Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 12, 1900, Image 4

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Kntarwl nt tho postoflU'e At Cottnge Orovo,
Oregon ils Second Clnss mull mutter.
Bntinctrlptlon price. VI. no, In nilvnnro.
Advertising rnteR niniln known upon
Every republican should be out
next Thursday night at the Cottage
Grove republican club meeting.
Delegates will be elected to the
State Republican league.
The American's now at Manila
are said to have introduced a waltz
known as "Aguinaldo's March."
It is (mite probable that it is
mostly made up of "runs."
Holiday Gods!
Friday, Jan. 12, 1900.
This, the 52nd number of Bo
hemia Nugget, closes the first year
of the history of a paper started
under nQttoo flattering circum
stancea,utTthe prospects of which
have grown brighter each month
of its, existence. Not a week in
the year now dead has passed that
new names have not been added to
the subscription list of the 13o
hernia Nugget. Today it is recog
nized as your leading home paper,
not only from the- amount of ad
vertising space consumed by ad
vertisers, ibut by the class whose
names IfrSsforour list. We have
sought, only the best of subscribers
and on this point the management
is satisfied. The Nugget goes into
the homes of the best families
in the vicinity" in which it exists,
It enjoys a fairly good county cir
culation as good as any, and we
are satisfied better than some, out
side of the Eugene Guard and
Register. The Nugget's advertis
ing" patronage has increased, both
local and foreign, and in a manner
highly satisfactory. It has been
the Nugget's policy to give the
local news and in this it has not
failed. We wish to extend our
thanks Jlip4$?5j$P have seen fit
to aid us.Sr patrons
whiMtf& . v-'V. "S pretty
MMI a 501111
have steam
A'- ' 'sfhes to ex
- .'V - , vi
nother year,
'e improve-
of the
Every voter should bear in mind
that under the new registration law
now in force, they must register
before they can vote. This is im
perative, and every man who
values his ballot should comply.
It is understood that the Long
property adjoining the depot prop
erty has changed hands. It is said
that the beautiful grove which is a
part of the property is to be platted
and sold for residence and business
lots. The city of Cottage Grove
should look into to matter and if
possible should secure the five or
six acres with the view of convert
ing it into public property. It
would make an admirable park and
the day is not far distant when the
rapid growth of the city will de
maud such an investment.
Cottage Grove, Ore., Jan. 8 1900.
Ed Nugget: I see in last
week's Nugget a suggestion in the
editorial columns, that is worthy of
fair trial and I desire to express my
hearty support of the same. You
suggest that the element quite well
known on our streets, and oc
casionally semi-occasionallyof late
getting into trouble and making
no end of trouble to our citizens,
be made to work out their fines by
breaking rock for the streets. Cot
tage Grove needs about as much
street repairing as any town I
know of and it seems to me that it
would be a splendid idea to adopt
some such a, plan. It would serve
of the boys of this
to keep
town who an
check, at
block Oi
little wild and yet
.some mamiood, in
ther clas with no
5 wjtfU gravel a
, t
us Deiween
for one
Citizen. H
wsriJiMra- iv.mci 1 cwo montns
Wvmi evenlMsfing
FA for the Ifflihle
mix-up a:
we feel well re
but financial pro!
It costs money to get cut special
mitring editions. The Nugget has
several hundred copies of one still
on hand, The management
that the paper has done its share to
place the greaf mineral wealth of
tlns section before the public, now
the citizens can do the rest and it
.;;is commendable in them to do it
by buyng' a few Copies each and
Sending them to' friends Come
gentlemen and take them off our
hands. We want to get' even on
this deal.
t 1. .1: .,. t 4.1..
gist of the cablegrams relative to
the British in the Transval war.
War is a fearful thing, but it is
gratifying to Americans to know
that other nations make mistakes
ns well as we in massing an army
and putting it into service.
1, io faintly liasnea
ghtly crashed,
so quickly hashed.
an endless sea,
1 of the eyes that be
for a glimpse of thee.
on the nleht's blue strand
tils o7 this lower land
from God's right hand.
ie daniSne little 8-
ofgEx, and Mrs.
is qcy, after an
month with ty-
J ucaHyM luuiuu Willi I
'K. ffi y Ihoid fever, the outgrowth of
For Young and
Come and See Them!
They will be sold as cheap as you can buy theni
South of Portland.
United Status Land OiHoo,
Roscburg, Oregon, January 4, WOO
Notice is hereby pi von that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
HCt for tho sale of timber lands in tiie
State of' California Oregon, Nevada,
and Wuahington Territory," John W.
V stof Eupend, County of Lane, State
of Oregon has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement No. 760, for the
purchasu of the S K ol Section
No. 4, inTownshipNo. 20S. RangoNo. '2
V.,nnd will offer proof to show that the
laud sought is mure valuable for its tim
ber or stone tlinn for agricultural pur
noses and to establish his claim to euid
land before the Register and Receiver of
thislofficent Roseburu. Oreiron. on Tues
day the 20th day of March 1900.
He names as wilnetses :
JohnS. Gray, F. W I'rcntice, J. S.
Luekey, Samuel Clifford, of Eugene.
Any and nil portions claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
reo nested to tile their claims in this
nfneo on or before said 20th day of
.March 1000.
$ $ $ E. Wall & Whipple, Proprietors.
We wish to thank the people of this uicinity for their liberal pat
ronage dining the past year, and by keeping good, honest goods, at
honest prices, that is, the very best goods at the lowest cash prices, we
speak for our share of the trade in our line.
A very good shoe for $1 25.
A half Creed more for $1 50.
A full stock kip, double sole and
tap for $2 15,
A genuine oil grain, double sole
A good value at 25c per garment.
Natural mixture, a spleudid value,
50c per garment.
Heavy cotton, fleece lined, 50c per
Half wool, 65c per garment.
All wool, $1 00 per garment.
wool, $1 50 per
and tap, high top, for $2 50.
We also carry tne Wisconsin drive Extra heavy all
shoe, hand made, 12 inch top, $6 50 garment.
We have a large line of men's hats in the new shapes and colors,
prices from 50c to $3.00 Every one of our $3.00 hats have a guar
antee tag sewed inside, signed by the manufacturer.
Our line of men's working gloves is complete. Our prices
are from 25c to $1.25.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, January 4, 1000.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
iJnngress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for'the sale of timber land in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Wnshincton Territory." John S.
(iray of Eugene, County or Lane, State
of Oregon has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement ftn. HH, lor tne
purchase of the N E i of Section No. 10,
in Township No. 20S. Range No. 2 .
und will offer proof to show that the
land no ;ght is more valuable for its
timber r stone than for agricultural
nurnoses. and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday the 20th day of March 1MW.
He name's ns witnesses :
John V. Vr, F . "V. Prentice, J. S.
Luckev. oLATSutrene. Oreiron. John
Wheefer of tsaginaw. Oregon.
Anf and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 20th day of
March 1900.
J. T. Bridoeh,
Has your husband been kicking about
the toughness and quality of the meat
your market has been delivering you
lately? About the price, too? We
would like to supply your table with
meats, Our steaks and chops are ten
der and at the right price; and as good
cutters as the town affords.
! McFarland Meat Co. ott e grovk, obk.
James Hemenway:
Real Estate and Mining Property
' Represents
Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Cmpanies.
illness with malaria.
yielded the slender, golden thread
of life and crushed the life from out
a father's and a mother's loving
heart, Tuesday morning at r 1
o'clock. Zuna was the oldest of a
cluster of four bright children, and
in her departure for the home of
God's bright jewels she leaves a
father crushed with sorrow a
mother broken of heart and passes
from the out stretched and implor
ing arms of three tiny sisters, who
miss the little mother of the group.
The funeral was held at the
family residence on Wall street
Wednesday at 1 o'clock p. m. Rev.
M. O. Brink officiating. A sea of
beautiful flowers rested on the coffin
and followed God's treasure to the
Through a flood of tears, as the
crumbling earth struck upon the
casket, I wonder why those of us
who have well nigh run the sands
01 me may noi De canea to go in
stead of those just buddiug into the
flower ot life, encircling us with
their tiny yet strong arms of
sweet affection and I turned away,
and looked into the blue of heaven
for God's bright light, for a long
Pkimrr Thinspack.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, January 4, 1000.
Notice is hereby given that in com-
nlianee with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for thn sale of timber lands in the
State!1 of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and AVashington Territory." Frederick
"V. Prentice of Eugene, County of Lane,
Statu 'f Oregon has this day filed in tliiB
office his sworn statement No. 740, for
the purchase of the S E kj, of Suction
No. 10, in Township No. 20 S. Range
No. 2 W., and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agri
cult iral purposes, and to ttstablish his
claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this office at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Tuesday the 20th day of
March 1000.
lie names as witnesses :
Samuel Clifford, John W. West, John
S. Gray, J. 8. Luckcy, of Eugene, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tho above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 20th day of
March 1000.
J. T. BitmoEs,
Strict Attention paid to CoIImMi I
Office opposite Sherwood Hof
Benson Drug gotapany
If you want any thing in the Hardware line, come and look5
our goods and see how the prices suit. We shall endeavor to cfa
full line of
Stoves, Tinware, Miners Supples, Mechanics Toots, Cutlery, Am'"
tion, Washing Machines, Churns, Etc., and a Full Lie of Aarlci8
Philips & Jom
From Dec. 4, 1899,
ry d-. ry ey-f P
Room 1.
Boys Girls
No nunits enrolled to date 39 !!7..
No belonging lat day of mo 30. . . .34. .
No belongino at close of month 33 ... .31 . ,
Average number belonging 33. . . .33. .
Average daily attendanco .'. . .32, . . .30. .
Fer cent of attendance on ay. belonging. .97 . . .91 . .
No of daya absence 50j. A124
No cases of tardiness ,, 1,... a.
No neither absent or tardy 14. . . .1(1.
No cases of corporal punishment ,
No of visitors 10
To Jan. 5, J
Boys Girls Boys Girlo Boya Girls Boya Girls
. .80. . . .81 . . . .30.. . .84. . . .20. . . .27. . . .18. . . . 17. .
. .28. . . .30. . . .37. . . .82. . . .23. . . .25. . . .18. . . .16. .
. .30. . . .24. . . .35. . . .33... . ,10A. . .23. . . .18. . . .13. .
. .29 29 87. . . .29,. . .21 23. . . .18. . . .15. .
. .27. . . .20. . . .35, . . .20. . . .10, . . .22. . . .18. . . .14. .
. .UO ...U1....UO....UH... U3 U4...100 . 1)3..
.21U. .52. .34. .10. . . .281. .27. ... 6. .151
.. I.... I,... o.... O.... I,... I i
..10.... 10.... 18.. ...23.... 0...,. 8. ...14.... 0
Boya Girl?'
. .152. . . .140,,
..185:... 124?
..138.... 12ft
..181.... 125
VD.... Utol
- II..,. 1;
.. 71.... 6