N . Devoted to the Mining, Numbering and IV arming Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a I, rad3 OrJ WiKJl OR. hi sr. VO III- I Cottage Grove, Oregon, Friday, Jan. 5, 1900 Corsets! Corsets! Thompson's Glove Fitting Corsets are the best. We have them in all sizes. We have them in Black, Drab, Pink, and Blue Colors. Prices are $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2 and $2.50. Also a line of nurs ing corsets. We carry a nice line of ladies Ferris Waists and Misses and childrens Corset Waists. This is the largest and best line showed here. Come and see them. B&kin & Bristow. . rr . mgrnm A Happy New Year To AH Our New Acquaintances. MINING NEWS. Gold and Silver Output for the Year 1899 Bohemia Mining Notes. The preliminary estimate nf thp nmHnoti the United States during the calendar year 1899, made by Mr. Roberts the director of the mint, shows a total gold production of $70,694,170' an increase over the production of lust vr r W.T-L ' 1 . 1 - ... t o 1 i uc pro- duction of silver dinng the year is estimated at $74,424,696, an in crease during the year of $4,040,211. The gold production bv states lor tne years 1899 and 1898 is given as follows: iRon. Nevada $ 2,442,000 Washington 800.202 Oregon 1,550,387 AlaHka 4.609,819 California 14,952,302 Idaho 2,480,020 Montana 4,919,607 Utah 3,309.509 Appalachian Suites 337,344 Colorado 2(1,000,000 South Dakota 0,120,000 Arizona 2,500,000 New Mexico 000,000 Wyoming 6,000 0 there 500 1898. $ 2,994,500. 766,200. 1,177,600. 2,564,800. 15,637,900. 1,716,900. 6.120,900.. 2,285,400. " ,- '"327,700. 23.105,300. 5,699,700., 2,405,100. 639,000. Totals British Klondike The estimated production of given as follows : Nevada $ Washington Oregon Alaska California ' Idaho Montana Utah Appalachian States Colorado South Dakota Arizona New Mexico Texas Others $70,694,170 16,114,150 silver during 1899 and 1899. 1,254,800 452,525 193,940 258.5S5 1,396,303 5,171,717 20,040,403 9,690,969 9,607 31,208,637 550,700 3,000,000 600,000 , 600,000 42,020 $64,457,500 1890 (coining value; is 1898. $ 1,040,808 328,921 163,081 119,467 830,448 6.560,065 19,144,663 8,385,810 2,086 ' 29,498,058 ' ; - 196,913 2,904,954 549,833 611,423 $70,384,485 We beg to to state that we are greatly pleased with our new surroundings and with the patronage so liberally bestowed upon us. We are here to do busjness. At all time you find n well selected stock of general liiurchandise from which .to select. Call and see. us. Get our priced In getting ourjj-s we are sure to '-.fnOlP get your patronage. Qarmun nd L. T. HARRIS -ft Attorney and Counselor-at-I.aw Special attention given o the Law of Mine. First National Bank Building, EUGKNIt - - OltJlGON. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is heroby jjiven that tho under Jjgned has been appointed by tho County Court of tho State of Oregon for l'ne County, executor of tho estate nnd o tho hut will and testament of Isaac Monroe White, deceased. All persons mving claims against said estate are hereby required to present the saino to mo, duly verified as by law rociuirud, at Cottage Grove. Oregon, within six months from tho dato hereof. Dated this 0th dav of November, 1899. N, W. WniTic, Executor of tho estato of Isaac Monroe Whito, deceased. J. E. Young, ATTORNEY AT LAW 001m On Main street, West Side, Cottage Grove, Oregon. J IIKLMUS W. TUOMIHON CJIAB, A. HAIIDV. Thompson & Hdy, Attorneys and Countselorts at Law. Special Attention given to the Law of Mines. Euokxi:, OllKQOX. L. L. Stevens, Attorney.at.Lav Speciai attesion given to Mining Business and Collection. ICugk.n'i: Orkqon Mrs. Kafhcrlftc schlcef, ri. D. Diseases of Women and Children. Cottage Grove, Oregon. Get your wife a washing machine, wringer or churn for a Christmas prese Phillips and Jones huvo them. Pink salmon bellies, very choice at Gumming & Sohr. Now crockery and glassware at Cumminq & Semi's. Wo now havo all sizes in Cutters Boots and Shoos. Eakln & Bristow. Be suro and see tho latest stylos in fall nrjJ, winter hats, just arrived at Miss Meinzers. If yon want a saw, axe, wodgo, or any thing in the wood choppers lino Phillips. & Jones havo a good assortment and prices right. The best for tho money if you want any table or pockot' cuJory go to .. .... " .. T 1 Plumps ft Jones nnruwuru. Tako your laundry to Geo. E. Griffith, agent of tho Eugeno Palace Laundry. Goes down Thursday and. eturns Saturday afternoon. Suits! Suitsll Tailor made suits!!! Up to date in ovcrv respect, from $15 up. Call and see samples. Geo. Boiilman. Subscribe for the Nugget. Totals $74,424,696 British Klondike 252,000 Wells Fargo & Go's annual statement of the mineral product of Utah places the copper, lead, silver and gold total output at $12,025, 540. The Rocky Mountain News gives Colorados raw mineral products of gold, silver, copper and leadfoi the year 1899 as $50,504,798. Report conies from Baker City that in the course of development 'on the Herculean mine at Cable Cove, an immensely rich body of ore was-unco,vered. JThe chute is reported 28 inches wide and assays $89 u i "h. MAi 1 ,1 iroiu ana oi:ibil icuu. A very gaVnS st the extent fiffff L j'Jlis in level N be 8 ii portioua attained, greate: tnent ment w The ized now, property Ui with a large am6' after acreage. It prices for groups incorporation it is teste.! as' )HEMIA NOTES. ike was made in the Musick mine recently, h of 30Q feet and the ledge is now known to f$- jnd other values prj d size as depti not devek H S- is. , f. fef "A. ' TV : t . ) " J not aeveioj: i.,. ' tain, known a this new iiicor incorporated f in a mill next V The forf mh-1 1 vklfT'ftlvtfo.. and vfcfe comDafJv is j'''4kf vft is statefd at the conipany will put . vvji loot 01 Jiarascrauuie muuniaiu. IT IS The WRE3 ,argest Stock in South Lanel -Consisting of- Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Stove's ane Tinware; Pumps, Pipes and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! Giins aiid Ammunition, Studfebrker Wagons, Canton Clipper Plows Harrows, Etc. For Miners Supplies, the only house South of Portal land. Give us a call. GRIFFIN & VJEATCH. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON TAKE NOTICE. dolicious cream goods. Also ico cream by the gallon as tho season iB close for holiday goods. Pleaso give mo a call. . . . , , D. Lincoln. I tako thia opportunity of informing Cottago Grovoand vicinity that I am Romomber Dr. 1. L. ScoflHld. Dentist nrenared to make candy at my factory wilfin von want dental work done. on Main street centrally located, sub- icct to order by tho box such as chocolate Subscribe for tho Oregonian and Bo- oreams, bon bons, caianiols and other hernia Nuggot. A 1 1 , 1 y '8 : 51 V W V1. t. nut., .