Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 22, 1899, Image 7

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    .. . ...I -.
. tlmi) a iiiovomunt lnn been
HB I" in . .. i i i
jiu procure iiiiueiciii. mmm ny
iL.inilnn throughout thu
1 ' Kla monument In honor of
. .1. V.irni'H ()( UlU He.COIItl
. .1 -
,)io iervx' in ni i..i...i'1'i.i.m,
..rtPnt to he urcetcd nt Hugeim
jlloi. Pl,t)r fftH to MorfHr.
V tirlilnw of tl.tH city, some
lime, but owiiik to tl.o mil. of
..l.l.ii H'lIK (I'lllll I.I tlltl WllV
if. .. - lil lhiM wank. m. In
l" .( If. ....All .. "...a.. I..
Wl .. . ... , ll. ...........
yjbed ruiiit"0" iminiiiy
jjjOUUfBOII 1.0 Kormmoi uimg,
jj of l)"lor Ul"' kol,t 1,10
,.i.i Inr two days, rim ntmilt in
...,L..i..riiffl into tlin hunk miiiiim
!iiin :
a. IM.OO. ti.'i ii.oro to
Cottage wrove win noip
e orexAr.tioria Imvo noon going
LKr,r week. In tlio mutter of
(fandf for uiiriium-.ri iron oritur
.. i ..i. .....i i
,.n ll 1110 riuvcrm ;iiuriinj-, nun
ulidton hve beon qiilto h ii--fal
The M. C Church hn mi olu-
i ind n appropriate! program
The ChrlHtUn Church him
I coneMerulilu fun. In for the on
inJ the tree in forthcoming
Ifithioiu" splendid gifUitinl nil
1 Jhli.K." Tho I'roHlivtcrlnti
li alive to thu occasion ami
Jilnr poiiiblo in the wty of tree, to plo.iHo thono who
jkippen Uut way is beliii ilono.
i comes oni'fl a vc r only. mil
fhrt ihonlil ! glad onthntoc-
UoitfJ happiness and go'rducss of
(tihoiM reign supremo.
i Drowned .
RfrWdinin.. hud the inlxfortuni' o
liiiteitn drowned !at FrM iv while
fint the old Whitney ford nhout
itilri above town and tinrrowlv
optd drowning himself. The mr
intj With an I whtm hedroto o t
wiliml'l'llc of the atruuui, hi nine
ju h!ch wag very light weight
nUnot itiind tho current nml lost
ler looting. Thu wnon uncoupled
im.Icvh. Wright returned to H.
MlHH ,flHHi( Klmlliir lail.l f.!..... .
C!n.uui.ll u . . iiiuiiUHUl
lr,!MW"" l.iirl.i.v mill Hii,lly.
Mr. cju... rr f i,wo in vit,itirm
Muh ller.l.n Tnit rotarnt.1 from tl.o
MlHH..HChlo,li( nn(IXwil WfJ ,
wruHho,i, (iik : In Jinuone luet Tharmiv.
Ml-. J.'i .i.. i -
V" r.miu fllUlMHil,0(ft f0Wof
l oo Mnrti ii JhIii from fiohomin.
.Iim-ic Jiimoii wim ill from tho hills
n..irh lif.,nc rof iirnod from n visit to
forllmul Hnturdny i(fht.
Jou Uiirni-tt wm down from Iiih
river home Ijat Fridnv.
Tom Hmith of Hohomia wng in
tijjo ttrovo this wook.
C J. Howard lia movod into hie
shunty near tf,(! I'rPHhylcrian church.
firm-Hi (iilMtrnp roprescnUng tho Ru-
nj'frn.ii.lH in her lui Thurwlav ,KOno U":Hter w I" town this wook
Honor oi Jior jjueHt Ming ICthof
Lemon. Parlor Kame Here the at
tniclivo fenturcB.
The laitftjNt niro hIiow of tho H0,011
will he the nttniclion nt Mnrtin's Hall,
Kiiturdiiy oveninj,', Dec . Wl,
Tim eiitiro performance will ho iinder
the upucinl inuiiiiyoment of Geo. II.
WilliniiiH the well kno vn nero hIiow
until. All of the hiteHt coon uii;h nhto
miiiiy old ni'Kro nielodicM.
Don't fail to neo tho tjrent eidnNplit
iiitf hiirlexqno dramntic net nntitlod
"Minn Dinah MU'H Wt.dilin D.iy." The
Miiiw will lie preiented in n elenn nn '
phmnini: manner l.y Ke.nuino Koiithern
cooiih. Keierveil huiIh on i.ilfHt Hen
anil llniK H i o, AdmiHBion 2"). 85 nnd
Gen. Lawlon, one of the mont promin
inn oill.-f r in the Anmriein armv. wan
dm! hy an inmirent Bharpnliootfr Mon-
lay. He wan very popular with the
(Wnn regiment, and in deeply mourned
in thin f Into.
Here nei mellrnji thntahe will like,
nnd nhu iniiv he led to like the donor,
nclecttt rinj;. Davwhos, the Jeweler.
Hpecial rntes dur.m: Iiolidnyn at
Hoyds I'liotoyrtpli On'rv.
The Modern Woodmen f America nf
thin eitv rontoinplale (jivinc a novel
banquet to a few of their friends in a
couple or tllree weeks.
If you nre looking for a preeent that
iltittM.n with the front wheel, and 1 will bo iH'.'ful ai well ai ornamental go
Jitnnf Into thu current, and noon
xk deep water. Mr. WoiHiunn
fidnperato effort got out, but hii
Wng bumpered hy wagou nnd
mil won drowiKvi. Tho ford linn
-njilifn ronfldcnil daneeroiiH, but
mi hire ken croaniiiK right along
llhtfillmd winter.
ilthe reablenco of thu brldc'n pnronln
lotUice Grove, Dec. 20, 18!)!). .Mr. It.
Bmpto Mim Kvolyn K. Thomif.
Bmpin enturpriKlng buninenii
of Albanv. Oregon, nnd Minn
n In one of tho nrcomiiliHhcd
ijliUriof Mr. and Mrc. Innae L.
i of thlH city. Uoth partiuunro
Ufhl reapecte I fainiliui and tli- ir
t'friendiUii .ea'c for t .urn a. limn v
in life.
V Ptaton Shoot.
!ome of tho lx)v arc buncrv for
'"J nd no a rUv pigeon Hboot for
"jhuliccn arranged to take plaeo
the Cottago riJv0 Roil and Gun
lll'trp ground jimtcn-tof town on
1 ftrndon of Dcnmbnr M .1
fcerybody is cor I illy in
Wtocutrie nnd win u tnritxv.
f P faction.
"" followinif
:W to mro Juventm Lcxlgo No -Iri
if'n,M..V; J. K. Hnrrott. Manter
jrn; . Lurch, I. G. ; C. J Howard ,
jVOori Cape Xome.-
' Pitcher who returnod here
' "mo sSo from Alaka, aftor
y..""1 COUn 0 Of vmin I,. ..lil
f" of tho frozen north, contomnlut m
ItoCapbNomo nex nnrlnir. Hin
ner OliaMcn will nmi..i
'him rt,i i 1 :.
A.!. . ""j ,,ro expecting to
fin bad of hormm.
to I'liillipn andJoucH Hnrdware.
You can get us gool ntamp photos at
HoydM an any place in Lane Co., 21 for
A Hcrien of compel meetingH will be
held at the ChriHtian Church beginning
Sunday Dec. 2, Subjects for the day:
11 a in "Simon I'etern Rrother;"7p m
"A Needed Revival." Other Pervicefe
for tint day nn usual.
I uiumgyear; Sol Davld-on. C. 0.
Heburd.V.O.iDr. Gco.JWbII, K.
8'! J. S. Meilley, M. r; tJlias.
hthers Meeting.-
eetint? of i. o. i... a.. i
tltlit I l oummy oun uoi
i MK school wnH bold
Ll y t0 nrrn" tho jirnpor din
la!n f fund8 "ttbacrlbod for
r,ta tredgiftB.
i.i , nnd Jo1"1 Dowil two of tho
CI1 i,'ou,B nU tho wfty from oj-
3 Z, ow rIvor ,,nvo been oxebhng
12, ,n'!d HOtUuB ",loxt''' in
mio iapt tow dayB.
lM I "tta D00n connneu
X , mo wlth HlcknesH for BOTOral
J'nofwnl,'otobo on the atroota
"iMghting Joe" (General)
Whceltv in a recent letter written
from Angeles. Luzon, has this, and
it isn't very coinpliinentry to the
"antics" either: "There are more
than twenty different tribes
in this island, and very few of them
would submit to Aguinaldo's rule.
ARuinaldo and his generals would
like to iiovern. because it would
give them great power and many
of his soldiers like war, for
the first time in their lives, they
have authority to carry a gun.
They live by Jaking what they
want from the people. Many of
them arc robbers who rob defense
less people of their money and
sometimes murder them. If we
should withdraw there would be
warfare and anarchy in the islands
and the well-to-do would get some
strong government to come and
take control. Aguinaldo pub
lishes n paper which is filled with
expressions from those people of
the United States who anji called j
anti-imperialistsaud, I think, were
it not for these exptessions, the in
surrection would be closed."
Tom John -on. wan in town Monday
from hin mining interest in Hnhomia.
MntSehrnnd W. W. Maslerson of
the Niipaneo group nro in tho city.
8. fi. Holdermnn. who in doing con
tract work for Mntcher & Reed le In for
me holidays.
W. W. Unities tho well known
tanner of Kugcne, did business in Cot
tago Grovo Inst Monday.
RobnndLne Martin aro in tho eitv,
nohomin. They expect to cnt
Christmas turkoy at home in Yamhill
IHI Roed who Imp been doing btmi-
less in ('ottuge Grovo nnd Eugene re-
tirned WVInes lay to the Broadway
Get,. McKnnome, boss of the S P
floater enn ha t f'.ive of carpenter.
putting the tio plant in running order
at Latham.
Jan. flhortrhlse of Const Eork wa in
town Thiindnv nnd did not forget to
lenve dome choice Northern Spy apples
at the Nugget office thnnkn.
John Eddy of Eugene one of that
citv's enterprising contractors wn
dning lni'innss in and nbout f'ottatre
Grove Haturdav. Mr. Eddv speaks in
glowing terms of Cottage Grove.
Lew McCoy well known here le
chnru'e of the tin train which will nu: n
keoptho trank hot on this diviVon if
t'io Southern Pacific, since the tie
plant hnB come back again to Latfiam.
Lon Woolev of Eugcno now inter -estel
with Walt Ross in the manage
ment of Parker's Opera House was in
Cottngo Grovo Sunday and Mondav
arranging for tho appearance of
Thoarles Famous Colored Ministrels to
appear at Martin's Hall December 5.
Can not he surpassed for real worth
Crockery, Glassware,
Granite ware, Tin
ware, Wood and
Willow ware,
And the way they hold prices down
will prove beneficial to every
economical buyer. A large
shipment of Syrups j ust recieved
Also New Pickles in bulk, kegs
and glass.
Look up the
li. J. Pattukson,
J. A. Fryeu.
The Fashion Stables.
G. M- Hepdcrer & Go. Prop.
; Proprietors of the Bohemia
I and g
? Black Butte Stage Lines.
Reasonadle Prices
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Two good men to sell the Arcade
Riveting Machine in this county. The
best of terms given. Applv nt this
office or at G. W. Harney's West Main I
St., opposite Rnokct Store.
Please call nt my candy factory for
pure selection of fine candy for Xmns
mailo of puro sugar by the box or such
as chocolate creams, bun, bona also a
variety of caramels with other good
goods in my line, and you will also find
a nice line of my candies at Cobbs Fruit.
D. Lincoln.
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS, -
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
The best for the monoyifyou want
any table or pocket cutlery go to
Phillips & Jones Hardware
Take your laundry to Goo. E.
Griffith, audit of tho Eugnno Palace
Laundry. Goes down Thursday and
oturns Saturdu y afternoon.
Suits! Suir!! Tailor male "l"! ! !
Up to dltlo in evi-v respect, irom $ Ifi up.
Call and eco samples.
Geo. Roiilman.
Are now Well Stocked with WIN-
TliR-. Gjg Quality.
Athe v(B and 1
I IIIWM llll I MIWI 11 1 nTHMX WCAA Vt'lr'jwtt. JArVlEHIBfiW.
I 'II I i r.W . . .. Hif
HnfSKilffiBBKM lUSZE 'jrouuee Dougnijj&mr3.
,m u iiiii i hi la ii i ii hi mm i - immm.
r I 111 II M MUMP MW III Mil Hill 1 M Wt In 111 Ml III II IIPICIU Wli 4
v HWMHOMHHnfanHiimivdfiauiHn.T.nHTnjic
J II I 111 limiM III Ml ' III I I HI Hi l HlW 11
nmw nri TfTinirrawTiMiiMrr "wsati. vishb
. l".H ,. HIHIH M Ktnrir to niiip(ir nnri' pnti
r .I'JWj i'. run utvuur, fTOfflMT V T&i
, ' ""- I sitiflRjavinp' bnd venrs of exnerience
S (your own selection) to every snb- &
g scribcr. Only S3 cents a year.
Twenty-five Years Constant Use With
out n Failure.
Always rcllablcTlio Weekly Orcsonlnn.
If you want wnll papor or books don't
forget to got prices of J. P. Currin tho
J. P. Currin has a choice- lino of in
grain and figured wall paper, at prices
to suit tho trade.
Don't forget tho Special Mining
Edition of BohemiuNtiggot.
Subscribo for tho Nugget.
Roys, hnvo you scon thoso fluo idiot
gium"ntGiumx& V hatch Co,
" A cem; brauillul folorrrt plato; latoil Si
J laVlnun . dlcssiiuklng economies , lancy S
f" wolk . household hum . hciioo. etc hub. J,
1 scribe lo day. or, send lor talent copy, 3;
j5 Lady agenu wanted. Send lor terms. 5;
:? Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to- si
3 date, Kuiiuunic.ll and Ab'tolutely
'S Porfect-l'itnntf I'.iper Patterns. s:
'Z ( nrnv i
iS Only 10 and 15 . oach-none higher
2 Ask lor Ihero Sold in neaily every enj jfc
S nnd town, or by mail Irom jj:
1 30-16 West Hth St.. New York, g
Tho first indication of croup is hoarse
ness, and in a child subject to that
disease it may be taken as a Biiro sign
of tho nnnroacb of an attack. Follow
ing this hoarsenoss is a peculiar rough
cough. If Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is givon as soon aB tho child bo
conies hoarse, or even after the cronpy
' cough appears, it will prevent tho at
I tack . It is used in many thousands of
honieH in this broad land and nevor dis
appoints tho anxious mothers. Wo
havo yet to learn of a singlo instance in
which it has not proved ofTectual. No
othor preparation can show such a
record twenty-live years' constant use
without a failure. For salo by Rknson
Dituo Co., Cottage Grove, Lyons &
Aitlkgatk, Drain, Druggists.
Somothing new in ladios hose.
Ilomonway & Rurkboldor.
Wool, cotton aiuljeeco lined under
wear, singlo and combination for
ladies. Honienway & Buikhqlder.
Eakiu & Rristow aro agents for tho
Genuine Olivor Chilled and Stool
Plows and oxtras.
. i . . .
in osiness, we assure you tne very
bestjgoods the market affords, and
the lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove Oregon,
Headquarters for Mining
Every wan attended to. o
Eugenij, ------ - Oregon.
Mrs. JPct .Samford's,
Fashionable Dressmaking.
Main Street, - 7 Cottage Grovo, Or.