BOHEMIA NUGGET. C J. HOWARD EDITOR. Rntarod nt tho poatoflleo at Cottntfo (Jrovo, Oregon as Second Clnra mnll m Alter. uliRorlptlon prlco, 81.50, In nilvanon. AttrertUIng rnton mmlo known upon application. Friday, Jan. 5, 1900. Let's donate a few dollars to building a roof over a pile of county rock. The editor of this paper will guarantee to shingle one day. The Oregonian's Special New Year Edition is out and generally circulated throughout Oregon. It is a masterniece in the matter of photographic and mechanical art, and a splendid advertisement for the great State of Oregon. Couerressmau lontrue has ex pressed an opinion that there will be a river and harbor bill. When Mr. .TnniniP ontnpe ntir flnr fnntpd find A-rSV, . .. maices an assertion you tan usuauy depend that he has a pretty good basis upon which to back his opinion. The fact that we are buying bonds, instead of issuing them, shows another of the ' marked differences between the present ad ministration, and the last one And there are so many other agreeable differences that it would require a catalogue of many pages in which to detail them. Denver Times Sun. streets of Cottage Grove especially after night fall, who put in most of their time using boistrous, profane and abusive language. He is on the right track. Every man or boy he finds on the streets of Cottage Grove who purposely and willfully commits these misdemeanors or otherwise disregards the laws of decency, should be promptly arraigned, and then Judge Medley and Squire Vaughn will do their duty. The city should look into the matter and erect a good water proof roof over an immense pile of country rock and then convert these violators of good order and decency into s! amp mills and start the stamps to droppin'. We need plenty of crushed rock on our streets and this is a good way to get some of it. This patting a man on the back when he's drunk and disorderly be cause he's a rattling "good feller" when he's sober well never give this city an enviable reputatiou abroad, nor gravel your streets. Ho way Goods! The Salem Statesman ever alive to the necessity of puttine forth great efforts , for Salem and sur rounding country is out witn a beautifully designed New Year edition, containing much informa tion of benefit to the seekers of homes in this state. " It is a great improvement over theirllast year's edition and in matter-' of jstyle is the equal of the Oregonian.v Ira D. Shankey, speakfjig of the death of his evangelist partner, the late Dwicht L. Moody, paysVthe great , Christian worker the foil injr tribute: "In the death of Mr. Moody the world has lost one of th4 greatest and noblest men of the '. have labored with him : twenty-seven years, tra by land and find Quite a littl e county political stir is now on the Junction Times edited bv Moorenead, one of the foremost republicans in the county having published a few ideas as to which way the cat is proine to jnmp. It is intimated that Judge Potter will not allow his name to come up, likewise Commissioner Bailey. The Times says that the democrats were, up to the time Day got his money mixed with the county's funds, grooming Fred Fisk for sheriff, expecting to turn Withers down on the plea that he was elected on the populist ticket, and by right of fusion, the next nomination for sheriff should be democratic, Withers being elected as a populist. The democrats are wise if they get this idea out of their heads and tie to Withers, who is the only man in Lane county that has a fighting show for election to office of sheriff on any ticket ex cept the republican,) and if he does not get the vote vrora the same sources that he manipulated at the last election, he will, never officiate again. He must not only get the same vote but it must be greatly, increased. The e officers in Lane cc interestingjbne atter h"? Ho nay Goods! At LURCH'S. For Young and Come and See Them! They will be sold as cheap as you can buy thcirt South of Portland. The Racket Store9 s "Ad" SPAC kbei 5 ri fa$ and play and say "smart things' to each other throughout the entire service, 7ir else como at the 'eleventh hour," clatter down the aisle"' and then out. These young people may commit such misde meanors thoughtlessly; if they do they should be reminded of it, and given a chance to do better. They may and it is half suspected they do commit such misdemeanors' in tentionally; if they do they should be called down good and hard. mm 7 Mffc , but it in the equently re in party lection of Simply be lighty good that he is 1&6UM readyvH This"jSk is dem consiaeryiDie attention and s be thoroughly circulated. 'The issue consists of 1900, and each copy if judiciously handled can be of benefit to Bohemia District, and that means benefit to Cottage Grove. We have gone to con siderable expense, and trouble to put the book up now let every m(un who has the interest of Cottage Grove and Bohemia at heart, get in and supply his friends with a copy. The cost of the book is 15 cents ftopy-r-bearly the cost of the .1 t j ji. fri 1 1 j r these books remain unsold. If you lwaut them order them. If not, when we are sure that no one cares for them, they will make excellent kindling wood. Expensive half tone work burns well. Come up gentlemen and buy a dozen. liliateN wt r personal consideration - 1 but for their; business and pqlitical integrity, aiid the victory will be re- Dublican. TO BE REGRETTED. It is to be regretted that there is a class of young men who make it a business of coming into church late in the service and usuall 1 Marshal Miller has taken to running in some of the tough ele ment that takes possession of the y dur ing the most interesting part and disturbing the entire audience say nothing of interrupting the speaker. If young men have not sufficient respect for the feelings of those who attend church in true sincerity, to come and sit through a service in good behavior, they should at least have decency enough to stay out. There are a fewr-to the credit of the town be it said, a few who make it a business to either come early, take a back seat and giggle' ID Brief. Has your husband been kicking about the toughness and quality of the meat your market lias been delivering you lately? About the price, too? We would like to supply your table with meats, Our steaks and chops arc ten der and at the right price; and as good cutters as the town affords. GOOD WEIGHTjsrJf McFarland Meat tfflTGIVK US A TRIAL. CO. OTT O K OHOVE, OHK. Cranberries! Cranberries! Cranberries! First of the Season Cumming& Suhr. For quality and cheapness in fresh meats go to the Central incut market. r Notico Ilemenway & Uurkhoklcr's ad. Shoes, shoes, shoes. Wanted at Garman & Nowland 1000 turkeys at highest markot price. Fresh candies overy day, marto from pure sugar at the Tailor shop, Geo. Wallery, one of tho cleverest song and specialty artists on the road is with Thearles Ministrels at Martin's Hall Friday Jan 5. Timothy seed, just received nt Cam ming & Sehr. Jan 5 hte Ministrols Jan 5. Wo sell good goods at good prices for our customers, Central Meat Market. Wo will pay cash for county warrants, or collout claims against Lano County paying cash for panic. HeMKNWAY & BURKHOLDEU. I An ovening of fun, smiles, giggles and rtughtor, listening to Th6arles Original James Hemenway DKALKIt IN IReal Estate and Mining Property. Represents Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Cmpanies. NOTARY rUliLIO Strict Attention pid to Collation Office opposite Sherwood Hotel Benson rag company fiold this Space. flatcb it Tennesseo Ministrels. Tho best Bhoes in Cottage Grove, Ilemenway & Burkholder. A company of Artists chuck full of laugh como and see thorn at Martin's Hall January 6. Griffin & Vkatcii Co. are the leaders in all kinds of mining supplies, ammu nition and sporting goods , 1 Hardware. If you want any thing in the Hardware line, come and look ove our goods and see how the prices suit. We shall endeavor to carry a full line of HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, Miners Supples, Mechanics Tools. Cutlery, Ammuni tion, Washing Machines, Churns, Etc., and a Full Lie of Agricultural Implemets. Philips & Jones.