"Z'OZ"' STUMl'JW. A gentleman told ns the other day that his ten year old boy asked him a question that with all his wisdom and experience he was utterly unable to answer. The boy said, "Pop what makes you a democrat?" "Pop" was stumped. He couldn't to save his soul an swer that question. But, then, no one need be surprised at it. What democrat in all this broad land could give a sound reason for the faith that is in him? What demo crat can define democracy? Who can tell us what it means what brand of political economy it stands for? There are gold democrats and stiver democrats, expansion demo crats and anti-expansion demo crats, United States democrats and Agtiinaldc democrats, protection democrats and free trade demo crats in short democracy is as spotted as the leopard and of as many colors as Joseph's coat. Very few democrats could vote the ticket without splitting their principles up the back. Oneida County (Idaho) Republican. . USEFUL, INVENTION. Dr. Clinton Cook, formerly of this city, but now residing in the state of Minnesota, has recently obtained a patent for an invention that will undoubtedly prove invaluable to the medical profession. It is a surgical instrument designed to prevent much of the pain that in variably attends the dressing of deep wounds. The instrument is called a "gause carrier." and is in tended for introducing gause into wounds. It is an outgrowth of Dr Cook's sympathy tor his late brother, Allyn, during the latter's last illness, and the value and use fnlness of the invention will be un derstood by physicians, as well as appreciated by suffering patients.- Salem Statesman. While the democrats 1 are still jubilant over the Nebraska election results, the St Louts Globe Demo crat thinks the republicans have more reason to be jubilant over the returns from that state than the denrbcrdts. "The Nebraska dem y pop victory, " it says, "will bring f two things about which will be of, immense benefit to the republicans, "t will delude the democrats into titillating Bryan next year, and ill incite them to make a fi rpansion. Here are tw is which will mal1 - bli(s in i aant. If tin. ir business they wouict mourning rules around the elec' jn figures from Nebraska." ( LORANE ITEMS. Mr and Mrs Standish and Mr G Lockwood spent a few days S in Eugene last wee(k. Frank D?' ..one to Grants a'lCf DjjJw, Pass tow. knejfj f Mr and Mrs crc. 6 Jiizx wley spent Thanksgiving at Lorane. Frank Wakley of Eugene spent a couple of days with relatives at this place. Mr Britt the railroad land ap praiser spent Saturday at Lorane on his way to Florence. M C Johnson and family attended a birthday dinner at Drain "Sunday Mrs Etma Bainbridge returned to her home at Elkhead after a short visit with her parents. My Boa bus been trouuleu ior y.rs with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago I persuaded him to tako some of Cham berlain's Colic, Choleia and Diarrhoea Remedy. After UBing two bottles of tro 25-cent size ho was cured. I givo this testimonial, hoping someono similarly afflicted may read it and bo bonefltod. Thomas O. Bo.vkk ,Glenco. O. For salo by Benson Diiuo Co., Cottago Grovo; Lyons A Awmioatk, Drain, Druggists. 1)1 VI 1)13 1THMS. Mrs. Hoy Cotlln and threo youngest child ron took the train for Lost Valley last week. Messis. Will and Roy Co'lin were working on the road Inst week Improv ing so that they can got out to the main r.iad. School ends next Wednesday. . . A heavy steady rain all day Inst Sun day. Mr. Kennedy is fixing up things at his place here. Mr. Miller is also improving his ranch and putting up now buildings. .Tunics Taylor has moved back here from Eugene. WAidTi-Tu itlms. Miss Morningstar returned to her home at Drain Thursday. G. O. walker shipped 1250 turkeys from this place the first of the week to California. Mrs. John Tait visited friends at the Grove several days last week. Prof. McQueen was quite ill Saturday and Sunday, but was able to bo in the school room again Monday. J. R. Kitson was visiting friends hero the first of the week before starting to California. Joe Lamlcsss came in from the mines Tuesday and will lay in supplies and in company with his brother Henry will do prospect and development work on their property near Jndsou Rock this winter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Rosebnrg. Oregon, November 17, 1S9). Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-nameJ settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register k Receiver; U. S. Land Office at Rosebnrg, Oregon, on January fi, 11)00, viz George F. Ritohev on H. E. No. 7S57 for the lot 1, SK 1-1 NE1-4, E1-2SI3 1-4, sec. 12, T. 2.'J S., R. 3 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. IT. Rouse. W. A. McBee, Reulnui Stinnet, T. M, Grubbs, of Amos, Ore gon. J. T. RitmciKs, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. Land Office at Rosebnrg, Oregon, November S3, 1899. Notice is herebv given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Joel Ware, U. S. Com missioner, at Enguuu, Oreg, ' q January 13, 1900, viz. Thomas J.-'-hn-son on'H. 13. No. 8L'3S for the jPjsl-l NW 1-4, sec. 18, T. 20 S., U3y. He relies the ollowgg witnesses to prove and ci i uuiiiiiiuur rcsiuuiuiu iijiuii nion of -' land, viz: .-y Lajoio, Joseph Flanny, of Walker, VdJ T. BuinoKS. Register. 0 F FORFEITURE ghtou and all Parties ned : ""wLiIiat wo have whats You au expended $500.00 ir? worxr.md money on the claim known and recordetP"hT"the mining records of the Bohemia mining district in Lane County, Oregon, as "The Climax" mining claims, and in order to hold said premises under the provisions of Section 2324 Revised Statutes of the United States, being the amount required to hold the said claim, for the years 1895, 1890, 1897, 1898. 1899, respectively ; and if within ninety days after tho completion of the publi cation of this notice, you fail, neglect or refuse to contribute your portion or portions of said expenditures as co owners your interest or interests in said claim will become the property of the subscribers, under said Section 2321. Dated this Third day of November, 1899. Signed J . B. MoitOAN, J . W. BAKEIt, W. W. McFaiUjAnp, ClIAHUiS McFaki.ani. Thomas Riciiauuso.v. Our fee returned If we fall. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will firomptly receive our opinion free concerning lie patentability of same. " How to Obtain a l'ntent" sent upon request, l'ateuts secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in This Patent Khcoud, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Scud for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, WASHINGTON, . C. Subscribo for the Nugget, MTK K M R 1 I l!LH A'lll N. Land Office at Uosohurg, Oregon, November Hi, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-uamed settler lias filed notion of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said prooi will ho made before I he Register it Receiver U. S. Land Office at Rosebnrg, Oiegou, on January 0, UiOO, viz: Willium A. Mo ll.ioon'll. 13. No. 7853 for the Lot 2. SW 1-1 NI3 1-4, W 1-2 S13 1-1, sec. 12, T. 23 S., R.3 W. lie names the following witne.-ses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. B. .Rouso. II. B. Mcllee, T. M. Grubbs, Reuben Stinnet, of Amos, Oregon. J. T. Ruinous, Register. NmisT'ORpiim.iCATioN. Land Office at Rosoburg, Oregon, N.iveinber 15, IS99. Notice Ik hereby gi von that t.ie ollow ing-uamed settlor has filed notice of his intention to make final p oof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before Register t Receiver, V . S. Land Office at Rosebnrg. Oregon, on January 0, 1900, viz: Thaildeus M. (irubhson II. 13. Xo. 7SS8 for the Lot I, SW 1-4 NW 1-4, W 1-2 SW 1-4, Sec. 12. T. 23 S., R.3 W. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon anil cultivation of said land, viz: W. A. Mo bee, Reuben Sfmnef, II. Ii Mcbee, J. 15. Rouse, of Amos, Oregon. J. T. l!iiiii(ti:8, Regisier. NOTICI3 FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roselnirg, Ore., October 4, 1SD0. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with tho provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "'An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Dell J. Kstabrook of Washburn, County of Ray field, State of Wisconsin, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 722, for the purchase of tin- S 13 S 13 '., N '.. S 13 i.j , S 13 N 13 l, being lots 7, 10, , lti of Section No. 20, in Township Xo21 S Range No. 1 W., and will ofl'er proof to show that tho laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpo-es. and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Ro.-eburg, Oregon, on Thursday the U tiny of December, 1SDU. He names as witnesses)): II. F. Hollenbeek of Kugone, Oregon, Austin Kcot of Springfield, Oregon, Lewis I'.ierl of Albany, Oregon. J. C. Olsen of I3u- gene, Oregon. Anv and all i)ersous claiming verselv tlie above-depcribed lands ad are requested to file their claims in office on or before said 14 day of this I)e- cember, 18!)9. J . T. Ruinous, Register, 'OTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofkick at Rosebnrg, Oregon October 12. I MM. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settlor has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hisclaini, and that said proof will be made before Joel Ware, U. S.' Com missioner, at 13ugene, Lane County, Oregon, on December 13, 1 891). viz: Carv A. Woolev, on his II. 13. No. 77-40, for the W V, N W . N 13 V N W H & N W M N 13. M Sec. 211, T. 20, S R 2 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John U. England, Marion Lebow, Mack England, John Kirk, of Cottage Grovo, Lane Co., Oregon. J. T. HltlWiKH, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Rosebnrg. Oiegon, November 15, 18!W. Notice iB hereby given that thefollow-iug-uamed settler has filed notice of his intention to make fin il proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before the Register & Receiver, U. S. Land OfHc, at Rosebnrg. Oregon, on January 0, 1900, viz: Reuben Stinnet on II. E. No. 7243 for tho lot 1, SE 1-4 NE 1-4, N . SE 1-4, sec. 10, T. 23 S., It. 3 W. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: W. A. Mo Bee, J. B, Rouse, II. B. McBeo, T. M. MeUrubbs, of Amos, Ore gon . Trnr. .1, x. jhijm;i:h, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Rosoburg, Oregon . October 20, 189!). Notice is hereby given that tho following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port oi his claim, and that said proof Mill he made before Joel Ware, U.S. Commissioner at Eugene. Oregon, on December 0, 1899, viz: Waltor L. Raker on II. E. No. 7982 for tho N E yx, see. 22, T. 22 S., R. 2 W. IIo names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous residonco upon and cultivation of said land, viz : Joseph Perkins, David Mushy, J. U. Mosby, Willium Hickoy, of Cottage Grovo, Lane County, Oregon J. T. BiiiDoiw. llegister. R. A. SANDERS, vitoHtiKTou or nnnm I o u T i 'i ii i ii ii 1 1 i YiWl Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Choice Brands. t ii i iavoriic Kthui i. ........ . .... ,.-vii- i7f ( i . a.. fVV ''P.U'li' '. ; t' M t 'A 1711 . GLASS K BROS. PROPRIETORS OF Cote Grave 5 We are now nrenared to furnish nil kinds of Brackets, Mouldings, rA f- , .1 t" T .....t wornicc, oiisu mm wooi!, wuui uuu .Window frames, Screen Doors, j Windows, Pickets, etc. I Woodwork of all kinds made and jrepaircd. We will also work 1 - loor - i nur ii if -ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' v i-iiiiir . i ji SHOP NKAR S. P. DIC POT, i Bon Ton Mmiii Sir-pet II A A mm ii i ii i DUIIMUIfl p Grave, Orip.'H. c. ft - i . m dottZlie OrO Ve Jiiifl nhfMTii'i W. IL Beagle, These Illustratrated Publications. Wiu. in: shst nv run NoUthkhn Pacific R.WI.WAV Co., TO ANY AIIDIIKSS Ul'ON ItKCnilT, IN MTAMI'H, Oil OTIIKIt WISH, Ol'TlIi: AMOUNTS NAMKIJ WONDERLAND An annual publication of about 100 pages, goften up in most attractive stylu and beautifully illustrated in half-tone. The contents of each number aio varied anddillcient from it-i predaccssor. Thu Noutiikkn I'acikic Iiiim become noted for this publication. Tin: FinkstTiiinu is Railway Lithuatuiu:. Scud six cents. YELLOWSTONE PARK MAP A relief man of Yellowstone Park. Printed on firm paper, and suitable for mounting or framing and for use m schools, class rooms, etc. The best iinm of the Paik that is publicly distributed. Mailed in pasthoard tubes. Send lOcts. MANAMA PAMPHLET A nicely illustrated pamphlet, descrip tive of Mount Ranier, Washington, the grandest ico-covered peak in tho United States. Send two cents. KOOTENAI FOLDER An illuslialed folder and relief map of the Kootenai Region in BritishColumbia north of Spokane. Send two cents. ARMY AND NAVY BOOK Tells about both the U. S. and Spanish armies and navies at beginning of Spanish-American war. Map of Cuba and adjacent, islands. A vest pocket history well worth preserving for reference. Send ten cents. In sending for these write tho address carefully, and state where advertisement was seen, ciniH. s. i ki:, Oon. I'llKHoilKlir Arrcnl, HT. i-AUJ.. MINN'. (leslrini; a trip to tho l'urls Kziioaltloii. wltticood Bttlary uurt rxpi'mfs paid, dlioiild write Xho rATJiNX IlUCOItO, liultlinoro. Bid. FRANK OCDMAN .... Proprietor of MM... D.il.ir f'iirnr nlwl !".. r. hit I ui.iiitii w I - . . vuuir ' . " ... tiotiery oiorc. .t. . I'anvy Cttnnctt .n?iA. Dealer in Chriirs of Low and lliirh Litiuie ami rnces tu miu iiic irune . . i . i. rt a ' mm I fi - 1 I 1 I . ' i ni 1'i'iM i .in live t iiiivn i irm 4IIIIIU w--m n BANKERS. I HIMMIl III v ll I u mill IMIIIUII iMislncss lii (ill lis hnnu hcs. "-'l.lTII. l.ltll iuk iinmi .... wrriin (. K. Or With, J'rop, Call On. i .. , I)' I IP j I hCKJIH (V I i - - FO It ; gg05SS; B'llilltill m m 9 9 i v n m u B4a m , riling iiiki .,.,.. (Sl,n.alvr(t rr' i m COTTAC.lv GKOV15. ORK. Cy. niller, V W B W ft Vil lllblllllLt Cot tunc Grove, Orryon. ninii T'i'v ' l' w w k w r . . ' Special attention Riven to Mini j Claims and iirocurinir of Patents. I Grants Pass, Okhoon. ,1. S. MEDLEY, - Attorney At Law 7 Ollli'O on Mnln Htruct, Cottttya Grow, Oregon, 22.THE EXCHANGE W. DKAI.HU in KINK WINKS, LIQUORS, i 1 i 1 1 1 1 u I L . UIULti tf iiji u iiitf ni itr f i ini it innr i nil yiiiiliilliui tit Hiit illl.ik titlil nutir I f r f lulwth 1 .1 I Mild I (i I oi-uut tt unriiii win ccaso October 14. 18!)!): All Lah U.IHIII l v iv ill ii in II will l t Kiniui mttil M 5805 to 0090, both inclusive. Dated, Eugene, October 12, 1800. A. S . Pattkiisox, v j - - I I w MAKE American Bcatiticsl Latest Models On Iich KALAMAZOO CORSET SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOLU UI Jfemenway (J ltur)choUie.