Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 29, 1899, Image 6

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We have disposed of our Fine Selection of Christmas
Goods; but we are still at the old stand with a choice line
of Drugs and Medicines.
When wanting anything in our line, he sure and call on us.
The drawing of the Toilet Case will occur next Saturday,
and the lucky number will be announced in the next issue
of the Nugget.
The Largest Stock of HOLD) A GOODS eyer opened up betweei
Portland and Sacramento is now displayed at Eugene at
This mai
fs selected by a man of experience and taste. It is gorgeous
(.gnincent to tnniK about and Low Priced to buy.
9 h 1
as from
e flowery
jatms as irom c
the Southern tropics as
the frozen North, from a
Kingdom and from wily Ittance, from
kraut-eating Germany andk from the
rice-eating Chinese and also from the
tea-drinking Japanese.
We have gone to more trouble
and expense this year thaS ever
before to offer the public theWwest
things in Xmas presents. ye do
this for two purposes; one is fk,r an
advertisement, the other is to iake
money. We know we can't make
money unless -we have what the peo
ple want and sell it at the lowest
price, and that is why we have sue
a large selection. Bigger and bette
thans fever.
18 9
You ought to know I couldn't
afford to put an advertisement in this
paper advertising this class of goods
if I didn't have the goods. I have
the goods and have them at the right
prices and this is the only way I have
to tell you ot it. I can tell you of it
iroiigh the paper cheaper than I can
rend a man to you to tell you. You
are under no obligations to buy goods
if you come and see for yourself.
That is all we ask. If you are not
satisfied you are at liberty to go and
trade where you please.
We have the goods, the facilities
and the room; our stock of this class
of goods is just as much larger than
our competitors as our advertisement
is larger than theirs. We make a
specialty of this line and they don't.
They get a few from some jobbing
house to trade for bacon, eggs and
butter. You have no stock to select
from and you will not be as well
satisfied as if you would come and see
us. It is worth your time to come
and see this stock even if you don't
We are called the Biggest Liar on Earth,
but THIS is no lie. Read it:
We have the goods, you have the money;
we want your money and you want our goods;
let's swap I BARKER GUN WORKS.
want to buy, as it is equal to a coin
mou lair. j
American Goods-
Probably no nation has conic t
the front in making fine decorate
and handsomely designed Xmas good
as tiie Americans, and you can res
assured we have hoinrht heavilv o
these goods. They are the hand
somest you ever saw and the lates;
creations of American ability and ar
acme of perfection in machine-matlS
and hand-flecorated ware goods, made
to please and to last, and to please the
eye as well as to be useful. W e '
vite you to come in early as we wil
not be so busy and can give you more
attention than later, as the nearer it
to Xmas the busier we are. and t lies
last few days its like a bee hiv'
Please remember vour friends with
presents bought at
Barker Qht Works J