Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 01, 1899, Image 2

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rnblliliod ETorj Frldr
Comprehor-slvo Kovlow of the Import
ant llilionltiB ot tho Pnst Week
Culled From thf Telecrup" Columns.
Many bonds arc being purchased bj
tho government now.
The United States cruiser Montgom
ery has arrived at Montevideo.
In consequence of Lord Salisbury'!
bereavement, diplomatic matters will
bo delayed.
It is Baid that the Boers movo so fasi
and often that tho British cannot keep
track of them.
Tho Americans are in control o
vastly greater territory in Luzon thar
they were a month ago.
Aguinaldo, with a fow men, wornou
and carts, was seen between San Fabiau
and San Fernando on Friday.
James D. Richardson will very prob
ably bo the leader of tho minority ir
tho next house of representatives.
As a matter of convenience for their
Western business, the Pullman com'
pany will build repair shops in Denver.
A Brooklyn court has rendered a do
cision that school boards cannot be
forced to admit negroes in white
Tho Vancouver (B. O.) chief of po
lice believes be has tho long-songhJ
Tascott, the murderer of Millioniaic
Sncll, of Chicago.
The British court of appeals has re
versed the lower court and will permit
tho Mexican International railroad to
proceed with its plan for funding its
6 per cent bonds.
The navy department has awarded
tho contract for a drydock at the
League Island navy-yard, Philadelphia,
to the Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Com
pany, for $782,000.
A report has been received at Vic
toria of the drowning in Alaska of a
Mrs. Dumbleton, another woman and
three unknown men. They were car
ried under tho ice in a Bmall boat.
Because ho transferred his Washing
ton "home, the gift of patriotic citizens,
first to his wife and later to his son,
Admiral Dowey is the subject of much
censure, and contributors to tho fund
will accept no explanation.
Congress will be petitioned to create
positions for Fitzhugh Leo and "Old
Hoss" Wheeler. A fund will also be
started to purchase each of them a
sword. Tho movement is being engi
neered by young ladies, who want their
idols to be major-generals. The first
meeting was held in Chicago.
Four thousand miners in Indiana
have gone on a wage strike. v
Democratic newspapers in Kentucky
now concede Taylor nearly 2,000,
Cattle now command tho hii
prices since 1883 in the Chicago
Lumbermen in this country thin
that Canada is too severe inhetretali;
M StatxW Oil Co
' eoonleavo New York" for tn
l- J J. 1. V.n to
or tnu a va
is to J ain ir
3 will be held
PrARident'a mcsfsaco
open until tho latest possible time,
awaiting developments in tno r:unp
pines. Two confessed horse-thieves in Illi
nois traveled a rough road on thefr
way to jail and narrowly cscapr
lynching twice.
A terrible battle took place last
Thursday between Colombian reboh
and government forces. A thousand
rebels were killed.
Walter Morohead, of London, a
Btockholder in the Southern Paciflo,
has appealed to tho courts to sot aside
tho recent reorganization.
Tho schooner Maple Leaf was
wrecked abreast of Now Glasgow. Hor
captain, now dead, was to havo beon
married on his arrival in port.
Tho torpedo-boat Dahlgren Is not up
to requirements and her buildors will
have to pay fines. The boat, it is saia,
should not have beon accepted.
General Funston says that Colonel
Metcalf is not guilty of the charges of
murdering a Filipino preferred against
him bv a member of the Twentieth
The Santa Fo is stretching out for
trade in northorn California, it was
recently bonded tho Klamath road,
tho Bolt Lino about Eureka harbor and
immenso traots of timber land.
By tho death of Vice-President Ho
bart, the ofiico of vice-president bo
vnnnnt for tho rest of MoKin-
loy's term. Tho president pro tem of
tho senate will ue electee wuon cou
.gross meets.
Major-Genoral Otis will como homo
In England, tho "antis" are uot al
lowed a freo press.
Throo hundred Spanish prisoners are
now at Manila.
Much dnningo hns been done to po
tatoes by tho rocent rains in Oregon.
Hundreds are dying weekly in China
from tho plague, and tho government
rofusos to take sanitary precautious.
Dispatches found on prisoners show
the Boer loss at Belmont to havo been
only 10 killed and 40 woundod.
Tho United States ship Banger at
Mare island, is supposod to be fitting
for some socrot mission
Franco is hostilo to Catholio orders.
Soven bishoprics and salaries of 700
vicars aro to bo suppressed.
Troops will contiuuo to go to the
Philippines. They will bo needed, as
will uo needed, as
other islands than Luzon are requiring
Roberts will not bo ablo to retain his
seat, as a majority aro against him.
Ho has sotno supporters who will insist
on a hearing.
Tho rebels evacuated Mangalaren in
a hurry. Thoy did not firo a shot and
loft an hundred American and Spanish
prisoners behind.
Tho English money market is appre
hensive. Discount rates are high and
gold continues to How out for war sup
ply purchases.
Two men, Engineer Robert Huntex
and Fireman D. L. Miller, were killed
in tho O. R. & N. wreck near Rooster
Rook. W. F. Herzinger was badly in
jured. Tho Boers at Estcourt wcro defeated
by Hildyard's forces. Tho defeated
force retreated toward Colenso, destroy
ing a railway bridge at Frere, and
Britishers are after them with a flying
Tho young celestials of San Francisco
havo a plan on foot to restore to power
the young emperor of China. They
will raise a fund of $50,000 to carry it
out and introduce certain needed re
forms in tho empire.
The purchase of large tracts of fir
forests by Eastern lumbermen has
caused a sharp advance in the price of
both logs and standing timber in Wash
ington. Within a short time stumpage
has arisen from 10 to 20 cents.
Viceroy Curzon in his report on the
famine in India says that 30,000,000
people in the area are now affected.
Relief work up tr tho present time has
cost the government $5,000,000, aside
from losses of revenue and loans.
Governor Leary says ho must have
an ice machine in the isle of Guam.
Water is unfit to drink. With a cold
storage outfit and an occasional supply
Df fresh beef, he can furnish subsist
ence for a larger garrison of men.
Smallpox is prevalent in Indian ter
ritory. Cubans want the 'troops withdrawn
but no American civil governor.
A new finav H is under consid
erate ' 'icon .-committee.
U sJl
'' - for
jo reform
,eed distri-
.trol the out
been perfected
,s given notice to tho
ropo that a state of war
Transvaal.. '
d at The Dalles on the
nnnei is unoer construction.
This is part oF a v transportation
system. - -y .7
A representative of tho 'Russian gov
ernment is in Chicago buying horses
for tho czar. Over 2,000 head have
so far beon purchased.
Admiral Watson reports that the en
tire province of Zamboanga, island of
Mindanao, has surrendered to Com
mander Very.
Tho widespread operations of tho
Boers demonstrate that thoy havo
greater strength than has been esti
mated, says a London dispatch,
A private of tho Twentieth
says tho Filipino whom Colonel Met
calf is accused of murdering was killed
by tho colonol in self defense.
Filipino troops aro scattered in small
companies and aro committing fright
ful atrocities. Those of the natives who
have welcomed or tolerated tho Ameri
cans aro remorselessly cut to pieces.
Sir Francis Winagto, in tho battle
with tho khalifa's force, near Gedid,
captured 0,000 men. women and chil
dren. Osman Digna, tho principal
general of tho khalifa, is still at largo.
Dr. von Holleben, German ambassa
dor to tho United States, in tho pres
ence of 2,000 Germans, presented a
flag sent by Emperor William to the
United Gorman Soldiors" Socioties in
Representatives of tho American
English syndicate havo been in Mon
tana all summer and fall, securing op
tions on tho best sheop ranches and
best watered land for tho purpose of
consolidating them into ono largo company.
Impressive Religious
vices at Paterson.
Distinguished Men of tlio Nation
Present itemalns Placed In it
at Ceilur Lawn Cemetery.
Paterson, N. J., Nov. 28. With tho
fmpressivo religious ceremonies of tho
Presbyterian church, and with tho dig
nity duo to Ills high olllco, all that was
mortal of tlo vice-president, Garrett
A. Hobart, was committed to tho
earth. Tho president, Secretary o(
State John Hay, Chief Justice Fuller,
ox-Vice-President Levi P. Morton, ox-
j .nrv . Wnr ..,, oecrotnry 0f
,',. TUfnWnnk. tha minr
tho Interior Hitchcock, tho bu promo
court judges, members of tho senate,
members of congress and tho vice-presidents'
personal friends filled tho beau
tiful Church of tho Redeomor, and
with moistened eye and bowed head
testified silently and eloquently to his
worth as a statesman, friend and
Through tho west window from the
center of tho stained glass Maltese
cross pierced a shaft of criinsou light
that shed its light around the cata
falquo and bathed tho orchids, nar
cissus blossoms and whito roses in
bright tints. Tho eyo of tho clergy
man, Dr. David Magio, traveled along
tho shaft of light to tho cross as ho re
peated tho words: "Tho Lord gavo and
tho Lord hath taken away; blessed bo
tho name of tho Lord."
Tho chief magistrate of tho country
bowed his head in his hands. Ho was
visibly agitated. There was scarcoly
a dry cheek in tho crowded edifice,
and the widow was comparatively the
most composed. All tho pomp of an
official pageant, which was omitted in
deference to tho wshes of tho deceased,
could never havo caused tho imprcs
siveness of this scene.
Through a long lano of thousands ol
uncovered heads, tho cortego wended
its way to Cedar Lawn cemetery, where
tho body was placed in tho receiving
Killed In a Ilattle With the Anglo
Egyptian Army.
Cairo, Nov. 28 Lord Cromer, the
British minister here, has received the
following dispatch from General Kitch
ener: "Wineate's forces caught up with
the khalifa's force 77 miles southeast
of Godil and attacked it. After a
sharp fight ho took tho position. The
khalifa, who was surrounded by a
body-guard of emirs, was killed, and
all tho principal emirs were killed or
captured except Osman Digna, who os
caped. Tho dervishes were utterly do- j
feated, their whole camp was taken
and thousands surrendered. A largo
number of women, children and cattlo
also fell into the hands of tho Anglo
Egyptian forco."
General Kitchener also wires:
" Wo took the entire dervish camp.
All the dervishes not killed surren
dered. I cannot speak too highly of
the excellent behavior of tho troops
' and their enduring tho long,
! marches preceding the final action
From 4 o'clock in the morning of No
, vember 21 until 5 o'clock in tho morn
! ing of November 24 they marched 00
miles and fought two decisive actions.
"Tho Soudan may now be declared
to be open."
Troops are now Scattered
Small Companies. :
Manila, Nov. 28. The last Filipino
council of war was held by tho retreat-
; ing leaders at Bayambang Novombei
13, in tho houso now occupiou by ueu
eral MaoArthur. It was attended by
Aguinaldo, Pio del Pilar, Garcia, Ale
jandrino and some members of tho so
called cabinet. Information has
reached General MacArthur from sov
eral sources to the effect that tho coun
cil recognized tho futility of attempt
ing further resistance to tho Americans
j with united forces, and agreed that the
I Filipino troops should scatter and
. ,, , u... m n.
BIlOUlll Jiuiuiuiui iuiiuw sucmim inui.ii-
ods. The disposition of tho generals,
with thoir approximate forces, is as
General Concopion, with 840 men,
in New Egija province; General Maca-
bolos, with 325 men, at tho town ol
Binaca, provinco of Tarlao; General
Pio dol Pilar, with 800 mon, northeast
of Malolos; Gonoral Aquino, with 500
men, at Arayat; General San Miguel,
with 150 men, in Zambolos provinco;
General Mascardo, with 1,100 men, in
tho mountains west of Angoles, and
the largest forco, probably under Gen-
I oral Trios, in Cavito provinco.
' Train Struck u Slide.
Troutdalo, Or., Nov. 28. Tho O. R.
& N. eastbound passenger No. 2 ran in
to a small slide noar Roostor Rook at 0
p. m, Tho engine was derailed and
slid down tho e,mbankmont, instantly
killing Fireman Milor and injuring En
gineer Robert Hunter, how seriously
is not known. Tho mail car waB de
railed, but tho passenger coaches re
mained on tho track.
Hmiulroments of the T.av In ltrgnrd to
Tho law requires tho statistics forth
12th census of dairy products (farm
and factory) to bo taken on soparate
bohotlulos. .. .
Tho division of agriculture will take
tho amounts of milk and cream pro
duced and sold, ami tho amount ol
i..,i (mm thuir sales; alsc
IUU11UJ ll-iuiiw , . . .
tho quantity and value of nil the but
ter and cheese mmlo ri the farm.
On tho manufacture- sschdulo wUI nc
taken tho quantity of butter and cheese
mado in factories, co-operative and otli
orwiso, together with the quantity and
cost of raw materials (milk and cream),
cost of labor, capital invested, charac
ter and value of plant and machinery,
etc. . ,
After thn two forms of pchodulci
.i.nii l.nvn linmi returned to tho ceiiHUH
nflh-o in WashhiKtou, tho like statistics
nf ii.iirv iirodncts on each will bo con
solidatod, and thus show, what noyor
i.,if,,w luiu ii'im shown, tno mu
yield of milk in tho United States and
tho amouuta and values of its soveral
This assertion is based on ,tho n
sumption that the farmers shall fu'
ntat. tn tim enumerators, fully and at -
..,,,.i,. i.n information which the
V 111 lllliftj I
DtlwwInlna tiliiv rilll for.
i enmn anntimiR this records of
iu irjm -
chceso factory and creamery operations
for tho current year aro destroyed,
agreeably to previous vote of directors
or patrons. For 1800 thoy should vote,
instead, to havo prepared and prosorved
fnr thn IIKII of tllO CeilHUB enumerators,
who will anncar on Juno 1, 1000, tho
Btntiotirq which tho law saya shall bo
In itiimv cases a failure to do this
will prevent tho enumerators from ho
cnrini? nnv returns, bocause now man
ns-ers, or now secretaries, or new boards
nf control mav bo in chareo on Juno 1,
1000, who will kuow nothing of tho
factory statistics of 1800 and tho fig
ures for 1809 aro tho ones which tho
law says shall bo taken.
Farmers who keep no records of thoir
transactions will find themselves in tho
sumo dilemma, on tho arrival of tho
census enumerator, as a factory which
destroys its records. Therefore, Chief
Statistician Powers is appculing to all
of them to prepare in writing,
while tho necessary facts aro fn;sh
in mind, such a statement of milk,
cream, butter and cheeeo products us
will enable them to reply prom ptly and
accurately to tho inquiries which tho
law says tho enumerators must make.
If thoy shall fail to do this, tho sta
tistics of dairy products in thoir coun
ty will bo incomplete, and will com
pare unfavorably with those of counties
wherein tho returns aro more accurato.
How the Supreme Pontiff Passes Kach
liny at the Vatican.
Rome, October. 23, 1SW. (Special Cable.)
Pope Leo is an early riser, and Vy
that I mean a man who Is out of bed
and at work at fivo o'clock in the morn
ing. Ho takes a light breakfast a
littlo very weak coffee with plenty of
milk, and a pieco of bread. Ho works,
reading or writing and receiving soino
visits, until lunch time. In tho after
noon ho takes his walk, and when in !
ordinary health Bpends somo time
in the gardens of tho Vatican; then
he returns to his apartment, where ho
says his rosary. Ho may then reccivo
.a low visitors, auer which "u umun u
H Jp and dines. At ten P. M. ho reads
tho newspupcra and then retires lor tno
night. Tho Pope thus really works all
day long, and latterly ho has takci
nourishment four or fivo times a day
but always of a light charactor a lit
tle meat, soups, bouillon, a glass or
two of Mariani wino and a good doal of
milk, which forms tho larger part of j
his diet.
During his rocent illness very littlo
medicine was given him; tho physicians
rolled principally upon rest, nourish
ment and Btimulunts every now and
then, but always in small quantities.
Tho Pope's nervous energy, jib al
ready noted in a previous letter, iH
something remarkable in ono of his ad
vanced years, and when ho comes out
of his apartment ho almost runs walk
ing so fast that his attendants can
hardly keop up with him.
When ho is to bo carried in stato
into tho Sistino Chapel, to attend or
preside at any ceremony, tho clanking
of tho sabres of tho noblo guard on
tho marble floors can bo hoard a long
distance off, and several minutes bo
fore tho procession reaohos tho chapel.
Tho Popo, it seems, although stooping
well and enjoying his afternoon nap,
which lie takes every (lav, does not
sleep so much at night, during which
a I o
lm A,,.,, ,.i. i xi .i
- ,J
go vo wont.
1 U Y Ul U KUUJ O 111 1 Ul 1 ,
nniTicu in l iiiivi T n r? t i-i
Ull I I w t . i ' ' .-ww win
Ciimmiinicaiion mi i.mrourt.
from tho governor of Natal,
i inr inuiiiN mil uuuiiut uiu u umlm;
appears that the llourH have (
havo collected. Tho river is n.
Bullor has arrived. Tolegruplu
tilltllltliTlflll Willi I'.HIIXIIHL WILH II
curly thlfl n.ornliitf.M
rrrro HrlilK" I'rMrnyiMl
Liiiiit i nur n win i iiv tiki miiiu
urn rtiiKinuu iu uu iuuiuik mui'ii
ordered, and a living column hit
til inforrimt tho Hour rulfl Hi:
ltonm Privmi lliirk.
w x Oft MM.. ...... .1
patch from General Bullor
"Hildyard, going from 1
mado a successful attack Now
with three battalions, one field
a naval gun and 70 mounted t
tho enemy, occupying Boor-
had interrupted his commoiu
.oMvlllft IU ( Till, riiiiwiiv HUM I. I-
lines have leen restored IwtwM-
has advanced to a position nr;r
ii i..iit.-.ui rik iu. ritririiiir nil i .11
I via Weenan.
1 "Barton, from Weston, has n
tO I'.btCOIirt. AH FUOIl U cmniui
ticulars. So far as I can maki- oi
n.u.t-.itlritt (a mm fnrulltr-ll lilK
1 -rl..t -.n(l..fii. (a rwiti- r.TMttl tl 1-ri-ro
.. . ...
! have spout its force, but to havo
' Though with forces so tuobue as
j where they will ap'H?ar next At
ently Geueral Clery's advance u
relief of Ladysmith bus
. menced.
So far as ascertainable Hil'l;
forco, which is already -it Frere,,
number 1,000 men. and should !
tn rnocciinv Colenso. where it;
T ----- ..-.. ... .
have to await reiniorcemems ui
lery and cavalry before joining h
with ftimnrul White. Goneral Hi
now occupies Estcourt. and the
, Ijentg
rivflr will 1)0 occupied oy rein
from Petermuritzburg
whole situation lias been disti
flrxiriul chieii thn arrival of I!uli3
will llllvit IIIIIMV (llMKHHIlL'H IU UM-1
before Whito Ib relieved.
'iini m if 1111 rr lit in iiki iv lj w-vji
tho na8saK0 ol tno iugeia mui
. lis iVTiflltllM fllllT TIIH IlliMlH
make a Btuim more. j
ltririun nri vn nrwi. intru niu
ato fighting and of a sanguinary
in ouuooic in uniiu
. .. . T i I
if ir rriii nrniMii iiiilli nuiiftio -"
htm no oiisv task is nroved by tho
i. i r. h(i run T 1 1 II. I MI 1
nf rlwk Tnnvu Until. M Hi iiUUItt IU
ing immenso damago over a wiK
and thoy havo now appeared soi
RtnmiliorL'. Gatacro. however,
n tlin frnnt. TnrlilV. fcO it is hope
tho British that tho invasion wil
ltd iirmnrnntl .
. f flin fil
raid, has arrived in London from
Africa. Hildyard's T.ohsos.
.T ' ah i I 111 I I VII Hi H lUPnvu
... q 11.. numiu 11
. ... 1 .lmtif Til
mon were killod and 72 wounded.
wnur. YnrirHiiiru iukii"'"
- . . I...nlir U 1 1
Un,rol mnn nro iniSHiHK.
. , - Tod
...1 L-iiid niu
Imrror at Bolmout wore 10 incuN
iniiTifi mii il u ur in""'-! .
aud 40 wouuded.
i rinntwi inir iinni l u in w
. . i. i.a nacnmhlGu
4 r. i i nn r nrr i k - .
!!dez. Ho will return
t rr Til i
iieaviug uuui i
?i ir.,,i7. has dynami
.1 1.. nnM.ll iMiiriu
(iiuiiuitb .. i n
r .. .. -i .... riillroau bo
iiuku wi ww
rotard Castio's auvuuuu.