Undo Vos Vcutcli dropped In Nmv yearn iiHjnilMK "II Hnillm, unit after vrlnlilnK 1110 N'W1 "" H(Ml4 "f I"""" pcrity. f"r tn" Nmv Y"ur h!hhI cut Lous pretty apples as von will ever tee, ' t,H! W',0 "'I""""'' i' Porter va riety, w11'0'1 l,il:lt!,, n,""K 'tli (ovcrnl others from n young tied in his orchard. Mr. Vouteh staled that they w on tho under branches mid worn L,tcti!l from H'" ,,lr,'H which play linvoc with fruit l tho 'all. I In hail noticed tlio fruit homo time uv.it ami laid tin-ineinburH o( IiIh family that If tho binlH iliil not flml thein ho would pick thom Now Years moriilitK, which jiodlu. 'J''1 'r11'1 'M ,''!'u''"1"' flavor. ,ml tho only regret Undo Vch Iiiih 1h that ttiiro wuro not moroof them. He ,1,0 had tho pleasure of plucking a number of hj iihbIiuh from IiIh garden tho (iiio morning. j(ot Time. A couplo of street toughs one nnnr d Evlns, were thrown into tho cooler by Mnmhal M flier Now Youth night, and j,cy had a "hot time" right away. One wHtoodrunk to sit up. and tho other j;vini wns too devil IhIi to keep mill, ho while tho oihi puked and slumbered, tlieotlicr coul oiled tho Htoro, wow I and floor, Bt Urn to it and then coin inclined (jntantie war dnnco nnd to kick l'ic itovcMown . Tho IIiiiiirm from the burning oil in the stove nnd iiMheM at tracted quita a number and it looked at ' one time an though the building would catch, nn I it l a wonder tiiat it did not. Marshal Millor wan hood nolilled and lie ctrau down and locked them up safe and sound. jlteordtr'H Court. Recorder Medloy had (jultc a run of bmineiH thin week, Tiicsdny morning, Rnbt. Ilenham wan up on tho charge of bfiajcdruuk and disorderly nnd fined 2.M nnd costs. "Muck" Evins was irMigned for disorderly cin'liit. Judge Medley mndu it cost him a fine of J.r0 andcostd. Ho wnH also arraigned for for bolntrouH, abusive nnd profane langnagi', nnii received n sentence of Jlj darn in Jail, Mcntuncu suspended diirinj goo I behavior Jfffc Wagon. Arrhio Kicohas started nn enterprise for Cottage Grove that should le heartily ondo-sed liv tho citizens. It linn bcon for years n ilillicult Uisk'to get milk enough to supply demands. Mr.' Rice Han made arrangements to supply the ImiR felt want nnd last Monday put i milk wagon on the streets and in pre-pare-1 to furnish the bent of milk from ih Cochran farm near town. 8ureeHri V) the enterprise. Officer Elected. The officers elect of the M K Sunday Wiool forthe ensuing year nre an fol low: Supt, J. I. Jones; Assistant Stint. J. 8. Benson; Sec. Nettie Bur- iick ; Treaa ., J.I). Lewis; Librarian, Xry Currin; Organist, Cleo Lewis; Viiatunt Organist nnd Chorister, Mrs. Ella Ilenham. Tha several teachers are nt worthv nnd there will be but little hiingo from last year. 'hanged Hand. Tho Fashion Stables,; owned by C. M. ftmlurer A Co. lias again changed finds. This time to Duncan Scott of pgeno, Mr. Kcott taking charge Tuch- ir. Tho new propriutoris a thoroughly Mo-date livory man and will cater to to public wnnts in the livery line in a jr acceptable manner. hO. T. M. Banquet. ilboK. 0. T. M. Lodge of this city Wl a banquet at their ball last Thnrs- PV night, after tho regular lodge hnio'n. A splendid "Hiippor wus served la moat enjoyable ttmo was had. h Nugget man had an invitation to present and just did escape founder- ti himself and that was nil. 'o(l Up For the Sea non. iwut) itros. havo closed tin their Ncualo fruit and vcifotnble atoro in p Hemenway building forlliis winter. I'ura. Cobb are highly pleased with fir IniBinosa trnnsaclfd hero this "on, nnd oxntess thoiusolveH that PtauoGrovo is the best town of its I!in Oregon. a Itunawau. mm Hurry fntlior of Nellio and Goo. Fy of this city, was seriously hurt in runaway nccidont near Genoa. Novnda I"lwoek. It is not doilnitolv known l! badly ho is hurt but from lottors Wed by his son George it is thought I'condition is (luitoHorlous. I'O. Hounn wiih iirrnsteil Monday p for planting Ids fist into tho faco "loi'.vina wlio called Mr. Rousovilo i. Ho wnH broiiirht huforo Saiiiro Hi. 1 pmTueiday luorntng and fined $5 owest peimlty prescribed. Mr. pj paid tho flno nnd somo of his I "8 made up a colleutioi) aijd gavo 1' itiHiint hitnrr., Monday night a very pleasant dance Wi" given at. the McCoy home in West Cottage Grove, n lingo number being piecciit. tiood muHie and u dollghtful tinni wns had by all presont. HUmm Laundry A Mr. Ilriggs a laundry man was In 1'ieeiiy this week looking foi a location to Hart a steam laundry. While no ddllnite nrraiigements havens yet been mado, it Is quite probable tiiat one will be mailed before many weeks. JVaw Map. MeHHrs. Hard and Uoyd have been busy for some time drafting an up-to-date map of Hohenila. It is now com pleted and will foon b" turned over to the lithogiaplier, Such enterprise is lo In: commended. ftrpnbHran (Jub. The Saginaw republicans organized a Republican Club in that town on tho evening of Janunry 2. with ft good membership. That's right gentlemen gt in nnd work. Horn. To Mr nnd Mrs Ourrin Cooley this city, bright anil early on tho morning of .Ian. I 1000, a daughter. AH tAl)ojt you. MA UIU EI). At the resilience of the bride's mother in thin city, Mr. T. M. Unfit, of Cot tage Orovo, and Mies Cliarlottie Wliito were united in marriage by Hov . Mor ton!.. Hone, Monday morning, .Inn. 1, M0. The young couple left for Port land on tho 1:0(1 train. The many friends of the contracting parties tender c ingratulatious in which tlio Guard juiuH.Eiigene Guard. Tho young couple are among tbu most popular nnd be-tl known p pie of this vicinity, Miss Wh'to having taught a very suc cessful term of school in the Cottage Grove echo N, nnd Mr. Hunt having grown to manhood here. Their friends are Ifgion, and congratulations will fall thick ami fast upon them when they return from their wedding trip. Duncan Scott last week. Mrs. 0. II . Cottlo this week. Cu mining & Sehr.(f was up from Kiigeno I visits Jta.rtu nut surDasscu ror rea worth It has been dernonetrated repeatedly in every state in the Union and in many foreign countries that Ciiamberlnins's Cough Remedy ia a certain preventive and euro for croup. It has becomo the universal remedy for that disease. M. V. Fisher of Liberty, W. Va., only re pents what lias been said around tlic iflobe when lie writes: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for several years and always with p -rfect nnee,e. Wo believe that it is not only the best cough remedy, but that it is a sure cure for croup. It has saved the lives of our children a number of times." This remedy is for salo by Hknhos Dkuo Co, CVe Grove, Drug gists. Lyons V Ji-lkoatk, w atn, Druggists. I .urn in lit the nforJo who BiifTcr from rheumatism and sciatic know that ci i.orinin'u Pniii Hiilin relieved me ...... u - after a number of other medicines and a doctor had failed. It is tho best lini ment I have over known of. J. A. Doikikn, Alphau.tjit Ga. Thousands III! ix.en cured of rheumatism by this teniedy. One application relieves tho pain. For salo by Bk.nhon Duuo Co., Cottage Grove, Druggists. Lyons & Ai'I'I.koatk, Drain. Druggists. FOR A PRETTY HAND Here is something that she willliko, and she may be led to like tlio donor,' select u ring. Davidso the.Toweler. Special rates during holidays at Royds Photograph Gallery . If you are looking font present thnt will bo useful as well as ornamental go to Phillips and Jones Hardware. You can get as good stamp photos at Boyds as anv place in Lane Co., 21 for 25c. If you want wall papor or books don't forget to got prices of J. P. Ourrin tho druggist. J.P. Currin has a choico lino of in grain and llgured wall paper, at prices to suit tho trado. Smoked Halibut, tho best you over biiw just in and going like hot cakes, at dimming & Selir. Hew! beautiful, stylish dress goods in patterns, trimming silks. Ilomenwuy & Burkholdor. No matter what you want wo havo it nt CtimmiugecSehr. Now sweaters for men .and-boys, both wool awl cotton. Ilpmenwny & Burk-holtler. Attorney .J. H. Young visited 13 gonu Wednesday. Miss Hnnios loft Sunday for her homo at Portland. Eli Hangs of Eugene was n visitor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Porry Long returned Monday from Eugene. Mrs. Sarah Pitcher returned from a ihort visit nt North Yamhill. Attorney A. C. Woodcock wns in Cot tage Grove Saturday on business. Sam Veatch nnd wife and' Miss Ollio Wilhird returned to Portland Tuesday. Henry Stewart of Comstock made his friends of this city a visit Wednesday. I. A. Aruiitege of Springfield did business in Cottage Grove last Satur day. Council met last Monday night and the usual annual business was trans acted . Prosecuting Attorney L. T. Harris was up onjiroicssional business Mon day. Horace Mann is visiting points in California with a view of looking up a newspaper locution. F. L Chambers and Win. Preston paid friends in Cottage Grove a visit Saturday ami Sunday. Rosen ICnox. of Prineville, well known here is visiting his brother and slinking hands with old friends. MiBS Vera Ellett and Willie Thomp son returned the first of the week from a week's visit at Eugene. Misses Ollie Churchill and Carrie Rertou of Springfield attended the Mask Ball Friday night. Mrs. Frank Goodman after a few days days visit with her husband in this city returned to Eugene Monday. W. L. Chapman, who is interested in mines in Bohemia made the Nugget office a pleasant call Monday. Mrs. Frank Alley and two children from Hohcburg are in tho Grove visit ing her parents Mr. and Mrs W Churchill Mrs. Garnian of Aberdeen, Wash., who lias been viBiting relatives in the Grove was a passenger north Wednes day morning. Miss Laura Jones who has. been ill at the home of her brother J. I. Jons Yr. this city, was sufficiently recovered last Monday to make a business trip to Portland. Jerome Knox of Lakeview, Oregon, brother of O. F. Knox of this city ar rived Wednesday and is taking tho benefit of a change of climate after a long spell of sickness. Warren McFarland, Henry Medley, Georgo Berry, Vance Allison, Walt Cochran and several others left Sunday for Portland to work on the tie train re turning with the train Wednesday. Quite a number of Drain people at tended the Mask Ball Friday night among them were Mrs. Bassett, Misses Maud nnd Veva Basnett and Babe Roberts. Messrs. C. Gardner, B. Ro nald, Al Perkins and Leslio Miller. WANTED. in CHOICE GROCERIES, Crockery, Glassware, Granite ware, Tin ware, Wood and Willow ware, And the way they hold prices down will prove beneficial to every economical buyer. A large shipmentof Syrups just recieved Also New Pickles in bulk, kegs and glass. k', 4'' Two good men to sell the Arcade Riveting Machine in this county. Tho host of terms given. Apply at this ollico or at G. W. Barney's West Main St., opposite Racket Store. TAKE NOTICE. I will still keep a good lino of pure candy such as chocolate creams and caramels at my storo, also tit Cobbs fruit storo pleaso remember tho place and give us a call. D. Lincoln. Look up the . rjK p satisfaction store,;. CIW4ING & SEHR. T n C. M. Hkndekkr, E.J.Patterson, J. A. FryerJi.' ' , . ' The Fashion Stablest :k G. M- Hederer & Go. Prop. J' i-JIiSiLT" ' Proprietors of the Bohemia ft M 4$w& - and wm ?:??tr 1 Black Buue Stage L5nes' f WSM &MCm Reas nadle Prices : WM First-Class Turnouts, Doutlc or Single.. . . : . . ... WE Cottage Grove, Oregon.' ' jK 1 ' Wm I Coifeh ; It - ' .. The cake walk of the Nashville students who appear here Jan. 5 is said to be the best ever presented on this coast. I will sell all Japaneso goods at greatly reduced prices until Fob. 1st. Call and sco them. Emily Meinzkk. Yon remember the wonderful Lion Bass, whose voice is like the sound of a monster church bell? He will appear with the Nashville Stu dents, at their concert at Martin's Hall The celebrated soprano known as the "Colored Mocking Bird" will appear with the Nash ville Students in their concert. T.A. Lewis, boot and shoe repair shop. First class work, low prices. Opposite Hhorwood Hotel. M mincer Martin, of the storo, informs us imu "y, crrent run 011 Chamberl,$M B.mn,l. Ho soils flvo bottles of that medicine to one of any other kind, and it gives great satisfaction, In these days of la grippo thoro is nothing liko Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to stop thceough,lielup tho soro throat and lungs and give relief within a very short time. The sales aro growing, and all who try it aro pleased with its prompt nction.-Soutli Chicago Daily Calumet. For sale by Bknson Drug Co., Cottage Grove, Druggists. Lyons & Apm.aath, Drain, Druggists. Something nowin ladies hoso. Homonway & Burkholder. Wool, cotton and fleece lined under wear,' single and combination for ladies, Homonway & Btiikholder. Eakin & Brlstow aro agents for tho Genuine Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows and extras. Boys, have you seen . those flno. shot guns at Griffin & Vuatoh Co. Don't forget tlio Special Mining Edition of Bohemia Nugget. in business, we assure you the best goods the market affords, ant the lowest possible prices. Remember the -place: Phillips' old stand, Cottage Grove Oregon. HOLLKNBECK BROS. . AND Headqua.rters.Jbr . Mining ' men. ;, Every want attended to. '- 9 Eugene, ------ Oregon. GO TO- Mrs. Pet Sanforcl'S', FQU Mnln Street, - - Cottage Grove, Or. l' to hi m,