BOHEMIA NUGGET. C. J. HOWARD EDITOR. Knlercl nt tho ptHtofflpo nt CntliiKO Grovo, OfORoii as Second Cliiss mull mutter. Hiiltonrlptlon price., ill ii'l vaiicm AiIvurtlHiiig rU- niuiln known unun npitllcutton. Friday, Due. i, 1S99. Thete is no use beating about the bush. Cottage Grove has reached the point in her municipal history when ways and means sufficient to carry on the city gov ernment must be considered by her citizens. At present the city's "bonded indebtedness is $5,000, draw ing 8 per cent interest. Our streets are, as all must admit, in a de plorable condition. We have only a 12 o'clock electric light service, we have no night watch; and all of these are a necessity to any well managed municipality. It is not the fault of the present city council, nor of former city councils. They have managed the affairs as best they could with the funds at hand. The citizens of Cottage Grove should set themselves to working out a plan whereby the interests of the municipality may be furthered. In the first place 8 per cent interest is too high, and should not be paid any longer. It is a safe assertion that money can be borrowed at 6 per cent, and per haps less. Why not issue new bonds at a reduced interest and pay off the old ones, at the same time borrowing enough more to make the necessary improvements? The city can borrow nearly $2,000 more, by issuing new bonds, without in creasing her interest account. Various complaints have come to this office in the matter of obscene, and vulgar language being used on the streets of Cottage Grove, by men, who, were we to intimate that they were not perfect gentle men, would be much offended. We realize that many men so far as the term is applicable in a business sense, use language that is rough and as a rule not appreciated even by themselves, but no true gentle men will use vulgar language in the presence of ladies, and every man, even if be be abdicted to the, use of profanity, should refrain, in honor of the woman who bore him, from giving vent to uncouth ff tionson the street co'rners. iny monent the sound f may fall uponS theea '-rnrhter. Susan 11. Anthony, now comes to the front with her opinion of the Roberts case. Susan says: ':There isn't a tnati in congress who dares raise his voice against Roberts. If he does his own record will be sifted to the bottom. Almost all men are guilty of violating the sanctity of the home." Now for the life of 'us we can't see, and furthermore don't care what this has to do with the matter of seat ing Congressman Roberts of Utah; but we would like to know how Susan comes to know so doggasted much about all the men? Ho iday if Goods! 1 CAUGHT FROM THE WIRKS Ketch Lines From Associated Press Dispatches From Wednesday's Oregonian. At LURCH'S. lor Young and Old! Come and See Them! Alley Will SOlll US CliUcip ia juu tun muj uiiaw Son tli of Portland. Manila, Nov. 28, The trans port Manauensc, with Lieutenant- Colonel Webb C. Hayes and three companies of the Thirty-first in fantry on board, has arrived here. She nar.owly escaped disaster. The Officers and soldiers were for 120 days bailing with buckets. The steamer was unseaworthy, under manned and short of provisions. Her engines broke down, and she rolled three days in a typhoon. Au thorities from San Francisco deny that the transport was unseaworthy , short provisioned, or undermanned. Berlin, Nov. 28, "President Kruger and President Steyn have instructed General Joubeit and General Cronje not to split their forces into small detachmants, but to strike vigorous blows. Genera 1 Joubert has three corps, one hold ing Ladysmith, the second com manding the Lufiela, and the third east of Estcourt, in order to cut off the British retreat. General Cronje's forces are divided into three con tingents, one Kimberley, another at Modder river, and the third in the rear of General Methuen." Washington, Nov. 28. The financial bill prepared by the re publican caucus committee which met at Atlautic City last spring was today made public by the committee. 'T7 h day the repoi t of some, ,a pioneer's death is flashed c r the telegraph wires of the sta, bringing us , to the realization that ,the day is fast approaching when we shall have placed the sod over the last survivor of the old heroes of pioneer days in Oregon. We may without hesitation call them heroes, for they were heroic in all their actions. The last one to be recorded is Lane county's old and aespected citizen Joseph G. Gray, of Eugene. He died in Albany at the home of his son-in-law, F. J. Miller, on the evening of November 26 of pneumonia, aged 75 years. Mr. Gray was a pioneer of 1853, and was known throughout the state. He held various positions of trust, and was respected for his true manhood and 'gentleness of nature. A Chicago woman, frankly ad mitted in court recently that she made it a rule to soundly spank her husband twice a day. If this turns out to be a regular Chicago custom,, one will begin in time to cordially sympathize with Luet gret and the other wife boilers of that extraordinary city. S. F. Bulletin. Bled. VC;X At the f ". in Eugene, Nov. ' "ng'aged '72 yer of the r aitig to Oregon in I, nown throughout T .id was honored and all' who knew her. jntof W-v Masterson alization board is in session rt house. Very few com i8 far been filed. A few ,. w Multnomah reduces her an.. 's year $10,000,000? That ia plainly dried. We have no State noard of Equate. 'Hiwnutho cow counties are defrauded "Oj&Portland, as ever. Guard. It is announced upon uood authority that the tie plant will bo returned from California to Latham within the next few weeks. This branch of theSoutliern Pacific Company employs some CO men. The mining litigation over the Helena has been transferred from tho Douglas circuit court to tho United States court. Miss Gertie Southworth has returned from Eugene. In the Douglas county circuit court Mrs McKenney received $1200 damages for injuries sustufned last summer in the train. wreck. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offico at Roseburg, Oregon, November 20, 1899. Notice 1b hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tho Registor & Receiver, U. S. Land OIico at Roseburg, Oregon, on January 0, 1000, via: William Livelv on II. E. No. 9000 for the N SW SW ii S XVX, sec. 8 T. 23 S R. 3 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residonco upon and cultivation of said land, viz: E. Geer, II. O.Combs, of Amos, Oregon, W. A. McHeo, of Harris, Oregon, P. Mc Martin of Amos, Oregon. J. T. BlUIKlIIH. Register. IQ Bricl". U of 0 scored against the Agricultuial college, 10 to 0. ' Cranberries! Cranberries! Cranberries! First of tho Season dimming & Sehr. For quality and cheapness in fresh meats go to tho Central, meat market. Notice Hemenway A IJurk holder's ad. Shoes, shoes, shoes. If you want glasses fitted to your eyes go to Davidson thu Jeweler. Fresh candies every day, mndo from pure sugar at theTailor shop. Timothy seed, just received at dim ming & Sehr. You should trust your watch with a first class Jeweler, Patronize- Davidson. Wo sell good goods at good prices for our customers, Central Meat Market. If you want to buy a watch, or jewelry consult Davidson, who will save yon money. Mackintoshes that will turn the rain, sold by Eakin' & Bitisrow. Look out for the Bohemia Nugget's solicitor. Treat hiin right. Sailors the latest fall styles are now ready for inspection at Miss Meinzers. Buy your grass seed of Eaki.s & Bhistow. The best shoes in Cottage Grove, Hemenway A Burkholder. Griffin & V hatch Co. are the leadeis in all kinds of mining supplies, ammu nition and sporting goods . Smoked Halibut, the best vou ever saw just in and going like hot eaket, at dimming & Sehr. How's your sole? If it is in need of fixin' take it to Nokes, opposite Racket store . New! beautiful, stylish dresf. goods in patterns, trimming silks. Jlomenway & Burkholder. No matter wtiat you want we have it at dimming & Sehr. Boyd will make 21 stamp photos, seven positions, for 25 cents. New sweaters for men and boys, both wool and cotton. Hemenway & Burk holder. Pink salmon bellies, very choice ut dimming & Sehr. Nokes tho shoo repairer opposite Racket store. Good work and cheap prices. Tho Northern Pacific have recently established an agency in our city with Mr. James Hemenway as agent. Cal on or write him in regard to tickets to all Eastern points. Now crockery and glassware at CUMMINCl & SeIIII'S. Thoprotracted.meoting closed Sunday night at the C. P. church. Marshal Miller thoroughly renovated tho city jail last week. A good idea. Don't forget tho Special Mining Edition of Bohomia Nugget. Try tho now cigar factory's cigars, made right in your, own town. 5 and 10 cent goods. Ask your doalor for them. . Tako your shoo repairing to J. W. Nokes opposite Racket storo. Ho will givo you satisfaction at moderate prices. Dr. Lowe tho well known graduate ocula-optician has located permanently in Eugene. When you want glasses have him test your oyes in tho jewelry storo of Joo Luky. Wanted at Gannan & Nowland 1000 turkeys at highest murkot price. 0RK MCKET STORE. TirtroTTffTtnnnn!- - :; MW OI'HON AND KI0Alj 'rum. We Have n Complete fliisie off Seals' S1mmn 3sa ioUi ii Heavy mul lAtxht weiuhts. ('oiue see bis SSei'ore EScty ibs. We vmi .save you Money. I If Mens' Underwear from 50c. to $1.50 per Garment. Mens' Hats from 50c. to $3.00. Ladies' Underwear from 25c. ffl J'1.00 per Garment. I $ Ladies' Underskirts, 50c. to We are sole agents for the ROYAL TAILORING Co. Come aJ inspect our Samples before buying your Pall Suit and Overcoat. E. WALL & WHIPPLE, Props.! tickm Has your husband been kicking about the toughness and quality of the meat your market has been delivering you lately? About the price, too? We would like to supply your table with meats, Our steaks and chops arc ten der and at the right price; and as good cutters as the town affords. UUUIJ WJSIUHTJjrj OF-GIVI5 US A TRIADS McTarland Meal Co. cottage okove, orjS GIVE US A TRIAI BENSON DRUG COMPANY A Complete and Well .Selected Line of the. Best Drug-s in the Markel Kept Constantly in StWVS Kenson Drug Company, Cottage drove. Ore. James Hemenway DEALER IN Jrleal Estate and Mining Proiorfc3 Represents Fire, Life and Accident Insurance C mpanies. NOTARY PUBLIC Strict Attention paid to ( oilefitrui Office onnosite Sherwood HafM THE POWER TO SEE M Is it not one of the vital powers of man to see correctly ? R3 ams MiCROiw Kiu.ku will renew the tissues and nerve fibers ofiKSl eye. Thus will it not increase and prolong the strength and power the eye ? Wont this contribute to the usefullnes and happiness mankind ? A. P. Howard, Ag't, Renidenco with J. Iv. Barrett. Cottage Grovo, C'roRO Hardware. If you want any thing in the Hardware line, come and look overl our goods and see how the prices suit. We shall endeavor to earn full line of HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, ... . . A 1 L nun w tisiiniu lviar.nmps. 1 .nnrns. p.rr.. nnn n nfin 1 iiic ui Implements, b tu. a b JVo b n ira -