1 SCHOOL NOTES. AFBCinlily "Wednesday morning. Lawrence Brown left Sunday for Eu gene. Willie Thompson was absent Wednea day. Almon Hcmnnway, Prof. Kester, Violet Van Fleet and Nollio Rooney visited our room Dec. 22. Miss Hunter received a glove and handkerchlof box, a toilet set, handker chiefs and a box of stationery from her pupils Christmas. room 5. This morning Prof Day called an assembly for the purpose of reminding the pupils of their disorderly conduct which has prevailed during the first two days of School. All the pupils seem to take much in terest their studies since the holidays. The final examination for the first term begins noxt week. This morning we were visited by four young ladies from Miss Hunter's room who occupied a corner by the door. Damon Sherwood was absent the first part of the week. .NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION PARTNERSHIP. CF Utice is hereby given, that the no li p heretofore existing between ilenderer, E. J. Patterson and ker-umlef the firm name and style oTC. M. Henderer & Co., is this day dissolved, by the mutual consent of tho1 parties constituting said firm. V. M. Henderer will collect all ac counts of and par all debts due from said firm. Dated at Cottage Grove, Oregon, January 2nd. A. D. 1900. C. M. Henderer. E. J. Pattkrso.v. John Fryer. V. C . T. U. Lecturer Mrs. L Bailer next Sunday Jan. 7 will E. de liver a lecture at the Christian Church at 3 o'clock. Everybody in town should take advantage of such a grand treat and hear this able lecturer. A free will offering will be taken at the close of the lecture. MrsvLE Bailey national lecturer and jT organizir of the CtTjP W'H '10'd a ' series oNecturelSfiSvrTan. r'Sd ..No (inll ?Wj..',).-5Wlier as she ' - : Land Offifl : $WWHOHKai painB- BMBK ml.jmm8mSLnv. . Notice is hef J ;" '''lSSKSmmEE3fX intention to iSpWIS . ' ; $$$mm$e of hie claim.f&S . v r. aswA befor'.; m, Cjtotary MotioV, f-, l" ais-,. i. - bering it this , :. de&VmtMr unost rapid n nrnrlfl . visas"' jfe?'a2a,tonding to pnrcha801!farm cninerywtu nrst ueciue wnicti & tn . l r, . S . lghtest running and best adapted io hifl work. He wants tho best at iair price, yei now oiten a man in pur chasing a sowing machine will look for the cheapest snado, no thought enters his head of the long weary hours his wifo or dmicrhter will hn nnmnollpd tn oporato the slow and hard running ma chine. Ho will think of a light draft binder to save his horses, but ho will not tako hjt wife's time and hard .ork into consideration. This would ot do tno cbso it purciiasors were nwaro of the great difforenco between the various machines. Tho D "Wheeler fc Wilson sews one third faster than other machines and through the Adoption of ball bearings is by far the lightest running. J. W. Kays, Gen. Agt. J. V7, Bounds, Local Traveling Agt. for A- It LOW Attorney-at-Iaw Real Estate. - OREGON DRAIN DIVlDh ITKMS. Georco Meinzor was visiting Iuh undo Mr. Jacob Geiwty last week. The Douglas county aurvoyor was up surveying for parties below Divide last weok. Mr. Milter has taken Iko Taylor's farm to work noxt venr. Somo unknown person Mr Robinson's horses in other day. Mr Jacob Geiwity ate dinner with Mr aud Mrs shot quo of the leg the Now Years Jamci Tapp and family. MrJTramel is busy putting a rail fence around his farm. Mr Burket and family aro now living in the station cars horo ready to take charge of the new station. Mr Allen has moved olTtho Lindstrum place into the house formerly occupied by Mr Perini. New year's day was a fine day up hero and everybody hnd a good timo. The evangelist Mrs. E. U. Barrett from Washington will begin revival services at the Methodist Episcopal Church in Cottage Grove Sunday Jan. 7th atll a m and 7 p m. Mrs Barrett is a well known evangelist all over the Northwest. Hundreds of people have been- brought to Christ through her efforts. She is in every senso a first class evangelist. Come, praying for a great religious awakening and bring your friends. M.O. Brink, Pastor. FOR RENT. I wish to rent my farm of 200 acres 3 miles from Cottage Grove. Stock fresh milch cows, hogs, horses and farm implements for sale. Inquire at this office or address, II. H. Harvey, Cottage Grove, Ore. The Northern Pacific have recently established an agency in our city with Mr. James Hcmenway as agent. Cal on or write him in regard to tickets to all Eastern points. Dr. Lowe the well known graduate ocula-optician has located permanently in Eugene. When you want glasses have him test your eyes in tho jewelry store of Joe Luckv. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ift Roseburg, Oregon, November 23. 1809. uven that tho follow- lled notic4'his LpropLin support iir"proof will bo U. S. Com- )r?gon, on fa J. John- lift JNW 1-4 w. fitnesses to upon we nave oney on in the mining as in ijwjr premises under nre f Section 2324 Revised io United States, .being the amola'reiinired to hold the said c aim. for tW yeara 1895, 189(3. 1897, 1898 va v -jm law, Respectively ; and if within ninety days after the fcompletion of the publi cation of this notice, you fail, neglect or t . . . i . . . roiuao iu uonirujuie your portion or portions of said expenditures as co- owners your interest or interests in said claim will becomo tho property of tno subscribers, under said Riit nn 2324. Dated this Third dav of November. 1899. Signed J. B. Mokoan, J. W. Bakeh, W W. McFahland, ClIARLKH McFARLAND. Thomas Richaiidson. Our fee returned if we fall. Any one aendin? sketcn and descrintlon of anv invention wii promptly receive our opinion free concerning Patent" sent upon request. Patent necured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken OUt thmilirll III mvliw mnrl-lnl ...v wKuiauiuiv (ji name, "now zo iintnin n notice, without cliarirc In 1' III? I'lTlfWT Rnnnnn an illustrated and widely circulated Journal! consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. ocuuior sample copy puce. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Bulldlnc. WASHINGTON, D. C. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Always reliable TJio Weekly Oreeonlun. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office- at lloseburg, Oregon, November In, 181)0. Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-n med settler has tiled notion of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before the Register it Receiver U, S. Land Oflleo at Roseburg, Oregon, on January 0, 1900, viz.: William A. Mc B.teon'll.E. No. 7853 for the Lot 2, SW 1-1 NE 1-4, W 1-2 SE 1-1, sec. 12, T. 23 S., R. 3 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. B. Rouse, II. B. MoBeo, T. M. Grubbs, Reuben Stinnet, of Amos, Oregon. J. T. ButnaKH, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, November If), 18!)i). Notico is hereby ii ven that the follow iiig-iiuuieu suuicr hum iiiuii iiuiilu m inn intention to make final p oof in support of hisclaim, and that said proof will be made before Register & Receiver, U . S. ini'-nanied settler has tiled notice of his Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon, on January 0, 1900, viz: Thaddeus M. Grubbs on 11. E. No. 7888 for the Lot 4, SW 1-4 NW 1-4, W 1-2 SW 1-4, Sec. 12, T. 23 S., R. 3 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon anil cultivation of said land, viz: W. A. Me Bee, Reuben Stinnet, H. B McBee, J. B. Rouse, of Amos, Oregon. J. T. Bridoks, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore., October 4, 1899. Notice is hereby given that in com- idinuce with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "'An net for the sale of timber lands in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Doll J. Extabrook of Washburn, County of Bay field, State of Wisconsin, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 722, for the purchase of the 8 K li S E M, N S E S E i N E 1i, Ixjing lots 7, 10, 9, 10 of Section No. 20, in Township No21 S Range No. 1 W., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to paid land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday the 14 day of Decerning, 1899. He names as witnessesB: H F. Hollenbeck of Eugene, Oregon, Austin Root of Springfield, Oregon, Lewis Bierl of Albany, Oregon, J. C. Olsen of Eu gene, Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming ad versely the aliove-deseribed lands nre requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 14 day of De cember, 1899. J . T. JiitiixiRri, . .- - ' Regisler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, November 29, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make mini proof in suuix-rt of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register & Receiver, U. S. Land Office at Rosebnri;, Oregon, on January 6, 1900, viz: William Livelv on II. E. No. 9090 for the N SW 'SV i PW, sec. 8 T. 23 S R. 3 W. ' lie names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: E. Geer, H. C. Combs, of Amos, Oregon, W. A. MoBeo, of Harris, Oregon. P. Mc Martin of Ainos, Oregon. J. T. BltlDttKB. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, November 17, 1899. JWfiee is hereby given that tho following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register &. Receiver. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg. O l'OL'on. on January o, iwu, viz uoorgo l. Kitchey on H. E. No. 7857 for the Jot 1, KE 1-4 iNlv 1-4, K 1-2Bii 1-1, sec. 12, T. 23 S R. 8 W. ' we names the following witnesses to prove IMS continuous residence unnn find cultivation of said land, viz: J. B. Rouse, W. A. MoBeo, Reuben Stinnet, T. M, Grubbs, of Amos, Ore gon. J. T. Biuikiks, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offlco ut Roseburg. Oregon, November 15, 1899. Notico is hereby eivon that tlmfnllnw. ing-named settler has filed notico of his intention to make fin il nroof in Hiinnorf. of his claim, and that said proof will be muuu ueiore wio uegistcr & Kecelvor, U. 8. Land Oflioo, at Roseburg. Oregon . on January (1, 1900, viz: Reuben Stinnet on II. E. No. 7243 for tho lot 1, SE 1-4 NE 1-4, N H SE 1-4, sec. 10, T. 23 S R. 3 W. Ho names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous Ircsidenco upon and cultivation of said land, viz; W.A. McBeo, J. B, Rouso, II. B. McBeo, T. M. McGrubbs, of Amos, Ore gon . J. T. BitiuciKS, Register. R. A. SANDERS, IMlOl'KtKTOll OK N. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Choice Brands. A Favorite Resort. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. GLASS k BROS. PROPRIETORS OF. fH i i ri ! nTTnfl'n I HAUA UuLUl" U Ul UVl I & We nre now prepared to furnish all kinds of Brackets, Mouldings, Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and Window frames, Screen Doors, Windows, Pickets, etc. Woodwork of all kinds made atid i repaired. We will also work Floor ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or size Studding, etc. PRICES REASONABLE SHOP NEAR S. P. DEPOT Bon Ton MEAT MARKET! Main Street Warn Grove, Oregoo. Supply llOUSe fbriU. S. Mineral Surveyor. :o : Cottage Grove and Bohemia. Send your order hy Teleithone W. H. Beagle, M'g'r. These Illustratrated Publications. WlM. IlK SUNT 1JV TIIK NoitTIIKIl.V PAClKlO Railway Co., to anv addiikhh ui-o.v ItlX'KIIT, IS HTAMIt), Oil OT1IKK WiaU,OKTHK AMOUNTS NA.MKU WONDERLAND An annual publication of about 100 pages, gotten up in most attractive stylo and beautifully illustrated in half-tohe. The contents of each number are varied and diffoient from it-i nredaccssor. The NoiiTiiKitN Paoikiu lias lx'come noted for uns puuiieaiioii. ihk im.nkht 1 iii.no in i Railway IjItkkatuiik. Send six cents. YELLOWSTONE PARK MAP A relief map of Yellowstono Park. Printed on firm paper, and suitable for mounting or framing and for use in ,...1 I .. .., . mi ' , nuiiuuiB, vmun rooms, eic. ino best map of tho I'aik that is publicly distributed, Mailed in past board tubes. Sond lOcts. MA55AMA PAMPHLET A nicely illustrated pamphlet, degcrip tivo of Mount Ranier, Washington, the grandest ico-covered peak in the United Dimes, send two cents. KOOTENAI FOLDER An illustrated folder and reliof map of norm oi bpokane; Bend two cents. ARMY AND NAVY HOOK Tolls about both the TL B. and RnnnlHh armies nnd navies at beginning of Spanish-American war. Map of Cuba and adjacent islands. A vest pocket history well worth preserving for reference. Send ton cents. In sonding for these write the nddrcss carefully, and state where advertisement was seen. Chan. 8. 1'15K, Gen, l'lurnvngur Aeont. HT. I'AUL, MINN. Sol Davidson received his stock of fawelery this week and now has a very nice display. FRANK GOODMAN , . . .Proprietor of The Popular Cignr and Cof t'C- tionery btore. J'uncy Vanned Lunchrt, Dealer in Cigars of Low and High Grade and Prices to suit the Trado. Main Street, Cottage Grove, ort. Eakiif & Bristol, BANKERS. TmiS(iCi a GauTdal nankino Business In all Its brunches. Uultngn drove, Or-i-m. E LITH. .SHAVING PARLOR. Cotte Grove Orr O. E. OHJlth, l'rop. Call on. B. L. Pickard & Son FOR- House PaintiiBtf, Sign Work, Carriagre raiintiii. Work Guaranteed COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. Cy. riiller, General Blacksmithing. Two Doors North of Eakin & Bristow'i, Cottage Grove, Oregon. C. DEPUTY Special attention given to Mining Claims and procuring of Patents. Grants Pass, Orkgon. J.. S. MED LEY . Attorney.- At Law, OBlraOn Jlnln Hlrt, Cottage Grove, Oregon. Wm. RENSHAWr 2THE EXCHANGE ALP WALKER . - . DEALER IK FINE WINES, LIQUORS, Managir. CIGARS Street, Cottage Groce, Ore. Main CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANTS. tfo'Mco is herohy iriven that tho fol lowing warrants will be paid on pre-i sentation at my oflice on and aftr Oc tober 14, 1899. Iiitorest on same will cease October 14, 1899: All hntie county warrants from registered number 5805 to 0090, both inclusive. Dated, Eugeno, October 12, 1899. A. S. Patteumox, Pnimlv Treasurer. MAKE American Beauties. Latest Models. Fi & CORSETS Ot Bach Do. KALAMAZOO CORSET a SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLD 0Y Jfevienway 0 Burhhohlev.