeJCa and
Reas nadle Prices
rirst-v-iass a urnouis, joudic or omgie. t
. atp nowAVeii stAMI.with WIN- yfWA:MMIml fcv
Jlanacer Msrtin, of the Pior
store, informs us that ho in
great run on Chamberlain's Cough
Romodv. He Bella flvo bottleB of that
medicine to ono of any other kinU, and
it gives great satisfaction, 111
davsofla crlrjDe there is nothweNiko
Chamberlain'B Coush Remedy to stop
the cough, heal up the sore throat and
lungs und give relief within a very short
u . . -.
time. The sales aro growing, and all
who try it aro pleased with its prompt
action. South Chicago Daily Calumet.
For sale by Bknson Drug Co., Cottage
Grove, Drucgists. Lyons & Applkaatk,
Drain, Druggists.
Subject 11 a m, "Is Conversion an Ex
periment?" 7 p rn, "Christian Union."
Other services as usual. The public
cordially invited to all services.
F. E. Billinqton, Pastor
My customers will And a lino of my
fresh candies now at my old place.
Plcaso call on us for the genuino article.
D . Lincoln.
For best valuos in
to Gumming &Sohr.
teas and coffees go
I 1 '
tu. r
1 1
1 t .
1 " , fe
Eli Bangs.
Proprietors of the Bohemia k
Black Butte Stage Lines. j
1 V ..
1 iim mi mi mil 1 111 11 11 111 11 imh miii 1 hi jffmmftri'
I'. U'ii 19 . vtA ' .? V
k'rt 'fc ? 1 TI
neat and cletV
rs of experience
assure you the very
market affords, and
t possible prices
ember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove Oregon.
Headquarters for' Mihing
Every want attended to.-
EUGENE, ------
A choice line constantly on hand;
Main Street, OiioMtf
E&kln It Urlhtow'B Bank
Utl W
1. -sS f
mm v.--