1KI nil OP RAILWAYS .niTV OF THE AMERICAN i n 1 1 jiii i I HY3 ILIVI3, . lllll'lN l I CJ II I u Illtlll i- . rt. 4 m. f ...... I... I . . I... f . I fi (I I III K I 411 U I ft II ' ..rtlul AfllVliy-Uhcii UN J LV ,r Oilier Coiintrlitt. Me" . ,LlllL' MM IKlllri'MH IM-IOIH UIC III- ' . imiul Cuiiimerclnl CoiiKrcMM re- p .. I KVI' . . II... ...., V.. ..I, I'.... ..U-UKll .... .....-.- III....H If I 1 ..... ., .....1 ..Mil Illinium i... - .i.... ll.nl III III!' i III' - im.i.mi ?' .l f ..uuiilll.lir1 Al'I'lllH. Hlllilr uiu .. . . . . .f.llir iirt'lll WTIHTH HUM Willi (II IyidostllK I"''-1"11 'f t,',, MfWlllll .1...1 i lu mi nifii lif It'llliulmrlri. U Trniil,or,a""n l"l,'r,lt''4 iimli'rtitl (wpcrll)' " ,,v,"r' '"'I"" ,,m'"1 " I' ii'iii.mil Iriinuiiiirlillliill I'rmi. 'rfC wouM In- ImpoHHlhle. Those jale ihhI fintloiiH ii n rich, jiowcrfnl ! rnllRl'"'11'"1 whoso tninHjiorttitlon . Ulllfg nr lii-Ht iiml most cxtcmlcil. fttdflnB itlnn ,m' 'hoMi' with little foo trnii'I"rt'lt,", fiicllltli'H. jjr. Jltilluill. the HrltlHh mIiiIIhIIcIiiii, L Ms work on "The Wealth of Nil- . l... T .. I f ...I L'l I.. IfcHV t'lmvw ..lllli-n in !g5:"If wc Hike n survey or iiiuiikiiki. .l,.ii.Mt or modern times, iim reunion & pbrnlr.il. iiiei lmnlcill lliul Ititeller- -tfr,-.. nf llIltllltlH. WC llllll IIOtllltlL' to plivi- - stcpare with the I nltcil KtiiteH." JJf, JIUIIIIlli iriMru i) inn nui iihui-h liilllie working Mivcr or a nimku per- fuulnllie I lilted StateH was twice that ,t (icrninii or Frenchman, more thiui ItStt HIIK'H Willi oi mi winiriini llllll (retime that of an Italian. He snlil iui'iiIIimI States wiim then the rlehont I, w iwntrr la tin worlil. Its wealth ex (mJIdr llmt of (.rent Ilrltnln by ,'l.' rMnt.. nml milled that In the hlHtorv Iff the huui:i tt race no nation ever lie tore poHUMsed foity-ono mlllloiiM of hitrochil cIiIzciih. la an nMn-Hn before the New York IIM Aittioi latloii. four yearM ngo, I fsftrrcd to the future of our export tade. at folio wh: "One of the Inevltn- l-rrcnults of the war between .lanan IuvJ CM tin "III he the opening to Hit' wmmiTci' of the world of IIcIiIh here tofore unknoun. iierhapn the rlclicHt on I tie nlohe." nod urued the menibcrH of lie New- York TrenH AMHoclatlon to do liurrtlilnK in their Dower to iiHHlHt In lecurlnj; to the I nltcil KtatcH a portion if tlic prca t coiiimerce to be ilevclojied SttffMH tlic ucHterii uatlotiH and thone tiaold coiintrlex of the world. At that time we had no Idea that n Irtr between one of the old iiiitlonn of Iiieearlhnnd ouryounj; republic would lefonKht; at that time we had no Idea that American manufacturer!, would he ifttrnlshlnz locomotlvex to the Kiil-IIxIi Inllroads an well iih to Hiohc of uearlv liferr other country on the ulobe. No e Ihouclit four yearn ao that Amerl- Ian unuRo liullders would ko Into the Ken market and HlieeeHSfllllv eiiinnete 'the biilldliiK of a Kreat Ktcel bridge Epjrpt; nor that In no brief a time American cnulheerrl would be linlldlnir IfJllroadg Into the Interior of China Ilrom her mont luiortmit Hea-jwrts. At that time HO one Htmnnm.il Hint tbe Trnns-SllM'rlan Hallway would be I am wun steel ralln mnde In IVnnsyl 'inlfl, lltion croas-tlcH from the fnrestH ittOrt'Ron. nml that ltn tralnn would lw auieil hy Ainerlean locomotives; nor tat thlM great railway which Is to itretrli from St. 1'eterHburf,' to Vhull 'cstok nml Port Arthur, a dlHtance of "ore than (1.000 miles, would h com Mn two years lu advance of the orig inal expectation, ns n result of the use 'f Ainerlean construction tools and Mclilncry. In n letter from n friend In Toklo, 'pan, written only n Hhort time iiko, me was this Hlnnlllcant sentence: ou will l Interested In knowing that have hnnirliiK on the wall of my of- n framed picture of your 'Umpire ato Express.' nml mi iiviuint lii lu iar future to be haulliiK a Japanese I-uipire express' with an Amerlcnn lo tOtnotlve." Thev hnve tmur In .Timnti loore tlinn one hundred locomotives I 'twere b,lllt 1,1 tl,e Uii1,l'1 States. 111 uussla thev h II VII lino t1 nnn tlimi- Jiand American locomotives, anil prae- i uy every railway lu Orent Ilrltnln I Ma ordered lncnmnll,.nu r., ii. I., I. "...v... . kllllll lllin WUIIII- "7 since the beginning of the war with "I't It Is not nlono our locomotives uat liaVe llttl-nr.li.,1 1... ..ii n I "...iiivii ihk ll l lull I Hill Ul llJl 'ner I who have visited our shores, "r rnlhvav oniiinmi.ni ..n.w.n..u.. wnmnmiiMl admiration nml Is now re- I It i ii 1110 '"Khest compliment, nnme- I Uno- " "'any or our sister mi l int. "co Ml'1'l HllkolT, Imperial ii r. i or Knl'wayH of Uussla, has, I "nee iiia ,.i.,ii , IfewV 11,0 um,C(' otates n tidei rs nK0' collstructed a train on Trnin 8nino 111108 1,8 tl10 "Mmlted IPpnn , l"u r,cw lorK Central uud OKEutSS POWDER COSTLY. I ""f a. Mill Ion DoUhi-h' "Worth I'rovcd T. to Jio WorthlcsB. 00 Vnotl.. i . IWlltn ' increased expenso or a est"lllHhmeut under tho moro iCi ni0tll0lls ow employed Is that i lllll8tr,lt'-d In the discovery orth lmlfw nUon dollars' in of sinokless powder for seaconst turns out to be worthless, through IWliv V uuicuoraiion in us Military experts have suppos- wj Hint tlic- HmolcIesH .owder -nnnufic. ired fr the United Htates army wim ... ever umuc. (IJ.H . Nuw y()rk ''""tniet wmh not long ago HlKhcd tvhl.h involved the expenditure "f about ?l.(o..H,o f,. of ,t 't His stated Hint recent exp.rlmenn it Handy llooli slioued that the smoke less powder now on hand Is worse than Valueless. A teli lneli .. ... i... I -d with olmrKPH rrom Hiipply that ' iM'fii Hlored for nlmut two yen.s and n ,elaye. detonation oceuried. which burst ihegun.a new one. valued t f.!0.(KK). An examination of the powder revealed the f,,et that It had undergone chemical chanses of some hoi I ah.l all of the supply on hand Is supposed to be e.pmlly affected. Hx i'i ts will now try to discover the cause of the deterioration, so in to make the needed change In the formula. Mean while the contracts for manufacture must be suspended, and If a war should break out It might be necessary to use the old variety of black powder. Ap. parcntly large charges to the profit and loss account must be allowe.I for m estliiialluc the cost of keeping up with the t linen in uarfare. Hawaii-Is xnld to have more tele phono, in use In proportion to the popu lation than any other locality In the world. A newspaper printed on the excur sion steamer Ophlr published one num ber In feo degrees i! minutes north lnt. tuile. It claims to Iw the paper puo llshed farthest north of any on record. .V series of e.erlmeiits made by Bciino Krdinann and Raymond Dolge show that lu normal reading the let.ers are not spelled out separately, and one after the other, but that a short word of not more than four letters can be read off In less time than a single let ter. The Pike's Peak Pow er Company pro poses to develop .l.''00-liorse-power for distribution for mines lu the neighbor hood of Cripple Creek, Colo. The source of the water supply Is Heaver canyon, and a steel and rock dam will be built having a storage capacity of lfiO.OO j.Oou cubic feet. On the principle of the sotinilliig lioartl, which repeats a sound at no short an Interval that tho original and the repeated waves Impress the ear in unison, a device called the polyphone has recently been applied to the phono graph for the purpose of doubling the volume of sound Issuing from that In strument. A phonograph with the polyphone attachment has two horns, each provided with a diaphragm and stylus. Not only Is the sound made louder, but Its quality Is Improved. Lake Superior appears to exercise a greater effect upon the annual amount of precipitation of rain and snow near Its shores than any other of the (ireat Lakes. The average precipitation In a year Is about eight Inches greater on the southern than on the northern side of Lake .Superior. Lakes Hrlu and On tario also show more precipitation on their southern than on their northern shores, but the difference Is only three Inches annually. In the case of Lakes Huron and Michigan. It Is the eastern shores as compared with the western which get the largest precipitation, but the difference Is not great. The distances over which birds mi grate vary between wide limits, and are often surprisingly great. The bo bolinks, which rear their young on the shores of Iike Winnipeg. Canada, and go to CuIki and Porto ltlco to spend tho winter, twice traverse a distance ex ceeding ",SO0 miles, or more than a llfth of the circumference of our earth, er -n year. The kingbird lays Its eggs as far north as the llfty-seventh degree of latitude, and Is found In the winter In South America. The biennial pil grimages of the little redstart exceed three thousand miles and tho tiny hum ming bird two thousand. Madame Ceraskl, of Moscow, has dis covered In the constellation Cygnus a star of between the eighth and ninth magnitude which undergoes wonderful variations in Its light. It belongs to the same type of variable stars as the celebrated Algol, but Its variation Is larger. Its period Is four days thir teen hours and forty-ilvo minutes. When at a minimum it Is three magni tudes fnlnter than when at a maxl muni; In other words. It periodically loses and then regains so much light that nt one time It Is sixteen times brlKhter than at another. In stars of this type the changes of light are sup posed to be caused by a dark body re volvlng around the star, and produc ing eclipses as It comes within our lluo of sight. When somo people give parties, It la not so much to entertain their friends as for tho satlsfactlou of not inviting their enemies There Is nothing so trying as a hard day's work once a week. If you work every day, you get used to It. Tho renl test of a good country la one where worthless men do weU. OHO of tilt) Mldlflfflll frwl who has been making a tour of tho ; state, nays that .Michigan's pure food uw is working admirably in diminish ing adulteration. Ho says that, of late years, great ipiantities of imitation fruit jollies have been fold; these are mndu of glucose and corn jelly, colored to rcMimhlu tho desired fruit. In one town the inspector stopped tho Mile of imitation sirawberry jam, which was made of corn jelly and glucose, flavored with strawberry extract, and further improved by the addition of hayseed. N,iw I'm,, Hovky STdiiritnlim. After iiuiiieroiiH hnirhrvadth eKeuiie.i n i'.r. v vf v' ,'r'' 1,1 iEo,-k.v -M"tiiiiiii-f il l I " ,'"'5 'a? 1 " " lik'' '"'- 1. 1. people who ihHIeved ly-,.er.ia incur- a 'lenre iiMoninlied t. , that HoMotter's Moiiiarh lliuers uxed falihlullv will make he diKentii.j, dtroiig. the bowels regular, the liver nciivo. Try ii. An ordinance has been passed in West I'alin IJeach, Flu., forbidding fe males to enter saloons. i American shoo manufacturers can undersoil tho local producer in South Africa. Mv doctor said I would die. hut Pirn's lire for fniiMimptlriii cured me. -Auioi ki'lner, Cherry Valley, 111).., Nov. 23, '!Jj. Lawrenco county, in thol'.lack Hills, claims tho honor of producing a greater amount of gold ore in a day than any other country in tho United States J. 050 tons, valued at if-10,000. A red-hot jioker was used by Harry llnlo at llellefontaine, Ohio, to open a whisky barrel. IIo prosi-ed the poker into tho bung, and the burrel exploded into a thousand pieces, causing fatal injuries to Mr. Halo. Pev. O. Hay Mor, a-i, of Stamford F.ngland, is both a minister and a lawyer. SiKjngo fruit stains ut once with cold water. Day county, S. D., has produced two crops of oats this t,cason. If yon hnvon't a nifular. healthy movement of thd ln.wi.-ii c-ory day, juu'ro Hck or wlii be. Keep yuur buwelt open, and Us ncll Korce. In tlicsliapoof Ttulcnl phytic or pill polion. U dangerous- Ttio ftm'Ktiin:i,t uaitebl must perfect way uf keeping ttie tioweln clear and clean Is to uko Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. TastoGoort. Do floo Never Sicken. Weaken, or (Jrlpe. 10c. 20c. 50c Write for free sample, and booklet on health. Address SUrllnc Brn.d I onpiij. Cblruio. JloDlml, 5tw Tors. S3tA KEEP YOURBLOOD CLEAN FOR- NERVOUS VIM MARBAMi MAS STOOD THE TEST OF 35 YEARS HtTXPERIENCE f N00R5ED 6V THE MEDICAL FACULTY ALL OVER THE WORLD llrlni! your chililreii up on it. MACHINERY. ALL KINDS ...TATUM & BOWEN... 29 lo 38 First Streit PORTLAND OR. RliptUrG treated scten- tlflcally nnd Corruponiinci Solicited. C. tl. W0QDARO & CO.. 108 Second St.. Portland. SURE CURE FOR PILES nT)lTlN(illleiprot:ncmolituriinacuiialtclilnB. "hl foVm. ;"."l a Blind, llld nt r or 1'rotruUing P Irs are curttt hy Dr. BoannUo's Pile Remedy St op "tchin .1.5 tleeillnir. A,"rtuT""-; Jar .t druBrt5 ur .ml . .7 'f ""0 Phfu j& m about your cie. 1)11. 110a ANrtU, 1 1UUU&., 1 . CURE YOURSELF 1 .. . ...... 'nl..uZi a Irritations or ulceration! .T J. . of mucoua rarniuranM. Pr.nu ronuiloo. 1'alnleM. anil not astrm- theE.;8ChemiouCo. pfi""- sola ii J urucKi.i "or ent In plain wroppr. ur exprest, rrrpam, lor 1.00, or 3 uottlrt, 12.75. C'lrculr.r arnt on rrnurst. BnU Maslo Lantern naraln I.Ut No. 15 now reHdy lor maillns. T. P. ANDKEW8, 109 Montgomery St., San KrancUco I $P& CANDV I ffl VJp CATHARTIC jo iK TO Tin, I'lillo.ophr or UnnrJ OamrnnM. "Now," said tho man who had yearned for riches, "I will go forth to day and risk once moro. Success has anonneu all mv ventnrm r i,n..,. tn . ' 090,000. If a'll goes well today I will uu tun utnes a millionaire. Then I will risk no moro. Then I will be con tent and some one. else may step into the place that I Imve vacant." So ho risked again and won tho .tlO.OOO that lio thought ho needed in his bushics; Imt tho man who lost tho money was not dead game. If ho hud been dead game ho would Itivo said nothing nnd hoped for hotter luck next time. There fore, lacking the qualities that make for gameness, he jumped upon the man who hud won and thumped him t-o hard that he died on the way to tho hospital. There is in the heart of every man who succeeds here below a soft spot for the dead game loaer. Chicago Times-Herald. HOW'S THIS. 7o offer One Hundred Dollars r. case of Cutarrh that c an not Uo cure! ly Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY Is. CO., Props., Toledo, O. Wc thoundersittned, hvo known F.J. Cheney for tlio past II- venrs, and bcllevo him perfectly honorable In nil busin is trnnnactlouj rnd fin-nnclnll-r ab!o to carr7 out any oblicr Uona mada by uci.-flrm. . VEST TliCAX, Who cfal'. Uruulsts,TolcJo, WALDIMl, V I.S.VAH ll MA-VIJ.. Vinolenalc Dr'ie Ists. Toledo. (.. I Hall's Catarrh Cure 1st km ir rnally.ac.lng e'lrccily on tho blood and m cous surfaces ot llioi.yu-.in. IT! oTIcpcrbo .le. to.d by al: drucilsts. Tcstlmoul la free. Hall's Family r- tb Ictt. Last year 0,891 incendiary fires oc curred. I TO CUIUS A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quiniae Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. V. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Lightning caused 3,4"D conflagra tions iu 18u8. Kill ((rum of Dlxeane. The modern way tocure dlseaee is to destroy Its gerru. Ciisearets Candy Cathartic are mod ern uerm-killers, and cleansers. Druggists, 10c, Z'jC, 60c. Natural gas was the cause of 94 fires last year. VITALITY lfiw.dcbllltaledor ejliamted cnrpflhy lr. Kline's Invliroralli.K Tonic. FUKK I. Trial lliittle i-mitaliilni: S Wei-kii- treuiinent. Dr. Kllii"'s liixliiute. !ttl Aril) St., Philadelphia. Founded Wl. Horace Greeley is editor of the En terprise at Thornton, la. Lord Kitchener has given Queen Victoria a large Arabian donkey. 25c SAMPLE BOTTLE FOR 10c NEXT 30 DAYS Ho BESE&SE has so hafffled the BssectiscaS skiES of &$S sages as RHEUmATtSfflm unci no rotnedy has over been known to euro ii until "5 Drops," ITKAuis uakkj years oi active atucuco oi iueuiciue : I have never before in ray 3s years of practice of medicine riven ray testimonial or recom tnendatlou to nny patent medicine, but there is a remedy, the result of which ha come under my own observation ; for there is no Disease which has to baffled the medical skill of all ages as tueumatiRm ana to una a lieuauio remedy DROPS," tianufactureu by the Swanson "5 DROPS," has proven Itfelf wonderful for its curative power In Itlieumatlsm, n as a lt?aprary(lJc 1 lever onlvb.u ive a aco. 1 rrawsiona others several Kit tiatients the7WAet Kemedles wh asuiu heard of " C Df vJS " and of its V found relief frok' 'J&jenvithinia few ri' KUcr surprise. I will sftvj VT WMififourseoi d "B Drop" ! lj . ATfieiel Drop" 1 jinny for their klnsart, fill .Item-vlles amon acknowljLJyment vWj tnanyirijf J$Wftr J'V' liable to VWflrwe:.. .e nromr' .WAA.IV A.-. l.-n I I jRci all kinds, Dronchltis, if '1 't .W ' ticart'Weakness. Droosv. Earache; Snasmodicand Catarrh! Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Crefcplnjf cases. " S Drops " has cured more people, nameu diseases man au ouier remeuies e. Drous " is not onlv the best medicine, contains ioo doses. Price per bottle $i.oo, fnr e rm Vnr t Vii nt in lavs we will Bendimr to cents to pay for the mailing. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Piir ml Wire Wiirks. 1J011TI,ASI) WIHK .t I HON WOKKS; WIltK and Iron If nvlinr: olllfe rnlllint. etc. u-H Alder. MiKililni-iy iiml miuII. CAWSTON & CO.: KNGINKS, HOII.KUS, MA- J "" l'l'e' 8-M St.. Portland, Or. f A.I.I tlM.T m n . . n r- f rwr can pivo you the best lxirj;aliis th general inachliiery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. grow paying crops because they're fresh nnd always tne ue. rut sale everywhere. Uefnse substitutes. Stick to Perry' nu prosper. 1900 Bced Annual ftee. write for it. 0. M. FERRY 4 CO., Detroit, Mien curing more than all the doctors, patent medicines, electrtj. Jf;.,.? 'wiy.,-i;,fM combined, for they cannot cure Chronic Rheumatism. ThK?;(f'' ? . vV.SW valuable time and money longer, but try "5 Drops" and ; -'Jf OLDEST WJ MBHM Tells Uow He Escaped tho Terrors of Many Winters b.v Usiiifr JVrnna. Mr. Isauc Urock, the Oid.-st Man in the United Staici. Mr. Isaac Brock, of McLennan county, Tex., has attained the great age of 111 years, havinu been born in 1788. Hp is an ardent friend to Pc runa and speaks of it in the following terms: "Daring my long life I have known a great many temedies for coughs, colds, catavrh nnd diarrhoea. I had always supjiOhed these aircctiona to bo different diseases, but I have learned from Dr. Hartmau's books that? these affections are the same and aro prop erly called catarrh. "As for Dr. Hartmau's remedy, Pe runa, 1 have found it to be the best, it not the only reliable remedy for these affections. "Peruna has been my stand-by for many years,and I attribute my good health and my extreme age to this remedy, it exactly meets ' ail my requirements. "I have come to rely upon it almost entirely for the many little things for which I need medicine I believe it to be especially valuable to old people." ISAAC BROUK. Catarrh is the greatest enemy of old age. A person entirely free from ca tarrh is sure to live to a hale and hearty old age. A free book on ca tarrh sent by The Pernna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. Five fires last year were caused by the sun's rays passing through window glass. the Rheumatic Gure demonstrated its wonderful curative power It has noven failed to euro RHEUMATISM In any form, Acuto op Gf ironic. TTfiro In TClint a Prominent PhTslclnn lias to iar whn hm Hnrf aC lor tne came. At last we nave louna it In Klieumatlc Cure Company, Chicago, III. Permanent Cnni even in chronlccases. Someti e : cares, under rav treatment and cresenbed for. 'iy selected, out witnout aesiranie results. cures, ana prescriDea it ton icwpatu that I prescribed it to a great number a: xurco weeus alter ineynaa usea "o i r of yearn, been suffering with Jrutches. Thev came to mvo Thev cive all the credit to to the Swanson Itliouinntlc C .&iawhich they are olacine : 1 1 "I'll 'iifc in write to the C nermanentlv cl r Kncumntism,' i Asthma, n lieadaclie, Numbness, flalai during tne past l; Known, anu m but it is the cheapest, tor st prepaid by mail or exriress, or ( send a 2. samDle FIhtl to a:TJ Agent's wanted. Write to-day. 160 - 164 - E. LAKE STREET, CHICAGO. LATEST and BEST nuroci STEAWt , r-.r-.r- AMn CASOLINEf nnuien I lA LOOIUS & NYHAN, TIFFIN, OHIO. YOUNG MEN! For Onnnrrha-a and Glet eet Pabsfii i Okay S ijectlta It U,,,.ftvi v miillcine which will cure each and every --ii SnoASE knn it haa ever fallfil to cure, no rtrr hnw clooi ?r it hoW long .atonrtlnir. ., H ffta u wll aStonUli you. It b abaolutelr aafe, plainly wrapped, on recelj, trtgjffigc Chicago, I C 'jcular mailed on request. 0R.GUNW'ST,RvEVRDPILLg 1 ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache , "lVly,pep8Ta,t".0TeTlmplr.and rurily the Blood, Aid lilKMtlonandFrerentBlllousiiesi. Do notOrlpeorBicken. Tocontlnce ynu. wewUl mall ramnle free, or lull hoi for 25c. DR. IlObANKO' 0O fhllailn., ecuaa. Bold by Prugglsn. H. V. N. V. NO. 50-'t9. WHEN wrltlnc t advertisers pleuso luuntlun ll' "Hnur. -.mm', 'AW,-3.v'if!..9. '- B V.. y one DR1LLIH6 I HfiRHNES uu