Devoted to the Mining, Umbering and R- arming Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Living. VOTj. I OoUng-o Grow, Oregou, Friday, Dec 22, 1899. NO. 4,7 Christmas Offerings m mm of m 19 H 1 IE jllj Read the following then keep it in visit our store and buy a choice present to put u the family stocking. We do not make a busi ness of handling cheap ehristmas goods, but we do carry a well select ed stock of choice, useful articles for Christmas gifts that will be apere ciatcd much more than the cheap-john goodsso generally sold throuoh out your city. ' Here are Some of Our Leaders A low neat Hfrvicwililt! Toilet Set gifts that are nuro to plunge nt prices that cannot bo diiplicatud. A beautiful ami well nclented mock of Glassware. Cups and Saucers, at prices thai will aMotiish yon. Our lino of Stand I.ainpn, beautifully decorated, ore nuro to pleaEO von in durability mid in prire. " J Hiiiikorcliicf! HnnkcrrhicfH! Ladies Linen and Silk hankerehiofH from Cc to GOo. Our line of thm In complete) and up to datuJWa valuen for 2oc; 7oc values fo 3rC0c All A Ix-atitilul liiii'oi bound books especially fortlio liolidny Undo, embracing the standard unci hi. iriiiu -ic in a pit ii rurmuiiv n cctcu line o child mux uinrv Iw.mL- Evt'rylxdv know our unci riiimtati-n inkcomni; a t?ooil minlitu nt tnfit n!ock hi thin line in of the intent imttoriu. Call and examine thorn. Eakin & Bristow. m GREETING: 573 1 900 will soon bs here. Practice wrifcmp-1900 m While you arc practicing it, think about our Store, where you are able to do your buying and start a bauk account upon what you save. Those who pay cash for what they buy can, without any doubt, save money by buying of us. Wc still have sonic nice Christmas Presents! We still have some nice Christmas presents-although the gift is small you should remem ber yrmoK father, sister, brother, wife, husband sons and daughters, uncles, aunts, neices, nephews, and mothcr-in-laws, we stilfhavc the goods that arc suitable. Cottage urove Oregon. G-A.KMA.1ST & NEWLAND, IK1 w fccra sri TM "sTI ?CO N9?CCI T' WaliI-uj 'f?J iJ iSl :Ej i"l Xl Sfi mzuzu uru- - I I S&Jfeet - mm K51 m 1 My son ban been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago I pcntiaded him to take some of Cham herltln'i Colic, Choltiia and Diarrhoea .Itcmcdjr. After using two botllcti of the , 25-eent site he was cured. I give Huh titimonil, hoping someone similarly aflllcted may read it and bo benefited. -TbooiM C. Rowkh .Glenco. 0. For lo by Umbos Dhuo Co., Cottage t Grote; A Ari'i.EflATK, Drain, Drupgisig. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice io hereby plven that tho uitder jHjned ban been appointed by the County Court of tho State of Oregon for Lane County, executor of tho estates anil ofthe lait will and testament of Isaac Monroe White, dcceaned. All persona Ming clahuH against said estate are horeby required to present tho same tome, duly verified as by law required, at Cottage Grove, Oregon, within six months from tho dato hereof. Dated this nth day of November, 1899. N. W. WntTK, Executor of tho eatato of Isaac Monroo White, deceased. & J. E. Young, ATTORNEY AT LAW MELMUK W. THOMl'DON CIU. A. JIAIIDY. TlcOinpsoi & Hardy, Attorney nnd Counselors at Special Attention given to the Law of Mines. Eu oenk, Onr.ooN. L. L. Stevens, Attorney-at-Law Special attention given to Mining Business and Collection. Kuoksk - - - - 0,lEaoN Of Interest to Miners -- - Should be Kead Carfally. ' Mining is largely a matter of future conditions That is to 5,1V mining is an industry where there is a larger percentage of possibility of future reward as the result of faithful honest endeavor in the nrent than almost any other business undertaking known to the civilized man today. There is much of abuse and calumny heaped upon the mine operator and his proposition which is undeserved and many a good mine is set down as a fraud or worthless which has, when developed in future years turned out to be a bonanza. There is that element about mining which makes it more or less a lottery at all stages of the eame. but mining operations in Colorado and in fact throughout the well established mining camps ofthe west are being reduced to business principles with an increasing assurance of reward for investment put in them as in any other line of business undertaking. How often have all of us heard such and such fines described and branded as worthless properties or a fraud which we now know as among the wealthiest properties of the mining west. It is interesting to note a few examples close at home, and in fact the Cripple Creek district furnishes a budget of such instances. The history of this camp is of such teceut date, that the history of everyone of its heavy producers is known to almost every man, woman and child in this city. Referring to worthless mines, or those at least of little value, one has but to recall that one ofthe leading mine owners of this city today, not over six years ago sold the great Gold Coin claim claim for Si, 20O, because he thought that was a great price at that time for io acres of ground located beyond the supposed mineral belt of Cripple Creek. The mine is held at over $10,000,000 today. The Gold King mine, the first shipper iu Cripple Creek, sold in its early stages of development at $8,000. It is now valued at $1,000,000. The great Elkton was offered a few years ago for $25,000 and was not sold because the money was not forth coming. Later it was sold for $500,000. Today it is held by its owners at $1,875,000. The ledge of rock outcropping from the surface of the what later became the Independent mine was pounded by many a prospector and many a sample was knocked off to be assayed and to show absolutely no value. W. S. Stratton, whom this same mine has made many times a millionaire, one dav knocked off a piece from this outcropping, had it assayed and obtained values running several hundred dollars. He im- ' - . . . . . ! t 3 1-! t a 4 mediately staked nis claim wnue omers riaicuiea mm ior naving laicen Up a WOrtllieSS iraci. xuemiuc a acmug uu iut wuuuu S14.000.000. And so the story might be lengthened inCri pple Creek. ' ' . . i i i r i.f..i. . i Here are some instances: .an exenange recuuuu. ae ia mat inc Congress mine was considered a fraud when down 150 feet, but was a bonanza at 800 feet and held at $3,000,000. The Fortuna at 150, feet was bought for $140,000 but at a depth ot 600 teet it could not be boueht for$-?, The King of Arizona was sold for $30,000, when down 100 feet, while todayitis held at $ 1,000,000 and only 500 feet deep. The Crowned ri-ing mine was muc iquurui 01 uy iu owper when itiwas down 165 feet and 523,000 in aeDt. now at aaeDt 01 f fVW , aU its debts paidnd .regular dividends Demg declared it cannot JegfogSlK rrhasfed tor less tnaifiwt ,ooo,ouo. - . hl&eccemine fAi" OBw On Ualn street, West Side, Cttgc Grove, Oregon. Mrs. Komerincschleef.ri. D. Diseases of Women and Childreii, Cottage Grove, Oregon. Gut your wife a washing machil wringer or churn lor a Ohristmas presi l'liillins and Jones have them. Pink salmon bellies, very choice at Gumming & Sehr. The Northern Pacific have recently established an agency in our city with Mr. James Hemonway as agent. Cal on or write him in regard to tickets to all Eastern points. New crockery arid glassware at ti S:iin's. Dr. Lowe the well known pradunto oetila-optician has located permanently in Eugene. When you want glasses have him test your eyes in wiu juwwry store of Joe Lucky. Wo now have all Bizos in Cutters Hoots and Shoes. Eakin & Bristow. il Hin (ho latest styles in fall and winter hats, just arrived at Miss Meinzers. Japanese goods suitable for Holtiday gifts Miss Meinzer. Mice AToinzer has some elegant Japanese goods see them. Just the thing tor cnri5iruu&. If you want a saw, axo, wedge, or any .!.. i t.lio wood chonners line. Phillips k Jones have a good assortment and prices rignt. now prj 000 foi' sidered It was fiife shares wo rne po -ksm m mSi,'a&;7t,' vl miner ! ' tfDalryMining' . "A for $275,000 when down 100 feet. ith, and jts owners have refused $2 nda mii, when down 100 Feet was nc all appfcarances was closed down has since yielded millior lacgd upon the market. ' it?.'' fnaking a poy' inehas 31 ' K nof l!jup because of 1 7(Denver) Dec. mi 1 it is here: The Largest Stock in South Lanel -Consisting of- Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Stoves ane Tinware; Pumps, Pipes and AGRICULTURAL I PLEMENTSIs . . 1 m . rn,rn Ptlnnir PloWS. Guns and Ammunition, studeuncer w, v --rr . Harrows, . fltc. For Miners S Wjm. we oniy innd. (ive us a call. GRIFFIN & VEATCH. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON m TAKE NOTICE. I take this opportunity of informing Cottago Grove and vicinity that I am ilv at mv factory on Main street centrally located, sub- iect to order by thouoxsucn ascnocomm creams, bon bons, caiauieis unu delicious cream goods. Also ice cream by tho gallon as tho season is close for holiday goods. Please give mo a call. D. Ll.NCOLX. Remember Dr. l.L. Scofleld, Dentist when you want dental work done. Subszribo for the Oregonian and Bo hemia Nugget. Pon't Tobacco Spit tnfl Baoe rfonr Utt Xwj. To quit tobacco easily and forever, bo map netlc. lull of life, nervo and vigor, taUo No-To Bac. tho wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists. SOo or 11. Cureeu8ra teed. Booklet and sample free., Adare Bterllnc Kemedy Ca. Chicago or N icov- i 'i"i"ir