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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1899)
HILL GIVE 11 orerno Courl Must Pass on tlzatlon Aot. Demono WILL DFUNQ SUIT oADO I 11 . ... will Ilnfi"t tl" iJ ' .. HI -I... M,.ii.l,.r. i . iiniimi rt' ........ j '' .1.. Itnitit of Movement. 18. W. A. lltickor, "T I'itho United States Mono- 1fUV v. - ..I, .It ftt- U 1 Xro ho 1U l,Mia 11 i:(,llf"r"c0 . ... 1MIL l.U -- - - - n-- - lit . .f 11 It tl 111 1 1 I It T f 1 TilH Tto tho froii coinaK" f Hllvcr, I1IJ 1,1 ..,!. st Ilia urtte to ""." ,.. ......i.. .i... ...n um rum ----- 0 . . .i ..,! it Inn (if Hi ver. tllO uiiik"" - 6"'. .' . ,.i.,tlui ittiHiiiri'ltiis loint """" " cruor to iaKo niujm . ...... . f lw uiitiriiinii ronrt. -linn Win"" ' i01 "....lmtinii with prominent pub- liKft' , ,,. Citviiriuir TllOlllllH ?'n' . mrH of action. Tho Ml Ul"" " . , ... ., I.,. ...l . ....... n J 1(1 HUUI"II.U l3". ..... v authorize Ihicr, uu-lcr the great Tiwnkr with othe jJjmlowlH nerwHary .tj.i,rn iho HUlirenio co eal of tho r governors to bring ii court of tho The rcpliCH from governor of those ItreccfnMW ,hllt Ml,v,ir ",,ow,l,1 ,H' 9 ,.r .miIiik bavn bei!II IDOHt ISctorj'- proiniKlng awlMtance, and, jjwilble. nctlvu co-oporation. Kn !Sllr in Texan haH tho reception of Iieidtabecn cor.llai, aim u im iwoimi Sr Hacker will K to that ntnto and sttbo governor and tato oniclals kf' proceeding io viimhiik'. waft caint tho government will lx. r Tlw. TT.(tl.1 Klll jHootUrj' League will give tho ntat of Ifolowlo as a preMJiir., u mnu nmu. Wr'cof tho purent metal of 100 ounei-M, ltd rciircwniiiig 'lt IMir rUo- lie trwina-r of tho Htato will then toilly prewnt the brick in tho tato. rwiuto will Hcnd it to tho United futtirolntttt WiiHhington, with tho feoimd that it bo coined into 100 nil r dollaw. "Thi demand, of rourne," ni.vh .Mr. lEocier. "will 1m rofiiKfd. Uj)ou tlio n(al, rait will bo entered in tlio rail! sn. mmroiiio court, for wo kieno right, under tho conntitutlon, I Ddfinand that bullion bo coined, j Tbeqaettion will le raifed aH to whero ; eatonstitution laniiH uh, aim ino nun Inwht in tho nanr. of thoHtuto of ('ol tmiio to mcuto inoro rapid action than ttaerwiDO would bo given it." Mr. Hncker will bo astdHtod by coun lelfrom thifl and other ntnteH. IT IS NOT A PICNIC. titcbtldrr Kiiroiititnrrtt Koriny In Hit Muri'li to Ajmrrl. Washington. De.). 18. Tho war do Urtment today received 11 cablegram Irjrin,; tho latent devolopmoiito in tlio Btnatioa in tho 1'hilipplnoH. Tho ca tiejrram is as followH. "Manila, Deo. 18. Hutcholdor, Twenty-fourth infantry, roiwrta that oa tho 14th he had an engagement at tho junction of tho Magat and tho Hio Crando, IhaIkiIIu nrovinco. tho enemy leaving four dead and flvo mortally rounded in tho trenchoH. Onr loon s ono drowned and four wounded, life eaya hu in in ncod of olothing, pro tijions and monoy. Ho will reach Ta foagarno, Cagayan jirovinco, nhortly, Doubtless tho navy relieved him yeutcr day. Four hundnxl rind povonty-flvo I Spanish prisonerH arrlvod thin morning, mong them tho Hick nt Vigan, num bering 120. "ioung, at nanqul, NorthweHtorn Loron, ronoits that bin troops aro ntlll Ipwming tho remnant of tho inimr- !fenti), who havo 1!J American prifonora l their pofisoKHiou. Tho country in JMceedingly rough. Our mon, without "wesi aro still porsiHtontly imrHuing. "Tho number of Spiuilnh priHonors Mw in tho hands of tho iiiHurgentH ia tfobably 1,000, niOHtly in tho south. 'lct to effect their roleuso in ft few "Ncgroa roports that Sorgennt Koo r, Sixth infantry, 20 soldiers and 18 Mvo polico, attacked 400 iiiHrtigents "Madrigal this morning. Thoro wero j casualties. Tho onomy'B loss was 28 u'lcd ami nmuv WOuudod. OTIS." IiinlliiK 11 Nimv Coul Silliply. Ban VrntiMc,. n iu IT v.. "ontington, of tho Southern Faciflo winpany, has gono to Moxico with a rP3 of exiiorts to iimko 11 fhml oxanii Mtion of n hod of coal in tho stato of jpnora, about 00 mlloH oft tho lino of j4 Sonora railway, which runs from on, Ariz., to Guayainas, Mexico. ine Southorn Paciilo rocontly pur cJJaEcd this rond from tho Santa Fo. coal deposit will cost tho Pouthorn rjclfioOP.OOO. A branoh from tho ornnilway to Uio property will ft. rnilrol company lmH. during l0Pa8tl4 mniiMic, nmnlnvml i.Rno ?,ts in hauling coal from Utah and 'Wining to supply its locomotivos in t?va and California. Utuh nnd joming conl for tho uso of tho com g dolivorod as fur south ns 13ak. ANOTMEn DEFfeAT. Ihillnr lliiiiii.(l by dm llmirg lit th TiikiiIu Itlvnr. Jndon, Don. 18. Tho warofllco lm received a dispatch announcing that (Jonoral Hullor haH mot with serious re verse, IohIiik 1 1 kuiih. General iltillor was attempting to cross tho Tugola river. Finding it iiiijxiwtihlo to effect his object, ho ordered a retirement in order U avoid greater losses. JIo loft 11 guns behind. 1'ho following In tho toxt of IJullor'B dispatch announcing verso: General tho ro- , liullor to Lansdowno Chevoly iiiimp, una. in. i regret to report a Bunoud rovorno. 1 moved in full itrongth from our camp near Chevoly at -1 o'clock UiIh morning. There aro two fordahlo places in tho Tugola river, and it wan my intention to forco a pas sage through at ono of them. Thoy aro about two milcH apart. My intention was U force ono or tho other with one brigade, Hiiiijiortod by a rentral brigade. General Hart wiih to attack the left drift, (ienoral Hildyard tho right road, and (ienoral Littleton wan to take tho center and to support either. "Karly in tho day I Haw that General Mart would not bo able to force a pas sage, ami I directed him to withdraw, lie had, however, attacked with crcat gallantry, and bin leading battalion, tho Onmiiught runners, I fear, Hollered a great deal. Colonel 1. O. Jirooko wiih wrioHly wounded. "Wo liavo abandoned 10 guns and loHt by shell-lire ono. Tho Iochoh in (ienoral IIunt'H brigade are, I fear, very heavy, although tho proiortion of severely wounded, 1 hope, in not largo. Tho Fourteenth and Sixty-ninth field ImttoricH also suffered novero Iorsoh. "Wo havo retired to our camp ut Uhovely." SHOT WIFE AND SONS. Jrnloua Sinn Then Hi-nt llnllrt Throiieli IIU Own Jli-utl. Tacoma, Dec. 18. Adam Crist de liberately chut hiH wlfo fatally, killed 8-year-old con, nerioufily wounded a Hoconii Kin, ageo yeare, aim men ended tho trauedy by putting a bullet thiough IiIh own brain. Jealoimy is tho only motive asii;ued for tho crime CriHt in tho proprietor of tho Chicago Iiouho, and returned thin morning Irom a hIx monthH' buhincHH trip to Siiokano. Ho wiih at tho hotol during tho morning, and apparently in tho bent of health and HpiritH. About 2 o'clock in tho afternoon ho went to a Pacific- (lVonuo pawnbroker and purchased two nivnlviim. Ho Htooiiod a few doors uwuv t (l drug utoro and Iwught 25 CCIltV worth of vitriol. Ho must havo j,n)eeeded directly homo, for tho fihoot- iiia occurred onlv a few moments later, Crist was in tho hotol kitchen, on tho second floor, when his wifo was called to tho head of the stairs to talk to a ieddlcr. After the interval ot a few moments he sent tho younger child Ui ask her to conio to tlio kitcnen Immediately afterward four shots wero fired, all of which wero found to havo taken effect in her lody. Ho then inriiml tho revolver on tho little boy ml wounded him in tho leg, but tho child managed to crawl down tho stairs and escape. Tim unniiiii Rtatr'-rcrcd to tho siilo ...,.u- CriHt went into tho hall, ..imclit tho 8-vear-old boy Thero aro no witnesses to this part of tho tragedy, but from tlio position 01 tho lK)dies"Crist must havo hold tho lad ,.iD l.i... while ho put ft bullet through his heart. A 41-caliber bullet through his own head followed, and iNith bodies fell to tho floor, still clasped iu each othor's arms. Navy Ih Hii.Uy liiN' of Mo". n'..i...,.in., Don. 18. Tho navy is II iiniim'"! , 1 1 o, ..i.-t ni Mm Will maximum, nnu this in spito of tho best efforts of tho recruiting officers. Secretary Long has called tho attention of congress to this, and suggests that it might offer ft decided incentive by extend ng to sai -ors enlisting the benefit of tho net allot ing ot apprentices clothing not to ex ceed 4B in value. Under tho present system, tho men are kept in debt for n.onths after enlistment by the purchase of tho necessary outfit. Vallojo, Cal., Doo. 18.-Sixty w- cruits from tno umiu Ctford have refused to sign art c es of enlistment uuc a, - ... i t nSX TIlMV Ullllllti tho government onarges w.o... -.b . .i -i ....!,.,,, mill idothcs. Iho COSt 01 IHOll uuii"'"' .rS iV' , A.imlrul Farrauut's flag 1 ' rw"r " of Mobile bay, in 8IUP M " "J.... Mm r. four tho civil war. , tno civil '..., rnstorod. and voars sue iiHH uuu" "-.' , iH noVl.oiniJUtcloutfor a cruise to KoTSrork, whore she will be .used as ft hin. Tho mon are needed in tho sorvioo. ituvor. Contmet for Wool .i n.m 18 For two weoks ,J$JX of Eastern wool aBtrupiB isoston, hnvo lrin8' " "" ;b, wool-urowingseo iioxtyur;i-. , beon 80iv0 ,m"1 v,'n i co hen delivered oiioreu, ui. i . V .ni. nf from 17 to 20 conta UOXv Biumv nssined for por iWMintl. 1110 uaiinu in Z or derive 111 received by tho ioay oiu .lnlivory uoxt fall, . X lull advance is tnat ZVZu TTola supply, all the 1111(1 w i.i .,r. liidnu secured. THE FJSII INDUSTJOY. Htntltl(!M of C'oIiiiiiIiIh itlvnr Hiilmoii J'nek an IJIvon In Amiiiiil It,,p(,rt of C'oniiiiUiiIoiinr Kmjil, of Ori-nu. FIhIi CommiHsionor V. C. Keed, of Oregon, ha filed his annual roiort in tho of II co of tho governor. Tho report covorH tho year ending October 31, 180U. It 1h a voliiminoiiH document and covcrw tho year'n work in detail. On tho Hiibject of hatcherioH tho re port roviowH tho progrow) in locating and coiiHtructing tho buildingo and tlio work accompliHhed in tho atato during tho past year. Tlio number of chinook nalmon eggB taken from tho different hatoherien in Oregon tributary to tho Columbia river for tho year 181)9, io iih followo: Tipper ClackamriH hatcliory 2,200,000 Bulmon rlvor lintrhcry riOiV) Cluckiiin.'tH hatchery 1,000,000 Total for Oregon 3,800,0X1 Chinook Halmon eggH taken on tho WiiHhiiigton Hide of tho Columbia: Chinook hatehfry ; 1.800.000 Ka.nina h;ilrh"ry 4 nto iy.o Wind rlvor hatchery 2,600000 l.lllln Wlilto Kiitrnon hiitphnrv lOWKilHifl Chewaukum hatchery 1,000.000 Total for WnHhlnKton la.OOOO'.O Total for Columhla river 2.3,100.000 From tho Halmon that wero marked by Mr. Hubbard, hatched from e'gH taken in 1805, thero wero caught dur ing tho ceahon of 1898, 1375 fiHh weigh ing from 10 to 50 poundo each. Dur ing the HoaHon of 1899 tho packcro and dealerH havo neglected to watch for tho marked flub iih well an thoy should, HayH tho report, but between 40 and 50 havo been reported, tho average weight leing nearly 10 poundH greater than thoho taken in 1898. Tho report hhown a falling oiT in the number of cacoH of Halmon cannid dur ing tho pant HfUHOii on tho Columbia aH comiiared with 1898. ThiH is in part accounted for by tho increased number of pounds of Halmon handled by tho cold-htorage couceni.s. Tho following utatlhtics of tlie Bal mon jiack aro given: Spring pack, Oiegon Bide- -Variety. Cases. Value. Chinook lD1.10i 1,051.0!M 00 Ii ucbackH 22.153 J?l " Steelheada 13,953 89,797 M Total 233,218 Jl.2ii2.C4J 5u Spring pack, Washington side Variety. Cases. Value. Chlnooks C0.M0 J 277.750 CO Illuebaeks 7 650 40 975 00 Steelheails 3,310 15,030 00 Total 61,490 Spring pack, both sides Total 234.70S Fall pack, Oregon side- - Variety. Cases. Chinook 12,902 S!lverrliI''S 21,443 Btcclheads 222 J 333,733 00 U,596,:33 50 Value. 5S 039 00 96,491 50 939 00 Total 34,567 153,531 CO Fall pack, Washington side Variety. Chinook Sllvensldes Steelheails Cases. Value. 11.023 00 34.S75 03 2.925 00 . 2,430 . 7,750 . CM Total 10.850 Fall pack, both sides Total t 4S.S25 00 f 201,376 50 1,800.775 ft, 271.532 00 Total on columi) Total on coast rivers. 74,932 Total 415,057 J2.O72.307 50 Amount and value of each species of fish consumed locally and shipped East for tho year 1899: Pounds. Fregh salmon 2.19S.239 Salt wnlmon ll3?M52 Stu.peun ".910 mp t 2S0,500 Value. U75,9!9 10S.KC.S 3,591 14.025 11.015 13.824 2.093 C60 22,472 920 305 232 737 14.770 Shad . 275,280 Cmu-flsh. 13S.21S CatMnh .. 52.380 Tom cod 9.000 Halibut 318.400 uou llerrlnB Flounders 11.500 11,175 4,525 Cfams ""-SOP Total S.44S.C17 J370.81S NorthwoBt Noted. Republic is soon to vote on the ques tion of incorporation. a Portland man has bought 25,000 pounds of wool at Ashland at 15 to 18 cents. Washington has a stringent law for tho protection of hotolmen from board bill jumpers. Tho Fairhavcn coal minos, at coko- dalo, havo beon soiq to w ui Northern railroaa. Domaudhas outstripped tho supply of lockboxes at tno sponiiuu iw"i whero 702 aro now in use. A cravity water supply, to bo piped nine miles, is minor cuubuiuiuhuu llakor City's common couueu. i,ni.r is talking of ft "modern pavemout" for its leaning business 'disgraco- stroot, to renovo i fnl iiiiniivod couttltion." V . rt.-i. rtArt 1 Approximately a sum ot yuu,uuu m delinquent taxes was pain into u tronKurv this year on Whatcom UUUHWJ , - . mm olvMlt. city proporty. i $50,000 was tho interest penalty of 0 or cont . Treasuror Roodor has placod this to tho creoiv ui iud , ---- - tho city of Whatcom has entered a de mand for it. The matter will bo taken into tho courts. Arthur Iluoy, who wont from his homo, near Walla Walla, to work n Umatilla county harvest Holds early in tho fall, and who was sought by his parents for weoks ftftorithad como timo for him to roturn homo, has turned up alive and well. Ho wont to Redland, Cal., and a newspaper par up ing of his parents' search iuaucoti mm . l r,nMi fnllnw IIIH to write homo and soon follow lottor. MUST REMAIN OPEN. fiovornmont Una no TUht to Iieino llencli Digging,,, A very important question has just been decided by Commissioner Jlor maiin, of tho general land offlc n. irnv. erning placer mining upon the beach of iienring sea on tho coast of Alaska, at and near Capo Nome, tho now gold Hold. Tho decision affects mining and localities embracing tidolands below tho line of ordinary high tido. Numer ous applications aro ponding boforo tho interior department as to locations upon such lands, which havo been demon strated to contain gold in marvelous quantities. Individuals or associations of persons and Incorporated mining companies are seoking concessions from tho government by which they may ac quire exclusive mining rights and privileges pertaining to such tidolands. Tho commissioner decides that tido lands in tho district of Alaska aro not public lands, subject to disposal to individuals, under any of tho oxisting land laws of tho United States, and that tho department has no statutory authority to mnko concessions to indi viduals of any mining rights pertaining to such tidolands. A citation is made by the commis sioner of tho case of Shively vs.Boalby, decied by tho United States supremo court, in which it was hold that tho United States, upon acquiring a terri tory, whether by cession from ono of tho states or by treaty with a foreign country or by discovery and settlement, takes the title and tho dominion of lands below high-water mark of tide .waters for the benefit of the whole peo plo in trust for future states, to bo ere atcd out of tho territory, and it will bo further hold that congress has not un dertaken, by general laws, to dispose of lands below high-water mark of tide waters in a territory, but, unless in case of some international duty or public exigency, has left the administration and disposition of tho sovereign rights in such waters and lands to the control of the states respectively when admit ted into tho union. A NEW COPPER DISTRICT. Development on Trout Creek, In Crook County. Little has been said regarding the Trout creek mining district, in Crook county, Oregon, and the outside world is consequently unaware of the fact that a great mine is hero being devel oped. Tho visitor to the camp sees this at once, and naturally wonders that no news reaches the public regarding such propositions. Tho property, con sisting of 12 claims in a group, has been provided with substantial and commodious buildings, all fully fur nished and equipped. On the hill at tho shaft is a 60 horse-power economy boiler, 8 by 10 hoist; pipo lineifor vatm supply from the pump in the ravine, blacksmith shop and tho frame work for raising the gallows frame, 34 feet in height, for operating the hoist; also cars and ample trackage. The shaft descends on the dip of the . , 11? i i oft vein, tne present angle oeing uooui, ou degrees from perpendicular, and hoist ing will be "accomplished by solf-dump-in skip. ATdepth of 180 feet has been "teamed, with! about 120 feet of drifts r . .1.. i- ii irto awicross-eumn2 at mo iuu OresiL all fiVanea ari "'idtt the tiumpsxa; tho oro bins,3Lxv The voin pfi$f). as "replaceriJMVt and west fau m across n round n.; as space nuingsi maiuly replaci on the foot 6i 11 . -j. Ha circular tract of th lar tract of thiA -.lted, bv simple subs isurrlncr in a recion oi bocoi. w . . -i -I 1 . and faulted basalts and other lavas thoso latter overlaid by a sheet of por phyry. Other prospects with yery - . . ... 1 1 . i ,i good showings occur in una uuui tlio time is not distant whon tho merits of tho camp will be ostahiisnoa. Surely Oregon has added nnotner pro ducer to her list of mines. G. N. to Benin Work. Tho Great Northern has olose a con tract with Grant, Smith & Co., of Chi cago, for the construction of a portion of tho road's now line on its recently secured right of way near Spokane. Tho amount of tho contraot is not an . ,.n,i Work is to becin immedi- UUlt'AVWftt , titely. Tho contract awarded to the Chicago Arm covors that portion of the ,iiit nf wnv extending irom whero X4UI tB " "" ... L t it- invos tho present main lino wost ot the army post to the Spokane river at Bridge street. rrlin nnnatrnfltlon DV UIO UIDUU xmw.- arn rallwav of the new line tnrouga t, t.,ov mnntrv from Index to Ga lena, and from tho hUtor point w iu district, will bo about 17 W1D llllt.v - , ...Una til Inn nth. and will cover tho richest part of tho Index mineral torri tory.' Trnnsferrlne His Affections. m inTim surprised to hear t level, t about; Von of own ually lost ni lractusssu 'IK'.'.WW. OC you havo broken off your engagement with that Boston girl. What was w t0 Pigotto I found that it waa cheaper I to join a library. Puck. TRADE QUIETING DOWN. Unilldturheil, Howovor, by Vntavnr nblo Money Situation. Kradstreet's says: General trade in wholesale and manufacturing lines is quieting down, but it is worth nnHno. It is undisturbed by the monoy situa tion, the influonco of which has boon confined to speculative circles. Holi day trado, on tho other hand, has been given a decided impetus, and compari sons with the same period of preceding years aro uniformly favorable, littlo doubt romaining that although retail trado in seasonable lines has heon af fected in some localities bv unfavor able weather, holiday specialties havo enjoyed exceptional activity. As re gards prices, it is a notable fact that as many staples hove advanced thin week as there havo declined, while by far tho larger number of Quotations havo remained steady or firm. Tho strength of textiles is still a most nota blo featuro of the goneral situation. Cotton goods aro hevily sold ahead by agents, and a very large spring busi ness has already boen booked. Raw cotton is firm and unchanged on the week, partly owing to the light re ceipts and to reaffirmation of a short crop estimated by the department of agriculture. Manufactured goods. where not advanced, are firmly held. Wheat, including flour, shipments for the wcekaggregato 3,250,049 bush els, against 5,133,331 bushels last week, 0,248,659 bushels in the corre sponding week last year, 4,404,399 bushels in 1897, 3,524,820 bushels in 1896 and 2,050,043 bushels in 1895. Since July 1 this season, the exports of wheat aggregate 07,559,926 bushels against 109,720,853 bushels last year and 118,809,197 bushels in 1898-99. Business failures in the United States for the week were only 210 as com pared with 220 last week, 234 in this week a year ago, 283 in 1897, and 350 in 1890. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Market!. Onions, new, .$1.001.25 per sack. Potatoes, new, $1620. Beets, per sack, 75 85c. Turnips, per sack, 60c. Carrots, per sack, 50c. Parsnips, per sack, 7585c. Cauliflower, 75o.l per dozen. Cabbage, native and California, 78 'ggOc per 100 pounds. Peaches, 65 80c. Apples, $1.251.50 per box. Pears, $1.001.25 per box. Prunes, 60c per box. Watermelons, $1.50. Nutmegs, 60 75c. Butter Creamery, 32o per pound; dairy, 1722o; ranch, 22o per pound. Egg8 -Firm, 30 31c. Cheese Native, 16c. Poultry 9 10c; dressed, ll18o. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $1200; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $17.0018.00 Corn Whole, $28.00; cracked, $23; feed meal, $23. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $21; whole, $22. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.85; blended straights, $3.10;' California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra ham, per barrel, $8.80; whole whoat flour, $3.10; rye flour, $3.804.00. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $16.00; shorts, per ton, $17.00. Feed Chopped feed, $20.00 per tor ?er ton, $22; oil cake j .4.00. Portland Market. Wa 52c; Blue oerfln, i.,i rnn tnYi! 11' -v ,i" i'"- ' r j'Ss ' 18; chop, $lrper K - 'A i ay Timotny, vtyxx, wuvoi, v Orecon wad hay, .tots lo"- kntter Fancv creamery, 5u(gooc, sflimds, 4246o; dairy, 37640o; itare, 25aoo. f Eggs 18 20o per dozen. t Cheese Oregon full cream, 18c; Young America, 14c; new cheese loo per pound. nn Poulny unicicens, buauu, 3.50 per dozen; hens, .ou; Bpniigo, $2.003.50; geese, $7.008.60 forold; S4.50C60 for young; uucks, sp-.ou per dozen; turKeys, ve, x-v per pound. sweets, Potatoes outsuuu ijui buv, 22Mo per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, OOo. per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cauli- flower, 7oo per oozeu, beans, 50o per pound; coiery, iuis i)Rn nnr dozen: CUCUmuoiTJ, uuu 50o box; peas, 34o por pouuu, tomatoes, fin per box green iiui, corn, laxss 15o per dozen. 2; fife Hops 8iio; lewo u" Wool-Valley, 1213o P Pd; Eastorn Oregon, 8 Wo; mohair, 27 80o per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wtoo and owes, 3c; dressed mutton, W 7 nor pound; lamus, trt PUi pu"""' -rwsGross. choice heavy.. $5.00; Uiht and feeders, $4.50; dressed, in f r .o. a ft nor ino nounda. BeeT-Wtop steers M.60O4 .00; cows, $308.50; dressed beef, 7-C7o; small, 8 8o per pouu-u- croDS possiuio mu "