Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 29, 1899, Image 7

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ti,iI 0. 0. I', Lodge of thin city lut. I
1) lOW '"'v 1 immnMiij Ilium .
I) now nieiiiboiH to Initiate,
I Ml
tollio niyHlritH of Odd KoIIuWhIiIj.,
d() till) tiling JllHl IIH it I'llC
lnu T).-,.......!.. , i . . I
All AJxHiL Y(M.
I'royerly Observed in
Cottage drove.
'unorder to '
1,1 l duiio tlmy Invited ICugcnu
I I' . ilmr liiiltrnw In uiitul nt. n
,ivri""n "L " i'"
lotion, tin- Kuguno Kmin having
iliii u'nrli. Mul
Mir tram brought gome-
I' nit,) Hit incinborn from Ku. I
I It"1" ., i
LlleJ '"' " "I hM,;'7 "",rn- '-vm,lan Church, one t tho
hnir eiinii' k wiiriHiinn Ohnreh
Uwthemil IV nix now niuinliurri, i Martin's Hull.
Lhnmrfi t Mivntoly whlaporcd that A i.I!;111,iflll
I . ..i.., ill Iiiivii til lilt liikiin mi I . .
iHM"' , ' , ' W ai tin- I'roabyter nn, ami bountl
Lnurclmaoii younger ko.H. I hit ,,.,, ,.,:,, .,',.'.
lr ... ,,.. i,,... ' K"in in r um nun
tl0 Wil "V"J v.. nil.ll y,,,,,,
1 1. ml I ll TO II II II HI" iiikiii n nun, ll in
... I .1
rctiirnijil to tlio ditrgins
Uirialmna was a beautiful day and it
wnn surely appropriately nlwerved. The
town was rotimrkalilv nnim n,.,.;.i.
tho M. K. at
was taatofully ar-
good program cuiiftHli tie of !
"inging ami reeitntioiiH by thu lit tin
)iidbyn).m.bers "r the home lodge that ,.,, W18 r(!I1(Im!(.( A J
lbefloorwork of tho Kug.uie lean, wh ,vaH , vil)ilj.(, m o f
and nt the appropriate limit Old Hanta
China mado his appearance, imper
nonatod by Mr. Wintera Wallace, who
very cleverly did a pantomime act, the
text ill U'liinli 11111 fit Illor I tf
M" ' I tf ti ll. .. IV. . . t. It-UM
HcClung, w. ' " . I'rofe.Hor Hay. The uommitteo on nr.
ullniI) II. Ukin.J. . l'oil, hnnth,'
rniiKenieniM went L. F. Wnoluv, K.
Henderflon. Snndern, lionl.onK, .1. I', j r,nUi ,)n Mr(l
MiKHeit Klitie J,en, Mahel Wynn uud
Nina Oatr.uider, and initdh eredit indue
AT Till! VllltlHTIAK 1'IIITIl l! .
1 it . . i
a one ireo ami euieriainninnt wan
ven. A Inruo had lieen
fi-eiir d anrl the tiee watt iiliniidniitly
luiided with (fin id tiling nnd preHi-niH
for all and the little ones were nicely
remembered. The manauiiient did not
hnvo n Santa CIiiuf, but the program
and delivery of giftH wore nieely carried
out. Ilev. Itillinuton mnle a Hplendid
talk to the young people and the all'air
huh a iiiont plenMing one.
tiik m i: fiiriicii
Was too mnnll for ChriHtinaH exerclHns
and Martin's Hall watt Fceured for the
occitmon. Two treeet were beautifully
Lbcterur witnoHHed in thin lodye.
I" t! . t ..I .!... . . f.
followinK IM " "Ml v"""'",: r-nnene
Meisrn. Dougherty. Krnzler, Dorris,
ffiltOD, WilkitiM, (ireen, Horn, V. K.
iinnt. bimpMon. YitteM, Frank, Doyle.
I,.. I I.... I ..I. f
Urri lin'ni", iiiiin-y iin ' .
flilliamn, K.LT ., UarriitH, Kitchen,
littletlrld. Itankin, hisher, JenmintH.
fprlngtlcM Mt-HHTM. Robot In, Walker,
fuion, Collinn, White. Iortuio
Jfeiin. W- K.l'oak, I.N. Doak, A.ldi-' .
Um, Hartley, ieo. .titimiwK urwiur
jt. Gnslien A. J. J'.arry. urain
Shooting Match.
Ijit Saturday a nhootliiK matvli mi -
drr tliu iitauaemeiit of Walt Maker
us held ut the Ko.l ami
GonClaliHgroundH iunt earilof town on
tneLandoH farm, and ,iiito a number
of I'jcaI iortHiiieii were proitunt. Ten
tarkeya were offered an prlzon for tho
hal record on ItluerockH and much
iDort wm deiivod. lireeu I'ltclior with
hiibigNo. 10 Hcemod to hare the bent
I oliUi lie w n fiuir, before they barred
I ii ci .Monday the .Sa iuaw
arraii'iil and many attractive features
were prc-cnled, one in particular at
tracting iniiuh attention of the little
Lufiguron nhoot, they having a trap, fa 1U provoking no end of mirth for
itvLlo! and Udiohl Green Pitcher up I oliler oneH, Santa CIiiuho bv 'i)hone-
pMredim tho field iigain, but only got i ;,n the wav from Portland. He wan
Uobcfore they barred him. However j called up at thu vtatiotiH, and
hekqit nhoiiliug oir aiuf winning hirtniade to answer all aorta of puzzling
tiro until ho had won nevon dollors on I iiuHtiotiH. Tho little totH Htood it al
the tlioot and to ho wan pretty well rjK,t till he ; got to Saginaw and then
tatiillftl It In eaid that thu Creriwell the HUHiieiiHO wan almost unbearable.
Finally he arrived and then the good
time was on. Several attractive
numbers on the program were highly
bori will give a ithoot next Saturday and
the Cottage Grove Imivm will hold an
otherone next Monday.
Family llcitnlon .
l'erlniiii one of the largcrt family re
onions ever held in tliiH section of Ore
in vim that of Mr. an I Mrn. II. ('.
Veatcti of thin city lawt Chrintnia" day.
There seven children, with the exception
of one, with the.r wiveH ami husband,
mil clillilreu, in all twenty neve were
pnkeiiof, enpeeially the ong "King the
I'liriHini.t.- liollB which wan rendered
by tho M. K. choir in a mont jileaaing
manner a Hyntom of bolls were arranged
nnd Homo one well skilled in tho "ging
ling and the tinkling of the hcll.t,"
sounded the chimes in a truly pleading
manner. Miss Moit of Saginaw fur-
it home with ' father and mother" to j tnerly a student ot the u illaineue uni-ini-nil
r.liriutiiniu Tin. ..I,! liiiinii if.'iM i versitv eavo a vorv nrettv reading, in a
truly one of haiminess and a aiilendiil t ninnner that at onco convinced
dinner ureutotl the suns and dam-liters , hoaroia that alio ia "well up
who had wandered away from the pa
rental roof. At the dinner were aeated
fjt 30, including Mr. and Mrs. I'.
Clirimnan and daughter of Ocswell.
After tliu dinner the family gatheied al
Boyd's photo gallery and a gioup
picture waa taken. Grandpa and
Grandma Veateh aro 71! and OH years of
e, respectively .
H'Oliiterii .
The following registers of voters
for this section of the county have
been appointed by the clerk: Hast
and West Cottage Grove Wallace
and Bohemia, J. W. Vaughn. Kant
and West Cottage James Heinen
way. East and West Cottage Grove
--J. K. Young. Bohemia James
Hemenawy. Wallace James Ilem
enway and J. R. Young.
K. 0. T. 31.
The following ia n Hat of tho newly
'lected offlcora of the K. U. T. M. of
Wi city for tho otiHuiug year: Halph
Whipple. Com ; W W Mns'.erson, L. 0.;
Jowph Young, R K j Kmost Provanco,
J'K.j John Nokea, O.j John Sherwood,
'iH Wagner, M. A.j Mnthew Sohr, lat
M-Q.jJoo Uhodoa, 2nd M. -G.j Win
"art, Son; Joseph Gnroutto, P.
The Masonic Iodge of this city
""dan installation of officers at
je temple last Wednesday night,
Jne members of Masonic families
being present. The affair was a
'Pleiulid success, and highly ap
pointed by those fortunate enough
t0 attend.
Tho city council lnqt wook ordorod 800
ee'of now hoao fortho city fire dopnrt
"t nt a coat ofSOconta por foot. It
'H'ood inveatmont and it will bo up
Mated by tho dtizena,
in tho
line of elocution. Tho hall was crowded
and many could not get in at tho door.
Ono hundred and oiglity-four ebildron,
of tho M H Sunday school
weio each presented with a sack of
candy and nuts aa well as a present.
Good-bye Old Santa till ne.vtyear.
Mrs LI-: Bailey national lecturer and
orRani.ur of the W U T U will hold a
aeries of lectures in Cottage Grove, .Tan.
7. No one shou!dStf to hear her na alio
. . . . 'sSBfcfa. . i .i, iu
comes lugniy lecoiummiucu , hu, u, r
not a traiiHient stimulus, but a paina
taking, thorough process of building up,
tilling the whole field. A free will offer
ing will bo taken at each meeting. Tho
plac-ft.ill bo announced later.
Hero iaaoniething thatsho will like,
and alio may be led to like tlio donor,
solccta ring.' Davidson, tho Jeweler.
Special rates during holidays ut
Boyda Photograph Gallery.
If you are looking for a present that
will 'bo useful no well as ornamental go
to Phillips and Jones Hardware.
You can get na good atamp photoa nt
Boyda na any placo in Lano Co., 21 for
If you want wall paper or booka don't
forgot to get prices of J. P. Currin tho
J. P. Currin has a choico lino of in
grain and figured wall paper, at prices
to auit tho trado.
Uoya, have you aeon thoso fine- ahot
guua nt Gitu'KiN & Vkatoii Co.
Don't forgot tho Specinl .Mining
Edition of Bolflmin Nuggot.
Joseph Woodruff superintendent
of the Hartford Mining Company,
wnsiu Eugene Thursday.
Jack Jamos
J. II. Hurt spent Christmas with
family in Ibis city.
Willie Thompson went to Kugimn
Tuotday for u woeli'tt viait.
I. N. Joni-N returned Tueadoy from a
three weeks visit ut Hcio.
I'ingal Hinds visited his mining hi"
terests in Bohemia Tuedity.
Miss Lulu Currin is homo from tho
U of 0. to spend the holidays.
Boy and Duko Knox nru homo from
the U of Uto spend the holidays.
Frank mid Theodore Jennings are
sjicnding the week in Cottage Grovo.
Sam Veateh mid fnmilvof Portland
are spending tho holidnya iu tho Grovo.
Thru. Medley arrived Fridny ftom
California wheto ho has boon two ycara.
Miss Vera Kllort went to Kugone Sun
day and is lliolgueat of Misa hva Burton.
Perry Long and wife went to Eugono
Tuesday to visit with friends n fowdnys.
Mrs. W. Itohror and little daughter
Esther left for a week's visit at Eugune.
Luke Kuowlton is home from Mod
ford to spend the holidays with his pa
rents. Mr. ami Mrs. John Baker went to Eu
gene Tuesday for a few daya vieit with
Al Hemenway spent Christmas nt
Inline returning to tho minea Tuesday
Mrs. K . Giltner of Portland is in tho
city the gucat of her sister Mru.D. H.
Miss Olive Willaiil catno homo from
Portland Monduy to Bpend a fuw days
with relatives.
Joe Miller and wife arrived home
Tuesday ovo from a aix months stay nl
tho Bohemia warohouao.
Thirteen Cottage Groveites attended
the Drain dunce last Monday night,
report n moat cnjoyablo time.
J. S. Medley and wifo went to Eueeno
Sunday to spend Xinas with Mrs.
Medley's mother, .Mrs Hanson.
Mr. and Mrs W. L. Wallace of Cies
well aro visiting relativea and friends in
the Grovo during tho holidnya.
Dick Jennings returned to look after
Homo assessment work in Bohemia
after spending Christmas in Cottage
Miss Mablc Thornton spent Xinas
in tho Grove returning to Saginaw
Tuesday accompanied by her aister Mis
James Plaster.
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. 'Markley re
turned to their homo at Eugi'ne Tuesday
after spending Xmas with Mr.
Mai klcy's parents.
Harry Kuowlton, Thos and Henry
Mddley, Cbas. and Lawience Brown,
.las. Potts ami C. M . Hendeier attended
the li.ill at Drain Momhiv nitrli t .
Al Churchill, the pioneer of 15oie
for the year ISO!), laid aside baij
and drill long enough to spend tho
ilnv week with friends and relatives in
Cottage Grovo.
Miss Laura Jones, editor of tho Drain
Watchman, who has been ill for several
weeks and waa brought up from Drain
by her brothor J. I. Jones, to be cared
for at hia rosideuco in this city ia much
Misses Pearl Churchill, Nellie Berry,
Huttio Thompson, Messrs. Thoodon
Jennings, Warren McFni land and A. 4
Churchill attended the Xmas ball nt
Drain Monday night. They report
having a very enjoynblo time.
Can not be surpassed for real worth
Crockerj Glassware,
Granite ware, Tin
ware, Wood and
Willow ware,
And the way they hold prices down
will prove beneficial to every
economical buyer. A large
shipment of Syrups just recieved
Also New Pickles in bulk, kegs
and glass.
Look up the
E. J. Patterson,
A. rRYKR. '
The Fashion Stables.
G. M. Heiclerer & Go. Prop.
TEL. f.
A Proprietors of the Bohemia &
Black Butte Stage Lines. j
Reas nadle Prices
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Are now Well
iked with WIN-
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,-
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
Call and See
iinds of Produce bou:
st market values
Two good men to sell the Arcndo
Riveting Mnchino in this county. Tho
best of terms given. Apply at this
ofllco or at G. W. Bnrnoy'a Wont Main
St., oppoaito Racket Store.
I will etill keep a good lino of pure
candy audi na ohocolnto crcaniB and
caramels at my atoro, nlao nt Cobba
fruit atoro plenao romombor tho plnco
nnd give us a call.
D. Lincoln.
The cake walk of the Nashville
students who appear here Jan. 5 is
said to be the best ever presented
on this coast.
0 v cmmcii.
Servicoa will bo held at tho Shields
school house at 11 o'clock Sunday
morning, and nftornoon and ovoning
at tho church in this city.
Br.v McRkk, pastor.
Mrs. K. A. Powell of Iude
pendence is the guest of Miss Lurch
this week.
Twonty-flvo Years' Conatnnt Dec
out a Failuro.
The first indicntion of croup ia honrse
neas, and' in a child subject to that
diaeaao itfmay bo taken naa sure aipn
of tho approach of an attack. Follow
ing this hoarseness is a peculiar rough
cough. If Chamberlain's Cough
Bemedy is given ns soon na the child be
comes hoarse, or even nfter tho cronpy
cough appears, it will, provent the at-J
tack . It ia used in many uioushuuo y,
homes in this broad land nnd never dis
appoints tho anxious mothers. Wo
hnvo yot to lenrn of a singlo instanco'in
which it has not provod effectual. No
other preparation can bIiow su6h a
record-twonty-llve years' conatanl use
without a failure For anlo by Bknson
tv n r. .-.t.tnrrn GrOVO. LYONS &
xyjiuvi a
Aitlkoatj:, Drain, Druggiats.
Snmothintr now in ladios hose.
Hemonway & Burkholder.
Wool, cotton and flecco ljncd undor
wenr, singlo and combination for
ladies, Hemonway & Burkholder.
Eakiu & Briatow'aro agents for tho
Genuino Olivor Chilly d Stool
Plows and extras.
Ts iW ?dcleq
Tig had years of experience
ss, we assure you the very
best goods the market affords, and
the ltwest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove Oregon-.
in busrl
Dotel Guqmc
Headquarters for Mining
Every want attended to. o
Eugene, ------ - Oregon.
GO TO -7
Mrs. Pet Sonlord's,
Faslilonablc Dressmaking,
Main Street, Cottage Grove, Or.
rMKr. wilts?