BOHEMIA NUGGET rubllihod Every Friday. COTTAGE GROVE OREGON I MR OF THE WEEK 3omprehpplvo Itevlew of tho Import nut llnppeulnc of tho Fnit Week Railed From tit Tolocniph Column. Tho provinoo of Cayan, Luzon, hnB surrendered to Captain McCalla. Commander Tilloy may bo given charge of our possessions in Samoa. Americana havo dostroyed Aguin aldo's body guard and tho rebel chio: has fled in disguise. MacArthur has captured Mabini,' one of the ablest of insurgents, and founder of their government. Prominont officials will go to "Wash ington to lobby for tho admission of Now Mexico to statehood. Owing to tho British revorses in South Africa it is said Russia and Franco are getting restless. Tho army and navy are each urging different routoa for tho Pacific cablo. Private companies are also after it. Alaska is after better government. Her special envoy is in Washington to present a petition for favors desired. Ladyamith relief force's advance column has reached a position within threo miles of Colenso without opposi tion. General Methuen attacked 12,000 Boers on the Modder river, but found their position too strong for him. He reports great losses. Major-General Andrew G. Wauchope was killed in action at Modder river. Ho was a veteran of the Ashanteo and Egyptian campaigns. A recent decision of the customs de partment in regard to the shipment of goods in bond works a great injury to Pacific coast interests. Germany has inquired as to our in tentions regarding tho Danish Wesi Indies. It is believed Germany would like to havo them, but this would not suit Uncle Sam. Two Americans were killed, appar ently without provocation, in San Pedro, Spanish Honduras. Tho kill ing, as reported, was of a particularly aggravating type. Major-General Edward Ferrero ir dead at New York. In 1861 ho raised tho "Shepard Rifles," of which he was made colonel. He took the first forti fied redoubt captured in the war. Another gigantic corporation is now organizing to oppose the sugar trust in the islands. A former member of the sugar trust is believed to be one of the i .1 : : : a- rru. .. :n 1 3,000,000 and may bo known as tho Washington dispatch to the Clevo- Tjflnrtnr ruth tlmf. "MnTCnlfiv find ling Republicans favor their nomi- ltion bv acclamation. Tuesday. Juno suggested as tho most likoly date lti-British meeting -was linli mi mm ive stores were .near Alder, It ia said that South Africa has ways been a graveyard for the Br generals' reputations. Tho British bark Indian Em water's edge near Lima, Peru. Our iron oro supply is short, tako 200 vessels to handle the of iron engaged for importation It will cargoes Two prominent Portland physician? havo been sued by a lady who claims ncgligenco in diagnosing her case. A report comes from Astoria, Or., that tho packers' combine will oporato only three of its canneries next season. Britishers acknowledge that they iose ovor 7uu mon at Stormberg, and Boor roports apparently agreo with thoso from British sources. Nearly 2,000,000 bushels of wheat aio stored in warehouses of Tacoma and not a ship is loading, tho owners TffaMi- - yjmmmtmor, poet and edi- ft TM,iamQ th - MMmiSmmin Baltimore. I E III ot tho wheat holding for better prices. A company has been organized in Eastern Oregon to build a railway line from Hilgard to tho John Day country. Tho O. R. & is said to be in tho deal. Jones of Washington has introducAd In tho house a bill for a cablo to thn I'iiuippmes, to cost not to exceed $8.- (J00,000, and tho creation of a cablo commission. Otfs reports that 2,000 additional Spanish prisoners have been 60cured in Northern Luzon, making over 8,000 xoieasea wunm a month, seven hun dred are now on route from Vigan, and uouaijuna ym oo sent ior uie ro ruainder. LATER NEWS. The Now York stook oxchango was thrown into a panic by tw o largo fail ures. Tho houso passed tho currency bill by a voto of 100 to 160. Elovcu Demo crats voted for it. Tho woathor bureau at Fort Canhy has boon closed and tho work will hero after bo douo at Astoria. Tho verdict of tho jury In tho Mc Daniol caso was manslaughter, with the extreme ponalty recommended. Howard Tnttlo, a former Portland, Or., boy, denies that ho is tho man who jurapod into tho bay near San Francisco. Malcolm Glenn, a newspaper man known all ovor thro north const region, attempted to cut his throat with a razor at Ontario, Or. Yamhilll county hopgrowors hao docidod to go into tho pool and havo sent dolegates to tho Oregon Hopgrow crs' Association. Tho La Mairo Optical Company, of Franco, with a capital of $1,000,000, will establish branch factorios in Illi nois and Connecticut. Tho exocutivo committoo of tho Brotherhood of Locomotivo Engineers havo decided to build a $300,000 build ing in Cleveland, O. A South Pacific naval station will bo established as soon as conditions in tho Philippines admit of tho with drawal of somo of tho ships there. Tho German navy may bo used in conjunction with thoso of Franco and Russia to exert pressure to prevent re inforcements reaching South Africa. Tho prosident of tho Brown univers ity asserts that if England whips tho Boers it will bring on a war of nations in which tho United States must par ticipate. In the steer-tying contest at Denver, Col., Ed. Harrell dofeatcd "Doc." Goodin, tying hve steers in 5 minutes 29 seconds. Goodin claimed tho world's championship. It is probable that tho distressed bark reported ashore near Point Bonilla on November 18, is tho long-missing Colusa, which sailed from Honolulu on October 9 for Esquimault. The Boer republics havo not yec usod a third of the military resources at their command. They havo been quiot ly preparing for years. Forts of tho Transvaal are now impregnable. Lieutenant Thomas M. Brumby, flag lieutenant to Admiral Dewey during tho Manila campaign, who has been ill with typhoid fever for several weeks, died at Garfield hospital, Washington, D. C. General Methuen is preparing for another advance. The German press and people aro jubilant over Buller's defeat. Major-General Wood anticipates hav ing a pleasnt time in Havana. Agitators are alarming tho peaceable natives of the island of Negros. Threo Mexicans were killed as a suit of agght near Floroiice, Ariz tie iioers captured it' great a IBritieh supplies and ammunition at Magorsfontein. Tho Forty-oighth United States in' fantry has been released from quaron tino at Angel island. liuller's casualties in tho battlo at Tugola river, in killed, wounded and missing, number 1,100. Tho American Federation of Labo has registered an emphatic disapproval oi government subsidies. Tho Stanford University football team will play tho Multnomah club on Now Year's day at Portland. Baron Roberts ban been appointed to suporseuo General Buller in command of tho South African forces. I' our porsons wero burned to death In Alliance Ky., as a result of a, child tnrowing somo powder in a flro. 'Iho Ancient Order of Hibernians will donate $1,000,000 to aid tho Boors in their fight aguinst the English. Tho Spanish government has formal ly recognized General Castro as presi dent of tho ropublio of Venezuela. A farewell banquet at Carloton. i-ngland, In aid of tho fund of tho 1 mZtfm Boers captured fgKfaTqWffllly American hospital-shin Maino. realized auuu' Firo completely destroyed tho sohool annex buildiug of St. Michaels orphan asylum, of Pittsburg Pa., with a loss of $0,000. A Cleveland, Akron & Columbus pas senger train collided with a switch engine near Cleveland, killing tho en gineer, firoman and conductor. 111 Dutoh of Capo Cclony Rising". Aro SAVACE5 ALSO DICCATI3FIED Duron IlobortR Una Boon Appointed to Suporaodo llullor In Oenerul Com mand of South African Wor. Storkstrom, Doc. 19. As a rosult of tho British revorsos, tho wholo country northward is in robolliou. Tho natives there, as well as thoso in BaButolnnd, aro said to bo much disturbed and los ing heart icspocting tho strength of tho British. Capo Town, Doc. 19. Secret moot Ings of Boor sympathizer continuo to bo hold in various parts of Capo Colony, and tho attitudo of tho Dutch farmer is turbulent. llohrrt Appointed. London, Doc. 19. Shortly boforo midnight tho following notice was pobt ed at tho war office: "As tho campaign in Natal, in tho opinion of her majesty's govornment, ia likoly to rcquiro tho prosonco and undivided attention of General SirRod vors Buller, it has been decided to send Baron Roborts, of Kandahar and Watorford, as commander-iu-chiof in South Africa, with Lord Kitchcnor aa chief of staff." FIVE KILLED IN A WRECK. Crow of Freight Trnln on Northorn raclllo ltrunoh. Lowiston, Idaho, Dec. 19. Pilod up nt tho bottom of Kendrick hill on tho Northern Pacific branch aro two en gines and 19 cars loaded with steel. In houses near by aro tho dead bodies of Engineers Arthur E. Bain and John A. Ogden, Fireman Earl Bradshaw and Brakoman A. Budgo, uf Spokane, and John Peterman, also of Spokane, fat ally injured. Tho train was an oxtra with a load of steel for tho Northern Pacific exton Bion. Tho rails woro covered with ico and snow, and in descending the long erado leading into Kendrick tho train got out of control of tho trainmen and dashed madly down tho stoop grade, about 7 o'clock this evening. A milo and a half east of Kendrick four cars were ditched, and tho track was torn up for a quarter of a milo. When tho rest of the flying train struck tho yards tho engines and all tho cars were ditched and completoly wrecked, and tho track there torn up for 200 yards Wrecking trains havo been sont from Spokane and Lewiston. Tho Kendriik grade is ono of tho steopest in the Northwest. Control of tho train was lost at tho head of tho grade and then tho enginoa started on their mad five-milo run in the dark Nono of the fated crew havo lived to tZA tho story of their awful eensat.ons yfSilo being swept on to death. Fifty Hones Ilurnnd. Nsw York, Deo. 19. Firo strated at 12:40 o'clock this morning in a big Ihctory building, at 055-057 First ave uo, occupied by several manufacttfr ig and other businesses. Tho flames road with marked rapidity, and with a fow minutes there was a terrific anic in tho surrounding tonements, and ho avenue was soon almost blocked ,vith half-naked poor people who had umbled out of tho building with wild ries of fright. Sheets of flames burst rom tho windows and showers of sparks fell upon the gathering crowds and terrified tenement dwollers. The basement was occupied us a livery stable and 50 horses wero burned to death, Tho flro was confined to the ono building with a loss of about $75, uuu. Amnrlcnim Want to Flirht. Ottawa, Ont., Doo. 10. -Dr. Bordon, mimsier oi militia, nas recovieu an offer from tho prosident of a manufac turing concern In tho United States, who was at ono timo a membor of tho Grando Trunk rifle brigade, In Canada, oirering to raiso a regiment of Cana- umua iu wiu uuueu mates in snan u way as not to violato tho neutrality laws. Another offer comes from Idaho to raiso 500 men. Besidos these thore aro individual offors from all ovoi Canada. Itull Kitten to Go Up. Chicago, Doo. 19. Tho Chronrclo says: "Ono of tho most radical and genera advancos over mado in freight rates win go into effect on all tho rail. roads east and west of Chicago January inousands oi orticles of every do. scription will bo affected, and tho in- crease will average 35 and 40 por cent, mo jump on many oiassos reaching 50 por oont. Tho contemplated action has aroused tho shipping interests of the country. Three Children Burned to a CrUp. Nioholasvllle, Ky., Doo. 10. Three childron of Mr. and Mrs. Samuol Rovn- olds, ogod 0, Sand 1, respootivoly, wore ournoa to a crisp today in thoir homo. in which thoy had been locked whilo their parents wont visiting. Tho Reyn olds returned in timo to soo tho house collapso and tho victims vainly fluht- ing to oscapo. ffl AFFAIRS IN PUERTO RICO. lSlnutloiiH Htnwly rniRrrMliiB Milch Interest In Oonitrii. San Juan, Puerto Hieo, Doo. 20. Tho elections in Puerto Rico aro pro LTOssiui: slowly. Tho Republicans ear riod Ponco on December 11 by about 1.100 majority. According to thocensusof 1807 thoro aro ovor 45.000 uoonlo in tho Ponco district, but of that number only 47-100 aro eligible to voto, tho right of Miffrago being limited to taxpayers and proles sional mon, about 4,440 of that nnm ber Eoinn to tho polls. Tho Ropubli cans Bay that Ban Juan will give thorn n tremendous niniortv. and that tllO election throughout tho island will ro milt in an overwhelming fodoral dofoat The oloctious will lunt for at least two months moro, thoro being still ovor CO towna to voto. Tho nconlo aro looking forward anx iously to tho action of congress on tho question of civil govornment. Many oxpect that Puerto Hico will bo im inediatoly given a system of solf-gov ernment for tho island, while othorrt tako a moro conservative vlow of tho subjoct. Tho Boletin Morcantil, com moutiue on the subject' says: "Tho form of civil govornment for Puorto Rico will undoubtedly bo tho ono rocommendod by Prosident MoKin loy in his annual message to congress With tho expectation of tho highest ofllco, tho appointee for which placo is not known yet, tho appointments will bo distributed among tho most capablo Puotto Ricansand Americans." YAQUIS ARE ACTIVE. Moving: Hundu Ciipturo Hnpl'lli' flout for Mcxlrnn Soldier. Austin, Tox., Doo. 20. A spocial from Ortiz, stato of Sonora, Moxico, states that the Mexican authorities aro contemplating fending moro troopa into the Yaqui Indian country at once, as it is thought that tho present forco will not bo ablo to copo with tho situation. General Torres now has somo C.000 men, but it will tako at least that many moro, or possibly twico that number, owing to tho geographical conditions surrounding tho uprising, which pre vents successful military movomoutH. Tho Indians aro so scattered that un less eomo troops aro Font to tho front to engage tho small roving bauds, they will continue to deprodato tho country and harass tho soldiers under General Torres until thoy wear thorn out. Thoro nro now about 1,500 Indians engaging tho attention of tho soldiers, whilo the remainder of tho 5,000 braves who aro on tho war path havo scattered into small, roving bands, for tho purine of pilfering. Theeo roving bands of In diaus aro capturing supply trains sent out to tho Mexican forces in the field They havo of late captured sovera trains containing provisions unci urn munition. STEAMER STRATTON LOST. Yukon Hunt Overturned In Ico nnri Soon KuhlnrrKed. Dawfcon City, N. W. T., Oct. 20. The rteamer W. S. Stratton left White Horse rapids October 18 with 40 pas sengers, nine ot whom wero women, and all tho mail that had been accu mulating thoro since tho mail boats quit running about two weeks. All went fairly until tho 24th, when the mouth of Sclwyn creek, 120 miles abovo here, was reached. Thoro heavy floating ico was encountered, and, sur rounded by it, tht boat floated with tho current. All would havo boon well had it not leeii in a narrow gorgo tho ico below jammed. Whon tlio bout struck that it stopped, but tho ico abovo did not. On it came, with tcrri lie force, and in ft short timo tho press ure was rO strong that tho steamer was first turned on her side and then com pletely bottom up, in which position sho wink in 13 feet of water. Tho ac cident occurred about 8 o'clock P. M. und with tho first announcement of danger, passengers and crow hurried to tho deck. As tho steamer toppled ovor, nor sides crushed to fragments and the papsengors stopped to tho ico and all safely reached shoro, about 350 feet away. In loss than flvo minutes after tho steamer sunk tho ico covered tho placed whero sho went down, and not a vostigo was to bo scon. On tho boat was a largo amount of froinht. four tons oi express matter, ft great amount of which was Christmas pres ents, and 28 sacks of mail, about 50, 000 lotters. Since 'tho accident tho weather has moderated, tho ico floated away, and tho boat has boon located by the police. I'remiinui'ti Strike Hottlml. St. Lous, Doo. 20. Tho disagree ment between tho St. Louis nowspapor publishers and tho striking pressmen was settled today. A conforeuco was hold resulting in certain technical changes of tho arbitration agreement to make it comply with tho interna tional law, and somo modification of terms. With theso changes mado by unanimous consent, tho arbitration do- olsion was accoptod und tho dispute settled . Man Who Unlit IIooiuo Tunnel. Montroal, Deo. 10. Walter Shan- loy, a woll-known civil onginoor, died today, agod 80. Ho constructed tho Hoosao mountain tunnol, and was gen eral manager of tho Grand Trunk for four years. Ho was associated with tho development of tho St. Lawronco canal system. CURRENCY P18S The Voto of the House Was 190 to 150. ELEVEN DEMOCRATS FOR The Menmiro Und the Hupport or :V ir....l.llMi... M ......-. ..r ... Jtuiuliitloiu In lliu Huiittte. Washington, Doo. 20. Tho currcnl bill, which was debated all In h t vcq was passed today by tho house by, voto of 190 to ISO It had tho unit support ot ovory ltopuniican in tS houso, and of 11 Democrats Chutoj DritigH, Htzgorald, Levy, Huppef Scuddor, Underbill, and Wilson. ... vti ...... . jmow i one; .ucmoer, oi reinmy n nut Denny, of Maryland, und Thayi r, Massachusetts. All tho other 1' cratfl voted against tho measure nr ( paired against it, except John Wolf Smith, governor-elect from Marx luiil Stallings, of Alabama, and (.i-imr .losoiili wncoior, oi Aiaimina. stnl ingH has not boon present in tin- lin this session on account of illiio. an ono of his colleagues announced t. ntjj prcHoiu no wuuiii iinvu vuiuu in tin ni gativo. General Whoolor isHomngi tho Philippines. When tho speaker Announced t le arnt tho Repulbicaus cheered 1 -till After tho voto tho upcakor ratln r nfl oxpectedly announced tho committl selections, and tho reading of the 9 was followed with intense cagerm-tH 1 tho members, whono opporturiitu-x 8 distinction depend so largely u thoir committee assignments. Tho only iuoldent in connect i ti wifi tho reading of tho list was Baili- h ijj terrogatory of tho speaker as to w heth General Wheeler's namo hal Ue placed upon tno comlmttce on wnj and means. Speaker Ilensdcn . n spondod in tho negative Announcement of tho death f lato Representative Bland, of Mis i which occurred last summer, cau -1 early adjournment. What tho sonato may accompli', in tho way of legislation for the 1 hill pines during tho proncnt Hessimi problematical, out that tlio iiuouo; will bo thoroughly disensped is ind catod by tho number of renolutioi bearing upon it boiug produced 1 opposition to tho retention by tli United HUtcs of tho Chilipplno island two rcsloutionn wero introduced tela, ono by Tillman, of South Carolina and the other by Bacon, of (icnrgtin Each resolution piirposoH to yield th islands to a government to bo estab lished by tho Filipinos thcmpclve Morgmn, of Alabama, uddronmid tli senate briefly upon tho necchslt.v n legislation to control trusts, anil lini his joint resolution again referred t tho judiciary committoo. SOUTH PACIFIC STATION r.iitmt Irvelopinputi Mnkn It Kninlifl llnhment Neceonrj. Nw York, Doo. 20. A special tfl the Herald from Washington says: W view of tho number of Hag oliWri available for sea duty, thoro is reiiNirtl to boliovo that a South Pacific statioq will bo established as soon a? condiS tious in tho Philippines admit of the withdrawal of some of tho ships now under Rcar-Admiral Watson's com? mand. Tho Importance of a fleet on thfl western coast of South Amorica lm been thoroughly appreciated In nawil circles, but because of tho limitcc! numlHjr of ships and (lag officers it liu not been poFsiblo to maintain a stanna there, and for this roahon tho 1'urifia was ilaccd under tho command of m$ o I cer. Tho oxtens on of Ainonouu soverelKnty ovor Fomo of tho Sainoiu islands and tho nrosuectivo osttiblishS merit of n coaling station in tho OalaS pagos group aro iudicatioiiH of thotioutl Pacific in tho ovos of tho olliciais. Ordern liavn been issued by tno r . . donartment directing that tho bnttioj ship Massachusetts, as well as tlio inj diana. bo nlacod in roservo at in LeiiKiio island navy yard. Tlio Mnssa chusotsis jiow undergoing ropairs an Now Yoflcr It is proposod to keep ifl largo crow on board each of these unlH und tci rntuin thoir present colli'! mandiug ofilcors. Thoy will Do Kopt iiu fnnrUt on fnr immot illO SOU riiii "li Tho men obtained from tho battlosliipj ioIII 1n nsnil fnr snrvicil Oil board HIU Koiirsariro and KontnckyJ when thoy aro placed in commissioul early In tho now yoar. To Aid fltrlkerd. Tlafi-nli- Tln. 50. A return to tlio fnnnnr pvfltnm of assessing all member of nnlniis afflliatod with tho Ainoricaui ?n,lnrnHnn nf Labor 1 COllt per WfUK n-t nurnosGS ot aiding irun nocossity was dooided upon by tho w-. oiHitlnn nnnvnntlon this llftoniOOll. 1 ,.,..1c finrried, roi projHJHlliuii wan miii""'; . I.. I mnrn vfltOS tlUUl rules rcquiml, viz., two-thirds of thai .1-1 x 4- Mtat of tho (wyM was ocoupiod by ft discussion of trie i ancos iu executive session. Tho ropo 1 of tho committoo on laws in mor I j, i.... i ,ioiHnn momborsiiU'l any members of tho Kn ghts of Lai orj was concurroa w, foned to tho nxooutivo council.